The Ghosts in the Graveyard

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(All characters furry, anthro)

CW: Undead/ghosts, dubcon

After a long shift at work on Halloween night, chubby canine mutt Maurice Elsfield decides to take a shortcut through the nearby graveyard to get home a bit quicker. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, All Hallows' Eve has let a few restless spirits roam the earth again, and they have a desperate need for one thing: the seed of the living...


Last Halloween story! I'd meant to get one last one finished up, but no luck, and I didn't wanna push it and burn myself out too bad haha. I think this one turned out alright, though I'm unsure about some of the tags. Oh well; hopefully it's alright.

Didn't mean for this to be an introduction to my dog mutt guy, Maurice, but I figure it's a decent one. I've got one or two story ideas in mind for him, as per usual, but we'll see if I get around to any of them lol. He's usually pretty subby, but I wanted to give him a LITTLE bit of domming to do in this one, just for fun. Maybe that'll translate into his other stories, though... I have a habit of starting off with a solid 'idea' in my head of a character, and then while writing them they just kind of bloom in different directions. So, we will see!

Anyways, enjoy! Happy Halloween, folks!

Story Text:

"Alright, see you tomorrow!"

Maurice waved a paw, the chubby canine using his hip to push open the small grocery store's front door. He offered one last exhaustion-laden smile of farewell at his remaining coworkers inside the store, leaving them to close up by midnight, while the portly young mutt got off work at around 11 at night. It was fairly late to be working on Halloween, but it wasn't like he was going to any parties or anything, so he didn't mind the extra cash.

With a sigh, he stepped out into the cold, autumn night air, pausing for a second as his old tennis shoes scuffed on the sidewalk. It was already dark, which made him a little nervous to be walking around alone, but it was a decent enough town.

Still, he wasn't exactly the most threat-repelling individual. A bit short, and quite a bit more round than he was tall, with a big gut, plump chest, and thick limbs, his chubby face soft and, as he'd been told more times then he was entirely comfortable with, cute-looking. Though it might be hard to read on first glance, he was a Pomeranian/Jack Russel terrier mix, resembling both his mother and his father, instead of one or the other as his siblings did. As such, he had very thick, fluffy fur that added to his chubby figure, colored in a mix of light underfur, and dark back fur. His long, furry tail waggled above his plump bottom, covered by a pair of jeans, as he stood in the cold; fortunately, a decently-thick wool sweater hugged his upper body, a shoulder bag for his belongings looped over and crossing his chest.

The dog shivered, however, as a particularly cool breeze wafted at him. "Brr," Maurice chattered briefly, wincing at the chill and rubbing his wool-covered arms with his big, soft-padded paws. He sighed, pointed ears tilting low in worry, then chimed to himself, "Too cold and late to walk around outside for long..."

Graveyard shortcut it was, then. Even if it did creep him out a little.

With a reluctant whimper, barely audible even to himself, Maurice gulped and started down the sidewalk.

A lot of the other shops and stores in the town's downtown area were already closed, though a few remained open with signs offering free candy to whatever trick or treaters were still out and about at that time of night. He passed by a few, but only saw maybe one cub in costume for every other still-open shop.

Which meant that it was quiet, and fairly empty.

Letting out a sigh and tucking his arms a bit more firmly against his sides, paws slipping into his pants' pockets, Maurice trudged along. It was a decent walk from the store where he worked downtown, up to where his family's house was.

But, where normally he'd turn down one of the wider roads and head down it to make a wide U down a few more sidewalks, Maurice instead kept going forward. Already, the open gateway was in view, dark and metal glinting under the moonlight, stone walls on either side extending off and being consumed by trees a few meters down.

The graveyard.

He gulped; it always gave him a creeped-out feeling to be walking through it, even if it was technically allowed. Heck, they left the gate open 24/7! It wasn't like he was jumping a fence or anything.

Still... it unsettled him as he crossed the street, paws clenching in his pockets. His bag swung heavily at his side, thumping against his wide hip; he winced and slipped his hands out of the relative warmth of his pockets and clutched the strap going over one of his shoulders, ceasing its annoying movements just as he stepped back up onto the sidewalk right in front of the open graveyard.

Or... maybe it was a cemetery? He'd heard there was a difference, but wasn't sure which this was.

Maurice shook his head. There was no point getting himself mixed up on particulars of a place he wanted to spend as little time in as possible. He'd just... go in, scurry down the path he knew let out fairly close to his family house, and go home. Nothing to worry about; hardly anyone went through the place, and if they did, they were most likely just doing as he was. That, or being rambunctious teens or young adults, drinking or something in the cemetery for privacy.

He sighed, gulped one last time, and steeled himself. Then, he stepped forward, through the gate.

His shoes crunched in the gravel pathway as he stepped onto the grounds. The sound made his ears flick, pointed appendages twitching at every little shift and rattle of the loose rock beneath him. The moonlight overhead gave plenty of light, though he knew that some days there were a few lamps that would be lit throughout the grounds for lighting.

He winced as his hand went towards his bag; no, he'd forgotten his own flashlight at home that day. Oh well; as he'd thought, there was plenty of light to navigate by.

Just... not enough to not scare himself on every oddly-shaped tree or shadow.

Maurice huffed lightly, tightening his grip on his bag. "N- Nothing to be scared of," he told himself, REMINDED himself. After all, it was empty, and a little spooky, but it was also quiet. He hadn't heard the noise of so much as a single soul also in the cemetery.

And so, the chubby dog trudged along down the noisy gravel pathway. He didn't often cut through the grounds to get home quicker, but he'd done it enough times to mostly know where he was going. It certainly helped that for the most part it was just a single path cutting down the middle of the cemetery grounds, lined on both sides with rows of gravestones and mausoleums that sat silent. Even the wind didn't seem to be blowing through; whether that was a result of the walls around the grounds, or the trees, or just a still night, Maurice couldn't guess.

So it was just him, the graves, and the crunching of gravel for quite a while.

As he walked, Maurice noticed a growing fog. "Weird," he mumbled to himself, squinting slightly to peer through it, as the misty blank whiteness of it seemed to grow more intense with every step he took. He didn't think it was the right conditions for a mist like that; but maybe he was just wrong about that? "Must be," he spoke aloud again, shrugging as he walked, though he did tuck his arms a bit closer to his sides, fingers clinging tightly to his bag's strap over his chest.

It wasn't too bad, at least... sure, he couldn't quite see more than a dozen or so feet away from himself, but here was just the one main path, so it wasn't like he could get lost.

Just... had to keep walking, keep his head down, and-

A noise.

Like... rustling. Not of leaves, or even the gravel he'd been walking on, but like... cloth. Fluttering slightly, or moving quickly.

First, far off. Then... almost directly behind him.

Maurice yelped, spinning around on his heels, shoes crunching noisily in the gravel path. His heartrate had skyrocketed in an instant, eyes flicking around wildly as he tried to find where the sound had come from. The mist swirled lazily around him, almost a bubble of clarity amidst a dense barrier of white, noise-consuming fog. He could make out the shape of a few nearby grave markers, and the vague shapes of more further on.

But... there was nobody there.

Of course there wasn't, he scolded himself, eyes closed as he sighed with relief, one paw moving to settle over his chest, trying to still his beating heart. He couldn't believe he'd frightened himself so much over some simple little sound! He'd damn near had a heart attack...

Letting his shoulder droop, the chubby canine mix let out another sigh, before opening his eyes, gazing down the path he'd come down. Once again, there was nothing there; no MONSTERS, least of all, not even another person or an animal. Just the mist, and the grave markers, and the filtered light of the moon overhead.

Slightly more relaxed, Maurice lowered his head, turning around to continue down the path.

And bumping straight into it.

