Age Regression

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I stared at the bill in my hands and throw it furiously onto the table. "Great," I cry loudly, "Just great, another bill; As if I didn't already have enough, I get this!"

Things were becoming rather stressful for me, no matter what I did another complication made things even worse. Recently I had found myself wishing I was still young, living back home with my parents without a care in the world. I glance over at the coffee table to where my family pictures were. My mom had sent for my birthday gifts, amongst other things family photos and a few pictures of me much younger.

Looking at these photos brought back memories, and reminded me how stressful things had become. But despite how stressful it was I'd never change a thing. It wasn't as if I had no money and couldn't pay the bill. All it would do was put a kink in the plans for that money

I couldn't let that bill ruin my day. Today was my birthday and I had made plans with my friends to celebrate the 21. It was finally my turn to become an "adult" as my friends had said. I would no longer be the "cub" of the group.

The celebration my friends had set up for me started in the early afternoon but didn't end till late that night. As fun as the night had been I was still happy for it to be over. It had been a long day and I was wiped out from all the fun we had. Since I had just turned 21 my friends bought me a drink and christened me into adult hood.

Not having the energy to go to my room I crash onto the couch and turn on the TV. I channel surf till I stop at a random station because a commercial had caught my eye. "Have you been feeling stressed out? Wishing that you could go back to the much simpler days of your youth? Well you're in luck! We have just thing to take you back to your days of youth! Just use our amazing product and you'll be transported back to you childhood!"

I laugh at the infomercial and wonder how many people would be stupid enough to buy their product. It amazed me that people actually bought things from these commercials and seriously believed they'd do what they claimed to do. The screen was displaying all the things their product would do for you, but strangely never actually showed the product.

Scanning through a few more channels I find nothing worthy is on and decides to go to bed. The ridiculous commercial is still on my mind as I head to bed. I wonder to myself what exactly it was that the commercial was trying to sell. The commercial never actually shows the product, and then I realize that they hadn't even shown a phone number! Shaking my head I wonder how they expect to sell anything if nobody can get in contact with them or if they won't even show what their trying to sell.

The next day I had been looking forward to all week. Today I only had one class in the morning and I had the day off from work. Even better, the work load for collage had been light so I had been able to do it all and didn't need to use it as a make-up day. So after my one class was over I headed back home to change and relax.

When I arrived at my apartment I noticed a note in my door from the manager telling me that I had a small package waiting for me in his office. Grabbing the package I go back to my apartment and set it on the table. It was a small package, and it had my address on it but no return address.

Frowning I look the package over trying to think who could have sent it, the parents would sometimes send care packages but why send another package so soon after my birthday? Shrugging I open up the box and look inside the mysterious box.

My confusion only increases when I remove a slip of paper on top of the packing peanuts, "Thank you Sir for buying our one of a kind product; we assure you that you will be 100% happy with your experience." The note held some legal information but I was far to confused to read any of it over. Setting the paper down I dig though the box to pull out the last thing I'd have guessed, a pacifier.

It takes a moment for my brain to register what it's seeing and I let out a chuckle. It was obvious now; it had to be a gag gift. But then I realize that there's no way my friends knew about the infomercial. That and how could they have bought it last night and have it delivered that morning with no phone number to call?

I decided that I'd ask them about it that day. Maybe it really was their idea of a joke and that he'd been so tired that he hadn't noticed the phone number. But I forgot to ask about the pacifier, and when I got back home that night I remembered when I saw the box still on my table.

Silently cursing myself for forgetting to ask about it I bring the box to the living room with me. I tried to remember if my friends had made any jokes about it or even hinted about sending him a gag gift. But no matter how hard I think I cannot remember so much of a hint from them.

Absentmindedly I look the pacifier over. Nothing seemed odd or different about the pacifier than any other one. I think about the commercial saying this would bring you back to your youth and I snort to myself. "Well if that's the case, why couldn't I just buy one at the store?" I say to myself.

"And WHO would buy this anyways?" I could remember back in high school and middle school that kids would bring cub food to lunch and eat it. I stuck my tongue out in disgust at the idea of eat cub food. I remembered that some even still had their pacifiers and I also remembered "adult cubs". But they couldn't exactly be called normal.

