Watcher of Arceus - The World of Arceus Side Stories 6, Rick 2

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#6 of Watcher of Arceus : The World of Arceus

Rick returns to the Lucario Kingdom, and along the way learns quite a few things. Seeking formal training as an Aura Guardian though, he knows that keeping the secret of the lucario kingdom will be a difficult task, but if he find a way to help protect himself and his younger brother, then its worth the risk.

The World of Arceus

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon. Only the idea and OC's.

Author Notes:

-X-This will be used for scene breaks and for when the story switches to another character, but it does not mean that a new section of the story has started.

~xXx~ This will identify where each paragraph breaks.

"Human Speech" 'Character Thought' {Pokémon Speech}

The following is a side story taking place in the same world as the story "Watcher of Arceus".


Side Stories

Rick : Part 2

Rick was sitting in James's office, a few days after Mana had shown up. She had left in the morning after that night, thankfully without being seen by Luke, but the events of what had happened were kind of stuck Rick's head, or at least the aftermath was and what little he could remember.

Still, with James being overly busy in the past few days, it made talking with him hard, until at last Rick got a chance to talk with him in person. The wait was long, dull, and tense for Rick until at last James showed up, a bit stressed himself, James finally freed from the press conference and one that he dreaded in a few ways. Rick of course had seen the whole thing on the television in the office, a little curious about the official story himself, wanting to memorize any other details and more importantly not give any contradicting details to whatever story was put out.

The mass arrests of Team Galactic members, a few rather higher ranking ones, the death of hunter J, and so much more was a massive hassle for everyone involved, but now that it was done, things would hopefully calm down once the story was put out and it had time to settle in.

James of course couldn't be more eager to get back to real work and away from the press though, quickly moving into the room and sitting down at his desk. "Was the full frontal picture really necessary?" James sighed, thinking back on the image that Rick had sent him the morning after with Mana, just to prove a point about how strange and weird, and urgent it was to get the point across.

There was no censoring what it had depicted, of Mana laying on Rick, the aftermath of her having taken him while he was drunk, outside on the now broken bench that Rick had set up on the river bank.

"You're the one who dragged me out there, Mana would never have known about me if you didn't ask for my help. The way I see it, any problems I have with them are just as much your problem." Rick replied.

"And... if I might ask, just what do you want me to do about this besides ask Morag to do... what. Hell, to be bluntly honest, I'm not even sure if she would do anything about it." James said, pulling out a small package, handing it to Rick.

"Same model of telescopic bo staff you brought with you, along with a matching pair of hiking gloves, and gift card for boots. They were out of your size right away and didn't know when the next shipment would get it, so find a replacement." James added as he moved to his seat, looking slowly over the desk.

"Its ... really weird having a desk again. Much less in the same exact office before I retired and just kind of took over things between the Rangers and Morag..." James stated, looking over the desk, and quickly rearranging a few things.

"Yeah... I hear you haven't had an actual job like this, or even an office for years. Yae was mumbling something along the lines of its about time though regarding you coming back." Rick added, not exactly happy with the news that Morag might not do anything though.

"That's... not going to cause any kind of political, or international, or whatever kind of major incident is it?" Rick asked.

"Might be some kind of scandal if you were caught... I'd recommend deleting that image, I already did." James replied. Rick remained silent for a few moments though as James just went about fixing his desk, organizing things to his own liking, as well as checking all the drawers for things and making a list of something.

"What... about being aura guardian?" Rick finally asked, and James quickly looked up.

"Beg your pardon?" James asked.

"Mana... said I have powerful aura, and with formal training, I could be an aura guardian, and they could benefit greatly from someone like me being an aura guardian standing beside them." Rick explained slowly.

"I... don't honestly know much about what that would mean. I know a few exist, or want to be aura guardians in the current times, but its like a really rare thing in recent history. Aside from their golden age when they were, well kind of the first police of Japan in a way, there's not really much to say about them in current times. Humans with psychic capabilities are much more common. Come to think of it, I can only name two would be guardians in training off the top of my head, and one hasn't been heard from in a few years." James replied.

"And the other?" Rick asked.

"Bit of an oddball if you ask me, but eager to help out I guess. Discovered use of aura alongside the riolu he had and kind of self taught. Clearly not introduced to the kingdom of course, but I'm... well let's just say I'm not eager to invite him with out getting to know him better. A little... too open for my tastes, not exactly the kind of guy I'd feel to keep a secret." James explained.

