The Gym's Sweat-Rag 2

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#2 of The Gym's New Sweat-Rag

Blitz gets some of the rules of the gym, and learns his place.

Commissioned by Blitzrigen

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The Gym's Sweat-Rag

Part 2

For Blitzrigen

By Draconicon

It took Blitz a full five minutes of sitting down, legs crossed, to actually pull himself out of panic mode. Despite only being on the edge of a complete breakdown, the fennec fox had been pushed right to his limits by the dominant women around him, and even Telma's kinder side hadn't really done anything to pull him back from the edge or keep him safe. Now, with the ability to leave the gym taken away and the collar too tight and too strong for him to actually remove it, he was struggling to keep his head on straight and not drop back into that place of utterly freaking out.

It helped that there was the big woman in front of him, though. Every few seconds, he'd glance up at the massive zebra, and see her looking down at him, one hand on her hip, the other just dangling down. Her pants, tight yoga things, were showing off everything that she had down there, and they were tight enough that they even showed off the details of the rising head of the horse-shaft down there.

He looked down again, taking another deep breath. The shivers finally stopped, and he didn't feel like they were going to start up again.

"Better?" the zebra asked.


"Good. Can you stand up?"

"...I think so."

"Do it."

Blitz groaned as he dragged himself off the floor, huffing as the strain from all the exercise - and the other, incidental things that had happened before the shower stuff - finally caught up with him. The long run on the treadmill, the squats, the pressure of being sat on and rested on, being used as a bench, and more had finally hit his body, and hit it hard. There was no adrenaline to keep him going now.

And the zebra seemed to realize that. She sighed, pinching her nose.

"Telma, get me a wheelchair, will you?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"And just call me Maria. You don't have to get all formal."

"Yes, ma'am."


Blitz wobbled, fighting the urge to protest that he didn't need a wheelchair. At this point, he probably did. He wasn't at his best, and -

Yep, a wobble hit. He barely grabbed the front desk in time, and groaned as he had to lean against it more than he expected. The tag at the bottom of his collar tapped the desk, too, reminding him of its existence.


"I'm guessing that my girls got a little too excited and didn't tell you the terms of service?" Maria asked.

"Something...something like that."


"What...what'd I miss?"

"A lot, from the looks of things."

"I got the wheelchair!"

Telma hopped over, pushing the wheelchair as she did. Even that was bigger than he was, and by some way, too. He blushed as he was guided into it, feeling the little spasms running through his legs echoing through his arms and back. Apparently, all that adrenaline had been holding back a fairly massive reaction through him.

"Do you need me to -"

"I'll take him back to my office. Have you eaten?" Maria asked him.


"Telma, put an order in. Salad, high protein, I think."

"Yes, ma'am."

He didn't know what to say, and he didn't get the chance to say anything before he was wheeled out of the front room. They had to go back through the locker room, but despite everything, he still stared. Sasha looked like she was just starting to finish up, drying off and getting dressed, and the long-tailed shark almost looked embarrassed as he passed by. Whether that was because he was in a wheelchair or because she'd been caught out in something, he didn't know, but the zebra - the tallest of the women in the room, so tall that she had to lean forward just a bit and hunch away from the ceiling - narrowed her eyes as she passed.

Ooooh, someone's in trouble and it's not me.

There was some comfort to be found in that, in an odd way. At least he wasn't the one that would have to pay for it further down the line.

Wheeled through the locker room and through the exercise hall, he spotted two late-working ladies wiping down the machines and glancing their way. They nodded with respect toward the zebra, the wolf and bison keeping to themselves as they cleaned all the machines off, and the zebra nodded back.

Then, finally, at the very back of the gym, they reached the office door. Unlike the others, it was made of metal, and it opened automatically, sliding in with a hydraulic hiss that belied the speed at which it moved. Blitz stiffened in the wheelchair as he was pushed through, and tried not to feel even smaller as he saw the types of furniture waiting on the other side.

The desk alone was taller than the one in reception, and the shelves were so high on the walls that he would have had to jump onto the top of a ladder to reach them. The computer screen built into the desk was bigger than his chest, and he was sure that he'd have looked like a toddler in Maria's chair on the other side.

She sat down on the other side, looking down at him as she folded her hands beneath her chin. Despite the situation, Blitz was doing his best to keep his pants on; they were still trying to slide off from the various rips they'd taken when he'd been stripped down in the shower.

"So, um...what's the - uh - what's the stuff I missed?" he asked.

"Several things," Maria said. "First is the fact that nobody sponsored you."

