The Apocalypse: Day Of Reckoning: Part four

Story by Alastar Aindreas on SoFurry

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Okay... I know it's been awhile lol, this has taken me way too damn long to finish, but meh. It's not like I'm getting paid for this shit, hahah. So, anyways... enjoy the story, hopefully more than my last chapter. Rate, comment, suscribe, the usual load of crap writers, artists, and the youtube noobs tell ya to do after viewing something they worked hard on... or in some cases, didn't work that hard on XD

The Apocalypse Day of Reckoning Part Four.

1:58 p.m.

"FUCK, BILLY, GET OVER HERE!" Ryan yelled at the top of his lungs, turning to fire at a charging zombie. He scanned his surroundings, trying to spot his companions through the downpour. All he saw were more zombies closing in, tightening the noose on his location. He spun past the clutches of another zombie and turned to put a three round burst into its skull. He was still trying to figure out how things had gone so badly so fast, just five minutes before he'd been sifting through rubble and now he was fighting for his life. He continued his set course, slowly making his way through the undead towards the hummer. His body quickly adjusted to the pattern of point and shoot, each zombie that got in his way fell to a single .45 FMJ round to the head, problem was... a lot of zombies were getting in his way. As he ejected another spent magazine, ramming a fresh one in and cycling another round into the chamber, he felt a set of claws on his back, his body immediately tensing as he thought he was done for.


Ryan reacted on instinct and dropped to the ground as a hail of bullets flew over his head, shredding the zombie behind him and spraying blood and bits of bone onto the pavement. He looked up and spotted Sylvr in the hummer's turret, taking the opportunity, he sprinted the last few meters to the hummer and jumped in "Thanks for the save" Ryan said before leaning out the window and dropping a few more zombies with well placed shots to the head.

"What happened to the rest of the party?" Sylvr mumbled before firing at a group of undead that were getting a bit too close for comfort, shredding them all to nothing but bloody pieces.

"Don't know" Ryan answered, taking aim at another zombie and putting a bullet through its skull "Haven't heard any other gunfire except ours, so they're either dead or running in the opposite direction... hopefully the latter, but with all these fuckers, I really don't know..."

"We give them two minutes at most, and then we're out of here" Sylvr said grimly.


"So, you're sure you're okay?" Swift asked for the third time, making sure neither of the two furs had any bites or scratches.

Zach stared at the bodies of the officers that littered the ground "Yes, I'm sure" he was still feeling a bit sick after seeing the soldiers shoot each one of the cops in the head, stating that it was the only way to stop the infection.

"Good" Swift answered, turning on his heel and walking back over to his squad to discuss the next course of action. He hadn't walked three steps when one of his men, a young wolf who had recently been assigned to the team, pointed down the road. Swift followed the wolf's hand and spotted another group of soldiers approaching, his mind flashed a warning when he didn't recognize the pitch black uniforms. He turned just in time to see the young private's head explode in a red mist, sending blood, brains, and bits of bone to the pavement. He heard the words "Sniper on the roof" yelled just before a bullet pinged into the wall right by his head, sending him further into the alley. The gunfire got quite intense in a matter of seconds as his squad took the occasional pot shot at the approaching soldiers, never having enough time to aim with the snipers on their position. The sound of rifle fire and screams filled the air as the firefight continued, Swift blind fired around the alley's corner, hoping to land at least one kill but he was almost immediately forced to pull back as several rounds slammed into the wall just inches from his arm. He watched three of his soldiers go down consecutively, all losing limbs to the snipers before dropping to the ground, screaming. Just when it seemed like things couldn't get any worse, they did. Swift had just lobbed a grenade around the corner when he heard an all too familiar moan behind him. He spun around, gun at the ready and immediately spotted eight zombies all shambling into the alley from the opposite end. He already knew simply trying to drop them would be a waste of time, more would soon replace them and with all the gunfire he knew that every zombie within a five block radius would be honing in on their position. Swift made a split second decision and dashed away from the zombies, going out into the open would probably get him killed, but he needed to get back to his squad and the only way to do that was across the street. The rest of his squad saw him coming and immediately started laying down as much cover fire as possible without putting them in the sights of the snipers. Almost the second he left safety, the bullets seemed to immediately focus on him, rounds slammed into the pavement around his feet, barely missing their mark. The cars that littered the road gave him cover as he ran, but they also slowed him down as he had to weave in and out of the vehicles, the process wasn't made any easier with bullets pinging off almost every surface around him. Swift had just reached the halfway point when he felt a bullet slam into his back. He dropped to the ground, hoping that the snipers would think he was dead while he assessed the damage. It didn't feel like the round had pierced his Interceptor body armor, but as he slowly made his way towards cover, he could feel the ceramic plates moving around, most likely shattered and now useless in the back of the vest. Swift gave both a silent curse and at the same time a thank you to the armor, it might be ruined in the back, but it had done its job and saved his life so he didn't really care at the moment. A single round slammed into the ground an inch from his head, so he figured that at least one of the snipers had spotted him.

