Ch.6 Refuge

Story by Sorambit on SoFurry

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#2 of Shattered pact

 Sskaleon entered the small refuge before Mariana. A quick gasp of a nearby r...

Sskaleon entered the small refuge before Mariana. A quick gasp of a nearby rabbit soon started a chain of commotion about the new figure they would have to learn to trust. Many of whom instantly recognized she was a meat eater and proceeded to hide within smaller holes and tunnels. Clear they didn't trust another carnivore that normally feeds on them.

She dipped her head down near Sskaleon's, whispering in his small ear slits. "What is with them?" she asked the snake that only skitters ahead of her. Her voice jumped up. "Wait!"

A gentle coil over a thick root allowed sskaleon to have a higher view of the refuge he maintained. A soft snicker led to a coy tone. "Would you trust someone that would eat you without a second thought? Try convincing them that you have a refuge for them to be safe, under a tree with one entrance and exit that also carried your scent." His body turned, his small head facing the main directions of the homes. He proudly proclaimed, "This fox is here to be with us for a while. Though she has been warned that if she even tries to harm any of you that she will end up food for the insects. But remember that nobody is to leave near sunset or sunrise, the avian are becoming a larger threat than they have before."

A mouse, no larger than the fox's snout scuttles along Sskaleon's lengthy body to speak privately to him. This resounded in a gentle nod from the snake that then looked hard at Mariana. He tilted his lower section of his body to allow the mouse an easier path to the fox. She moved quickly, and then her legs began to shake as she forced her body to not run away in fear.

Mariana quickly took note to her fear and crouched down to a lying position to show little hostility, despite her holding back a driving instinct to snap forwards and eat the mouse. She spoke with a soft hungry tone. "Don't worry, I can contain myself."

The mouse sheepishly moved closer. Taking two small steps forward, and then one back. Her voice was sweet and tender, but waivered in fear. Well, uh. Welcome. My name is. Velos of the Carnisian family." She turned around in a short hop. "Please, meet my family. Not sure where you would stay, but please come." This followed with Sskaleon making a larch flick with his head as he wordlessly told Mariana to follow her. This she did with a drowned groan.

The two females maintained a slow pace, Velos moving her legs rappidly moving as to not fall behind the fox. A soft sigh came out of both of them once they got close to a small opening. Velos turned around before lowering her head. "My apologies fox. Please excuse me." Her body seemed a bit more accustomed to having a fox near her.

All was silent, apart from other refugies going about on their own buisness, not even a care of a fox being within a few body lengths away. A short outburst arose from the hole velos had entered, apparently the news of a new fox wasn't wanted.

Soft scratches of a small hole next to where Velos has entered. Each scratch pushed the animal forward to the surface, a grunt in anger more than prevolent once it was able to see the fox. With dark brown fur, a small pink nose, and a short stubby body, the mole was exposed to the air. His voice was deep and held the same tone depsite varying expressions of his squinted fact observing the size of the fox. "About six body lengths long, four high." He let out an elonged sigh. "You are going to have to find somewhere to sleep tonight while I get to work. Swear Sskaleon is going to work me to death at this rate." As he padded off to the furthest point of the refuge, he grumbled to himself. "He needs to find another place to keep everyone. Not enough room for much more bodies. And no way am I going to build it again.

Velos came out of her hole, almost on que. Her high pitched voice seemed to resemble that of a mother tying to hold back a laugh but keep some sort of sincerity. "My appologies fox, but as you know now, that we have to make a little area for you. In the mean time." Her voice paused as she looked around. "We have another like you, Mileen is her name. She is one of the peace keepers here, but you should find her under that root Sskaleon is always on. She should help you if you are hungry." Her last remark seemed to be answered quickly as Mariana's stomach gurgled on air, an easy sound to identify as hunger. "Seems odd, but follow me." She bounced as she moved in bounding steps past Mariana.

The way to Mileen's small home seemed much shorter than it did to get there, and it was the same distance. Gentle squeeks from Velos came from her, yet no return call was there. Slow steps forwards ended in walking deeper into a hole without anything in there except for some hairs and a strong scent. Velos was uncertain with how the situation is playing out. "She normally is right here at this time. Now I guess we wait around for her. She isn't one to stay past her needed time." She let her voice fade off.

The dirt made a scratching sound with impatience as the fox shifted her weight about. Red ears perked up and folded backwards as her mouth opened wide to let out a weary sigh. "Velos, may i ask you something?" Her eyes seemed full of wonder.