Love potion

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#6 of Muscle growth

William is a fox who is secretly in loved with his friend Samwell, a wolf. His friendship goes back to their times in High school and it's still strong during University. Williams is satisfied with his relationship with his friend, but suddenly, in a mysterious shop that appeared in the market street, a chance appears.

Happy new year everyone, here's a hypnosis, mind change and muscle growth story to start the year. It's not related to these dates, but I still think you will enjoy it.

The alarm rang at 7:00 am as it always did every morning from Monday to Friday. I took out my hand from the shelter of the sheets in order to turn it off and going back to sleep for some more seconds, which turned into fifteen minutes until the second alarm rang. It was then that I really woke up, got out from the bed, ran to the bathroom, then, the kitchen to eat a light breakfast so I did not get late for taking the bus to the university. The bus was there, the last passenger was about to get in, I showed my transportation card and sat in one of the last seats of the vehicle.

The trip was fast, but it gave me enough time to think and daydreaming. Most of my thoughts usually ended up in my best friend, a gray wolf named Samwell who have been studying with me since high-school. I remember very well the day I met him, I had moved with my parents to a new neighborhood so I also had to start in a new school. I did not know anybody back then, for that reason, I sat at an isolated table during lunch, however, a group of students sat there too, but in the opposite side. Samwell was there, he was talking about a game few knew, but I did. I subtly entered the conversation, his eyes shined with excitement, that was the moment that our friendship began.

Samwell was a kind guy, skinny, yet his genetic gave him certain muscular mass. Maybe if he had had more interest about sports he would have become an excellent athlete, but he was more attracted to books, science, comics and games, in a few words, he was just a nerd like me. As time went by and I spent more and more time with him, love was borne inside my heart, unfortunately, he had other interests: he was straight. I tried to give him some clues about my feelings, but that wolf never figured them out, I was just his best friend. It did hurt me at first, but eventually I accepted it, I was happy if he was as well.

The bus stopped and I went out, before me was the university where Sam, as I called him, studied too. We both won a scholarship due to our outstanding grades and the prices we had won in every science contest we participated in during high scool. He was studying physics, while I chose cybernetics. Except for the time before entering classes and lunch break, we did not see that often, yet we usually made some hang outs with some friends we had made in our short stance in the institution.

"Hey, Will!" my favorite wolf greeted me from the distance, with his black glasses and a t-shirt with the design of an atom.

"Hi, Sam" I did a little run to get closer to him "What's up?"

"You know, exams will begin soon, so I'm studying. Jesus, university is way different to high school" he explained.

"Nah, stop saying that, you're a genius!" I cheered him up, which was not so far from reality.

"Well, it is true that I'm not having so many problems as the rest of my classmates, but, man, I barely have time for myself!" he continued "Aren't you in the same boat?"

"Well..." I had to admit that I actually had less free time than back in high school "You have a point in that"

Sam sighed before he continued "Well, I need to go, I'm free in the afternoon, but I want to study for the tests, maybe we can meet together with the rest after the exams. I'm really going to need to relax, I think my brain is going to explode" he laughed with that last sentence, then we split when entering the building.

The day passed as it usually did: I had some conferences, in most of them teachers pointed us out the main topics that could appeared (translated to students' language meant it WAS going to be there) so must of the time, people kept taking notes at every word they said, even those that usually did nothing more than staring at their phones or sleeping during classes.

I met again with Sam during lunch time, we sat in our usual place: a table close to the garden at the cafeteria. It was a fast chat, for he was hurry to go to his apartment and beginning to study.

"I really don't know how some people can study without eating" he said while chawing some pieces of meat "Man, if I don't eat my brain dies, it stops working at all!"

