Pokemon Gym

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#47 of 2022 Stories

Not the kind of gym normal Pokemon are used to at all!

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Gyms. Erakir was hardly familiar with them, though he had to work on his body as well as his mind. He didn't need to increase his strength substantially, his magic was more than enough to get him out of binds. However, his speed and endurance needed heavy work. He swore there were people running around for days without food, water, or sleep, and here the moogle couldn't get through a massive giant enemy without feeling winded! He was hardly dressed for a workout, but this gym was very open ended from what a young horse herm told him about, so he figured what the hey, check it out and see what it had to offer.

The two glass doors leading into the gym were absolutely massive. Erakir was short, mainly because he was a moogle, but the size of these doors dwarfed even humans. As he stepped inside, he noticed a lot of pokemon were in this gym. "I didn't think this was that kind of gym."

"It isn't." A masculine machoke said from behind Erakir with a chuckle on his face. Of course it was a machoke, these creatures were known for their buffness. "My name is Mike. This must be your first time."

Did his big eyes and jaw drop show it, or was it because he appeared scrawny compared to everyone else here? Or maybe because he wasn't a pokemon? He turned his head and watched a black cat anthro with white hair walk in looking just as amazed, soon being helped by another buff lucario male. Well, maybe they really did make it too obvious. Everything in this gym was giant though! He spotted the weights in the back and immediately knew there was no way he was going to be able to even lift the smallest ones as they were bigger than him! "Yeah, I'm just... a friend told me about this place and I thought I'd check it out. It's a little... big for me though."

"You'll grow into it." Mike said with a grin. "Stand up against that green screen. We love to take pictures of our customers before their first day and after. People love to see the transformation our newcomers undergo!"

Well, Mike was being assertive, Erakir figured. Still, he glanced at the green spot which was much too big. He walked up to the wall and put himself up against it. His head barely reached the bottom of the screen. "Okay, like this?" He turned his head to the side. "Do uh... I need a step stool or something?" This place probably was much too big for a little moogle like him.

"Nope, that's perfect." With a quick flash, Erakir's picture was taken. "We'll set this in the back for later. Now to get YOU set up with your new transformation!" Mike didn't give Erakir so much as a chance to move before he waltzed over and lifted him up. Mike the machoke grabbed Erakir by his head and lifted the moogle up, the moogle's pompom dangling between the machoke's fingers. "Everyone always grows into these and has a lot of fun. It's best to not question it and get started on the treadmill. We have a drink holder that's adjustable to your height so you can store water on there as you exercise. Many people find these holders slip downward though, so you might have to keep adjusting it." He said with a chuckle. He brought him over to a large black treadmill with a purple front and set him down on it. "Whenever you're ready, I can start it up for you."

Erakir had been picked up a few times before by giants, but this was ridiculous. "You could ASK me and I would be glad to walk there!" He swung his arms and legs around like a helpless child, only to be released on top of the large treadmill. True to Mike's words, the treadmill was big, and there was a water carrier that was... surprisingly easy to access. He brought a sports bottle with him, but he didn't expect to be thrust into working out so swiftly! He couldn't even reach the panels! His wings would allow him to fly up that high, but a normal human was unlikely to reach them either. "Wait, I don't have a gym outfit on!" He had his signature scarf, leggings, a jacket, and other sorts of clothing that hardly said he was ready for a long day of working out at the gym.

"It's okay. We have a very lenient policy on the clothes you can wear, in case you haven't noticed." The machoke chuckled.

Erakir glanced around and the machoke had a point. Even the machoke himself was only wearing black tight underwear. The tip of the machoke's human shaped cock poked out the tip. Erakir also noticed several other nude pokemon. Well, pokemon were often nude in some manner he guessed. "Right...okay fine, start it, but please start it small." Erakir set out the water bottle he carried on the side. He was never sure where his items ever came from, he just... had an inventory he opened up and that's how he got his items.

The machoke chuckled and started up the treadmill on a slow speed. "It will pick up over time. Be sure to keep up the pace, I know you can do it!" He walked away from Erakir with a grin on his face.

Erakir watched the Machoke leave, getting a good look at his big buff butt before the treadmill jerked forward. "Ack!" He was caught off guard, but thankfully the pace was slow enough that he was able to casually start walking forward. "Sheesh. I don't even get time to set up music or headphones or any of that junk, just straight 'get to exercising!' this place doesn't fuck around." He was impressed by that. He had also expected there to be a fee, and yet... Well, he wasn't going to complain about not needing to pay, now was the time to work out!