His eyes flicked wide, staring forward at what he'd just run into. It was soft, but firm deeper down, like a person would be. But as his eyes opened and stared forward, he didn't find a person; more like a... shape. A shape composed of ethereal blue, ooze-like... FLESH, almost. And floating in it seemed like... well he thought...

"B- B- Bones...?" the dog stammered out, blood running cold and ears lowered, tail tucked between his legs as he stared at the... THING in front of him.

Slowly... his eyes trailed upwards. And upwards... the thing was tall, easily a good foot or two taller than his own five-and-a-half-foot frame. And what he found at the top, peering down at him... was a skull. Engulfed in that same blue, flesh-like... SOMETHING... aimed straight down at him, translucent flesh letting him make out the entirety of an intact upper skull, no jaw bone but a row of sharp, canine fangs bared down at him from a spectral muzzle.

"G... G..."

Maurice's brain just... stopped. His body wouldn't move. He could hardly think, or speak, as he stared up at what was... apparently... a ghost.

He eeped, weakly.

The thing, the GHOST, leaned its head down lower. Its body appeared to be like a regular person in shape, but its see-through blue flesh was littered with a sparce array of bones. It had the shape of a man, a large wolf man if Maurice was capable of making a guess at that moment.

It- He?- brought his muzzle down low, locking eyes with Maurice... its own gaze was simply a pair of small, orange eye balls situated in the skull's eye holes, no visible pupil to speak of.

And yet he knew it was staring at him. Through him, or... or into him, perhaps.

A vaguely rasping, ethereal noise filtered out of the ghost. Almost a voice... until it solidified, and said, clear as day despite its odd audio qualities:

"Nice night for a walk... isn't it?"

Maurice cried out in shock, taking a sharp step backwards. He had to run, had to get away, had to pretend he'd NEVER seen this thing for the rest of his life-

He hit something else. Two something else's.

His shoulders slammed back into them, and his head tilted back, gazing upwards to find two more ghostly heads peering over behind him. Two more ghosts, just as tall, broad-shouldered, and skeleton-riddled as the first. Though... one had more a look of a reptile, its long, flat jaw matching an almost crocodile-like head, while the other resembled more a feline, though the only quality to its spectral visage he could make out was an array of teeth and fragments floating in its head.

He wanted to scream, staring up at the two towering ghosts.

His lungs... didn't seem to want to work anymore.

The first ghost, the one with a skull in its head, stepped in close, and Maurice lowered his head to lock eyes with the tall phantom. "Get him to the grass," it instructed in that steady, rasping voice; it sounded slightly weak, like it took effort to make the noises come through.

Before he could process what was happening, Maurice felt two sets of hands close on his body. One on his upper arm, one on his shoulder, on either side; the two ghosts, the reptile and the feline, had grabbed him, and with a powerful yank, tugged him to one side, off the gravel pathway.

He cried out again then, yelping out, "W- Wait, stop, please! St-"

Maurice didn't get out much more; an instant later, he found himself toppling backwards, having tripped over his own feet and fallen right out of the ghost's grasps.

He yipped in pain as he slammed into the cemetery grass, eyes snapping shut, thumping hard into the thin, soft layer of grass, and the firm, less-soft packed dirt beneath it. His arms had remained tucked up to his chest, paws clinging to his bag strap, leaving nothing to brace the blow as his back, rump, and head all rattled against the grassy ground, pain riddling his pudgy figure.

Letting out a whine, the stunned Maurice squirmed on the moist grass. A whimper left him as he trembled on the ground, finally huffing out a sharp breath once his chest had stopped aching so much. Slowly, the chubby canine cracked open his eyes, almost hoping to see nothing but the foggy night air overhead.

Instead, his trio of spectral assaulter's towered over him on the ground, three pairs of glowing orange eyes locked down on his pudgy, stunned figure.

From down on the ground, he had a slightly better view of the three ghost's appearances. Tall, and shaped like a normal person, with two arms, two legs, a head, a tail; but all composed of that almost... ooze-like blue material, smooth for the most part but flaring in some areas like tufts of fur or body hair. Random assortments of bone floated in their see-through figures: while they all cosmetically resembled one another, each was unique, with a mix of arm, leg, torso, and head bones adorning their similar broad-shouldered figures. The reptilian one had the most intact spine, trailing all the way from that floating jaw bone, down to the very tip of his broad, tapered ghost tail. The feline had a full ribcage, but and the end of each limb, but not much otherwise. Lastly, the apparent wolf had that full, almost pristine skull gazing down at Maurice, and a mismatch of arm, leg, and chest.

"Hmm..." one of them hummed; it was hard for the young canine to tell which, but it sounded like it came from the direction of the reptile. "Quite the fall, little guy..."

"Hehe, he's scared," another chimed teasingly, the cat ghost leaning down, Maurice guessing it had been him that had spoken. With a joking edge, the feline specter warned the quivering dog, "Maybe you SHOULD be scared, hehehe..."

Maurice gulped and whined, unable to do more then tremble beneath the large, ghostly men. He could still barely think straight, his heart hammering as he stared up at them.

It was the wolf who gave a rasping huff, all three sharing a similar but slightly differed rasping, straining voice. That skull-headed specter rumbled out at his undead companions, "We're not here to TEASE the boy. Get his arms..."

Get his...?

The dog yelped, eyes going wide as the reptile and feline ghosts nodded and lunged down at him, big, spectral hands extended. He tried to throw up his own hands, to bat their grasping mitts away, but instead just found each wrist caught deftly. The spine-filled reptile kneeled down above his head with both of the smaller male's arms in his grasp, tail thrashing high and an eager rumbling noise emenating from the ghost's chest. Meanwhile, the feline with his full ribcage crouched beside the lying-down Maurice, reaching both hands down to grab him by one shoulder and the front of his sweater, keeping him pinned to the ground.

A whine left the chubby young male as he realized he was unable to pull himself free, squirming under the grasp of the two strong phantoms. He clenched his eyes, tugging his arms as hard as he could and trying to roll away from the duo of glowing-blue monsters; but all he managed was yanking against their firm grips, legs flailing and struggling to find purchase in the grass and dirt.

"P- Please, I-" Maurice stammered, wild eyes flicking from one ghostly visage to the other, a whimper of fear leaving him. After all, what could three... GHOSTS... possibly be pinning him in the cemetery for? Were they going to hurt him, or... worse?

The final ghost, the wolf with a skeletal face- Skull, perhaps, as a name of sorts?- remained standing over the canine, but let out a rasping... laugh, almost, that made the chubby dog's ears twitch. "Relax, little puppy..." the standing phantom rumbled, stepping to his other side, across from the cat. "We aren't here to hurt you."

"N- Not..." he echoed weakly, gulping in spite of himself. "B- But... What do you...?"

Without answering the chubby male's question, Skull let out a sound that resembled a huff of excitement, gazing up and down his body, bone muzzle and glowing orange eyes examining him from shoes to ears. Then, far to casually for the dog's taste, the wolf ghost crouched down, reaching his spectral paws for... for Maurice's belt.

"H- Hey! S- Stop, stop!" the dog yelped, eyes going wide and blushing hotly as he squirmed, trying to get the specter's hands away from him. He failed, of course, letting out a whine as one big, ghostly paw clamped high on his thigh, squeezing tight and holding him place, while the other began to undo his belt, clinking lightly in the sound-consuming fog. Maurice whined, unable to move more than an inch at most under the three powerful ghost men's grips, tilting his head back and pinching his eyes shut, trembling.

"Be calm, little dog..." the reptilian ghost holding his arms hissed, pinning his wrists with one hand, the other reaching down to stroke at his pudgy neck like he was a feral dog, ooze-like palm sinking into the chubby male's thick fur. "If you're good, this will feel amazing for you..."

Maurice only let out a whine in reply; he wasn't so sure about that.

