Commission - Master's Orders

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#53 of Commissions and Rewards

3556 Words

A commission for a patron.

One person's Pokemon team needs to be the best. Be it at breeding, battling, or beauty. And to get the best, sometimes you need to have some... special training.

Contains: Incest, vaginal, premature ejaculation, overstimulation, and love. Enjoy!

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Master was very focused when it came to his pokemon, but only because he cared. He trained them hard in all aspects, from fighting, to contests, and most prominently, in breeding. It wasn't unheard of for mons and humans to have a bit of fun together: heck, it was practically ingrained in all but the most wild mons at this point, but most of the time there was a very clear delineation of humans above their pokemon.

Gardevoir's team was no different. She was the leader and most trusted of her master's pokemon, as well as mother of nearly all of them. She had been a prominent fighter to start, but more recently had transferred over to contests and breeding, particularly after having such a successful first child: her handsome son Gallade. Unlike many trainers, Master had not given the pokemon under him any name. Even rarer, though, Master had determined they would have no name, stamping out anyone else trying to give them one or even their own self determination. Master was strict, but fair, and while his methods were unorthodox, he was getting results.

Currently the crew was camped outside of one of the larger cities. This was a big moment: the latest badge needed for this year's entry into the Pokemon League. Master had two Kirlia sparring against each other, honing their battle techniques, while his two Zorua were practicing contest techniques, one upping each other with every move. Watching over all of them was Gardevoir, also in charge of cooking since she was simply better at it than Master. However, she could sense some nervousness coming from somewhere, and quickly brought her gaze over to Gallade, swinging his arm blades at a training dummy and finding his attacks all landing awkwardly.

Even as she tutted at his motions, knowing he could do so much more, she found a blush coming to her cheeks. Her son had blossomed into such a talented fighter, with a figure any female would go mad for. But, as the team breeder, she didn't have to worry about sharing him. She knew for a fact her next egg would be his... if he could just win this badge. Master was very clear on that fact: no matter how close they got, no matter how energetic, no matter how strenuous their "breeding training", Gallade wasn't knocking up his mother until he had won that eighth badge. And that pressure was clearly weighing on him.

Using her psychic abilities to stir the curry cooking in the pot, she floated up behind him, gently wrapping her arms around him from behind. He was startled at that, charging an attack that went wide, cutting a large divot in the grass by their tent. "M-mom! I could've hurt you! Why'd you sneak up on me like that?"

She nuzzled into his neck, kissing it softly. "Oh, you know better than that, son. I can take much more than that. I had to lay you, after all. You don't produce such a strong son without a rough bit of rutting... and you, my son, will produce such a strong heir." She giggled, feeling his excitement welling as her hand drifted lower.

He stopped her, though, sighing as he stepped away and looked at her. "Not now. I have to focus. The battle tomorrow is important! Master's future, our future... it all depends on me beating that team pretty much on my own. And I know I'm strong, but... Will I be strong enough to make a future for the Kirlias and Zoruas?"

She shook her head, looking at him lovingly. "Darling, of course you are. You just need to believe in yourself. After that, well," she twirled in front of him, the frills around her lower half lifting to show off her needy lower lips for him. "... I'll be all yours for real."

He rolled his eyes, turning back to the training dummy. "Sure, sure. And like every time we're together, two thrusts and it'll be over. Such a deserving mate for you." He went back to training, focusing entirely on making his moves flow together. He always was one to put on a strong front, but his mother was the one mon who could get past that facade.

She bit her tongue at that, knowing the turmoil inside him. He simply had to push past it, but a lecture from mother wasn't going to be enough. Perhaps Master would notice something and know what to do. He was always good at these sorts of things. But for now, she had to focus back on food. He'd feel the full force of her love later.

After a rousing meal and a bit of relaxation to let things digest, Master called the team together. "You all have worked quite hard to get to this point, and with the upcoming battles and contests, I want you to take today to relax and work out some stress. As such: breeding training, with yours truly watching. You should know the pairs: Zoruras, Kirlias, and of course, Gallade and Gardevoir. Though I hope you all know the rules."