Suddenly an unbidden thought came to my mind; how does it work? I smile as the only possible answer comes to mind and I look at the pacifier. I sat there telling myself it would ok, nobody would be watching, and with a gulp, I push it into my mouth. After a few seconds I laugh at myself thinking of how foolish I must look with a pacifier in my mouth, not to mention how silly it was that I had half expected and even half wanted something to happen!

I suck on my binky absentmindedly for a few moments before something really does happen. I feel a strange sensation seem to tug on me. I lurch out of my seat and my binky falls out of my mouth and rolls across the floor a little ways.

My heart is pounding in my chest and I feel a little thrill of fear, and before I can calm myself down I feel another tug and I stumble forward onto my knees. I feel my fur stand on end and my skin starts to burn and crawls uncomfortably. My vision blurs in and out for a few seconds. I try to stand up but trip on something and fall over.

My heart is still hammering in my chest and I realize with a jolt that I seem to be swimming in my clothes. My glasses fall off my now much too small face and I notice my watch is now way to big. My mind races trying to grasp what is happening and I realize that I'm shrinking!

The realization of the situation hits me and start to panic. I again try to scramble to my feet in the hopes of reaching a phone and calling 911 or a friend but I am now too tangled in my clothes. I thrash and fight my way out of my clothes and try to stand up again but fall over as a wave of vertigo washes over me and I shrink even more.

It is at this moment that I realize hot tears are pouring down my face and a ragged sob tears through my chest. I again try to stand up but can only take a few unbalanced steps on my stubby legs before toppling over again. My sobs begin to get louder and I soon find myself crying loudly sniffling and wiping my wet nose as it runs profusely. My surroundings are now becoming blurry and seem to be changing. Fear grips me again and I start to cry even louder.

"Why are you crying?" I hear a voice ask.

"Be-because I-I'm scared!" I sob in response.

The voice sounds loving and maternal, the kind my mommy would always use with me. I feel another lurch and I shrink even more, or did I? Wasn't I always this small? The warm maternal voice returns and gives a tinkling of a laugh. "Why are you scared honey? There's nothing to be afraid of."

My mind is fuzzy and cloudy, and I feel sick but not as scared anymore and my cries are not as loud. I notice my binky lying on the floor away from me near my toy box, and I try to toddle over to it on my stubby legs but am to unbalanced and fall over again bring a fresh wave of tears, this time more out of frustration than anything else and I crawl the rest of the way.

I grab my binky and push it into my mouth and I begin to suck on it fitfully. The clouds in my head disappear and my bedroom, toys, and crib are all right where they should be. My cries lessen to down to small sobs and I start to hiccup a little.

I am suddenly filled with contentment that can only come from my binky and the knowledge that my mommy and daddy would be here soon. They'd pick me up and assure me nothing was wrong and I'd feel warm and secure in my daddy's strong arms knowing that nothing could hurt or touch me now. Mommy would give me a bottle of milk and give me hugs and kisses that would make everything better.

Nursing on my binky and with those warm thoughts I start to fall asleep as my door opens. I feel my mommy's soft fur press against me engulfing me in warmth that only her soft embrace could bring. I dimly hear them talk to each other in soft tones as she set me in my crib and tucks me under my blanket before kissing me saying those magical words, "Love you, goodnight sweetie."

Corey drifts slightly out of sleep as he becomes aware of a warm sensation in his diaper. He is dimly aware of hot liquid in his pants as it spreads and leaks out of his diaper. The liquid is quickly soaked up by his fur, nighty and sheets. Slowly he fades back to sleep by the wetness in his pants.

It isn't long till Corey wakes up due to his wet diaper. The saturated diaper clings uncomfortably to his sodden fur and makes an unpleasant squishing sound when he moves. Sitting up he stares at the large wet spot on his blanky in dismay.

Corey feels his lower lip tremble as he tries to stem back the tears forming in his eyes. He was a big boy now, why did he go and wet his bed again?! The door to his room opens and Mommy walks into the room speaking happily, "Good morning honey! Did my big boy sleep well last night?"

Reaching into his crib she lifts him up and presses her hand against his sodden bottom. Stopping short she looks onto the bed and notices the wet spot, "Corey!" she says disapprovingly. "This is the second time this week you've wet your bed! No more drinks before you go to bed mister!" she scolds lightly as she carries him to the bathroom. Now I'm going to have to give you another bath! Your fur is going to be soaked and smelly now!"

