The Gravity of Gains, Chapter 1: Part 1- The Collar

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#1 of The Gravity of Gains (Community CYOA)

The beginning of a Community Choose Your Own Adventure fat-related fetish story!

This is part one of the first Chapter of The Gravity of Gains Community Choose Your Own Adventure. In this first installation, the audience will be introduced to the city of Euratropolis, a satellite-based city that orbits Jupiter's moon, Europa. The story focuses on a small Iberian Lynx named Sheba, and as the audience will come to know, she's in a bit of trouble.

In the Megacorporation-bound future, many a fur or scale find themselves with very little they can do outside of the corporate grasp. Many live their lives in what they believe to be freedom before they suddenly get their leashes tightened by one of the many shadowy hands from above that runs the puppet game they all occupy. And this story, well, it would be like many others in the city of Euratropolis, a city-shaped satellite that orbited the cold moon of Europa. There was never a puff of fresh air for any of those at the bottom, all of it being either frigidly cold like the planet that the station orbited, or disgustingly hot and humid as the temperature regulators fought against the cold and sometimes overcompensation harshly. It was by no means a manner of living that anyone ought to take part in, and yet at the same time, they found themselves unable to break away from the station, because the frontier expeditions to terraform the moon itself were far from easy and tended to be too taxing on the average, untrained civilian to undertake. But sometimes.. The hands from the top reach down to the bottom of the ladder to find their entertainment. One such hand that often did such things was the Armstrong Foundation, a megacorporation that might as well be a galaxy-spanning monopoly in several industries, though no one government could persecute the company on the grounds that it was still technically a massive series of institutions that funded and worked on research across several fields, many of which they remained on the cutting edge of, allowing them to keep an upper hand across the known star systems in most ways. However, the fact that they did privately sell their research or research-based inventions and other forms of innovations did disqualify them in some places from properly being classified as a Foundation. Though, those who dared to try and clarify a difference to the general population were often met with a silent and sudden disappearance followed by the installation of a more pro-Armstrong Foundation individual, though the public only ever got barely half of the story to put together anyways. In other words, what the Armstrong Foundation stood for was innovation, though not without additionally reaping the rewards of their work.