Erakir was a bit surprised that he didn't have to even lose his scarf. His pompom bounced up and down with every step he took while his scarf... mostly clung to his side as he wasn't walking very fast. The speed was set at a very low pace. He was tempted to raise it himself, but he considered this a warmup.

After a few minutes of walking, Erakir smirked. Yes, this was so easy for him. The moogle wanted to fly up there and change the pace, but his wings were pretty short. The moogle flapped them as hard as he could and he was lifted up with ease. 'Whew. Good thing I don't have to exercise on these babies!' He thought to himself. He stared at the panel in front of him and saw all sorts of buttons and knobs. "Uh..." At the bottom he saw a display that read 0.5 and a 0.0 along with one last display that read 5%. He assumed 0.5 was the speed and 0.0 might have been... the incline? He was vaguely familiar with treadmills though he didn't use them that much. He had no idea what the 5% was for though. With a shrug, he upped the 0.5 to 0.7 and watched as the treadmill picked up speed. "That's what I'm talking about." He landed back on the treadmill and began to walk once more. "Perfect. Still a bit slow, but it's better than before!" He could do this with ease! How long did this normally go for? Ah well, he'd weather it no problem.

After some time, Erakir's clothing began to feel a bit tight on his body. Well, this place was fairly open ended with their clothing policy, and this was no place to wear a jacket! He took off his purple jacket and looked around for somewhere to set it. He saw lockers for men and women, but he was hesitant to go in them. So many others around him were... big and muscular. With a light sigh, he fluttered upwards and put the jacket on the handlebar before he went back to walking on the treadmill. He felt better already! Even if his shoes were now feeling very uncomfortable, as if he picked a size too small. "Ugh, I don't want to walk barefoot on this thing." He could only imagine what kind of creatures exercised on this treadmill. Did they keep this gym clean? The machoke didn't spray off the equipment before he got on it! With a frown he turned his head from side to side. Sure, pokemon were walking around barefoot, but he was a moogle, and...

Okay, moogles were often naked.

Erakir slipped off his shoes and let them fall off the treadmill from behind. He'd worry about putting them away later he figured. He was happy to let his paws breathe freely and sighed. His entire body was growing hot, but he blamed the exercising. Heck, he even felt his belly starting to jiggle, but maybe that was because he was fatter than he thought. "I'll just keep walking on this until I'm too tired to keep going, and if I get hotter, I'll get totally naked if I must!" He said to himself proudly, ignoring the glances he got from the other pokemon in the gym.

Erakir was unaware that his feet were twice their original size and were taking on an orange hue. Three sharp claws poked out of his merging toes, but he just walked along. A growing gut slowly bobbed up and down with his pompom, but he wasn't going to let that get to him! Unfortunately, it wasn't long before his pants were feeling tight from a growing ass. "Ugh." He would be happy to take off his top, which was also getting tight, but removing his leggings and pants was something else entirely! He said he was willing to go naked, but he didn't think it would occur this fast. "Maybe I really am out of shape." He mumbled to himself as the treadmill let out a beep before it picked up the pace, increasing to that of slightly faster than a walk.

The moogle wished he had some music to play as he kept walking. He looked in front of him and noticed televisions hanging from the walls and a spot to plug in headphones, but he wasn't sure he was into watching television anyway. His eyes turned to see a pokemon to the left and in front of him, a gardevoir, a big busty one with an ass that bounced along with her tits. This gardevoir did not try to hide her assets and it made him wonder if she were here to work out, or here to find someone to play with. He reached out to grab the water bottle he set aside earlier in a vain attempt to distract him, only to realize the bottle must have slipped downwards. "He was right, I do have to adjust it." He broke his gaze from the gardevoir and raised the height of the bottle, unaware that more of his body was exposed to the world as his clothing grew tighter. "Ugh... maybe I should just take my top off." He mumbled as the heat kept growing.

Unable to withstand the heat, Erakir took off his top and tossed it aside, letting it join his shoes at the back of the treadmill. He half wanted to take a break to put everything away, but his friend, a young cat that wasn't the same one that came in, told him that he had to exercise for a good fifteen minutes before his fat would start burning and he'd start seeing results. Not that he was normally worried about fat, but the moment he tossed his shirt, he noticed a pudge in his belly that bounced lightly with every step. "I really got to start coming here more often." He told himself with a slow nod. His fur also looked a bit different. He brushed his hand along it to feel how... finer it felt? Maybe his fur always felt like that and he never paid attention to it. With a casual shrug, he kept moving along, trying to ignore his leggings and shorts that were also growing so tight, along with the slight fat in his chest.