Corey feels hot tears of embarrassment and shame fall down his cheeks. It was upsetting for him to be unable to show his mommy what a big boy he was and not wet the bed. But no matter what he tried, it didn't seem to make a difference. He just KEPT wetting the bed.

His mom notices him silently crying and sighs, "Its ok honey, mommy is just a little disappointed. Its ok, I understand that you didn't mean to." Wrapping him in a towel she gently she lifts him up and hugs him tightly as she carries him over to the tub. Sitting down onto the toilet she starts running the water before turning him around and hugging him tightly again.

Corey happily cuddles against her soft fur. It was these moments that he felt nothing could hurt him. Being held softly but firmly by his Mommy made all his troubles vanish. He barely hears the tap stop running and she picks him back up and places him in the warm bath water.

Looking around he asks, "Where are the bubbles?"

"Sorry honey but you're not getting a bubble bath, not after wetting the bed and making mommy give you another bath. Don't you look at me like that young man, you brought this on yourself." She states firmly.

Corey sulks as his mom gave him his bath. He hated baths, it was uncomfortable to get all his fuzzy baby fur wet and was even more uncomfortable to be dried off. The only thing that made it bearable was the bubbles. But he had wet his bed again, and he never got bubble baths after he wet his bed.

After breakfast, Corey sat in the living room staring up at the TV watching his favorite movie happily sucking away on his binky. He loved his binky, and couldn't bear to be parted from it for more than a few hours. He carried it around with him always and would let nobody touch it willingly.

His parents were worried about his attachment to the binky and would often take it from him when he wasn't paying attention. But he always got it back, because if they took it all he had to do was throw a tantrum and they'd give it back to him in the end just to make him quiet. Even Corey didn't know why it was so important, but he still couldn't bear to lose it.

As he sat there he could hear his father complain to his wife, "Why does he have to carry that pacifier around with him all the time! He's two already Shari, most kids have stopped wanting theirs by now."

"I know, but he throws such awful fits whenever I try to take it. Ever since that one night he's never let it go!"

Something suddenly clicked in Corey's head. Something of dire importance, as if he had forgotten something extremely important! He could faintly see an open box with his pacifier at its bottom. The vision suddenly vanished and he was shaken back to reality. He was still sitting in his home watching TV.

However, the sudden vision had rattled and frightened him and he could feel himself start to cry. Stuffing his binky back in his mouth he sucks furiously on it as if his life depended on it. The fright eventually wore off, but no matter what he couldn't seem to forget what had happened after he was reminded of that night.

Lunch time rolled around and his mom put him in his booster seat to eat. As he ate, she picked up his binky from the table and placed it on the fridge. As she picks up his binky, Corey reaches out and wails, "Noooo!"

"Oh honey, you're too old to be sucking on that pacifier! I thought you wanted to be a big boy, big boys don't carry around their pacifiers."

"Nooooo!" Corey repeats louder.

"Now honey, I think you'll be okay without your binky for a little while!" his mom says sternly.

But Corey couldn't help it. Nothing mattered at the moment; he HAD to get it back. Tears start to pour down his cheeks as he wails louder for his mom to give it back.

"COREY! Be quiet and eat your lunch now or I'll send you to bed!"

It wasn't working, he had to be louder still before she'd cave it and give it back and he starts to wail louder. Throwing a temper tantrum, Corey works himself into a fit, crying loudly for his binky. Finally, in a climax he throws his food and plate down onto the floor.

This is the final straw. Standing up, his mom grabs him and pulls him off the chair and gives him 3 sharp swats on his bottom. "That's it mister! You're not getting your pacifier back with and attitude like that!"

She picks him up despite his flailing and screaming and brings him to his bedroom and puts him into his crib before walking to the door and saying sternly, "Until you start behaving yourself and acting like a big boy you're staying in your crIB: " And shuts the door.

Corey shouts and screams and starts jerking on the crib making as much noise as possible. But no matter what he did she wouldn't come back. Finally, the force of the temper tantrum takes its toll on him and he slowly quiets down as he falls asleep.

It's nearly one in the morning when Corey wakes back up. Groggily he sits up in bed and leans over only to hit his head against the bars of the crib. Shaken he stares into the darkness, suddenly he wakes up fully. What was he doing in a crib?!

