Wildebeest: Part One

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#1 of Wildebeest

Kyliana, a goat Succubus, has been hired to escort the Hyenafolk Matriarch on a family vacation. To help her on her journey, a friend gives her a special perfume that is sure to make the Matriarch even more attracted to her. But just how powerful is it? Eventual smut/porn with plot.

A/N: A few notes before we begin!

-This fic was inspired by this image.

-Kyli has an interpreter. I'm deaf, much like our protagonist, and I've used interpreters. I know live-in interpreters are highly unusual and it is not to be assumed that an interpreter would work all the time. However, the interpreter, Ameli, is fine with this and is a sort of family friend. Just know this is not standard.

-This involves sex work and falling in love with a sex worker/a sex worker falling in love with a client. This does happen, but is rare and is not to be expected of escort/client relationships.

-The Madam is a bit rude and her care for Kyli is borderline overprotective, but this is ethical sex work. She is not trafficking the girls, and they're all "a family," like Kyli says. The Madam takes a small cut of pay for rent/food/etc, and in turn, the girls are fed, housed, protected, and Jaenria handles advertising for them as well. Like most Madams, Jaenria was once a sex worker, too; she has simply retired from the work (though a Succubus still has to eat).

-People familiar with sex work may notice that the prices are a bit expensive--or inexpensive, depending on where you live. In this universe, these are on the pricey side, as all of the escorts are Succubi. Being that Succubi are Monsters who require sex to survive, non-Succubi pay a pretty penny to spend time with them, as it's a novel experience and (allegedly) more pleasurable than sleeping with a non-Succubus.

I hope this covers any questions people may have!

_Esme Elora

Librarian, Arcane Archivist, Linguist, and Novelist_

Kyli was busy self-studying magical theory when frantic motion out of the corner of her eye distracted her.

It was the fourth time her interpreter had pulled her from her book, and she was beginning to grow tired of it. She wasn't sure why everyone was chatting so much, but she was almost grateful that she only had to perceive it visually.

"Nobody panic!" Her interpreter was signing, portraying that this was what the Madam had said.

The aforementioned Madam, Jaenria, was running about the living room, frantically straightening picture frames and fluffing pillows.

"No one was panicking," one of Kyli's fellow whores replied wearily, flicking her tail in irritation. Her name was Vira, and she had worked with Kyli nearly the entire time Kyli had been a part of the House. Vira had been napping on her stomach on one of the chaise lounges and still seemed half-asleep. She closed her eyes and rested on her arms once she had finished speaking, clearly keen to ignore whatever Madam Jaenria was upset about.

"Neither am I!" Madam Jaenria shouted, clearly lying. "It's not like we have important guests or anything! Certainly not that this could make or break us financially and be the feast of a lifetime! What is there to worry about?"

Kyli blinked a few times. She had never seen Madam Jaenria like this, even when the tax collectors visited. Madam Jaenria was notoriously a well put-together Succubus, hair always in a perfect curly bun, fur always neatly brushed, makeup impeccable, clothes unwrinkled. But now, she looked like a mess. Black ringlets spilled wildly out of her bun, partly covering one of her blue eyes. Her clothes were disheveled and stained on the knees, as though she had been on her hands and knees scrubbing the floor. Her grey agouti fur, though short, was matted and askew. With the wild look in her eyes, she looked utterly sleep deprived and borderline deranged--the polar opposite of the reserved Madam Jaenria she had come to know throughout all these years.

Even her interpreter seemed exhausted despite how experienced she was. When Madam Jaenria first hired Kyli five years ago, she hadn't batted an eyelash at having a deaf whore, though she did always seem rather nervous sending her off to be with more aggressive clients. Madam Jaenria even went out of her way to hire a sign language interpreter for Kyli's escorting--a middle-aged Succubus named Ameli. Ameli had been a friend of Madam Jaenria's in their youth--they had even worked together-and since Ameli had deaf parents, she was more than happy to help Kyli and Madam Jaenria. Ameli wouldn't come with Kyli to intimate summons--Kyli never needed one for sexual encounters anyway--but she did come along on dates, which was awkward at first but quickly became normal and helped with the pacing of speech far more than Kyli's sloppy attempts at lipreading.

