Renapony: Captured

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#1 of Renapony

Hi Everyone! This is a big one. This is the 1st in a 3 part intro series to one of my oldest characters Mist. I finally found a proper background and home for her I think you'll all approve!

Mist is a renamon with grand aspirations of explorer a bigger galaxy, but a careless attitude sets her on a different path than the one she planned.

If you want to get a darker version of this story (About one extra page) follow this link!

This is also a way for me to advertise a tiny bit, I'm looking for people who would be interested in helping me write by RPing idea's out with me! If you think you're up to the task of playing something within this concept, hit me up on Discord at Absorbentgene#8392

Mist strode proudly along the pathway, turning over a handful of the ancient coins she had managed to find. Along with the small silver sphere she had found and put into a hip pouch, she knew her passage off planet was guaranteed!

Sighing happily she stretched out a little and let her mind wander. A Renamon like her might not do so well in known space, but out adventuring among the stars? Who knew! Her fortunes and gains would surely be better. She was young, intelligent, and energetic! These baubles, while relatively minor, were still a good enough find to prove herself worthy of being on one of the exploration ships coming through so regularly nowadays.

She couldn't help but marvel at how much had changed... Once a quiet backwater world and now... intrepid explorers arriving every day, using the planet as a final way-stop before going off into the great yonder, trying to carve out their place in the galaxy.

And soon she'd join them! She felt an extra skip in her step as she continued along eagerly, her excitement certainly getting the better of her! Of course... It really had gotten the better of her. She hadn't been paying attention to the path she walked. The planet was certainly not as wild as some of the other worlds she knew of, but there were plenty of dangers.

Feeling a tug at her ankle, her skip had caught a trip wired perfectly and she was sent careening forwards, landing on her front and falling so fast that she hadn't even been able to throw out her arms to break her fall.

Landing with a resounding thud, she coughed and wheezed a little, the wind knocked from her lungs as she lay there for a few moments, entirely stunned. By the time she had begun to recover, it was far too late. Hearing rustling and then the sound of footsteps around her, she suddenly felt several pairs of hands grabbing hold of her, and something wooden, almost like a collar, suddenly snapping tight around her neck.

Instinctively, she began to struggle, squirm and fight, but even as she barely struggled to her hands and knees, she felt several ropes being tossed over her, and cinched tight. Suddenly her arms were dragged behind her back, bent together and tied tightly together.

In the same motion though, she was given the chance to see her assailants. Goblins! She felt her heart sink immediately, her already pumping heart began to thud all the faster with this revelation. They were notorious... and what they did to renamon was no secret...

Kicking out suddenly in her efforts to escape, she felt her foot connect solidly with one of them, and her foot was free long enough for a ripple of cackling laughter rose from the pack of goblins mobbing her, and her foot was snatched and she felt her knees getting bound together, then her ankles, and the collar like thing around her neck was pushed down firmly, forcing her head down almost flat down on the ground, and her rear up into the air.

Squirming and struggling on her knees, the goblins finally stopped their body-press to keep her pinned down. Even on her knees she was head and shoulders over all of them. She had always heard goblins were ugly, but for the first time she was given a good look at one standing before her, seeming to be directing the group and she found herself surprised.

Humanoid, his skin was a pleasant leaf green and he was clearly fit, muscular but slender. His ears were long and pointed, and a prominent, angular round nose. His eyes were a muddy brown, conversely, his hair was actually a shockingly deep neon blue that stood out almost like it had been dyed. Glancing up around her from her exposed position, she saw others with other shocking flairs. Neon red, a bright purple...

They chattered to one another now, clearly much more relaxed. One held the pole attached to the thick wooden collar around her neck, keeping it pushed down on her while they nattered back and forth. They wore a vast array of clothing, mostly cloth and leather, but there was some more advanced equipment here and there. The leader certainly had a finer quality of leather, not so dissimilar to what Mist wore.

Finally he waved them away and barked an order and she felt herself getting man handled once again. An exasperated roll of the leaders eyes was spotted by her as he leaned down closer to her.

"Fox tits is mine." He growled at her in a thick voice, surprising her. "But they new to job" He waved his hand. He patted her head gently. "Keep thing catcher on. Don't fight, be good girl and no hurt." He continued.