It was no surprise to her that they'd unlocked her apartment and gotten inside, nor was it a surprise that they came to take her in the middle of the night to ensure the least resistance. However, it was stressful, nonetheless. They had her in mag-cuffs in a matter of short moments, her face even had a mag-muzzle to keep her quieted as she was transported by hand towards the one of the largest, tallest buildings in the city, The Armstrong Organization's Headquarters. Sheba wasn't surprised by this turn of events. She'd owed the corporation money for months now, and whilst she'd been working to pay it all off in increments, even without an increasing rate, she still found herself unable to keep up. Sheba was an Iberian Lynx, making her a shorter gal for sure, standing at just around five feet tall, making her a rather easy target to secure and bring back to the boss. Her base color of fur was a pale, cotton-candy blue with the markings and accents that covered her fur being closer to a royal purple whilst her hair was a mixture of the two shades as it remained a color closer to magenta like her eyes. If she hadn't been born as a lower-class citizen, she really had the looks to be somebody. Her frame was more lithe to fit with her feline ancestry, even further pushing her closer to at least the bottom level of model material, and yet she was still currently being "escorted" whilst she was still in her lounge pants and t-shirt that she'd worn to bed earlier in the night. She knew where she was going, but she still didn't quite understand why. Who in the Foundation would want her to come directly to their offices where there was surveillance around just about every inch of the place? Soon she'd have an answer as she was taken through several oddly cleaned up back alleys towards one of the rear elevators of the Armstrong Foundation's building. Each back alley cut through a different street, sometimes being warmer and humid like near the heating vents, or cold enough to make one shiver if they were too far away from one. But, as it was to be expected, the temperature was at just the right number to make one cold, but comfortably so as they approached the building, showing that the entire satellite city truly was an ecosystem of nepotism and favors. One of the guards then touched the pad at the door, and after a successful BioScan, they got right in. Inside it smelled clean, as even this back lobby's air was far more tended to than the streets outside. The room within was a cool, almost empty darker shade of chrome gray with imposing red lights lining the edges of the room's ceiling with a blood red carpeting that led the path other towards the elevators, showing just how hostile the place could appear to an outsider like her. The walls were mostly bland aside from a few of the digitally-displayed posters that remained, motivating onlookers to inquire further on how to get a position within the company to take up roles that were currently needed, though it only applied to those who were already employed there. There was a receptionist at the desk who was currently tapping away at her data pad in front of her, glancing up to identify who was coming in as the two bodyguards then spoke their badge numbers, "One-Five-Six-Two-Four-One-Eight." "One-Five-Six-Two-Four-One-Nine.", and in the proper lighting, Sheba noticed that they were both beefed out wolves of some kind, and with whatever genetic or cybernetic enhancements they had, they both looked closer to bears than wolves, but their lupine face shape gave them away. After a moment of typing, the receptionist then looked over to Sheba "And who is the detained person?" She asked, to which the dark, gray-colored wolf then replied, "Indebted Person Five-Seven-Nine-Two-Six-Two." She then nodded her head lightly and said "Well then, you're all good to go. Mister Armstrong should be done with his meeting now. You may now go and see him." She replied before the display turned off, showing that she hadn't really been there. The tech in the HQ was really off the charts as well. The dragoness who'd just been displayed was one of the poster girls for the corporation's advertisements. Many folks knew her as "Ms. E" not only around the city, but also in the locations that the Armstrong Foundation operated in. She was a black, white and gray dragoness with her lower jaw, chest, and the front of her torso all being white with the dark gray filling out the most of the rest of her body's scales save for stocking-like patterns of black down her thighs and long, fingerless glove-like patterns of black along her forearms down to her knuckles. Her hair was two-toned, one half being a snowy white whilst the other was a dark grayish-brown color, each side interrupted briefly by her black horns. And her eyes drew her whole look together, as well as those looking at her in with her reddish-orange eyes that faded to a more tangerine color near her pupils. And as a result of her success as a model of sorts for the corporation and a pretty face to get more people across the system interested in listening to what she had to say, her day job otherwise was just to check people in as a receptionist remotely. Sheba wondered who's lap she sat on to get a job like that, but ended up finding herself being dragged into the oppressively cold elevator after the more auburn-coated wolf pressed his own paw to the next BioScanner for the elevator. The charcoal gray wolf then pressed his paw to get a BioScan again before the CEO's own personal secretary picked up, her being an orange and yellow-scaled dragoness "Oh good, you slackers finally got back. About damned time, I'll tell Mister Armstrong that you're here. Hurry on up before he decides to chew you two out for taking your sweet time with stopping and chatting with Lumi on your way out." They both looked a tad unnerved that she'd taken notice of their speaking with the dragon downstairs that owned the café before she said "Yes, I know that you did that. Hurry and get up here before he finds out that you did himself." She threatened, the dragoness not afraid to chew them out for their leisurely chatting when they'd been sent out to retrieve Sheba. The gray wolf began to speak before he was promptly cut off by her cutting off the feed and giving them permission to come up. The maglev elevator then began to bring them up to one of the building's highest floors, Armstrong's office. As they ascended however, Ember's visage then lit up the displays on the walls of the elevator as she spoke "Welcome, both existing and new employees! The Armstrong Foundation's Head Quarters has recently seen some new facilities opened for your enjoyment! Are you heading out for a delivery to the space docks? Stop by Lumi's Luxury Café for your pick of freshly made breakfast pastries and the best, all-organic blend of coffee in the sector!," And as she spoke far more ecstatically than she had when acting as a receptionist, a brief showing of footage from an ad that the Foundation had made alongside Lumi himself played, showing off the pastel and bubble gum pink dragon's café, showing off all the delicious and entirely organic food that he made with real ingredients as well as coffee being made by hand, showing the level of luxury that the corporation offered its employees, "Are you maybe wanting to relax at your apartments just across the courtyard from the main building? Consider purchasing a subscription to the Armstrong Foundation's very own Mediall! Stream all your favorite forms of media for just 2500 Arms a cycle!" She spoke, showing a variety of titles from Breaking Bark to a Pawful of Dollars, to The Spectacular Spider-Dog, and so on, having just about every different form of media, old and new, right at the consumer's fingertips. Arms were the currency that was minted by the Armstrong Foundation, being easily able to be transferred into any other currency that might be needed for those that worked for the megacorporation. But as the advertisements soon ended, they finally arrived at their floor; the office of Alistair Armstrong, the CEO of the Armstrong Foundation.