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"Fuck it..." He jumped to his feet and dashed the last few meters to his squad, bounding over cars and anything else that was in his way without slowing, completely ignoring the bullets that pelted the ground around him as the snipers tried to draw a bead on their target. Swift let a sigh of relief escape his lips as he dashed into the alley and rejoined his squad at last.

His second in command was propped up against a wall, cradling a bloody arm "Sir, glad to see you can still run... I was beginning to worry that your young ass wouldn't be able to handle it" the pitch black dragon chuckled. He was below Swift rank wise, but his twenty plus years of service made him the ocelot's senior in more ways than one. Probably the only reason Swift was above the dragon was because he was the only one in the division that had prior experience in dealing with zombies. "I would recommend we get the fuck out of here sir" The dragon muttered, peeking his head out to get a look at the advancing troops and pulling it back in just as quickly as a bullet shattered the wall where his head had been.

"You don't have to tell me twice" Swift said, just a hint of humor laced his words "Okay people, let's do like the dragon said and get the fuck out!" Swift made sure not to raise his voice too much, keeping it just loud enough for his men and the two furs they'd rescued to hear. He didn't want those who were shooting at them to know where or what they were doing, but the occasional shot from either one of his men or those attacking them didn't help. Even with a clear exit, Swift knew that nothing was ever this easy, and he figured that their exit probably had at least one to two sniper teams positioned on them... But luckily he had a bit of gear to deal with those types of things. He motioned one of his men over, although the soldier was completely covered in black body armor, he knew exactly who it was "Josh, we've got an exit, but I'm sure that one is covered by a sniper team or two..."

Josh nodded before Swift could even finish, the bobcat immediately walked over to a fire escape, checking his armor and weapons as he moved.

Swift watched, even though he knew what was about to happen, it was still a surprise as Josh activated his suit. A soft hum was heard as the suit powered up, and seconds later the bobcat seemed to almost vanish from sight. Swift couldn't help but marvel a bit, the cloaking suit was a prototype, the only one of its' kind in working condition at the moment, and it wasn't perfect. If one looked closely, they would be able to make out the movement of the suit's wearer, and even from a distance one could spot the change in shadow, the slight bending of light as it reflected off the suit, but he was confident that Josh wouldn't be spotted. Not only was he the best at stealth on the team, but he was also the team's counter sniper, that added with the prototype cloaking suit he wore was why Swift had chosen him for this role. Josh was actually the newest member of the team, and Swift had been skeptical about bringing him on this mission, but the bobcat had proven himself in training time and time again, always soaring to the top in every exercise. Josh was only a private at the moment, but this was mostly because he hadn't done enough ass kissing yet to rise in the ranks. Swift knew that even though Josh had only been in training for a few months, he would be at least a corporal with his skill level, and if his skills didn't do it his IQ would. A part of the ocelot's mind wondered how such a gifted soldier could have been assigned to his squad, but he shrugged these thoughts off for now and watched as the cloaked figure silently moved up the ladder and finally disappeared as he crawled over the ledge on the roof. A few minutes at most and they could head out in safety, Josh was silent, but he was also fast, and it wasn't even necessary to say he was deadly. In the meantime, Swift busied himself going over his and his squad's gear, making sure everyone was ready to move out once the word was given. That and keeping the advancing soldiers off their backs would definitely keep them busy for the next few minutes.