His ears twitched as he heard, and felt, Skull busily undoing his belt, and then his pants button and zipper. A whimper left him as Skull and the feline ghost worked together to shove his pants down, Maurice blushing hotly as he heard the two make intrigued humming noises.

His legs twitched, bare as the ghosts stripped his pants all the way down until they bunched over his ankles, half-hiding his tennis shoes from view. He trembled, pudgy legs shaking as he reflexively set them spread apart, bent at the knee, toes curling anxiously inside his shoes. His thick fur extended to his legs as well, of course, giving them a far thicker look than even his chubby body would have warranted. Skull set a hand on his thick thigh, squeezing the plump flesh through the dense, fluffy fur.

"Hehe..." the wolf ghost chortled raspingly, "Nice underwear, pup..."

Maurice blushed hotter, whining out as he squirmed, trying to get his legs up to block the view. He didn't have to look to know what they saw: He wore briefs, and that morning had thrown on a simple white pair with bright blue lining, accentuating the waistband that disappeared under his big, furry belly, and trailing down the front of his bulge, rippling with the shape of his genitals. They were tight on him, form-fitting around his big rump and wide hips, almost pulled taut by the thickness of his plump pubic mound.

"Very nice," the feline purred in that odd, voiceless manner, one of his own hands stroking against the chubby dog's belly, making him flinch and shudder. "Always did like the cute, pudgy boys..."

"Well," Skull huffed deeply, his big, ghostly hand cupping the dog's bulge and making him yelp with surprise and, admittedly, stimulation, whimpering as the wolf's large paw groped him, "You'll have to wait your turn with this cutie... I called dibs on first."

The cat ghost, Ribcage for his intact chest bones, made a noise of annoyance and urged his companion to hurry up.

And hurry, Skull did; despite Maurice's blushing whimpers and stammered-out pleas not to, the big, spectral wolf slipped his fingers under the Pomeranian-Jack Russel mix's underwear and tugged it down. A whine left him as he felt his balls and sheathe come into view, trembling as his briefs were shoved down to join his pants at his ankles.

The dog knew he was nothing impressive down below the belt, and yet, judging by the ghost's pleased rumbles and hisses, he could have sworn they'd just seen the most fabulous cock ever.

His sack was decently sized, warm and furry with two nicely-fat balls sagging against his light-furred taint. Thick, scruffy pubic fur clumped around his big, plump mound, soft flesh warm to the touch and pudgy beneath his big belly. He had a sheathe, a simple mound of light furred meat right above his testicles, slightly imbedded into his plump crotch but still nicely visible, albeit small-looking do to his chubbiness. Not a hint of pink showed from his sheathe tip; after all, the poor young male was more fearful and anxious then aroused at that point.

The ghosts, it seemed, were eager to change that.

Immediately, one of Skull's big, oddly warm paws closed around the dog's sheathe, pumping and stroking urgingly, trying, it seemed, to get him hard. Or rather, with the thickness of his pubic mound, the thumb and index finger curled around his stubby sheathe, stroking teasingly while his other thick, spectral fingers curled down over his balls, caressing his body in a way that made tingles of pleasure rattle up Maurice's spine.

Gasps and moans left the living canine's quivering lips, unable to contain himself at the sudden stimulation. He bucked his hips reflexively, tail already starting to waggle between his thick thighs as he was stroked and teased, thick, agile fingers working his sensitive loins, kneading his plump, furry balls and caressing his warm sheathe. A whine left him as he thrust his hips upward through the ring formed by Skull's fingers, a sharp tip of pink flesh slipping out and immediately spurting precum right into his own pubic fur.

"Aah, there we go..." Skull rumbled, continuing to stroke and tease the dog's meat.

Bit by bit, Maurice's cock slipped out, tapered length pulsing with arousal as it grew and grew. Not to any insane measure, of course; but, the chubby canine mix had a satisfyingly thick, average-length dick of about five or six inches, which swelled into view right before the skull-headed ghost's orange eyes until it stood, twitching and fully hard, from his plump pubic mound.

Maurice quivered and whined out, stammering weakly, "A- Ah, p- please, I... D- Don't..."

"Shhhh, buddy," the reptilian ghost- Spine, judging by his most prominent skeletal component- hushed, the hand on Maurice's neck scratching up to rub at his tilted-back jaw, still caressing him like one might a feral pet. The sensation was... embarrassingly enjoyable, if the young dog was being honest, tail wagging and a shaky exhale leaving him, cock twitching as he was pinned and stroked.

Meanwhile, Skull stood up from his crouch, releasing Maurice's plump, canine cock, which remained standing up straight from his groin. The dog's balls twitched with arousal and need, dick throbbing as the ghost rumbled excitedly. "Can't wait," the wolf specter murred in that rasping, forced voice, "to feel this little dog's cock inside me..."

A soft whine left Maurice; inside? While he wasn't a virgin, he'd... admittedly... always been on the bottom. It surprised him when a desperately needy whimper left his own lips, head still tilted back for Spine's comforting neck and jaw scratches, blushing hotly and rocking his hips, thrusting upwards.

At that moment... he really, really wanted something to bury his cock in.

Skull, it seemed, was happy to oblige. He set either big, bone-filled foot at Maurice's sides, standing over the pudgy young male's waist. That spectral wolf tail waggled above his muscular, see-through rump, ooze-like flesh near-vibrating with excitement. Despite this, there was no visible features between his legs; where a sheathe, or a humanoid dick, or even a slit might have sat, there was nothing but smooth, plump pseudo-flesh.

That didn't stop the ghost from lowering his hips, soon getting low enough that he could reach his paws down to Maurice's body. One paw settled on the living canine's belly for balance, the other reaching for his cock, gently grasping it between two fingers, and aiming it straight for that featureless groin.

"Mmf..." the wolf ghost grunted out, orange eyes vanishing briefly as he seemed to 'close' them, skull-filled head tilting back.

He started teasingly, rubbing his flat, warm flesh against the dog's aching cock, a whine leaving Maurice as his tip was smeared on the ghost's spectral body. Skull pressed firmly, a groan leaving both himself and the dog he was grinding on, as that red canine cock slightly bent with the pressure. It made the canine mix's prick ache, pounding hard as it smeared on ghostly skin, throbbing rhythmically against that spectral flesh.

Then, as if simply... ceasing to be firm, the ghost's crotch squelched wetly, and half of Maurice's dick popped up inside of him with a pleased, warbling, "Aah..."

Maurice, meanwhile, groaned out sharply, legs trembling and breath hitching as he felt his dick sink into something warm and velvety. It engulfed him, caressing and almost vibrating slightly around his sensitive prick, sending radiating tingles of pleasure through his abdomen that made his knot pound thicker. A gush of precum oozed into the ghost, seeming to simply... melt into the rest of his noncorporeal body.

"Aaah, that's good..." Skull groaned out, legs trembling as he worked himself deeper onto Maurice's cock, ghostly 'pussy' engulfing the dog's throbbing dick. He paused as he reached the top of that thickening, canine base. "Mmf! God, been too long since I felt a nice, thick knot..." the ghost moaned, head thrown back again and both big, spectral paws settled on the pudgy male's chest and belly.

"Ooh, fuck... Oh fuck..." Maurice whined desperately, body trembling with pleasure. He'd never felt anything like that... so warm, and contracting, and tightly-engulfing his twitching cock. It was like electricity rattled across the surface of his ghost-impaling prick, making it flex and throb with need.

He... he had to look. Maurice knew he couldn't keep his eyes clenched shut, cheeks blushing hotly and ears twitching with every squelching, sloppy noise and moan of pleasure from the ghost riding his cock. Even as Spine kept holding his paws above his head, scratching his neck comfortingly, the chubby dog gulped, a bundle of nerves and pleasure, and began to tilt his head down.

