Power Fur Rangers- Episode 19

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#21 of Power Fur Rangers

Episode 19

"Twisted Evil Pt.1"


Furry Sith Lord

Movin in like lightning,

You never know what they're gonna throw at you,

Don't give up!

Just Stand Your Ground.

The Fight is Tough,

But We're Behind you...

Go, Go, Go, Go,

Power Fur Rangers,

Go, Go, Go, Go!!!

On the evil base on the moon Gollip sat on the throne of The Evil Emperor and watched the newly created Twisted Power Fur Rangers as they stood in front of him.

"Now that we have a matching set it should be easy to finally destroy The Power Fur Rangers." Twisted Pink said as he walked over and leaned against the throne. Gollip ignored her as he continued to stare at the Twisted Power Fur Rangers.

But it's not enough to simply destroy them. Oh no, not until they beg us to finish them off. First we must destroy their reputations!" The Twisted Red Power Fur Ranger said. The other nodded in agreement.

"Look at yourselves! You are twisted versions of The Power Fur Rangers. No one will think you are anything other than impostors!" The Winged Ape replied.

"What about if The Power Fur Rangers were to become twisted in a battle versus a monster with the power of illusions?" The Twisted Yellow Power Fur Ranger asked.

"I can do that. I have the perfect monster that can cast an illusion spell on you and make you look like the real The Power Fur Rangers. You get into a mock battle with my monster and he drops the illusion then it appears as if The Power Fur Rangers had been twisted by my monster." Shark-Finster said.

"Once we began to attack the public, they will assume that we have turned evil and The Power Fur Rangers will get all the blame.

"Haven't we already tried this?" The Winged Ape asked as he scratched his head.

"Oh, be quiet!" Twisted Pink Power Fur Ranger shouted. Shark- Finster was busy searching in a duffle bag, that contained dolls that he created to turn into monsters. He pulled out a doll that looked as if it was made of mirrors.

"Monstrum Arcesse Ktanos!" He chanted and the doll began to glow and it suddenly grew until it turned into a monster. Light was reflecting off the mirrors of the body and the lights were blinding.

"May I introduce my monster, Mirror Force!"

"But the real question is: Can it do the job ?" Twisted Blue Power Fur Ranger asked. Mirror Force ap;proached Twisted Blue and reflected light off one of its mirrors at him. Twisted Blue suddenly appeared to look exactly like The Blue Power Fur Ranger.

"Nice job," Twisted Pink replied as she looked over Twisted Blue's appearance.

Gollip used some of his magic and made a phone appear in his claw. He brought the receiver up to his ear. He then magically changed his voice so that he sounded English.

"Um yes, hello. I wish to report a sighting of The Power Fur Rangers but something seems wrong. They seem to be attacking innocent civilians." Gollip said as he hid the fact he was laughing.

In the Gold City Atrium, there were various species walking around enjoying the sights of nature. It was designed to look like a regular forest but had more room to move around and study what a forest was like for regular city folk.

There were far more Prey species than Predator ones as they walked around and pointed. The sun shone overhead but a thick piece of glass was the ceiling so that the light could shine through but bad weather would not affect the visitors.

A male and female deer were holding hooves as they walked around on a special path the visitors used to explore. The male was attempting to impress his girlfriend by pointing to different trees and identifying them. She just smiled as she listened but she was far more interested in the flowers growing.

The Power Fur Rangers entered and sttod sternly looking around. Several species looked on in awe and a couple clapped and cheered their arrival. The Power Fur Rangers seemed uninterested in their fans as they waited for Mirror Force to begin the attack.

Mirror Force appeared and several other species began to scream and run in terror. This caught the attention of The Power Fur Rangers and they ran over to meet the monster.

"Hey dude, you better give up because we're The Power Fur Rangers!" The Black Power Fur Ranger shouted as he pointed a finger at MIrror Force.

"Yeah or we're gonna smash your face in." The Pink Power Fur Ranger said. The monster fired twin energy blasts but intentionally missed The Power Fur Rangers as they exploded on the ground.

The Power Fur Rangers ran at the monster and tried punching and kicking it the they missed with their attacks as well. Both The Power Fur Rangers and the Mirror Force were attacking and missing eah other.

In Billy's Juice Bar, Lion was busy teaching a karate class while Skyler was flirting with some girls, that were not interested in him. Brian watched making note and Terri and Lisa were laughing and giggling with each other.