Ameli wasn't on duty now; she lived in the House with the other whores, and since Kyli wasn't working at the moment, Ameli had no financial reason to interpret for her. But as the years went on, Ameli got used to interpreting for Kyli whenever people spoke near her without using signs or writing to the point that it was habitual. Kyli insisted that she never needed to do this, but Ameli insisted on continuing anyway. Ameli was just as stubborn as Madam Jaenria, so Kyli gave up on arguing with her and took the free assistance.

One of Kyli's other coworkers, Talia, walked in, armed with a glass of wine and a frown. She eyed Madam Jaenria for a moment over the rim of her wineglass, taking a long sip, before finally asking, "What is going on?"

"Does nobody in this godsforsaken house pay attention?" Madam Jaenria exclaimed, desperately trying to brush her hair out of her face. "Matriarch Shenza is coming here!"

Beside Kyli, Vira lifted her head. "Matriarch Shenza? The Hyenafolk?" she asked.

"I think they prefer to be called Sethirans," Talia corrected her.

"Yes, idiot!" Madam Jaenria exclaimed. " The Matriarch Shenza! The Sethiran Matriarch who has the financial wellbeing of our entire city by the balls! We have to impress her, or we'll be destroyed!"

"I'd let her destroy me," Vira mumbled before faceplanting the couch.

"And maybe she would if you got off of your ass and got ready! The future of our House, our finances, and our appetites all rely on this! Let's get--"

The interpreter indicated that there was a knock at the door.

"Liliana's tits," Madam Jaenria muttered. "If you're not presentable right now, begone!"

Talia chugged her drink, then tossed the glass aside and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "I'm ready."

Madam Jaenria stared at her. "You look like a drunken hooker."

"I am a drunken hooker. Open the door already."

Kyli watched the chaos in silence. She never knew what to do in these situations, though she always giggled inwardly at the antics in Madam Jaenria's House of Hedonism. They were a family, more or less, despite how they talked to one another. Yet Kyli found herself to always be the quietest, unsure of how to make her voice known over her much more social sisters. Her deafness didn't help; it was hard to have a voice when one lacked a voice at all. But even beyond that, she was painfully shy. Her shyness always seemed to fare well with her clients--often dominant women who prefer meek partners with a more wild side behind closed doors. But in the case of impressing someone like Matriarch Shenza, Kyli figured she wouldn't be of interest. After all, from what she knew of Sethirans, they preferred feistiness in their culture. Much like the hyenas they took after, assertiveness, dominance, and violence forged their hierarchy, and had Kyli been born Sethiran, she would've been at the bottom of the totem pole, and this wasn't even with considering her deafness. Though her own goatlike people had their own moments of violence, she was glad they were far more peaceful than the Sethirans. She would be torn to shreds.

Madam Jaenria opening the door interrupted her thoughts. "Good evening, Matriarch Shenza! You are...early!" Madam Jaenria managed.

Ameli listened for a moment before interpreting the voice on the other side of the door. "I am always early. May I come in?"

Kyli immediately hid behind her book, eyes scanning over the complex sigils she had been studying. She didn't want to leave the living room--she'd likely miss out on interesting events and gossip, even if they had little to do with her--but she knew that there was no reason for her to stay. The Matriarch would likely pass over her, and reading was her way of disappearing.

Over the rim of her book, Kyli saw Madam Jaenria usher the Matriarch inside. She was followed by guards, naturally--armored hyena-like Monsters with swords strapped to their waists. The Matriarch herself was armed, too, though the blades attached to her belt revealed that she preferred daggers.

