Atop the Food Chain [PTRN]

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#7 of Patreon Stories

Following his fight with Riz, Legoshi's been pretty worried about Louis, but the deer makes it abundantly clear that the wolf has nothing to worry about.

12184 wordsORIGINAL POST

Clouds hung low in the overcast sky, blocking the harsh, midday sun from all those unfortunate enough to be caught outdoors. Even then, the city bustled far less than usual, with people preferring to take their affairs indoors. Not everyone was that lucky, though.

Legoshi trudged through the curiously empty streets, though he paid no mind to the fact that he was increasingly becoming alone as something else occupied his mind. It's strange that Louis-Senpai would want to see me so soon after the fight with Riz. I'd have thought he needed more time alone in the hospital, but I guess he feels well enough to see visitors now.

The hospital was his destination as it only made sense for the deer to be there where his wound could properly heal. He carried out that route until he felt that the street that it was on wasn't the street where he was supposed to meet his friend. "Wait..." His fingers instinctually leapt for the phone in his pants pocket, bringing up the text that had been sent to him, groaning when he reread the address. "Ah, I glossed over that."

It wasn't until Legoshi punched the address into his cell phone's built-in map software that he paused. "Hang on, I'm not going to the hospital?" The directions clearly showed his destination further along the street, turning once near the end. We're meeting somewhere else? Does that mean Louis is actually okay? I feel like it hasn't been enough time yet.

Unease crept up on him at the realization, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Nevertheless, he kept moving forward, trying to see if he could even remember this area of the city. Besides the hospital, this district didn't have a whole lot going for it, with a lot of buildings being abandoned over time. This is starting to feel like a trap. He found himself unsure of how to proceed until he looked at the phone in his hand, recognizing that he could let Louis know that he was on the way and if they were still meeting. The nearly immediate 'Yes' that he received felt simultaneously worrying and relieving.

Just as Legoshi expected, his destination was as run-down and derelict as the rest of the area was, raising his concerns once more. Still, he _did_get confirmation that this one-storey, former home was the place. With a hesitant sigh, he pushed past the broken door and stepped inside.

"Louis-Senpai?" He called out, hand cupped around his mouth. "Hey, it's me. I'm... I'm here." As strange as it sounds, I think I'd rather be at the Shishigumi Mansion right about now. Several closed doors stared back at him as he glanced around the front hallway, unsure of where to even start looking.

Legoshi ducked his head into the first one, not seeing anything apart from a children's room long deserted, bereft of toys and anything else one would think to find there. All that remained was wallpaper that peeled its way to the grungy carpet that likely housed years' worth of undisturbed grime. The charm that this room once held was long gone.

Unnerved, but not discouraged, he tried the room across the hall, only to discover the same thing. A master bedroom, this time, but also empty of anything that would make it resemble a space where people lived. Genuinely bizarre. He closed the door and kept looking.

The next few rooms unfortunately turned up the same result, causing Legoshi to lose faith in him being there. "Louis? Are you actually here?" His frustration ramped up with every empty room. He considered calling the red deer's phone, only to stop in place. Wait! His nose picked up something; it was familiar, but different in some way. The scent led him in the complete opposite direction, causing him to face the door at the end of the hall. He had to chuckle when the smell finally made sense to his brain - it was strong, but it was unmistakably Louis. Ah, I should've started by doing this first. I'll remember that for next time, though maybe I'll suggest a nicer location.

"Hey Louis." He pushed open the door to reveal the remnants of a study, with books still surprisingly lining the bookshelves. It was strange that this room out of all of them remained so furnished as he figured that the disheveled carpet, furniture, and drapes simply needed a good cleaning in order for this place to have some use again. Hell, even the desk still looked functional. Colour me surprised. Now where is-

The door slammed shut, though not of its own accord. "Oh good, you're here. I hope it wasn't too much trouble finding the place."

"Oh, Louis, it's just you. Why'd you pick such an odd-" Legoshi immediately froze when he saw the red deer; he now knew exactly why the scent had been so strong. "Louis?!"

"Surprised to see me?" Louis smirked, stepping out the shadows that did little to obscure his gargantuan frame. Before his face could be unveiled, his tremendous pecs displayed themselves first, crammed with so much dense musculature under his pelt that it forced his nipples to point straight down. His arms were a similar story, sumptuous limbs caked with heft, both of which easily weighing more than the canine standing in front of him did.

Those were connected to a torso that put tree trunks to shame, his shredded physique resembling the intricately carved work of an expert sculptor on a slab of marble. His back was mountainous, yet chiseled, tight valleys seemingly furrowed through swollen thickness. Traps that surged to nearly the top of his head absolutely swallowed his neck, keeping his cute face locked forward to better help his piercing eyes stay trained on the lupine. Winglike lats broad and flat enough to park a car on dominated the space around him, almost making doorways his biggest enemy if they actually stood a chance against him.

It was hard to view Louis' lower half as being anything but equally as impressive. His quads had ballooned in size beyond the realm of normalcy, delicious hypermuscle bulging wide as he merely walked across the room, though powerful enough to replace the car crusher at a junkyard. While not as extraordinary, his calves would be things of legend in local gyms - just about as expansive as his thighs, and each easily stronger than an average person's body.

His ass had bloated to match the rest of his gigantic heft, muscle so tightly packed in those dimpled cheeks that one could bounce a coin off of them. It would be effortless for him to leave a crater in the ground every time that he sat down.

But if there was one thing that caught everyone's attention, it was his shaft - a monumental pillar that jutted from his crotch, pencil-thick veins throbbing along rock-hard flesh that surged to the middle of his pecs. It was certainly remarkable in its own right, but would be nothing if not paired with the largest cum tanks in the world. Swollen orbs that hung pendulously below his knees, heavy with potent cum just waiting to be unleashed.

His appearance had certainly changed since the last time that the pair of them interacted, so he could understand why the gray-furred wolf was lost for words, but he didn't come all this way just to have a conversation with himself. "Come on, Legoshi, speak! I know that mouth of yours works."

Legoshi couldn't stop his hands from grasping his muzzle in shock. How could this be?! Not only is he not in pain, but he's also huge! These muscles, they... they're gigantic, well beyond what I thought was possible. And he's taller than me too?! I'd have paid more attention in biology class if I knew I'd be in this situation one day. "Are... Are you feeling alright?"

Louis refused to stifle his laughter. "Am I alright? Legoshi, I'm more than alright! I'm now the living embodiment of virile Cervidaeic masculinity. I've never been better!" I had a feeling that we'd be starting at this point. It's not a problem, I'm more than patient enough to help him understand.