Slash and Ghoul walked in and looked around to see what mischief they could get into. Billy, the owner was watching them closely as he wiped some glasses, he had just washed, dry. They rolled their eyes as they saw Lion teaching.

Ghoul saw something on a television and he tapped Slash's shoulder to get his attention. The acronym U.A.P.F.R appeared and the words Us Against The Power Fur Rangers was printed underneath in tiny letters.

A black colored female rabbit was on screen. She had a couple of white spots as part of her fur. She was a newscaster going over some breaking news.

"In case you are just tuning in, I am standing here with the newly elected leader of U.A.P.F.R. now that the cofounders of the group had officially resigned." She said and a brief picture of Slash and Ghoul was displayed on the screen.

"Hey, that's us!" Ghoul remarked and chuckled.

"Shut up! I want to hear this!" Slash shouted at his friend. Lisa and Brian turned to watch the television as they heard those two shouting.

"I'm here with Bart Panthera-P," She said and the camera panned to a black panther wearing a black colored suit with a dark blue shirt and a black colored tie. "Mr Pantherea-P," she continued.

"Please call me Bart. All my friends do and I do hope we can be friends." Bart interrupted politely.

"Thank you. So as I have explained, you are the new elected leader of Us Against The Power Fur Rangers. You are also taking control of Uncle Buck's corporation?"

"Temporarily Taking charge while Uncle Buck is away from business matters." Bart smiles politely.

"Doesn't it concern you that Uncle Buck has shown support recently for The Power Fur Rangers?" She asked. Bart continued to smile falsely because only The Power Fur Rangers and members of The Evil Army were aware that Uncle Buck was The Evil Emperor in disguise. He used his magic to make himself look like a harmless deer business owner.

Since The Green Power Fur Ranger had trappe him in another dimension, Gollip had taken charge of the Evil Army while they wait for The Evil Emperor to return. Gollip had used a bit of magic of his own to turn himself into Bart.

"Pitiful, pitiful, it's so pitiful that The Power Fur Rangers have caused such damage and destruction to our fair city and they go about blameless. They must be held responsible! I know that Uncle Buck disagrees with my assessment but that is why I have chosen to lead that fine organization. The Power Fur Rangers must be held accountable!!!!" Bart said.

"Everyone knows The Power Fur Rangers are not the bad furs they are made out to be." Slash complained at the television.

"YEAH!!! Say Slash, why did we form that organization in the first place?" Ghoul asked.

"I don't remember," Slash replied. Only The Power Fur Rangers remembered the The Evil Emporer had put a magic potion in the water supply and that potion had tricked Slash and Ghoul into creating U.A.P.F.R.

"You guys watching this? Skyler asked as he joined Lisa, Terri, and Brian.

"Affirmative." Brian replied as he used his wing to adjust his glasses.

"But who is taking over while you know who is away?" Terri asked.

"He said pitiful three times and which villian that we know of that loves to say pitiful?" Brian asked.

"Gollip," The others whispered in response.

"LIKE for a bad fur, he sure looks hot in that suit!" Lisa replied and Skyler noticed several other females in the place were fawning over Bart on the television.

"Breaking News!!! we interrupt this newscast for a special announcement! A new monster has appeared and The Power Fur Rangers have arrive to engage." An unseen male voice said as the camera view changed o the Atrium where The Power Fur Rangers and Mirror Force were battling each other.

"LIKE what is going on?" Lisa asked as she looked at the others. MIrror Force shined a beam of Light at The Power Fur Rangers and they returned to their regular forms of The Twisted Power Fur Rangers.

"Oh My Paws," Skyler exclaimed.

"This is not good." Terri said. Brian looked over at Lion but he was too busy with his class to notice.

"LIKE there is no Twisted Green." Lisa said.

"Speaking of which, where is Tom?" Terri asked.

"Back at out base. He's having his weakly scan by Zolton to see what shape his powers are in. With the spell over him broken he has no way to have The Evil Emperor recharge his powers." Skyler explained.

In The Power Fur Rangers secret base. Clank finished scanning Tom as examined the result of the scan.

"No, no, no, no You power level is down to 92%. That last battle drained you quite a bit."

"Still haven't found another source of energy for me to use?" Tom asked.

"We have been trying but your ring is designed to only accept power from The Evil Emperor. We must conserve your powers until it is absolutely necessary to use because once you use them up, you will no longer be a Power Fur Ranger." Zolton explained and Tom lowered his ears as he looked at his feet.