I knew that since we spent an entire day in my house for preparing ourselves for the exams (as well as play some videogames) when we were teenagers. My parents were not at home, so we ordered some pizza because my wolf friend could not resist any longer, nor we with his roaring stomach. Hunger actually diminished his capabilities at solving exercises, it took him longer, had more mistakes, even became sleepy. He once told me he did not study pass midnight, after that hour his brain also ceased any intellectual activity. He could stay awake longer, but maybe reading some comic, playing a game or watching a show, but not studying.

I remembered I had to buy some stuff for home, so I, instead of going straight to my apartment, I took a bus to the market street. As it was not weekend, it was not crowded, so I could buy what I needed almost instantly. I knew I should go back home, but I liked to spare some time in supermarkets and shops, so I stayed there a little longer, moving from one shop to the other. I had entered all the establishments of that street (or that's what I thought), for I found a little one, maybe it was owned by a local family, rather than a company.

I did not resist the curiosity, so I entered. Even though the outside matched the architecture of the locality, the inside was completely different. It looked older, foreign, goods were even odder: talismans, beverages (I guessed they were potions or alike), books, some of them in languages I had no knowledge of their existence, filled every corner of it.

"Welcome" a soft voice came from one corner "Can I help you?".

I turned my head towards the direction of the voice, there stood a wolf and dragon hybrid, fur was light blue, he wore glasses and a white coat, a warm smile was drawn upon his face.

"Hi... eh, no, I'm just watching" I stammered "Are you new, I think I haven't seen this shop before?"

"Kind of, I'd say" he answered.

"I'm just curious" I dared to ask "What do you exactly sell?"

"The deepest dreams" he answered "What do you think these flasks are?"

"Potions?" I answered.

"Exactly, Mr. William" it took me some time to recover from the fact that he knew my name.

"How do you know my name?" I asked back.

"I know many things, Mr. William, and if it is inside my store, I know everything. But let's not talk about that any further" the shopkeeper answered lightly.

"What's your name, then?" I was upset "I think you owe me that, don't you?"

"Of course, where are my manners? I'm Nayar Leng, an alchemist, this is my shop, where you can find whatever you are looking for" he replied bowing slightly his head.

"It sounds like nonsenses to me" my skepticism turned on "I bet most of the substances in here are just placebo".

"I'm aware of the skepticism in this world, but I assure you that they work" he replied.

"Prove it!" I challenged him, however, for some reason the expression of "this world" sounded me odd.

Nayar Leng went to the shop, he walked around the shelves, inspecting them carefully. I observe him as well, laughing internally for what he could bring to me to prove his words. In less than five minutes, he came back to me with a tiny flask.

"Put some drops of this into any beverage you give to your secret love" Nayar handed me the flask.

"What is this a love potion?" I asked.

"More or less" he answered "It does make a person falls in love with someone else, but what it actually does is transform it to what you really like or fantasize".

"I don't get it"

"Let's put an example" he began to explain "Let's say you give this to your friend Samwell, he not only falls in love with you, but also turned into how you truly idealize him, or more exactly, the kind of men you like".

I was starting to worry about that subject, for he also knew my crush' name. The idea of him telling the truth sounded more credible by the time.

"If you are not convinced yet, I can give it to you until you test it and then you can pay me" he suggested.

"Are you willing to give one of your products to a complete stranger?" I raced my voice due to the astonishment.

"I know you are a good person and will come back to pay me" he smiled "So yes, I'm giving it to you. Of course, you can leave it here and say nothing of this happened".

I took a moment to consider his proposal, maybe it was just some kind of drug that, for a short period of time, left the person unconscious or in a state without free will, that was the perfect moment where someone else could take a chance over that individual. I considered it carefully, in an instant my mind was in the middle of a battle between a greedy selfish me, who desired to at least had a night with Sam, and my more matured who definitely was against it. He was my friend after all, it felt terrible to technically rape him, but at the same time, all those fantasies about both of us together, even though it was for a single night... being his for just once in my lifetime, to be between his arms, feeling his warmth...

