Shaydes Mission part 1

Story by cdsowden on SoFurry

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Shayde was at home relaxing after a hard day chasing down a evil Blue Dragon using his katana Shayde had finally after a long and tiring fight plunged his blade deep into the Dragons stomach and sliced him open killing the Dragon. Shayde had then dragged the dead Dragon back to the contact who needed the Dragon killed after eating his farmers livestock, Shayde was in his bath enjoying the warm water over his fur when he heard a knock at the door so grabbing a towel Shayde went to the door opened it to reveal a beautiful female Alsatian shivering at his door like a gentleman Shayde let her in he noticed she was holding her clothes to her and looked a bit confused. The Alsatian sat down next to Shayde and explained that she was in need of his help but she was unable to pay for his services, Shayde never one to turn down a female asked her to explain what happened and why her clothes were so torn. The Alsatian told Shayde her name is Ayasha and she and her pet a Wyvern with the name Viper were attacked by bandits with a large and evil Dragon they had ripped her clothes apart and stolen her money and items and had also wounded Viper and taken him prisoner forcing her to do things for them like to kill Shayde but Ayasha knew he would kill her had she tried to fight him to make sure she did as her told the Dragon would torture Viper in front of her his pain was felt by Ayasha and it made the Dragon laugh. Shayde offered ayasha his spare room and a nice warm bath, Ayasha hugged him as they got up and Shayde blushed as her torn dress fell to the floor, blushing herself Ayasha picked up her dress and followed Shayde to the bath where he put more warm water in and left to give her privacy, Shayde went into his room and sat on the bed as he pictured her in his mind she was athletic build and had nice sized breasts she was not very muscular as her breasts were quite large but unknown to Shayde she was a good fighter but not as strong as he is. Ayasha was standing in Shaydes room looking at him she had his towel covering her body Shayde had not noticed he was still naked until he noticed Ayasha blush looking at his sheath, Ayasha walked upto Shayde and began to rub his sheath the shocked Shayde fell back on his bed as Ayasha removed her towel and lay next to him licking his face. Shayde woke after spending the night with Ayasha and grabbed his pants, bandana and Katana and with Ayasha they went to save Viper. Before leaving the town Shayde headed to the local medicine shop to get supplys knowing he would likely get wounded fighting this evil Dragon. Shadye went to the counter and asked the Wolf at the counter for some medicines for his journey, Ayasha also got some items mainly food and water as the journey will be long and hard. Shayde looked at Ayasha as they left the shop she was looking very unhappy so he asked her what was wrong and he was a little shocked with the answer when she told him the evil Dragon he was to slay wanted her to kill him. Shayde put his arms round Ayasha and in a loving voice told her he would never hurt her and he would protect her and Viper once they rescue him. Shayde and Ayasha left the village and followed a path towards the next town a good half days walk away they will spend the night at the inn in the town. Shayde and ayasha had only got about 200 yards from the village when they were attacked by a group of bandits the leader was a muscular Tiger he was at least three foot taller than Shayde but having killed Tigers before Shayde knew he would be far to pride the other three bandits were two female Panthers and a male Bear. Shayde drew his katana as Ayasha drew her short sword and they both went back to back so not to get caught out by the attackers. The Tiger ordered the two Panthers to return to the base and wait for them to return with the two canines, but they didn't count on Shaydes sword skills the Bear charged and with a large heavy hammer tried to slam it into Shaydes skull but both canines jumped out the way as the hammer impacted the floor sending dust into the air blinding Ayasha as the Tiger grabbed her and ran away. Hearing Ayasha scream Shayde went to help but the Bear knocked him back sending Shayde on his back and his sword out of his paw, Shayde gave a painful yelp and holding his chest got up just in time to see the Bear charging him, just as Shayde braced for the hammer to hit him he noticed the Bear drop to his knees holding his chest close to the heart Shayde noticed three arrows in the Bears body so he picked up his katana and struggled to find Ayasha he didn't know where to look but knew he was being followed. Shayde hit in the bushes and waited for the figure to get close, the figure stopped at the bushes and looked around just as Shayde pounced on the figure tying the Bears killer down. Shayde looked at the figure and noticed the killer was female from the body, removing her hood Shayde reviled a young female Wolf she was a bit shy as she blushed when Shayde saw her face. Not noticing the hood was part of her clothing Shayde pulled it off and left the female Wolf tied down and naked and unable to cover her breasts, Shayde untied her and gave her clothing