Todd's Birthday/First Day in Thunder Woods

Story by Darknesqw on SoFurry

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#1 of A Vulpix's Tale


Picture: Name: Pokemon: Gender.

Todd: Vulpix: Male

Foxy: Mix*: Female

Raizy: Raichu: Female

Terrance: Growlithe: Male

Fredrick: Salamence: Male

William: Mightyena: Male

Krystal: Zangoose: Female

Flip: Unknown mix: Female

Flare: Unknown mix: Male

Solare: Unknown mix: Male

Rocky: Anorith: Male

Kiera (Key-era): Chikorita: Female

Ruby: Plusel: Female Sapphire: Minun: Female ?Sisters

*Foxy has a special ability allowing her to change between any of her forms at any time.

Character Personalities

Name: Info

Todd: An energetic Vulpix who is 13 years old. He has lots of extra energy. He is a natural leader to the rest of his friends.

Foxy: Foxy is a kindhearted girl, who is always looking out for the others. Her special condition helps her do this. She is 18 years old.

Raizy: Raizy acts tough, but is a kind, warm person, once you get to know her. Raizy is 18 years old.

Terrance: A rash, hot tempered Growlithe. He is always jumping to conclusions and getting into trouble he needs help to get out of. Terrance is 11 years old.

Fredrick: Probably the wisest and oldest of the group, he generally uses knowledge and patience to solve problems, but if necessary, has a large reserve of power. He is 40.

William: A tough character, he only warms up to his closest friends. He relies on his wits and cunnings to get him out of tight spots, but also has a large reserve of power. He is 37

Krystal: A wise and kind Zangoose, she has slight magical power, and a beautiful staff she loves. She has little power and relies on friends to help her and support her. She is 15.

Flip: A cross breed of unknown origin. Flip has a large reserve of magic, but acts like a five year old. He is 16.

Flare: A cross breed of unknown origin. Flare is a rash energetic kid. He can get along with almost anyone. He is 8.

Solare: A cross breed of unknown origin. Not much more is known about Solare. He is a dark, moody person, and doesn't even warm up to his best friend, Flip. He is 19.

Rocky: A calm, slow, and friendly person, he rarely fights and has advice for most occasions. He is only 11 though.

Kiera: A happy friendly girl, but if angered she goes into a berserk fury. She is 9.

Ruby: An energetic kid, she lives with her sister and can get along with almost anyone. She is 10.

Sapphire: An energetic kid, she lives with her sister and can get along with almost anyone. She is 10.

*These are only the currently known characters.


Rolling Plains: The first of the groups two main areas they meet here almost everyday.

Moss Lake: The second of the groups two main areas they meet here almost everyday.

Todd's House: A messy place, he can rarely find anything here. 1 story.

Foxy and Raizy's House: The cleanest of all the houses. 2 stories.

Terrance's House: An actually clean place he just forgets to clean his dishes. 1 story.

Fredrick's House: A cave. Dark, damp, deep, scary. None know how deep it is.

William's House: Not clean, but not dirty, he cleans every other day. Flip, Flare, and Solare live with him. 2 stories.

Krystal's House: A clean place, full of spell books and broken magic things. 1 story.

Rocky's House: Very clean. But has little in it, mostly advanced books. 2 stories.

Kiera's House: A hectic place full of growing plants. Almost like a jungle. 1 story.

Ruby, and Sapphire's House: A split place ½ is Ruby's ½ is Sapphire's. 2 stories.

Furnace Desert: They rarely go here. A hot dangerous place.

Thunder Forest: They go here to train. Pretty safe except for getting lost in it.

Moonlit-Hill: Only Todd goes here often. He thinks about things, and wishes on stars.

Items of Importance

Character: items of importance

Todd: Sword

Foxy: Changing stone

Raizy: unknown

Terrance: N/A

Fredrick: Amulet necklace

William: Dragon Sword

Krystal: Magic Staff

Flip: N/A

Flare: N/A

Solare: N/A

Rocky: Shield

Kiera: N/A

Ruby: Ruby

Sapphire: Sapphire

Pokemon have two forms, their normal forms, and anthro form. They can change between either of these two forms at any time. They will generally be in their normal form, unless stated otherwise.