Sitting at the desk next to Armstrong's office doors was none other than the Secretary from the elevator's display, one "Miss Tylacilia" as the plaque in front of her name read, her index finger being pointed over towards the double doors as she otherwise looked over at her holo-screen, continuing to work on Alistair's schedule for the week. As they'd seen before her "scales" were orange and yellow whilst her hair was black, though the rest of her was rather toned, save for her sizable breasts and even more impressive hips that her hourglass figure tapered into. She wore the burgundy uniform as the wolves next to Sheba did, though she was able to wear a more comfortable pencil skirt as she sat at her desk. She didn't offer any of the second glance, showing them that the almost seven-foot-tall dragoness believed she had better things to do than further speak to or interact with any of them. After all, she was the one that helped Alistair keep everything straight. This floor however was far different thank the lobby or the elevator. The walls and ceiling were a matte black color whilst there were red lights lining the edges of the ceiling, there too were large, almost volcano-shaped light fixtures that rested in each corner of the room Ty occupied. There were chair for waiting for one's turn to see the CEO, but they weren't currently needed. Once each wolf nodded to the secretary with respect, they opened the doors with one paw each as the other held either of Sheba's arms before the doors closed behind them and locked, visibly sealing the exits as they took her into Alistair's office. The back wall was made of lunar glass, even if it wasn't necessary inside of the city's limits, it seemed like something to further repel any attempts at Alistair. His desk was large and yet symmetrical, made of some black metal that was resistant to dents or any fingerprints. His chair was made of a frame of a similarly dark metal with burgundy cushions to offer support in all the right places. It had been special fitted to his stature and upright posture. To the left side of the room was something of a lounge area, to relax in or to speak with clients or benefactors in a neutral setting instead of the clear superiority he imposed at his desk. But this.. Was not one of those times. Alistair Armstrong was a seven-foot-tall Great Dane with his fur's base coloration of white with patches of merle coloration. His suit was a more rust red color, with a black shirt and a vibrant carmine-red tie. His eyes were an emerald-green color, but the expression they portrayed was something of sadistic excitement, almost as if he planned for something ill to befall her, though not out of malice, but rather, out of the apprehension that he might derive some entertainment from it. And well.. He wasn't exactly one to have to lie about his intents. Sheba's muzzle was released and removed, but the mag-cuffs remained, releasing some to let her sit up after she was thrown before him as he rested with his rear against the front edge of his desk and his hands placed flat on it to keep him upright. His visage portrayed a smirk as he looked at a document with her name on it through one of his cybernetically-altered eyes "Hmmm.. So, you must be Sheba. Sheba Novan. You have failed to make acceptable payments on the loan you were approved for and issued for.. 5.6 million arms.. That were then quickly transferred into the local Jupiterian currency." He finished, having skimmed all he believed he needed to from the documents he'd pulled up before he looked back down to the Lynx, asking her "Have I stated anything untruthful thus far?" He asked, looking down to her expectantly. She was still getting used to her face not being confined inside of a box by the time he finished talking before she said "Yes, but I-" He then held up his paw and shook his head "No, I don't want some sob story or excuse. Frankly, I don't care." He spoke up, presenting the ruthlessness that she'd hoped he'd not have like many others did at the top. But such an unlikely dream was now snuffed out like an ancient star's last glimmers of life from lightyears away. He then snapped his fingers as she looked over and watched the auburn-furred wolf walk over and retrieve a slick black box with the company logo engraved in it from a nearby cabinet "You will be offered the chance of a lifetime now, Miss Novan. On one hand, you will be able to work towards paying off your debt by earning a wage as one of my employees. However, you will be wearing one of my favorite inventions. Not even Carmine Corp has these, and they have purchased every other innovation and invention that I've offered to private audiences thus far and then some." He said, opening the sleek black box by sliding off its lid after placing it on the desk behind him, its lid perfectly fit over the container itself as it let out a soft pop as it temporarily had formed a vacuum-tight seal to ensure the item inside was in as good of condition as it could be. It was some kind of ring, or collar more like it as he examined it some and seemed to link it with some of the cybernetics he had somewhere in his body, some sort of controller, though his eyes seemed to help function as relays as he soon walked over to her and unclasped it, or more accurately, pulled it apart, as it turned out to be made of nanobots, which soon smoothed themselves down against her neck's fur down to her skin once he placed them on her, her arms again clasped behind her back to ensure she didn't get any ideas. She was unsure of what he might do to her, and yet, she knew she couldn't resist whatever it was he was now doing. Once he pulled his hands away from her, she felt as though a few tiny pinpricks happened all at once around her neck before she began to feel as though something was being injected into her as he watched, causing her to wince lightly. She then dared to ask, "What was that?" To which he responded, "That would be the nanite machines entering your body. The only ones that will stay surface level will be on your nape." He informed her as he moved back over to his desk "Every day they will inject a little something into your bloodstream. A hormone of sorts. When it becomes active, you will have certain cravings. The kind that will grow increasingly more difficult to resist. The longer you take to pay back your debts, the shorter of time you'll have before your body will begin to make demands your mind may not wish to obey, but eventually.. You will give in. And of course, if you choose to misbehave, you'll find your total time to earn what you owe in half. Misbehave too often? And you'll be too big to leave your bed unassisted in the morning." He informed her. Did he mean she'd get fat? How? It.. Didn't make too much sense. Either way.. She supposed this was the best she could've hoped for. The Armstrong Foundation wasn't known for their debt forgiveness, after all. Either way, it was better than being harvested for organs or made into a test subject or something otherwise terrible that she could imagine, not that there was any proof the Foundation did any of those things, though. Regardless, she let out a soft huff and said "Fine.. Where am I starting?" She asked, knowing that with that collar both technically on and inside of her, she'd have to play the game that was set up for her, at least for the time being. He then seemed to look at documents again as he snapped his fingers and this time the gray wolf retrieved one of the burgundy uniforms that employees wore as he finally vocalized a response "You will be starting on floor 152. You will be meeting with one of our highest-performing floor managers, a Gnollsune named Spidey. And while you're there, do remind yourself if need be that misbehaving will only worsen your chances of getting out of this complex without being glued to your own ass for the rest of your natural-born life." He spoke before he looked back up to the two bodyguards "Please escort Miss Novan to the 152nd floor for me. Spidey will be waiting there to meet you. Once she is with him, you may return." He informed them, to which the two silent, muscle-bound beasts nodded almost in unison as they exited, leading Sheba out of his office.