"Ok, I'll give it a chance" the demon within me won the battle and I grabbed the flask, I still felt dirty, this could end my friendship with him forever, but I was willing to take that risk, only to fulfill my deepest desires "But it will take some time before I come back, right now both of us are in exam period so there will be few chances to meet together, are you fine with that?"

"Of course, take your time" he smiled again "I'll be waiting here until then".

I said good bye to him before leaving the shop to go back to my place. I hid the flask away from the view of anyone, but not as difficult to avoid forgetting it. Then I focused in studying for the exams to come.

I seldom met with Sam during exams, most of the times were before classes or during lunch, and even then it was for just a couple of words. Some of the tests ended up being hard, but somehow I obtained good grades, some of my colleagues did not, but that's how university worked, yet they may have some chances in the future.

It was one day after exams finished, during lunch time, when I met with Sam again.

"Hey, it's been a long!" I greeted him.

"Hey, Will, yup, kind of" he said back, he was eating some burgers.

"How were exams for you?" I asked

"I thought they would be harder, if you ask me, but they ended up really well" he said with a concerned smile, he was aware of his intellectual capabilities, yet he was always kind of modest about them when talking to others "What about you?"

"Well, some of them were difficult, but I survived. So don't think you will get away from me so easily" I joked, he laughed.

"That would be sad if ever happens. I need to kick this fox' ass in D&D quest some more"

"You, evil!" he just blepped at me.

"By the way" this was my chance to test that potion "Are you free? I found something really interesting these days and I want you to check out, do you want to come to my place?"

"Hmmm... sure. It'd be good to relax after these tough weeks after all" he nodded, eyes shining.

"Then let's not waste our time!" I invited him to follow me to the bus stop, which did not take too long for its arrival.

Half an hour later we arrived to my home. I invited him to take a seat by the sofa as well as asking him for a drink: coffee, tea or some juice, he chose a tea. I immediately went to the kitchen to prepare it, later, to the place where I hid the potion and then went back, water was boiling by that time, so I turned off the flame, served the boiling water in the pot where the tea leaves were. Once the tea was made, I served two cups, in one of them, which was for Sam, I added some drops of the potion and mixed it well.

"Here you have!" I called his attention to give him his cup "I brought some sugar as well, in case you like to add some".

"Thank you" he grabbed the cup and added some spoons of sugar "It smells good"

"You have to thank my mom for teaching me how to do it" I smiled, he had drunk some of the tea.

"Green tea, isn't it" He did another sip.

"Yup, I bought it in a local store at the end of the market street" I confirmed "Even though I drink it every day I think I can give you some if you like".

"Not a bad idea" He finished the cup "So, what was what you wanted to show me?"

"Oh, true" I did forget I bought a new game those days "Let me go to the bedroom and bring it here".

I went to my room in an instant, the game was in the closet, so in less than five minutes I was back at the living room where Sam was sat peacefully. It was true he had drunk the potion a few moments ago, but I was worry it did not work. However, I followed the instructions written in the flask.

"Here it is" I handed it to him.

"Hmmm" Sam looked at it carefully "I think I have heard about him before".

"I checked it up on internet and I saw good reviews about him" I said, still focused in any change on the wolf, who still looked normal to me.

"Yeah... I think we should try a little to confirm" he suggested, I agreed, so I went to turn the TV and the console on, then I inserted the disk. The menu appeared on the screen as it should, but when I was about to grab the pads I heard Sam at behind me.

"Woah! What was that?" that sentence got my attention, so I look back at him. He was still there, but now one of his hands covered his forehead as if he was dizzy.

"Is anything going on?" I asked.

"Not sure" he answered "but suddenly I felt dizzy".

"Did you eat something before coming?"

"Of course I did!" he spitted "You know I take good care of my feeding habits".

"Yeah, you're right I just-- "

"What is that smell?" he interrupted me.

"Smell?" I was confused. Was my house that dirty to smell, was I?