"Louis, your leg!" Legoshi's index finger instinctively pointed to the bulging limb, letting his jaw drop to the floor in surprise. "It's back?!"

"Yes, I know. Isn't it amazing what modern medical technology can do for a person?" Louis smirked, glad to be back in one piece, but happier than ever to not have the tattoo on his foot anymore. "Of course, we've gotten to the point where we can do so much more with it." While normally a natural pose, with the amount of brawn stuffed onto his colossal form, Louis' pectorals eclipsed the tip of muzzle when he lifted his hands behind his head. "I'd call this an improvement. Wouldn't you agree?"

Try as he might to focus, Legoshi's head was awash with conflicting emotions, overcome with both happiness at seeing his friend healthy so soon after an injury, but also bewilderment at the sight before him. "But..." "But how?"

"Experimental operation. To be honest, I had my doubts, but I'd have to say the doctors did a fantastic job regrowing my leg. Beats the hell out of a prosthetic any day of the week." Louis let his hands drop, one naturally coming to rest on his hips.

Legoshi gulped. "And the rest?"

"That?" An impish grin contorted Louis' mouth. "I'm afraid that's a tad more confidential. Perfectly legal, mind you, but not something that would be available to the public for quite some time. Not to this degree either, of course." He inched closer to his friend, necessary as the wolf continued walking backwards away from him. "Impressive, though, right? What do you think?"

"I... I-I don't know what to think!" Out of all the things that could've happened today, this wasn't even close to making the list. What did I get myself into? "I still don't get it. Why did you call me here? Just to show me your..." Legoshi's hand trembled when gesturing at the cervine. "I guess, procedure?"

A chuckle quickly built up in Louis' throat. "No, Legoshi, I'd like to do far more than that. Showing is good, but I want you to feel it as well. Feel my strength oozing from every pore as you bask in my size." He stopped in the midst of his step when he saw the canine unintentionally corner himself. "I know my past as an actor would have you believe that I only want your undivided attention so that you may gaze upon my tremendous physique, but that wouldn't make me happy. I want more. I want to share my incredible power with you, gift you with size of your own to make your life easier."

Is Louis-Senpai serious? He wants me to also go through this procedure? "So, you're going to want to force me to be like you? Is that what this is about?" Legoshi scanned the room for a possible exit, only to realize that the door behind the walking wall of red-furred deer was the only way out.

"Force you? Legoshi, don't make me laugh!" This lumbering wolf can't help but look a gift horse in the mouth. He does this with most anyone who offers him a hand, and yet, if they can persist, then so can I. Not like I have a choice in the matter; I'm already smitten with the oaf. "I would _never_force you to do anything that you didn't already want to do. In fact," Louis took a step back, the act highlighting his incomparable size as there was suddenly much more room between the two men, "I will even let you choose right now. I would highly prefer it if you chose to stay here with me, however, you can absolutely decide to walk out that door right now, and I wouldn't do a thing to stop you." While he accepted that there was always a chance that the lupine would leave, he knew that he only needed to do one thing to tip the scales in his favour - simply turn around.

Legoshi's eyes nearly bugged out of his head after drifting down to see the deer's rear end. Despite making every effort imaginable, he found that he couldn't tear his gaze away from the sight. He'd been an ass-man for as long as he could remember, meaning that he'd currently hit the jackpot with the tempting spectacle before him. Fear and confusion dissipated as his arousal grew, leaving him planted to the spot.

The deafening silence behind him told Louis everything that he needed to know. He smirked, recognizing that he had the wolf right where he wanted him. His suspicions were proven especially correct as a slight shift in weight onto one foot caused the canine behind him to whine, understanding that the view of his flexed globular cheeks was too much to pass up. "You made the right call, Legoshi. I promise you this won't be a mistake."

Legoshi watched as the hulking cervine turned his gargantuan frame around, muscles that he couldn't even name tensing with every motion. "Louis, I..." I have a million questions about what I'm seeing, and none of them have really been answered. "I need you to explain why you're even doing this in the first place."

"That's simple. I know you, Legoshi. You're a kind-hearted soul." Louis' sincerity belied his flexing musculature. "A noble wolf who gladly fights for what he believes in, protecting his friends with his life if it comes down to it. Think about it, you risked your life multiple times guarding people from imminent danger, sometimes only because your carnivore instincts kicked in at the right moment." He's the only person unafraid to be strong in every sense of the word. "But I want to offer you something better, something more reliably consistent. Imagine someone's threatening one of your friends, but simply catching a glimpse of you is enough to scare them off. Your mere presence alone would save many people from becoming victims of cruelty, and you wouldn't have to eat meat ever again."

I'm sorry? Why not enhance me instead of himself? This makes no sense. "Then why did you feel it necessary to grow yourself first? Why not take yourself out of the equation and just have someone make me huge instead."

"Because I needed you to want it." Louis bluntly stated. "I know you'd have said 'no' if I asked, so I had to show what it was like in person."

The answer only baffled Legoshi further, his brain unable to piece the cryptic hints together. "But why couldn't you get someone else to demonstrate this? I can think of so many people who would be thrilled to look like this, and you aren't one of them. Bill for sure. Aoba, maybe. Even Voss had mentioned something similar not too long ago." I know something's missing; Louis-Senpai is definitely not telling me everything. "I feel like there's more to this than you're letting on."

For the first time in their meeting, Louis felt a slight twinge of panic race up his spine. "I can't say I know what you're getting at."

Louis is on the backfoot now, and I intend to find out why. "All I'm asking is why specifically me and you. You think I could stand to gain your size? I follow your logic completely, but I also know that the herbivores would be better candidates to receive that kind of muscle mass, as I'm perfectly capable of defending myself and others." Legoshi held his hands behind his back, his expression composed as he stared at the now-anxious behemoth. "So what I'd like to find out now is why you. Why did you want me, of all people, to be here with you?"

Louis' lip quivered as his eyes darted away from the wolf's gaze. Some unsavoury characters in my life had led me to believe that emotions were a sign of weakness in a man. That's bullshit. Emotions don't make you weak, not if they're real. "Because I love you, Legoshi. Your undeniably caring attitude towards others leaves a lasting impression; all these different people choose to be around you for the same reason that I do." He couldn't stop himself from mustering a laugh at the incredulousness of his current situation. "It's incredible that, even though I'm magnitudes larger than you right now, you still somehow make me feel safe."

