Desires 3

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#3 of Desires

After a few weeks without much contact, Arden decides to use Kuna again, revealing more of his past in the process.

"You're such a good boy." Arden cooed as he caressed Kuna's cheek, leaning in and pressing a kiss to Kuna's neck. "I've been so busy, I've barely been able to play with you, but you've been so quiet and well-behaved." Trailing claws down Kuna's chest, he rolled his thumb over the plumping shaft, the tip of his index finger following a drop of sweat as it dripped from the peeking head.

"Yes, sir. I exist for your pleasure. I wouldn't complain." Untouched and unfulfilled for weeks, besides the odd tease and one solitary tongue bath with no finish, Kuna felt his balls would explode, but he didn't dare beg. Arden's word was law, and Kuna was too smitten with his new life to disobey.

It wasn't simply the soft touch of his master's paws, the silken sheets, and good food, but the feeling of stability that Arden radiated. What he wanted was simple enough; it felt heavenly, and it was something that Kuna could provide without worry that he'd wear out and be thrown away like a broken tool. To serve in that manner was more than Kuna ever thought he'd be able to, and without the specter of death over his shoulder, waiting for a misstep to leave him lame and useless, he could let himself relax. Perhaps he was simple, but it was a dream that he thought would never be fulfilled, and the small glimmer of hope it provided was like opium to his abused soul.

Industrious paws abandoned Kuna's cock, meandering down his legs and guiding his bare feet into restraints, spreading his legs just wide enough to expose every bit of him to the sunlight's warmth. His paws followed suit soon enough, exposing his underarms and chest, sending a shiver down his spine as his master inspected his work-hardened physique. It was a familiar feeling- Arden often cupped his manhood while otherwise occupied or slowly swirled a finger over a hardened nipple.

"This place is much more comfortable than that dark dungeon. Shame we can't bring all of our toys to the courtyard." Arden mused, taking a deep whiff of the slowly ripening scent with the air of a noble sampling the aroma of fine wine. "Tell me, have you missed my touch?" He purred as paw pads roamed over hardened pecs, grown softer without daily lifting but still well-defined.

"More than anything." It was the truth. Kuna reveled in the soft massaging pads, his deep breaths pressing scales into a kneading grip and his manhood twitching hungrily, slapping against his navel. "Your attention is more than I could ever hope to earn." He breathed, endeavoring to spread his thighs further and offer himself to the still-clothed vulpine.

Flick. One button lost its grip, revealing the lithe, sandy expanse of Arden's chest. Flick. Another, leading to a soft, smooth stomach that stretched so exquisitely to fit Kuna's manhood all those weeks ago. Flick. Finally, it fell open, exposing the silken V-shape leading down to the manhood that pleasured Kuna so skillfully despite his size. Seeing that gentle slope always awakened a hungry twitch inside him, begging for its scent.

"You know, I've been pondering something. While I've found a willing pet to satisfy all my perverted desires, I've yet to explore what circumstances molded my magnificent breeder." Tantalizingly close, he rocked his hips, letting his trousers fall and baring the peeking tip of his manhood to the warm air, close enough that Kuna could almost bury his face in golden orbs infused with drool-inducing sweet musk. "So I propose something more intimate. Nothing you say will be punished, and should I sense honesty; I will reward it. How does that sound?"

"I-I have nothing to hide, sir," Kuna murmured, taken aback by Arden's request. His past wasn't something bards would write ballads about, and he worried he'd bore the fennec. Should he embellish? No. Master proved himself an excellent judge of character in his day-to-day business. Lies would only disappoint. Hopefully, the truth wouldn't foul his mood.

"Ah, sweet thing, this isn't an interrogation. Rather, an invitation." Leaning over Kuna's bound form, Arden slipped a finger into his maw, playing with his tongue as he trailed soft lips over the dragon's cheek. "If I'm going to keep you close, I'd like to know more, and who knows, perhaps it could help establish a deeper-" Removing his finger from the dragon's softly suckling maw Arden smeared the string of submission over his sheath's tip, stroking himself. "-Connection."

"There is not much to tell." Enthralled by the erotic display of the slowly stroking fennec moving between his legs, Kuna held back a needy sigh, licking his lips at the soft tang of the fennec's sweat on his lips. "My mother was a prostitute, and when she couldn't pay her debts, she sold her clutch to the workhouse. I was the only hatchling not culled and sold for meat. A noblewoman liked the color of my scales and hoped to use me as her servant. Sort of a living trophy." It was hard to concentrate on foggy memories, with Arden lining himself up with Kuna's hole and prodding away, testing the work Kuna put into preparing himself every day.