"Well... given what they are attempting to do now, it may not be that much of a secret too much longer. Not with the their offer of spreading the word soon..." Rick said, James giving a slow nod just thinking about that.

"Yeah... yeah things are gonna change big time when that starts. With so many of the l... their guests in one place now, it will attract attention. I just hope that the transition is a smooth one. Its not like they are showing up completely out of nowhere, people already understand that they exist after all, but ... Well, I'm just going to come right out and say it, I'd quit in a heartbeat if I knew someone else was ready to take this job. Its been a delicate enough time for me before this whole mess, and now." James said slowly, leaning back in his chair and just thinking about the whole mess.

"I can honestly say I don't envy you, and kinda wish I could more to help." Rick said.

"The ranger in me wants to you apply for the tests today and get approved for field work tomorrow. You may not able to do much, but if what Mana said is true, then that would make you a perfect candidate for work out there. But the man in me, deep down... can't say I ain't scared of what could come from it. It could be hell going forward and that little attack could end up looking like child's play. The me right here and now, I'm already too deep in, and I know it. But I'm going to stick to it, I made my bed and now its time to lay in it." James stated slowly looking back to Rick.

"I signed up for Ranger work to help keep the peace, but this. This is out my hands and several times more then what I signed up for Rick. I'm almost glad I'm an only child, and my wife let me. If things go wrong... well I won't leave behind too many problems." James sighed loudly.

"Do me a favor... stop talking like that. You underestimating yourself, by a lot." Rick stated firmly.

"I really wish I had your optimism Rick. Like I said, I'd love to have you out there in the field with me, but you gotta take care of yourself and Luke first. I hope it will be safe for a while, but once word gets out them and they start preaching for... well you know who, its going to be all kinds of attention. I mean I'm happy for em, and well... well maybe we'll be better off having them around again, but I know there's going to be trouble. Things are riled up right now, and its going to be a while before they calm down." James explained.

"Oh, I have no doubt things are going to be busy... James, honest question here. Let's say that... that Mana was right, and I do have aura capabilities. The world is going to get a little rougher before it gets back to more peaceful, I agree with you on that one. Aura... aura could help me protect Luke and myself. If... and this is only a big if right now, I wanted to look into it... how would that work? Me going there for formal training while also managing to keep it away from Luke." Rick asked.

"I can't answer that Rick. The only thing I can answer about Luke not finding out is you never going back and never talking about it even close to him. And even then, once he finds out about it when they start preaching, he'll be begging to go and see it himself anyway. He's a great kid, but I'm not sure he can be trusted with a massive secret like that." James replied.

"Not after the incident at school, I know I know. He did good work on the discus though, if he would just be a bit more focused on all things around and ..." Rick starting before giving a pause.

"The things that boy would accomplish if he had good lungs and breathe like everyone else. Head's a bit too much in the clouds right now though, but... well he needs that optimism. He knows better then some that the world ain't fair, but its not slowing him down. He needs to learn some restraint and caution, but hell, I'd put money on that boy to leave his name on the world." James stated.

"Tell me about it." Rick nodded eagerly. "The only reason I can keep up with him is because he's got that handicap." Rick continued before going silent again.

James just kept up rearranging his desk to his preferences for the moment and letting Rick think before almost ten minutes later, Rick spoke back up. "Hey James... there's no hiding them forever. And, I think for Luke's sake, I've made my decision. Can you go and ask about formal training for me? And ask for them not to just show up at my door again." Rick asked.

"If that's what you want. I'll be back there the day after tomorrow, taking a few of the other veteran rangers to see if they'll be allowed to stay, or if the guests will need to deal with them. After that... well its waiting on Cynthia to show up and taking her to see what mess we've gotten into." James stated.

"Cynthia? You mean like the greatest trainer of all time Cynthia? The one that Luke goes on and on about?" Rick asked.

"That's the one alright. If these don't count as special circumstances that I can request specialized help for, I don't know what does. Course, she hung up me the first time before suddenly calling me back a moment later. It sounds like she knows the group who helped us out back there, and they told her to come see me to find out what's going on." James explained.

"Well, if she's as great a person and willing to help as much as Luke thinks she is, then that will be a great help. Luke always thought she might be the first trainer to capture a legendary pokemon, but well, that's a complicated mess these days and it doesn't sound anyone is going to capture the legendary pokemon at all now." Rick stated.