Legoshi was caught off-guard by the cervine beefcake's admission. "Safe? Louis-Senpai, I don't-"

"You don't think I see the way people are happy around you? Believe me, it's genuine; each and every one of them." Overwhelming emotions caused Louis' mouth to waver. "All the time we spent together, that feeling of safety flourished. I craved it when you weren't around, longed to have it back even when you'd only just departed my sight. And in that fight with Riz..." Funny how I'd normally chastise myself for letting my vulnerabilities flow like this."Had anyone else asked to do what you asked of me, I'd have told them to fuck off. You were literally the only one I trusted enough to carry out the task after devouring my flesh. That was the moment that I couldn't deny the feeling any longer." Passion welled up in his soul the longer that he spoke. "I truly love you, Legoshi. More than I do for any other person, alive or dead."

The deer's confession hit Legoshi like a ton of bricks, rendering his mind unable to form a coherent thought. "Louis, I... honestly don't know what to say right now." I... I feel totally blindsided. Was I oblivious to his feelings the entire time?

That wasn't what Louis wanted to hear. His ears bristled with embarrassment the longer that he stared at the gangly lupine. "I'm sorry, I know it's a lot to process all at once. I completely understand if my love is unrequited." Louis, you idiot_! You went too far, too quickly!_

Alright, I can see now that he's clearly in pain. Let's see if I can fix that. "Louis, listen to me. It's not that I don't feel the same way." Legoshi chuckled, a deep rosy blush emerging on his cheeks. "Because I honestly do. You know, you're always so sure of yourself, while also very caring for those that struggle defending themselves. Those're very admirable traits that I've grown fond of since we've met."

"Well," Louis felt overjoyed that this whole encounter wasn't a bust, "I quickly realized that someone had to show strength in the face of adversity, and since no one else was stepping up, I felt it natural to assume that duty since so many looked to me as a role model." I can't remember the last time that I've felt so humiliated, and yet I don't mind it one bit."And then you entered my life, and I was obsessed. You defied your true nature while protecting myself and others. You were able to cover up a lot of my weaknesses, and I genuinely felt like I could never repay you for that."

Legoshi wryly smirked. And with that, the last piece of the puzzle finally fell into place. "You know, Louis, with all your talk of weakness, one might think you did this for more than just my benefit."

Louis couldn't deny the scarlet blush that crept onto his face. Fuck! It's amazing how he's able to read me like a book. His skill is truly unmatched. "Well, I won't lie and say that I don't like this. I've always admired the strength that carnivores possessed, especially you. It always burned me deep inside that you refused to use the gifts you were given when I would've_loved_ them, but your physical strength couldn't hold a candle to the strength of your character."

"You wanted to be strong?" Legoshi no longer felt fear in the presence of his friend. "That was your wish?"

"More than anything!" Louis mentally admonished his enthusiasm, only to realize that that wasn't necessary right now. "I... I-I just wanted to know what it felt like, to feel what others' strength was like for myself..." He gulped, his gaze unable to fixate on the canine's handsome visage. "Or feel what their strength was like as they held me..."

Oh Louis-Senpai... "Now that I could've helped you with if you just asked." Legoshi warmly smiled as he walked toward the humongous deer.

"I know that now. I..." It was moments like that where Louis felt glad that he could hide part of his face behind his pecs. "I really jumped the gun, didn't I?"

"I'll be generous and say just a smidge." Legoshi gently placed his hands on the deer's boulder shoulders, getting used to the feeling of muscles the size of truck tires. "And you really went to all this trouble just because you thought it would help me?"

"Yes, I felt it to be perfect for you." Louis frowned when he gingerly thumbed over the lupine's facial scars, a permanent reminder of his fight with Riz, but also his eventual triumph. "My poor baby." I will make it so that sort of situation never has to happen again. "Let me help you be the apex predator that I know you can be. It's the least I can do."

Legoshi's tail uncontrollably swished behind him; he liked the sound of that. "Yeah, let's-" He didn't get to finish his sentence as Louis had swept him off of his feet, yanking him into a fevered kiss that the pair of them desperately wanted.

Louis strongly exhaled as he pressed into the embrace, his tongue mingling with the wolf's in a choreographed dance of passion. This was everything that I had ever dreamed of. All those aching moments wondering if I should say something... it was worth it. In this moment, I am satisfied. He moaned his bliss into the mouth of the canine.

Just as ardent, Legoshi no longer cared what the cervine that he was making out with looked like anymore. An explosion of ecstasy rocketed through his system as the heat of the moment electrified his nerves. I'm enjoying this way more than I thought I would. I... like this. A lot, in fact. It's so surreal to me, but I'm liking how much more there is of Louis now. The kiss put him at the most ease that he'd ever felt in a good while, but something else about the deer began to agitate him. "Louis," he grunted, "your scent, it's just so-"

"Do you like it, Legoshi? It grew stronger at the same rate that I did." Louis chuckled. "I know you always had a thing for smells, though I can't imagine quite in this regard." His mischievous gaze met the lupine's, a confident expression taking over his face. "Care to get closer to it?"

Legoshi's heart beat soared when he heard that. "I... can I-" As effortlessly as being picked up, he'd been gently placed back down on the floor, his libido making its presence known. It was only then, standing in front of the titanic red-furred deer, did he eventually get a sense for his friend's immensity. He was one of the tallest people that he knew, and yet here was the cervine, towering over him like he did to so many others. From sheer mass alone, he felt like the cervid was comfortably more than ten times the man that he was.

Louis noted the look of awe twinkling in the wolf's eye. "I see you finally got a good look at me. Quite magnificent, if I do say so myself." A deep breath heaved his beefy pectorals in front of his face, showing off his densely-packed enormity to his friend. "Drink my majesty in, with both your sight and touch."

"I'm allowed to?!" Legoshi doggishly licked his lips. There isn't anything else that I want to do at this very moment.

The laugh that Louis bellowed boomed throughout the room. "Are you serious right now? I thought after all that you'd realize that you don't need my permission to touch me! We're in a safe place here, a place where I want_to feel your touch." _It might take a bit, but I'll awaken the carnal side of him soon.

Not needing to hear another word, Legoshi timidly pushed his hand forth until his fingers contacted solid muscle. That was all it took for him to shoot his other hand forward, both now groping the wall of beef in front of him, forcefully exhaling when he realized that his fingers couldn't even dent the flesh of the deer's pecs.

"Yes, that's it." Admittedly, Louis couldn't exactly see what was being done to him, but how he could feel every ministration that the canine gave him. It felt sublime, better than any sexual contact that he'd had with someone else... ever. "Keep going, do what you'd like with me."

Legoshi took that to heart as he fondled the mammothian pectoral in front of him, his size completely blown out of the water by it. He adored how the muscle mass shifted when the cervid flexed, quickly doubling in size like it was nothing. It made him crave more. He ran his tongue through the short fur, releasing some more of the heady aroma that he coveted so much. It riled him up so much that he dug his nose right in.