"A poor start. I'm truly sorry to hear that." Arden slid into softened depths with little effort, his cock twitching in appreciation and anointing the dragon's insides with a gentle dribble of approval. "All part of fate's plan. Without suffering, how would we appreciate pleasure?" Hilting himself, Arden soaked in Kuna's insides, his paws roaming over spread thighs. His breath barely hitched, and his eyes bore through Kuna's, sending a submissive shiver through the dragon's bound form.

"I-I learned to read, write, and basic arithmetic, along with manners. The lady of the house was strict but affectionate." Tamping down the desire to beg for his master's seed, Kuna focused on his words, watching Arden's paws gravitate toward his helpless, steel-hard cock. "Until the taskmaster's roaming hands and skillful lies took away my chance at life as a servant, I had a future as an ornament."

"Oh, the villain takes the stage. I trust that he's the one that enabled that lucrative deal you so graciously facilitated. Beaten until one wouldn't recognize him as human?" Unperturbed by the prospect of Kuna killing his last master, Arden rewarded Kuna with a slow rhythm, his cock seeking the spot that made the dragon see stars. Following suit with both hands, he peeled back the dragon's foreskin, stroking his length in a practiced, gentle rhythm that soon had a line of gooey arousal dripping down over bronze balls. Heavens above, he was talented.

"Yes. I couldn't-" Panting as Arden hit a specific rhythm, Kuna trailed off into an unmanly noise, licking his lips and clenching his fists to steady himself. "I couldn't stand to hear him do it to someone new. Didn't want someone else to suffer his foul touch." Barely able to maintain coherence, Kuna begged for more of Arden's exquisite touch, drool dripping from the corners of his mouth.

"Good boy. It's alright. I'm not going to judge you." Picking up speed, Arden slurped from moistening depths, adding a symphony of echoing sound with every sloppy pop of his knot through the loosened muscle. "One final question before I claim you once again. Answer truthfully." Voice taking on a dark hunger and paws blurring as they worked Kuna ever closer to a long-awaited orgasm, Arden continued. "Would you do the same to me? If I displeased you, would you destroy me?"

"N-No. I couldn't." Whimpering desperately, Kuna coated the thrusting fox's bare chest in his submission, pearly ropes painting soft sand-colored fur. His ass clenched tight, demanding the fennec's knot, but it continued its cruel passage, in and out, rubbing him deliciously raw. "I would bear the abuse and beg for your forgiveness."

"Then you'll be mine, won't you?" Growling and nearing his peak, if the bob of his pistoning cock was any indication, the fennec slapped his balls off the dragon's ass at a breakneck speed. "You'll give yourself to me. Mind, body, and soul?" The concept seemed to work him into a frenzy, hardening him to a steely length that threatened to destroy Kuna's senses with its insistence.

"Yes!" Prolonged by the fennec's frantic thrusts, Kuna's orgasm fogged his brain, filling his head with nothing but a deep desire to please the man that made him feel so perversely needy. "Thank you! Please, I'm yours! C-Claim me!"

Slamming to the hilt hard enough to bruise bronze cheeks, the fennec hunched over Kuna, his eruption infusing the dragon's innards with spreading warmth and his cock throbbing authoritatively against Kuna's pleasure spot. Forehead pressed against the dragon's stomach and tongue hanging out in the pant of a satisfied beast, the fennec chuckled, paws stroking over trembling hips. "Apologies. I seem to have lost my composure. Pay it no mind."

Too blissed out to respond, Kuna only shook his head, his hole clenching against the ox's still-draining member as a thin trail of seed dribbled down the underside of his tail. Arden's savage affections weren't a problem. He could bathe in them for days if his master wished.

"Mmm. Greedy boy. Loosen yourself for me. I won't waste weeks of stockpiling on a fleeting moment of pleasure." Arden patted Kuna's rump, hips working in a slow circle to break the milking grip of the dragon's hole, and sighed as he slipped free. "Don't worry. I've got more for you." Circling Kuna like a lion about to pounce on its prey, Arden brought that pointed tip to bear, paws on Kuna's neck to coax him to lean back.

Opening his maw, Kuna welcomed the drooling shaft, unbothered by the slight musk of his rear. Arden's cock, while not the largest, filled his muzzle perfectly, its tip just shy of gagging the dragon, and its perfectly formed knot comfortably sealed past scaly lips. Slow thrusts were almost relaxing, coaxing a mawful of drool to welcome its passage as fuzzy orbs seared vulpine scent into the dragon's memory.

