The First Night

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#3 of Deep Space Exploration

The crew settle in for their long exploration and have some heartfelt moments punctuated by steamy romance.

The ship's lighting system was on a very tight schedule to help maintain a sense of time passing. That's how Jack knew it was almost 5 PM and lunch hadn't been served yet. He'd even asked the ship's administrative AI to check in on Ollie and see what was taking so long, but she just came back blushing and flustered.

"You could go check on them, you know," Iris gave him a sardonic look, keeping her other eye on her tablet.

"I'll just wait for dinner." He grumbled. He didn't want to wait that long, but he also wasn't about to eat food straight from the fabricator. Not yet at least.

"Whatever you say, captain." Her tone cut him like a knife as she continued tapping away uninterestedly at the tablet.

"I have important work to do here." Technically it was standard procedure for the captain to assist in survey routing calculations.

"Yeah, you're contributing a lot, moping in your flight seat." She lowered the tablet and met his eyes for a moment, staring daggers.

"I'll go check on lunch," he hurried into the hall and left her to her calculations. From the hall, he could hear Violet banging away at the engine block down below, someone was in the shower.

He popped his head into the kitchen, hoping desperately there was at least something prepared. The hatch slid open and revealed the disheveled state of the room. The platter of sandwiches was still sprawled across the floor.

"I'm gonna kill that cat." He groaned, and turned on his heels, heading to the bathroom. Whoever was inside set the room to private mode, but he used an override code to unlock the PA system from the outside.

"Ahem!" He announced himself and was met with the sounds of moaning and slapping.

"Chef Black, Lt. Nash, I hope I'm not interrupting anything." He was starting to get annoyed and he took it out on the PA button with a hearty slap.

"N- no sir." Nash grunted.

"Good." Jack rolled his eyes, "Ollie, get to work on dinner, Nash, see me on the bridge. You have 2 minutes, chop chop."

By the time he finished chewing them out, Iris had joined him in the hall. "What's up?" he inquired informally.

"Well, I was going to go to the bathroom, but it seems I'll have to wait for a bit." She turned her attention back to the map she had been charting.

"I'd steer clear of the kitchen too," he half joked.

"Lovely." The look of mild annoyance on her face was beginning to intensify into genuine frustration.

After several minutes of awkward silence, Nash emerged from the bathroom in a cloud of steam. He'd only managed, or perhaps only bothered, to put on his pants and undershirt, his uniform top loosely draped over his shoulder.

"Lieutenant. Is that proper uniform dress?" Jack put on his tough military persona. It was a voice he rarely used and almost exclusively used as means of tormenting Nash.

Ollie stumbled out behind him in a similar level of undress, but Jack wouldn't pull the same commanding officer routine with them since they were a civilian.

"Well, sir... you gave me a time limit so I figured I better hurry," he mumbled, knowing full well this was not a viable excuse.

"Get to the bridge, smart ass." As much as he hated to admit it, Jack enjoyed ordering around the officers on his missions. It didn't help that Nash had a habit of disobeying protocol and a streak of interfering with schedules, and Jack enjoyed that it was his job to give him shit for it.

"Yes sir." Nash half-heartedly groaned as he meandered down the hallway.

"I don't remember telling you to walk, Lieutenant," Jack barked "Double time!" with a clap of his hands, Nash picked up his pace, though it was mostly just a quick shuffle.

Violet popped her head up the ladder, her face smeared with grease from tinkering with the engines.

"Does anyone else think it's kinda hot when he barks orders like that?" She asked coyly, blush barely visible behind the layer of thick grease.

"Yes." Ollie responded, a similar level of blush flushing across their face.

"No?" Iris overlapped them, with a tone of mild concern.

Iris went into the bathroom, eager to escape this conversation. Violet pulled herself the rest of the way up the ladder, tossing a greasy rag onto the catwalk below.

"So what's for dinner?" She asked, sprawled out on the floor of the hall.

"Uh... my mind has been elsewhere, I haven't really given it much thought." They stroked their beard thoughtfully.