Foxy's Forms

1st generation forms. Eevee. Vaporeon. Jolteon. Flareon.

2nd generation forms Espeon. Umbreon.

4th generation forms Glacia. Leaflia.

Chapter 1

Todd's Birthday

As was usual, Todd was trying as hard as possible to be asleep, even though it was ten-o'clock already. Then he remembered what day it was, his birthday. Suddenly he was getting dressed and cleaned as if his life depended on it. I've really got to learn how to get up better on a daily basis, Todd was thinking when there was a knock at the door.

"Hold on like, one second please!" Todd yelled to the door, while trying to brush his tail, brush his teeth, and cut a path through the mess on his floor, all at once. In the end he managed to trip over a cardboard box, drop his toothbrush onto the floor, and mess his tail up, ending with a resounding thump as he hit the floor. The Pokemon outside the door heard the thump and started laughing.

"Not up yet, even though it's your birthday? I'm stunned, Todd."

"Cut me a little slack at least, yeesh," Todd replied as he got back up, found his toothbrush, flung it to his sink, and straightened his tail out a bit.

"So you gonna let me in or not?" asked the Pokemon.

"I'm at the door, just let me open it," Todd replied in an annoyed way as he finally opened the door. Standing on his doorstep was Foxy, in anthro Eevee form, looking a little hurt.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to get on your nerves," Foxy said in an apologetic tone.

"It's okay. I probably shouldn't have snapped at you. So I'm sorry too" said Todd. "Good, 'cause everyone's waiting for you," said Foxy looking a lot happier.

"Everyone's waiting whe..." Todd started to ask right as Foxy grabbed him and started running at full speed in the direction of Moss Lake. A few moments later they were at Moss Lake. It took a moment for the spots to go away from Todd's eyes, but when they did he was thrilled. There was a whole party set up for him, and all of his friends were there.

First, they all had cake. While eating his cake Todd noticed that William was standing a bit away from the rest of the group. Todd walked over to talk to him. "Hey William. What are you doing over here instead of with everyone else?" Todd asked.

"I'm not good with big groups of Pokemon" replied William.

"Oh, come on!" Todd said as he grabbed William and started dragging him to the group. But right as they got there the noise suddenly died down, the pressure drastically dropped, and the sky was full of clouds. Oh no, thought Todd

"Everyone get ready for a big storm, or an enemy, and a big one at that!" Fredrick yelled. A few moments later, a big raindrop landed on Todd's face, and then it started raining.

"False alarm everyone!" Fredrick declared. Suddenly everyone was in a hurry to save the cake, presents, and themselves from getting wet.

"Everyone to Rocky's house" someone yelled.

"What?!" replied Rocky. But by then everyone was heading that way fast. "Darn it!" Rocky said to no one in particular, as he headed for his house.

Fredrick got there first, Foxy second, because she had changed into a Jolteon, Flip, and Solare both got there at the same time, because they teleported. Then everyone else got there in one big group, except for Rocky, who, by the time he showed up, was soaking wet, and it was pouring outside.

"Thanks for waiting, and asking to use my house guys," Rocky said sarcastically.

"Well your house was probably the only one with enough room and no junk," said Krystal.

"If you would have seen Todd's house, well, it's a land fill," said Foxy in a mock tone.

"H-hey!" Todd stammered through a mouthful of cake. "Ifth no tha ba," he said, and everyone laughed, including Todd.

The rest of the party went well. They played pin the tails on the Ninetails, hit a piñata, and finally got to the presents. Todd was already happy about the party, but when they got to the presents, he was almost shaking with excitement.

The first one he opened was about twice his size, and wrapped in shiny purple gift wrap. On the card it said, From, Krystal. Todd ripped the paper of in such a way, that the room looked like it was in a purple snowstorm. When the paper settled down everyone was looking at where Todd had been, but all that was there was a huge cauldron.

"Krystal! Did you put another spell in his gift like last year?!" demanded Foxy.

"Don't worry," came a voice from in the cauldron,"I just climbed into the cauldron while the paper was still in the air." Suddenly Todd's head popped out of the top of the cauldron. "Sorry if I scared you."

