Ample Reward [TSR]

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#28 of Patreon Story Teasers

A teaser from a story posted on Patreon. If you like what you read, come read the rest over here!

Those first few moments got Blaidd to regard his unexpected changes with an observant eye. Much like his bicep the rest of his arm gradually filled out a little bit more, bulking up as if incorporating matter from the air around him, yet he knew for a fact that's not what was happening. This was all the work of the magical essence the Tarnished had brought him, the energy signature matched what he felt completely.

And then his other arm underwent the same thing, slowly burgeoning larger with every passing second. He was already a statuesque man, especially in comparison to the human standing before his commanding form, but this would make his visage appear that much grander. Maybe that wasn't such a bad thing given the various creatures that he dealt with on a regular basis. In spite of his initial misgivings, he felt peculiarly alright with his odd predicament.

To no surprise his chest was next, swelling up under the plate armour he wore and gently pushing it to accommodate more size. His mouth contorted into a wry smile as he noticed this taking place. Feeling his growing musculature had his tongue resting right behind his teeth as a slight chuckle left his mouth. It was unlike anything he'd ever gone through before, and a gentle, if firm, prod of his pectoral indicated that it was really happening to him. That was all he needed - he had to see more.

More was what was given as he watched his armour push out further, now in all directions. He specifically wore it as there was a little bit of slack necessary for movement, but now any give it might have had suddenly vanished, replaced by hard muscle mass. That didn't bother him at all, in fact, it made him feel powerful, like those he fought couldn't stop him. It turned out the spell did exactly as promised.

Little regard was paid to his attire, his full attention diverted to his bloating bulk. It enthralled him the way that it began to pull the fabric taut the more that his physique developed. His human side perceived the transformation in terms of an increase in fighting prowess while his bestial side - his wolven half - found a far more physical appeal in his expansion, one of a sexual nature.

He won the chance to see more of himself when his garments began giving him trouble, the material tightening around his heft too much for optimal comfort. It got him grunting as annoyance swirled through his form. He wasn't sure of what his next move should be as on one hand he had no inclination to damage his attire in any fashion, but on the other hand his growing muscles would pose a threat to the fabric if he simply let it all be.

His indecision made the choice for him, shredding his clothing at the seams with every piece wrapped around him giving way to make room for more size. He gasped at the abrupt release of pressure, though not hating the outcome in the slightest. On the contrary, he thoroughly enjoyed the addition of yet more bulk, enamored with the musculature piling on him in real time. Out of all the weird and wonderful things that plagued these lands, this, by far, might just be the most awesome thing he'd ever laid his eyes on.

As if to match the fabric, his armour started faltering on him as well. No longer did it sit snugly in place to protect his vulnerable hide - the metal began buckling in certain spots, unable to cope with the loss of space it once had, much to his shock. His plate mail was supposed to be of the finest grade around; how could it be failing now? Perhaps this kind of stress test wasn't performed, or even thought about for that matter.

And just like that, Blaidd suddenly found himself naked, his armour in tatters on the ground below him. Seeing the vestiges of his garments laying at his feet had him both surprised and excited. There was a good reason for that when he looked down and witnessed his bulk for himself, his tail lightly wagging behind him.

While he wasn't the smallest guy around - not tough to imagine if one wasn't unaware of the monsters and demons running around the place - it would be foolish to assume he didn't take care of himself when he could. His physique was solid with well-earned bulk without looking brutish, sculpted like a master had laid their expertise on a slab of marble. Many folk would've thought him impressive.

But now? Impressive didn't even begin to cover it. His form had grown so swollen with densely-packed muscle mass that he didn't look like the same half-wolf he started as, comparatively speaking, of course. While his arms were well on their way to being twice as thick as before, his chest had just matched that milestone. So heavy were his pectorals that he wagered even one would outweigh the human standing in front of him, audience to his impromptu ascension. He couldn't even hold one with only a single hand anymore!

Nearly his whole outfit lay on the ground with just about the only thing still wearable being his cape, but even that faced difficulties as his neck grew thicker around. As his front creaked larger with every breath, so too did his back, with each muscle group fighting for room against one another. His lats forced themselves wider than thought possible, as did his traps climbing along his neck. Sheer size was all that his body seemed to crave at the moment, though he couldn't find any fault in that. This all felt way too damn good.