"Could you make tofu curry?" She perked up, eager at the idea of getting her favorite meal out of Ollie on the first night of the trip.

"Sure," they shrugged, "why not?"

Violet gave a giddy squeal, her genuine excitement at a delicious meal always put a smile on Ollie's face. She loved all of their dishes, but their tofu curry was her absolute favorite.

Ollie went off to clean the kitchen and begin fabricating ingredients. The fabricator would take some time to generate everything so they had plenty of time to clean up the mess while they waited.

A few moments later, Iris stepped out of the bathroom. She began making her way back to the bridge, almost tripping over Violet who was still sprawled across the floor.

"Uh... are you good?" She shot the vixen a confused glance.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Violet replied, tilting her head at an angle Iris couldn't imagine was particularly comfortable.

"Ok..." She stepped past her and returned to her post on the bridge.

Finally, alone in the hall, Violet laid there another minute or two just staring at the ceiling. She couldn't remember the last time she could just lie on the floor and feel happy for a bit, it was nice.

Eventually, she pulled herself up and decided to take a shower. Her face and coveralls were caked in grease and it was bad form to track that kind of dirt into the kitchen. At least for her it was.

She stepped into the bathroom and was awestruck with how gorgeous the new fixtures were. Along one wall was a row of mirrors mounted above a series of sinks. Next to each was a variety of options for both solid bar and liquid hand soap.

The back of the room consisted of one large drainage platform sealed off by a glass panel wall. The wall could be moved to allow the same space to act as shower, bath, or even a sauna. Violet stepped up to the glass wall, removing her uniform and tossing it aside. A mirror projected itself into the glass before her.

"Hello, Miss Fawkes" A computerized voice greeted her.

"Oh, um... hi?" She looked around to see if there was a camera somewhere.

"What can I do for you?" The computer came again, pulling her focus back to the projected mirror.

"I just want to take a shower." She groaned, beginning to worry this process might cut into her precious shower time.

"Understood." The machine responded. "I'll formulate some soap and shampoo for you based on my profile of your fur. Is there any particular scent you'd prefer?"

This was an important decision. She'd never had the opportunity to match her scent to a meal before, and she was still wrapping her head around feminine scents in the first place. "Cinnamon?" She finally concluded, though she was hardly confident in her choice.

"Excellent. You may begin when ready." The mirror disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. She stepped through the door in the glass and it closed itself behind her.

"How do I turn on the water?" The computer processed the last half of her question and, without warning, a gentle downpour started above her.

To her surprise, the water was the perfect temperature, just a bit warmer than her own internal temperature. The water pressure too was soft and welcoming. As she stood letting the calming rain wash over her, two tubes on the side of the chamber began filling with liquid.

She approached and held her hand below the tube on the left, a pearlescent brown liquid that appeared to be soap. As the tube sensed her hand, it dispensed a mound of fluffy soap which she gently rubbed into her coat.

The first thing she noticed was that it cut right through the oil and dirt that had accumulated in her fur from the hours of tinkering. The second was that her body felt incredibly smooth as the soap washed away. It left her fur soft and clean. The scent was exactly what she had wanted, not just cinnamon but other sweet spices which left a pleasant warmth on her nose.

After she finished rinsing off all the grime, she turned her attention to the other liquid. The scent was the same as the first, but it left her fur even sleeker and softer.

She got so absorbed in the ritual of it all that she lost track of time. Eventually, after she'd had her fill, she asked the computer to turn off the water and stepped out to grab a towel. Much like her uniform, she tossed the damp towel aside so the ship could recycle it. She stepped over to the wall of mirrors.

Embedded into the wall next to the door was a fabricator used to print a new outfit after bathing. This fabricator was much faster than the one in the kitchen since the chemicals involved are a lot simpler.

She picked out a cute outfit that was within uniform guidelines, a medium length skirt and a button up top. She tied her hair back with a ribbon and examined herself in the mirror. She never used to like looking at reflections, it always felt like the person staring back was a stranger. Now though, she saw herself, and she loved what she saw. It was like an enormous weight had been lifted off of her chest.

