Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 33: It Is Not What You Believe That Matters, But How Hard You Believe It

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#33 of Counter Earth - Chaundoon Chronicles: Two Futures

Last Chapter:

On Free Counter Earth, Alex attempted to relocate Courtney Perfect from her miserable beastial dominated life in World Two to the rebellion's human encampment in the Dark Forest. It didn't go as he had planned (thanks to his client) and the new operative had to throw out his plan and think on the fly in order to evade the Knights of Warwick to achieve his objective [AND] On Conquered Counter Earth, the remaining Knights of Warwick and singer Sura were questioned by the Countess as to why they were losing vital territory to rival factions seeking total control of what was left of World Two shortly before a walker discovered their supposedly super secret hideout within the fallen city. Meanwhile on Chaundoon, The Three Rivers Pride rode out the mother of all snowstorms within Saber 'the vicious' hut. The tribe which had never experienced such weather, huddled together for warmth. Naomi was surprised that the savages included her in their kitty pile as if she had become part of their family. More importantly their chieftain had finally realized that something was truly wrong with the planet.

Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities

Chapter 33: It Is Not What You Believe That Matters, But How Hard You Believe It

September 17th, YOE 35

10:03 AM Oasis Tavern (Dark Forest)

The morning sun shone through the window of room seven at the tavern which had somehow become Spirit and my base of operations while away from World One.

I was lying face down, my arms crossed underneath a pillow as the morning light greeted me. Spirit was lying on me, his head resting on my upper back, his arm on my arms. He seemed to be rather under-sized though. The situation corrected itself soon enough.


"Good morning my comfort animal, did you sleep well?"

"Yeah. Quite wonderful." I replied noticing that I was in the nude and that the beastial canine's groin within his brown and orange bottom-wear was touching my backside.

"I did as well once I got you out of your undergarments." The tian mountain dog teased licking my back and neck.

"You scoundrel!" I growled.

"Good morning lover." He said, rolling me over and kissing me on my cheek. "All said, you know you liked it."

"Well, this is a great way to wake up in the morning." I yawned.

"It is." Spirit replied.

"Let's just stay like this the rest of the morning. No, the rest of the day." I said rubbing my head on the tian mountain dog's chest fur.

*knock* *knock*

"Master Spirit? Master Winter?" A female voice said from the hallway.

We looked at each other. I started to get up to answer the door. Before my beastial boyfriend pushed me back down to the bed- reminding me I was about to greet one of the tavern's barmaid in the nude.

"Liv? What is it?" Spirit asked greeting the orange hair barmaid at our door. That's right, orange hair.

After moving away from the empire, Liv decided to change her hair color- a symbolic representation of her new life at this encampment. The white shirt and blue skirt- her uniform was an odd contrast to her hair though.

"You wanted me to awaken you at this time in case you overslept, something about an important meeting in a few hours?"

"That was today?" I said poking up from the covers.

"It is master Winter." The barmaid replied. "I have prepared the washroom down the hall."

"Thank you Liv." Spirit said, patting her on the shoulder.

"You are most welcome, I will have brunch waiting downstairs."

"I almost forgot that was today! We better get a move on Alex."

"We have enough time, Spirit." I countered.

"Actually no- we need to clean our room, clean up and make ourselves presentable!"

"Geez, you act like the leader of the rebellion is coming today." I said, folding my arms behind my head.

"No! It is Iron Will."

"So it is William Masters, So what?"


I received a pillow in my face for making such a flippant, rude remark concerning - Deer-feeder's lieutenant.

"I can't believe you did that!" I shouted at the grinning canine. That was until it happened again.


And again.


"It's on now!!" I shouted.

After our brief pillow fight, okay not that brief, it ate away twenty three minutes of our prep time, I followed the tian mountain dog down the hall to the washroom. We found a wash bowl and bathtub filled with water within.

"You go first." I replied making my way across the wooden floor to this bathroom's version of a sink.


"Hey! What gives?"

"We are short on time, we will have to share."

"You mean bathe each other?" I asked lifting an eyebrow.

"Call it multitasking." Spirit smirked, pulling me into the tub with him.