The feeling of having someone worship his bulk like that nearly overwhelmed Louis. He moaned out in happiness that the love of his life thought so highly of him, going so far as to involuntarily wrap his hands around the lupine so as to bring him closer.

The act spurred Legoshi onwards, causing him to tongue through the fur to simply get a taste of the cervine's excess manliness. But he needed more. He let his nose guide the rest of him, sniffing across his lover's pectoral until he reached the source of the intoxicating stench - the deer's armpit. With a strength that would normally surprise him, he moved the heavy arm up to gain access to the masculine ambrosia, inhaling as much of cervid's essence as he could.

Louis was lost for words. "I'll say that I never imagined us in this position, but I can't say that I particularly hate this." He lightly chuckled, but couldn't deny the pleasure that it gave him. Such a simple thing as his musky pit gave the wolf so much joy. He wanted it to keep going, to let his lover have his way with him.

Legoshi lashed and grunted as he licked the pit clean, yet the smell never dissipated. He moaned into the flesh, his nostrils now never not collecting the stink. It was orgasmic in and of itself, and he had no problem storing it ahead of all the other scents that he'd collected of those that he knew. It was immediately official - this one was his favourite of them all.

The intense stimulation of his nerves sent electrical impulses all across Louis' body, buckling his knees. "Ooh..." He groaned, not anticipating just how good it felt to have his armpit eaten out. I did it, I unlocked that fucking stud's voracious side. His hand shooting out ensured that his fall wouldn't register on nearby seismographs despite him still crashing to the ground. A glob of preseed oozed in rivulets down his throbbing shaft; how he got so hard from something that he'd never even conceptualized before, he'd never know.

"Fuck, Louis..." Legoshi growled his delight. "I didn't realize that you were this potent." He finally felt the need to gasp for air. "I get that your scent heightened as you got bigger, but I'm wishing I could've intimately smelled you earlier. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it's a big deal to me."

"No, I-" Louis had to take a moment to steady his staccato breathing. "I know that it's a canine thing; others had divulged me. But if this is what you're like when you get a whiff of something you love? I'm kicking myself for not thinking of it before."

The rush of blood to his crotch was all that Legoshi could process at the moment. "I just need to have more of it!" The tent in his slacks grew taut, a stain forming at the tip. He clambered over the deer's colossal frame as if it were a jungle gym, his nose tracking other pockets of musk close by. It was then that his muzzle found itself buried between his lover's sweaty pecs, but it was exactly what he was looking for. He moaned the loudest that he had thus far, tonguing the matted fur like it was the world's finest delicacy. He'd be happy if this was all that he and the cervid got to do with one another.

Louis' pillar drooled yet more pre, its position causing it to drip rhythmically onto the canine's clothed back, though he felt like neither really cared. Fuck, was he always this good with his tongue? Louis, you're a fool for waiting so long. You could've made a move far sooner. His hands once again moved of their own accord, one holding onto the lupine's torso, while the other brushed the back of his lover's head. Never had he felt so wanted before in his life, and never had he wanted anyone more. He wanted them to both feel as good as possible.

This might just be the dumbest thing that I've thought in my life, but here right now, with Louis-Senpai, might just be the happiest I'll get. I truly love him with all my heart. Legoshi couldn't help but warmly laugh in bliss. His life felt okay as he was clutched by the giant cervine, tears of happiness welling in the corner of his eyes as he pulled his muzzle free from its muscular prison. "Oh Louis, I could keep doing this for hours! I feel a bit ashamed to even admit this, but I would be happy if all I could smell was your heavenly scent, especially all over me."

"Legoshi, you sincerely flatter me!" Louis lovingly regarded the canine resting atop of his boulder-sized pecs. "But I think we mustn't get too ahead of ourselves now. There is more to come, after all." Pun most definitely intended.

Those words were like music to Legoshi's ears. He'd have let his mind drift off to think of everything that they could do with their difference in size, except amidst his daydreaming, his brain happened to register that the pair of them were still in the dilapidated structure with seemingly no explanation as to why they were there in the first place. "Say, Louis, are you going to finally tell me why we're in some run-down house yet?"

"Oh, right!" Louis' eyes lit up. "I actually bought this property in the hopes that I could use it as my new base of operations, as my previous places of residence were no longer satisfactory." Nor did my dear, old dad ever make me feel particularly welcome. "The idea was to tear down this building in order to erect a new one, so I didn't care about making an even bigger mess than was already here."

Legoshi nodded along to everything that his friend said. "Alright, so you're going to live here then, is that right? You're building a new house here?"

"Yes, except far bigger than where I used to live. I don't just want to fit into the building, I want to be accommodated. I want it to feel like I have my own space for once in my life." Perhaps I'm being too zealous in my endeavours around Legoshi, though he must understand how difficult it is for a drama student to shut off their emotions. Louis ruffled the top of the wolf's head, a grin worming its way onto his face. "But I also want to share that space with you as well."

Louis-Senpai... "With me? Really?"

"A little birdy told me that you dropped out of Cherryton. While I feel it to be a shame on your behalf, I understand that you're also trying to live your own life, and I find that admirable." Louis sighed. "But I would be remiss if I were to just sit idly by and not attempt to help you in some regard. I owe you my life, after all."

"Louis-Senpai, you've done enough for me already." Legoshi rubbed the heaving chest of the cervid. "You're being too kind to me."

"I insist. I feel it's only right." Stop pushing me away, Legoshi. I'm only trying to help you!

While the thought of living together with the deer hadn't ever entered his brain, it was now the only thing that Legoshi could think of. "You want me to live with you? Like, you need someone to help you because you might be too big for certain tasks now?"

"Legoshi!" Louis groaned, only for it to evolve into a strained laugh. This wolf will be the death of me, I swear. "No, no. Don't you remember what I said earlier? I want you to have the same gift as me. I want you to be just as big as me, if not bigger!" The thought of his lover becoming an imposing behemoth of size and strength shot his arousal through the roof, coaxing another dribble of precum to belch forth from his prick. "Think about it. We're both deeply fascinated with each others' orders to the point where we fell in love with one another. We'd be the ultimate example of carnivore and herbivore thriving in the company of their opposite, and if anyone were to complain, how would they stop us?"

"Yeah..." He's absolutely right, no one could stop us. I do like the sound of that. "Yeah, okay! I'd love to receive your gift. Er..." Legoshi paused, only just then realizing that it was just the two of them in the area. "So, how does this work? Is there a doctor or scientist nearby, ready to inject something into me?"