2:20 p.m.

"NO DAMMIT, I'M NOT GOING TO!" James yelled at the soldier. By this point he was getting pissed, this was the fourth time he'd been offered a gun, and it was the fourth time he'd turned that offer down. He hated guns with a passion, but it was something that these soldiers, whoever they were, didn't seem to understand. Although he could use a gun, he blatantly refused time and again, and this wasn't something he was going back on. He was beginning to wish that he could get back to his apartment and get his weapons though. None of these soldiers had anything besides combat knives, which was one thing he had accepted; these weren't very useful against zombies, even with his skill level. Maybe he'd be able to scavenge something later on, but for now the only weapon he carried was a seven inch combat knife. Zach hadn't hesitated to take any of the weapons offered, and he now carried a .45 Glock and an M16, which he seemed to be enjoying quite a bit. The gunfire had taken a few minutes to get used to, and the first few rounds that had ricocheted off the pavement near him had made him jump, but now he didn't even flinch. James Sighed, waiting for their next course of action, the commander of this team had said they were waiting for a single soldier to eliminate the snipers that would surely be covering their escape routes. It had already been five minutes since that soldier had left, and it seemed everyone in the group of fifteen was getting a bit anxious, but they didn't have much longer to wait. Except for the sound of rifle fire that had been going off for the past few minutes, not a sound was heard in the alley. Just when it seemed like Josh had failed, Swift placed a paw on his helmet, motioning everyone for silence as he listened. James tried to hear what was being said over the com, but whatever it was Swift waved everyone towards the other end of the alley, away from the advancing unknown troops that had been trying to kill them for the past few minutes... and the advancing hoard of zombies that was slowly making its' way across the street. It only took a few seconds to reach the other end of the alley, Swift holding up a gauntleted paw to stop everyone before he walked out of the cover of the alley, scanning the buildings around him with his rifle before waving everyone to follow.

Something didn't seem right as the squad advanced out of cover, James may not have been a trained soldier, but he knew when something was off just as well as everyone else did. The entire group seemed on edge, rifle barrels scanned each corner as they moved, sprinting between cover and avoiding the open road as much as possible. The soldiers that had been advancing were bound to have found that their targets had fled by now, but maybe the zombies would slow them down, and judging by the occasional spat of rifle fire, that was exactly what was happening... maybe they'd get out of this after all. Even though his eyes saw everything happening around them through the haze of rain that had been falling nearly all day, his mind still had trouble believing it. Smoking cars and buildings, downed telephone poles, ransacked buildings where looters had carried nearly everything away... but the strangest part was the fact that there weren't any bodies in the streets. Occasionally he'd hear something along the lines of a scream outside of the rifle fire and the moans of the undead, and every now and then the screech of tires as someone slammed on their brakes, but for the most part the city was quickly growing silent of the usual sounds of life that filled it every day. He couldn't help but chuckle at this whole situation, he'd come for a vacation to the city, away from the usual everyday problems, and now this vacation had turned into a fight for survival against hoards of undead and a group of unknown soldiers that wanted to kill them. As these thoughts passed through his mind, he was beginning to believe that they might actually be in the clear, but then his eyes passed over what seemed to be a completely empty alley, one of many that the group had passed without event. Something caught his eye in this one however, the subtle shift in shadows stopped him in his tracks, and he was definitely wishing that he had his scythe at the moment; the combat knife in his paw didn't offer much security. James readied the short blade, preparing for whatever might come out of the alley while slowly backing away. His vision was still only about fifteen to twenty feet with the downpour, and while it was still relatively early, the alley was much too dark to see into without some form of external light source. Something tumbled into him, limbs flailed as he tried to regain his balance, and even while he was still flailing the combat knife moved up swiftly to meet whatever threat had run into him. His arm stopped once he realized it was only Zach, leaving the blade just a few inches from the panther's neck "Er... sorry about that" James mumbled, pulling the knife away as his gaze turned back towards the alley.