The next present was shaped like a pointed staff with a handle. It was wrapped in plain black paper, and the card said, From Fredrick. For some reason, Todd felt compelled to open it slowly. As he slid the paper down off of the present, a handle appeared. By the time he had the paper halfway off, most already knew what it was. When Todd got the last of the paper off, he realized a brown leather covering was on the bottom of the item. As he slid it off, a shiny, silver object slid out.

"A sword," said Todd in an awed, silenced tone. "Fredrick what's with the sword, not that I don't like it but, well... I don't get it," Said Todd.

"Well aren't you old enough to go into the Thunder Forest to train," Fredrick more of stated, than asked.

"Oh, yeah," said Todd, "thank you Fredrick."

"No problem, Todd," Fredrick replied.

None of the rest of the presents really compared to the sword, but they were all still nice. Todd got; a game console from William, games for the console from Flip, Flare, and Solare, a raincoat from Rocky, a cabinet from Kiera, a computer from Foxy and Raizy, a map from Terrance, and some CDs from Ruby and Sapphire.

After thanking all of his friends, Todd gathered his gifts and headed home. When he got back to his house he found places for all of his things, put the cabinet into use and played his new console for a while.

At around nine p.m. Todd left his house and headed toward Thunder Forest. When he got there, though, he turned left a walked around the forest until he reached a cliff a few hundred yards from the forest.

Todd sat on a hill there he had named, Moonlit-Hill. He sat there and planned what he would do tomorrow, thought about what he had done today, and also sat there star-gazing. He dozed off at eleven and woke back up around two a.m. His fur was slightly damp from the dew that had formed on him. He got up, stretched, and headed back to his house. On the way to his house, though, he thought he spotted a pair of glowing eyes looking at him from the forest, but when he looked they were gone. Must've been nothing, thought Todd as he left and went home where he went back to sleep.

* * *

Two giant, glowing, red eyes stared at him. An evil laughter came from all around. He tried to run, but the eyes and laughter followed him. Suddenly, a nightmarish, glowing, giant, mouth appeared underneath the eyes. "I'm going to eat you for lunch," declared a haunting, thunderous voice. The mouth passed him, and started to close. He started screaming, but the thing paid no attention. There was only a sliver of light still coming from between the sharp, serrated teeth, then...

Todd woke up with a start, sweating, and screaming. After a minute Todd got himself to calm down. That was some nightmare, thought Todd, as he continued panting and sweating. He glanced at his clock, and saw it was 3:30 a.m. "Dang, it's early," Todd said to no one in particular, "Well, I should probably take a shower to clean myself up, and to help clear my mind."

Todd went to his bathroom, and turned the shower on. After a moment he got in, started cleaning his sweaty fur, and tried to clear his mind. It was just a nightmare, Todd kept thinking to himself. As Todd was in the shower, he was unaware of a dark, shapeless, form sneaking out of his window. After Todd finished cleaning his fur off in the shower, he went back to his bed, and fell asleep.

* * *

Todd was jolted awakened by a sudden, echoing clap thunder. "I'm up! I'm up!" Todd yelled in a startled way. After a moment he realized it was only thunder, and that it was raining outside. Todd realized he had been holding his breath, and exhaled. He glanced at his clock. His clock read 9:00 a.m. "Time to get up, I guess," Todd told himself. By the time he had found a clean set of clothes, it had stopped raining.

After he had gotten dressed he gathered his stuff to take with him and started to leave when he felt as if he had forgotten something. He thought about it a moment, then realized he didn't have his sword. He rushed to his closet and reached up to the top shelf. He felt around until he found his sword, then he rushed out of his house. In his haste he had forgotten to close his windows, and lock his door.

Todd rushed over to Foxy and Raizy's house. When he got there he rang the bell a few times. After a moment Raizy answered the front door. "Hi Raizy, is Foxy here?" ask Todd. "Yeah, just give her a moment Todd. You sure are up earlier than I've ever seen, Todd," Raizy said. "Ok," Todd replied.

After a minute or two Foxy, arrived at the door. "Well you're earlier than usual," said Foxy. "Is that bad?" asked Todd sarcastically. "No, just surprising," Foxy replied, smiling slightly. "What are you smiling at?" asked Todd, a little confused. "Oh, nothing," replied Foxy.

