Silver Lake

Story by Fawkes Softpaw on SoFurry

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Well this is one of the stories that I wrote a wile ago and decided to rewrite and put up here. I did this to help with the writer's block I got wile working on the second chapter of The power of love. Anyway, let me know that you think about this story and if you rate it you get a cookie >.<

The silence of a moonlit night was broken by the roar of a black and gold 1970 Oldsmobile 442 as it sped down a highway that was almost deserted. Sitting in the driver seat, smiling and enjoying the speed, was Vincent Vegas. His shoulder length jet black hair was blown around by the air rushing thought the open window at his side and his red eyes had a weird shade to them in the light coming from the dashboard lights. As he passed a few cars that seemed to be standing still, he glanced down at the speedometer. Seeing that he was pushing 120mph Vincent decided to back off a little, he didn't want to have to deal with any police tonight. It wasn't that he was afraid of getting arrested, he just didn't like to be disturbed wile he was hunting. Vincent was a werewolf that had been traversing the U.S. for about 20 years and he had a system of hunting almost perfected. He would enter a town about three to four days before the next full moon, find someone that appealed to him, make them fall in love with him, and then during the full moon he would satisfy both his lust and his hunger. He wasn't at all bothered by his nature, he figured that he could change anything so why would he, but somewhere deep down he was still disturbed by his first kill. The first person he had killed had been his mate at the time. Vincent had loved him with all his heart and because of his death he always kept a .357 magnum revolver in his glove box. The revolver had a single silver bullet in it. He had originally planed to kill himself the night after he had killed his mate, but he was unable to do it. Over the years the reason he kept it still hadn't become clear to him, but still it sat there unfired.

Vincents thoughts gave way to the present and his smile grew as he saw the town that he had chosen. The sign he passed read "Welcome to Silver Lake", he had chosen it as soon as he saw it on the map just because of the irony of it. Slowing the car to the speed limit he slowly idled down main street, the deep rumble of the powerful V-8 motor drawing the attention of every mussel car fan walking the street and making Vincent smile, he loved being the center of attention. Swinging the car into a parking spot next to an intersection, he killed the engine and got out. He didn't bother to lock the door, as he stepped up on the side walk as started walking down the street looking for his prey. He saw a few possible targets and made sure to memorize their scent just in case he didn't find the perfect on in time and had to fall back on them. Then right as he was about to give up he saw him. The human running towards him was the splitting image of his mate that had died so long ago. The sight of his mate caused Vincent to pause in the middle of the side walk, causing the human to bump into him as he ran. Vincent was surprised when he smelled the scent that he had burned into his memory, the scent of his mate. He was quickly drawn out of his thoughts by a loud crunching sound and the sharp cry of sheet metal as a white Chevy truck hit the back end of his car, tearing the back bumper and trunk lid off as it continued into the intersection. The truck stopped on the other side of the street and two big and burly men got out, pointed at the human that resembled his mate, and started chasing him down the street that led off main street.

Vincent shook with rage at the destruction of his car, and the threat on his mate's life. The thought that he had just confused his dead mate with the human that looked like him didn't pass though Vincent's mind as he got in his car and started it. With a squeal of rubber and a roar from the powerful engine, the car shot over the curb and down the street. He slid the car to a stop halfway down the street in the mouth of an ally. Then getting out he proceeded down the ally where the two men were beating his mate, taking turns hitting him, then when he fell to the ground kicking him. As Vincent approached the first of the two he grabbed his head with both hands and with a sharp twist the man's neck broke. The crack of breaking bone alerted the other man and turning to face Vincent he was met with a fist to the face. The superhuman strength of Vincents punch sent the man flying into the steel door at the other end of the ally, the impact of his body actually dented the door's thick steel. After taking a few deep breaths to slow his heart and clear the red haze from his eyes he knelled beside the human that was being beaten and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Hay, are you okay? Can you walk?" Vincent asked and was answered by a groan of pain. Taking that as a no, he gently lifted the human into his arms and effortlessly carried him to the car. After placing him in the back seat he drove him to the hospital, breaking every speed limit by at least 20mph.