As she stepped out with them and walked past Ty's desk, she felt herself release a sigh of relief, as if she'd not realized she'd been holding her breath with anxiety in the presence of Alistair. She was then taken to the elevator once more and the BioScan authorized their descent to the 152nd floor. Once more, it was a streamlined and short amount of time before they arrived at their destination. As the doors opened, there were a few different sections to be seen, some desk jockeys in one area, tending to reports and the like, another that was sectioned off from the rest where small tweaks to designs were made for products, as well as another area for the marketing team. Though she didn't have more than a brief glance before she was faced with the individual she'd heard of from Alistair himself; Spidey the Gnollsune. He was around 6'5" with a brown base color with black, light blue, and ocean blue speckles throughout for most of his fur except around his face and down his front all the way down between his legs which was a tan color to go with a rather unique body type, possessing of sections along his body like his chest, belly, and especially his rear that were clearly a bit softer, whilst other sections like his arms and legs showed off more muscle. In short, his figure was a mixture between chubby and muscular, and for a floor manager, his frame did fit the position pretty well. His rather wide frame even made him a bit imposing if he weren't being compared to the genetically altered bodyguards on either side of Sheba. He smiled and spoke with a warm tone "Amberson, Smokey. How've you two been?" He asked, offering them a smile as he seemed to be a bit chummy with the CEO's bodyguards, suggesting just how far up the ladder he was despite his position as a seemingly regular floor manager. Regardless, his gaze soon drifted down to Sheba, allowing her to finally notice that his eyes were cybernetically modified, his pupils being replaced with thunderbolts, showing further still how he got preferential treatment as well as what was now some obvious cybernetic cosmetic surgeries to boot. It seemed liked he was certainly in Alistair's pocket after he'd been afforded such clear favors and favoritism. The two bulky wolves then nodded to him in kind, their stone-faced expressions cracking at the edges of their lips as each now possessed a subtle smile. Sheba's mag-cuffs were then released after she'd changed her clothes in the elevator, her now remaining in the same uniform that seemingly the entire megacorp wore except for certain positions of power, like Alistair's seat. The two wolves then went back onto the elevator, leaving Sheba with the Gnollsune. He smirked down to her and spoke "The boss told me about you. Seems like you'll be working for me a while." He said, motioning for her to follow him, "Come on, I'll show you to your spot." He said, walking her over to the cubicles section of the floor before he motioned to one that was unoccupied, "The system will bring you up to speed on your duties and how to do them, but if you've got any chip slot implants, that'll be here too." He said, leading Sheba to sit at her new desk and turn on the holo-screen. He then motioned to a display attached to the wall of her cubicle, "And if you need assistance with anything, you can tap this screen and I'll chat with you that way." He said, to which she ended up nodding and saying "Uhh.. Alright. Thanks, I guess. I'll.. Get to work." She said before he'd shake his head in response, "No, you're to head back to your Foundation-issued apartment for the night, tomorrow you'll get to work, I can show ya if you'd like." He offered, showing her a bit of kindness as he wasn't fully aware of her situation. It was a surreal experience for her. Somehow, some way, she was technically working for the Armstrong Foundation now. The position wasn't her dream job or anything, but the place didn't smell, and it wasn't too hot or too cold like pretty much everywhere else throughout the rest of the city as far as the common folk were concerned. Even if everyone wasn't exactly happy with the workload, the overall office environment was cheery. It was clear they were all much happier living under the Foundation's wing rather than roughing it out like most of the common populace, after all, cushy jobs like the floor manager positions were available to those who did good work over the years, as good work never went unrewarded. She then nodded to him and said "Oh, uhh.. Alright, yeah. I think that sounds good." She said, almost forgetting how tired she was as she turned off her holo-screen display and got up, prompting him to lead her to the elevator again as he'd step into it with her, taking up quite a bit of space compared to either of the bodyguards she'd been with before, but for some different reasons. He the pressed his paw to the BioScanner and said "Food Production Apartments.", to which a soft ding sounded, showing that the system had approved his requested destination and took them down a few floors before it became clear that there was a track for the elevator to go horizontally as well, taking them across one of the skybridges to the apartments for the Foundation's employees. And in just a few more short moments, the elevator stopped, leading them to step out into a lobby of sorts, the décor and interior design similar to the main building's floors, except it was a bit more.. Homely. It was pretty late at night, so not many were around, but there were facilities for the families of the Foundation's employees to enjoy themselves. It was all off of a central hub, where the residential apartments were down a couple of hallways next to each other, but the others had labels like "LIBRARY" and "PLAYGROUND" on plaques that pointed down the halls, showing those who were unfamiliar with the area where they could go. For a megacorporation.. It was a really nice place to live, no wonder so many of the employees were so glad to be there. They didn't have to live that far away from home, and they could be sure that their families were happy and safe within the limits of the Foundation's complex instead of wandering down whatever street or alleyway that the rest of the city possessed.