Zach didn't seem to realize how close he'd just come to death, either that or he simply understood the mistake and didn't hold it against James "Don't worry about it, no harm done" He muttered. Zach was glad that it was raining so no one could see the surprise or the hint of fear that had been on his face. He was an excellent swordsman, but the speed that the husky had moved had surprised him a bit to say the least. Zach's gaze then turned to the alley as well; the fur on the back of his neck would have bristled had it not been soaked "Something doesn't feel right..."

James's eyes flicked back to the panther briefly, a mild look of annoyance showing in them "No shit Sherlock!" He snapped as his gaze moved back to the alley. Everything that had happened in the past day was beginning to get to him; everyone he'd seen mauled, the zombies, seeing several of the soldiers around him getting shot... but none of this really bothered him that much. The one thing that really seemed to be eating him, even at this moment as he prepared for the worst in a slightly detached manner was that retriever. Oddly enough, the now dead news reporter had reminded him in more ways than one of his first love, and seeing her first turned into an undead freak and then shot multiple times had hit a nerve... something that didn't happen much for him anymore. Even as he wondered what death would be like, the shadows in the alley shifted once more and Josh stepped out of the darkness. James sighed in agitation, lowering the knife "Took you long enough to get down here" He mumbled. He turned away from the armored soldier and began looking around for the rest of the squad, but the downpour made it impossible to see beyond a few yards. James's neck fur bristled as he heard a faint click behind him, but he didn't have time to turn before he felt a small prick in his neck. Warning lights blared in the back of his mind as he felt himself falling; he barely made out a few surprised words from Zach as his body hit the ground. He flinched as several rounds were fired, followed by a grunt and then the sound of another body falling beside him... nothing else reached his ears as his mind slipped into oblivion.


2:40 p.m.

Swift's ears perked slightly as the sound of two three round bursts reached them, after all the gunfire that he'd just been through, this shouldn't have set him off, but it did anyways. The shots came from behind the group, although with the rain it was difficult to tell the exact distance, but it wasn't far. His first thoughts were that Josh had been discovered and gotten himself into a firefight, but Josh never fired his weapons unless it was required... and the fact that all his guns were silenced ruled this possibility out completely. He was beginning to worry about his squad mate however, getting no radio contact from any of his men in this amount of time normally meant trouble and this silence worried him. "Jim, Bill, Adam, I want you three to cover our retreat. You know the drill"

He hadn't even finished speaking before the men he'd called saluted "Sir, yes sir!" They didn't even ask questions, each of them knew what needed to be done, and Swift was confident that they would get the job done.

"Buy us thirty minutes at most, and then get the hell out of dodge. I'm going to be moving the team to the MCI center for now; from there we can figure out our next move. I hadn't been expecting another military operation to be taking place, but whoever they are, they're not friendly. Now move, soldiers, give those bastards a fight and a bit of chaos!" Swift saluted in return and turned away, he knew exactly what he was doing, and he was sure these men would be able to do what he asked. While he didn't enjoy separating his squad, he needed to buy the rest of his soldiers a bit of time, and he had the utmost confidence in these three, not only would they perform their mission, but they would survive as well. The ocelot took a final glance over his shoulder as the three moved out, quickly taking to the shadows in the alleys before he turned back to the rest of his squad "Okay, shit has hit the fan, intelligence isn't worth shit right now... what else is new" He muttered softly "But that doesn't mean this is over. We have a job to do, find the source of the infection and destroy it... we won't stop until we're either dead or the job is completed. We'll head to the MCI center for now, regroup, try to find out what the hell is going on, then move out again. No word from Josh yet, so I'm guessing he's either dead, AWOL, or stonewalled by a hoard of undead. Either way, hopefully he'll make it out..." Swift looked from one soldier to the next, each of them like brothers to him... they were the closest thing he had to family anymore. He shook his head and took a second look at everyone that had gathered around, then another as the realization of who was missing hit him "Fuck... where are those two we got out of the police cruiser? James and... what was it?"