She stepped back into the hallway which was, unsurprisingly empty. She decided to poke her head in and check on Ollie.

"Hey!" She popped her head around the corner to see Ollie furiously slicing tofu and vegetables. She counted at least three different kinds of peppers, and the smell of red onion was powerful.

"One sec, Vi." They remained focused and finished their chopping before carefully setting down the knife. "What's up?" They turned to greet her with a warm smile,

"Just wanted to see how dinner was coming along." It was a half-truth. She was here to check on them, that part was true, but Ollie had a very refined pallet and she was betting they could already smell the scent on her fur.

"Shouldn't be too long now." They picked up the cutting board and brought it over to the stove. They scraped the thinly sliced peppers into a bubbling pot and focussed on frying the tofu on another burner.

They took a deep whiff of the air, taking in the way Violet's scent mixed with the curry. "You smell amazing by the way."

Violet blushed. She'd been hoping they'd say something, but it still made her feel special that they'd noticed. "Mind if I join you?" She stepped into the room, not bothering to wait for an answer.

"Take a seat," they gestured at the table in the corner with the spatula they'd been frying with, "want me to mix you a drink?"

"I'm fine," they were busy and she wasn't about to stand in the way of their cooking.

"You sure?" They looked a little disappointed "I'll be done with this in, like, 5 minutes"

"In that case," she still didn't really have a handle on how long it took to cook things, not many people did these days, "sure!"

They put the final touches on the food and set everything to be warmed before hopping behind the fully stocked bar. "What can I get you, miss?"

"Make something that'll go well with dinner." She didn't know much about drinks. Besides, she trusted Ollie's skills and palette way more than the two or three drinks she'd memorized for going to bars in college.

Ollie considered the request for a second before getting a glint in their eye. It was always incredible to watch them work whether it was cooking, mixing drinks, or anything else they were passionate about. An ice cube here, a dash from a vial there, and two or three long pours later, they lifted the shaker and shook. After 30 seconds or so, they poured the frothing drink into a waiting glass and passed the drink to Violet.

The red liquid left visible signs of chill on the glass and smelled strongly of spices not unlike Violet herself. She took a sip and a rush of warmth poured over her body. The drink went down smooth and left a nice spicy tingle on the back of her tongue before sending a wave of fire from her stomach all the way to her mouth. It was intense and almost overwhelming, but delicious nonetheless.

Ollie, seeming to pick up on this, shot her a look of concern, "Too much?"

"It's a little strong." She coughed, the light buzz settling over her.

"Yeah," they laughed, "It's got a bit of a kick"

The door to the kitchen slid open and Jack stepped inside, followed closely by Iris.

"It smells incredible in here, Ollie!" Jack drank in the complex smells filling the room.

"Th- thanks!" Ollie blushed, serving up a bowl of curry for each of them. They all tucked in and graciously ate the food.

A moment later, Nash stepped through the door. He said nothing, grabbed his bowl of food and exited as quickly as he'd come in.

"Is he ok?" Ollie looked worried.

"He's fine." Jack assured, setting his utensils down a bit forcefully, "he's just pouting because I asked him to stop ruining our meal schedule with his dick."

Iris, caught completely off guard by the crude language, almost choked on her food. Ollie blushed and avoided eye contact.

"Great food, Ollie." Jack wiped his mouth and stood from the table. He gave Ollie a pat on the back on his way out. "I'm headed to the bridge if anyone needs me, you've got about 3 hours of downtime until lights out."

The rest of them finished their meal in relative silence. Ollie finished first and turned their attention to the dishes. Iris went to the lab where she could read in peace. That left Violet alone with a bowl of curry and rice.

"You can keep eating if you want." Ollie stopped themselves from finishing clearing the table.

"Thanks." Violet blushed, she didn't like admitting how much she was enjoying the food, but Ollie had made plenty.

After a few minutes of cleaning, Ollie grabbed a container out of the freezer and plopped down at the table across from her, just as she finished her curry.

