The Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse, Group 4, Concludes

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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The Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse

Group 4, Concludes

copyright 2010 comidacomida

The three survivors remained atop the building as more and more of the zombies filled into the

open square beneath it. Andy remained staring down into the massive crowd of undead while Becca

huddled in the center of the roof, "Get away from there." she snapped at him, "You're only

keeping their attention."

The wolf glanced back at the squirrel and shrugged, "They aren't meandering about like most of

them... they're here for a purpose."

"Yea... they plan on eating us." Becca stated flatly.

"We can't stay up here forever, Becca... eventually we'll die of exposure... or starvation..."

Mandy explained, "We have to start looking for a way out of this mess."

"Surrounded by an angry zombies... suddenly coming up here doesn't seem like such a brilliant

idea." the squirrel sighed.

Mandy moved over to take a seat on the roof next to Becca and put an arm around her, "We stick

together, and we'll find a way out of this... got it?"

"And into our next mess?" the squirrel questioned, "It just seems like I've been going from bad

to worse ever since this whole thing started."

"You're not dead." Andy offered, glancing back to the girls, "That's something."

"For as long as it lasts, yea." Becca shrugged, "When you figure out what we're gonna do next,

THEN I'll be happy."

Andy lowered his head, gazing to the left, then to the right... and his tail suddenly puffed

out, "Becca... I think you can be happy." Both girls looked to Andy, who was already fast in


"What exactly are you--" Becca began, but paused as Andy jumped right over the edge of the roof,

"ANDY!" she jumped up and raced to the lip, Mandy by her side in a split second. Both girls

gazed over the edge where the wolf was balancing on a thin ledge about eight feet down.

Andy looked back up to them, "See the arch the carriageway?" he motioned to the brick and mortar

arch that spanned over the alley below and stretched across the way. The arch emerged from their

building just below the ledge upon which Andy tread and connected just below the roof overhang

on the building opposite theirs.

"What's that supposed to accomplish?" Becca questioned, "There's zombies over there too."

"Those are row houses." Mandy pointed out, motioning to the large line of collected buildings,

"We could run forever."

"Not forever..." Andy pointed out, "just long enough to lose any zombies following us on the

street." and he began to work his way across the ledge toward the arch.

"But why bother going along the ledge?" Mandy questioned the wolf, following next to him on the

roof top, "You could have just jumped down onto the archway."

"I want to be seen." Andy replied, motioning to the throng of zombies following him on the

ground, "We're going to split up." he explained.

"No." Mandy announced with finality, "I don't like that idea."

"It'll be fine." Andy offered calmingly, "I'll head west, you head east and you, Becca," he

glanced to the squirrel, "you head south." he let out a breath, "We'll all meet up on the north

side of the Asda car park."

"The one across from Sainsbury's?" Becca asked.

Andy nodded, "That's the one."

"I hate that store." the squirrel scowled.

"Which one?" Mandy asked, "Asda or Sainsbury's?"

"Yes." Becca answered, offering no further explanation.

"Alright... I'll go first to make sure it'll hold your weight." Andy offered, slowly climbing

from the ledge to the archway. He shuffled his feet out across onto the bricks, still holding

onto the roof with one paw, "Okay... it looks steady... wish me luck." He looked back to the

other survivors as Mandy leaned over the rooftop to take his face in her paws and share a kiss.

The romantic moment, sadly was shattered by a scream. Becca cleared them both as she soared

through the air and onto the brick archway. A soft groan from atop the building caused Mandy to

pull away from Andy and gaze back out of view; she screamed as well.

"Mandy?" Andy called and quickly grabbed her arm as she leapt down onto the ledge with him. Her

other hand stretched out into the long drop below, barely managing to balance on the edge of the

ledge with just her toes. The paramedic tightened his hold on the bricks and pulled with all

his might, helping Mandy secure her footing on the ledge.

"Zombies got onto the roof!" she announced.

"Go!" Andy ordered, flattening himself as far against the building as he could. He motioned to

the arch, "Go!" he repeated.

"I can't get around you." she announced quickly, ducking low as a pair of rotting arms meandered

around head-level, the zombie searching blindly for them, "Go first... I'll follow."

