Shin Megami Tensei: A Summoner And His Onis 5

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#5 of Shin Megami Tensei

Ken attends a meeting with the settlement leaders and decide that an alliance with another settlement would be good. Knowing that relations with demons and humans can easily break with the other settlements, they decide to ally with one that has already established their connection with demons. The representative summoner of the power plant is chosen to form the alliance with Ken, will this alliance go as smoothly as they want to?

Following General Ose's defeat, Ken had been called to a meeting between the settlement leaders of their home. While they may have grown stronger and were now more than able to be defended with the abundance of demons now on their side, a concern was raised by the leaders. His friends, Mitch, and Alex, had also been invited to provide their opinion on the situation.

"We've been able to make the demons side with us with your help Ken, that much is apparent. But now we're facing a new problem. Other settlements. A lot of them haven't accepted that we now need to live alongside demons now more than ever" One of the leaders said to Ken.

"And we've still yet to reveal our affiliation with demons to the other settlements. If they discover that our settlement is utilizing demons for our daily lives, it could lead to several misunderstandings" Another settlement leader brought up.

Ken never thought about other humans trying to attack them, and knew that if the demons tried to defend them, they'd either think that the whole settlement has been enslaved or they have sided with demons.

"Maybe we can establish some sort of truce?" Mitch proposed.

"That might still provide misunderstandings, the difference would just be that we would be more open about it" The settlement leader warned Mitch.

"Let them try to attack us, and then they'll see that we're not trying to attack them at all. Then they'll see that the demons are no longer trying to attack humans" Alex gave his idea.

"That would be a risky move, the demons can fend for themselves but we can't risk any potential human casualties if the other human settlements are as paranoid as we think" Another settlement leader told Alex.

Ken then got an idea, it wasn't an immediate solution, but it was a solution that would be sound for now.

"What about forming a truce with a settlement that already uses demons?" Ken asked the settlement leaders.

The leaders thought about it for a second, thinking that it might have some risks. However, it was the best idea that they had, one that was better than just waiting for other human settlements to discover that their settlement was allied with demons.

"Alright Ken, but please try to be discreet with your alliance, we don't want anything drawing attention to our settlement" One of the leaders warned him.

"I'll try to negotiate and talk about forming a truce with their summoner, if that's what you're worried about. I'm aware there's more than one summoner but I'll try to request to see only one if I can" Ken told the leaders.

This seemed to satisfy them at the very least.

"Well then try to welcome this summoner as warmly as you can. The last thing we need is to offend and make an enemy out of one" The leaders told them.

"We'll try to greet them as warmly as we can" Mitch said.

"A little hospitality with our demons won't hurt as well" Alex agreed with Mitch.

As Ken stood up from his seat, people who were completely new to them stepped inside the meeting room, which was not something that the community leaders of the mall settlement or Ken and his friends had expected to happen.

"What's the meaning of this? I thought I specifically asked that we were not to be disturbed here" One of the community leaders complained as they looked at the newcomers.

"We apologize, but we all came here from a specific purpose" Said one of the newcomers.

"You come in here and demand something from us after barging here without our consent?" Another community leader said as they eyed the new people who disturbed their meeting.

"We apologize but it's far more important that we send this message to you as soon as possible" One of the people insisted to the community leaders.

The community leaders looked at each other and decided to hear them out.

"Alright then, let's hear it. What do you need from us?" The community leaders finally agreed to listen to them.

"As you can see, we all came here by our own volition to ask you for something, for we are emissaries from our settlements" One of the people told the leaders.

"Then why send so many of you just to deliver one message?" A community leader asked them.

"Because we all came from different settlements, none of us live together on the same one. But we all had the same message and request that our settlement needs from yours. When we had realized we all had the same interests with each other, we decided to come to your settlement and want to trade with you" The emissaries told the leaders.

"I think I know where this is going. Please continue, what will you trade with us, and for what?" The leaders asked them.

"We want to trade our food, materials, and any tools that you may demand that we have, but in exchange, you'll have to trade with us a fair amount of your demons. We know that you have more than enough to spare with more than a few settlements. You have a mall full of them and we could certainly use some bolstered protection from demon invasions" The emissaries informed the leaders.

"I was afraid you'd say that. We will comply, but only when we decide that the time will come for us to hand over demons to any of you. We'll have to find a way to make demon summoning devices to lend any of you our demons. Although the demons here are friendly enough, a demon summoning device will be required to gain any sort of control of a demon, as well as making them stronger. Once we make our own demon summoning devices to give you, we will be sending one of our people to any of you to give you your promised demons. What happens after that will be up to your own discretion, it will be your responsibility to train and discipline your own demons as you see fit. Although since these demons came from here, we have a certain... Diet that we give them regularly, especially since demons scarcely raid our settlement" One of the leaders informed the emissaries.

"And what is that diet? Are you referring to humans?" One of the emissaries asked hesitantly.