"Fine, wash my back and I will wash yours?"

"And my everything else." He said teasing.

11:59 AM Tavern Bar

Somehow we bathed, dressed and had just enough time for brunch. Liv had our meals waiting downstairs at our favorite table in the tavern.

"Oatmeal?!" I said looking at the bowl of goo laid in front of me and Spirit.

"Cinnamon flavored." She replied.

"Um what gives?" I protested.

"We are saving the good stuff for the party this evening." She smiled.

"Did someone say party?!" My canine companion said licking the last drops from his bowl.

(How did he down that so quickly?! He must be part wolf...)

"Yeah my little adorablenesses, we are welcoming the newest bunch of um... refugees."

"Do tell." I pleaded.

"It will have to wait. It looks like your twelve o'clock is here. Can I get you anything sir?"

Spirit and I looked to the right at our table and the last member of our party appeared out of thin air or was he using some type of cloaking technology?

"Whoa, I didn't even see you enter the tavern." I gasped.

"He does that a lot." My beastial boyfriend replied.

"Operatives Winter and Spirit." The blond haired man with the nicely trimmed beard said greeting us. He was wearing green pants, brown boots and a brown shirt and frilled collar- very colonial looking. "I will have a cup of tea. Hot, thank you."

"Okay coming right up." The waitress said heading off.

"Operative Masters. Good afternoon to you." Spirit said, smiling.

"It certainly is."

"So our meeting this this afternoon..." Spirit asked.

"Quarterly reviews and the like." Mr. Masters said, as Liv placed a cup of tea on the table next to him.

"Um, quick question, since when does the rebellion conduct performance reviews on their operatives?" I asked.

"I believe we have stated before that this rebellion is different from the previous operative Winter."

(That is for sure.)

"Alright shall we begin?" William asked us.

Spirit and I looked at each other and nodded.

"I will start with you then Mr. Winter." Mr. Masters said pulling out a pad with a stylus from his pocket. "Our operatives are evaluated and graded on a four point scale- developing (the lowest grade), performing (mid grade), exceeding (high grade) and leading (highest grade).

"Gotcha! And based on my performance over the last five months you are grading me as leading." I said smiling at Deer-feeder's second in command.

"Wrong." He said his face assuming a neutral tone.

"Exceeding?" I asked backpedaling.

"Not exactly."

"Performing?" I begged trying to save a particle of my dignity.

"No. You are being graded as developing."

"Well that makes sense... wait, what?" I gasped. "You are giving me the lowest grade?! Why?"

"I have analyzed and observed your actions since your entrance to our ranks as have several of our other operatives. You could become an effective mid grade or even high grade operative if you were less emotive and more calculating."

"Sir?" The tian mountain dog asked.

"Since joining us, operative Winter has proven time and time again that his spontaneous actions outside of missions are primarily driven by his emotions. That can be a detriment to the cause when logistics and planning are needed." Mr. Masters said as he chastised me.

"Can you back that up?" I asked growing indignant.

"You just demonstrated that right now."

I traded glances with Spirit.

"Very well, I see some examples are in order... May 23rd, a month after your recruitment... An avian beastial was found bound and gaged and hung from a tree at a local park in World One."

"Yeah he claimed he was collecting donations for the poor, but in reality he was only spending them on himself!"

"So that is why he was found with a sign pinned to him stating that he was a liar and a fraud." Deer-feeder's second replied.

"He was, perhaps he will reconsider his actions." I bragged.

"Then there was June 16th a beggar who was being detained by the knights disappeared from their custody."

"Classic slight of hand." I said smiling.

"On July 9th during the lunar celebration, you helped some teenagers who were out past curfew escape detection."

"Oh that, I saw the predicament they were in and disguised them as apes. A mask, some paint, and a false tail. It was easy."

"And then there was August 4th, You helped a couple avoid hover vehicle fines for illegally parking and speeding."

"You just have to know how to confuse the knights' scanner." I said proudly.

"August 19th you notified residents of a small neighborhood of an upcoming raid and not very subtly either."

"Individuals I had befriended during my work with the Consortium For Mutual Coexistence I did not want to see suffer sir."