"There is still hope! You are not completely powerless yet. I am working on a way to try to contact The Power Masked Rangers of the planet Titan." Clank said.

"Who are The Power Masked Rangers?" Tom asked as his interest peaked.

"Far away on the planet Titan, the evil Lady Webb has conquered the planet with her spider minions. A group of heroes joined together with a friend of mine as their leader. The used the grid to become The Power Masked Rangers!

The trouble is that in order to become Rangers they needed to have the armor integrated into their bodies. Thus once they transformed, they were never able to remove the suits again. Their lives changed and they are permanently The Power Masked Rangers. If they ever turn back to their old selves they will lose their powers forever." Zolton explained.

"That's crazy but how does that help me?" Tom asked.

"In order to recharge their powers they must rest in these specially designed chairs that re-energize their suits. We are wondering if there is a way to make a similar chair to recharge your own suit." Zolton said.

"But does that mean I can never change back again?" Tom asked.

"No, because The Power Masked Rangers are insectoids, we believe that is why they are locked in their suits. It may have to do with their species that causes that. However if we get their help we may be able to create a chair like they use to recharge your powers.Based on their technology. We cannot promise it will work but it is an option." Clank explained.

An alarm suddenly went off and they turned to look at a computer monitor. The images shown were The Power Fur Rangers fighting Mirror Force and a blast of light turned them into The Twisted Power Fur Rangers.

"What just happened?" Tom asked . Suddenly Skyler sent a telepathic message by using his Fur Ring and it was voiced over the monitor's speakers.

"Zolton are you seeing this? That is not us, we are all here at Billy's Juice Bar."

"Yes Skyler, I recognize Twisted Pink from when we dealt with her earlier. Get the others out there before The Twisted Power Fur Rangers ruin your reputations." Zolton instructed.

"I'll be there soon." Tom said.

"Tom, I want you to sit this one out. Unless it becomes too much for the others I need you to conserve your powers." Zolton said.

"Yes Zolton," Tom said glumly.

"Lion is busy teaching a class so he will have to catch up with us later." Skyler said.

The group slipped away unnoticed and once the moved to where they could not be seen.

"Shabot Ve Sum, Baby" They shouted as they crossed their paws in front of them making 'X' shapes then closed their eyes. They quickly opened their eyes as they extended their index and middle fingers as if they were unsheathing claws. They then clasped their paws together as if holding a ball of energy and motioned to pull their paws behind their backs.

"Power of The Black Power Fur Ranger." Zyler Shouted.

"Power of The Pink Power Fur Ranger." Lisa Shouted.

"Power of The Blue Power Fur Ranger." Brian shouted.

"Power of The Yellow Power Fur Ranger." Terri Shouted. They then motioned as if they were throwing the energy like a fireball forward. The rings they wore transformed into a gray colored goo that quickly completely enveloped their bodies. The goo hardened and became their Power Fur Ranger outfits that looked as thin as spandex but stronger than the toughest steel. The helmets they wore had made blackened slots where the eyes were so they could see out of it. Their bodies seemed androgynous and the armor made it appear as if they had more muscle mass than they actually had.

Clank set the controls and sent The Power Fur Rangers to where their evil clones and Mirror Force were attacking civilians.

"Now that we're evil we will destroy the whole world!!!!" Twisted Pink shouted as a news crew was filming. The Power Fur Rangers crept up from behind The Twisted Power Fur Rangers and jumped at them striking them with their Fur Weapons.

"HIYA!!!!!!!" The Power Fur Rangers shouted as they attacked their evil clones. Sparks flew everywhere as the weapons struck the mangled armor The Twisted Power Fur Rangers wore.

"Ooooh you're gonna pay for that you little twerps!!!!!" Twisted Red replied.

"How 'bout we send you fakes back to your master.... in pieces!" The Blue Power Fur Ranger said.

"If your primitive mind worked properly then I would feel a slight modicum of fear. As it is, you are about as scary as a hangnail." Twisted Blue mocked.

"Where's your fearful leader? At home washing his spandex?" Twisted Red said then began to laugh hysterically.

"You five and barely handle the four of us. I doubt you want to add another to our numbers." The Yellow Power Fur Ranger mocked. She then quickly ducked asd Twisted Yellow attempted to attack. The Yellow Power Fur Ranger countered with her Fur Daggers and Twisted Yellow was sent to the ground in a blaze of sparks.