"Ice cream?" They offered her a spoon as they took a heaping spoonful for themselves.

She took the spoon gladly and they passed her the carton.

"So, got anything planned for your free time?" Ollie asked.

"Dunno," Violet muttered through a mouthful of ice cream. "Wanna hang out in the captain's quarters?" She slid the carton back across the table.

"Sure!" They took a big bite and put the remains of the carton back in the freezer.

The two of them made their way to the captain's quarters. Normally, this room would be off limits to the ship's crew, with everyone else sharing the crew quarters. Since Violet and Jack were together, however, Jack let her stay with him.

The room was fairly sparse, a dresser, a queen size bed, and a screen, but not much else.

"Make yourself at home." Violet kicked her shoes at the far wall and flopped onto the bed face first. She threw her jacket onto the floor.

"Alright." Ollie took their shoes off as well and sat down beside her.

Violet grabbed each of them a controller from the shelf at the head of the bed and turned on the screen. She pulled up the list of available games.

"Pick something." She flopped backward onto the exceptionally pillowy bed.

"So many choices." Ollie marveled at the vast selection, they weren't usually one for games so they were slightly overwhelmed. "Ooh, there's a new Jet Rider?" They navigated the cursor over to a title called Jet Rider X.

"Oh yeah, it must've come out over the weekend," she propped herself up on her elbows, "I didn't even notice."

"I suppose you were a bit busy..." They spoke softly and trailed off, not wanting to dredge up any uncomfortable subject. They hesitated, but eventually clicked on the game.

"Yeah!" Violet's tone was very different, she didn't seem to hold the same disquiet toward the subject that they did.

The game started with a flurry of sound effects and music. Violet took the initiative and set up a 2 player race series. Violet picked her character and vehicle quickly out of instinct, Ollie took a few moments still somewhat unsteady.

"You ok?" Violet picked up on their discomfort, she sat up to look them in the eyes.

"Well... we haven't talked about..." They stumbled over the words, unsure of how to even broach the subject.

"About the fact that I went away for a weekend and came back a different gender?" She cut right to the chase.

"I was going to put it more delicately than that." They set their controller down in a jolt of awkward panic,

"It's ok, we can talk about it," she reassured, "it's not like I thought people wouldn't notice."

They sat there quietly for a minute. Even being given permission to ask about the situation, Ollie was nervous they might say the wrong thing and make her uncomfortable.

"How long had you been thinking about it?" They finally asked sheepishly, cautiously avoiding making direct eye contact.

"That's kind of hard to answer..." She thought about the question for a moment, she didn't really have an exact answer. "It's not so much that I knew that I wanted to be a girl, it's that I never really felt like myself." She went from gently resting a hand on their shoulder to squeezing them slightly. "And then, when I made the changes, something just clicked."

Ollie turned fully to face her now, a tear welled in the corner of her eye and they grasped her hands to reassure her that they were there for her. "I get it."

"Thought you might," she laughed and sniffled, wiping away the tear with the back of her paw, "I think it was having Jack there that made me feel confident in my decision. Knowing that he loved me, and he would love me, no matter who I was when I walked through that door."

By now, tears were streaming down both of their faces. They pulled her into a tight embrace.

"Thank you for feeling safe enough to share this with me." They held onto her for a long while, the both of them crying, it must've only been a few moments, though it felt like hours.

"Ollie, of course!" She pulled back to look them in the eyes. "That's what friends are for."

They both leaned back onto the bed, exhausted both emotionally and physically. They just lied there in silence for a few moments.

"So, ready to get your ass kicked at Jet Kart?" Violet perked back up and almost rolled forward, lying on her stomach facing the TV.

"Oh, you are so on!" They followed suit though in a definitively less dexterous manner.

An unknown number of races later, the door slid open. Jack stepped in to find the two of them intensely focussed on their race.

"Oh, hey Ollie." He was happy to see Violet enjoying herself and spending time with the rest of the crew.

"Can't talk, last lap." Ollie spat as they closed the gap on Violet going around a turn.

"Say no more." He leaned against the wall being sure to stay out of their way until the race was over.