Matriarch Shenza was a tall, majestic creature. She wasn't dressed formally, opting to wear leather armor and pants, as though a fight would break out in the whorehouse. Her spotted arms were bare and muscular, rippling slightly as she put her hands on her hips. The spots on her fur were fading and there was some greyness to the fur on her face, indicating age, but Kyli found that this only made her more attractive. Like all Matriarchs, she had a red mohawk, but unlike other Matriarchs, her hair appeared to be natural. According to her research, Matriarchs dyed their mohawks red with the blood of their enemies upon receiving their clan and title. Their Mother-Demon, Lady Sethira, had red hair, and this showed that their might was equivalent to their holy figure. Kyli wondered if natural red hair was a sign of power in their culture, though she was certain hair color had nothing to do with fighting prowess.

Kyli had seen her before at the Town Square; though the city she lived in was mostly full of Humans, Shenza's Clan was nearby. The Humans and the Sethirans engaged in amicable trade, and in turn, Matriarch Shenza used her military to protect the town's borders. Kyli didn't know the intricacies, but she did know that Clan Shenza was well-known for their coffee exports and that coffee had quickly become a large part of her city's financial growth. She also knew that Sethirans tended to run by force, destroying anyone who dared to speak against their Matriarch. Kyli had never seen Matriarch Shenza destroy anyone, but she had heard of businesses disappearing overnight for not adhering to Clan Shenza's demands.

Madam Jaenria was right to be worried, Kyli figured.

She hiked up her knees and hid behind them and her book, wishing it made her invisible. If her House was to be destroyed, she didn't want to be the reason. But seeing her interpreter waving made her curious, so she watched what people in the room were saying.

"What a charming little place," Matriarch Shenza was saying to Madam Jaenria. "The decor is pleasantly Northern. I can imagine myself in a log cabin in the Far North simply by being here."

"That was intentional," Madam Jaenria said. "I am from Vaagriklund, and I wanted this to be my home away from home."

"You did well. Now, I believe I told you what I am looking for and for what purpose, yes?"

Kyli saw Talia stumble forward toward the group, clutching onto the Matriarch's well-sculpted arm. Talia said something to Matriarch Shenza, but at first, her interpreter simply stared at them, grimacing.

"What did she say?" Kyli signed to Ameli.

Ameli rolled her eyes and translated, "'I believe I'm what you're looking for.'"

Kyli cringed, then rubbed her face, hoping to neutralize her expression if she was somehow visible to the Matriarch. Her interpreter, too, continued to wince, seeming embarrassed to even have informed Kyli of what happened. Talia had decided that now was the time to try her luck, and likely, she cost them everything due to her impulsiveness.

There was a moment of awkward silence, followed by irritated laughter from the Matriarch. Ameli told Kyli that she was laughing, but she didn't need to be told; she could feel the rumbling somehow. Perhaps it was just simply that loud.

"No, I don't believe you are," Matriarch Shenza replied. "I'd need someone far more...subtle and without vices for this. Run along."

Talia slouched and left the room, stumbling a bit as she made her way out.

"Excuse me for a moment," Madam Jaenria said behind gritted teeth. Madam Jaenria then followed Talia, hands clenched in irritated fists. After Madam Jaenria left, Ameli indicated that Madam Jaenria snapped, "What in all Nine Hells were you thinking!" This was quickly followed by a door slam.

Kyli attempted to shrink.

She was unsuccessful, for she saw a shadow looming over her. Hesitantly, Kyli looked up to see the Matriarch herself looking down at her, arms crossed.

Kyli scrambled to close her book, then ended up knocking it on the floor. The Matriarch bent over to pick it up, revealing just how much cleavage she had hiding under the leathers as she did so. When she straightened, she said something, and it took Kyli a moment to figure out how to lipread her. She had gotten used to lipreading her clients, of course, but she usually took her interpreter with her, as lipreading wasn't terribly accurate. It was especially hard to lipread Sethirans due to the shape of their muzzle and their large teeth.

Kyli deciphered that Matriarch Shenza had said, "You're a reader?"

Kyli fidgeted with her hair. "I'm deaf," she said, wanting to cut conversation before it got too complicated.