"Then what are you waiting for, lets get to the forest," Todd said anxiously, as he started to run in the direction of the forest, "I'll even race you there, last one there is a stinker." "You're on Todd," replied Foxy as she ran off after him.

When they arrived, Foxy in first, at Thunder Forest only a few others where there yet. "So Todd did Foxy wake you up really early or something?" asked Fredrick. "No, actually Todd came to get me before I was even ready," Foxy told him. "Oh really. Well that is a surprise," said Fredrick.

During the next 30 minutes everyone else 13 years or older arrived. After Fredrick made sure everyone who was supposed to be here was here, and that anyone who wasn't supposed to be here left, he tried to get everyone's attention. After a minute of no luck, he finally yelled "Silence!" Everyone instantly quieted down.

"You all know why we are here right?" he asked. A chorus of yeses answered him. "Good then I don't have to go over the rules of this tournament again, so we will go right to the first round pairings," Fredrick announced. "Round 1; Fredrick vs. William; Solare vs. Raizy; Flip vs. Foxy; Krystal vs. Todd. You all know your designated areas so with that let the first round begin as soon as you reach your areas," declared Fredrick.

As Todd and Krystal walked to the area for the first round Todd felt a little scared. He had never been to, or seen a real tournament fight. Sure he knew all the rules, but he was still a little scared. After they reached the area they were to hold their round in Todd was a little less scared. The area was merely a round clearing in the forest.

After they each went to the designated starting positions on opposite sides of the area, Krystal asked, "Ready?" as she took out her staff, and changed to her anthro form.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Todd replied, changing into his anthro form and drawing his sword from its sheath.

"Go!" they said simultaneously, and shot to action.

Todd immediately charged at Krystal, brandishing his sword. But Krystal jumped to the side and started chanting something incomprehensible that made Todd' ears hurt and made it hard for him to think straight. Todd barely avoided the psychic blast Krystal shot from her staff, but it still singed some of his fur. Todd managed to shut out the ringing in his ears just in time to be hit full force, in the chest by another psychic blast.

As Todd stood back up Krystal fired another blast, but Todd dodged it with ease and charged again. Krystal tried to avoid the sword, but Todd knew what to expect, so he swept his sword to the side, nicking her ear. She jumped back and shot a barrage of psychic blasts at Todd. Todd avoided most of them, but five still hit him. Even though Todd had the wind knocked out of him, he still managed to stand up. As he stood there panting he saw Krystal was unconscious, she had used all of her energy in that last attack.

Todd picked Krystal up and headed back to the area where everyone met before the first round. He was the first one to arrive, so he sat down and waited for 15 minutes before Foxy and Flip came out of the forest.

"Hey, Todd, how'd you do?" asked Flip.

"I, uh, think I won. She used all of her energy and fainted," Todd replied.

"Well that does count as a win," Foxy replied.

"How did you two do?" asked Todd

"I won," answered Foxy.

"Because you can change forms to fit the situation," grumbled Flip.

Over the next 33 ½ minutes the other four returned to the clearing and Krystal woke up. After one more minute Fredrick announced the results. "In 1st is Todd with 10 pts. 2nd is Foxy with 7 pts. 3rd is me with 5 pts. And 4th is Raizy with 2pts," Fredrick announced.

"The next round is in one hour. We will all meet back here then. With that said make good use of your..." Fredrick started, but suddenly stopped. Todd was about to ask what was wrong, but then he felt it too. The pressure was in a rapid decline, and the sky was filling with dark, ominous, black clouds. Oh no, not now, thought Todd. "Everyone prepare your weapons, and change to anthro form!" Fredrick ordered in a suddenly stern commanding voice, and everyone obeyed.

Suddenly a dark line appeared in the sky, which appeared to suck in all the light around it. Swiftly, the rift increased in size. A thunderous howl emitted from it, and a fierce wind started trying to grab them off the ground and into the rift. Some of the smaller shrubs and plant life couldn't hold on, and were swept away into the void.

"I'm reading class five energy emitting from the rift," Krystal told Fredrick. "The creature should emerge shortly then," he replied.