"Huh, thought you'd be taller." The Black Power Fur Ranger jeered at Twisted Black.

"And I thought you'd be stronger." Twisted Black replied as he struck The Black Power Fur Ranger with his Twisted Ax. The Black Power Fur Ranger was knocked backward as sparks flew everywhere.

Lion exited the Juice Bar and used his ring to send a message to Zolton.

"Zolton, This is Lion. Come in." He said telepathically.

"Lion, The Evil Army has sent The Twisted Rangers out to ruin your reputations. The other have engaged but they will need your help." Zoltan exp;lained.

"No, no, no, no and luckily the others have proven that The Twisted Rangers are the fakes." Clank added.

"I'll get right over there!" Lion Announced. The took the stance as he readied himself to transform into The Red Power Fur Ranger.

"Shabot Ve Sum, Baby" He shouted as he crossed his paws in front of him making 'X' shapes then closed his eyes. He quickly opened his eyes as he extended his index and middle fingers as if he were unsheathing claws. He then clasped his paws together as if holding a ball of energy and motioned to pull his paws behind his backs.

"Power of The Red Power Fur Ranger." Lion shouted. He then motioned as if he were throwing the energy like a fireball forward. The ring he wore transformed into a gray colored goo that quickly completely enveloped his body. The goo hardened and became his Power Fur Ranger outfit that looked as thin as spandex but stronger than the toughest steel. The helmet he wore had blackened slots where the eyes were so he could see out of it. His body seemed androgynous and the armor made it appear as if he had more muscle mass than he actually had.

"Hold on guys, I'm here." The Red Power Fur Ranger shouted as he was sent to where they were battling. The Power Fur Rangers regrouped around The Red Power Fur Ranger while The Twisted Rangers did the same around Twisted Red.

"Now that we're all here the fun can begin!" Twisted Red said and The Twisted Rangers all laughed.

"Combine Power Fur Weapons!" The Red Power Fur Ranger ordered.

"Right!" The others replied as he held their personal Fur weapons.

"Fur Axe." The Black Power Fur Ranger said as he threw his Ax into the air and it transformed into gun stock with the ax head turning into a gun handle.

"Fur Bow." The Pink Power Fur Ranger said as she threw her Fur Bow up to where the Fur Axe remained suspended. The bow began to transform as it attached itself to the axe the long way with two small arrows becoming sights used to aim.

"Fur Staff," The Blue Power Fur Ranger shouted as he tossed his staff into the air and it transformed into a large arrow that set itself on top of the bow.

"Fur Daggers," The Yellow Power Fur Ranger shouted and she tossed her Fur Daggers up and they transformed and attached themselves to the tip of the arrow and began to spin around like saw blades on the left and the right of the arrow.

"Fur Sword," The Red Power Fur Ranger tossed up his sword and it attached itself to the top of the arrow and spun around as if it was a drill bit. The weapon landed in the paws of The Red Power Fur Ranger as the others stood behind him.

"Fire!" The Power Fur Rangers shouted as a laser beam shot out. The blast exploded where The Twisted Rangers stood and a huge dust cloud rose blocking the view.

Once the dust cleared there were exposed wires and damaged bits of The Twisted Ranger armors scattered about. There was even puddles of what looked like a black goo that appeared to be bubbling.

"Is that it?" The Black Power Fur Ranger asked.

"I hate to be the one to say it but that seemed too easy. I thought they were cloned from us. If that is the case then are we as weak as they are?" The Yellow Power Fur Ranger asked.

"Let's get back and talk to Zoltan." The Red Power Fur Ranger replied and they were transported back to their secret base.

The area where The remains of The Twisted Power Fir Rangers lay began to shimmer and the image vanished as The Twisted Rangers stood by watching. Mirror Force stepped out from behind a tree as Twisted Yellow wiped dust from her armor.

"They bought it." Twisted Red replied.

"What was the point in pretending to be destroyed?" Twisted Pink asked.

"Because now they won't expect us to counter attack the next time they go after a monster." Twisted Red replied.

"Are you sure they fell for it?" Twisted Blue asked.

"You heard what they said. They completely believed it." Twisted Black said and they all began to laugh as they transported themselves back to the moon.

To Be Continued...

Go, Go, Go, Go,

Go, Go, Go, Go,

Power Fur Rangers,

Go, Go, Go, Go!