"I sincerely hope its that easy. Sounds like they got some bases covered, even precognition... able to know when they are in danger in the first place to be there at the right time to help save em. I hope it remains true... and maybe they have more help next time." James said, finally done organizing his desk and leaning back.

"Look, if you're serious, come back here in the day after tomorrow. It will be much easier if you personally ask for training. Be here early in the morning, before nine o'clock and count on it being an all day affair. I'll talk with your manager about it being a follow up on the work I asked for you help with, but you'll have to sort out how to manage that and work at the Crypt afterwards." James explained.

"Nikita hasn't complained so far. Hell, she might want me to do it. She says she won't give me a promotion until I'm more use to working with that haunter and well... well doing some training out there will certainly get me more use to working with pokemon. She might like that." Rick replied.

"Sounds promising. And remember, for everyone's sake, Luke doesn't hear a word of this. Not until its all public knowledge to begin with." James stated, Rick nodding.

"That might be the hardest part." Rick said, already knowing the kind of trouble it might bring.


Rick showed up early in the morning two days later and already things were a hassle. The Pokemon Ranger's Administration Office in Veilstone City was a light with all kinds of activity and the sun was only just coming up already. As Rick took the side entrance to avoid the major crowds upfront, he couldn't help but over hear the endless stream of extra questions. A lot of people still having doubts about what all really transpired compared to the story that the Rangers Administration had put out.

Rick was given access after a brief check and guided up to James's office to wait for James to arrive and pick him up. It didn't take that long before James came up, grabbed a few things, and Rick before heading back down stairs and into the garage where two other jeeps waiting for them, something like a dozen rangers from all over Sinnoh there to possibly come and help out. "Listen, I know this is a strange day for everyone, but we still need to make one last stop before we can head out to this big project I mentioned." James called out, making sure not to say a thing about what was happening. "You just follow me and stick close if you can."

With that, James got into his own jeep, along with Rick, and two other rangers. "So, this the boy you asked for help for that emergency situation?" One of the three in the back asked, a man slightly older then James in an older ranger suit and slightly graying hair.

"Victor, Annabelle, Greg. This is Rick, he already knows the full situation about where we're going, our guests even think he might be a powerful future aura guardian. We're going to meet up with Mana, Meridia, and Balkor to find out if the other's can be trusted." James said quietly once he got in and started up the jeep.

While Rick was in front, a hand reached over the seat. "Heya, name's Annabelle. Full time Ranger, part time coordinator, try not to forget it." The other ranger in the back reached up, a woman around Rick's age.

"Don't think I'll have a problem remember that name. My brother named his gardevoir nurse Annabelle too." Rick stated, shaking the hand as best as he could in the front seat.

"Wait... a gardevoir named. Oh, you're Luke's brother. Genius kid there, shame about his condition. And I'm honored you named his nurse after me." Annabelle stated in a bit of surprise, but now knowing for sure who Rick was, before joking around some.

"Actually Anna was named after Annabelle Kinetics, the first major psychic type trainer who was a psychic herself." Rick laughed a little.

"Fancy that, same Annabelle I was named after. Just my luck though. First girl born in three generations and the only one who doesn't have psychic powers in over twelve generations of my family line." Annabelle said, grumbling something else under her breathe before sitting all the way back down.

"And I'm Greg, actually retired Ranger, one of the first real rangers. I'm only here to help out the newbies transition over well and if anyone gets rejected, I make sure to keep the peace, and drive em back." Greg stated.

"Glad to meet the three of you." Rick stated as James got on the road with the other two jeeps behind them.

The trip rather quiet aside from James making sure that the other two jeeps were always close by before at last they pulled out of the city onto the highway.

It was a short ride after that, before James got off at a small exit and then took some back roads before at last pulling off of the paved road down to an old dirt side road into the forest and eventually up to the base of the mountains.

A short slow drive on the ancient road before coming up to a small cabin that James pulled up in front of. The other jeeps pulled up as well before everyone started to get out.

"So... this the place James?" One of the other rangers from another jeep called out.

"We got three vehicles and a total fifteen people here. That's everyone right?" James called out, already knowing that if they had anyone following them, their guests would already know.

"Who you talking to James? Place looks abandoned." Another called out before a lucario walked out from the back of the cabin, slowly walking up. Rick instantly blushed a little instantly recognizing Mana in her kimono, although it was a rather vibrant green and white one today with a matching umbrella. Even more, two other lucarios walked up with her, one wearing a simple dress and the last one looked rather scarred with what looked like a small bit of their upper left arm, and even their tail.