"Then there was August 31st at the World One Entertainment District...." Operative Masters said continuing.

"That was the day I disrupted the knights from taking in some protestors. A fine moment if I do say so myself."

"Yes, that was quite cunning how you distracted the knights as they were about to haul in the protestors. There are other examples. But these are the most prevalent. In each case you risked exposing yourself, being caught and crashing our operations. Did you think about your actions in advance Mr. Winter or was it just an emotional reaction based on what was happening?"

"It was the latter sir."

"But what about his recent missions?" My canine companion said objecting.

"Yes, operative Winter when given an assignment has proven that he can follow orders and think on his feet; he overcame several complications on his first extraction mission a few days ago." William Masters admitted.


"But then again this was his first extraction mission. You have liberated fourteen individuals within the last month Spirit to Alex's one."

(Withdrawing that yay.)

"I hate you so much right now." I said staring at the canid beastial who tried his best to look so, so innocent.

"What about him exposing Ginger and Patto Freeze for killing the Lindsey Segment, her husband and assuming their identities and lives?" The canine countered.

"Those two are being dealt with in a way that won't expose any of us. Again this proves that when given a task to perform, Alex can follow it through to the end. But when not tasked with anything and free to act on his own, his actions are dictated by his own emotions." Mr. Masters said turning to me. "Why is that operative Winter?"

"Because my reasons to join the rebellion were purely emotional." I said gritting my teeth.

"Yes, you were driven by the hatred you have for the High Evolutionary, outraged that he de-evolved Spirit here. Hunted down and punished members of the hidden colony...."

"You also forgot the part where after running afoul of the beastials' high master I was judged, punished and experimented on without my knowledge or consent and deemed irredeemable in the knight's eyes despite my best efforts. Even by my significant other whom I loved deeply and passionately- she knew what was happening and didn't tell me or say anything." I said grinding my teeth.

"Well, If you are going to become a proficient operative, you need to understand this above all- we are playing the long game here; we operate from the shadows, hidden, undetected. Each emotionally driven action or reaction despite how honorable or noble is unplanned and threatens to expose us and our operations. You would do well to remember that operative Winter."

"But sir aren't Deer-feeder's motivations driven by emotions?" The tian mountain dog asked. "Mine are as well."

"I understand your extreme hatred of the High Evolutionary Spirit, but you have learned to tamp down that down and not let it control you. Riz and I have as well. Remember, we are ghosts, shadows that the empire does not even know exist and we like to keep it that way. Those who have wronged us, well they will get what they deserve and that coming day will be glorious for Spirit, myself, Riz and even you Alex."

"Yes sir." I grumbled.

"Developing operative Winter, I would recommend observing our other operatives on their missions- see how they perform if you want to improve your ranking. Like Spirit here for instance..."

Deer-feeder's second in command then went on to evaluate the tian mountain dog. Due to his condition, Spirit was relegated to just being a spy and scout for the rebellion. But he was credited with extracting fourteen from the empire, providing intel, and allowing the resistance to learn of the existence of Sir Ram's special project he was testing on me and other hapless souls.

Spirit was ranked as exceeding for his level headed unemotionally driven contributions to the rebellion and received a big that-a-boy from Iron Will.

As the meeting ended, I found myself sitting on the porch outside the tavern.

"Alex, you alright?" Spirit said taking the seat next to me.

"I feel so inadequate." I said frowning.

"Don't be." My beastial boyfriend said trying to comfort me. "Remember, it doesn't matter how you get to the party as long as you did."

"Come again?" I said looking up at him.

"Each of us has something to contribute to the cause. You bring your knowledge and experience working with the knights, as well as seducing one of them for many, many, many, many years."

"I can't believe you went there, Spirit."

"What I mean is you know how they operate, how they think. That is very valuable to Deer-feeder, William, Auggie and Iya regardless of your ranking, just as I am the perfect scout and spy- "We are many, all pursuing a singular goal."

"You two look like you have been run over by several hover vehicles." Liv said finding us.

"Sure feels like it." I pouted.

"How about I take your minds off of it?" The barmaid asked. "Goliath!"