In an instant, his eyes locked on Skull's body, squatting on top of him, glowing that spectral blue and visibly trembling with pleasure, tail waggling above his ghostly rump. And down low, where their bodies met... Maurice gulped, his cheeks growing hotter as he stared at the sight of his own dick visible through the specter's see-through blue flesh, red cock flexing hard inside the ghost. A tremble went up his spine as he felt AND saw a firm contraction of the ghost's body on his own sensitive prick, milking a gush of precum up into that oozy ectoplasm.

"Fuck... holy fuck, this.... This isn't happening, oh my god..." Maurice stammered out, huffing sharply as Skull slowly raised himself, caressing the dog's aching cock. As it exited, the canine mix noted that his prick was glistening with shiny ghost 'fluids', trickling down his length and spilling over his swelling knot.

"Ooh, it's happening, puppy... Thank FUCK it's happening..." Skull groaned happily, dropping his rump again, smacking his spectral hips down into the living male's furry body. "Mmf, fuck, that's good..." the wolf moaned out, head tilting down to tuck his chin down against his plump pecs.

A moan left him as he fully engulfed the canine's knotted prick, letting it throb and twitch inside him, engulfed by warm, contracting pseudo-flesh.

Slowly, the wolf ghost began to pick up his pace.

His spectral legs pumped diligently, pushing himself up before letting himself drop back into Maurice's lap with a sloppy squelch. His hands slipped up under the chubby dog's sweater and shirt, tucking it up over his belly until Skull's own paws had settled up high on the small canine's soft, furry breasts.

Head tilted low, he arched over the pinned-down young man, riding him faster and faster, warbling groans and hisses of pleasure filtering out of the ghost's spectral chest. Above his ample, glowing-blue ass, the wolf's big, pseudo-fluffy tail waggled happily, swishing through the foggy night air as he rode the smaller male desperately.

The dog's swelling knot audibly popped and squished in and out of that spectral, ooze-like flesh. It's throbbing girth speared up into the wolf monster's belly, grinding deep into his body and gushing precum to mingle with his incorporeal body.

Maurice himself could do little. His wrists were still held together by one of Spine's big, spectral hands, paws clenching with every strong surge of pleasure as a result of Skull's cock-riding. The reptile's other hand remained down at one of his blushing cheeks, stroking against the soft, thick fur, sometimes scratching low at his jawline. The feline ghost beside him kept a hand each on his shoulder and hip, keeping him from thrashing and moving about too much; not that he seemed intent on doing any more than thrusting up into Skull's tight, squelching depths.

His own head tucked low with his chin on his fluffy chest, the chubby young male watched the wolf's riding. He huffed, observing how his blue-slimed dick slipped out of the ghostly abdomen, before pounding back in and sending a lightning surge of pleasure sputtering through the canine's trembling body. With his pants and underwear bunched up at his ankles, he could do little more than spread his knees, tail waggling freely as his naked middle was ridden by the horny ghost.

"Aah, fuck, that's good..." Skull moaned out, voice sputtering slightly as he struggled to focus on making comprehensive noises in favor of grinding his well-shaped ass into the dog's crotch.

The wolf had already made a smearing mess of blue, glowing fluid on Maurice's sheathe, balls, and pubic fur, leaving them matted and glistening. The canine shivered each time he felt another trail of that thick, ectoplasmic material ooze down into his crotch, soaking into his fur.

"Mm, keep going, big guy," Ribcage urged excitedly, orange eyes seeming to twinkle as he gazed down at the canine getting his dick ridden, before peering back at his fellow ghost's middle. His hand on the dog's chest tightened, curling into the soft material of his sweater as Maurice moaned out in pleasure, another gush of precum spurting up into Skull's body. "Fuck, he's a leaky one... Wonder how much he'll cum, hehe..."

Blushing hotly, Maurice whined, eyes locked on the wolf's abdomen as it engulfed and expelled his cock in quick succession, over and over, stimulating his sensitive flesh in a way he'd never experienced. Not even just topping; it was like... sticking his dick in warm gelatin, a slight resistance at his tip as it pushed inside, before rippling through the soft warmth of the ghost's insides with ease. And the way it seemed to SQUEEZE on his knot, not as an orifice would but like a ring of slick rubber...

"Oooh, fuck..." the chubby dog whined out, jaw dropping open and tongue lolling out. "Fuck, oh fuck... god, this is..." he rambled, ears flicking, tail wagging faster as pressure began to build in his loins. Spine's paw on his cheek stroked encouragingly, and Maurice found himself leaning his head into that sturdy paw. "Go-od, fuck, I'm close... I... fuck..."

Skull's spectral ears perked at that, ceasing his bouncing briefly. He then rumbled excitedly, deep and guttural, before leaning back from the dog's chest, planting one hand on the crest of Maurice's big belly, the other settling on his own hip. An instant later, he returned to riding, faster and harder then before; his soft, squishy hips smacked against the chubby canine's soaked groin, slapping and squelching noisily in the quiet cemetery.

The result was immediate: Maurice cried out sharply, eyes clenching shut in pleasure and overstimulation as he was viciously ridden, cock throbbing in the ghost's stomach. He squirmed and thrashed, trying to buck his hips up to meet those frantic thrusts.

"Fuck," the wolf rumbled, words barely clear, "Give it to me... Mmf, cum in me, pup...





With a yelp, Maurice, red faced and shuddering desperately, thrust his knot up into the wolf's flesh one last time. His limbs tensed, bending against Spine's grasp and his own half-removed pants, tail going still as he held his breath, and then exhaled sharply. Skull had likewise fallen still, meeting the dog's thrust and throwing his head back to howl in pleasure as Maurice whined pitifully.

Through the wolf ghost's see-through abdomen, it was clear: the Pomeranian/Jack Russel mix was cumming. His cock had swelled tremendously, thick knot visibly pounding and aching shaft flexing with frantic pleasure.

And from his tip, shooting up into the specter's ethereal guts, was rope after rope after rope of thick, gooey dog jizz. Maurice grunted, brow furrowing with every pulse of his cock that dispensed another surge of semen into the ghost, pushing up into his body until it nearly reached his chest, blooming like a pearly white flower in his blue, glowing ooze flesh. The canine's balls contracted, and he whined sharply, rocking his hips slightly to milk every drop into Skull's body.

It kept going and going, Maurice unable to come down from the head-swimming high of orgasm as he dumped a voluminous load into Skull. The bone-faced phantom let out his own groan of pleasure, muscular-shaped legs and arms trembling as he held himself hilted on the dog's dick, taking every shot as his tail continued to wag.

"Holy fuck, he DOES come a lot," Ribcage uttered in awe, gazing at the mess filling his ghostly companion. Spine silently nodded, orange eyes wide as he drank in the sight of the dog's seed blooming in hot, gooey blobs inside the wolf specter.

It was maybe a solid two or three minutes of dog cumming before Skull huffed, shakily gazing down at his own swelling abdomen, flooded with canine seed. He brought a hand up to touch his glowing-warm belly, phantasmal voice warbling weakly as he felt the creamy load that Maurice had given him. "F- fffu- fuck..." the wolf barely got out clearly, limbs shaking as he saw himself swollen with cum.

Maurice just let out another whine, leaning into Spine's hand and huffing weakly, his stiff cock throbbing inside the cum-filled wolf ghost.

All was silent except the heavy panting and ghostly warbling. Until, that is, Ribcage interrupted.

"F- Fuck, c'mon!" he urged, reaching a ghostly paw out to swat Skull on the rump, making the larger ghost wolf rumble in mild annoyance. "Quit hogging that puppy cock already! I want a damn turn before the guy passes out," the feline ghost complained, giving his companion another firm butt-smack.

Skull huffed in annoyance, seeming to roll his eyes as his spectral ears folded low. Shakily, he got out, "F- Fffine... F- -uckin'... whiner..."