Erakir's leggings grew tighter and tighter. He could feel sweat sticking to his fur inside of it, and his clothes were starting to become too much. Yes he was topless, but dammit now his bottoms weren't right. Worse yet, it felt as if something was stuck above his ass, just dying to come out!

Unable to take it anymore, with a light groan, Erakir slowed his pace on the treadmill and placed both of his hands on his ass. His butt felt so much bigger... more plump, and so good to the touch! He refrained from showing off how much he was enjoying the feeling, despite his shaft pulsing to life in front of him, and instead slipped his fingers underneath his clothes and let them drop from his rear. His butt bounced out to life, as if happy to be free, so excited that even his scaly tail wiggled happily!

'Wait. Scaly tail?' Erakir turned his back and saw a tail no bigger than 6 inches in length. "Woah..." the tail was very hot too, especially the tip. It wasn't hot enough to make him swear, but as he thought about it, he hadn't really sweat at all. Sure, he was hot and bothered, but his body wasn't showing it besides radiating heat. "Ugh. My pants are still so tight." It was as if his thighs ballooned inside of his clothing. He shouldn't be getting bigger, yet the more he looked at himself, the more right it felt. No, he wasn't a pure moogle. He was a... something? An orange scaly lizard and moogle, maybe a bangga? Whatever that species was called, he didn't know. Those creatures weren't so... hot though. He felt as if there was a burning fire in his chest. Maybe he was part dragon? Yeah, that had to be it. That explained why his clothes were so tight, they were fit for a pure moogle and he wasn't that!

The treadmill picked up its pace and Erakir walked happily along. He dropped his pants, leggings, and even underwear, walking on the treadmill nearly naked now except for his scarf, the one thing he had no intention of removing no matter how hot things got. His erect cock bobbed freely with his pompom in front of him, though this shaft felt weaker than before, mostly hidden underneath the layer of fat that was his stomach and growing tits that he just thought was more fat. His big butt bounced behind him for all to stare at, though he cared not for onlookers, he had stamina to raise!

The moogle was unaware of how much bigger he was getting. By now he had gained at least two feet in height, yet he seemed oblivious to it. He reached down and pulled up the water bottle again, rolling his eyes at how the thing kept slipping. He could almost reach the controls, but not quite. His stroll continued as he listened to whatever music was playing overhead, something about 'gotta catch them all', not the kind of music he'd be caught listening to. The more he looked around, the more pokemon he noticed. There was a cat anthro in here before wasn't there? Where the heck did he run off to? Besides that other cat and Erakir, there was nobody but pokemon, mostly buff men and women. He looked down at his arms and flexed his furry arm to find some mass, but not much. 'Huh. Is that orange underneath? Well, of course it would be. A dragon with orange is pretty normal...' He thought to himself very briefly.

As Erakir continued to exercise, he felt his body bounce freely without the restraint of clothes to hold him back. He blushed lightly, thinking about getting some new clothing, maybe something to stop his butt from bobbing and his... tits from jiggling, but... tits? No, he was just fatz so what if he had a pudgy belly and breasts that were beginning to stick out farther than that, it was just fat! Another thing bugging him was his growing erection he couldn't resolve. He wished he could just... stroke himself off with his hands or maybe get someone to aid him with his growing problem, but he still had his dignity. There was a difference between nudity out in the open for a pokemon hybrid and flat out sex!

A quick glance around the gym and he noticed several Pokemon were indeed having sex right out in the open, regardless of who's eyes glanced in their direction. Male, female, it mattered not the gender of the Pokemon, several were sexing it up, often on the gym equipment. How had Erakir not noticed this before? Surely many Pokemon were exercising, but others were 'lifting weights' in their own creative methods.

Erakir's eyes continued to gloss over the gym. It was... surprisingly easy to look around, but then again at six feet in height it wasn't a challenge to look over the heads of a few of the shorter people. He chuckled deeply at the thought of being small. Yes, a small Dom was sexy, but it wasn't Erakir. He noticed a clothing store located within the gym and he was a bit surprised. What kind of business did that place get? Based on nude Pokemon walking in and gym clothed ones walking out, probably pretty decent. He made a mental note to take a gander on that shop once he was done warming up, which while it felt like an eternity, he was feeling the burn.