The encampment guard who was twice the size of an ordinary human approached Spirit and myself."

"We could use some help setting up for tonight." Liv advised.


"Arf, arf!!" Spirit said running away on all fours.

(How convenient.)

And so Spirit and I helped the residents assemble a performance stage, string banners, organize and set tables the rest of the afternoon. Our productivity up-ticking when the partial beastial was able to walk upright again.

6:16 PM Oasis Center

The celebration that evening was something to behold. It took place at the center of the Oasis- a band was performing on the stage we had built. Four long tables were placed perpendicular to said stage. Spirit and I sat with William at one of them observing the night's festivities- the singing, dancing all welcoming the new residents to the Oasis.

"Hello Mr. Envoy, may I take your order?" A familiar waitress asked approaching our table.

"Wonders never cease, you didn't stray far from your vocation Ms. Perfect." I said smiling.

"The Tavern had an opening, I needed employment so here I am." Courtney replied.

She looked rather nice in her barmaid uniform.

"So what do you think of the Oasis?" The tian mountain dog asked.

"It reminds me of some colonial colony like in the Cody's Gift movie, small and lacking some of the modernity that I have taken for granted."

"So you are saying you regret your decision?" I asked apprehensively.

"No. It is a small trade off for not being scrutinized every moment of every day." She said writing down our orders. "I will be back in a little bit."

Spirit momentarily left our table to join those on the dancing floor.

"You have been awfully quiet." William said to me.

"Just taking it all in. You know. This is what we are fighting to preserve and protect." I replied watching Spirit dance with several of the waitresses.

It was amazing to see how he was readily accepted here despite being a beastial.

"William, may I ask you something?"


"You know what brought me to the resistance. I was wondering if I may- what brought you?"

"The same thing that motivates Riz, Sir Ram." The man with the nicely trimmed beard replied.

"Deer-feeder indicated at one time that he had it in for the beastial knight. But I have never heard the full story."

"It happened about a decade ago while the ram was trying to undo the cataclysm that befell this world. Riz and I were part of a science team secretly observing a primitive tribal society on a distant world. We had hoped to learn more about ourselves through them."

"We soon learned that those who we were observing were warlike, vicious and hostile toward outsiders. We wisely used our technology to hide our base of operations from those we were observing. It worked well for two years. That was when they arrived. A humanoid Ram and she goat appeared one day right in the middle of our camp. They claimed they were time travelers from a reality where their world had been destroyed and they were in need of assistance; their technology was on the fritz and they were otherwise stranded."

Riz was intrigued. He gave them food, shelter and a lot of compassion. We replenished the power supply of their traveling device, a black PDA, as well as restocking their supplies. But our kindness was met with treachery- they stole nearly all of our technology leaving us exposed and vulnerable. We were attacked by the very savages were studying shortly after. Only Riz and I survived vowing that we would track the Ram across time and space to extract our revenge. We found him here on this world where he had reversed the cataclysm as well as making some additional changes to further subjugate the human populace."

"You mean that secret project he and Mara have been working on?" I asked cocking my head.

"According to our most recent intel he is about a month or two away from launch."


I learned from Willam Masters that extracting revenge against Sir Ram was secondary to finding and neutralizing the ram and goat's secret project otherwise everything else would collapse.

Alright everyone, may I have your attention please! I am Mayor Merit and I would like to extend a heartily welcome to the newest members of our community. Make yourselves at home, consider yourselves part of the family because you can never ever leave!!! Not that anyone here would ever want to go back to life under the high mucky muck. Am I right?!

Cheers and cat-calls were heard throughout the crowd for the man wearing black pants, a brown vest and fancy tie and his remark.

"Thought so." The mayor replied as he pointed to two band members who were holding fiddles signaling to them to start playing. Next to them there was a woman with a tambourine who started a nice thump-thump-thump beat.

At that moment I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was the tian mountain dog.

"Looks like you are next on dance card my little comfort animal." He said grinning at me.

"Uh, can I say no?"

"Nope." He said pulling me up from the table into the dancing crowd. He grabbed my hands, and I his paws and we spun round and round and round to the beat.