The wolf leaned forward, setting both paws on Maurice's chest again. Arching his back, tail raised, the big, muscular ghost slowly extracted himself from the dog's slimy, red cock. It was a slow process; both canines, living and undead, groaned and whimpered with pleasure throughout. Skull's eyes disappeared again, matching Maurice's own closed eyes and blushing face as he pulled himself off that fat knotted dick...

Until, with a meaty slap, the dog's cock slipped out of Skull's soft, ooze-like flesh and smacked wetly into his own furry belly. Maurice groaned, limbs trembling hard and lips parted in a whine of pleasured overstimulation, as the wolf extended his legs, still leaning on his chest, before shakily standing, ghostly limbs seeming to tremble as he got on his feet, cum visible sloshing in his see-through belly. The narrow-snouted phantom groaned out again, shuddering as he took a shaky step away from where Ribcage kneeled, feet shaky on the grass as he got out of the way with a huff.

"Finally..." Ribcage purred, reaching a paw in to grasp Maurice's cock, the canine whining at the touch. "My turn! Heh... Unless you wanted to fight me for it?" he added, turning his empty visage to shoot a look at Spine, still holding onto Maurice's arms.

The reptile shook his head, an amused chuckle leaving him. "All yours, friend," he assured, using his free hand to gesture at the dog's still-erect cock. "I don't mind going last."

Maurice whined, once again blushing hotly at how they casually conversed about having sex with him. And yet, he couldn't bring himself to object in the slightest; his cock throbbed achingly hard, knot pulsing as his slimy, canine prick twitched and leaked.

He watched through half-lidded, dazed eyes as Ribcage set a paw on the dog's plump belly, before smoothly stretching a leg over his middle, moving to straddle the canine. A warbling purr left the feline ghost's chest, ethereal ears perked high with excitement and tail swaying as he settled his rump on Maurice's plump pubic mound, right above that erect dog cock that throbbed with need. The dog whined, squirming under the big cat spirit, who purred and slipped his hands up the smaller male's chest, moving to cup and knead at his soft, pudgy breasts.

"Mm... Such a cute, blushing pup..." Ribcage purred, grinding his hips back against Maurice's cock and making him whimper with need, bucking his hips in a desperate bid to bury his tip inside the ghost. He groped those plump canine tits, squeezing them under his warm, ethereal paws, swaying his hips back to grind his soft, ooze-like flesh against the smaller male's prick, cooing teasingly, "And so needy...

"Mm, you can probably let his paws go... Doubt he'll be trying to fight us off at this point, hehe," the feline specter commented, glancing up at Spine. One of those orange eyes vanished momentarily, an approximation of a wink.

The reptile shrugged, rumbling an affirmation before releasing Maurice's wrists.

Maurice himself whimpered, squirming briefly, almost not realizing that his paws were freed. A second later, Ribcage's plump, spectral ass was grinding against his cock again, teasing him with that soft, warm pseudo-flesh; a whine left the dog and he bucked his hips, this time slipping both paws down to settle on the ghost's wide hips.

"Mm... That's a good- DOG!"

Spine and Ribcage both yelped in surprise as Maurice, surprising even himself, reached a paw up high to the feline ghost's chest, palm pressing against the thin layer of ectoplasmic flesh that covered his namesake skeletal feature. An instant later, he shoved the phantom to one side, tightening his grip with his paw still on Ribcage's hip, and sending him tilting into the grass. Maurice gave a surprisingly need growl as he flopped himself over at the same time, rolling over onto the ghost; Ribcage had been flopped onto his back with a warbling, ethereal grunt, legs spread wide around the chubby canine's broad hips as he nestled himself between the ghost's legs.

"Whoa- OOoooh, fuck," Ribcage yelped, then descended into a pleased groan as, in one firm thrust, Maurice went balls deep into his squishy, blue flesh, burying his hard canine cock right at his groin. The cat yowled, squirming beneath the dog now and setting both paws on his shoulders, the chubby canine growling again as he rolled his pudgy hips back and slammed in, balls smacking against ectoplasmic taint. "Fuck!"

"Hehe..." Skull rumbled from nearby, still stroking his cum-filled gut, "Looks like the puppy can put up a fight after all."

"Indeed," Spine chuckled, still kneeling down a bit to the side of the now-copulating duo.

The two observing ghosts watched as the dog hooked both paws down at the cat's wide hips, pounding at his makeshift pussy with a feral need punctuated by growls and huffs, tongue lolling and eyes gazing almost lovingly down at the feline specter as he fucked that undead hole. His chubby upper body loomed over the cat's muscular figure, sweater still tucked up over his bare, furry belly, which jiggled slightly with every strong thrust of the dog's plump legs.

Maurice was panting heavily and fucking their feline companion, cock barreling in and out of his soft, blue flesh, squelching and smacking heavily as his broad hips pumped away ravenously. The dog was kneeling upright, his knees tucked up under Ribcage's raised thighs, the ghost's own bone-filled legs looping widely around his broad belly and hips.

Maurice huffed hotly, tightening his grip on the cat's hips, peering down at his flat belly, tracing down further towards where the ghost's plump flesh descended into the curve of a smooth pubic mound; further down, he easily saw his own red, swollen cock buried knot-deep in that blue, goo-like flesh, nestled neatly through the gap of the ghost's fully-intact pelvic bone, an intricate figure of white with a broad gape down its middle, where every thrust of the chubby dog's big hips slammed his erection through.

He groaned, tilting his head back as he slammed in again, legs quivering and tail wagging eagerly above his fat rump. With a whine, he ground his hips almost testingly, feeling how that contracting ghostly essence engulfed his sensitive, tingling cock, caressing it intimately as he popped it in and out.

Ribcage, meanwhile, could barely seem to focus, legs hooked around the thrusting canine's hips, arms splayed out on either side, spectral paws clinging at the grass. He squirmed and yowled with ghostly pleasure, writhing with every hard thrust from the portly young canine mix, his tail swaying where it had been inadvertently sat on by Maurice, brushing at the living male's furry taint.

"Gah... Oh fuck," the dog gasped, starting to thrust again, pumping his hips back and forward feverishly, face bright red as his bare belly jiggled. "Mmf, fuck, you feel so good..." he whined out, back arching as he slammed in hard, Ribcage yowling with sharp joy and thrusting his hips up to meet the canine.

The ghostly cat couldn't for words, his head thrown back, spectral ears low as he groaned with pleasure and trembled in the living canine's grasp. His fingers curled, scraping into the dirt and grass beneath them, shuddering and letting out a pleased, shaky moan as Maurice continuously plowed deep into his ghostly pussy, burying his cock straight through his floating pelvis. His ribs seemed to shudder as he drew in an unneeded but reflexive shaky gasp, before moaning sharply, legs tightening on the thrusting dog mix's chubby middle, ankles hooking tight at his lower back.

"Fuck," Spine murred from nearby, leaning to get a better look at the dog's cock visible in his companion's depths. "Never seen him like THAT before..." he chuckled appreciatively, the jaw-faced reptile admiring the view.

"Me neither," Skull agreed, stepping up to the side to observe closer, tail wagging and one paw still stroking his dog-cum filled belly. "Mm... At this rate, pup, you'll blow another fat, creamy load in that kitty..."

"Ooh, fuck..." Maurice whined, eyes clenching shut and tongue lolling at the idea of breeding another undead ass. His cock throbbed inside the yowling feline ghost, hips plapping noisily against the specter's plump ass as he thrust into him. One of his hands released the grip on Ribcage's hip, moving instead to slid up the length of his leg to his knee, gripping there as the dog leaned forward some, gritting his teeth as he slammed in harder, eliciting a sharp whine of pleasure from both living and dead.

His thrusting began to grow more frantic and shakier. He leaned himself forward, the hand up on Ribcage's knee slipping down and all the way forward before setting on the grass beside the ghost's writhing belly, huffing sharply as he sagged low, panting and humping, cock throbbing.