"No, that one, I noticed."

"Ah. Did you know what that meant?"

"...I guessed it was some kind of membership bonus?"

"Not quite. Well, unless you count leaving the gym as a bonus."


"Calm. Down."

She didn't say it with too much of an edge, but her voice got firmer than he expected, and he pulled a bit further back in the chair. Not much, but enough for her to notice. She sighed, shaking her head.

"Just...calm down. The problems my girls cause, I swear..."

"What did they do?" he asked. "Can't you tell me that?"

"We're getting to that."

"But -"

"Okay. You didn't get told what the sponsorship thing meant, and I'm guessing you didn't notice much about the lack of males, either?"

"...Only that there weren't many," Blitz admitted.

"That's because Super-Sizers was mostly made to cater to women. All women, regardless of what's down between their legs."

"...Okay. That's fair. I wish that'd been in the brochure, but -"

"That said, there are male members," Maria continued. "But they do come in at a different level. We have that in the brochure, though. Didn't you read it?"

"Well, um...I meant to, once I got here, but I was only told about this place through word of mouth, and - what?" Blitz blinked as Maria slapped a hand over her face. "What's wrong?"

"Son of a fucking bitch..."


"I'm going to have to have a 'talk' with Sasha later. For now, though, I'm afraid you're stuck here."

"How the fuck am I stuck here? What happened?"

"Are you going to listen calmly, or are you going to keep freaking out like a disobedient little sweat-rag?"


"There. That's better. And...I guess I can see why Sasha grabbed you; you're putting off all the signs."

"Signs of what?" Blitz shook his head. "Sorry...shutting up."

Maria sighed, pinching the bridge of her muzzle one more time. Blitz was just doing his best not to let the nervousness start getting out again, and this time, there wasn't the smell of musk, the hit of being dominated, or anything else that had kept him from giving in to those little worries that had come up through his exercise time. Here, in the boss's office, it was hard not to feel nervous. The trappings of authority, the fullness of size difference between them, and everything else contributed to making him wonder just what was going to happen to him if he got something wrong.

Even though Maria had been gentle, if firm, and hadn't done what the others did, it was hard to keep that fear at bay. He needed her to keep talking, and he almost whimpered in relief when she did.

"What you would have seen in the brochures is that males start as sweat-rags. Relief, assistants, little helpers for the ladies."

"That feels...wrong."

"The city allowed it, so long as we were up-front about it. The thing is, you get a discount on the gym membership as a result. Hell, it's free as long as you stay as the communal sweat-rag that you are."


"Yep. Room and board, food, everything gets paid for by us while you get a free membership here."

That...wasn't as bad as he thought, he had to admit. If someone didn't have a life out there, if someone didn't have much of a job, signing up to be a helper for someone else was a pretty good deal.

"Now, the sponsorship is what lets you out again. If one of my clients likes you enough to 'sponsor' you, that means that you stop being community sweat-rag, and belong to her and her alone. You work for her, you clean her up, you make sure that she's happy. Nobody else matters at that point. Understand me so far?"

Blitz nodded.

"Good. If someone picks you like that, that means that she's going to be your world. She's going to take care of you, make sure that you get what you need. Hell, it means that you might be living together; there's a number of ladies that pick up their dates here and take them home."

The idea of one of the women from earlier that night just picking him up and keeping him as a live-in assistant would have made the fox go red from nose to tail if he hadn't already been said hue. As it stood, he was pretty sure some extra pink was showing through the fur on his face at the thought of that orca, or Sasha's big shark butt, or even Telma's large paws on him as he was taken back to their place.

Maybe...maybe that'll happen? But -

"However, as you are not sponsored, that means that you are communal property here at the gym. You'll be used by whoever grabs you first, and you'll be passed on from one to another until you're too soaked to work as a sweat-rag, at which point you'll be tapped out for someone else," Maria said, turning to her computer and tapping on her keyboard. "At the moment, there's still space for you among the other sweat-rags that live in the gym, so housing's not going to be a problem. Any pets or anything back at your place of living that we need to worry about?"

" cats or dogs or anything."



"I'll file an extended leave of absence with them."

"W-wait, you can do that?"

"We've got connections," Maria said, shaking her head. "Anything else?"

"I - there were a few family appointments -"

"Leave their numbers and we'll give a suitable excuse."


"Anything else?"

"...How long am I going to be here?"

"Until you get a sponsor."

"But - but how long does that take?" Blitz asked. "I mean - it doesn't take long, does it?"