"I didn't ask if you could hear. I asked if you were a reader."

It was an objectively rude comment, but it got a laugh out of Kyli anyway. It didn't seem like when other people mocked Kyli's deafness; rather, it seemed Matriarch Shenza genuinely didn't seem to care.

"Well, um," Kyli began. Her vocal cords were already sore. She opted for silence more often than not, as speaking was a complicated ordeal. Either people would find her voice reasonably clear and assume she could hear, or they couldn't understand her and either mock her voice or be thoroughly confused. It was easiest for everyone if Kyli simply spoke with her hands.

Kyli saw Ameli move across the room to sit closer to them, more clearly in Kyli's line of vision. Ameli then spoke with Matriarch Shenza briefly, and the Matriarch nodded and replied. Kyli wasn't sure what either of them said, with how their faces were angled, but she was certain it was the general "I'm her interpreter, but still talk to her, not to me" speech Ameli gave to everyone.

Matriarch Shenza then turned back to Kyli, gaze unwavering. Kyli noticed her eyes were silver and practically glowed in the low light. She also noticed just how blown her pupils were. Was Matriarch Shenza somehow interested?

Matriarch Shenza looked away, eyeing the book. "Advanced Magical Theory, " she read aloud. "A smart one, are you?"

"Oh, um, well, I just like to, um..."

Matriarch Shenza laughed, but it felt warmer this time, the vibrations not as sharp. As Matriarch Shenza handed the book back, she asked, "May I sit with you?"

"Oh! Um!"

Kyli saw Vira sit up and say something, but didn't catch what it was. She did, however, see Ameli shoot Vira a glare.

"What did she say?" Kyli asked.

Ameli shook her head, then translated, "'For fuck's sake, Kyli! Just say yes!'"

Matriarch Shenza visibly tensed, looking coldly over at Vira. "I would like her to say yes of her own volition, my dear. If she does not want my company, she is always free to refuse me."

Vira seemed to realize she overstepped and muttered, "I'm going back to bed," before leaving the room entirely.

The Matriarch sighed, then looked back at Kyli expectantly, earlier irritation immediately gone from her expression.

"Y-yes, of course you can sit with me," Kyli said, scooting over to make room for the Matriarch.

The Matriarch motioned for her guards to find seats around the room, then sat beside Kyli. She began to put an arm around the back of the couch, making it so she was partly holding Kyli, but she hesitated. "Is this okay?"

"Of course," Kyli replied, hoping she didn't come across as too eager. Her voice felt hoarse in her throat.

"There is no 'of course,'" the Matriarch corrected her. "I understand your vocation, but your consent matters. I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

Kyli didn't expect any of this. She mouthed something, she felt no sound come out. This got a smile out of the Matriarch.

"Your name is Kyli?" Matriarch Shenza asked.

"Kyliana," Kyli said, "but Kyli for short."

"Cute name for a cute lady," Matriarch Shenza said. "You are interested in women?"

"Yes, of--" Kyli paused, remembering what Matriarch Shenza said about "of course." "I like women exclusively," Kyli corrected herself. "All my clients are women."

"Perfect. And this is your interpreter?"

Kyli's voice was sure getting a workout. "Yes. We've worked together for five years. She usually speaks for me."

This gave Matriarch Shenza pause. "Would you prefer to be signing? That's fine with me. Although..."


Matriarch Shenza smirked. "I think you have a very cute voice."

Madam Jaenria re-entered the living room then, and the Matriarch looked up.

"Sorry about that," Madam Jaenria said, a pained smile on her face. She studied Kyli for a moment, frowned, then looked over at Matriarch Shenza. "I see you have found Kyliana."

"I have," the Matriarch replied. "A darling little thing, isn't she?"

"She is," Madam Jaenria agreed, finding a seat across from them. "Though she's far less social than the other girls. Adventurous in the bedroom, as I understand, but not any other way, though she's wonderful for museum dates, allegedly. You were looking for escort services, yes?"

