Reni - Prelude

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#1 of Reni

Reni(gald) has just arrived at university, and begins the process of settling in. Little does he know, this year will be one of personal discovery. And sex. Lots of sex.

This piece is more or less exposition for later, more smutty, pieces that I'll eventually write.

As the cab drove away, you took in your surroundings. You hadn't seen the Eastern Technical campus since your college tour visit over a year ago, and not much had changed, except for the "Welcome, New Students" banners and signs directing freshmen and transfers where to go.

After looking at a nearby map for directions, you set off towards your dorm, stuffed backpack and two large suitcases of your possessions in tow. When you arrived, you followed the "New Resident Check-In" signs to a security guard behind a desk. The burly rhino asked, "ID?"

You grabbed your ID and handed it over after fishing your wallet from your bag. "Renigald?"

"Oh, uh- yeah. Reni." Your parents thought it would be funny to give you a name that -- paired with your last name, Charles -- sounded like a name given to some fictional 17th century nobleman. You got tired of being made fun of, so started going by Reni.

He held the ID up to compare you to your photo. Your dark red plumage doesn't show up well in the photo, and a couple long seconds passed before the rhino gave a "Yep, that's you" and started typing your info into the computer. A moment later, he grabbed a pair of keys from the lock box behind him and handed them to you along with your ID.

"You're in room 332, the elevator is down the hall on the left. Follow the signs once you're there"


"No problem."

You dropped your luggage off in your single, quickly changed, and left to finish the rest of your arrival checklist. You got your school ID (with much better printing than your state ID), orientation info, a couple different visits to confirm registration, and finally a bite to eat at the student center before returning to your room to unpack your belongings. When everything was set up and put away, you passed out on your bed and slept until the next morning.