Then suddenly the, the wind stopped, and everything seemed frozen in place, as if waiting for something. Then the creature emerged from the rift, and all the plants and trees bent away from it. The monster stood about 15ft tall, had glowing, demonic, red eyes, fangs about the size of Todd in his normal form, large, red, claws on each hand, and a jet black body, that seemed to absorb all the light around it. The creature let out a bloodcurdling roar that sent shivers up Todd's spine, and made his fur stand on end. Its gaze swept over the surrounding area, stopping momentarily on each of the foes before it.

After it finished looking at the surrounding area, it turned back to the group assembled before it. It let out another roar, and charged. Todd didn't expect it to be so fast or fluid, with how large it was, but it moved as if it were the winds itself. "Look out!" Fredrick yelled. Todd then realized the creature was heading straight for him, with its claws out, and its eyes gleaming. Todd barely avoided getting hit, but was to slow to counterattack it. Suddenly a psychic blast hit the thing, but it didn't seem to do much other than make the creature angrier. It let out another roar, but as it stood there roaring, William ran up and stabbed with his sword. "Come on Todd, use your sword!" William yelled.

Todd realized he had been staring and doing nothing again, so he ran up and stabbed it too. The creature shrieked, and attempted to shake them off, but couldn't. As the creature was distracted Krystal started chanting. Fredrick, and the others went to help hold it down, and Todd tried to dig his sword deeper into the monster. But the thing realized what was happening, and let out a psychic lash, sending everyone touching it or near it flying back. But by then it was too late, Krystal finished the spell she'd been casting and fired it at the creature. The thing tried to avoid it, but couldn't. The spell hit the monsters side, were it ate through and dissipated. The thing shrieked in anger as it started to dematerialize from where it was hit. It tried to move, but it didn't have enough energy to go that far. After a moment it disappeared completely.

Todd, who was still on the ground from the psychic lash, shuddered as the thing let out its final piercing shriek. Only after it was gone did he realize what had happened. "What was that?!" he yelled. "That, Todd, is what we call a demon. They materialize every once in a while, and we have to fight them off. And to answer your unasked question, the reason you've never seen one before is because we try to keep the younger ones away from them until they're old enough to wield a weapon," answered Fredrick.

"Hey! Fredrick, I finished the readings, that was a..." Krystal started. "Level 1, class G, if I'm not mistaken," Fredrick interrupted. "I wish you wouldn't do that," she replied. "Respect your elders," he joked. "Yeah, yeah, whatever Fredrick," she huffed.

"Everyone your attention please," Fredrick said raising his voice, "we will continue the tournament tomorrow. That is all." As everyone began to leave Todd caught up with Fredrick. "I still don't get it," he said,"I kind of get the demon part, but what were those... readings, Krystal was talking about?" "Those tell how strong the demon is, the higher the number and higher the letter the stronger," Fredrick replied. "What is the strongest you remember?" Todd asked. Fredrick's face seemed to darken, and in a grim tone he said, "Malvagità, a level 2, class X demon," suddenly his face lit up again," Foxy's waiting for you, so you should get going." "Kay," Todd replied, and went to meet up with Foxy for the trip home.

"Innocent kid isn't he," said William walking up behind Fredrick. "Yes but Malvagità was a horrible tragedy, you remember right?" "How could I forget, it was the fall of the last great empire on the plains. Only the six of us lived, and then Lucard died from blood lose leaving us and the three children," William said grimly. "I doubt that Foxy, Raizy, or Krystal remember it they were very young," Fredrick replied," Well I'll be seeing you later William." "Bye Fredrick."

* * *

All the way back to their houses Todd was asking Foxy what she knew about demons. When they got to Foxy's house Todd was still unsatisfied about his knowledge on demons. As he was approaching his house he realized something was wrong before he even got there. He could tell because the lights were on and the door was wide open. He stopped and considered going back and getting Foxy, but figured that if they were thieves they would be gone before he and Foxy would get there. Then he saw someone walkthrough the light from the door way, and Todd got mad. Without thinking, he ran the rest of the way to his house. He jumped through the door, realized the place was exactly how he left it, with the exception of the lights and door. He didn't see any body then it hit him, they planned this. The next thing to hit him was a pan to the back of his head.