NC 13: Hitchhiking Gone Right

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#13 of November Challenge Stories

A little slice of life that involves someone else running into Cornelius, and just how weird the rabbit's life looks from the outside.

November challenge for myself.

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A Passenger of Power

November 13th Prompt: Hitchhiking Gone Right

Iakovos thought he was seeing things as he drove down the long highway in the middle of the desert, but when he pulled the car to a halt and looked in his mirror, he still saw the white-furred rabbit standing at the side of the road. Dressed in nothing but a black rubber thong and a top-hat, the stranger hopped from one bare foot to the other as he ran down the side of the freeway to the car. The maned wolf watched with his mouth hanging open, staring at the rabbit getting closer and closer with nothing but disbelief.

Finally, the barely-dressed lapine leaned against the passenger window, gesturing for him to roll it down. Iakovos was too shocked to do anything else, cracking it just enough to let the rabbit talk.

"Any chance - ah - for - ow! - for a ride?"

"You're...kidding, right?"

"Really, really not. Mine conked out. Can't get it started. Really, really, really would like to get off the hot sand as soon as possible, so if you'd please - ow ow ow ow ow MMMPH!"

"Okay okay. I'll unlock the back."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Still barely understanding what was going on, Iakovos reached for the little panel of buttons on the driver's side door. The long-legged, red-furred canine hesitated, then followed through. As soon as the back-passenger door clicked open, the rabbit had yanked it free and leaped through. He fell flat on his back, legs up, sighing as he held his reddened soles as far from the pavement and sand as he could.

Iakovos tried not to stare, but it was hard not to. After all, it wasn't just the fact that a complete stranger had come running up to him to beg a ride, but one that was almost naked, at that. The fact that the rabbit was wearing a rubber thong that was so tight that it left nothing to the imagination made it hard to do anything but stare down there, and he blushed as he was almost caught doing it. He whipped his head back to the road as the rabbit finally sat up and shut the door.

"Ho, boy...thanks again. Name's Cornelius, by the way," the rabbit said.

"Iakovos. Um...where are you going, again?"

"Doesn't really matter, as long as it's to some city or other," Cornelius said, leaning back against the middle seat. "You mind turning on the air con?"

"No, but - oh."

The rabbit had put his feet up as soon as the air started flowing, one heel by the driver's head-rest, the other on the passenger seat in the same location. He blushed, looking away from the long, obviously half-burned soles, staring straight ahead. It didn't make it easier that such a position flaunted the rabbit's crotch, too.

"What were you doing out in the desert?" he asked, trying to distract himself from his own stupidity in making this offer to begin with. Why would he just open his car to this rabbit to begin with? It was stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. "I're not exactly dressed for it."

"Heh. You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"So...just going to leave it there?"

"Anything on the road behind us?"

That wasn't a question that he wanted to think about. He looked up at the mirror, only to blink.

"Uh..." He swallowed as a metallic disk flew in the opposite direction. "Was that...what I think it was?"

"Probably." Cornelius grunted, pulling his hat off his head and dragging what looked like a dime-store wand from the inside. "Excuse me; we're gonna need a boost."

UFOs were supposed to be impossible. He was still slightly out of it, staring at the mirror as the rabbit pulled his legs back down and leaned forward. It wasn't until his passenger tapped the dash of his car and set it to roaring that he realized that something had happened, and he stared as the speedometer leaped forward, going from fifty miles per hour to eighty, a hundred, a hundred-thirty.

"What the fuck?" he whispered.

"Keep your foot on the gas," Cornelius said, looking back out the car window. "Doesn't look like they saw us, but trust me. You want distance."

"What the fuck is chasing us?"

"Chasing me, specifically."

"But what is it?"

"You know, this'd be a lot less concerning if I knew the answer to that question. Heh. But that's part of the fun."

"Fun? You call this fun?"

"Oh, don't worry. I'll take care of you. You just keep the car moving until we hit city limits. Once we get there, I'll take care of the rest. Oh, and if you know a good hotel, that'd be great."


"Oh, sorry. Not into rabbits? Or guys? I can see if I can get cash, instead, but, you know. Gas, grass, or ass, right?"

Iakovos didn't know what to say, nor did he want to admit how much he'd stared at the rabbit's rounded rump in the mirror when Cornelius had pulled himself back to his chair. The maned wolf didn't know what the hell was going on, but he figured that he had until he hit Valentine to find out, and at this speed, that was still a good thirty minutes away.

Time to start thinking.