Louis snorted his amusement at the idea. "Nothing like that, I assure you. Everything that you'll need to grow is right here in this room." He gripped the lupine like a stuffed animal, only to quirk his brow when he took a closer look at the canine. "I see you still wear your uniform for some reason."

Legoshi's eyes bulged out wide in surprise; putting on clothes was a reflex to him, and he never realized that he'd worn the outfit of a place that he no longer attended. "Ah, yeah, I guess old habits die hard."

"Want to get rid of it for good?" Louis lasciviously smirked. "Then keep it on." Gingerly so as to not hurt the wolf, he placed his lover next to his quivering shaft, unable to exactly see what he was doing, but more than feeling enough to get the smaller man in position. "Perhaps I spoke too soon when I said that you wouldn't be eating meat anymore."

While he didn't quite catch what the cervine mentioned at first, Legoshi understood what was being intended immediately after. "What?! This thing's as big as I am! And you want me-"

"Okay, not the whole thing, obviously." The last thing that I'd want right now is a reason to return to the hospital. "Merely partaking of my essence is all I ask of you. I assure you, it's incredibly potent, especially for carnivores." His last word dripped with lust.

"Just..." Well, I haven't experienced sexual pleasure with a man larger than me before, but I suppose there's a first time for everything. I just wish I could've picked someone a fair bit smaller to try it with first. Legoshi delicately ran his fingers along the turgid cockflesh, jumping back in alarm as the meaty obelisk throbbed from the contact.

The cute noise that the wolf made elicited a snicker from Louis. "Don't be afraid of it. No harm will come to you." It took him a deep breath before he steeled his nerves as he didn't want to blow his load right off of the bat. "Just go slow if you need to, I don't mind."

One of the first things that Legoshi realized was that, despite there not actually being any muscle present, the leviathan rod was strong as hell, giving him trouble as he tried his damndest to angle the tip towards his mouth. It took everything that he had in him to try and wrangle it into position, leaving him huffing as sweat beaded down the side of his head. He felt this to be a much more intensive workout than what his former school could possibly offer in its weight room.

Every single grab and grope caused Louis to whimper in delight. Every square inch of the flesh - throbbing veins included - had its sensitivity jacked to the extreme, pre constantly dribbling from his cumpipe as a response. He groaned when he felt the wolf's tongue lap up the translucent fluid, tonguing along the ridge of his cockhead. Almost none of his partners ever thought to try reaching there, and yet the canine did that almost right away.

Legoshi wordlessly continued his onslaught on the deer, digging his tongue into the bunched-up foreskin. To the cervid's credit, the area was impeccably clean - compared to some other people that he knew - but it was impossible to maintain that level of freshness over the course of a day. His taste buds reveled in the salty flavour of dick, using his whole body like a toy to masturbate it. It was a new experience for the both of them, that was for sure.

Louis' cum tanks gurgled their approval as even the slight caress of a finger was enough to push him nearer to climax. He'd been churning up a fresh batch of virile deerbatter since he'd come to this house, all in anticipation of blasting it right into the love of his life. His breathing grew laboured, doing his best to hold his orgasm off for as long as possible, but release was an inevitability. The amount of stimulation that his junk received was just too great to immediately get used to.

The more frequent pulsing of the cervine's shaft clued Legoshi into the reality that his lover was about to blow soon. Wordlessly, he slathered his tongue all over the steaming cockflesh, veins snaking along it the more that climax was about to occur. He could feel it in his hands that the deer desperately wanted to happen, but he could feel it in his soul that he craved it just as badly. Relentlessly, he continued, quickening the pace of his licks, circling the leaking tip while also sticking his tongue in. It amazed him that the act was even possible!

Muscles tensed, eyes half-lidded, breathing erratic - Louis couldn't stop himself from cumming even if he wanted to, which he didn't. His groaning was as involuntary as his pelvic thrusting, giving the comparatively smaller canine the ride of his life. Every buck of his hips launched more preseed across the room until he felt his balls pull up to his crotch, announcing that the largest eruption of cum in world history was about to take place. So far, at least.

Legoshi's eyes bulged out as he felt the colossal cumpipe tremble, scrambling to get into position as much as he could. He fought valiantly against the raging shaft, but he was no match for its strength, especially as it geysered out white, hot spunk in an arc over the two of them. He did all that he could to shove his face into the turbulent flow, struggling to even take in any of the jizz at all. But then he did, and a warmth instantaneously overtook him, invigorating him like never before, even surpassing the strength he achieved during his fight with Riz.

This was everything that Louis wanted. Not only was he busting the fattest nut of his life, but his plan regarding the lupine was also coming into effect. It was subtle at first, but he could feel the weight of the wolf increase the more that his length was being suckled on. Every gulp of his seed added that much more mass to his lover, just as he was told would happen. It wouldn't be soon before long now.

Legoshi didn't even notice, but it became easier for him to ingest the deer's ballbatter for whatever reason. Not that he paid it much mind as the only thing that he thought of at that moment was to swallow as much as he possibly could. More and more he grew, meaning that more and more got fired down his greedy gullet. He was even deaf to the straining of his clothes, with every ripped seam going ignored until his uniform shredded into fabric confetti, simply unable to contain his burgeoning bulk.

That was the moment that Louis had been aching for. His little baby was little no more, now developing into the man that they both desired him to be. He could feel the lupine's stance shifting, needing to stand flat on the floor in order to properly centre his weight. Even then, he could still feel the enormity that was the wolf, especially evident in how much more of his cock was being clenched. He couldn't be prouder.

It took what felt like hours, but Legoshi eventually was able to fully clamp his mouth over the violent current, meaning that his lips sealed the cum in so that it had nowhere to go but into him. His expansion dramatically escalated, his pecs now pushing against the pole in his hands. That was the first time that he realized what was happening to him, but he didn't let it slow him down, instead using it to compel him on further. He wanted more mass, he needed it, he craved it. His guzzling wouldn't end until his lover's balls were thoroughly drained.

Louis was having the time of his life as he felt the canine's nascent bulk push against his own, the muscle fibres tearing and repairing themselves in an instant. Bigger swelled the lupine's ass, pushing into his overmuscled chest. Larger bloated those testosterone factories, hanging lower as they fattened and grew heavier with every passing second. Even the wolf's own shaft spasmed with throbbing need, knowing exactly what to do with that. It'd be his turn to receive soon, and he couldn't fucking wait!