"No, nothing of the sort. Nothing so barbaric. We will tell you when the time comes though. All you may know right now is that it's nothing to be concerned about. You may return to your settlements and inform them of this news. Feel free to take any supplies on the way back as a sign of our good grace. Rest assured we will be giving you what you want, all we ask is you give us some time" The settlement leaders promised the emissaries.

The emissaries bowed their heads in appreciation.

"We are glad to receive this good news. We appreciate your hospitality. Again, we apologize for barging in on your meeting, but we were so worried that we couldn't wait any longer for your response to our message. We will inform our settlements about this great news. We will be eagerly awaiting your assistance, as well as trading with you eventually" The emissaries thanked the leaders before leaving the room.

Ken felt a bit worried with how the other settlements would react to what they were doing to the demons, and see it as something that violated the rights of demons, but shook it off. If they were going to be receiving any demons from them for their own protection, they'd do well to accept their new lifestyle to accommodate them in their own settlements.

"Since we promised them our own demons, I think it's a safe bet to form a truce with only one settlement for now and take things slow. The power plant seems like a good idea, I heard they use demons too" Alex pitched in.

"Hmm... That would be best. It's not too far, and they already have some sort of relationship with demons already. We'll send a messenger to go there, and tell them that we will form a truce with them. Although I still worry, so we'll have them send a representative to the settlement soon, so be sure to greet them warmly Ken" The leaders told Ken.

"You can count on us, you can say that the truce is already as good as done" Ken assured the leaders.

"Good, you're dismissed. Be sure to station yourself near the checkpoint and greet our guest" The leaders bid him as Ken and his two friends left.

As the two friends began making their way to the checkpoint, Mitch had some concerns about their would be visitor.

"What if they disfavor the way we treat our demons?" Mitch asked Ken.

"Then we'll just have to let them experience it. I'm sure that they'll approve by the time we're done showing off our demons" Ken smirked as he thought of an orgy with even more demons from other settlements.


In the power plant settlement, there lived a slick backed haired twink named Collin, who had gotten his hands on a demon summoning device on one of his scavenging duties.

He presented it to the leaders of his settlement, and had deemed him worthy of being a summoner.

At the time, Collin thought that he'd at most, get a moderately powerful demon, but to his surprise, not only did he receive a legendarily powerful one, but one that seemed to have an important status.

Kneeling before him, the demon, Flauros, a demon general in another country, and was the brother of General Ose, except with a red hue on his fur.

"You are me, and I am you. You have summoned I, and I shall answer your call, my summoner. I have awaited the day I will be called, although it took quite a bit longer than I have anticipated. I admit, I was becoming comfortable leading an army of demons against your kind. Hmhmhm... It'll be an interesting outcome to see myself fighting the army that I raised one day" Flauros said as he was summoned by Collin.

Flauros then looked up at Collin, and then became shocked by what he saw.

"You don't look too significant or remarkable to be able to summon me" Flauros commented as he looked up and down at Collin.

"He does look kind of hot" Collin thought as he kept that comment to himself as he looked at the muscular anthro cheetah up and down, staring at his barely clothed form.

Flauros looked around him, and recognized the area that they were standing in.

"This is General Ose's territory... But I will do my best to protect you and this place and stave off my brother's wrath, and show you that my loyalty lies in my new summoner. Ose is a viscious general, so don't count on him ignoring you long enough to survive" Flauros claimed.

To Flauros' surprise however, Collin didn't even seem scared about General Ose, who was a feared general of a demon army of a region that they were both currently in.

"Heh, do you really think that? Guess what, General Ose's already been defeated by another settlement, and the exciting part is that he's now a summoner's demon himself" Collin gloated and smirked at him.

This realization caused Flauros to become concerned, knowing that Ose is a formidable foe, and being defeated by a summoner, there would be even more powerful demons to follow after him.

"Not only is Ose's defeat going to scatter across the lands, but my own army in a different country would decimate itself as the other demons will be fighting over his position as a demon general now that he was gone, and the humans will recognize this and attack them in their vulnerable and confused state.

"Why is this even a big deal?" Collin asked Flauros, thinking that it was a good thing that any threat against the humans would be gone without them doing anything anymore.

"Because it will attract Lucifer, the demon lord's top two generals, Belial and Lucifuge, who will reign terror on the humans" Flauros informed Collin.

This started making Collin concerned now, and now that he was a summoner, he was now directly involved with this.

"What do you suggest we do before that happens then?" Collin asked Flauros.

"We should go over to where General Ose is being held right now" Flauros told Collin.

Collin started getting suspicious about this, especially with how similar he looked to General Ose.

"Why should I even trust you?" Collin asked Flauros.

"When a demon is summoned by a summoner's device, that means the device recognizes the summoner is strong enough to control the demons, and demons like us value strength above all else. So even if a normal looking human has summoned us, we will obey them" Flauros reasoned with Collin.

"Alright, then that probably means I can trust you. I didn't think that a demon would say something as flattering like that to a human actually. Fine, we will go to the mall settlement soon, and we will be talking to the former demon general then. That is, if they let us" Collin agreed with Flauros' plan, a bit flattered by what Flauros had said before they saw someone approaching them.