"I am," Matriarch Shenza admitted. "There is a family reunion I must attend, and I'm the only person in my family without a partner. My older sister married into another Clan, got onto the Council, and defeated the old Matriarch in combat. She's still with her husband and has three children. Even my brothers have found more...success...than I have. Matriarch or not, I fear I will disappoint my parents, especially my mother. She's always compared me to my sister."

"So you need to rent a girlfriend," the Madam finished for her.

"I suppose you could say that." Her nervous laugh returned, the vibrations uncannily hyenalike in nature. Kyli's heart fluttered. "Hence why I wasn't interested in your other girl, as delightful as I'm sure she is. Kyli here seems perfect." Matriarch Shenza looked over at Kyli. "If that's okay with you?"

It was a question. An offer. Kyli didn't spend much of her life thinking she had many choices, but this was one she definitely wanted to seize. She knew better than to catch feelings for her client, but they were there nonetheless. "I'd be honored," she managed to say without stuttering.

Madam Jaenria blinked a few times. "Well. I did not expect that."

"Why not?" Matriarch Shenza asked, tilting her head. "She seems highly intelligent. Mature. Well put-together. I fail to see an issue." She leaned forward. "If she's highly expensive, I understand that, but I can afford it."

"It's not that," Madam Jaenria said. "She's just a little...shy. Perhaps not the most talkative to show off to the family."

"Ah, but talkative would be dangerous, would it not?" Matriarch Shenza asked. "If she said too much, they'd know I was paying for her attention. I can't have them know."

"She's deaf, as I'm sure you've gathered," Madam Jaenria continued, gesturing toward Ameli. "You'd have to pay the interpreter, too. I don't like to cut Kyli's money to pay her, as that's not fair."

"I don't mind," Matriarch Shenza said, shaking her head. "If an interpreter would make her more comfortable and help her out, that is fine by me."

"She could get nervous and slip up, or perhaps an interpreter would be suspicious for your family," Madam Jaenria said, chewing her lip. "Perhaps there's--"

The Matriarch straightened. Kyli could feel her rumbling growl as she spoke. "I would like Kyliana."

"Alright!" the Madam squeaked. "Well in that case! I suppose we will go over fees!"

"Thank you," said the Matriarch, relaxing back onto the couch. Her arm was deliberately around Kyli's shoulders now. Matriarch Shenza gave Kyli's shoulder an affectionate squeeze. Kyli thought she might pass out.

"So ordinarily, we go by an hourly rate by experience," Madam Jaenria said, rummaging around for her charts, "but for overnight visits, we charge by day at a slight discount. How many days would you need her?"

"Five," the Matriarch replied smoothly. "Four nights. At the end of this month for the holidays."

Kyli could practically see the gold in Madam Jaenria's eyes. "Five days," she said softly. "Well. That will be on the expensive--"

"With all due respect, it almost seems like you don't want me to take her," Matriarch Shenza said. "Money is not an issue. I am the Matriarch of my Clan. I am a successful businesswoman. I have money." Slowly, she grew a teasing grin. "Is she so good that you want her all to yourself?"

Madam Jaenria's eyes widened. "What? Oh, no, no, I don't sleep with my girls--"

"Then stop trying to talk me out of it and give me the financial details straightforwardly."

Ameli looked over at Madam Jaenria and said something, then turned to Kyli. She signed, "I'm not available for the holidays. I'm seeing my grandchildren."

"That's okay," Kyli signed back. Her tinnitus upped its ante as her heart rate increased. "I can manage."

"Oh, would you look at that! Looks like Ameli is unavailable for the holidays! Maybe I can interest you in--"

Matriarch Shenza unsheathed one of her daggers and made a point of cleaning under her nails with it. "I said that I want Kyliana. If I cannot have Kyliana, I will simply go to a different whorehouse. None of your other girls interest me."

"But you haven't met all of--"

"I. Don't. Care. Kyli is perfect." Matriarch Shenza looked over at Kyli. "Are you comfortable staying with me for five days without an interpreter?"