"Mmf, fuck, fuck..." the dog groaned, tongue lolling heavily as he drooped lower, hips still moving even as his legs seemed to start growing a bit sore, tail wagging happily above his big, round ass.

Abruptly, Maurice flopped forward, both arms moving to hook around the small of Ribcage's back, the ghost groan out before yowling with pleasure as his cock slammed right back into his gooey, amorphous depths.

The dog growled lowly, setting his head forward; his forehead nestled against the skeletal phantom's visible sternum, right at the middle of that fully-exposed ribcage. Ribcage's back arched, lifting up out of the way to make room for the smaller male clinging to his body. Maurice's muzzle split in a feral, toothy growl as he curled himself tightly around the cat's lower body, forcing his legs to tuck up high and extend up into the air, hooking clumsily around the dog's back as he began pumping his hips upwards, feet skidding on the grass as he pounded down into that ghostly pussy.

Plap-plap-plap, his hips rattled against the ghost's groin, cock threading through the gap of his pelvis through that thick, gooey ectoplasmic flesh. The dog whined, before it turned into another harsh growl, grinding himself into the cat with a hard thrust, plump ass jiggling as he thrust into the feline.

"Oooooh..." Ribcage got out in a barely-coherent moan, his paws moving to curl around the back of Maurice's head, nestled against his spectral pecs, and one of his shoulders. "Aah... G- God... Harder, please...

"Ooooooooh, cum in me, pup... Please...!"

The ghostly cat's warbling begging made Maurice's ears flick high, before he gave another firm growl. This time, he raised one leg up, planting his foot firmly and rolling his hips up like a pendulum. Once only the first inch of his cock was still inside the feline, he slammed back down, pudgy, furry hips smacking against warm, ectoplasmic flesh.

In an instant, he'd picked up his pace again, growling and gasping with pleasure, the writhing Ribcage beneath him yowling and clinging right back to the needy canine.

Pudgy arms tightening around the ghost's solid middle, Maurice groaned in pleasure, biting his lip and blushing hotly as he slammed his hips down into that smooth, blue pseudo-flesh. Pressure built and built as the feline squirmed beneath him, paws clinging to his furry head and soft sweater, fingers curling in the colorful wool as he whined with need.

"F- Fuck..." Maurice groaned out, body trembling even as he kept thrusting into Ribcage's makeshift pussy, knot popping wetly into the ooze-like mound. His furry balls tightened, no longer smacking into the ghost's taint, and he let out a sharp whine, before huffing frantically, "Fuck, fuck-fuck-fuck- !"

With a sharp bark, he slammed in one last time, and erupted.

His knot swelled every so slightly more, still engorged from his orgasm mere minutes before, as he climaxed yet again. Shaft throbbing so hard it made his legs twitch and his breath hitch, Maurice came, pumping hot, thick dog jizz deep into the feline ghost's body. His paws tightened their grip on Ribcage's body, head tucking tighter against his chest as he silently orgasmed, barely able to draw in a breath through the strong surges of pleasure.

It was a good thirty seconds, during which his cock disgorged rope after thick, gooey rope of seed into Ribcage's translucent guts, flexing every few seconds as its tip gushed another spurt of jizz, before Maurice managed to untense enough to draw in a sharp inhale. It immediately left him in a pleased, happy whine, hips reflexively bucking and grinding his knot deeper into the ghost's pussy, a quick two shots of semen gushing into Ribcage before settling back into that steady spurting pattern.

Both living and undead shuddered and trembled, clinging to each other through the dog's orgasm. Ribcage threw his head back, orange eyes 'closed' in pleasure and ears folded back, tail thrashing as he yowled softly with pleasure, a spectral, rumbling purr vibrating in his chest against Maurice's forehead.

After what felt like an eternity of cock-achingly pleasurable orgasming, his climax began to slow. The thick shots of cum came further and further apart, letting him pant weakly with only a few brief hitches of breath when his knot pulsed and gushed out some more seed. Face red, he slowly withdrew it from the cat's chest, moving to settle his muzzle facing up the feline ghost's chest, panting and huffing weakly as his orgasm trailed along into a steady oozing of seminal fluids.

"G- Go-od..." Ribcage groaned out, voice warbling weakly as he stroked the top of Maurice's head appreciatively, the dog's tail wagging slightly as he did. "S- So... full..." the cat near-whined, legs tightening briefly against the chubby young male's sides before loosening weakly.

Slowly but surely, the tingling, pulsing pleasure of his cock settled, and Maurice caught his breath, huffing lightly as he settled on top of the large feline ghost.

The dog opted to take a few moments to rest. His legs still slightly trembled as they nestled beneath the ghost's thighs, tucked up beneath them. His heartbeat hammered in his ears, the pointed appendages folded low in his exhaustion.

It surprised him to notice that, despite the fact that his pants were bunched up around his ankles and his sweater was tucked up over his belly, instead of covering him, he didn't feel particularly cold. A brief glance around made him wonder if it was perhaps that mist, or something about his trio of... UNUSUAL partners.

Or, hell, maybe it was just something about having sex outdoors. It wasn't like he'd done so before, so for all he knew getting aroused and cumming a few times made the body run hot.

Part of the dog was tempted to ask; after all, it was a curiosity.

With time, though, he knew he needed to pull out eventually.

Maurice let out a soft, vaguely reluctant whine. Shakily planting both paws on either side of the freshly-fucked ghost's middle, then lifting onto one foot and raising his pudgy hips, the chubby male extracted his leaking cock from the cat ghost's brutalized body.

Ribcage whimpered, legs trembling as they flopped on either side of him, releasing Maurice's broad middle. The cat ghost's gut was visibly swollen with a load of creamy dog jizz that didn't seem even a little smaller then the one still glistening like a fat pearl in Skull's belly. Poised over the cat, leaking strands of still-oozing cum and blue ectoplasmic slime, the canine huffed and puffed, quivering as he gazed down at his own cock, and the swollen gut of the ghostly cat.

"F- Fuck..." the chubby male panted out, licking his lips.

Spine murred excitedly at the sight.

His long, thick tail swayed above his own ample rump, eyes alight with need as he turned himself around, settling onto one hand and his knees, facing away from the dog and his freshly-bred cat. The reptilian ghost raised his tail, arching it high over his back, and protruded his ass towards the living male, waggling it slightly. Urgingly, he rumbled out, "If you've still got another load in you, pup..."

Maurice blushed hotly, staring at the big, masculine specter presenting his ass. Then, the dog licked his lips, letting out a weak, red-faced chuckle. "W- Well," he stammered, shakily sitting up from Ribcage's tired, cum-filled form, "W- Wouldn't... wanna leave anyone out, heh..."

The lone ghost without a cum-filled stomach murred, pleased with that, waggling his rump again and letting his big, bone-filled tail sway in the air. "Then get over here," he urged, moving to set his free hand back on his ass, spreading the plump, spectral cheeks. There was no visible tailhole or pussy, of course, but just the soft, ample curves were enough to make the dog huff with need.

Maurice started to move, but huffed when his half-removed pants and underwear caught on his feet. Letting out a grunt of annoyance, he settled a bit away from the panting Ribcage on the grassy ground, taking a second to yank his feet, still with shoes on, through the pant legs, kicking them and his blue-lined briefs off haphazardly.

Legs freed up, the dog stood up shakily, legs still a bit weak but willing for more. Maurice's hard, canine cock twitched between his legs as he stood bottomless, fat balls swinging between his plump thighs. His tail began wagging above his fat rump as he closed the distance between himself and Spine, licking his lips at the wondrous sight of muscular-shaped, glowing blue ghost ass, presented eagerly for him to use. An enticing rumble from the reptilian specter made his cheeks warm again, a huff of need leaving him.

"Let's see..." the chubby canine mix mumbled to himself, leaning down to set one hand on Spine's thick hip, the muscular-figured ghost trembling slightly at his touch.