The track ended in an enormous downhill section where the two came to a head in an almost photo finish. The winner was Violet by a hair.

"Haha, yes!" She practically leapt off the bed. Ollie jostled as the bed shook.

"What time is it?" They turned to Jack suspecting they'd been absorbed in the game for several hours.

"15 minutes to lights out." He checked his watch and walked over to Violet's side of the bed. He threw his arms around her and nuzzled his head against her neck.

"I'll head across the hall then," Ollie stood to leave, setting the controller next to Violet's, "see you in the morning."

The door closed behind them and Jack finally broke his embrace. Violet took this opportunity to put away the controllers.

"Now, what should we do until lights out?" He smirked, doing his best impression of flirting.

"I can think of a few things... Captain" She whispered in his ear.

He threw off his jacket and cap, standing over her as she moved to the edge of the bed.

"I've been waiting for this all day," She pawed eagerly at his fly.

"You and me both." He replied with a grin, pulling out his cock, already half hard and ready to go. He grabbed her hair and yanked her maw onto his waiting cock.

In one swift pull, she slid off the bed and landed on her knees; she had never been so thankful for carpeting. She loved being treated rough, especially by Jack. On the first thrust, she'd managed to take a full 8 inches past her lips, his ring just pushing past her lips.

"Holy shit, V" he let out a deep moan, his arms falling limp for a second.

She pulled back slightly, rubbing the ring against the inside of her lips a few times before letting it push through. It was a delicate dance she'd done thousands of times, but she had a newfound confidence that made her movements even more devastatingly alluring.

She wrapped her tongue around the head of his cock, massaging it gently. It was almost too much for him to bear.

"Stop." He pushed her head back, forcing her to release his cock. He didn't want to finish just yet, he had a far better idea. "Get on the bed with your head hanging off the side."

"Yes Sir." She would do just about anything he asked of her, she was his to play with. Of course, it didn't hurt they had a few favorite positions in common. For instance, she had finished moving back to the bed. Her back was cushioned against the soft comforter on the bed and her head hung over the edge facing Jack's cock, she didn't even notice herself drooling.

"Ready?" He bounced his dick just out of range of her tongue.

"Uh-huh-" She didn't even finish the statement before he thrust his cock deep into her throat. She easily took 12 inches on the first thrust, she could feel it pressing against every inch of her esophagus.

Another thrust and he brought her all the way to the base of his cock. All 14 inches pressing against her, it was almost too much for him to bear. He kept going, holding on to her breasts to stabilize himself.

With one of her unused hands, she turned all the focus she could muster to push aside her dripping wet panties. With the other, she gently massaged her clit.

It didn't take long before he tapped on her shoulder, a nonverbal way for him to tell her that he was about to cum. After a distracted second, she pulled one of her hands away to give a loose thumbs up.

A flood of hot cum coated her throat as he pulled back. He left just the tip in her mouth and continued filling her. After a few pumps, her mouth was overflowing and the overflow ran down her face. She gulped hungirly and licked her lips.

With one last stroke, she finished herself and put her hands to work milking Jack's cock. She pumped out another three ropes of sticky hot cum that shot almost all the way to her thighs.

"Fuuuuu-" He trailed off, catching himself just before he fell over. "I was gonna suggest round two, but..."

"Are you saying you can't take a second round?" She giggled, repositioning on the bed. She sat up to look him in the eye, her face still dripping with his cum. She reached over and grabbed a collar from the shelf.

"Is that a challenge?" He started crawling onto the bed and putting a hand to her face. He wiped some cum off with his other thumb, he ran it across the back of her fangs briefly and then pulled their lips together.

The sweet taste of her lips mixed with the flavor of his seed was a tantalizing mix that drove them both wild. The more desperately her tongue lashed out, the more passionately he was there to meet her.

She took control, pulling him down on top of her. After a few more seconds of making out, she pulled back, kissing his neck softly. She fastened the collar and turned herself over, taking the leash in her left hand.

He reached out desperately toward the nearby shelf, eventually grasping a bottle of lube.