"Yeah, it's odd, not bad, but odd" he continued to sniff the air, certainly trying to look for the source of the smell. He stood up from the sofa "Actually, kinda nice" he continued walking around the living room until he got closer to me.

"Sam?" I was a little concerned.

"I think it is you" his nose continued to pick the smell "Did you change your perfume? It's really nice".


"Odd... plus, somehow you seem kinda cute..." he stopped right there and back off "What did I just say!"

I did not reply immediately, for I was as shocked as he was, the potion was actually working.

"You said I looked cute" I could not stop blushing.

"Yeah, but why? I mean it sounds really..."

"Gay?" I completed the sentence.

"Yeah, and I don't like men at all, plus, you're my best friend" it looked like he was suffering a huge headache "Fuck!!!! It's hot in here".

I stayed there, sat on the floor as I watched my friend resisting, I wondered what was going on inside his head.

"Are you alright?" I tried to approach "Do you want me to give you something?"

"Yes... no... agh! I don't know, my head is a fucking mess, there are so many intrusive thoughts" he yelled.


"Yeah... very gay images are filling my head, dude, I'm not gay!" I complained "I like women, pussies, tits... hairy pecs don't look that bad... what? No!".

I was doing my best to try to hide my excitement, the effects seemed to strengthening as time passed.

"What else do you feel, what's your desires?" I whispered as I got closer to him.

"FUUUUCK!" he roared, but somehow he grabbed my hand and dragged me "I don't know what's going on, but..." he kissed me, a deep passionate one. It was then that I noticed something else, for some strange reason, he looked bigger.

"Whoa!" he pushed me away from him "What did just happen?"

"Do you want me?" this time I did put my mask off.

"Yeah, you're such a cutie..." he closed his mouth with both hands. His mind was still in the middle of a big fight against his former self and the one that was growing inside "No, you're just my friend!"

"Sam" I decided to tell him "There is something I always wanted to tell you, I love you".

"Oh, so sweet..." his expression changed for a matter of seconds before it returned to that of panic "No, Will, I'm not into that..."

My beloved wolf continued struggling before me, he still had his hands over his head, bending his back up and down, roaring, grunting, walking all over the room.

"Fuck, stop this, I don't like it... I like... I like... cocks... no... asses... yes! Little round asses of fem- femboys... no!"

Definitely his mind was not the only one changing, his body was transforming too for his clothes looked tighter than before.

"I'm not... I'm not... gay?" his voice was also under the effects of the potion, as he talked it sounded deeper and deeper "Of course I am. I like dicks and twink guys".

It was happening. Samwell continued complaining, but this time not because of his head, but his clothes.

"Why are they so tight?" I could see his pecs appearing beneath the fabric, while biceps filled progressively the shirt-sleeves "Why am I still so hot?"

Temperature was not high, but he was certainly hot as beads of sweat wetted his face. Sam continued grunting as the fabric restrained his growing body. He was having problems moving his arms, for the muscles pressed against the clothes which elasticity and flexibility were in the edge. A clear V-shape had settled upon his torso, pecs continued growing forward as he breathed, reveling big nipples under the T-shirt. Shoulders expanded laterally, back widened, arms grew larger, his original thin and delicate fingers fattened.

"Gotta take this off before..." the growing wolf could not finish the sentence, for the sound of tearing was heard "Fuck off!!" he roared while ripping his already tore T-shirt, reveling a magnificent sculpt torso. He had developed a pair of mounds so big that a single hand was not enough to cover them, as well as a trail of six abdominal muscles that ran from below his chest to his crotch, all of it covered in sweat.

"Finally, some air" he exclaimed in his new acquired baritone voice "Fuck, I'm so hot right now" he flexed his arms and robbed his torso, taking a good look at his perfect body. By that time, I was completely aroused.