I looked at the smiling, laughing faces in the crowd- the residents having the time of their lives free from beastial control and domination. This encampent/colony/sanctuary we found ourselves in- it was something truly special indeed.

8:21 PM Castle Sevren (World Three)

The maned wolf sat at his desk within knight command handling the playing cards he had found at the former enemy stronghold. He rolled the cards, flipped the cards and shuffled them. Yet they would not reveal their contents, the video logs had played for Kiwi Goodfellow of that doomed group of anthropologists studying a violent tribal society on some planet elsewhere in the universe.

He had told his colleagues, but they did not know what to make of it given that he couldn't reproduce his findings.

Who was this Riz Site? The S'mar or this so-called planet Chaundoon? There was no record of any of it anywhere on Counter Earth.

"Hey junior! Let's go!" Looper said snapping the maned wolf back into reality.

"What's going on?"

"Two bodies were discovered on the beach. The old wolf wants us to investigate."

"Does Sir Wolf, know you speak of him with such reverence?" Naka asked standing.

"No and don't you dare tell him or I will make sure you never leave junior grade!"

To Be Continued....


September 17th, YOE 35

10:03 AM Small valley near World Seven (Chaundoon)

The weather was displaying its regular sense of instability as a small away team made its way to the Manassas' cabin/space-craft just outside the city limits.

The wind was howling, day was turning into night and then back to day again. As the small party entered the ship, it started fire-raining again.

"Mr. Midnight of Black welcome! Welcome!!" The yellow tentacled eyeball said escorting the akita into their metallic space-craft.

"Uh, thanks." The assassin muttered.

"Sounds like someone is a little out of their space." I said elbowing his charge.

"Don't you have something better to do medic?" The dark akita asked annoyed.

"Yes, I am part of this away team." I replied as Arthur had become equally quiet studying the metallic halls of the craft which also doubled as Milo, Panda Lee and the Manassas' home.

Cassia guided us to the bridge where she and her husband took two of the three stations. Midnight Black and Arthur took the remaining standing on an open platform which Panda Lee's or Milo usually shared.

"Snacks and Hon hon?" Hue asked.

"If they aren't here now, they aren't coming it is raining fire again outside." I replied standing in between the friendly aliens and the assassin and the chosen one.

"So it will be just the five of us." Hue's mate observed.

"Boy, I believe everyone's ready." The akita said, placing his paw on the hedgehog's shoulder.

Hue placed a tentacle on the circular console of his work station. "It took some time for the ship to recover after Penny's last attempt to save the city." He began.

"Despite that, we were able to record the majority of the meteor shower from the past few nights." Cassia said, pressing a button on her work station console."

In that instant the five of us disappeared from the bridge as a 3D holographic representation appeared of Chaundoon and its four moons.

"Astounding!" The akita assassin gasped.

"Serious mysterious!" Arthur exclaimed.

"This never gets old!" I replied.

"The meteors passed between the moons and the planet, most burning up in the atmosphere." Hue opined.

"How many would you estimate were in the shower?" I asked our hosts.

"Over the last three days, about 3000." Cassia admitted.

"That is quite a lot." The hedgehog boy said thinking. "Do you have telemetry of anything approaching the moons? Specifically the dark moon?"

"Actually we do Arthur of Speedwell." Hue replied.

"According to this a few did stray and hit the dark moon." I replied. "Like we almost did some months back."

"Hue, Cassia, do you have any visuals of the impact site or sites on the dark moon?" The chosen one asked.

"Yes, that probe Snacks launched- it is still up there and functioning somehow, it recorded some images." Hue said, showing a detailed picture of the scarred surface of the source of Chaundoon's misery.

Arthur spent the next fifteen minutes studying the images in detail.

"Everyone, I think I know how to stop the imbalance and the dark moon before it ends the planet and all life therein." The leader of the Ghost Hunters stated as we reappeared on the bridge.

Hue, Cassia, Midnight Black and myself looked at the hedgehog.

"What are you getting at boy?" The akita asked.

"The dark moon must be destroyed."

"Wait, what?" I gasped.

"Think about Mr. Alex, when all this started months ago with the storm cloud- what was our primary focus?"