_'Its just those who you brought with you James. And I see you even brought Rick with you.'_The female voice sounded in all of their heads, half the rangers a bit amazed at the action having never experienced aura before, but all knowing about it, personally picked because they all knew a fair bit about lucarios to begin with.

The lucario in the dress though quickly ran up and hugged Annabelle though who was happy to return the hug. "Heya Meridia. That's a nice new dress there. Sorry for not showing up last week. I got stuck in Kanto for a meet up. Middle of summer, you know how it is." Annabelle smiled, rubbing the lucario's ears.

_'I know, its busy in summer. You have lots of places to be. Ummm... you won't be mad at me for pulling out of the fall contests this year will you? I have something more important to do.'_Another aura voice started, this one too hard to tell if it was male or female by the group, but Rick remembered Meridia as well, the tailor in the village. Rick even knew the last lucario from the village, although he couldn't recall the name.

"So, I'm sure your all a little confused, but let's get this sorted out. I've asked each of your for help by name because we've got a major problem on our hands in the making. I know its common enough knowledge, the Lucario Kingdom, and that's where we're headed. Most of the lucarios there, and even some of the riolu's can use aura to speak any number of different languages, most of them learning United Common." James announced. While the location of the Lucario Kingdom was a highly kept secret, the thought of the place in the first place had a lot of myths and more about it.

_'And we are very fluent in it, and will speak our minds freely.'_The first voice stated again, Mana stepping forward.

_'I am Mana, hand picked by our alpha, the ruler of the lucario kingdom, to judge you.'_Mana explained.

"Judge... us?" One of the other rangers stated.

"To make sure you can keep the secret and you're sincere about wanting to do your jobs as a ranger." Annabelle stated.

"The location of the Lucario Kingdom is a major secret. The lucarios and riolus there are a full fledged kingdom in their own rites. They have laws, they have a social ladder, they have punishments for breaking those laws, not that different from any human city, just on a smaller scale. You break their laws, and you will be tried by their ways, not human laws." James explained very clearly.

"You expect us to believe that there's a full society of pokemon out there as evolved as humans?" Another asked.

_'Free will and higher thought is not the sole gift of humans. There are dozens of other species besides humans who developed thorough collective group settlements and laws. Humans merely use science to advance themselves. Honestly, language barriers are the biggest concern which keep us separated. You humans have such... different language and yet only ears for your own tongues even as varied as they are.'_Mana stated firmly, closing her umbrella and using it as a cane now, looking over all of the rangers.

"And more, the lucarios have chosen a major role, a serious advancement in their social status. The legendary pokemon are also involved in this now and the lucarios of the lucario kingdom have asked to help them with their goals. And the major goal right now is to once more start spreading their words and ideas throughout the land, with the lucario's as their speakers carrying the word of Arceus, The World Mother herself." James added, most of the other rangers looking back and forth between each other.

Even Annabelle was a bit shocked. "You're serious? Arceus was as the kingdom?" Annabelle asked.

"And many more." James stated, before Latios and Latias slowly flew out from behind the cabin as well.

_'The world is changing once more. In hindsight, it was a mistake to step down from the words we shared nearly 600 years ago, but we had hoped for a better outcome following the reason why we had chosen isolation.'_Latias explained, his voice now shared amongst the group, strong and regal, elegant in a way trying to put his best paw forward.

"Latias... Latios?" Another gasped out.

"I need your sworn word, that you obey the creed of the Rangers. Balance in all things, and a peaceful resolve. We are here to help, to keep peace between ourselves, and others, no matter our differences, which may not be as strong as you once thought. The lucarios... and the legendary pokemon are asking for our help, so much so that the lucarios have asked me to seek independence for their kingdom, that their valley becomes an officially recognized governing body in time, but not lead by a human leader." James explained.

Already things were getting tense, and Mana quickly pointed her umbrella forward. _'Balkor, do you trust that one?'_Mana asked.

'His aura is filled with doubt. I do not think he will sell us out for gain, but he may need to see more before he can be judged. The two girls though in the corner... they seek personal gain.' A third aura voice stated, also female, but much stronger, more refined with a hint of command to it.

"Hey... don't judge us!" One of the two women snapped.

"Answer truthfully, they'll know if your lying. Do you really intend to put their welfare above your own. That you will keep the lucario kingdom and legendary pokemon a secret, that you won't risk harm to anyone there, and will not try to sell anyone or anything for your own purposes." James asked.