Mist quivered nervously as she listened to him and shuddered, feeling the hands over her again and beginning to untie her. They kept a tight hold of her as they undid the bindings they had just fitted to her, only to strip away the leather jerkin she had been wearing, along with the pouches and ancient junk she'd found.

This time though, she didn't resist. She knew she was beaten. She didn't want to be harmed. She let herself be manipulated, her clothing removed, stripped naked and then her arms re-tied, though her legs were left free. All the while the leader barked orders at them, not even casting a glance down to her.

Finally, she felt the heavy block around her neck lifted up as she was hauled to her feet, and led along, hunched over, and surrounded by the smaller goblins, reminding her again of just how much smaller they were. She felt almost sick with shame. Was she seriously the adventurer who lost to goblins?

She didn't have far to go. Guided off the path, a small cluster of tents was clustered against a crop of rocks and a cooking pit in the middle of them. Led to a space, she was forced down once again, and this time, she heard the sound of hammer hitting metal, and then ropes thrown around her legs and forcing them spread, her bottom in the air. She couldn't move them much as much as she squirmed, then the pole was removed from the block around her neck.

Forced to look only forwards, she glanced about fearfully, and winced at the feeling of several foreign hands began to pat and touch over her body curiously, exploring close to sensitive areas, making her suck in her breath.

The leader suddenly barked at them again from out of sight though and she felt the hands leave her body, and a little bit of grumbling from around her as the goblins went to their tents, taking seats and relaxing, though most watching her as she felt the leaders hands begin to grope over her.

His hands slowly explored along her body while Mist trembled. She finally found her voice though. "W-what are you going to do to me?" She managed to gasp out. His hands were gentle as they groped along her shoulders, back, and along her sides. Then down along her breasts, squeezing and groping at them, she could hear him shift and sensed him squatting to examine her closely.

"Hmm, hush foxtits." He muttered, and then barked something again in his native tongue and she watched as one of the goblins produced a small round ball, and promptly wedged it into her mouth. "You quiet. Be good girl."

"Hmmph..." She responded plaintively, but for the most part, once again settled and relaxed as best she could. Something compelled her to obey... she didn't understand it, but it simply felt natural. Besides... his touch was... pleasant.

Jumping at a flick at her nipple, she felt him shift again and begin to examine and grope along her legs and thighs, working slowly between her legs. Once he brushed along one of her cheeks, her tail instinctively raised up, exposing her rump and nethers.

Hearing him chuckle, she felt his hand slide along between her cheeks, brushing along her most sensitive spots... "Haha... Foxtits wants me huh?" He teased, and felt his fingers begin to gently grind against the lips of her sex.

Moaning weakly, she felt her arousal surge to the forefront of her thoughts. Moaning weakly she ground back into the air as best she could, getting another chuckle from the goblin. She felt a pair of fingers sink into her sex, grinding around gently, sharp pointed claws scrapping along her sensitive walls.

Quivering at the sensation, she could only enjoy it as he lingered for much longer than he really needed too, before pulling his fingers out. She could tell he was checking something before he grunted something that sounded like approval. She felt a reassuring pat on her rump and it turned out to be the only warning as his still sticky fingers plunged into her anus, illicting another long moan from her as his fingers repeated the same lingering exam.

Finally though his fingers were removed and another pat on her rump signified he was done, at least for the moment. "Be good girl... You coming home." He grunted and snapped his fingers to one of the goblins and said something. Hearing movement she yelped again loudly when the thick plug was forced deep inside of her sex, bulging strangely so that it settled in and would take some effort to pull out.

He said something again, and the rest of the day was a blur for Mist...

Almost all at once, all of his underlings surged forwards around her. She felt one at her rump give a single, firm lick against her anus, leaving a sticky trail of drool behind much to her shock. Only to have a thick cock buried inside of her, surprising her with its size.

She didn't get long to really focus on it as the ball was ripped out of her mouth and another goblin, this one sporting a black eye from her kick earlier, pressed his shaft against her lips. His cyan hair matched the thick mound of cyan pubic hair around his cock, giving her a brief flash of them, before her muzzle was neatly forced flush into his crotch.