If it was anyone else, Kyli would've said no. She would've clung to Madam Jaenria, hiding behind her skirts like a child. But she wanted Matriarch Shenza. Her heart raced for her, between her legs was already damp and pulsing, and she was practically shaking just from a touch on her arm. Though Kyli was a professional, she had the feeling these would be the best five days of her life.

"Of course," Kyli said. "I feel safe with you."

Matriarch Shenza pointed at Ameli with the dagger. "She is consenting. Will you accept my deal, or must I take my business elsewhere?"

Kyli looked at Madam Jaenria with pleading eyes, clenching her hands together under her chin. Madam Jaenria rolled her eyes.

"Alright. If you're sure. There may be communication barriers. Things may be difficult."

"Nothing is too difficult for a Sethiran Matriarch. Now, what are the rates?"

"This depends on how much you want to do with her. I have a chart here."

Matriarch Shenza studied the chart briefly. "How about I pay for everything?"


"Everything. Just so my bases are covered in case things get a little...steamy." She made a point of winking at Kyli. Kyli shivered.

"A full day of dates is around five grand," Madam Jaenria began. "Going all the way for a full night is another five. So...including tips and travel, you're looking at roughly fifty grand, just so you're aware."

"How much do you keep, Jaenria? I know you take a cut to keep the place running and to house and feed the girls."

"I take twenty percent."

Matriarch Shenza meditated on this briefly. "No. I want her to have the full fifty grand. I'll pay you the twenty percent on top."

Madam Jaenria fell silent for a while. Kyli almost wondered if she passed out from the sheer amount of money she was making off of this woman, or possibly because Kyli saved the trainwreck of a meeting. Regardless, she pulled herself together and said, "Right. Then I will book that. I'll need a down payment to hold the slot for the first day."

"You use gold, yes?"


Matriarch Shenza grabbed a bank parchment from her bag and signed off the amount. "That should be twelve hundred directly from my vault. So no one has to carry all that coinage."

Madam Jaenria studied the bank note. "That works." Then she stood. "So I will be seeing you in two weeks?" She held out a hand.

Matriarch Shenza shook her hand. "You will." Then she turned back to Kyli. "Can you walk me to the door?"

Kyli nodded and straightened, then noticed just how much shorter she was than Matriarch Shenza. She practically came up to her navel, maybe breast height if she counted her horns.

Matriarch Shenza took her hand, and the two walked to the door, followed by Matriarch Shenza's guards. They walked in silence, though Kyli could feel the Matriarch's eyes on her.

When they made it to the threshold, Matriarch Shenza took both of her hands and kneeled so they were eye to eye. Kyli truly found her beautiful. She was certain she was much older than her, but age made her graceful and powerful. In the lighting, she noticed the glint of a scar above her right eyebrow.

"May I kiss you?" she asked. "It's okay if--"

Kyli decided to run on instinct and pressed a kiss to her lips. She felt Matriarch Shenza make a little noise of surprise, but returned the gesture, running her fingers through her hair. It was a rather gentle kiss, Kyli was surprised to find. It was not something she expected of Sethirans, especially not a Sethiran Matriarch. She also found that Matriarch Shenza tasted a bit like green tea.

She wanted to taste more, but Matriarch Shenza broke the kiss before it could deepen.

"Save it for the date," she said with a wink. Then she handed Kyli a small pouch of gold.

Kyli took it, though she would've kissed her for free. She watched the Matriarch depart with her guards, feeling as though she was becoming a puddle in the doorway.

Then she felt a hand on her shoulder and jumped.

It was only Madam Jaenria. Kyli relaxed and shut the door, but an irritated heat quickly enveloped her gut as she stared at the Madam.

"You were very rude," Kyli signed. "What is your problem? You could've ruined the entire business because you're being petty!"

"I'm sorry!" Madam Jaenria signed back. "It's not that I have a problem with you. It's that, well..."

"Is it because I'm deaf?"