Even as they walked down the hallway towards the residential apartments for Spidey to show Sheba where she'd be staying, they soon heard the elevators behind them open as a large Tibetan Mastiff came speed-walking past them as Spidey then spoke up "Gus! Gustaf! Slow down, buddy! What's the rush?" He asked, though not truly raising his voice too much as he watched the mastiff hurry down the hallway "I lost track of time! I promised Seri I would be home to help with the puppies almost a half-hour ago!" He said before he stopped at his door which thankfully for the big fluffy bear dog wasn't too far down. He then pressed his large paw onto the much-too-small BioScanner before the door opened and a tired-looking female Corgi with dirty blonde hair and tan fur opened the door, holding a couple of their puppies. Calling her a short stack was an understatement with the wide hips and ass on her, and her fat figure rested in her nightgown as Sheba and Spidey walked by, witnessing the cute little exchange with the big, fluffy dog picking up his wife and nuzzling her and the pups before mumbling an apology and walking inside with them, closing the door behind them. It was rather cute to see him caring for his wife and puppies by immediately taking them into his large arms, especially considering he was even bigger than Alistair or the wolf bodyguards naturally. Either way, the nice little family went on their way and took care of their affairs in their home, having one of the largest apartment sizes to compensate not only for Gus' job, but also for his size. Sheba's heart was warmed some after the rather troubling day, or night rather, that she'd been having. Spidey then spoke up "Cute, right? Gus and Seri have been with the company a couple years now. He helps work on the electronics that keep the foods the Foundation ships out safe and fresh if you can believe it. Seri used to work alongside him, but she has her paws full, as you can tell." He said, Sheba sighing softly "Yeah, they're really nice.. Is it really common for everyone to just.. Live a normal life here?" She asked, though normal was more like luxury compared to her previous living situation. Spidey then nodded "Oh yeah. There's plenty of furs that have families around. Hell, Mister Armstrong sometimes even gives them gifts either in the form of stuff for the kids or just a large sum of arms to congratulate families who stay with the company and decide to expand their families whilst here. Not to mention that once you've got the Foundation as a background, most STEM fields across the known systems accept applicants to study abroad if they choose." He explained, further speaking the megacorporation's praises, as well as some for Armstrong as they soon arrived at her apartment "Here we are. Apartment 20281-17. Just use your paw for the BioScanner and the system will get you added right in." He informed her, leading the lynx to press her small paw on the BioScanner as it registered her before the door opened, revealing a small, but still rather nice apartment. Spidey then spoke up again "I'll leave you to it, have a nice night now, Miss Novan!" He said, waddling off towards his own home. She then waved back "Bye!" Before she walked into her apartment, the door automatically closing behind her as she couldn't believe it. A bedroom, a living room with a couch and a large holo-projector for watching media, a nicely-sized bathroom, and even a little kitchen area with a stocked fridge. It was standard for those who were new to the company, but she just couldn't believe it. Yeah, she didn't have any of her stuff, but this was a clear increase in her quality of life already. She finally realized it was almost 3 AM before she walked into the bedroom, closed the door, and collapsed in the bed. Sure, she'd have to deal with whatever would come with the collar.. But was it really that bad? She asked herself that question as she soon began to nod off to sleep, snoring softly as she got some of the best sleep she'd gotten in years.