"It takes as long as it takes."

Maria stood up from the desk, walking around it once more as Blitz tried to find his mental footing. The gym had just ripped him out of his daily life and put him in a giant, sweaty bubble that had no way out without getting someone else to free him. And considering that there were other communal sweat-rags -


"Now, let's get you to the showers. You clean up, and then I'll take you to the little apartment we have for the other sweat-rags. And in the meantime, I'll have a little 'chat' with Sasha for this bait and switch she pulled..."


After a short shower that did nothing to un-muss his fur but did everything to take away the dirtier feeling of oil and slime, Blitz was wheeled down to another part of the gym that he'd missed the first time. Tucked away between the pool and the sauna was a smaller door, one closer to his height than the other women. Maria helped him out of the chair, and - after determining that he was able to stand on his feet on his own - nudged him toward the door.

"You tell Randall that I said that you're part of the group now."

"Who -"

"He's the weasel in there. Chief Sweat-Rag, he calls himself." Maria cracked a slight smile. "You'll see. He's not bad, but he's a little...proud."


"Don't worry. You'll fit right in."

As the zebra walked off, wheeling the chair away with her, Blitz looked back at the door. His long ears flicked back and forth as he caught the sound of voices on the other side. They were mostly giggly, light-hearted, but he could hear something more familiar. An occasional huff and moan, and that was a sound that he knew all too well. He rubbed the back of his neck, then shaded one side of his face, slowly opening the door to give the sound time to abate before he had to take a look.

"Hello? Maria told me to check in with Randall?"

"Mmmph. Yeah, that's me."

And he was the one moaning. Blitz faked a bit of a chuckle, lowering his hand to see what was going on -

And immediately saw...pretty much what he expected. Randall was a weasel, alright, a long, lanky sort of guy that was the epitome of 'slender.' Probably topped out around 5'8, which was taller than Blitz by nearly four inches. The weasel was part of a circle-jerk with three other guys, all of whom were groping each other, either teasing each other's balls or pulling on each other's dicks.

"You, having fun there?" Blitz asked.

"Mmph...just working off some steam, new guy," Randall said, chuckling. "Care to join?"

"Nah, I'm...I'm good. I got off a couple of times in the shower," he said, not sure if that was a good or bad thing for them.

Either way, it didn't seem to matter that much. He forced himself to look away from the mini-handsy-orgy in the middle of the room, taking in the rest of the apartment.

It was communal, that was for sure. Six beds were in the main room, with a kitchenette in one corner and two bathrooms laid out side by side. There was some privacy, at least, though the room wasn't exactly set up to allow people to live privately. It wasn't bad, though, and he could find some comfort in that.

As he took one of the only unclaimed beds - judging by the fact that there were only two that didn't look used and slept in - he did his best to ignore the moans and grunts from the other side of the room. Someone had just cum, at least, and he was pretty sure that the smell was a good indicator of how close the others were.

He was surprised just how different the smells were, too. The dicks on the ladies and the heavy sheath-scent from that one last woman that had forced him down against her crotch had been fragrant, but there'd been something unmistakably lady-like about it all. He didn't know what it was, but he'd never quite thought 'man-musk' around them.

Here, however? It was very different. Stronger, more salty-smelling, and a little bit more...he didn't know. Just something different, something that tweaked the male-side of things just a bit more.

Not bad, by any means, just very different.

As he got comfortable, Randall extricated himself from the group of other sweat-rags - males, he corrected himself again, males - and joined him. Blitz did his best not to blush as the other guy sat down beside him, and only somewhat succeeded. He cleared his throat.

"So, uh...what's going on here?"

"Just working off some steam," Randall said. "The ladies are pretty good, for the most part, but they don't always let us cum at the end of it."

" that, uh, is that intentional, or -"

"Nah. It's not like a chastity order or anything. It's just...well, you saw it, right?"

"...Saw what?"

"Christ. We're sweat-rags. What's your name?"


"Well, Blitz, get used to not hearing that too often; they tend to call us 'sweat-rag' or some sort of species nickname." The weasel sniffed at him. "Yeah, they're probably gonna call you a musk-skunk or something like that."

"I'm not a skunk!"

"Or a stinky doggo."

"You - don't even - mmmph!"

"...Heh. Oh, they're going to have fun with you," Randall said, patting his back. "But seriously. Try not to get too offended by it. Unless one of 'em decides that she wants you in particular, we're kinda interchangeable. They can take any of us at any time, and that's just part of the job."

"...Anything else I should know about?"