"Bite me." She demanded as he coated his cock in a healthy amount of lube.

"Yes ma'am" He rubbed his cock between her ass cheeks as he positioned himself with his jaw clamped on her right shoulder. He applied a decent amount of pressure, easily enough to bruise.

She bit her lip, she wanted it, she wanted it so bad, but she needed to tease him a little first. "Tell me what you want." She arched her back, rubbing her ass against his cock.

"I want to fuck you." He stopped biting her shoulder and whispered tenderly in her ear. Hot breath followed by a soft nibble.

"Yeah?" She flexed and teased at his cock with her ass, "You wanna fuck my tight little ass?"

"Mhm" Normally, the warmth of his voice would be enough to melt her, especially with him nibbling her ear. But she had already been learning to be more dominant and her newfound confidence was a huge help.

"Say it!" She pulled the leash hard. In shock, he bit down on her ear hard. It wasn't enough to draw blood, but Violet wouldn't have minded if it was. She moved such that his head was pressed up against her asshole.

"Fuck I wanna fuck you in your ass." He grunted, his head still teasing at her asshole.

"Good boy." He could hear her devilish smile in her voice. She pulled the leash taught and thrust herself onto his cock. She let out a sharp gasp as his ring slipped right inside her.

Now that he was inside her, he could easily go back to biting her shoulder. He gave her a little nibble as she tried to thrust again.

"You ok?" He pulled back from her shoulder to check on her.

"Yeah, um, kind of," she laughed, "I can't move my legs, heh" her voice was shaky and almost breathless.

"Do you... do you want me to stop?" He wasn't sure what to do in this situation, other than laugh, which he was trying desperately not to do.

"No," She pulled the leash again, "I want you to fuck me."

Not wasting any time, Jack threw one of his arms around her. Demonstrating the massive difference in their sizes, he grabbed her left breast with his right hand, wrapping her tight under his arm. He flexed his powerful core and thrust deep inside her.

She had been trying to stay dominant, but at this point she could hardly focus. She let go of the leash as she bounced with the rhythm of his thrusts. She could feel his thick cock pressing deep into her, tight against every inch.

His thrusts were punctuated with the occasional grunt. He still wasn't used to how tight she was despite still being able to take his whole cock. He bit down on her shoulder again and she let out a little whimper.

"F- fuuuck." She couldn't even manage to form words, the sensation of his entire length massaging her insides was more than she could bear. She could even feel him pressing against her stomach.

"Holy shit," he moaned, he slowed down slightly but kept a steady pace "I'm close."

"Good." It took her a second to regain her senses. She tugged one last time at the leash as best she could, "Fill me up, slut." She turned over her shoulder and gave him a devilish look.

He caught her gaze, and with that final tug he came. He pumped her full of hot cum before eventually pulling out, a stream poured out of her ass and pooled below them.

Both exhausted, they collapsed together into a sticky heap. The room was dead silent except for their heavy breathing and pounding hearts.

"That was amazing." He broke the silence after a few minutes.

"Mhm." She agreed chipperly, burying herself in his chest. His thin chest hair was soft and sleek, like a bedsheet fresh out of the dryer.

She breathed deeply and took in the smells around her. Jack's natural musk, the chemicals used to clean the ship the night before, her spicy soap, and her own natural scent that she still wasn't quite used to.

"Hey." She repositioned herself so she could look him in the eyes, wriggling her way across the sea of blankets.

"Hey," He replied with a short kiss.

"So, I was talking with Ollie earlier, and they also think it's kinda hot when you order people around."

"Oh." He was taken aback momentarily, not quite sure what to do with this information.

"Would it be ok if I invited them to have sex with us?" She buried her head in his neck, even after years together, she still felt a little bit awkward asking him questions about sex.

"Yeah, if it's ok with them." He answered, patting her head softly.

For a long while, they just lied there silently. She was excited to talk to Ollie the next morning, but for now she was exhausted. He continued stroking her hair until he drifted off to sleep. A few minutes later, she joined him.