Swirling her tongue around his cock eagerly, she found herself utterly compelled to lick and slurp along that thick cock and begin pleasuring her captor... She knew how humiliating it was... how violating it all was, but something instinctive, something... deep and primal was coming out with these things abusing her.

She found that potent male musk driving her absolutely wild... Her arousal so all consuming, it was almost agony realizing that only a toy remained in her sex... some base instinct drove her to desperately want to be carry a child.

Eyes rolling, she continued to swallow, suckle and slurp on the goblins shaft, but she didn't have long to work. Grabbing hold of her ears and holding them like handles, the goblin thrust back and forth roughly a few times, before he once again forced her nose into the mound of pubes, and cummed hard, flooding her mouth with sticky spunk.

She didn't even get the chance to catch her breath, another taking the firsts' position immediately... she remembered red... she felt the one in her anus tense up and cry out as well, thick sticky cum flooding her bowels, feeling so satisfied... Then... Another was thrusting wildly into her bottom, carrying on as she cried out around the shaft stuffed into her maw, her anus clamping down on the latest intruder as she orgasmed, sticky juices squelching out past the plug and pooling on the ground between her knees.

Another one after that... actually four more after that. And nine at her muzzle. Then she lost count. The day wound on, the sun rising high above. They gave her some water and food. She remembered that much. Sometimes they chattered and spoke around her. Sometimes only one of them used her. Sometimes it was all in a row, one after another. It was all a strange blur... her own body wracked with orgasm after orgasm with them ramming and filling her bowels over and over.

All the while, none of them even touched her sex, not daring to remove the plug stuffed into her sex while they eagerly emptied themselves into her, but Mist didn't take much notice after a while, so exhausted by the long day of use. The moment they stopped though, she promptly passed out into a deep sleep.

The next morning Mist was one of the first to awake. She ached terribly. Her bottom was puffy and well used and they hadn't adjusted her position. She was sure a few more had used her after she had fallen asleep, but it was impossible to tell. She could feel dried goblin spunk smeared into so much of her fur...

She didn't have long to wait though. Watching one of the tent flaps open, one of the goblins stepped out, yawned and groaned before turning to tend to the fire. It wasn't long after that for the camp to be active. Food was given out, Mist even got a small bit of food and water again, and they began to pack everything up.

Mist watched the leader step towards her and lean down close. "Today we decide what to do. Be good, maybe keep around." He cackled to her and would step around out of sight, where she felt him starting to adjust various straps and bindings, feeling her legs get freed and eventually lift herself to her knees off of the ground.

She groaned a little as she stretched out while on her knees still, but didn't dare speak a word, not wanting punishment. She wouldn't get much of a chance though. The goblin would crawl onto her back, feeling his weight on her, she shifted a little underneath while bending forward a bit, but she watched as his hands came into view, holding a small bit, and basic ropes attached to either side. "Open." He commanded simply.

Obediently, Mist opened her mouth and felt the bit inserted into her mouth, and tugged on tightly by the rope reins, gasping gently in response. "Up foxtits!" The goblin commanded, his legs slipping in between her arms and sides, and using her bound arms as an impromptu saddle, Mist obliged the goblin and unsteadily got to her feet.

Wobbling before getting her footing, Mist was unfamiliar with the weight of a goblin sitting on her back like this, tugging on the reigns of the bit she had fitted into her mouth, chattering at her in his own guttural language, she assumed them to be words of encouragement as she worked on adjusting to the weight on her back.

Feeling a few pats on her head as she finally steadied herself, she was reminded of how much smaller the goblins were, all of them only coming up to her knee... the tallest among them came to her thigh. 'How could I have lost to these things?' She winced, closing her eyes as the leader settled in atop her arms, pointing a few directions to the other goblins and then...

She felt his legs squeeze against her sides, clearly urging her on and she instinctively obeyed, starting to walk forwards. Her eyes snapping open, she felt herself march forwards almost compulsively, walking barefoot, carefully out of the clearing. She felt the gentle tug of the reins to her left and let herself be steered left, shuddering to herself.

'Why... why does this feel right?' She shuddered visibly and gave a soft groan in response to another gentle tug, steering her around a copse of bushes, and then to a smoothed path; the very same she had been abducted from. His weight wasn't terrible though having her arms used like this wasn't the most pleasant.