The next morning, she got up and showered at around 9:30, she then got dressed in another of the company uniforms before she decided to make some breakfast. She just decided to have a buttered bagel with some bacon, nothing terribly out of the ordinary, but she couldn't help but purr as she chewed. It didn't taste weird or plasticky. It was all-natural, GMOs were in it maybe, but organic food like this? She couldn't believe it. And after she enjoyed her meal, she wiped her face and began to make her way towards the door before she saw a little flicker on the mail display on the wall by the door.. Who would've sent her mail? She'd just gotten there. She decided to open the little door as the mail materialized automatically, which was strange given how one usually had to accept mail, but the display appeared corrupted for a moment as it materialized. It was a holo-disk, used for voice or even face-mails that were like letters but better. Written on the bottom of it were the words "I'm just like you. I can help you if you want out of here. Out of this debt, and to get that collar off. But you can't tell anyone about this.", showing her that somehow.. Someone already knew that something was going on with her and that she wasn't exactly a willing participant in this little collar deal.

This is a CYOA I'm running predominantly on Furaffinity! This is just part one,

but I will be posting Part 2 for those interested here to have a look and vote possibly!

Spidey the Gnollsune is owned by Spideyzak on FA:

Lumi the Dragon is owned by Senpaiithon on FA:

Tylacilia the Dragon and Seri the Corgi are owned by Tylacilia on FA:

The rest of the cast belongs to me!