It was a messenger from the mall settlement, based on the way he was dressed, as all the messengers from the mall settlement were.

"Are you Collin? The one that had just become a summoner?" The messenger asked him, wanting to confirm his identity despite a demon being next to him.

"Yes, my name is Collin, and yes I just summoned my first demon. What is it that you wanted from me?" Collin asked the messenger.

"The mall settlement has decided that you will be the representative of this settlement, and is asking you to come over to us and have a talk with one of our summoners, Ken. We were hoping that you'd agree to come, of course we will try to negotiate this alliance with any benefits you want to propose, within reason" The messenger told him.

Hearing this, it was a very opportunistic moment for Collin since he was going there anyway, and an alliance would be beneficial between both settlements. The power plant settlement could supply energy and building materials with the mall settlement, while the latter could supply them with food and water.

"Alright, you can tell them I will be going there soon. I will just be saying goodbye to everyone first before I leave" Collin told the messenger.

"We will be expecting you then" The messenger of the mall settlement then left and went back the way he came from.

"Well, looks like we got a direct invitation to General Ose" Collin smirked at Flauros.

Flauros nodded, this was indeed a very good opportunity to talk to the other settlement and Ose as well.

"First, I will be bidding my friends farewell and to let them know where I'm heading" Collin said as he started heading towards where his friends were.

His friends were summoners as well, summoners before he became one.

The first one was Oscar, who had summoned Grendel, a giant with long flowing hair and glowing eyes.

Marty, who had summoned Anthras, a demon who looked like an anthro owl.

Trent, who had summoned Purski, a yellow elephant demon.

And Lyle, who summoned Take-Minakata, a demon with no arms and bound by rope.

"Guys, sorry but, I'm going to have to leave" Collin told his friends.

His friends were confused by what he meant.

"Why? Are you moving into another settlement?" Oscar asked Collin.

"No, a messenger told someone from the mall settlement needs to talk to me. Something about an alliance" Collin told them.

"Alright, well then we'll come with you then" Marty suggested.

"No, the messenger only asked for me. I don't want to get into a misunderstanding" Collin declined.

"Really? Just you? Didn't you just become a summoner?" Trent asked Collin.

"Yes, but I think it's because I just became one that they want to talk to me I think" Collin reiterated.

"Oh I see... Well be careful, as much as we're all humans on the same side, we can't fully trust the mall settlement, at least not yet. Especially with how powerful they've become" Lyle warned him.

"Of course, I just need to talk and negotiate with this Ken guy and I'll be able to make a truce between our settlements. I just wanted to let you guys know I'm going there, so you don't have to assume the worst" Collin told his friends.

His friends nodded in understanding. At the very least, if he did went missing, his friends would know where to go.


After packing some supplies, Collin and Flauros made their way over to the mall settlement, and was nearing it when they came upon a checkpoint close to the entrance.

At the checkpoint however, there was a summoner and his five oni that were waiting for him.

"Hello, you must be Collin right?" Ken asked Collin.

"Yes, yes I am. Who are you?" Collin asked Ken.

"I am Ken, and these are my demons. We have been waiting for you Collin, I hope that you desire to make an alliance with us since you came here. We just finished our guard patrol earlier, so I'm happy that you " Ken greeted Collin.

Collin looked at Ken, as well as how muscular and powerful looking the five oni were, thinking about how much they had been working out since they were very much in shape.

"They got pretty large asses, their pecs are huge too..." Collin thought as he looked at the oni.

"The five of you seem really powerful... I wonder, were you the ones who had defeated General Ose?" Flauros asked the five oni.

"Yes, we had defeated him, and had claimed him as one of our own. You could say that he has become rather... Friendlier afterwards" Ongyo-Ki informed Collin and Flauros.

Flauros was surprised by the last part. Ose? Friendly? That was not something he expected to hear about his brother, especially with how bloodthirsty he was.

"Can you lead us to Ose and his summoner then? I would like to meet General Ose himself, my demon, Flauros, wants to warn him and everyone else of a danger" Collin requested Ken.

Ken nodded and reached for the intercom in the checkpoint's desk, and started speaking.

"An outsider will be heading into west hall B of Mitch's house" Ken spoke into the mic before turning towards Collin again.

"We're going to have to wait for a few minutes first, for 'security' reasons" Ken said, making his oni chuckle to themselves.

After waiting 5 minutes, Ken and Collin, along with their demons had began walking down the hall.

Many humans and demons were milling about, before they saw Collin and Flauros, before smirking intently at them.

"All the demons here have very high power levels, almost as powerful as me it seems. These demons must be trained by the humans frequently to gain such high levels. How do you train them?" Flauros asked Ken as he observed the demons they passed by, and even hearing a combination of human and demon groans, and assumed that they were training.

"The training is straining to both the humans and demons" Ken smiled at Flauros, causing the other demons to laugh.

Collin just stared at the demons they passed by, and saw that they all had big, fat asses and pecs.