"A couple of things. They're getting you some food soon, right?"


"Well, that's going to be fast-food from now on until you start earning some favors."

"Oh god."

"And you should get used to being naked, too."


"Mmm-hmm," Randall said, nodding. "That too."

"Wait, what?!" Blitz all but leaped to his feet. "Fucking?"

"Yeah, some of the ladies like to include a sweaty bit of humping with their work-out. Sometimes, they tap each other for it, but if there's no bottoms around, well, sweat-rags will have to suffice."

"...You're shitting me."

"Nope. Standard thing, Blitz. You're a sweat-rag, you're at the bottom of the pile. Food, partners, clothing, whatever you care to name, that comes with getting enough points for doing the job well. You don't get those points, you don't get the treats. It's that simple."

The fox's brain was doing its very best to avoid a blue-screen-of-death moment, and he honestly wasn't sure if he was going to manage it. As it stood, he just stared at the weasel, trying to figure out how he was going to survive the next few days.

Not because it sounded bad...but because it sounded too good to be true.

Tap, tap.

"That'll probably be one of them with your food," Randall said. "Now, if you excuse me, we're going for a mass 69 next. Sure you don't want to join?"

"I, uh...I need a minute."

"Take as long as you need, Blitz; we're not going anywhere. Heh. Not for a long, long time."



"How long have you been here?"

"Eh...six months?"


"They say that you're here for as long as it takes to get a sponsor. They're not kidding, kid. Go get your food. You're going to need it."


Morning came, and with it came a pair of long paws right over his face. Blitz stared up between a trio of long, grasping toes, and the length of the paws running down along his face...chin...chest didn't stop until they reached his sternum. The sheer size of those paws was mind-boggling for someone that was only just waking up, and he was not sure if he was saddened or happy that they weren't completely musky like the other body parts that he'd been ground against of late.

"Rise and shine, sleepyhead."

He knew that voice, at least. He wiggled until he was able to peer through the toes properly. Telma was sitting at the edge of the bed, the 'roo still looking massive compared to him. He'd been aware of how she wasn't as big as Sasha was, not twice his size by any stretch, but if he was five-foot-four, then she was at least seven and a half feet tall, if not all the way up to eight. She wiggled her toes in his face, dancing them along his nose and his muzzle, and he blushed as his morning wood stiffened just a bit further between his legs.

"Mmmph...I'm awake," he muttered.

"You sure? I could keep petting to find out."

"I mean, if you want to."

The tawny-furred 'roo smiled, and it was a gentler thing than the teasing smirks of the other women. She stroked her paws along his cheeks, drawing them in, her toes tracing the upper and lower lines of his jaw as she pulled them further and further along his muzzle. A little shiver ran down his spine as she curled her toes just enough for the claws to drag through his fur, the blunt points making him almost giggle from the pleasurable feeling of them drawing lines through his fur.

As they reached his nose, she curled her toes tighter, tickling his face a bit more and pushing a hint of paw-musk right down his nostrils. Blitz groaned quietly, shifting his weight back and forth on the bed, and blushed as his ears pulled back against his head.

"Mmmph...this is a...a nice way to wake up."

"I'm glad! You went through it last night, and I wanted to give you a treat."

"Yeah, um...sorry know. Freaking out."

"It's okay."

"I mean - mmph!"

She pushed a toe right past his lips, and given that she was a kangaroo, that toe was fairly substantial, pushing down on his tongue and keeping it there. He could tell she must have showered recently, too, considering there was almost no sweat or taste on it, just the mild thing of fur and flesh.

...Oh god, I'm a freak. I shouldn't be disappointed about that...

"Shush. I'm giving you a treat, and then, we're going to head to the showers and get you prepped for the morning. Understand?"


"Good boy." She smiled, curling her other toes against his cheeks and giving them a playful squish. "Now, give it a couple of licks, and we'll get you all nice and clean and fluffy for the day ahead."

He did as he was told, sucking on her middle toe nearly as much as he had sucked on -

Reality came crashing down, and he almost choked as Telma pulled her toe back. Memories of the last night, of all the pit-licking, ass-worshiping, tit-nuzzling, and flat-out cock sucking that he'd done coming back to him all at once. He sputtered as she pulled her paws back, leaving him half-hacking over the side of the bed as he caught his breath.

"Oh dear. Are you okay?"

"Nnngh...just...everything catching up."


"It's...I'll be okay..."

Just a mild bit of panic, something to have to work through, something to remind him that he was kind of...