Vincent sat in the ER waiting room almost radiating nervousness as he waited for the doctor to tell him how badly the human he had helped was hurt. Twice the nurses had tried to get him to leave and explain that sense he wasn't family he couldn't visit him until morning and twice he had sent them running for the safety of their desk with his glare alone. "I swear I saw his eyes turn red when I tried to get him to leave" One nurse said as she shook from her encounter with Vincent wile she made a note to not bother him again. After an hour one of the doctors came out and was directed towards Vincent. After a brief warning from one of the now frightened nurses he walked towards the waiting werewolf. Vincent was so deep in thought that the doctors first attempt at speech didn't get through and when he finally snapped the werewolf out of his thoughts he was rewarded with a threatening growl. The growl quickly ended as Vincent realized that this wasn't a nurse trying to shoo him away. "I'm sorry doctor I'm just a little on edge." He said shaking his head and getting up. "So how is he?" He asked changing so fast from a intimidating figure to a worried and caring person that the doctor almost thought he had been imagining the hole thing. "H..he's stable now, he had a few broken ribs, some light lacerations, a lot of bruises, and a cracked skull. He will be sedated for the next 12 hours to help the healing process and to keep his pain in check." The doctor said, and he was about to add that Vincent could come back in the morning but when he saw the look on his face he added "You are welcome to wait in here or in the room if you want." Vincent only nodded and started walking down the hallway following the scent he knew all to well.

As Vincent walked into the hospital room he was taken back at how many tubes and wires let to his mate. 'he's not your mate, he's just some random human' he thought to himself trying to get that notion out of his head. He moved to a chair that was next to the bed and sat down, slipping back into his thoughts. He began by questioning what he was going to do with this human. The man he had saved might have witnessed his inhuman strength, which but him at risk of being found out and possibly killed. He would either have to kill this man or try to get him to keep that knowledge to himself. Vincent hated the idea of having to kill his mate again so he decided that if the human didn't know anything he was going to try to make a life for himself, and try to get a second chance at the life he was robbed of. But if the human did know something he was either going to have to charm him into loving him and keep his secret or kill him. He was trying to think of a way out of this when he fell asleep, exhausted from the days emotional strain on him.

_ ** He sat straight up in the chair, looking around he saw that he was sitting in the middle of a forest clearing. He got up and started walking along the only path available, a dirt path that lead from the clearing into the almost completely dark woods. After walking the path only a few minutes he came to a small cabin built out of sun dried bricks and a wood plank roof. The sight in front of him made him gasp, it was his old house the one he had killed his mate in. He looked left and there was the 1970 olds that he and his mate had just finished, looking down he saw the scar that the wolf who had attacked him just a few hours ago had left. He had been hunting for food and was now returning home to show his mate the bite and ask him if it was worth a drive into town. He opened the door and walked in, the noise making his mate turn to face him, his throat already ripped open from the bite that was to be delivered by Vincent only a few minutes from now and his clothes already dripping his blood. He held out a plate that was full with the flesh from his throat and some of his internal organs. "Look I made you dinner, I figured I would save you the trouble since you were gone for so long." He said with a loving smile on his face.** _

Vincent jumped out of his chair having woke himself up with his scream. As his heart stopped trying to beat it's way out of his chest he noticed that he had woken up the human that he had saved. As his eyes slowly opened Vincent moved closer to him wanting to make sure that he was okay. "Hay how are you feeling?" Vincent asked wile constantly telling himself that this wasn't his mate and he shouldn't kiss him or hug him or try to comfort him in any of the ways he would a mate. Once the human he saved got his eyes fully open and the room came into focus he saw Vincent and the most horrified look came over his face. "Oh dear god.... p..please don't kill me." He said covering his face with both hands and wetting the bed. Upon hearing this Vincent knew that this human knew his secret and that he would never trust him, so he made his decision on how he was going to handle this. He leaned forward and grabbed the humans arms with both of his hands........

To be continued in chapter 2