The wolf reluctantly let go of the fennec fox's paw and began to situate himself for the climb.

He gripped the bricks of the archway and hauled himself up onto it, panting as he exerted

himself, "Remind me... to get well rested next time... before trying something like this." he

grunted, finally pulling himself up onto the arch.

Becca reached the opposite side and glanced back to them, "There're three on the roof!" she


"Shite." Andy announced, getting to his feet atop the archway. Mandy ducked down as an agile

zombie practically flew from the rooftop and landed adroitly upon the archway; the fox's

crumpled foot didn't even seem to affect it. "Tommy..." the paramedic breathed.

The zombie stalked forward, heedless of the bits of dust and mortar falling from the archway

beneath their combined weights, "Andy! There's too much wei--" but Mandy couldn't finish her

sentence, screaming as a pair of ratty-furred wolf paws latched onto her blouse and began trying

to pull her up onto the roof.

"MANDY!" Andy shouted, stepping back again as the zombie that had been Tommy continued to

advance. The medic felt the archway shake slightly, but he as more focused on his beloved

fiance, who was fighting to get free of the zombie's grip... it was Steve, Andy realized-- Steve

had Mandy. Tommy took that opportunity to press the advantage.

A swirling mass of bloody fur, claws, came at Andy and he was stumbling backward before he could

even cry out; three swift impacts sent him reeling. The wolf groaned, falling backwards, arms

cartwheeling as the double punch and kick left him breathless and seeing stars. He lost his

balance, and fell-- but he was saved; the wolf had fallen straight backwards and onto the

archway. Unfortunately, the impact of his weight was more than the belabored architecture could


The wolf howled out as the archway gave way, flailing his arms and legs as he began to fall.

Andy's trajectory suddenly changed however as a paw reached out and grabbed his wrist. Becca

grunted from above as she retained hold of him, even as she was forced to take on his full

weight, sending the wolf swinging into the side of the building upon which the squirrel stood.

"Ugh... I thought paramedics had to stay in shape..." Becca grunted, keeping a tight hold of


Andy quickly regained his bearings, "I'm not that--" and his breath froze in his muzzle as

sharp, agonizing pain seared through his leg. Andy screamed, and barely managed to maintain his

grip on the bricks of the building as Tommy gnawed into his ankle, "He's on my leg!" the wolf

screamed, howling out again as the zombie renewed its attack.

Becca strained, trying to pull Andy further up onto the roof, but with Tommy hanging onto him it

was no use. Andy kicked with his free leg, hitting the fox on the side of the head. He kicked

again, connecting his toe to Tommy's jaw, finally knocking it free of his foot. A third kick,

and the zombie was knocked free, slamming face-first into a window, hurtled into the building by

the force of the blow.

"Damn..." Andy murmured, "Damn damn damn damn damn..." and he planted his feet against a

window frame, starting to climb up. He winced, unable to put any weight on his injure leg, but

Becca helped him over the ledge and onto the roof of the house.

Andy lowered his head, taking a deep breath before he turned back to face the other building...

and he wished he hadn't. "Look away." Becca ordered, and Andy didn't argue, the horrific scene

across the way etched into his memory. Blood everywhere... the zombie that had been Steve

covered in red... Mandy's unblinking eyes staring across the distance... Andy let out a howl of


"Andy..." Becca offered quietly, "We have to--" but her sentence was left incomplete as the

doorway leading to the stairwell exploded outward; Tommy stood in the opening, eyes glazed and

vacant. A long trail of bloody spittle dribbled from his muzzle.

Becca readied her pipe, which she still held. Andy took a step back until his tail brushed the

lip of the roof. He spread his stance, but winced, unable to keep any weight on his injured

leg. The medic unlatched his kit from his hip as the zombie fox stalked closer. Becca and Andy

exchanged nods and the squirrel moved closer to the wolf. That was the moment Tommy chose to


The fox charged, leaping into the air, claws outstretched, letting loose a gurgling, wet roar

that came out of the hole in his throat instead of his muzzle. Andy threw himself to the ground

and Becca ducked... but the squirrel wasn't quite fast enough. Tommy soared overhead and over

the edge of the roof... but one well-placed claw dug into Becca's shoulder and she tumbled right

over with him.