He reached for his neck, and he blushed as he remembered the collar. The membership card hung down like a dog tag, and he did his best not to think too hard about that. It was still something to get used to.

When he was able to breathe normally again, Telma helped him out of bed. He could walk without the wheelchair this time, and they walked through the gym to the locker room. Nobody else was awake yet, and the few glances at clocks that he was able to get told him that it wasn't even sunrise yet.

"This is...early," he muttered.

"Well, some of our clients like to get an early-morning work-out," Telma said. "We like to be ready for when they pop in."

"They're going to be sweatier, aren't they?"

"Probably; they work out hard before work and need to go in without any smells on them, so..."

She nodded up and down at his fluffy body and tail. He blushed; he was going to be useful just by virtue of his species even before his willingness factored into the equation. He rubbed the back of his head as Telma guided him under one of the shower-heads, leaning him against the wall.

"Let's start with your back and tail."

"Okay. Just, uh, careful with the fur."

"Don't worry. I'm good at the grooming side of things."

"You sure?"

"Trust me."

He nodded, closing his eyes as the warm water started flowing down his shoulders. She collected his tail in hand, guiding the water through it in the right direction - letting it flow through, raining down, then slowly gathering the fur together and running her claws through it delicately. It was a surprisingly pleasant feeling, and he was soon coming as close as a fox could to properly purring from the sensation. He leaned his head against the tiled wall as she pulled out a brush, slowly dragging it down his back, over his tail, and through his fluff, helping get rid of the remaining knots from the night before.

It didn't take long for his tail to feel sleek and shiny, and she even took the time to work a little conditioner and oil into the fluff. He wiggled his hips and flicked his tail from side to side when she finally let go, pulling it around to hug it to his chest for a moment.

"Better?" the kangaroo asked.

"Much," he admitted.

"Don't worry. There's always a grooming session after a workout."

"That's something. Thanks."

"Don't worry. Now, lean back."

He expected to be leaned so his back was to the wall, but instead, Telma gathered him against her chest. He flushed a bit red as she rested his head against her breasts, but he put that out of his mind, focusing instead on the pure pleasure of just being cushioned against such a big, beautiful woman.

It got better as she took her sudsy hands and ran them over his chest, his stomach, and even between his legs.

"Mmm, some of the ladies love that," she whispered, her lips tickling the tips of his long ears. "Just letting you know. Some of them are going to use that as a 'pump.'"

"A...a pump?" he asked, blushing.

"Let's just say that some of them have a few naughty fantasies of their own, and they like to go out 'marked.' Just to see if someone notices."

"Oh god."

"Now, let's make sure that you don't have any scent left on you, okay?" Telma said, slowly stroking her soaped-up hands along his shaft, both cleaning and teasing it with each slow stroke.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good boy."


Once he was cleaned, Blitz was relaxed. So relaxed, in fact, that he barely noticed the little chain attached to the back of his collar before Telma left the room. He only really picked up on the fact that it was there when he heard the clitter-clatter of the chain links nudging against each other. He paused, looked back...and blinked as the situation finally came together in his head.

He was chained, literally chained, to the middle of the shower. He could move as far as the shower-heads attached to any of the four walls of the room, but couldn't actually leave it to the locker room or the gym on the other end. The customers that came in would be able to drag him hither and yon, pulling him over to wipe themselves down or do whatever they wanted to his body, and then could drag him back to the middle.

He was exposed.


And despite every bit of nervous anxiety firing in the back of his brain, his dick was as hard as it could possibly get.

"You...Judas...Erection," he muttered under his breath.

Yet, even as he tried not to think too hard about how excited he was, he could hear the sounds of doors opening and closing, lockers flying open and things being thrown in. The morning shift of gym-goers were already checking in, getting their stuff prepped, and then...then they'd round the corner and...and see him.

Oh god...Oh god...

Blitz was a bottled-up mess of emotions, ranging from his wagging tail to his flicked-back ears to his boner that refused to go down in anticipation. Everything bubbled up so hot and so franticly that he couldn't actually react to any of them.

He was helpless as a doll. A helpless little fox doll that any of them ladies coming through could pick up and use.


The End

Summary: Blitz gets some of the rules of the gym, and learns his place.

Tags: M/I, M/F, M/M, Fennec Fox, Weasel, Zebra, Kangaroo, Various Species, Gym, Femdom, Female 'Superiority', Size Difference, Small Male, Sweat Rag, Handjobs, Circle Jerk, Paws, Foot Fetish, Domination, Bondage, Washing Up, Shower, Musk, Sweat,