"Zach, sir" One of his soldiers answered, and even with the downpour, Swift knew it was Evan. The wolverine's voice was unmistakable, low and raspy, a result of a bullet that had graced his throat, damaging his windpipe beyond the reach of a full recovery.

"Zach, that's right... thanks, Evan" Swift took another glance around the alley they'd gathered in, not that it made much of a difference, the downpour made it almost impossible to see past a few feet, and the only reason the squad hadn't been separated was due mostly to the radios they all carried "Not good..." He shook his head, thinking fast "We... damn it, I'll go back and see if I can find them, I want the rest of you to continue to the Verizon center and wait there for the rest of the day and at least half the night. If you don't get any radio contact from me by 1 AM, consider me dead, a zombie, or captured. Is that understood?" He got nods all around "Good, now get out of here and don't become a buffet for the zombies" He said with a chuckle. His entire squad saluted simultaneously and immediately turned away at a fast jog, vanishing into the rain in seconds. Swift sighed softly and checked his G36, making sure the magazine was full before turning back the way he'd come. He knew this was probably suicide, but he didn't want to risk anymore of his squad for two furs, and he couldn't expect them to follow him back into the frying pan, but he knew if he asked, they all would. The ocelot had seen too many die in this shit already; he was going to do everything in his power to save a few and stop this apocalypse. Maybe this would be his downfall, but Swift didn't plan on going out all quiet like, he planned on giving the bastards that had started this hell!


2:43 PM

Levitas shouted in both surprise and horror, his scream drowned out by the other furs in the cruiser as the car hurtled through the guard railing and off the overpass. He, along with everyone else in the vehicle, didn't have a clue what had happened, aside from the fact that it was bloody. One second, they'd been sitting in the back of the car, almost peacefully, the radio turned on low to drown out the thrum of rain on the roof... and the next second, the driver's head suddenly slammed back against his seat, his body going limp and the car speeding off the road. He'd tried to get a grip on the wheel, but everything had happened in seconds, and he couldn't even move with the panicking furs around him, all the dragon could do was watch as the ground suddenly disappeared from under the vehicle.