"I think I'm not done yet" he grunted, soon a new wave of growth spread across his body, this time affecting his lower part more. Glutes swelled, quadriceps exploded as well as calves. He did not try to take off his pants, when the amount of muscles exceeded what they could handle, he just flexed the legs to tear them apart, same happened with his shoes, for his feet enlarged to support the body over them.

The final step of his transformation was the thickening of fur under his armpits, belly and pectorals, as well as the growing of a dense beard. My friend had turned into a stallion, his body irradiated masculinity and dominance, both of them expressed not only in appearance, but also in smell as he had become musky.

"Shit, I'm so sweat right now" he darted me with a sensual look "Wanna help me cleaning?"

I could not resist the temptation, so I obeyed, I buried my muzzle in his chest and breathed the manly odor that came out from that pair of huge muscles, my brain began to melt.

"That's it, my little fox, clean your boyfriend" he petted my head kindly and I moaned. Then he guided it toward one of his pits "Smell this, I bet this is the real stuff" he suggested. It was indeed another thing. I took deep breaths from that place, even started to lick that bitter sweat that had formed during the transformation.

"Keep going" he ordered, I just moaned in approval, it was the only desire I had in that instant. The more I drank and smelled, the more my melted brain wanted. Then, at some point, he pulled my head out his pits.

"Let's level up!" Sam said and kissed me deeply. I could feel his huge tongue exploring every corner of my mouth, while mine just did shy attempts in his. As he did that, he leaded me, slowly, to the sofa, where he threw me and then jumped over me. He tore my clothes off with his huge arms, then sucked my tiny nipples, later kissed my flat belly, flooding my nervous system with pleasant sensations that kept my brain clouded of any reasoning, except primal instincts of breeding.

"I see you eager, huh?" he whispered to my ears while he pointed my bulge between my legs "Wanna go to the next step?"

"Yes!" I yelled, for I knew exactly what he meant.

"What a slutty boyfriend I have" he laughed, then took off my pants and trousers which were the only remaining clothes I had left. "Look how pent up you are, you are even dripping pre" he said and licked my balls and shaft, then he went for my ass and introduced his long tongue in it, opening some space for what it was going to get in later, I just could moan of pleasure as he massaged the spot under where the prostate was.

"I'm coming in" He announced. His cock got inside softly, for my ass was well dilated and his dick covered in pre, no need of lub. So he began his rhythmical movements of in and out.

"Ah!" I moaned "Right in the spot!"

"Of course" he admitted arrogantly "I'm studying physics, I did the Math for the exact angle and speed" he joked, or at least I thought so, for his member stroke exactly where it should every time, stimulating my prostate.

"Please, don't stop!" I begged.

"I'm just beginning" and then lifted my thighs and held my legs with his muscular arms while continuing striking his cock inside my ass, he just speeded up.

"Ah...!"my face certainly was twisted in pleasure by that time: mouth open, tongue out, eyes rolled up. In the few intervals of consciousness I could see Sam in a similar expression: eyes closed due to the effort, mouth opened and panting, sweat running over his body.

My prostate swelled, inner walls of the rectum began to pulsate, I was about to cum, yet his dick continued the work, pressing my limits. I wanted to hold, I desired that the moment lasted longer, an eternity.

"I'm cumming!" a load was shut from my cock and landed over my chest and face, so it did the second and yet a third one.

"Ha, I won" he exclaimed then I felt my guts being filled with his secretions, their warmth. Sam stayed still, holding my legs with his arms until he finished loading his semen inside me, then he put me back to the sofa and laid over me.

Some days later I went back to that mysterious store where I got the potion and thanked that shopkeeper. He gave me a note with some ingredients, then asked me to find them, that would serve as a payment. Once I found them and gave those materials to him, the store disappeared without trace. As for Samwell, only his body and sexuality changed, he continued to be a brilliant student who also liked videogames as well as any other nerdy stuff he used to like before the shift. He also added to his daily routine a session at the local gym. Curiously, nobody, but me realized the changes that happened to him, as if reality was rewritten as well.

Nayar Leng