"NO!" Andy shouted, and quickly straightened up, grabbing hold of the squirrel's foot before she

was carried over the whole way. Becca screamed from her upside down position, Tommy's claws

digging into her shoulder, supporting the undead fox's weight at her expense. Blood poured down

from the open wound. Andy maintained his grip on the squirrel's ankle, moving his second paw

over to grip it as well.

The wolf spread his legs to gain a broader stance and better leverage then cried out as blood

poured from his ankle wound. "Becca!" he wheezed.

"Andy..." Becca cried, and screamed as the zombie wriggled in the air, drawing larger gashes in

her shoulder. Andy's eyes went wide at the loud, fleshy sound of an audible rip, and the

squirrel screamed at the top of her lungs. The weight supported by the wolf was suddenly

lessened and he worked to pull Beth back up onto the roof.

A moment later a loud *THUD* sounded from down below. Andy didn't pay it any attention

however-- he was focused on Becca, who was staring at her torn shoulder where her arm had once

been. "Oh my god..." she murmured, eyes wide, and passed out.

* * * * * *

"Come on, Becca... come on..." Andy knelt beside the unconscious squirrel. He had done what he

could for her arm, which had been anything but a clean separation. The wound was closed and

bandaged but she had lost a lot of blood, and, nearly four hours later, she remained unmoving,

"Stay with me." he encouraged of her.

The wolf couldn't manage to look back across the way to the other rooftop; he knew that it would

be too painful. "Mandy..." he whispered to himself, " not you too..." several tears

fell down from his cheek, landing upon his paws as he replaced Becca's bandages. "She's gone...

so what was this all for? " he asked of Becca, but the squirrel didn't reply.

Andy let out a deep breath, laying down beside the unconscious squirrel, "And now it's just the

two of us... at least... until the zombies find a way up." the paramedic closed his eyes, taking

a steadying breath. His body felt heavy. Physical, mental, and emotional fatigue began to flow

through him making it harder and harder to resist the urge to fall asleep.

Andy sat up with a start, "NO!" he forced himself awake, "I am NOT going to sle--" and his

monologue slowed as he glanced around, the dark gray of the early morning dawn casting long

shadows across the rooftop; he HAD fallen asleep. The wolf cursed himself and his weakness.

It was quiet... very quiet. Andy glanced to Becca, who remained in the same position as where

she had lay before he had given in to unconsciousness. The medic reached out and felt for a

pulse. He sat there for many long seconds, adjusting the positioning of his fingers more than

once. In the end, however, he slammed his fist into the roof... and began crying.

The sun was just starting to rise when Andy finally got to his feet. The wolf glanced slowly

moved to the ledge, glancing over it and out onto the street. There was a large amount of

rubble in the alleyway below but, much to Andy's dismay, there was no sign of the zombie Tommy.

Andy closed his eyes and took a deep breath, steadying himself. He stuffed his paws into his

pockets... and only then did he remember the ring.

The paramedic slowly drew the box out of his pocket, flipping it open with his thumb. He

watched the way the diamond glinted and flashed in the light of the dawning sun. His eyes began

to water again and he closed the box. Squinting his eyes shut, the wolf out out a primal scream

as he closed the box and hurled the ring out into the square with all his might. He picked up

looses pieces of rubble that had fallen onto the roof and threw those next, screaming all the


Finally, exhausted anew, the wolf slumped back down to the roof, gazing out across the empty

square, not a soul in sight... not even the zombies. He breathed heavily, gazing down at the

unmoving squirrel, and he knew that she wouldn't be able to stay up on the roof with him. Andy

realized that it was possible that she would turn into a-- his blood chilled when Becca's foot


The medic felt his blood begin to boil, thawing it quickly. Snarling, Andy stamped down on

Becca's single wrist and put his other foot right on her neck. The zombie gnashed its teeth,

starting to struggle with surreal strength, but Andy simply twisted his foot, pushing the

squirrel's jaw into an odd position... then flexed his leg. *Pop!* and the zombie stopped

moving, its neck cleanly snapped.

