The Curse of the Sacchariferous Queen: A Tale of Bubblegum and Greed

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Just a cute bedtime story for Jasse

Sit with me and listen, little one, to the story of a little boy who discovered the fate of naughty children in this land. And pay attention, my sweet, so you are not lost to the Sacchariferous Queen!

In times lost to ages and mist, there ruled a great Dragoness Queen of bubblegum aspect in this land. Why, to this day, we give little children bubblegum on All Hallows Eve just in case she returns! And demands tribute!

Queen Jasse was a large dragoness, one might say rotund, with dominion over confections and gluttony. She ruled this land for years lost to memory and demanded a yearly tribute of candy and especially bubblegum from each person in the land, adult or child.

Called Queen Jasse, the Bubble Queen, and by the eastern nations, Qua'K'la, which means 'false sugar' on their tongue. And, little one, you would think a dragon who loved candy would likewise be sweet and kind. So it is understandable, but alas, she was full of greed and evil.

And so it came to pass, when I was just as small as you, that she came for her tribute. Stopping at each town and village, she would have her kobold minions collect her tribute and then depart with her candy bag bulging.

But this time, one young boy refused. You see, he wanted to keep his bubblegum, having never chewed it. And you must admit, it took quite a large amount of courage for one so small to stand up to that great bulk and tell her, "No! This is MY candy!"

You could almost feel the terrified cringing of the town as they waited for her great retribution, for it was known the Sacchariferous Queen had no mercy in her candy heart. She called the young one forward in a sweet, cloying voice, her breath like a dread confectionery.

"Come before me, little one. Yes, like that. You... Want your candy?"

Her voice caused the ground to tremble like terrified gumdrops, but the brave lad did not waver but nodded once, biting his lip to keep from blenching.

"A creature after my own heart! And where is your family to protect you?" She peered down at the crowd, heads bowed and no one admitting association with the foolish lad.

"Very well... As no one shall claim you, I claim you. By earth and tree and sweet dew, I claim you and name you... Minion seventy-two!"

And with a sugary green-tinged breath, she exhaled on the steadfast boy, the sight of him lost in the sparkling haze. But when it lifted, a boy no more, he was made kobold this day!

"Eat your bubblegum and share my candy; you belong to me, forever. And it will be sweet." taking up the newly forged bubblegum kobold, she departed with her tribute. And no one has heard from her or the boy again to this day.

But remember little one, should the Queen appear? Remember her due. She is without pity, without conscious, and full of sweet evil. So pay her candy tribute and pray she never notices you.