The dragon's eyes fluttered open slowly; Levitas groaned as consciousness came flooding back, along with a sharp pain in his arm. He tried to move, but this action only enticed a scream from the dragon as the pain intensified what felt like a hundred fold, and it didn't take him long to realize his left arm was probably broken... and buried under at least two bodies "Great... just great..." After a minute of struggling, he managed to get his other arm free and tapped the tiger that was crushing his arm. He didn't get a response and tapped again, harder this time "Hey! Buddy, get off!" As soon as he'd spoken, Levitas noticed a hole in the tiger's head, small at that, and he realized the tiger had been shot. His head swiveled, eyes moving over each occupant in the vehicle, his face becoming a mask of horror as he realized that every other fur in the car had a bullet hole in their head. He immediately stopped moving and hunkered down as much as he could, hoping the shooter or shooters hadn't seen him. Even as a trickle of blood dripped flowed down his head and neck from a gash in his temple, he didn't budge, Levitas planned to wait at least an hour or so before moving, but as he gazed out the driver's side window, the sight of a few shambling, bloody furs made him realize that that idea would get him killed anyways. He knew what he had to do... "This is going to hurt..." Levitas closed his eyes and steadied his breathing, trying to calm his mind. He reached his other arm over slowly once he had calmed down and placed it on the tiger's body, gritting his teeth. He made sure to stay as low as possible, constantly aware that the snipers that had taken out the rest of the furs in the vehicle could still be waiting, probably the only reason he hadn't been shot was simply because he was in the back seat, crammed in between everyone else. For once, being in the middle seat was a good thing. He pushed once, stifling a scream as the tiger's body lifted slightly, but not enough, and with that, he'd had enough. The drake heaved all his weight against the body, the sucker probably weighed three hundred pounds or more, and Levitas wasn't exactly well muscled. This time however, he got enough leverage to lift the body long enough for him to pull his broken arm to freedom... but his movement also rocked the entire vehicle, bodies and all, and it got the attention of more than just the zombies. As the tiger's body slipped down, another round tore through the glass, pelting the body in the head once more, this time right between the eyes. Levitas remained motionless, hoping he hadn't been spotted, but the vehicle's movement also alerted the approaching zombies, luckily the slow stupid kind, that there was food in the car "Oh, can this day get any worse?" And just like that, it did. As he maneuvered through the tangle of limbs to the front seat, the drake took a quick peek out the window, just long enough to spot another creature as it lumbered around the corner "I just had to say it" He mumbled, finally pushing into the front seat on top of yet another body. He had just gotten his tail to the front as well, his wings were the hardest thing to maneuver, when yet another bullet tore through the windshield and slammed into the seat, no less than a centimeter from his head. He ducked down just as two more bullets flew through the windshield, barely missing his head. He tried to steady his breathing again... this hadn't been how he'd expected his day to go, not in the least, and he wasn't the type to deal with this type of thing. Of course, how many would really expect to have their day take a turn like this? It wasn't everyday that a few zombies turned an entire city into a living hell for the... living, so how could he honestly be prepared for something like this? The thought of just using the revolver in his back pocket to end his current predicament was quickly brushed aside, he still had family and friends to live for, and no undead freak was going to stop him from being with them! Taking a final breath and stealing his resolve, Levitas unlocked the door as his muscles tensed up, pulling the revolver from his pocket as he did so "Well, here it goes... now or never..." As the dragon's paw moved over the door handle, he didn't know if this would get him shot, eaten, or both, but he didn't want to die here, and desire can have an amazing effect on the mind and body. That effect was simple... speed, and as soon as that door was open, the dragon was out and running as fast as his legs would move him, gritting his teeth as his broken arm was jostled around a bit. At the moment, he didn't care where he was running to and only made sure to go in the opposite direction of the zombies, but as another bullet hit the pavement at his feet, he made sure to stay low. Not that it really mattered, he hadn't been paying attention to where the shots had been coming from and could only make a guess currently, but he made the right guess, and soon he felt safe... for a moment anyways. Levitas took a moment to slow down and look over his shoulder, but as soon as he did, the drake was back into full sprint. It seemed that he'd gotten the attention of that larger zombie, a hunter to be exact, not that he really knew what it was or cared, all he knew was that it was now chasing him and he wanted to get the fuck away.

3:13 PM

He was still running five minutes later, but he'd moved off the roads and was now running through an alley, the hunter still hot on his heels. Levitas huffed, the dragon was getting tired fast, the zombie behind him was not, and he was running out of ideas for escape. His chest heaved like a piston now, barely able to get in enough oxygen to keep his body going, and the constant downpour didn't make things any easier. He turned the revolver in his paws once more and pulled the trigger... only to get a click in response... He'd already fired off the revolver's remaining rounds; the only proof of the act was a single small hole in the creature's head and two more on its chest. He'd missed the other three shots in his haste, not that it really mattered. His clothes weren't faring much better, his cargo pants were ripped in several places, although his shirt was doing better, that didn't matter anyways. He was soaking wet and moments from running out of stamina, a creature probably three or four times his size on his heels, and losing his hope and desire for survival with each passing second. His arm burned, or felt like it anyways, constantly sending lances of pain through him with each step. Levitas had thought about trying to fly, but he knew in this rain, he wouldn't get far. And then things got worse, or maybe better? As he ran, the drake nearly slammed head first into a chain link fence; he barely saw it coming and had just enough time to stop before hitting it. All he could see beyond was a building, he wasn't sure what it was, but by the looks of things he was standing just outside of a nightclub. Another glance behind him proved that the hunter still hadn't quit, but he didn't stop long enough to think about it and quickly made his way over the fence... at least, as quickly as he could with only one arm. The barbed wire at the top wasn't nearly as painful as a broken bone and he ignored it completely as he leaped over the fence and hit the ground with a thump before he continued running... hopefully to a safe hiding spot.