"Defense." The red tentacled eyeball responded. "Protect the city, our homes and our civilization from the threat."

"Exactly. No one considered just eliminating the threat." Arthur said.

"Makes sense." The assassin replied. "Run, hide or confront."

"But just one question HOW? We don't have any tech that can reach into space." I said glancing at our extraterrestrial hosts.

"But you two do." The dark akita said fixating on the two tentacled eyeballs.

"Sorry Black of Midnight, our sky ship does not have offensive weaponry." Hue said glumly.

"It isn't designed for that." Cassia added.

"Are you saying it is a commuter vehicle of space ships?!" The akita face palmed.

The friendly aliens nodded.

"Well that is a fragment of a plan but just how do we see it through before it is too late?" I asked the hedgehog, akita and aliens.

No one had any answers.

6:16 PM S'mar Nation (Three Rivers Pride Territory)

"Is this snow storm ever going to end?!" Naomi complained from underneath the kitty pile of feline warriors.

"It ends when it ends" Her master said checking her limbs for any sign of blueish coloring. The freckled teen did not appear to be succumbing to hypothermia only boredom from lack of mobility.

While it was true that the tribe had been snowed in for the last few days, they had found things to occupy their time- checking their food supply, melting snow for water, sharpening weapons, playing games, trying to keep a pathway open to the community toilet and keeping their leader's human slave from freezing to death.

"Torch, Rings..." Saber said standing up from his sleeping bundle.

"Sir?" The couple asked.

"Keep her warm." The chieftain ordered walking to the door of his hut.

Naomi started to shiver again as she was joined by two warriors slightly younger than Barb and Blade and a bit older than herself.

"Small slit and soft balls?" The teen said, greeting the couple.

The female and male looked at each other in confusion.

"I mean master Rings and master Torch!" Naomi said backpedaling hoping that her system for remembering tribe members' names hadn't been exposed.

"My you are a delicate flower." The female said, inspecting her skin.

"Yes ma'am no fur."

"What she has is changing color again." Torch said as his mate Rings started spooning the teen.

"There appears to be a bit more of me than usual." The female feline said, rubbing her belly.

"Weight gain?" Naomi asked.

"A bit more than that." Torch said as he laid down on the other side the teen.

She thought for a moment as the two started to cuddle with her.

"You mean?"

"Future warriors for the pride." Rings said lifting up the girl's hand and placing it on her belly. She was just starting to show.

"Congratulations." The freckled teen said as the couple embraced her. I guess with all that had happened the last few months the two had found the time to start a family.

That did trigger a memory! She and Annette had stumbled upon the couple mating in the bush some months back. Torch kept teasing his mate when he was about to blow his load, each time she would prepare herself, nothing came out and he would laugh. That was until she threatened to cut off his junk with her blade-rings that he finally came, making her very soggy, but satisfied.

Annette who had watched the whole thing wished it had been her and Noami realized not only did the slender warrior have soft balls but a cute tail-star as well.

"What is our status?" Saber asked as he was joined by Barb and Blade at the door of his hut.

"Torch couldn't light a fire here in the hut for obvious reasons, but he did place some fire rocks at various spots within to keep the temperatures slightly warmer than outside." Blade started.

"We should have enough food and water if we ration our supplies." Barb replied.

"We also have made a pathway to the marsh, but keeping it open is proving to be a challenge." Blade replied. It is frozen over."

"Has anyone seen Pestle or the prisoner?" Saber asked his subordinates, trying not to think about the community toilet.

They both shook their heads.

Returning to his sleeping bundle, Saber found his youngest slave engaged.

"You roll the pebble like this." Torch replied.

"And you lose like that too." The pregnant female said, teasing her mate.

Saber nodded dismissing the teen's baby sitters.

"They were teaching me how to play sticks and stones master." Naomi said cheerfully.

"Playing that game can also make you end up with broken bones, wench."


Someone moaned within the hut as they were eaten out by their mate. Apparently that wasn't the only game being played in there at that moment.

"If you are that bored girl I could find something else for you to do." Saber said, sneering.

"Really what is that?"