All the pokemon nodded in unison, listening to their Master before they paired off, familial bonds meaning nothing under his watch. But the unspoken rules were clear. 1) Any order he gave had to be followed to the letter, and 2) no male could cum inside their partner. Not until that final badge was secured. Their ability to mate together and breed rested on Gallade's shoulders, a nervousness he showed as he moved towards his mother. "I'm ready... though I don't know how long it'll go."

Gardevoir glared at her son, then pulled him close with her psychic energy, pressing his face into her chest between her soft mounds. "Dearest, you should be eager. An egg from you is all I dream of, and all you have to do is win tomorrow. Yes, you have to earn it, but do you really think you won't be strong enough?"

He sighed, looking at the two foxes already going at it, 69ing with their muzzles happily buried in each other's crotch, one lapping at his sister's pussy while she bobbed on his shaft. "I mean more performing today. I'm just going to get punished from Master, and then even if I win, I won't be able to touch you..."

She looked into his eyes, sensing his fear and hesitation, and cooed gently. "Oh, my big strong boy will do wonders to me. I can't imagine loving anyone else as much as you. Even your father, virile as he was, was but a fleeting thing. As was the father of the twins, that beast in bed." She giggled as her hand brushed lower, teasing along the shaft slipping free from his genital slit. "You really think a quick trigger is going to be enough to keep my hands off you, my son?"

Whether he did or didn't wasn't much of a matter as Master walked by. The human was stripped down, clearly happy to be watching, though when he came to them his voice was stern and domineering. "You haven't started? Perhaps I should keep you from breeding altogether. And here I thought it was your passion, Gardevoir." She didn't protest, knowing he was trying to scare them. He wouldn't keep them from their loves. Master stepped closer, seeing her hand on Gallade's member, and smirked. "Ah. He's the holdout. Well, let's make this simple: You will mount her, and you won't stop until she cums. No pulling out, no faking... and I better not see a mess inside her, you hear?" He slapped Gallade on the ass, making the fighter jump, before going back to observing the other pairs at work.

Gallade began to panic immediately, looking at the Kirlia, the younger sister bouncing on her older brother's length. Just last week she was still a Ralts, and now she was happy to be the larger of the pair. He sighed. "If only I could've been with one of them. Then I wouldn't be about to let Master down two days in a row. Kirlia was so sensitive as a Ralts, she'd be easy to make cum. And the other is such a bottom, I'd have him drooling in moments... like you will with me."

At that Gardevoir gripped his head in her telekinesis, turning it to face her before she kissed him softly, lovingly. They moaned as they pressed into each other, tongues dancing as they made out, before she pulled away, giggling at the trail of saliva still connecting their mouths. "Don't focus on them, or past performances. Focus on the goal in front of you. You've gotten 7 badges this year, and are about to lay with the champ that got your Master 8 the year before. He has given you instructions to train you to be a better breeder, as well as a better fighter. And you better follow them, young man." She lifted them both up with her telekinesis, creating a cloud of psychic energy beneath them to rest on and making sure he was on top. "Now, fuck me, son. Show me the strength that let you be our top fighter."

Gallade gripped around his mother's waist, gently moving aside the dress-like ribbons that flowed from them and revealing the sensitive pink folds beneath. His cock rocketed to full mast, throbbing just at the sight, before he looked away. He could see the eyes of Master on him, the human watching nearby with clothes removed, but under that gaze he only felt more flustered. He lined his length up shakily, breathing in short, ragged breaths as he could practically feel himself ready to explode already. If he wasn't strong enough to hold back an orgasm, how could he be strong enough to beat the gym?

Even without her psychic abilities, the mother knew her son was inside his own head. And as his lower head kissed her lower lips, leaving a smear of pre across them, she grabbed both sides of his face, pulsing calm emotions into his head while making sure his eyes met hers. "Son, you will do great. Don't focus on not cumming. Just focus on the task before you." She gently pulled him closer, letting his cock slide into her eager, clenching pussy. He felt better than his father, or the father of any of the others. She couldn't wait to have his egg growing within her.