Led along at a walking pace, the goblin would occasionally tug to ease her to slow down, making sure to keep her pace with his brethren on foot. She found herself led along one of the many paths that branched into it, and soon became unfamiliar with where she was going...

Still she never fussed, or really fought her captor. In fact, as the morning wore into noon, she felt a soft pat along the back of her head, and reflexively, her tail swished back and forth, fond of the attention.

Finally the trees thinned quite a bit, revealing a small plain and a river. Mist knew it was the very same that ran by her home, she was increasingly coming to believe she would never see again. She found herself led straight off the path towards the river, where a bend lazily stretched before them. She heard the goblins nattering back and forth behind her as they quickly threw a few lines into the water and clattered about getting food ready.

On the other hand, she found herself urged on straight into the river, splashing in far enough to get her shins wet at least, when the goblin leader finally urged her back and worked on getting his legs out from between her arms, standing up on them a moment before hopping off to land with a splash beside her.

Stretching out next to her, she looked down at him confused for a few moments as he stood in the shallows next to her, barely coming to her thigh, but after a few moments, the goblin would run a hand along her head fondly. Calling over to one of the others along the side of the stream.

Still rubbing along her head, keeping her bent down forwards over him, Mist remained still, enjoying the cool water on her sore feet. It was hot out now and she had been carrying an unfamiliar weight all day. On top of that, she knew how much she must have smelled, with much of her fur matted down and gross from the previous day's humiliations.

Tutting and shaking his head, the goblin motioned to one along the shore again as a bucket and cloth were brought out to him. Dipping the bucket into the water, she was soon drenched in water, the goblin beginning to scrub and wash her thoroughly.

He was thorough and scrubbed hard, but he didn't punish when she would wince or squirm against him, especially when his hands glided over her nether lips, still stretched apart by the plug stuffed into her drooling sex. He didn't hesitate to clean under her tail as well, and she certainly appreciated it. The feeling of cum drooling from her puffy well used anus.

Washing along her midsection and breasts, he crooned to her softly in his own tongue again, Mist unable to understand a word of it, but there was certainly a soothing tone to it. Still nervous about her future, the soothing voice was a welcome reprieve and she willingly lowered herself without him needing to tug her reins down. She could see the smile growing on his face as she did so and he began washing over her head and back.

Mist knew he was taking the time to wash her, not only to clean her up, but to get a much deeper examination of her body. He was inspecting her deeply all the while he cleaned. She suspected he had already made his decision on what to do with her, but she couldn't help but be pleased with that eager grin on his face. She had done a good job taking care of herself up until now...

Getting led out of the water, she would be directed to a small fire that had been made, where the rest of the goblins were settling down for a midday meal. She found herself patted down and dried off by her master, and tied to a stake near the fire to dry off further.

The rest of the goblins looked on her greedily, but none of them played with her like they had the previous day. One of them even fed her a few scraps of meat that she happily ate, finding it delicious and filling.

It didn't take them long but finally, after chattering amongst themselves for a few minutes, she once again felt the leader swing himself up onto her back once more and take hold of the reins, steering her onto the path once again and began to ride on once more.

The destination became clear not long after. Steered towards what seemed to be a copse of trees on top of a sharp stoney hill but as they got nearer, she realized that there was a ring of walls around it and several spires of black smoke rising from what was clearly a small settlement.

Marched forwards and she came to a large, crudely made wooden gate, but there certainly didn't seem to be a lack of craftsmanship. It was simply made out of wood, and ill fitted, but she could tell there was a trained eye for defense, using the rocks to reinforce the settlement further.

Goblins stood along the wall and outside it, where another small band of goblins loitered, chatting with what were certainly guards, all dressed in shabby uniforms, but they at least matched, each carrying some sort of rifle. Mist was certainly shocked by this revelation... that was extremely advanced technology for them to have.

Led through the gate, she blushed furiously as she was led onto an avenue that held a market along its edges. The buildings themselves seemed to be two story homes, occasionally a shop front was visible.. It was bustling, but by now the big shopping rush of the day had passed. A few eyes certainly turned towards her, and a few cat calls were certainly directed towards her, but her rider would call back as she was marched on.