When they finally reached Mitch's house, Ken knocks on the door and opens it, revealing Mitch, Alex, Rakshasa, and Gagyson sitting on the couch together while playing a party game.

Ose, seeing his brother, immediately welcomed him.

"Brother! It's good to see you" Ose hugged Flauros, who hugged him back.

But as they both parted, Ose realized that since Flauros was here, that meant that he had become a summoner's demon, making things more complicated.

"Yes dear brother, I have come. And I noticed that you had become stronger as well thanks to the help of the humans. But now that both our armies are in disarray, Lucifer will be sending Belial and Lucifuge to investigate what happened" Flauros greeted his brother and warned him about what will happen.

"While the humans and demons here are strong enough to fight, many of the other settlements may be vulnerable again" Ken stated.

"Then you will have to share the training with the other settlements as well for their safety, we'll need to get as much help as we can if we hope to defeat Belial and Lucifuge" Flauros advised everyone.

"Do you really want to see how I got stronger Flauros?" Ose asked his brother.

"Yes, I wish to know, especially with the impending battle that would eventually happen" Flauros agreed, wanting to know how to get as strong as the other demons in the settlement.

Ose smirked and scooched closer to Mitch, before climbing onto Mitch's lap and rubbing his hands over Mitch's body and begins making out with him.

Flauros and Collin were shocked, seeing Ose hungrily darting his tongue in and out of Mitch's mouth, with the human doing the same as they lewdly shared each other's saliva, even swallowing eagerly as they intertwined their tongues like lovers.

"The fastest and most efficient way to gain magnetite and grow stronger is to be topped by humans. The only side effects as a result is our physiques changing and adjusting to be sluttier, and a desire to have sex and breed with humans" Ose explains as he and Mitch returned to kissing each other again, with Mitch's cock sliding in and out between Ose's rear end, precumming against the demon general's fur and ass.

Alex approached Rakshasa and Gagyson from behind and roughly shoved his fingers inside each of their rears, making the two demons immediately start screaming and moaning as they fell with their asses up in the air while their human partner kept molesting their holes.

"Show them your true colors" Alex demanded the two demons.

Flauros half expected one of them to slice Alex's head clean off, but instead they turned around, still having their asses fingered, and began licking along Alex's neck and muscular chest, making Flauros surprised and astounded at how low and slutty that the other demons besides his brother had fallen.

Meanwhile, Ken got surrounded by the four oni, with Fuu-Ki going behind Ken and pulling his pants down, licking his lips as he looked at Ken's puckered hole before digging his tongue inside and eating out the human.

"Nguwaahh... Hah...!" Ken moaned as his ass got eaten out by his oni, who were practically worshipping his body, something nobody would ever think that a weaker human would ever receive from the physically superior oni.

Red then stood behind Ken as well, but instead licked his neck, and giving the summoner hickies and playing with the human's smoother skin.

Ken turned his head and gave Red a deep kiss as they mingled their tongues with each other, and making out, showing each other's passion towards one another in front of Collin and Flauros.

Kin-Ki and Ongyo-Ki seized the moment and latched their mouths onto Ken's nipples.

Kin-Ki was more gentle, suckling slowly and circling his tongue around Ken's nipple, treating his chest and pecs with care.

Ongyo-Ki on the other hand, bit onto the nipple and pulled on it a bit, making Ken groan in pain as the elasticity of his nipple reached it's limit and let go, before going back to roughly kissing and licking the nipple to soothe it.

"Uwah... G-Go easy guys...!" Ken warned his oni as he looked at Sui-Ki.

Sui-Ki turned around and bent over, before hotdogging Ken's cock on his rear, teasing and daring his summoner to fuck him nice and hard in front of these strangers they just met.

Sui-Ki lewdly shook his large ass towards Ken's cock, teasing it as it precummed and lubricated his slutty rear, it was visible that Ken was raring to go at any moment and pulverize Sui-Ki's ass without any hesitation or genteness.

"Heh, can't get enough of my cock can you?" Ken asked Sui-Ki, before slapping his ass and punishing him for how slutty he was.

"Ngahhh... Y-Y-Yes... I can't get enough of your cock Ken...!" Sui-Ki moaned as he received several more slaps from Ken.

"A human's strength can also be increased by being topped by a demon, and as you can see from my appearance, I gained muscle mass out of it too" Ken informed Collin.

"Do you want Ose here to tend to your cock too, Collin?" Mitch offered Ose to Collin.

Collin was already hard just watching these people go at it, so naturally he responded positively towards this offer and accepted it.

"Fuck yeah! Come here slut, show me how much you're worth!" Collin beckoned Ose to come to him.

Ose, like the hungry cum thirsty slut that he was, immediately did as he was told and crawled over towards Collin to suck him off.

Ose removed Collin's pants as well as his boxers to reveal his cock, twitching and precumming already, ready to breed this powerful demon and make him submissive towards his cock.

Before Ose could swallow the cock in one gulp, Flauros, overtaken by lust and jealousy, prevented him from doing so.