Barely any time had passed at all, and yet Legoshi was built larger than any commercial truck on the market. His behemothian physique actually started working against him, all his heft pushing him away from his goal of siphoning out all of the deer's growthtein, so he concocted a plan. Shifting his bulging mass so as to face his lover, he bent down as much as he could, shoved his hands under the cervid's rippling ass cheeks, and lifted the now-smaller man up in the air, allowing him to take that prodigious pillar to the base.

The shock of finding himself suspended in the air shocked Louis at first, but the realization of what the cause was only made him shoot harder. He didn't even mind that his large rack of antlers pierced through the ceiling, the only thing that mattered was growing his expanding hunk of a lover!

Legoshi could feel the flow slowing to a trickle, yet that didn't stop him from attempting to empty every last drop from the cervine's swollen balls. The smell of the deer's musky pubes was divine, with the intoxicating scent being far more potent here than he expected. It drove him further, wanting to outgrow his lover, wanting to eclipse the rest of society in size. The wingspan of his lats already far outclassed those of any bird that he knew, but he'd dominate planes as well if the cervine would let him.

Unfortunately, Louis' tanks were beginning to run dry. His tongue lolled out of his mouth from the greatest blowjob that he'd ever received. He tried his best to pump out whatever seed remained in his balls, but his stream had fully run dry. It took everything that he had in him just to stay conscious.

Legoshi, on the other hand, was more alert than ever, blood pumping throughout his multitonnage as he carefully brought the deer to eye-level, propping his lover's head up with his hand. Oh wow, I haven't seen him this content before! I doubted my abilities when we started, though clearly, I shouldn't have. "Louis, are you feeling alright?"

"Legoshi..." Louis blurted out, a lust-drunk expression plastered onto his face. "You're incredible."

He's almost passing out and he's still complimenting me? I'm truly honoured! "Louis-Senpai-"

With a speed that belied his exhaustion, Louis shot his finger to the wolf's mouth to stop him from speaking, a feat even more amazing considering how little room their muscly forms offered. "No more 'Senpai'. It's just 'Louis' now. You've earned it."

"I-" It didn't happen often to Legoshi, but sometimes he found himself speechless out of pure elation. "That's huge!"

"Not as huge as you are, stud." Louis smirked, only starting to feel his energy return to him. "You may put me down now."

"R-Right!" Legoshi blushed, realizing that the cervid understood what he'd done.

Louis' first steps were a little wobbly, but it didn't take long before he found his bearings, giving him ample opportunity to now marvel at the lupine. "Look at you! You did, you've become the apex predator! Who could possibly stand up to your inconceivable might?!" It worked, I can't believe it! Those scientists were absolutely telling the truth when they told me this would happen! The only issue is that I can't quite recall if they mentioned anything about repeated exposure...

Legoshi was awash in amazement at his new form. Gone were the days of seeing the floor as his tremendous pecs obscured every part of his downward vision. His chest alone was massive, those slabs of beef each easily heavier than an average car, and likely equal to a fair portion of the cervine's weight. They jutted out directly in front of his muzzle, his nose unintentionally taking in his own heady musk with every breath.

His arms simply exploded in size, their circumferences definitely measured with three digits now. There wasn't anything that could surpass his impossible strength as he could bend steel bars like they were made of clay. He gasped when he flexed his limbs, seeing his monumental split-peak biceps bulge out like twin mountains in a range unfit for them. Hell, everything was unfit for him now!

The tallest point on his body was no longer his head as his traps had far exceeded it, only boosting his already overwhelming stature that much higher. They, in conjunction with his gargantuan pectorals, kept his head locked straight forward, yet that was all that was needed to view the cervine colossus currently enamored with him.

"Can you feel this, Legoshi?" Louis impishly grinned while clutching his lover's massive log of lupine fuckmeat. "You could drill for oil with this thing, and it'd still be better than any machinery that we could build."

Legoshi gasped at the abrupt forwardness of the cervid. Louis is acting so brash towards me all of a sudden. What's gotten into him?! "Louis? What are you doing?!"

"I'm simply reveling in your ascension! My wolf is now a titan, and I intend to do everything in my power to make you feel as good as you make me feel." My love for him burns brighter than a thousand stars. Cliché, I know, but that doesn't make it any less true. I want to do so much for him that it pains me. I can't live without this carnivore in my life. Louis felt his affection for the canine well up in his soul, and seeing his lover's face peek over those protruding pecs made his heart flutter.

"Louis, are you sure you're okay right now?" It was a bit of a challenge, but Legoshi managed to squat enough to meet the deer eye-to-eye. "Do you need to rest a bit? I can watch over you if you need to."

Despite all the plans that he'd made in his head, Louis found himself unable to say anything, his jaw uselessly agape. After all this, he's still so affectionate towards me. I'm embarrassed to admit how fortunate I am that he entered my life when he did. I don't deserve him. "Legoshi, listen to me. I'm a grown man, and I'm able to voice my discomfort on my own. I don't need you doting on me so much," he swallowed, not wanting to regret saying something that he couldn't take back, "but I appreciate it."

There's my deer; still stuck in the ways in which he was raised, but trying desperately to claw his own path through life. I don't think he's used to not feeling compelled to do things. Well, I'll help him gain his total independence. His individuality will shine brighter than his dad's ever did. "I appreciate you appreciating me. I know that it took a lot for you to say that." Grateful that the cervine felt comfortable enough to be vulnerable around him, Legoshi warmly smiled, tenderly caressing his lover's cheek with his fingers.

Louis' cheeks burned red with abashment at the loving touch of the behemoth, though, to his own credit, he fiercely fought the urge to pout. "It did." I see what he's doing. This feels alien to me... but I welcome it. I wish I could've felt this when I was younger, but the second-best time in my life would be right now. "Keep doing what you're doing, I think you'll break through my insecurities soon."

"That'll take time," Legoshi held the other Adonis' hands in his, "but we've got all the time in the world for that."

Overcome with emotion, Louis lunged forward and wrapped his meaty arms around as much of the hypermuscled beefcake's frame as he could. Yeah, I made the right choice in asking him to meet me here today. I live with no regrets anymore. He nuzzled reverently into the gray-furred wolf's colossal pectorals.

Legoshi gasped at the unexpected embrace. As touching as the moment was - and he genuinely didn't want it to stop - he now understood why the cervid was so easily inundated earlier - his girthy fuckmeat was sandwiched between the two of them, and he was having trouble concentrating on anything else. "Louis..." He whimpered.

Louis took a step back upon hearing his name, immediately understanding what the canine's concern was. That was when an idea popped into his head. If he's convinced that he'll be the one to help me, then I think I'll do the same for him. He doesn't like showing the more aggressive side of himself in public? I completely understand his worry, but I wanna know what a carnivore is really_capable of in the sack. It can be something that he keeps between us if he'd like._ "You're a big man, Legoshi. A big man has big urges, wouldn't you say?" He traced a finger up the twitching obelisk of masculinity, watching the lupine squirm at his touch.