Salem grumbled in annoyance as he gazed into the barrel of an FN FAL rifle he'd... borrowed, from a dead soldier just a few hours earlier. The weapon was damaged, the barrel bent as the soldier had used it to prevent a hunter from biting into his face. Not that it had made a difference. The coon had watched as that soldier had been torn to shreds, and he hasn't hesitated to grab everything that wasn't eaten once the zombies had left. After about two hours or so of scavenging, he'd come back to the nightclub where he'd been hiding out from the undead with a sizable load of firearms. Unfortunately, most of those were handguns, and most didn't have much ammo that he'd found. He'd only managed to get a hold of two rifles, the FAL and a single M-16A1... unfortunately, all the ammo he'd managed to get, or at least most of it, had been for the FAL. The soldier he'd watched get torn apart had had a pack full of 7.62x51mm NATO rounds, while he'd only found three thirty round magazines for the M-16. Unfortunately, the one weapon he'd found with a suitable amount of ammunition had been damaged... just his luck. He finally shrugged and stood up, placing the rifle into his chair and grabbing two of the SIG SAUER P229 9mm pistols he'd found... at least he'd gotten something he liked that wasn't broken, but once again, the problem of a low amount of ammunition remained, and currently he had no way of dealing with that aside from leaving the relative safety of the nightclub "Ah well, might as well check around and make sure none of these freaks found the back door..." It wasn't like he really expected any undead to find a back door, and if they did, he knew none of them would be able to get through the reinforced steel doors that made up a part of the club's security... at least none of the ones he'd seen. As he moved around the club, checking each door and barred window, the coon thought about the events of the past day...

Salem Night... he seemed like your average guy in your average job. Working as security for the FUR nightclub, he started the previous day like any other, with a shower and breakfast before heading downstairs. It was nice living where you worked, even if the place he called "home" was small; it was still furnished beyond what many of the apartments in DC had. Most would look at the raccoon and say exactly that, average. His fur didn't deviate from that of a standard raccoon in any real way, his hair was almost silver, and aside from an emover, it wouldn't be hard at first glance to confuse him for any other coon. At only 5'7" very few would expect him to be head of security and one of the main bouncers at a nightclub, but he made up for his height with skill and speed. While he couldn't be considered the best fighter around, he hadn't been beaten in quite some time. His muscle mass also said average, maybe above, he wasn't exactly body builder material in any term, but he was toned enough to show a six pack and a few other things. Yes... he did seem average in almost every way, above average in a few, but that didn't stop him from living his life and enjoying it too. Of course, at the start of the day, he hadn't expected the sudden screams as the entire club of patrons suddenly flooded out in a panic, or at least the few that were there, maybe fifty or so at most. The body on the floor had been enough to persuade the remaining patrons and employees to get the hell out as well... all except Salem. He'd decided to stay at the last moment, even as the corpse had stood up while he was in the bathroom and nearly killed him, he still stayed. After he'd seen the chaos outside, the panic, fires, zombies, everything... he knew leaving the building would be total suicide... or worse. So he'd stuck around, grabbed a few metal pipes, and waited... being sure to lock everything first of course. The four zombies that had gotten in had actually provided quite a bit of entertainment once he'd turned on the lights on the dance floor. Watching the small group of undead stumble around to the beat of techno had been the highlight of his day... even beating them upside the head with a crowbar hadn't been as amusing or fun. But the day's entertainment had almost completely ended when he'd watched that lone soldier, listened to his screams as he was ripped apart by the undead. Things had gone from amusing to not so amusing in the short time it took for the fur's screams to cease, only to be replaced by the undead's moans as they tore into their victim. But the occasional zombie that had drifted too close to the club's doors had provided enough entertainment for him not to go insane from those images.