As the anger faded from him it was replaced by a deep, dark emptiness. Andy slumped to a

sitting position once again. He heard the grunts and groans returning to the square and he

realized that they would be able to outlast him. The wolf watched as the zombies filled every

open inch of the plaza, quickly rallying around the building where he stood, gazing down

helplessly... hopelessly. He glanced back toward the stairwell atop the roof when it shuddered

powerfully from inside.

"They're not gonna get me." he told himself, forcing himself back up to his feet, "They're not

gonna get me." he took several steps away from the door until he reached the edge of the roof.

The door finally came off its hinges, knocked open by the zombies within. There, standing in

the doorway, was a shredded young husky with his neck torn completely open. "Oh god, Jeff..."

Andy murmured, stumbling toward his medical kit, "oh god...". The agony was unsurmountable;

the weariness was overpowering.

Andy had lost his fiance... he had lost his friends. He was all alone and he hadn't truly slept

in days. He hadn't eaten; he hadn't had anything to drink. Andy recognized all the signs of

dehydration... the onset of preliminary starvation... exhaustion. He realized he wasn't

thinking clearly... at least, somewhere in the back of his mind he did. More importantly, he

locked gazes with the undead husky... both of them knew that the paramedic had non fight left in


Andy was tired... so very tired. He wouldn't let the zombies get him... no... not like they did

to the others. Andy began shuffling through his medical kit as Jake shuffled toward him. He

continued frantically searching until he found a syringe. A few moments later he pulled out a

small glass bottle nearly filled with a clear liquid. Tired and hunted, Andy realized he would

be able to solve both of his problems. The wolf knew the perfect dose for someone his size.

Tears falling down his cheeks, Andy multiplied it by ten.


Congratulations Group 4, you've made it this far. Sadly, the support readers have shown you has been minimal for this, your final hurdle. Luck and dice rolls still play a large part in your survival, but unfortunately you have very little margin for error.

Welcome to this: the finale.

All characters must succeed on a Luck roll. Characters will contribute all of their Plot Points on a 1 for 1 basis to increase their Luck. Characters get a number of rolls equal to their Luck. 1 or more dice rolls must be a 0-- if not, then everything ends here for them. Good luck.

Mandy has an active Luck of 6.

Mandy gets 6 dice in an attempt to roll a 0.

Roll 1 = 3

Roll 2 = 2

Roll 3 = 5

Roll 4 = 2

Roll 5 = 3

Roll 6 = 4

Mandy dies.

Andy has an active Luck of 12.

Andy gets 12 dice in an attempt to roll a 0.

Roll 1 = 5

Roll 2 = 9

Roll 3 = 2

Roll 4 = 1

Roll 5 = 3

Roll 6 = 3

Roll 7 = 8

Roll 8 = 7

Roll 9 = 9

Roll 10 = 7

Roll 11 = 2

Roll 12 = 8

Andy dies.

Becca has an active Luck of 9.

Becca gets 9 dice in an attempt to roll a 0.

Roll 1 = 3

Roll 2 = 5

Roll 3 = 7

Roll 4 = 6

Roll 5 = 5

Roll 6 = 6

Roll 7 = 5

Roll 8 = 1

Roll 9 = 3

Becca dies.

Thank you, Group 4, for taking part in the Apoc-Fur-Lypse. We now mourn our six (plus 3) survivors:

Sam Cox (author supplied character)

Andy Silverhair (supplied by Silverhair)

James Matrix (supplied by James Matrix)

Steve (supplied by Copper Wolf)

Dezzi Vaughan (supplied by Tinselworm)

Thomas (supplied by tommythefox)

Jeff Matrix (a late-comer to the group)

Mandy O'Conner (a late-comer to the group)

Rebecca "Becca"Davison (a late-comer to the group)

One final task for the readers as it relates to the Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse:

Read through both So Furry groups and find one whose ending you do not like. Go to that post and vote. The storyline with the most number of winning votes will be revised and rewritten. Go... do it now!