"Oh fuck..." Legoshi whined, screwing his eyes shut in pleasure. "How were you able to compose yourself so easily before?"

His plan developing almost instantly, Louis devilishly smiled. "It took some self-restraint on my end, but I also didn't have a literal _god_standing before me." He gripped the tree-trunk-thick cock, relishing in how he couldn't even get halfway around it with both hands. "And you thought _I_was huge!"

"No, please, don't say that!" An errant moan escaped Legoshi's throat, the stimulation overloading his nervous system. "I'm nothing special." Why does he love my body this much?!

"Oh, but you are!" Louis insisted, huffing along the turgid endowment, embracing the virility that his lover had on display. "You are, without a shadow of a doubt, the largest person on the face of the planet."

Legoshi couldn't clasp his jaw shut without the help of his hands, though that was a tall order to even do that with his behemothian musculature in the way. "You're intentionally pushing my buttons!"

Oh, he's understanding it now. "Take a look at these arms." Louis eagerly ran his tongue along one of his lover's sumptuous limbs, basking in the raw power bustling under the pelt. "Not only could you haul freight cars on your own, but you could easily stop a running train dead in its tracks without breaking a sweat." He forced out a whorish moan as he rubbed his face across the canine's mammothian tricep. "They wouldn't need cranes to haul heavy materials around anymore with you as big as you are; hell, you could carry the crane itself like a toy!" I might flood the room with how horny this is making me. I can't stop how in love with him I am, nor do I want to. "Ocean freighters couldn't even stand up to you. They try to move, and you just hoist them into the air like you're taking a bath with them. They're nothing more than playthings to you now!"

"Haaa!" The feeling of arousal dimmed just enough for Legoshi to regain control, clenching his fists in order to limit his libido. "But that's never been me, I don't want to do those things. Let someone else do that!"

Time to activate his biggest turn on. "Then you know what a strapping young man can do with arms that could turn military tanks into scrap metal?"

Legoshi felt his self-control waver once more. "What?"

"Protect me." Louis stated bluntly. "You're, once again, bigger than I am. I know that you do everything in your power to help those smaller than you, and I think I fit the bill perfectly," he stepped back, allowing the wolf to gaze upon his own admittedly commanding form, "wouldn't you agree?"

He knows what makes me tick! Legoshi forcefully exhaled through his nostrils. His silence told the cervid everything that he wanted to know.

"You have a need to protect herbivores, I know you do." He's almost in denial of his own disposition. "Even though I easily tower over anyone that would want to bring me harm, you still view me the same as before in spite of our roles being reversed earlier. You've got a heart of gold, Legoshi, and you instinctively want people to feel comfortable."

"I do want that," Legoshi's anxiety flared, his hands fidgeting as they were unable to reach their most natural-feeling spots, "and I'm sorry if I'm making you feel inadequate." Jeez, he's really laying it on thick.

"Not at all! The only thing I feel when I'm with you is relaxed." The swelling of emotions within Louis caused his hands to shake. "But just like you make me feel supported, I desire to do the same. I want you to officially be my boyfriend." He gulped, uncontrollably dreading the rejection that even he knew was never coming. Curse my upbringing for making me the way I am.

Legoshi's heart nearly beat out of his chest. "Your... your b-boyfriend?!"

"That's right." If he could only see how much I'm screaming on the inside. I never thought I'd ever get this far in life. "It's now my sworn duty to make you feel as good as you make me, and I intend to start with your urges."

Legoshi's shaft throbbed at the mere mention of being satisfied, dribbling precum down his monstrous length at a rapid rate. "M-My urges?"

"Want to relieve all that built-up need?" This is it, the moment I've been waiting for. Louis trailed his finger up the canine's dick, scooping up some of the translucent fluid before licking his digit clean. The salty flavour danced on his taste buds, strengthening his libidinous appetite for the wolf. "Then fuck me. Make me yours." He practically begged.

Is he crazy?! Legoshi felt panic rip through him. "Louis, are you thinking straight right now?"

"I'm only following the natural order of things." The initial taste of his lover's pre drove Louis up the wall. He grazed his tongue along the diamond-hard length, ingesting everything that he could. I actually am crazy, but for you. "Take your spot atop the food chain where you belong, and claim me as your prize!"

The delirious nature of his new boyfriend had Legoshi feeling overwhelmed. "Are you serious?" He gripped the cervine's boulder shoulders, trying hard not to feel even more aroused. "I'm bigger than you now, you can't _possibly_take me!"

"Do not tell me what I can and cannot do, Legoshi!" You have no idea what I'm capable of. Passion burned like fire throughout Louis' system. He knew that he wanted that prodigious wolfcock stuffed inside of him, and he wanted it right now. With arousal raging through him, he shoved his face in between the lupine's pectorals, took one, long whiff of the potent essence buried within, and then backed up, a salacious twinkle in his eye. "Take me!" He dropped to all fours in a fit of fervor, presenting his globular ass to the wolf.

There wasn't anywhere for Legoshi to go now; his fate was sealed the instant that he saw the deer's immense cheeks, drawing him towards them despite his uncertainty. If he thinks that it's okay, then I shouldn't be worrying so much. "Alright, if you say so."

He's still hesitant, I can hear it. "Tell me, are you really saying that you don't want to partake in an ass this magnificent? You won't have an opportunity like this again, you know." Louis purred. Just to further illustrate his point, he kneaded his own cheeks, knowing how much it would entice his boyfriend. "I should hope you agree with me." His self-assuredness gave way to surprise when he heard a thunderous slam behind him, followed by the canine's muzzle shoving its way between his dimpled ass cheeks. He awakened the monster that he'd been struggling to unleash this whole time, but it was only then that he realized how ill-prepared he truly was.

Legoshi ate out the cervine's tailhole like it was his last meal, his tongue lashing across and inside the delicate ring of muscle with audacious furor. Just about everything that he was experiencing pushed him further - the quivering of the rippling flesh in his grasp, the taste of his manly lover, the masculine smell more robust here than anywhere else... If the buck demanded to be bred, then he'd award him with the breeding of a lifetime.

Louis shuddered as the intense stimulation battered his nerves. He knew that he wanted to be plowed, but he'd never even received a kiss this impassioned before! Every gasping breath and moan, every involuntary tense of his sturdy musculature, every shiver ripping up his spine, all of it indicated just how exhilarated his body was. But goddamn, he was going to blow from this alone! His goal was to be fucked like the musclebeast that he was, but he might get more than he bargained for - the carnivore's instincts were thoroughly in control now.