"Beautiful. Another perfect fit." Resting his paws on Kuna's chest, the vulpine slowly worked himself in and out of Kuna's worshipful lips, his cock dueling with the dragon's circling tongue. "Since you've been so honest with me, I should share more of myself with you, shouldn't I?"

Without waiting for an answer, the fennec worked himself in and out of the dragon's lips, stopping every other thrust and smearing his leaking tip over eager lips, forcing Kuna to breathe in the scent of leaking masculinity. "My introduction to the world of servitude was less depressing than yours." Slowing his hips as he leaned against Kuna's chest, the fennec soaked his manhood in Kuna's breath, his balls sagging softly against flaring nostrils.

"I learned early on that my stature brought me attention, and I reveled in it. Though I was born dirt poor and orphaned soon after, knights didn't care about my past. All that mattered was a soft, supple hole to bury themselves in, and I was happy to provide all that they could handle." Massaging Kuna's chest, the fox rolled soft, boyish thighs on either side of his face, his cock drooling a crude marking over the dragon's face. "Have you ever tasted unwashed manhood? It's an acquired taste. Deliciously earthy, laden with musk and sweat. I loved every moment they spent in my throat, and the coins they set on my bedside were almost an afterthought."

"Of course, every prostitute will encounter love at least once, and I was no different." Sighing, Arden slowly circled the dragon's nipples, his short stature letting him hunch to flick his tongue over sensitive flesh. "A noble's son, a dashing young wolf with full balls and the heart of a poet. He visited me every day- stayed long after his finish, and taught me the ways of pleasure. Eventually, he brought me here under the guise of becoming his squire."

"He died. Horribly. Struck down in battle." Growing quiet, Arden nuzzled into the dragon's chest, burying himself again to the root and abandoning his slow grind. "I tried to stay and help his only relative-his father, but the old man was callous. He forced himself on me, beat me, forced me to dress as a woman to attend his trade meetings, and made me slip varying drugs into his partner's drinks while they were distracted by the sight of my lifted tail. Any attempts to escape met with violence, while his coin bought every pair of eyes in the manor."

"He forced my hand when he grew obsessed with taming me. He refused to acknowledge that I was male and demanded I tuck myself between my legs while I pleasured him. And then the knives he threatened me with, pressed against sensitive places, one twitch from disaster. I couldn't risk becoming what he wanted." As though proving his manhood, Arden sped his thrusts, filling Kuna's maw with spiderwebs of translucent arousal.

"An unassuming man from the east, standing in the way of my master's control, offered an opportunity I couldn't pass up. I snuck into his room and exchanged a night of pleasure for a rare poison my master wouldn't detect. During their meeting, I slipped it into my master's drink, then watched as he fell to the floor, clawing at his neck and writhing in agony."

Hilting himself, Arden groaned aloud, his balls drawing up and his tail twitching as he emptied himself into Kuna's maw, his balls proving far more virile than their size would suggest. His story faltered, drowned in pleasured noises and soft bites that left Kuna's chest stinging, then continued in a hoarse whisper, nearly drowned by silken thighs wreathing Kuna's face.

"Ironically, my master, in all his twisted desire, drew up a marriage certificate as part of his plan to take me as his bride. Along with my freedom, I seized my fallen tyrant's fortune, his business, and property." The fennec stretched, massaging Kuna's throat and slowly withdrawing his dripping shaft. "Funny how fate works. I threw off my chains, only to use them on another."

Clearing his mouth with a savoring swallow that swirled Arden's seed over his tongue, Kuna cleared his throat, panting against the vulpine's spent manhood and slickened orbs, dripping with sweat, cum, and drool. "Chains serve me better than the lash of a whip, sir. You're kinder than those that harmed you." He spoke, his tone holding no end of worship for his master.

Yawning, Arden contemplated Kuna's bound form, swinging a leg over the dragon's waist and straddling him. "You remind me of him, you know. Not the tyrant, but the young knight." Petting over sensitive scales, he curled his body, his face between the dragon's glistening pecs in an affectionate embrace. "A soft heart, hidden within a wall of muscle. I suppose it falls to harder hearts to shield those from the horrors of the world."

Silence followed, punctuated by shallow, gentle breaths, and Kuna realized that the fennec was asleep. It was strange, but despite his restraints, he felt the desire to join his master, closing his eyes against the warmth of the sun and basking in the scent of sweat and lovemaking.