Balkor slowly started to growl, and even Meridia seemed to have a sour face.

"I apologize for what comes next, but if you can't be trusted, then you have no place here." James stated.

"Oh come on James... you honestly think that you can keep this a secret?" The other woman in question exclaimed, before Latias jumped in front of the two of them, a hand extended out and tapping both of their heads, before they fell still, barely leaning over in a trance.

_'We need the time to prepare and teach the lucarios of our ways before they can carry our word. We must use all the time we have without incident.'_Latias stated, her voice like Latios's, in their heads but not the same as aura. She was however trying to be just as elegant.

"Woah woah woah, what did you do the them?" Another of the other rangers called out.

_'To them, it will just be a wasted day. They will have not memories of this meeting, they merely got lost on the way here and decided that it wasn't worth the effort of all the secrecy.'_Latios explained, moving up beside Latias, the two of them with bright glowing eyes now.

"You're seriously tampering with their memories?" A different one asked.

"We have the need of secrecy. All those recent Team Galactic arrests and the death of Hunter J... That all took place in the lucario kingdom." James explained. "And secrecy to prevent another attack like that is needed. If any of you are not firm in your commitment to be a Ranger, do good and help, then you don't need to know about this."

Mana quickly pointed out one more, and Latias moved to hypnotize them as well.

_'I trust all the others at this time.'_Balkor stated, looking over the rest of them.

"If that's all, then I'd like to get back to Veilstone. My granddaughter has a recital early this afternoon and I still need to clean up some before going." Greg stated, Latias and Latios pointing over to one of the jeeps and the hypnotized rangers all started walking.

_'They'll be back to themselves in an hour or so, by the time you get back to Veilstone City.'_Latios explained, the three getting in the jeep while Greg got in the drivers seat.

"Good luck to the lot of you, hope you take the transition well. If you need me, I'm free after six this evening." Greg called out, quickly starting the jeep and taking off.

"Was... was that really needed?" One of the others asked, before Mana moved up.

_'There are currently twelve legendary pokemon present in our kingdom, with more to show up. The single largest gathering of legendary pokemon in one place in ages. I know well of this age of the trainer, and after we were attacked, we feel the need for more caution then before. Twice in forty years our kingdom has suffered a large attack, but now we find true purpose. As Aura Guardians once more, we shall carry the word of Arceus to the world. But until then, we cannot risk other undesirable attacks by anyone.'_Mana explained, moving up and giving a sly smirk towards Rick.

_'I am however surprised to find you here. Not that I'm complaining.'_Mana smiled, before moving on past them.

_'James, get the cars and bring them over here. Palkia has offered us a ride today, just in case. If their stances change once they see what is going on, they still won't know the kingdoms location.'_Meridia added as he walked beside Annabelle holding her hand as they walked.

"Really... going to just take us right there is he?" James asked.

"Palkia... you mean the dragon of space? He's here?" Someone asked, Latias and Latios helping to gently pull everyone closer and around the side of the cabin.

"Not right here, but it sounds like he's still in the kingdom." James replied, going for one of the jeeps, tossing keys to Rick to pull the other one around.

Rick quickly used the chance to leave Mana's side and try to collect himself before following Meridia and Annabelle around the side of the cabin, Mana guiding James's jeep into position, while Meridia helped Rick. Once they were all gathered up, a large circular portal appeared and James having already seen how it worked before, was the first the drive on through while Latias and Latios once more helped guide the others. This left Rick to take up the rear, the last one through the portal.

The kingdom had hardly fully recovered, the ruined cabins not even started to get torn down yet, but there were some new additions to the kingdom. Dozens of lamp posts held new crystalline light sources that even in the day gave off a bright golden glow despite their emerald colorations and half a dozen legendary pokemon were there helping place even more.

The lucarios were in a few groups, some listening eagerly in a service with Arceus at the gates of the temple, while others were all working trying to clean up the roads first.

A number of lucarios and some of the humans all rushed up greet them, Palkia closing the portal behind them before flying back into the temple. There was a collective gasp of awe from the new rangers, while James, Victor, and Annabelle were all eagerly welcomed by the the lucarios.

"Morag is likely in her cabin Rick. If you want to ask for formal training, you need to ask her." James stated, Mana quickly moving up to take Rick's hand.