The freckled teen received her answer in kind as he joined her in their sleeping bundle. Soon a rough feline tongue started licking her nipples, then the areola around them, then her stomach on the way down to her danger zone.


"Oh so you like that eh?" The Three Rivers Pride chieftain said probing his tongue into her sex. She tasted very, very good. "Hmm...."


Naomi moaned as the tongue probing came to a conclusion. She next felt a paw finger shoved into her vaginal opening, then another and another.

"It looks like my pre-conditioning has done its job; you are ready wench."

"But master didn't you say you were going to wait until I had fully blossomed- and then on that day and only on that day you were going to give me more gasps and moans than I could handle?"

The two looked at a silhouetted pair on the far side of the hut breeding doggy style. The female on all fours, her tail off to the side as she was being worked on from behind by her mate in the process of conceiving new warriors for the pride.

"Tch!!" The Three Rivers Pride leader replied.

Saber placed a small flask of oil on the floor next to his human slave. He added a drop on the palm of Naomi's hands rubbing them together.

The oily liquid was quite warm. The teen wondered how it managed not to freeze with the cold temperatures just outside the hut. She was shaken back to reality when her master guided her hands to rub down his sheath and scrotum.

She blushed as she lubed his genitals.

"Don't miss a spot." The warrior chieftain warned. "Or you will be sorry."

Naomi complied.

Saber next laid her down in their sleeping bundle and crawled on top, planking her with his body.

(Was this it? Was this the night she would lose her virginity?)

"Your turn girl."

Naomi removed the warrior's headband and then his necklace placing it off to their side.

Saber then nuzzled his youngest slave, tickling her face with his whiskers. He did that on both sides of her cheeks before moving in to kiss her, deeply and passionately.

The teen noticed something seemed to be emerging out of his sheath... something swollen, red and big! Would she be able to take that?

"It is time girl." The savage whispered into her ear, before aiming at his target and entering.


Saber wanted to slam his cub maker deep inside his little human then ravage her like the savage he was, but knew that could injure her and affect her productivity. So he took his time little by little until he was balls deep.


"You are a tight little thing aren't you?"

"And master you well endowed!" The freckled brunette moaned as her vaginal opening was stretched. "And huge!!"

"Arch your back wench." The chieftain said letting her adjust to his girth. "And smile."

The teen instinctively grasped his arms and then wrapped her legs around him just below his butt. Saber savored the moment a little longer then he planted his paws on either side of his little human before... before... mu ha ha ha ha!!!

*thrust* *thrust* *thrust*

The phallus inside the teen started moving in a steady rhythm in and out, out and in coupled with the gentle slap of his scrotum against her person.

Gently but firmly the savage made love to his comfort woman. The sensations between their moving bodies driving both of them wild.


"So this is what it feels like, real sex!" Naomi gasped. "Simply wonderful master."

"I am not going to last long with all those complements you are giving out wench." He warned.

"Me too master... AHHHH!!" Naomi moaned as she climaxed.

"I.. can't take anymore...." The savage warned.

Not long after the savage feline climaxed too.


Naomi felt the penis inside of her twitch and then spasm before feeling a flood of liquid warmth starting to fill her and it didn't stop.

*spurt* *spurt* *spurt*

"Soooo much!" The teen said as the extra contents of Saber's jizz started to leak out of her.

By this time Saber was breathing heavily in her ear as he came down from his massive orgasm.

So this is what it feels like to be ravaged by a savage, screwed stupid! "WOW!!!" Naomi exclaimed.

"So glad you liked it wench." Saber said, kissing her on her forehead.

"Um, what do we do now?" The teen asked her master.


Of course he warned her what he would do to her after sex.

Naomi made herself comfortable, knowing the feline warrior inside her wouldn't be exiting anytime soon. As she fell asleep, she did wonder if it was natural for S'mar males to remain inside their lovers after sex to increase the success rate of impregnation?

8:21 PM Mirrored Forest (S'mar Pridelands)


"I think that I am getting better at this." The maned wolf said to his chakat, boy and their guest.

"I don't think so, Naka." Song said to her wolf.

"Bizarre where are we now?" Kiwi said staring at two identical forests. "It looks like the forest we are in but just reversed."

