Pokémon Breeding Center, Part 4

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#4 of Pokémon Breeding Center

After getting to know her extended family, Vaporeon finds herself thrust into her most challenging adventure yet, as her Mistress, Crystal is kidnapped by a depraved, self-declared 'Pokémon Professor', who seems intent on using both of them for his twisted experiments...

Proofread by Falquian as usual. This is a preview of the full story - check out my Discord-server for the rest, link is on the front page.

Pokémon Breeding Center 4

"Ah, hello miss, what can I do for you?" The staff-member politely asked as Crystal stepped up to the front desk. He nodded in immediate understanding when she mentioned being there to sign up for the 'Eeveelution Spectacular' tournament, handing her a form to fill in. "And, ah, the relevant Pokémon?" He then asked, rather pointedly - glancing towards her belt, where only a single pair of Pokéballs currently hung. She smiled apologetically. "Oh, I left them back at my hotel-room to get to know each other before the tournament... don't want them getting into fights during the double-battles segment." The immediately-manifesting wrinkle on the staff-member's forehead suggested that this hadn't been the clever idea it had seemed at the time. "Ah, we need to check your Pokémon_before_ the tournament, to ensure that they are_legal_... not that I'm suggesting you might attempt to cheat, of course, miss, but there are_rules..."_

Having to traipse all the way back to her hotel to pick up her collection of Eevees, then all the way back here to stand in line for sign up a_second_ time, didn't seem very attractive to her - and with a bit of prodding, she was able to discover that there_was_another option. "Yes, fine, we can use the data scanned into your Pokédex to make sure they're, ah, tournament-legal..." the staff-member acknowledged with a sigh. "It will, however, be a rather more_involved_ process, and could take a while." Crystal merely shrugged at this, only_slightly_ guilty at making such an inconvenience of herself. "That's fine!" She declared cheerily. "More time for my team to practice together." With a barely-hidden grimace of annoyance, the staff-member nodded and buzzed for a colleague to hand her over to so that he could continue working his way through the line that was rapidly forming behind her.

I'm not sure you can imagine what it's like to meet your family for the first time. Most humans, as I understand it,grow up with their families. Me, I'd never even_seen_ any of them before my owner unceremoniously released me in that hotel-room. My egg had been removed from the keeping of my parents well before I hatched from it, after all. They, on the other hand, seemed fairly familiar with one another - having seemingly taken part in similar arrangements of some description in the past. I was, after all, the latecomer of the litter, the last of the possible Eevee-evolutions to join the team.

They seemed friendly, if a bit aloof, when Crystal first set me loose in front of them. Even then, though, it was clear that there was a pecking-order present. My parents -our parents - were at the top, obviously. They were the oldest, the highest level, and had the attitudes to match. Father is a Jolteon, as I may have mentioned before - I'd heard about him, though those casual mentions hadn't been able to convey the sharpness of his expression or the patriarchal authority he radiated. He was sitting atop a desk, next to his mate - my mother. Her, I hadn't heard much about before, but she turned out to be a Sylveon, elegant and beautiful, though her bright eyes radiated a calm confidence I hadn't expected. The way she sat by father's side made it clear that they were_equals_, which - for some reason - struck me as surprising.

Still... maybe she was just the exception that proved the rule? The next thing I noticed, after all, was the tier just below them. On the desk's adjoining chair, two of my older brothers were perched close together, expressions haughty. Well,Flareon looked haughty - the other, Espeon, had a rather indecipherable expression on his face. Finally, down on the ground, the last three members of the family sat, including my sole sister, Glaceon - flanked by a somewhat twitchy-looking Umbreon and a Leafeon that looked almost_too_placid.

I barely had time to take all of this in, though, before Crystal waved at us. "All right, you lot - get to know each other, so you'll be ready for the tournament!" she cheerfully declared. "I'll be back later, after I've signed in!" With that, she left the room - leaving me alone with the family I'd never met before, and heard of only from the idle chatter and gossip of my many and varied sexual partners. I stared at them. They stared at me. An awkward air filled the room. Then my father rose from where he had been sitting, stretched luxuriously - producing a crackling noise in the process - and sighed. "Oh, enough of this..." he declared. "I know you've all heard the rumors about your little sister. She'll fit_right_ into our family. I'll demonstrate what is expected of her myself - feel free to amuse yourselves in the meantime..."

Preview ends - a bit shorter than usual, but it's about all I can show without things getting... adult. The rest can be found on my free Discord-server, link is on the front page.