_'Oh... you have come for training then? I am delighted to hear this. It would be a true shame to let that potential go to waste.'_Mana eagerly said, taking and pulling him along, but not towards Morag's cabin in the center of the village. _'Its just before mid day meal, she'll be studying the ancient words in the temple's library. Arceus herself has chosen to bless her eyes to see the world as the gods would.'_Mana explained.

"I..." Rick started, but ultimately wasn't even sure what to say, or think about how possessive Mana seemed on him, but decided to go with her.

"Good luck Rick... and Mana, please go easier on him." James called out, only for Mana to smirk.

A quick trip into the temple, and a blessing from Raikou and Entei to allow Rick deeper access into the temple. Being surrounding by flames and sparks in what he could only describe as a flaming tornado mixed with a broken toaster, Rick wasn't sure of the blessing much at all. He was very eager to try and forget it once it the blessing was over before being guided further into the temple.

He didn't speak for over a moment a little overwhelmed by the blessing, before at last speaking as Mana lead him deeper into the temple. "Ya know. I could have waited." He stated, but Mana just laughed a little.

_'A hero such as you fully deserves a blessing by the gods.'_Mana teased, walking him deeper into the temple which the rest of the lucarios and most of the riolus were busy cleaning up now, making presentable guided by the various legendary pokemon.

Deep inside in one of the library chambers Morag was deep in study under Ho-oh. As Mana and Rick walked in, Rick could only blink a few times at the sight. "This is straight out of the old legends that Luke would read." Rick said softly, in awe of the sight and now left thinking just how many of the other stories that Luke read might be based in truth.

_'My alpha. We have a guest, Rick returns. He comes seeking formal training for the use of aura.'_Mana announced walking in with him, already seeing Morag having turned to look at them along with Ho-oh.

_'And to what brought this decision? I was under the impression that you were hesitant to return.'_Morag asked turning towards Rick and Mana.

"This one can use aura? A rare trait, one I thought perhaps too dormant in the human bloodlines." Ho-oh asked, turning to look directly at Rick now. Her voice was still strong, commanding in a way, and looking right at Rick, he couldn't help but to possibly be a bit intimidated, thinking about some of the stories that he had read Luke about the legendary birds before he could read everything himself.

_'He showed some early promise aiding the human Sarah who travels beside your brother and sisters in their travels. Sarah had somehow acquired a pair of ancient aura training gauntlets, and it was beginning to allow her to make use of her aura. Rick had aided her in defending our cubs when the kingdom was attacked just last week.'_Morag stated.

"Fitting that one who offered aid without the promise of reward find a chance to awaken long dormant talents. And I see that he has been blessed by Raikou and Entei. If such a blessing has not shown any hidden intents, then I must suggest that he be considered for aura if he has proper reason to use it." Ho-oh stated rather bluntly.

_'See, even they agree.'_Mana smiled.

_'What is your reason for seeking aura.'_Morag asked quickly now.

"My brother... his safety. Things are... well complicated in the world right now and if it becomes common knowledge that I helped, helped your kingdom, I'd put him at risk. If I can use aura, I could defend myself and him from anything that might come to cause us problems until your ready to reveal yourselves." Rick quickly explained, giving the quickest, and as true an answer as he could.

Morag nodded some, seeing the truth in his words, and then looked to Mana.'I see no reason to doubt his training. Mana, go find Balkor, have her train him to begin with.' Morag stated.

_'Balkor? But, I was hoping to train him myself.'_Mana started, but Morag shook her head.

_'He is but a riolu right now. He shows promise, but his aura is not drawn out yet. Balkor knows the birth of aura like no other. She will teach him as she teaches a promising cub, drawing his aura to the surface to begin with, ease him into training without hurting himself too badly.'_Morag stated.

Mana seemed a little unhappy with the words, but she still nodded at them, showing her acknowledgment. 'I shall instruct Balkor to take Rick to the caves for early training.'


Now traveling deep under the valley through ancient caverns lit by massive glowing crystalline roots, Balkor had led Rick down into a large chamber beneath the kingdom.

_'This is it. The source of what give us the true blessings of strength that gives way to aura.'_Balkor stated.

"What ... exactly is this place?" Rick asked, looking over the large root filled chamber over a small underground spring.