Madam Jaenria sighed. "I just worry that the communication barriers would be a problem, and she wouldn't have a good time!"

"My deafness has never been a problem with clients before!"

"Your clients have never been a Sethiran Matriarch before!"

Kyli felt like she was going to cry. "So you don't trust me? Is that it?"

"No!" Madam Jaenria exclaimed. "She seems to adore you. I was just worried. I don't know how Sethirans handle things like that."

"Things like what?"

Madam Jaenria shook her head. "I'm just trying to protect you. You're small. You're meek. You're deaf. And they're a race of powerful warriors who could and would shred you to pieces over a small misunderstanding. It's commonplace among each other, and if you're the Matriarch Consort, they're going to test you. I don't want something to happen to you, Kyli!"

Kyli didn't know what to say. There was a lump in her throat. She settled on, "Whatever," and went back to the living room for her book.

"Where are you going?"

"To my room," Kyli signed with one hand. "Where my deafness won't trouble you."

"Kyli, come on--"

Kyli pushed past her, running up the stairs for her room and slamming the door behind her. But before she could sink into bed and either cry or furiously pleasure herself to Matriarch Shenza, she noticed that there was someone in her room.

It was Vira, holding a bottle of something and sitting atop Kyli's bed.

Kyli looked around for a piece of paper to write to VIra. Vira shook her head and held up a parchment she had already written on. Curiously, Kyli took it.

I've been eavesdropping, and I see that you're going to be staying with Matriarch Shenza for five days. This will be a perfect opportunity for you to test out my new perfume. It's made specifically to attract Sethirans, made out of a combination of pheromones, wildebeest blood, pumpkin, and other spices. I was going to use it on myself, but if you're pleasing the Matriarch, I think you should have it. The bottle is here.

When Kyli finished reading, Vira lifted the bottle. It was a pale, translucent liquid--not red, like Kyli pictured--in a glass spray bottle.

This wasn't entirely surprising, from all the years Kyli had known Vira. Vira was something of an alchemist; she had gotten a professional degree in alchemy, but after not finding work, she ended up working for Madam Jaenria. Making potions and perfumes was a side hobby of hers, using the funds she got from the people she pleased.

Kyli grabbed a quill and wrote, Is it safe?

I've tested it before. It's quite safe, I assure you. Just don't use too much.

What happens if I use too much?

Don't use too much and you won't have to worry about it.

Kyli sighed. Well, thank you. I suppose I'll take it and let you know how it works.

She did trust Vira. She'd used Vira's pheromone perfumes in the past and never had a bad experience. But something about this made her almost nervous. Maybe this was because it was for the Matriarch, or maybe it was because she hadn't worn perfume to attract Sethirans before--only Humans. Or perhaps she was just excited and daunted at the same time over the entire visit.

Please do! I've worked very hard on it. It's late, and since I've been working on making that, I haven't slept in a while, so I'm going to go to bed. Sweet dreams. She drew a winking face.

Kyli laughed and bid Vira goodnight. Once Vira left, Kyli sniffed the perfume.

It smelled almost like pumpkin pie, but it had a sinister undertone that reminded her of carcasses, likely the wildebeest. It had a heady, musky undertone, and Kyli could see why Vira told her to not use too much. It wasn't unpleasant, though.

Kyli set the bottle on her nightstand and put herself in bed, meditating on what effects the perfume could have on Matriarch Shenza. She couldn't resist letting her hand wander as she thought about this. If Matriarch Shenza already wanted her, what would the special perfume bring out of her? Would she aggressively take her, no matter who was watching? Would she tear off her clothes? Would she make Kyli please her first? Or would pleasuring Kyli be enough for her? Kyli had heard rumors about the size of Sethiran clitorises. Did Matriarch Shenza have a large one? Could she penetrate her with it?

It was too much for Kyli to consider. When Kyli released, she thought of Matriarch Shenza holding her by the throat and taking her against the wall. As she relaxed into her now-soaked sheets, her stomach growled. She felt weak.

It would be a long two weeks.