He couldn't wait either. As she pulled him in, he hissed, feeling himself throbbing in her heated, wet confines. Her pussy was so tight, so eager, and her grip so loving and gentle... He knew he was being watched and pulled back, then thrust forward, practically in tears fighting back an instant orgasm. "I... I can't. I'm sorry mom, I'm gonna cum inside you, I just know it. I have to let Master down."

She shushed him gently, pulling him back into her as she caressed his hair. "Now, now, Gallade. The goal isn't to avoid cumming. The goal is to last as long as you can. I am honored that I make you feel so special, so excited, but just treat me like any other pokemon. Concentrate, take deep breaths, and push through." She guided him in the first few breaths, gently tapping at his hips to make sure he kept moving and not just throbbing inside him. It took most of her effort not to sit there milking his shaft for all it had to offer, but that wouldn't be fair. She was a professional breeder, after all.

He took a few deep breaths, but as soon as he pressed against her telekinesis, pulling out to thrust back in, his breathing shuddered. His thrusts were quick and erratic, his cock tip leaking within her with every throb. They were perfect thrusts, jamming right against her sweet spots and making her squeal, but he was hilting every time, doing all the work in the world to pleasure her. At that rate there was no way he'd last. He was about to explode already! She had to help. "Okay, Gallade, new tactic. Pull out with the inhale, push in with the exhale. Slow and steady. And when you think you can talk, tell me what's on your mind. You're more than well endowed enough to do the job, so don't think so hard about it. It's like your battle skills. Move unconsciously. Be as water."

Those last few comments got to him. She'd helped him see with his minds eye in battles, honing his fighting technique as well as his mental prowess. She knew, first hand, how to make things work... So he took her advice. He breathed in slowly, pulling out the entire time until just the tip of his aching, throbbing cock was at her entrance, the rest bitterly cold to be outside her walls... he then pushed in slowly, breathing out as he did, savoring her moan and the wet sound of their union, but making sure not to try to thrust or push it. A few more breaths and he had a rhythm. A little slow, incredibly sensual, but a rhythm nonetheless.

Gardevoir was biting her lip, holding back moans as his cock dragged through her tunnel. He was a prime specimen of a mon, built for breeding. Just on a professional level she was proud of her son, knowing he'd be able to sire top competitors in all fields with a cock like that. And sure, it wasn't hitting all her sweet spots every time, but the slow movement of it through her tunnel, teasing her clit as it nearly came free, only to plunge back in fully? That only made the taps against her g-spot all the more amazing.

As she panted, her focus on the psychic field and the pleasure she was feeling heightened under the gaze of Master and the other rutting mons, she nuzzled into his neck. "What's on your mind, Gallade? Why are you so nervous?"

The first sound out of his mouth was a groan, his length bobbing within her and a bit of warmth leaking in. He was still close, but much more in control. That was a good sign. "I just don't know if I'm strong enough. I know I've trained, and Master keeps saying I'm the best, but... I know the others aren't as battle ready as I am. I don't want to let them down. And I REALLY don't want to miss out on the prize afterward." He chuckled as he kissed her forehead, his pace, and his breathing, picking up a little on their own. "What if I let you all down, and then I can't give you that egg you've been wanting."

She let out a loud moan, trying to draw attention to the rutting her son was giving her just to see the blush on his face. "Oooh, don't get me worked up! I have been waiting for your egg for so long. Kept myself empty too long to make sure it's yours. What do you think it'll be? Male? Female? Fighter? Contests?" She nibbled on his neck, getting a shuddering moan from him. "Breeder?"

He grinned as he looked into her eyes, a fire in his. "Oh, with us as the parents? What won't they be able to do?" He thrust a little harder, starting to get worked up again, before he visibly caught himself, taking another breath in time with his thrusting and slowing down. "Best fighter on the team? Best breeder on the planet? And best mom in the world? They've got all the best genes waiting for them."

"They? So you won't commit on a gender? I wouldn't mind another son, you know. Especially if he could rut like you." She wrapped her legs around his waist, throwing her head back. The way they were floating above the ground, everyone could see the point of their union, her ribbon-like body flowing beneath her and glistening with her lust. She wanted them to see. Nobody would claim her like her son would.