'Huh. I really am feeling like something is burning.' Erakir thought to himself. He let out a deep huff and turned around. The tip of his tail swished around happily, now at least three feet long, but that wasn't what felt off to him. "Ahn... ahn..." Why was he feeling so weak all of a sudden? He hadn't worked out that much. Heck, this treadmill wasn't going a step beyond slow! Yet, he felt as if he were going to die. "H-hey... I know what's wrong." With a deep huff, a small bolt of flame shot out of his mouth and struck the tip of his tail before landing on the wall behind the treadmill, nearly striking a busty Cinderace in the process. The chesty Cinderace shot daggers at Erakir.

Erakir blushed and turned his head. "Sorry!" He called out. Well, at least he got his problem taken care of. His tail wasn't lit! No wonder he didn't have a fire under his belly, because he didn't have one at the tip of his scaly tail! He stretched out his wings, hearing his bones crack many times as he stretched them, wings so long they reached the tip of his arms when spread out. Hah, tiny wings were for wimps. Erakir's wings were so big that they could reach the sides of that treadmill which now felt so much more... Well, it was big, but to say it wasn't his size wasn't right. He could reach the controls easily after all. Still, something about all of this felt strange. "Hm... exercising really does transform a person." He said to himself, not even considering for a moment how strange his form really was.

Erakir looked at his scaly arms with white tipped claws. Nothing about them seemed strange. He flexed his fingers, and then his entire arm proudly. He was strong, but he could be stronger. Dragons were naturally... wait. That's what was wrong with him! He wasn't a dragon! He has a firey tipped tail, big huge wings, and a neck that slowly pushed upwards. He was a pokemon! Well, part pokemon, part moogle. He was a Charizard! A... female Charizard? He wasn't sure about that last part. Sure he had the big hips and massive ass that brought all the pokeboys to the yard, but he had a... cock? 'It's a good thing this treadmill isn't going very fast, I have time to feel down there!' he thought to himself gleefully. Maybe someone would see him cop a feel on his body... but that was the whole point of the gym, right? Not just get healthy, but plenty of... 'exercise' too!

'Right. I was checking my gender.' The... charizard? Yes, the charizard thought. They were part moogle, the pompom bouncing in front of their view told them as such, but they were more pokemon than moogle. Now it was checking their gender. They reached down between their legs and let out a soft "Mph" As their hand touched their crotch. They swore they felt their cock and balls down there not a moment ago, but now they felt... nothing. Nothing but a deep wet slit. "Ahn... so I'm...ahn..." Erakir coughed, their voice going slightly higher. "A female. Right. I'm a girl." How was she ever confused about her gender in the first place? And here she was, stroking her cunt in front of everyone! Well, it was more to show off!

"Ahn..." Erakir's wings stretched again. She raised up her neck as it popped several times. Her neck was so stiff, along with the rest of her body! Fuck, she needed a massage after this. Good thing the gym offered chairs that did it for her! She had barely walked on this treadmill yet she was getting so hot and bothered, but maybe that was because of her charizard heritage. Her feet looked like normal human feet, except orange and scaled with claw tips. She had thick thighs going up to her dripping nether lips and a big swinging tail that was on fire. She had some moogle in her... didn't she? She raised her head to see a blue... thing fall off it and hit the treadmill. Her big feet stepped on it casually, and she shrugged. Moogle? The hell was a moogle? It sounded sexy, but it didn't describe Erakir at all. Maybe Erakir thought Moogle was sexy because it had 'Mo' in front of it, ah to be a Mo herself, a mom to be precise. She really had to thank that horse that introduced her to this gym! Or maybe... well, the horse wasn't a pokemon, but there were other pokemon around here that were obviously quite into open relationships. Erakir cocked her head from side to side, her neck popping more as it did so. She had a very long neck by now, but that was quite normal for a charizard.

"Mppph. I'm starting to get too hot and bothered to work out." Erakir told herself. Ugh, she had been on here too long. Well, heat didn't bother her too much as she was a fire type after all. She was glad she didn't have any fur otherwise she might have been even hotter! No, from head to her clawed feet she had plenty of orange scales, lighter in the front, and darker in the back. She was a real charizard anthro with big bouncing tits, and that was bothering her the most! Why didn't she wear her sports bra? Ugh, her ass bounced so much too and sure it looked sexy as hell, but... well, maybe that was why she did it. Appealing to the other pokemon to see if she could find someone. She had a few onlookers, but she thought she had to be a bit more assertive. "Come on Er...uh..." "Erica. Yeah." Erakir, what a weird name. She grabbed the scarf around her neck... no, it was a towel, and she wiped herself off with it while she casually picked up the clothing she had taken off before. "I suppose nudity is fine here, but outside the gym alas, I have to cover my girls."