He dropped to one knee, keeping the other leg up as he planted his foot beside the ghost's knee. With his raised leg laying against his muscular, spectral thigh, the chubby dog settled his lowered knee 'inside' the ghost's knee-span, half-straddling one of Spine's thick legs. From there, Maurice huffed eagerly, though he noted that the ghost's larger size meant that his ass was still a good few inches above where that twitching, slime-slathered dog cock hung.

Biting his lip, then setting both paws on the ghost's hips, Maurice began to nudge him down. "Get your ass a little lower, big guy," he instructed with a huff, blushing hotly; was it okay to order the spectral male on what to do?

It seemed it was, as Spine let out a rumble of excitement and scooted his knees forward, before rolling his hips back, settling his rump down lower from the ground, tail coiling slightly as he peered back over his shoulder, long, visible spine swaying along his broad back as he glanced at Maurice. "Mm... Like this, pup?" he murred, waggling his now-level butt again with a light chuckle.

Gazing at the sight of his own cock not even an inch away from that big, round, spectral ass could have made the dog spring a nosebleed. Instead, his swollen prick twitched, dripping fluids into the grass below, and he blushed hotter. Giving a weak thumbs up, he agreed, "Perfect..."

"Heh..." the reptile huffed, arching his back and swaying his hips enticingly, "Then get to fucking me, pup!"

Maurice didn't need a second invitation.

Keeping one hand hooked on the ghost's broad hip, he used his other paw to aim his leaking tip, though there wasn't much of a target to aim for. He prodded his tapered cock at the ghost's smooth cleft, smearing it teasingly between those plump, muscular ass cheeks; when he let out a huff of excitement, he wasn't surprised to hear it echoed by the ghost he was grinding himself on.

He gave the ghost's ass a few cock-taps, smacking his messy dick at that smooth ass, before grinding insistently. "Mmf," he grunted, biting his lip and bucking his hips forward, urging, "Open up for me, big guy..."

For a moment, his shaft curved slightly, arching upwards as its leaking tip pressed firmly against the ghostly reptile's smooth ass. Maurice huffed, tightening his grip on the larger male's see-through side, bucking his hips and letting out a whine... before throwing his head back, blushing hot and groaning with pleasure as the firm tension of that warm, ectoplasmic flesh gave, letting his cock press a good inch or two into Spine in one go.

"Ooooh, yeah..." the reptile murred, even hissing in pleasure as he thrust his hips back, burying the dog's cock inside him all the way with a wet, moist pop around his knot. "Mmf, that's good... Haven't had a knot in so damn long..." Spine groaned out, head thrown back and jaw-bone dropping slightly in a warbling moan of pleasure.

"Mmf," Maurice huffed, shifting his grip so that he set one hand on the muscular reptilian specter's narrow, muscular hip, the other moving to grip his tail down low, using the broad, ghostly appendage as a handle. His one raised foot, he tucked a bit closer to himself, digging his heel into the grass for purchase as he rolled his chubby hips back with a cock-tingling surge of warm, enjoyable sensation, his knot popping out noisily. "W- Well..." he huffed, ears folding low as he tightened his grip on Spine, "Hope... you're ready for a LOT more knot..."

His legs tensed, and he slammed his hips forward, furry body plapping sharply against that toned, ghostly ass. Spine groaned out, fingers curling into the grass below, before hissing with sharp ecstasy when the chubby male pulled back again, knot popping free with ease.

That time when Maurice thrust forward with a lustful growl, Spine returned the favor, rocking himself back to meet the dog's hard thrust. When that swelling canine knot popped inside this time, with greater force then earlier, the pudgy dog threw his head back and moaned, cock throbbing and pulsing precum into that ghostly stomach, while the reptile shuddered and murred happily, squirming and grinding himself on the dog's plump, red cock.

Without a word, the two settled into a firm, steady pace together.

Maurice gritted his teeth, blushing muzzle low as he growled lightly and thrust forward into the ghost's big, tight ass, clinging to his tail and hip as he rammed his small but satisfying prick deep into the spectral reptile. His heavy balls had already returned to sagging low, swinging like a pendulum and smacking up into the submissive specter's smooth, translucent taint, belly jiggling as he pounded the larger male.

Spine, meanwhile, panted his hands and writhed, hips bouncing back against the dog's pelvis, working himself on the canine mix's swollen knot with ease, near-whining with pleasure as its thickness popped in and out of his soft, ooze-like flesh. His head tilted low, before throwing it back with a cry of joy, and then tilting it to look over his shoulder almost worshipfully at the chubby dog working himself balls-deep in that ghostly tailhole. His thick thighs flexed and worked, translucent flesh tensing and relaxing as he rocked himself forward and back, easily matching Maurice's steady pace.

Spine hissed and groaned as he bounced back to meet another thrust, his spectral ooze flesh contracting hard around the dog's firm knot and eliciting a sharp yip of pleasure from the sensitive canine.

The reptile rumbled with warmth and excitement, not ceasing that tight clenching even as Maurice began to pull back; this time, instead of his fat, round knot popping free with ease, it stretched his entrance around it, a sharp whimper of pleasure leaving the ghost as he held onto the dog's cock.

"Ooh, fuck..." the dog whined out, clenching his eyes as he felt that pressure build and build around his throbbing dick, gushing precum in a veritable flood into that translucent belly. His grip on that thick, bone-filled tail tightened, and he moved to set his other hand on it, down near the base, as he rocked his hips and pulled hard, grunting and cursing with overstimulated pleasure at the tightness.

One tug; then a second. A third...


"Fuckin' god, big guy..." Maurice whined, legs shuddering as he pulled his knot free, yanking with such force that his entire cock pulled out of the ghost's nonexistent hole. He huffed, trembling slightly as his dick throbbed and gushed precum.

"He always was a tease," Skull informed with a heated huffed from nearby; he'd moved to one side, eagerly observing the show of his companion getting bred by the chubby dog. Upon looking over at him, and Ribcage lounging nearby with an equally cum-swollen belly, the canine mix blinked and then blushed with embarrassment.

"Ah," the dog uttered, lowering his snout as if trying to hide his blushing cheeks from the other two cum-filled ghosts. "I, uh... kinda forgot you two were still here..."

"Heh, ouch..." Ribcage teased, though he didn't move from where he lay in front of Skull, right where he had a good view of the dog's fat, dripping cock twitching right beside his friend's muscular ass. "Mm... but pretend we aren't and get back to fucking him already!" the feline ghost urged, waggling a paw in a 'get on with it' kind of gesture.

Maurice huffed, about to object, when Spine tilted himself, reaching a paw back to grip the dog's wrist, peering back at him. When the surprised canine met his orange-eyed gaze, the reptile insisted, "Forget those two... All that YOU need to care about right now is dumping a fat, creamy load in my guts.

"Oh? And it better be as big as those two got, or I might just haunt ya," he ghost added, one eye vanishing for a second in a wink.

The dog blushed hotly, wide-eyed, before giving a light growl, planting his foot again and leaning over the ghost's muscular ass. Hands-free, he bucked his hips forward, rolling them slightly until his blue-slimed prick found purchase and, with a hard slam, buried knot-deep into the reptile with a sharp hiss and a pleased groan. "Mmf!" Maurice huffed, gritting his teeth as he clung to the bigger male's spectral tail, returning to pounding him at a hard, steady pace. "I'll... Aah! I'll give you a LOAD, big guy..." he growled out eagerly, balls smacking into that smooth, warm taint as he rammed himself into Spine's body.

Once again, the two wasted no time in building up their pace again, hips smacking together repeatedly, grunts and moans and hisses filtering out into the dense fog around them. Pleasure surged from his achingly-hard cock, and each time it did, Spine seemed to groan out in ecstasy; trembling around his tingling dick and clenching on it slightly, as if the dog's pleasure was the ghost's as well.