_'The World Mother told us that she had tried to plant a seed here once when making the world, but it did not grow as well as she had hoped and collapsed onto itself. I was told that the Tree of Beginning's is what the tree that was planted here was supposed to grow into. The roots still have life though, and we lucarios of the valley are attuned to aura so well because of them.'_Balkor explained, steeping into the water and motioning for him to follow. Rick quickly took his shoes and socks, and then followed, the water feeling cool, but not really that cold.

"So there roots are from a giant tree then. They don't... look very tree like. Well, yes, they look like tree roots, but not like that. I mean they look like they aren't made of wood though." Rick stated, a fair bit confused from all the mess he was going through, so use to Luke just answering weird things for it, it had become something of a habit for him to just speak out about things that confused at him times.

_'They are made of crystal, like temple and all of the constructs that the legendary pokemon have graced our kingdom with.'_Balkor explained, waiting for Rick in the waters, Rick slowly joining her on a small platform that was elevated just barely out of the water.

"Luke would have a field day with all this stuff." Rick said, taking a few deep breathes as he got to the platform and Balkor sat him down.

_'Aura is life itself. To use aura is to use your life. It can be a shield and help aid you block attacks reinforcing yourself. It can be a weapon, focused into a burst of energy to throw at your foes or burst upon them. To masters, it can even be molded into the bones of life, like Morag has mastered. It can also be your eyes, letting you perceive the world in a different way. This is a visual perception yes, but its more like a wave of sound, and some moves that disrupt the air around us or others can interfere with this perception.'_Balkor explained, sitting him down, spreading his legs a bit, and lightly turning this feet inward. He wasn't fully cross legged, but close as Balkor made sure to let his feet just barely dip into the waters.

_'Aura is in all things living, but it only shines proper in those that think, that live and breath. The grass, the trees, sometimes there are those who can perceive the aura of such things, but they never shine, they never give you a real sense of aura, merely lesser imitations that might interfere with your proper aura feelings.'_Balkor continued, now moving to his back, leaning forward light, putting his hands in his lap.

_'That is not to say that those plant like pokemon, or even the tree like pokemon don't have aura. They too are truly living things after all. They merely shine a little differently.'_Balkor added, before taking a similar stance beside him now.

_'These are things that you will not see for some time, but they are the goal we works towards first. Sarah, the girl you aided, had gauntlets to help pull her aura outward, to align her senses to become in tune with aura, to become sensitive to it. But, I have no such gauntlets to aid you, so we must do this the long way, the slow way.'_Balkor continued.

_'Once you start to become aura sensitive, there is no stopping this. You must let it take its course, allow the instincts of aura to grow, to become yours. As they grow, you shall come to feel the world different, you will have certain feelings, as though you know things. Trust these feelings, embrace them, but be prepared. To learn of aura so late in life, you may come to learn things about others that you had never desired to know.'_Balkor took his hands again, keeping him in the position she had chosen for him.

"How... how long would it take for a human to become aura sensitive?" Rick asked.

_'There is no rushing this. It shall happen at its own pace. Potential means that this will work, not that that it will happen quickly.'_Balkor replied a bit annoyed with the question.

"I don't want to rush it, its just... Well, if I'm just going to start seeing things out of the blue one day, I'd kind of like to know in advance, so I can maybe not be driving or something." Rick stated. "I'd prefer not to put others at risk because I suddenly get surprised by something I had never seen before."

Balkor seemed to nod now, calming down but didn't answer right away, thinking about the answer as if judging him thoroughly. 'Ultimately, I cannot say how fast this may happen. It may not even be sight first, but new instincts, as though you can just feel and know things about others. You must calm yourself.' Balkor finally said after a few minutes of silence.

"So... its just going to start happening when it does then?" Rick asked, trying to calm down.

_'You have a lot on your mind.'_Balkor stated.

"Two weeks ago, the biggest concern I had was how I was going to a get a raise. My boss wouldn't give me until I learned to work a bit better with the pokemon assigned to me at the food shop I worked at, and I've been a trainer, nor had interest in it so that was still a new thing for me. Now, I'm possibly in deep with Team Galactic maybe putting my brother at risk after all I've done to protect him, I supposedly have this gift that would make me a great aura guardian, some kind of super cop from what I'm been told, and I've been looked at, and talked with literal gods. My entire understanding of the world is currently upside down and I'm not even sure which way is up." Rick stated slowly, the weight of the situation clearly in full effect over him.

_'That seems like all the more reason to learn of aura, to reach within yourself to find inner power.'_Balkor replied.

"Yeah... yeah I guess it does. What... exactly am I supposed to be doing here?" Rick asked.