She found herself led into a small circle, where the structures change in style. She could see the sources of smoke now. A blacksmith and bakers were both readily visible, and some sort of manufactory even seemed visible behind that.

Stopped for a few moments, she looked around, seeing a few other species present as well. There seemed to be a couple of orcs on the other side of the market, chatting with goblins. An ogre lumbered through, followed by a host of goblins looking armed for something a bit more serious.

All the while she stood there, she felt exposed while the rider on her back chatted with his band, before they broke apart and went their own ways it seemed. Mist was once again urged forwards with a press of his heels and snap of her reigns and she moved forwards, getting steered deftly past the ogre who shot her a look that spoke of hunger, and right into a small stable that was adjacent to the blacksmith.

Eased in, she felt the leader get off her back again, and tie the reins to the rail before her and watched him step out. She listened to the buzz outside of the stall as she waited, but she didn't have to wait long. The leader and female goblin walked in. She sported bubblegum pink hair and a few lip piercings and a single stud in one of her eyebrows. They chattered back and forth for a few moments, before Mist's reigns were grabbed again and she was led into the smithy.

It was hot, with the furnace so near, in the center of the room was a wooden sawhorse, with a couple of clamp arms and metal cuffs built into them, obviously for restraining her. But what she saw along the walls made her stomach churn with butterflies. Along the rough cut stone and mortar walls were various styles of bondage gear, but primarily, were leggings made into hooves of different colours and styles. Harnesses and jewelry accessories adorned the wall as well, having quite the wide selection.

She knew her fate then and there. She was going to be turned into a pony girl.

Her heart pounding, she felt the instinct for fight or flight begin to kick in, straining against the reins, but while the smith kept a tight grip, the rider chatted to her again soothingly, using a few words over and over, while rubbing his hands gently over her head. It was enough to keep her calm. She knew she couldn't escape. This was to be her fate... Why fight it and make it worse?

Still slow to walk forwards, she would struggle with herself but finally, she stood in position. Gasping deeply, she felt the plug that had been stuffed into her sex and left inside for the past day, get tugged on as a long groan escaping her. When another tug came, and finally one hard enough to finally wrench it free, juices spilling out from her stretched lips.

Urged forwards, she let her foot get lifted forwards and clamped into its restrain. She had to be steadied as she was forced to lift herself over the rounded middle of the saw horse, and settle her ankle into the other restraint; clanking closed with a resounding thunk, and leaving her to settle her weight onto her groin. Moaning softly as she felt her sex teased and rubbed against by the smooth wooden rail between her legs.

Gently bent forwards, she finally felt the bindings on her arms come off, both taking her arms firmly in their grip, they moved quickly to lock both her arms into place as well. Her head allowed to rest on a fairly comfortable padded rest, she was bent slightly forwards till about the right angle to be properly ridden.

With her locked into place, the rider came up to her head and patted it again. "See foxtits in an hour." He chuckled. "Be good!" He said and walked off without looking back, leaving her alone with the smithy. Clapping her hands together and shouting something in goblin, she then set about measuring Mist.

She could feel the hands moving over her deftly. She had clearly been doing this for a long time and had a talent for it. It took her mere minutes to get everything she needed, before she walked out of earshot for a few moments before returning again.

Mist felt her Leg get pulled free and something slipped over her foot, along her leg and then tightened into place. Then definitely some kind of heavy boot fitted to her foot and finally her ankle fitted back into the restraint. The same happened to her other leg, and she could only guess what her legs looked like now.

She soon had an inkling though as the goblin moved in front of her and separated one of her arms. Mist watched as a black smooth skin tight leather was fitted over the arm, fitting like an elbow length glove with a mitten for a hand.

Then she watched as a glove ending in a hoove was fitted over it, and tightened on comfortably, feeling snug and comfortable. The goblin then locked her arm into place, before moving onto the last arm, Mist watching nervously the entire time, wondering how she might get out of this someday.

With her final arm fitted, and locked back into place, Mist was confused... the whole thing took only a few minutes it seemed. Why would he take so long? She heard the smith walk out of earshot again, and then the loud clanking of smithing nearby. She wondered what was going on, but for now could only wait.