His breathing grew quicker, balls aching with need. Pressure was already building for the third time that night; it had been a bit less time then the previous two, his cock growing more sensitive each time he came, but Spine certainly didn't seem to mind.

"Ooh..." the reptile groaned out, muscular figure trembling as Maurice thrust up into him with a needy, whining grunt. "C- Cum in me, pup.. Mmm, fill me with your seed, little guy..." he hissed, head tilting back with pleasure as he slammed his hips back, taking that fat knot with a sharp pop before both thrust apart again, popping out just as noisily and wetly.

Maurice didn't have much choice in the matter, his orgasm approaching fast; one more knot-popping thrust later, and he yelped, paws tightening on that thick, spectral tail and hips grinding forward, knot throbbing powerfully as...

He came.

For the third time, his cock pulsed and gushed ropes of thick, gooey cum. No less then the previous, it seemed; not that he was paying attention, his nerves on fire and his chest burning with ecstasy as he moaned and whined, tail wagging frantically while semen gushed out of his red, throbbing prick. His legs tensed, breaths shaky as he ground out his third orgasm of the night.

Spine moaned appreciatively, back arching and ass grinding back into the dog's crotch as he came. Pearly dog seed filled the ghost's belly, just as the other two had, first in thick, near-frozen ropes arching up into his guts from the canine's visible tip, then settling into a big, gooey blob of white in the middle of his blue, translucent stomach. His thick limbs trembled, and his head tilted low, hissing and groaning with pleasure as he was filled with the dog's load, pouring into him like a faucet.

Once again, first in thick, powerful spurts spaced by just a fraction of a second. Then, as the dog's cock ached with oversensitive joy, those spaces grew, until his knot was pounding hard ever few seconds to belch up another gooey gush of semen.

Maurice was panting and whining as even that slowed, his tail falling limp between his pudgy thighs. A steady flow of pearly cum oozed from his red cock, filling the ghost's abdomen as Spine murred happily.

The other two ghosts watched, enraptured, as their third and final friend was flooded with dog seed. Skull still almost reflexively rubbed at his cum-swollen gut, rumbling lightly like a proud mother. Ribcage continued to lounge, visibly relaxed and content as his filled stomach bulged slightly, reclining in the grass casually as he watched the show.

Spine grunted, squirming slightly, his ooze flesh contracting on the dog's sensitive prick and making him yelp weakly, flinching at the sudden surge. "Mmf," the ghost grunted, peering back at his oversensitive partner. "S- Sorry... Just... feels good, pup, heh," he rumbled out, hissing lightly.

Maurice shuddered as his cock throbbed, dispensing a last few trickles of jizz into Spine's swollen gut. He huffed sharply, blinking and realizing... how tired he'd gotten.

"F- Fuck..." he grumbled, eyes fluttering. He felt exhausted out of nowhere...

Well. He supposed that made sense; he figured there weren't many who could cum three times in a row in quick succession, and NOT come out of it wiped out. Even so, it all seemed to hit out of nowhere...

"Mm... You good, pup?" Spine's voice rumbled, before giving a soft hiss of pleasure as the dog shakily withdrew his swollen knot, cock slipping out entirely with ease.

Maurice nodded, but then found himself yawning. "Y- Yeah..." he informed, before tilting slightly and dropping onto his bare rump, sitting on the grass and moving to set both paws back for balance. He tilted his head back and yawned again, hard, but receding, cock twitching between his plump, thick-furred thighs. "Just, uh... really... Mmf..." he started, head tilting low.

He didn't think he'd ever been this exhausted. Skull and Spine approached him with some concern, the reptile setting a hand on his knee, while the wolf kneeled down beside him. Ribcage, lounging nearby, had perked abruptly when the dog dropped on his rump, ears perked high, but seemed to at least pretend to relax when the other two went to his aid.

The wolf gave a soft hum, patting the dog's shoulder. "Maybe you should rest, pup," Skull advised lightly, voice soft and warbling gently.

Normally... the idea of sleeping in a cemetery would scare the hell out of Maurice. Even before he knew ghosts were a thing. And yet, at that moment, the instant the words graced his ears, he sighed lightly, nodding at the idea with his eyes already slipping closed.

"I... I think yer right..." he murmured, tilting back until he lay his head on the grass as well, arms on either side of him. His knot had receded into his sheathe, swelling the soft furry flesh, but the rest of his slimy prick remained out in the open as he lay there, surprisingly comfortable. "Just... gonna rest my eyes for a sec..." he lied to himself, bare legs partially spread as he sprawled on the grass.

"You just go ahead and rest all you need."

"We'll keep an eye on you..."

He wasn't sure which one of the ghosts had said either short comfort; their voices were hard to tell apart, really.

Either way, he nodded, murmuring a tired thanks, before simply... slipping off to sleep.


It was a good hour or so before Maurice came back to some level of consciousness.

He panted lightly on the grass, no longer surrounded by thick fog that seemed to engulf him. He certainly didn't feel GREAT at that moment, but better than he had after cumming inside Spine.

Glancing around from the grassy ground with a tired slowness, he saw no sign of his three companions for the evening. Maurice was a bit surprised by how... disappointing that felt. He'd kind of hoped to talk to them, or... well, that thought made him blush a little, but he was mostly just embarrassed that they had not, apparently, waited for him to wake up. Unless they couldn't, he supposed; maybe they could only be around for a little bit, or for Halloween, or something.

The chubby dog shivered, but was thankful for his thick fur. Less thankful for the fact that, as he shakily sat up on the grass, he realized he was completely bottomless, pants and underwear nowhere to be seen as his plump balls and stubby sheathe sat out in the open.

He whined, glancing around... but still not seeing them anywhere.

Finally, he groaned, throwing his head back.

"Too..." he panted out, limbs and balls still feeling weak and achy, "Too fuckin' tired..."

It had already been late when he'd cut through the cemetery... After at least three loads of cum and vigorous ghost sex, he was exhausted, and in no mood to search around for his missing pants. Besides, it wasn't like he had had anything in them; he'd miss that pair of underwear for sure, but it was nothing vital.

Limbs still trembling, the dog moved to stand up. It was a slow process, requiring him to shakily get onto all fours before lifting himself to one foot at a time, bare, chubby ass raised and waggling in the air for a moment before he pushed himself all the way up, standing with a slight hunch.

His knees trembled tiredly, but he didn't collapse; Maurice huffed lightly, pleased with that.

"At least... I didn't take my shoes off..." he commented to himself, adjusting his bag, somehow still looped over one shoulder, though it felt a bit... heavier.

But, as he tugged his sweater back down over his tits and belly, nestling it as low down as he could get it without stretching it out, Maurice didn't much care if his bag felt heavier. He was... probably just tired. Right?

He began to shuffle down the path, bare-assed and balls slightly swinging, dressed in nothing but shoes and a sweater. Fortunately, it was well passed midnight by then; chances were good nobody would be out and about, and if they were, they were probably even more fucked up then Maurice himself was. It was still very much cold, but somehow didn't feel as bad as it had earlier in the night, before meeting the ghosts; almost like it had while he was engulfed in that fog, somehow comfortably warm despite the chilly autumn air.

Maurice slowly made his way home, sheathe still moist with drying cum and ghostly slime. It wasn't much further to walk, thank goodness.

It wouldn't be until he got home and slept for a good ten hours straight that he'd notice...

Inside his bag, unbeknownst to him at that time, were all the bones from the three ghosts he'd spent that night pumping full of his hot, canine seed. Each pearly-white and clean piece of bone was stuffed comfortably into the small bag, bulging here and there with skull, pelvis, and ribs. And dwelling in those bones were Ribcage, Skull, and Spine, all three of the horny specters more than eager for a few... repeat performances with the chubby young dog.