"No! It is I who will take the master's cum, not you!" Flauros screamed and practically tore off any remaining clothing, before joining his brother in their lewd act on the new summoner's cock.

"Shit... I didn't even know a powerful demon like you would be slutty towards me... I never even started training you yet... Ngahh... This'll be a good start though, I'll train you to become the sluttiest demon in the world!" Collin moaned and felt more dominant now, thrusting his cock in between Flauros and Ose's tongue and mouth as they took turns sucking him off.

The two demon generals became excited, especially Flauros upon that announcement.

"Yes... Give me your seed, my summoner... Show us your true self...!" Flauros murmured as he kept nibbling on the side of Collin's cock.

"Yeah... Ngh... Be grateful... Your daily intake of cock and cum will depend on it...!~" Collin urged his demon as his cock got worshiped.

"Yes... We will work hard from now on... To earn our right to get your cum master...!" Flauros kept nibbling the side while Ose sucked on the tip.

Collin groaned, he never felt this incredible before. He had some experience with other humans before, but fucking a demon was even better, and the prospect of incredibly powerful individuals bowing to him and letting him do whatever he wants to them... He can never go back to fucking his own kind, demons were better as bitches anyway.

"Shit... You're both really good at this...!" Collin groaned as he tried to resist cumming early.

Ose and Flauros could feel how hard his cock was twitching, and sensed that he was getting close already and redoubled their efforts to make their master cum and eventually make them his bitches.

"Cum... It's useless to resist our demands..." Ose urged Collin.

"Yes... Give us our dues my summoner...~" Flauros joined his brother.

"Damn it... Here it is... Swallow it all...!" Collin yelled at them before throwing his head up in ecstasy after first experiencing his first climax by a demon.

Ose tried to catch some of the cum from the twitching and excited member, only getting a few strings of it before Flauros greedily took the whole cock in his mouth and swallowed the rest of it.

"It's delicious... I never knew human sperm tasted like this... Better than eating enemy demons... I must have more... I can feel myself getting stronger and hornier!!!" Flauros said in revelation before going back to worshiping Collin's cock with more vigor with his brother.

"That's right... Suck it you pathetic demons... Suck it and I'll promise to fuck you...!" Collin yelled as he really started getting into it. The demons looked up at him adorably like two hungry kittens as they nibbled on his cock while thrusting between their mouths.

Ose, knowing his brother was experiencing his first taste of cock and cum, let him suck the whole length inside his mouth.

Flauros was too mesmerized and amazed by just the sensation of a cock against his maw, the smell and taste was so intoxicating that he couldn't help but deepthroat the entire length.

Collin grabbed Flauros by the head and made sure he was sucking him deep enough to the point that his nose was touching Collin's crotch.

Ose, instead of sucking Collin's length off, instead descended below and began sucking his balls off in his mouth, swirling and exploring his balls with his tongue.

"Fuck... Good boys... N-Nguwoh...!" Collin moaned as he felt not only his cock getting sucked off, but his balls and ass too.

Ose, made sure to worship Collin's ass thoroughly, parting Collin's hole wide as he looked at the spit shined hole and seeing it tighten in excitement to his licks before plunging his tongue deep inside the twink.

Collin could also feel Flauros' feline tongue roughly caressing his cock, and was trapped in an oral sandwich by the two feline demons.

"Ngah... Y-Yes... I'm gonna show my friends how to properly fuck demons... There's no way I can't share this to them...! Flauros, Ose, get off me, and get on top of each other instead" Collin exclaimed as he pushed Flauros off his cock, and pulled his ass away from Ose's tongue, moaning as his loose, lubricated hole was left empty.

Ose and Flauros did get on top of each other as Collin asked, their cocks twitching together, while their balls rubbed up against the other.

"Now kiss each other" Collin commanded both of them, trying to see how far they will go just so that they could have a chance of being dicked down by him.

With no delay, the two began making out, desperate for more pleasure from Collin, despite being brothers.

The others looked at the brothers, smirking as the two of them were lewdly kissing each other with no shame whatsoever.

Collin, seeing how obedient the two demon generals were, approached them and carelessly picked Ose to fuck first, plunging his cock and making Ose writhe in pleasure.

"Ngahhh- Mmmm...!" Ose's moans were silenced and muffled by Flauros kissing him passionately, too lost in their own pleasure to care about how wrong they were for making out with each other despite being siblings.

Ose's writhing came at the consequence of frotting with his brother, precumming against each other's lengths and lubricating each other, causing their frotting to become slick and increase their ecstasy.

"That's it! Frot! Frot against your own brother!" Collin urged the two to keep committing the vile, taboo act.

Meanwhile, Alex had been double penetrated by both Rakshasa and Gagyson, the demonic and avian members rubbing up against each other inside his hole while they fucked him.

"Fuck... It feels so good... Uwah... Your cocks feel good aginst both of me... They're twitching inside me...!" Alex moaned as he shared a kiss with Rakshasa.