After what seemed like ages, Mist finally heard the goblin approaching once again, and this time, she carried a small rack, holding glowing metal hooves, and similarly glowing hot red nails in a small basket.

In one quick move, before Mist could even fight, one of her arms was suddenly uncuffed, and pulled forwards, stretched out and inserted between the goblins legs. Watching, Mist watched as a pair of tongs picked up one of those red hot glowing hooves, and in a brief moment of struggle tried to pull her arm back, but the goblins grip was too tight.

She felt the weight land on the glove then warmth. She was still half panicked, but it wasn't burning like she expected. The nail that was picked up suddenly though and clearly about to be used on her hand though was surely going to be excruciating.

She heard the first metal clang, and felt something hit her hand, pinning it into place but... again no pain. She listened to a couple more clangs then the tongs flash out for another nail, and another set of clangs, pinning a finger, stiffening it... It was like her fingers were being pinned in place one by one, though not one of them hurt.

Finally finished, her hand was suddenly dunked into a bucket of nearby water, the sound of flash boiling water hissing and spitting meeting her ears as it cooled down the horse shoe before her hand was clamped back into place.

The goblin wiped her brown, before turning to the next hand, following through the same process once again Though this time, Mist didn't fight back at all this time trying to understand why this wasn't hurting, but she knew she would get no answers even if she could speak around the gag that remained in her mouth.

She felt each of her feet get the same treatment, wincing a little as her toes were pinned into place by the strange nails and horse shoe, but finally everything had been nailed into place. Finally, the smith took out a set of black leather straps and metal rings in her hands. She would ease the gag out of Mist's mouth and instead fit the bit and bridle into place, the metal bit covered with a layer of leather to keep her teeth from chipping.

Finally, the smith would disappear out of sight, working on her midsection for a few moments, more leather straps and rings fitted into place, Mist could feel a harness coming together. Finally, she felt both of her arms get released, as the smith cinched the last of the straps in place around her breasts.

Finally, her ankles were unclamped from place, and she was allowed to step back; the first clop clop of the steel hooves hitting the ground echoing around the room. And she felt unsteady, unfamiliar with her newfound hooves, swaying and wobbling as she was forced to relearn how to walk again.

Unsteadily, she found the much nicer leather reins to her bridle getting attached, and tugged on gently, leading slowly across the room to a small stool. Mist taking each wobbly step slowly. Standing there, the reins were let loose, but she didn't wander, glancing around. She watched a black leather saddle get lifted off the wall and lifted to her back. Bent forward a little more, she felt it slip into place before resting on her back comfortably, and get strapped in tightly as well.

Almost right on time, the rider returned, his voice calling through before he walked in. Mist turned to look at him, and saw the look on his face say it all. He was very happy with the result. He stepped forwards and walked around her, looking her up and down, speaking rapidly with the smith, both seemed very happy with the results.

Finally, she felt the goblin take her reins again, stepping up onto the stool, and slowly ease himself up into the saddle on her back. Settling in, he adjusted himself, speaking to the smith a little more, before he nudged her sides and got her to move forwards.

She was unfamiliar with the weight on her back again, as well as the new hooves she had to relearn how to walk in, but the goblin was patient. He let her stumble, and took it slowly. She was slowly eased into the next wing, where an enormous mirror stood.

She was given her first real view of herself. There she stood with thigh high skin tight black leather leggings, elbow length leather gloves to match. All ending in black hooved boots, and shiny, steel shoes. A harness with plenty of different straps and rings, where other equipment could be clipped on, criss-crossed her chess, but left her breasts and bare stomach exposed.

A saddle rested on her back, leaving her hunched forwards a little, but not uncomfortably so, where the goblin now sat atop her; looking absolutely comfortably, like he had ridden on her like this all her life.

She looked at the reflection wide eyed, stunned at the transformation. She saw an evil grin spread out over her master's face as he leaned forwards to speak into her ear. "Special gear foxtits... they never come off. You're an animal now."

Mist felt like her stomach had been filled with ice cold water. Now she understood. Some kind of magic... She was trapped forever... She was a beast of burden. His mount... She was a Renapony.