_'Relaxing, letting the roots and water over take you, letting the power of aura within come to the surface and allow yourself to become sensitive to its feelings, its instincts. If you force this, you will only bury any talent you had deeper.'_Balkor replied.


Hours had passed, and Rick had done some meditation, ultimately now feeling a thing. Balkor has invited him back to do it again next week, the act of drawing out aura a slow process without a set of training gauntlets.

As Rick as walking out though, he was left feeling a bit drained and hungry, and worse, he could still smell the remains of the bloodshake that Anna had spilled on him that morning by accident. Not knowing what the training was going to be or if he would even get any today, Rick has just washed up and wiped his shirt off thoroughly.

Remember last time he had been in the kingdom, he very intentionally brought only things that he could spare to lose, and despite the bloodshake getting spilled on his shirt that morning, it was still cleanest of the shirts he had and wouldn't mind losing.

"I really shouldn't... but the sun's already setting, and I'm really not in a mood to cook myself. Well if nothing else, if I haven't grown tired of it after two years, I'll still probably enjoy it until it goes out of business." Rick stated, mostly to himself as he walked out in the kingdom again. While still brightly lit thanks to all the crystalline lamp posts, the last rays of the sun were fading over the mountains around the valley and it was getting late.

Rick pulled out his phone wondering if the changes to the village would give him a phone signal now, but just like last, there was no service. Putting his phone back away, he started to move forward, only to practically topple over a lucario that was just suddenly there. "Whoa, hey hey! Careful." Rick snapped out a bit, stumbling backwards to try and not topple the lucario.

The lucario seemed to just follow Rick more closely though, and Rick could see now that it wasn't one he recognized. The lucario just kept sniffing at Rick though. "C... can I help you? Wh...whichever one you are?"

_'I'm Burger, the King! Bloodshake?! Do you have a spare?'_The lucario eagerly introduced himself as well as asked about the smell on him, still sniffing at Rick. The voice was distinctly male, and it confirmed that Rick hadn't met this exact lucario yet, or at least talked with them.

"Sorry. Anna, my brother's gardevoir just spilled one on me this morning and was in a rush to clean up." Rick explained.

_'The Crypt does breakfast milkshakes?'_Burger quickly asked now, Rick taking another step back, but Burger followed.

"No, they don... Wait a minute, how do you know about the Crypt?" Rick asked very confused now.

_'How could you not know about the Crypt. Best burgers and bloodshakes around. You sure you don't have a bloodshake?'_Burger repeated, still staying close to Rick, now looking at his pockets, seeing if he had a bag or something even, hoping that maybe Rick did have a bloodshake or a burger.

"Look, I got her one last night okay. I work there, so kinda a staple part of my brother's and his gardevoir's diet okay." Rick stated, still trying to back up, but at his words, Burger was almost on top of him now.

'You work there! You work at the crypt!' Burger quickly shouted at Rick, ears all the way at full attention, before grabbing Rick's hands. _'Share it. What's the secret. How do I make the bloodsauce!'_Burger quickly demanded.

"I'm just an assistant chef and occasionally grill worker. Otherwise I'm on the register or clean up. Only the head chef's know that secret okay." Rick started, only for Burger to bare some teeth and growl.

_'Lair! You work there, you know the secret!'_Burger growled some. _'Gimme gimme! I want to make my own bloodsauce!'_Burger snapped some, even giving a few audible barks.

"No... I really don't, okay!" Rick stated, backing up a bit more, but Burger stayed with him, starting to draw a lot of attention.

"What's going on here?" Kelly asked coming up slowly, Rick remembering Kelly from the last time he was there, she had shown him around after all.

_'He's a crypt worker! He knows the bloodsauce secret!'_Burger barked again, and even more loudly in addition to his aura voice.

"I really don't!" Rick snapped back, but at the mention of the Crypt so loudly, a bunch of other lucario's and riolus came running up.

"Hey. Hey all of you, calm down!" Kelly's voice sounded loudly in the noise, a dozen different aura voices all sounding at once, a mess of noise all in each other's heads, unable to be separated or understood.

It did little to help though, until James's voice boomed over the group. "Settle down, or I'm not bringing burgers next week!" James bellowed out, only for Rick to look at James.

"Wait a minute... You mean to tell me that this is where that four dozen order of burgers, fries, and shakes goes every other month!" Rick gasped out, knowing that James placed consistently large orders once every two months.