"Mirrored Forest." The trio's plus one responded.

Naka, Kiwi and Song looked at the young leech.

"Not safe in there." The leech warned.

"Right, then we should stay in this forest." The knight said.

"Tonka, are you familiar with this area?" The beautiful chakat asked. "Like the other places we jumped to, it doesn't look familiar."

"It is on other side of planet." He replied.

"In other words we are no closer to our home." Kiwi sighed.

"Sorry everyone." The leach-boy replied.

"It just means we have to try again." Naka said. "Alright everyone gather around."

The maned wolf pressed a triangular device in his palm as the quartet prepared to jump again with the hope of actually appearing somewhere near World Seven.


Nothing happened. He tried again.

*click* *click* *click*

"What gives?" He asked, annoyed.

"I think the last several days jumping around Chaundoon might have burned it out." Kiwi observed.

"Oh no. We are stranded here on the other side of the planet!?" Song gasped.

"Looks like it. Unless we can get this Chado tech working again or acquire another." The wolf replied.

"Well we better get settled in then- we are going to need shelter, food and water." Song announced.

"Tonka you know about this area, that makes you our guide- which way?" The pre-teen asked.

"Away from mirrored forest." The leech replied.

"He doesn't waste any words does he?" The wolf said to his cat.

"No he doesn't." The cat said to her wolf. "Wait, what is that?"

"Is that snow?" Kiwi replied looking at a white drenched forest landscape which had previously been blanketed by numerous snow drifts. "On Chaundoon?!"

"What is snow?" The young leech asked.

"Frozen water... a lot of it." Song replied looking around. "And from the looks of it, this area was hit hard."

"Well here is our water supply everyone." Naka announced.

"That just leaves the food and shelter." Kiwi replied as the leech-boy placed his paws into a nearby drift.

"Brrrr." Tonka said.

"Cold isn't it?"

The leech nodded as Kiwi spotted something in a nearby tree trunk.

"Naka! Song!" He shouted.

The chakat and wolf zeroed in on to where their boy was fixating- inside the base of a hollowed out tree trunk were two S'mar warriors a male and female who had taken shelter there and from the looks of it were frozen solid.

11:59 PM Saber's Hut (Three Rivers Pride Village)

That was a passionate and very erotic dream! The freckled teen thought to herself feeling the breath of someone on her face; it complemented the comfortable warmth she was receiving above and below her. The maw where the breath was coming from was very close to her mouth.

She guessed that she was again the centerpiece of a S'mar sandwich with Annette embracing her from behind and her master from above as she reached out to hold the face attached to the maw. She felt the sabertooth teeth protruding from it and the whiskers tickle her hands as she leaned inward and brought her mouth to meet it.


"Thank you for protecting me from the cold master."

"You are most welcome." A male voice not her master's responded. "Slave."

The teen opened her eyes to lock gazes with another warrior- male slightly younger than Barb. he had a serious look which softened as the freckled teen realized her mistake.

"Master Blade!"

"Yes and good evening to you human." He said licking her on the forehead.


The teen saw that there was a gathering around the door of the hut- Saber, Barb, Annette and a few others from the tribe. She and the younger warrior joined them.

Just outside the chieftain's hut the snow was already starting to melt; the center of the tribe's village becoming visible again.

"This is nuts!" Naomi blurted out. "And just like that it is gone."

"It plagued our village for two days wench." Saber said, correcting her.

"And made everything miserable for twice that." Barb observed.

"You two search the village and the marsh, before resuming your chores. Rings and Barb search the surrounding area- I want Pestle and the Bow found."

"Yes sir." The female warriors said leaving the hut.

"Yes master." Naomi and Annette replied.

"Blade determine the status of our supplies. Take Torch with you." The chieftain said addressing the younger male warrior.

"And you sir?" Blade asked.

"I am going to assess the status of our enemies." Saber said, smirking.

(Same old master) Naomi thought to herself. She knew that if the leader of the Three Rivers Pride determined that any of the neighboring prides had been weakened as a result of the blizzard now would be the perfect time to conquer, loot and plunder them.

To Be Continued....