Struggling up he again topples over and stare down at his child body in horror. His mind is still fuzzy from sleep and he struggles to remember what happened. Suddenly it all comes back to him, his getting the pacifier and then him starting to suck on it. With a jolt he realizes it must have been the pacifier that had caused his body to regress.

The more he thought about it the more hopeless the situation seemed. But then again I did wake up he reasoned, that was something. Maybe if he didn't use it anymore then he'd slowly return to normal! Heartened by this thought the whole things didn't seem so bleak. Suddenly tiredness comes over him again and he slowly fades off to sleep with the hope that slowly everything would soon return to normal.

Corey woke again a strange discomfort; suddenly his whole being seemed to be on fire. His fur stood on end as almost unbearable pain lances through his body. It felt as if somebody was stretching him out. Shutting his eyes he curls up trying to find peace from the pain. The pain slowly fades away until it's only a dull throb.

Opening his eyes he sees that he's looking at the foot of his bed, his big bed. Jumping up he looks wildly around the room. Everything was back to normal, he couldn't believe it! He looked down on the floor and noticed the pacifier lying innocently on the floor. Picking it up he quickly disposes of it by tossing it into the trash and throwing it into a dumpster.

Never again would he open up a strange box sent by an unknown person. He could safely assume his friend's weren't behind the package, they loved pranks but even they wouldn't do something like that. But then again, he thought back on his time as a child again. The note had been right, he was satisfied.

He sat down on the bed and looked around glumly. To be honest now that he thought about it he actually kind of missed that world. He sat staring at the wall reflecting when suddenly his phone rang. Grabbing his cell, he flipped it open to hear a female voice.

"Thank you for using our product. We are happy to hear you enjoyed your time so much. We however regret to inform you that you have violated the rules and agreements of your purchase. Each unit is specially made for its purchaser and is non-disposable. To prevent the unit from doing any harm we deeply regret to inform you that you will be permanently regressed. This final regression is non-reversible and you will no longer be able to purchase our products. You will age normally and will have no memory of our transaction. Once again we are deeply sorry; your regression will begin shortly. Good-bye."

Corey stood frozen in place, his mind had gone numb. Suddenly an all too familiar feeling engulfs him. He stands up and suddenly feels unsteady on his feet and falls over. Again he feels his body begin to shrink. The room starts to spin and his vision blurs once more. Slowly the room fades away and starts to sharpen to reveal his room from his childhood.

The room comes back to full focus and Corey is again lying on the floor of his room. Suddenly he realizes that his mind is still that of an adult! Fear and panic seize him and he starts to hyperventilate. Would he have to live his life like this? Would he be forced to relive his whole life?!

His panic attack is suddenly forgotten as his stomach rumbles unpleasantly. He recognizes the signs but to his horror he finds that he can't hold it back! "No no no no!" he cries desperately under his breath but to no avail as the first contraction forces out the semi-solid poop. The hot piece of waste mashes uncomfortable in his diaper and soon more and more follows filling his diaper and soaking his fur with hot and smelly poop.

Even as the flow of diarrhea began, Corey tried to hold it back. However, as it becomes clear he no longer has control of his bowels he begins to cry, sobbing uncontrollably as his diaper fills uncomfortably. The door to his room opens to reveal his mother who runs over to him and pick him up.

"I-I c-couldn't stop!" He wails in distraught hugging her tightly. The fear and horror over-rode his adult thinking mind. Causing him to sob uncontrollably into his mother's shoulder as she brought him to the bathroom to give him a much needed bath; trying to sooth him as she walked. "Shhh, Shhh little one. Mommy understands, its ok, its ok."

Ten minutes later he is freshly bathed and in clean pair of jammies. Thourally humiliated and defeated all he can do is hold onto his mom as she brings him back into his room. Hugging him tightly she kisses him on his cheek and lays him down into his crib. Humming softly she stands next to him stroking him for a few moments before leaving.

Corey lay in his crib wondering how he would deal with this. Sleep was threatening to overcome him; his mother had for the most part calmed him down but not completely. He lay there waiting for sleep to come when he hears the door opened again and his mother placed his pacifier on the bed. Staring at it he reaches out and pushes it into his mouth and instantly all his worries vanish. Suddenly he felt everything would be ok, and he fell asleep. In the morning he wouldn't remember a thing, only that he was two years old and still wet the bed.