"Yes... Be our bitch... You will fall in love with our cocks! A lowly human can't possibly resist a demon's cock!" Rakshasa said as he and Alex shared a deep tongue kiss, swirling their tongues together vigorously and roughly, as if they were hungry for each other's saliva.

The two demons rammed their cocks inside Alex, slamming balls deep directly against his prostate and making the human male cry out with pleasure.

"Fuck... Your cocks are really pulverizing me today...!" Alex said with a silly smile while kissing Rakshasa.

"Hey! Don't forget about me" Gagyson called Alex for his attention.

Alex parted his lips away from Rakshasa and kissed Gagyson by his beak, who opened his mouth and started worming his tongue inside Alex's mouth.

"Yes... Mingle your tongue with mine...~ Gagyson relished in the feeling of their tongues coming in contact with each other.

Rakshasa didn't want to feel left out, so he forced his own tongue inside Alex's, causing the three of them to have a threeway kiss with each other.

"Fuck yeah you guys... Come here... Let's kiss even deeper...~" Alex pulled both of their heads against his mouth even further, causing him to be overwhelmed by their tongues as they shared a kiss, his eyes rolling up from the combined pleasure in his mouth and rear.

Meanwhile, Ken was busy getting fucked by Sui-Ki, a small bulge in his stomach forming as the demon mercilessly plunged his cock inside his hole.

"Fuck... Ken you're tightening... Up so much... I... Nguwoohhh...!" Sui-Ki managed to gasp, his compliments interrupted by the brutal fucking he received from Ongyo-Ki in turn.

"Says you... You're even sluttier than me at this point...!" Ongyo-Ki smirked as he fucked Sui-Ki, making the red demon his bitch.

"Ngahhh... I can't help it... Ken's ass... Your cock... It feels too good...!" Sui-Ki managed to make an excuse as he kept thrusting into Ken, and even thrusting back against Ongyo-Ki's cock.

Red, Kin-Ki, and Fuu-Ki, meanwhile had kneeled down in front of Ken and were all licking his cock like a bunch of starving bitches, all the while fingering their assholes without any dignity left for them to consider for themselves.

"We're hungry... Ken... Feed us with your cum... It's your responsibility isn't it?" Red urged Ken while they waited for him to spew his load into their mouths.

"I'm getting close... Don't fucking worry... There will be plenty enough for all of you...!" Ken assured his oni as he reached his hand out to jerk his own cock off in rhythm with Sui-Ki's thrusts.

"Yes master.. Cum for us... Let us know how much you love us...!" Kin-Ki begged.

"We're hungry... We might die any second now... I can't wait any longer...!" Fuu-Ki begged Ken as he licked his cock faster.

"Ooooh fuck take it Ose... Ngh... Gahhh... You too F-Flauros...!" Collin screamed as he came inside Ose, sending four healthy loads inside the demon general, before pulling out halfway through his climax and plunging his cock inside Flauros, releasing his remaining load deep inside him.

"Yes... Oh god... Another new cock had fucked me... I'm such a pathetic general... A slave to cock and cum...!" Ose screamed as he came all over Flauros and his own chest.

"Me too... My world has broadened now... I no longer need to conquer any land anymore... I just want to claim their cocks for myself...!" Flauros joined his brother in their climax.

"M-Mmmmmph... Fuck... I love you Rakshasa... You too Gagyson...!" Alex managed to moan out before cumming hands free and moaning into Rakshasa and Gagyson's mouth.

"Take our loads human...!" Rakshasa finally said before giving his load to Alex's hole.

"Remember it for the rest of your life...!" Gagyson said, cumming at the same time as Rakshasa.

"Ohhhh fuuuuuuuck!!!" Ken screaemd, feeling his cock spew loads of cum in the air and onto Red, Kin-Ki and Fuu-Ki as he came hands free in front of them, feeding them as they caught his sperm in the air.

"Yes... Finally!!!" Red, Kin-Ki, and Fuu-Ki rejoiced as they caught Ken's cum in the air and came all over the floor from their own fingering.

"Yes... Ooooh take my load slut...!" Ongyo-Ki moaned before unleashing his load inside his fellow oni.

"Nguwoooh... I'm cumming with another demon's cock inside my ass...!" Sui-Ki managed to moan out before twitching and blowing his load deep inside Ken.

All of the horny men and demons panted, the intense fucking was a very relieving but exhausting activity for both the givers and takers.

Flauros' chest grew a bit, as well as his ass, his body was adjusting for better breeding and courtship between a human and demon.

"You took the life of a slut quite easily Flauros, how shameful" Ose laughed before slapping Flauros by the ass.

"Ngah...!" Flauros moaned, releasing a gush of cum out as a result all over the floor.

Flauros and Collin recovered after a while, who then looked at each other.

And in one second, the two began making out passionately, still naked and hard for each other.

"Collin... Please let me be your demon forever... And I'll promise I'll be yours... And we can fuck each other every single night~" Flauros proposed to Collin.

Collin absolutely loved the idea, and kissed Flauros even more roughly.