He shook his head, clearing his mind of those immediate thoughts, at least for now. He'd have time to deal with those memories once he'd checked the rest of the club. Salem had gotten to the back door and finished checking the locks to make sure they weren't damaged before he started to turn away. The coon spun around, both of the pistols drawn when something slammed into the door... hard. He wasn't sure what it was, but he wasn't taking chances either. Replacing one of the weapons to a holster at his waist, he unlocked the door slowly, moving with quite a bit of caution. If it was a zombie, he was more than ready to shoot the fucker in the head... if not, he figured a bit of company would be nice. Of course, as he opened the door suddenly, letting the creature tumble through, the thought of killing another zombie did seem appealing. Even as a red dragon tumbled through the open door, the coon waited, slamming the door shut just as quickly and locking the deadbolts before pushing his foot against the creature's neck and placing the pistol to its head to keep it down "Are you infected?" He growled, making the point known that he wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger if he got the wrong answer. The dragon looked like hell, beat up as he was, Salem wouldn't probably mistaken him for a zombie from a distance.

The drake didn't respond at first, but when he did, his words were filled with fear "... N-no... no... please don't shoot, I'm not infected, p-please don't shoot"

The dragon was shaking violently, whether it was from the rain or fear, Salem didn't know for sure, but he removed the gun from the drake's head and put it back in its holster "You okay?" He asked softly, helping the shivering creature up, his eyes moving over the dragon's form as he did. The poor drake looked allot younger than he probably was, although Salem couldn't estimate his age as beat up and tired as he was, he figured the drake was probably around twenty or so, maybe a bit younger. He almost felt bad for the kid, almost... caution wasn't something he was giving up, no matter what, and even now, despite what appeared to be nothing but concern for the dragon, he had his paw near his weapon, just in case. Even so, he could tell, assuming that the drake wasn't infected anyways, that it would take awhile to get him out of his current state. He was no doctor, but Salem could tell the dragon was likely going into shock right now, aside from the fact he didn't get much of an answer, all the signs pointed to exactly that. Broken arm, possible hypothermia, a few mild lacerations... nothing the coon couldn't fix up given a few hours, hopefully it wasn't too late though. Salem moved the fading drake next to a heater and set him down, quickly running off and coming back a minute later, dragging a lounge chair and a blanket. He sighed softly, eying the still shivering dragon "Well... at least I found some company... hopefully he won't die in the next five minutes..." Salem muttered, shrugging. If the drake did die, it wouldn't be any real skin off his back, but it would be nice to have someone to talk to while he waited for this shit to blow over.

And once again, there you have it, another chapter done... even if that much didn't really happen, I hope those that read it actually enjoyed it.

All characters, at least those who are shown for more than a second, belong to their respective owners. Several more characters have yet to be introduced, so we'll be seeing a few new faces soon.

Sylvr: Sylvr

Ryan Den: Zelosh

Levitas: Levitas

Billy Carlson: Suicidal ewok

James Dihey: Guard dog

Zach: Vampire panther

Salem Night: Racsalem

... I think that's everyone... dammit, if I get any more characters, I'm going to start losing track... the few other characters belong to me, assuming I didn't miss anyone that is.

Anyways... once again, hope you enjoyed the story. I can garentee that there won't be another one for some time, unless of course my college suddenly explodes in a ball of flames and shit... then something may get put out a bit sooner.


If I don't get comments, I have no reason to continue writing, so please, if you enjoyed the story, take the short time to write about why or what you enjoyed most or something along those lines. While I love seeing that my work got a few five star votes or favorites, that doesn't really tell me that much. Typos... I'm sure there are a few, as always, you can't kill em all. Hopefully they're exactly that... a few.

Until next time, thanks for reading, have a good day, and don't forget to go kill some undead motherfuckers! ^.=.^