Erica slipped on her shorts that were too short and did little to hide that big bouncy charizard ass. She then put on her top which hid her nipples, but left little to the imagination. She then turned to the side and saw another woman, a big busty lucario. Hah, that big beautiful woman lucario was so cute, yet so familiar. The eye colors of that lucario reminded her of someone... Jasper? Ah yes, that was her name! That reminded Erica of her own eye colors, a flaming orange, just like a charizard should be! She grabbed her purse which was also set at the base of her treadmill and pulled out her ID. She walked up to Jasper and gave her a hip bump while the two of them stood in front of a mirror together. "Hey cutie." She teased with a smirk. Not a man like she wanted, but she'd have fun with a woman now and then too.

Jasper smirked at Erica and gave her a rump bump right back. "Hey yourself. You find any studs? I got a nice one." A buff male lucario walked up to the female one, and Jasper was quick to wrap her arms around the big strong man and giggle at Erica.

Erica shrugged. "I'll find one, don't you worry." She turned her attention to the mirror. Ugh, even when they built these places for big women like her, they still felt so small. She had two big horns on her head with not a single sign of a silly pompom. She lacked hair, but she was a charizard after all, that was normal, just like her long neck was also normal, and perfect for sucking cocks. She had a big pot belly with tits that were so massive she could stuff a person in them and lose them for days, and she'd be more than happy to do just that! Her ass bounced and swayed with every step, just as she desired it to. Her massive tail swung behind her, lit aflame with the burning fires of passion. Her long legs were thick and that's how she loved it. She was a MILF tried and true. Well, she lacked the M part, but she had the age of one. She intended on fixing that though, and this gym was a great place to do it. She recalled that machoke from earlier, and while that was tempting, she had also seen a male rapidash earlier. Oh, how she'd love to see if their cock was as big as a horse's own. She kept her towel wrapped around her neck, sort of... attached to it, but it was just a gym towel. She could give it to someone else and she wouldn't care, she could always get another one.

The milf Erica casually walked to the entrance, but the machoke waved her over. With a smile on her face, she walked over to him. "Hey, I just did a bit of work on the treadmill. It's lovely you have a gym perfect for large pokemon such as myself." This place probably couldn't fit some of the bigger ones like a wailord, but then again what place could? Either way, she was in love with this place to accommodate her size. She was rarely able to get somewhere where she could spread her wings.

The machoke nodded. "I saw. You were getting so into it that you took off your clothes briefly. Not that I'm complaining, it was quite a view." The machoke chuckled.

Erica didn't so much as blush at the comment. She leaned on the counter between her and the other pokemon and batted her eyes with a smile. "If you'd like, I can give you a more... up close and personal experience of my behind." She gave her ass a wiggle for any onlookers behind her.

"That sounds lovely. By the way, would you mind if we took your picture? We took one when you first came in, but we love to get our before and after workouts of our newer members, get people motivated when they see what a world of a difference this place makes!"

"Absolutely. Just be sure to capture my good side." Erica grinned devilishly toward the machoke as she walked to the side where there was a large green screen. She stood in front of it and held up her claws with two fingers pointed toward her face, giving a huge smile as the camera flashed.

"Excellent! We'll put this one right next to the previous photo in the back and we'll get another copy out front, have a lovely day ma'am!" The machoke spoke happily. "If you want some fun with me, I'll be done with my shift in a few hours."

Oh, how tempting it was to snag a man from the locker room, especially as that BBW lucario walked out with a buff male one. Waiting for that rapidash was tempting, but Erica had another idea. She had to... properly thank the one that introduced her to this gym in the first place. She didn't think it would take long either, so she could come right back for this machoke. "Sounds lovely. I'll be back in 'a few hours.'" She blew a kiss to the machoke before walking out, happy that they built doors for a 10 foot charizard girl such as herself! The moment she stepped out, her striped towel blew away with a gust of wind, but that thing didn't matter to her that much. It was just a towel after all, and she had more important matters to attend to! "Now... let's go pay someone a special visit and thank them properly."

As Erica left, the machoke grabbed the developed photo and walked in the back. He put the photo of the new busty tall charizard right next to the former moogle, and right below a cat anthro which had a picture of a BBW lucario next to it. He was quite satisfied with his work, but he knew it never ended. There were always more lives to transform, and he'd be ready!