He leaned in close, growling dominantly into her ear. "Who says we'd stop at one?" His pace picked up, rocking her body on the cloud of her psychokinesis, while his words sent a shiver down her spine that made her clench tight around his shaft. He grunted, as he slammed home again, drooling pre into his mother's womb. "A son. A daughter. A set of twins. Maybe Master will let us all make you feel so very loved at once." He began to get worked up, seeing her writhing and moaning, his pace quickening to tease her eager body. "And when the team's too large, Master will give them to good trainers. Eager trainers. Ones who want eggs from the legends."

He began to lose focus, slipping into his own head, and Gardevoir wanted to bring him back. At least, on the surface, she did. But deep down, she was part of his fantasy, their psychic minds linking momentarily to share the vision as he gripped tighter, his thrusts getting deeper, his cock throbbing with anticipation. "One day we'll see them. Dozens of trainers winning competitions, fighting gyms, challenging the champion of the league, our Master, with our own children... With more on the way." He grit his teeth, starting to pull free, feeling himself at his limit.

However, she wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him in fully as her pussy clamped down around him, milking him like the breeder she was. "Don't disappoint Master, son. You can't stop until I cum. And I am so. Very. Close." Those last three words she practically timed with the throbbing of his cock, knowing he was beyond the point of no return. But he got a resolved look on his face, biting into her neck as he thrust his sword in to the hilt, pressing right against her sweet spot and triggering her own point of no return.

There, on the cloud of energy for Master and the whole team to see, Gardevoir felt the first rope of cum splash deep within her. With that she came hard, crying out in pleasure and sending an empathetic wave of bliss from her spot. The others, and even the Master, all buckled over with pleasure, cumming on the spot if they hadn't yet, or moaning out for Gallade if they just were too spent to reach that peak. With the evidence of the orgasm clear, she released her leg lock, letting him pull free as he'd intended, cum streaking over her stomach and dripping down her dress. One particularly energetic shot even hit her in the face, making her gasp and groan in pleasure. But though he painted her as best he could, a mess that would make Pollock proud, there was no hiding the cum oozing from her gaping, clenching lower lips where he just couldn't hold back.

It was a long orgasm, with his cock throbbing and leaking even after the ropes of cum had been fired off, but he couldn't fully enjoy the afterglow. The sight of his mother painted white was beautiful, but the cum leaking from her pussy was a mark of shame. He'd failed Master... No matter how much he'd wanted this, he knew Master would be mad. However, as he hovered still in his mother's psychic grip, Master came over, patting him on the back. "Well, you did your best. Do so tomorrow and you'll have earned this gift. Rest, Gallade. You have a big day."

Gallade looked confused, ready for a punishment or a verbal whipping, but simply found himself drifted down to hug his mother, still streaked with his cum. He looked ready to cry, but she just nuzzled him, kissing his cheek softly. "Something wrong, stud?"

His eyes kept being on the verge of watering, though he kept his body strong and confident for the others looking. "I failed him... I came too early. What if I can't perform tomorrow?"

She giggled, pulling him close, to the point he was smearing against his own cum streaks. "Son, you thought you wouldn't perform today. That you'd just fall apart and cum before anything happened. But look how long you lasted when you got out of your own head!" Almost immediately his eyes stopped watering, widening with realization at what she was saying. "You aren't perfect. Nobody is. But you made a certified breeder cum so hard she made the rest of the team cum too. And sure, you seeded me before you were supposed to..." She placed her hand on her stomach, grinning. "But that's just because you're going to win the battle tomorrow. I believe in you. You just have to make sure you do too. For that beautiful future you were dreaming about."

The next day Gallade was in fighting form, his motions practically flawless, his battling superb. And though he did take some hits, Gardevoir's heart was filled with only pride as she watched him slash and psych his way to victory. Proud of him believing in himself. Proud of his abilities. But most of all, proud of the bump already growing within her: the first of many little champions for Master.