back the wolf whos name is Amber and she was a trained archer Shayde knew she would come in very handy but he needed to get in her good books, so he offered to take her to the inn to say sorry in the hope she will join him in finding Ayasha and Viper. Amber looked at Shayde and smiled this confused him a bit then she accepted his offer and they continued to the nearest town. Shayde and Amber entered the town and went to the inn Amber still smiling then Shayde went to ask for two rooms but Amber stopped him and told the ugly keeper just the one room with a sly grin, Shayde knew what was coming from the cute Wolf and he didn't mind to much although he did prefer to be in the company of another male, this reminding him of the last mission he was one with a tall sexy Draconian before they were separated and the Draconian was killed by the Dragon he last killed, shayde remembered how close they got and the lovely night they had before the fatal fight. Shayde went straight into the bathroom to turned the bath on he was covered in dust and dirt and his chest still hurt after the Bear attack, Amber looked as he removed his trousers and bandana and put them next to the sink and enter the warm bath, Amber removed her clothing and looked in the cupboards for something to eat. Shayde was enjoying his bath when Amber walked in catching Shayde offguard while he was still thinking about his night with his Draconian friend he blushed as she looked at his sheath and erect penis, Shayde asked Amber to go to the bar and get some food for them giving him time to finish washing and cleaning his clothing. Amber went to the bed and grabbed the night gown from the bed and went to the bar to get food. While Amber was getting the food Shayde had finished his bath and used his bandana to clean his clothing he was still naked when Amber came back in with the food just some bread and chicken and a jug of water, Shayde smiled at Amber in her revealing gown looking down she blushed and put the food on the small table she was feeling safe with Shayde and had almost forgiven him for tying her up. Shayde and Amber sat down to their meal not really enjoying it but thankful for the food, Amber then got up and lay on the bed and looked at Shayde and called him over to her looking at his muscular body as he walked over to the bed, she then leant over and gently rubbed his sheath making Shayde groan with pleasure as his penis grew and with that he got into the bed with her and to start they snuggled and kissed each other. Early that morning Shayde woke after a passionate night with Amber who was still fast asleep so Shayde went to the bath room and washed as Amber woke and watched as Shayde put his clothing on and sheathed his katana and got ready to find ayasha and save her pet Viper. Amber and Shayde left the inn and continued to look for Ayasha, Amber was just putting her hood on when Shayde noticed the Tiger that took Ayasha and they gave chase following him to his lair stopping just infront of the lair Shayde and Amber slowly sneaked into the Lair which happened to be a large Dragons empty cave they could hear Ayasha scream. Shayde drew his katana and with Amber just behind with her bow entered the cave not knowing what was in there, they saw two tigers guarding a cage which looked like it had a large creature in but they could not tell what so they silently took out the two Tigers Amber shooting an arrow into the skull of one and Shayde slicing the others neck. In the cage was a dying small Wyvern its chest was stabbed and its belly cut open having no time they left the Wyvern and continued through the cave coming across the dead body of a larger decapitated Wyvern this made Amber feel sick but with Shaydes help she carried on. It was not long before Shayde found the Tiger that took Ayasha he had her tied up to a post Amber was looking a bit worried as Shayde charged the Tiger only for a loud roaring noise to stop him in his tracks Shayde froze on the spot as a Large Dragon enter the chamber they were in Amber hid behind some rocks as shayde as fast as he could ran to safety as the Tiger approached the Dragon thinking it would not kill him just for the sacrifice, but without the Tiger even flinching the Dragon knocked him into the wall making Shayde wince at the sound of breaking bones, Amber looked and saw blood running down the Tigers face she knew he was dead but now her and Shayde had a Dragon to deal with. Seeing loose scales on the Dragons belly shayde pointed to Amber to fire arrows into the weak spot in the hope of getting the Dragon to flee and save Ayasha so Amber fired six arrows into the Dragons belly forcing the Dragon to roar with agony and quickly retreat from the cave unwilling to get into a fight while he is hurt. Hayed feeling very releaved ran to Ayasha and cut her free, she threw herself into Shaydes arms and kissed him to say thankyou. Amber, Ayasha and Shayde all left the cave in the hope of reaching town before night and the Dragon returning for revenge as they were about the enter the next town Shayde collapsed to his knees clutching his chest Ayasha looked at him and with Amber helped him up and into a hospital, the bad news for shayde was he had four broken ribs and had the rest for a few weeks. End of part one