"Of course Flauros... I would never abandon you for anybody else... Ngh... Or even let you do that...~" Collin responded, before slapping the demon's ass.

This display of affection and love between a human and demon was enough to rile up Ken's oni, and turned towards their master.

"Ken, may we break in this couple?" Red asked Ken while he was hard and raring to go.

"Yes, it will be a good finale to celebrate~" Ongyo-Ki said as he got excited and precummed.

"Yes you may" Ken permitted them as he smirked.

The oni charged at Collin and Flauros as they were surrounded, and before long, they had been in an orgy of lust and love with each other.

Red and Sui-Ki each grabbed Collin and Flauros, before impaling them on their cocks, making the summoner and his demon face each other as they got their rears fucked.

"Uwaahhhh... F-Flauros... Ngaahhhh... Demon cock is the best...!" Collin moaned as he got penetrated by a demon for the first time.

"Doing this with you Collin... I couldn't be happier~" Flauros managed to moan out as both of their rears were used and slammed into.

"Fuck... The new summoner is really into it...!" Red groaned as he grabbed Collin's cock and jerked him off in rhythm of his thrusts.

"We will break these two hard enough to make them remember this moment~" Sui-Ki moaned, doing the same to Flauros as he followed Red's lead.

Collin and Flauros had a smile of absolute ecstasy on them as they rode the two demons, leaning forward to each other to kiss like a happy couple. However, Sui-Ki and Red weren't the only ones to be awaiting some fun.

Ongyo-Ki and Fuu-Ki approached Collin and Flauros, cocks twitching as they grabbed both of one of their hands and placed them on their cocks for them to hold.

"They're not gonna suck themselves" Ongyo-Ki said as he urged Collin to give him a handjob.

"Show us what a summoner and demon's bond can do when faced with cocks from another summoner's demons~" Fuu-Ki said as he released a thin string of precum down on the floor.

Collin and Flauros grabbed the two cocks and began jerking them off like their life depended on it, all the while riding Red and Sui-Ki in the process as their cocks twitched.

But that wasn't the end of it, there was one last demon for them to please.

Kin-Ki's cock blocked their mouths from kissing as Collin and Flauros felt a familiar, hot, twitching length in between both of their lips now.

Kin-Ki had slid his cock in between them, smirking as he had interrupted their kissing.

"Look, it's your favorite thing in the world~" Kin-Ki teased the both of them as his cock precummed.

Collin and Flauros began licking and sucking on the cock greedily, occasionally making out with each other in between the cock, before resuming with pleasuring Kin-Ki again.

Meanwhile, Rakshasa, Gagyson, and Ose each approached Mitch, Alex, and Ken for some more fun with them.

"Master, we still need more, we need your cocks~" Rakshasa teased the three humans as he shook his ass towards Mitch.

"We're waiting, you don't want your demons to wander around searching for a fuck buddy outside the settlement do you~" Gagyon teased Alex as he sat on the bed and began masturbating with his cock in his hand.

"Why don't you show the general a good time... It's a privilege that only those I find worthy to do~" Ose seduced Ken as he kneeled down and ran his hands all over his own body.

The three humans approached the three demons one by one and accepted their offer.

Mitch plunged his cock inside carelessly without any remorse, and pulled on Rakshasa's arms, making his cock reach further inside.

"Pathetic demon... You think you're worthy enough to ask a human for his cock? I'll indulge you for now, so be grateful...!~" Mitch yelled at the demon as their hips loudly slapped against each other.

"Ngaahhhhh... I don't care how you degrade me... Or how humiliating it is... All I ever need in my life is human cocks...!~" Rakshasa said with no dignity whatsoever, drooling as he got the human cock that he wanted.

Mitch swayed his hips sideways to get even more pleasure out of Rakshasa's rear, his cock reaching parts untouched from the sideway swaying that he did.

"Fuck... It's reaching everywhere... I love it...!" Rakshasa managed to utter from his lust fueled moaning.

Alex approached Gagyson, smirking evilly at him before he threw himself on top of the avian and started frotting with him after placing Gagyson and himself under the covers.

"Let's frot and kiss to our heart's content~" Alex urged Gagyson as he thrusted, rubbing up against him and precumming against each other.

"Y-Yeeeess... Your cock feels so wonderful against mine... And your sexy body also feels splendid...~" Gagyson returned the gesture by thrusting his cock up against Alex's in return.

Gagyson closed his wings around Alex, warming the human up like he was in a cozy blanket and frotting almost romantically with him.

"If you're a good demon, then I'll make sure that you will be frotted for the whole night~" Alex whispered to Gagyson, feeling the demon precum against him and making their cocks slick and slippery against each other.

"Absolutely... Nguwooohhh... Nothing feels better... Than frotting with you like this...!~" Gagyson moaned.

Alex smirked at how obedient Gagyson was, and french kissed him.

Ken approached Ose and embraced him, frotting their cocks with one another and running his hands all over the muscular demon.

"Oh I'll show you a good time alright, come here, kiss with me~" Ken commanded the former demon general.

Ose did as he was told, and kissed Ken erotically with each other's tongue, running his hands all over the summoner as they shared a passionate moment with each other.

Ken and Ose twitched against each other excitedly as they roamed their hands all over each other, almost like two lovers who had been far away from each other for a long time.

"Uwaaahhhhnnn... Your cock feels incredible against me... You're the best K-Ken...!~" Ose complimented Ken.

"And your body is incredible too, I can't imagine ever being apart from you" Ken complimented back, parting their mouths away before suckling on one of Ose's nipples.

"Nguwoohhh... Oooohhh I don't deserve you Ken... It feels so good to be with you...!" Ose moaned, cocks twitching, their moans were music to each other's ears.

"Uwaaahhhh... Here it comes... Take all our cum you sluts...!~" Red groaned as he got close.

"Accept it with all your might...!~" Sui-Ki moaned back as he and Red shot their loads inside Collin and Flauros.

"Shit... I can't resist... Aggghhhhh!!!" Collin shot his load all over Flauros.

"It's too good... F-Forgive me Collin...!~" Flauros shot his load back against Collin, coating his human with demon sperm.

"It's coming... Nguwooohhhh!!!" Kin-Ki yelled as he, alongside Ongyo-Ki and Fuu-Ki, shot their loads all over Collin and Flauros' faces.

"Fuuuuck... I can't... Sorry Mitch... I can't last... Fuuuuuuuck!" Rakshasa came all over the floor before Mitch could cum first.

"I'll punish you for that... But first I'll... Nguwoohh... I'll unload and impregnate you...!" Mitch blew his load, excess cum leaking out of Rakshasa's ass as they both collapsed on top of each other.

Gagyson and Alex intensely kissed each other as their cocks twitched more often and faster now.

"Gagyson... Ngahh... You're so warm and sexy... Let's cum together...!" Alex proposed to Gagyson.

"Yes... Here it comes... Get ready for it...!~" Gagyson agreed as the two of them started thrusting against each other as fast as they could.

With one final thrust, they both came all over each other's bodies at the same time and screamed loudly from the intense experience, before passionately french kissing against each other.

"Ken... Nguwohhhh... Your cock is exquisite... Out of all the humans you have consumed so much demon cum... That I think you have the biggest one so far...!" Ose moaned to Ken.

"I have to... Ngh... Admit... I'm almost as big as you now... But enough... Let's shoot our loads inside each other's mouths...!" Ken picked Ose up into a standing 69 position and unleashed his load inside the leopard demon's mouth.

Ose was surprised by the sudden change in position but didn't mind it as he didn't hesitate to blow Ken off as they got closer.

"Here it comes... Swallow... It all...!" Ken moaned while deepthroating Ose.

"Yes... And swallow mine as well Ken... Mmmm...!~" Ose greedily licked and sucked on Ken's cock.

The demon and summoner both spewed their loads inside each other's mouths, and got a mouthful of each other's cum before swallowing.

Ken placed Ose down and cuddled with him as they rested.

After all of them recovered from their horny activity, Flauros began talking with all of them.

"Thank you Ken, for showing us a very efficient and enjoyable way to let us become stronger, as well as improving our bonds between demon and human. That's why we want you to come with us, and demonstrate this new method of training in the power plant settlement" Flauros thanked Ken and offered the human to come with them.

"Of course, we were thinking of making an alliance with a different settlement, and since you're already using them regularly, it's a perfect alliance until we can ally with the other settlements" Ken agreed with Flauros.

"How easily will they accept it though? Tensions between humans and demons are really thin with the other settlements, and I don't know how the others would react with this lewd act between demons and humans" Collin asked Ken.

"We will see..." Ken said as they set off to the power plant settlement.


"I can't believe how easy it was...!" Collin laughed as Flauros sucked on his cock.

He was in a big meeting room with all of his friends. Oscar, Marty, Trent, and Lyle had their demons; Grendel, Andras, Purski, and Take Minakata (Despite not having any arms, he was balancing himself perfectly well) lined up in a row and riding their summoners' cocks cowgirl style.

Collin watched as their asses clap from the harsh fucking that they received, yet enjoyed, while begging their summoners to fuck them harder.

"Gah... Please... Let us cum...!" Grendel yelled as his gigantic ass slammed down on Oscar's cock.

"Please... We're not worthy... So please... Grant us this privilege...!" Andras begged Marty.

"We'll do anything you tell us!!! Please cum inside us and make us stronger...!" Purski begged Trent.

"We'll be your cock slaves for life...!" Take Minakata begged Lyle.

Next to them, Rakshasa, Gagyson, Ose, and the other oni have started fucking humans in the power plant settlement doggy style, while their human summoners fucked their demons in turn, while Ken took turns with his oni.

"Fuck... I can't take it anymore... Sucking you off isn't enough!!!" Flauros yelled before jumping onto Collin's cock, surprising the human and gritting his teeth as he thrusted into Flauros roughly.

It was going to be a long night...