His breathing steady, Legoshi's mind was laser-focused on the task at hand. Normally he'd wonder why he'd never even tried to do something like this with other men before, but all of that was pushed to the side of his mind as the only thing that mattered now was claiming the cervid's hole... and love. Yes, his love for his boyfriend swelled in his heart, empowering his needy actions, and it was time to assert his love like the red-furred cervine wanted.

"Aah!" Louis shrieked when he felt the lupine's cock kiss his rear entrance, leaving a gooey trail of precum around his winking opening. It was only then that he had seconds thoughts about the whole thing, doubting his own sexual proficiency, regretting the things that he said earlier. The tip slowly shoving into him made him groan, though his initial fears crescendoed into euphoric bliss the more that his asshole got stretched. His mind instantly confirmed what he'd believed - they were made for one another.

The intense resistance that Legoshi felt elicited a grunt out of him, but he kept driving his leviathan hog deeper inside the cervid's silken bowels. He now wanted this just as badly as his lover did, if not more. The pre slickening the way helped him a bit, but it wasn't enough for his liking. He grabbed a hold of the deer's wide lats - the feeling of which belched forth more pre - and thrusted like he never had before.

Had Louis not gained increased sensitivity, being impaled on the juiciest shaft that he'd ever seen would've really hurt; instead, he was having the time of his life. It was everything that he'd ever dreamed about - feeling what carnivore strength was like, both outside and inside of him. He lowly directed the wolf in a mumble to keep pushing, only to let loose the most vulgar moan that he could muster when he took the entire rod.

Legoshi himself groaned in relief, finally getting balls deep inside of his lover. The clenching on his pole was forceful due to how tight the hole was, but the sheer stimulation that it provided made it worth it, shooting electric pulses of pleasure through his body. Surprisingly, pulling out wasn't as much of an issue, which made him all the more pleased that his cock now fit. He mischievously grinned; it was time to fuck the buck.

Getting pounded by his gargantuan boyfriend overwhelmed Louis, who had trouble trying to keep his arms stable. Every hump against his ass caused his brawny limbs to falter until they buckled completely. He panted like a dog, appropriate, given the circumstances. As much as he wanted to help by pushing back into the canine's crotch, his actions almost didn't even matter. With his eyes half-lidded from pleasure, he let the wolf have his way with him.

Legoshi really immersed himself in the role of the dominant carnivore that the stag underneath him coveted so greatly. His balls slammed against the deer's smaller, but still incredibly sizeable, orbs, blasting the pair of them with shockwaves of arousal. He hunkered over the cervid - a feat made fairly difficult due to the hundreds of pounds of muscle mass packed onto his chest - and wrapped his arms around the other man's bulk, not able to make it all the way, but enough for his hands to find purchase on his lover's nipples. It gave him the perfect idea.

Louis' tongue lolled out of his mouth the more that his heft was enveloped, but it wasn't until his thick nips were played with that his body really lost control. Unintelligible noises left his mouth as his nipples were played with like radio dials. He didn't even know that he liked them being fondled that much!

Legoshi had built up a steady pace of bucking into his mate, the act itself easier the more that he gaped the deer's hungry hole. His shredded pelvis battered the ample rear of the cervine, but the muscle acted like a cushion that made his lover beg for more. Faster and faster he drilled, rhythmically burying his bone into that anal cavity, all the while feeling the urge to climax creeping up on him. Well, if the cervid craved his essence, then he'd give all of it to him.

Having his prostate flattened surged Louis' arousal sky-high. His face dug into his forearms the hornier that he got, his own length leaking profusely along the floor. He was ready to give into his carnal desires and just let all of his pressure go, but he didn't want to, not when his wolf hadn't yet. It would be difficult, but he'd hold on as long as he could to have the lupine cum first, though with how swollen his taint had gotten, he might have a choice in the matter.

Unbeknownst to the cervine, Legoshi was also feeling it. His pace had wavered slightly as the pressure in his own lower half skyrocketed. Pleasure made it hard for his eyes to completely stay open, grunting his struggling through gritted teeth. He groaned as his tempo began to grind to a halt. Ever the trooper, he managed to pump his hips one last time before slamming his pelvis flush with the deer's dimpled glutes, crying out his boyfriend's name as his floodgates burst wide open.

That was all the warning that Louis got before his inner walls got deluged with virile wolfbatter. The sensation of getting inundated with untold litres of spunk set his own orgasm into gear, shooting rope after sticky rope of cum directly onto the ground underneath him. His limbs soon became encompassed by the growing pool of seed, but he didn't mind it one bit. He got exactly what he wanted.

It almost didn't feel to Legoshi that his cum tanks were even draining at all. His orbs had produced enough jizz to overflow a bathtub, but it was as if the supply kept increasing as he filled his deer. He knew that that was impossible, but the utter satisfaction that engulfed his form kept his mind occupied on emptying everything that he had into his boyfriend.

Louis' was a panting mess of emotions the longer that the flow of cum stuffed his guts. He couldn't tell what was actually better - the feeling of spilling his seed all over the property where he'd build his new home, or getting split open by the sexiest man in the world. It was all almost too much for him to handle, leaving him sputtering as the lupine's river of spunk started to dwindle.

Legoshi, too, had problems keeping himself together. Euphoria tensed his muscles so long as he drained his balls, leaving his face to fall directly in between his pecs, his musk trapped within them doing little to hamper his libido. Still, he could feel the pressure inside of him abating. He couldn't even remember what this felt like when he was small.

After what felt like an eternity, Louis eventually felt both his and his wolf's climaxes peter out, the energy needed to remain in their positions long gone. He collapsed onto the cum-covered floor, taking his lover down with him. The experience of being rutted by a muscle monster, the feeling of cum filling his internal cavities, and the absolute exhaustion from all of it justified his decisions. It was right to blimp himself to such an insane degree, and it was even more correct to transform the concerned canine into the colossal god that he was meant to be. He was content, but tired. Just about the only thing that he was still capable of doing was keeping his eyes open, but only barely.

Legoshi collected just enough bearings to stay awake, but was completely powerless to do anything else until his energy returned to him. The only force that he felt at the moment was gravity, and his unbalanced posture on the deer's mountainous back caused him to slide off, splashing the seed where he landed. It was all so intense, he couldn't believe that he was capable of being that passionate a lover! Maybe it was only because that he fucked his deer, that only the cervid could awaken that kind of ferocity inside of him. It made him appreciate his boyfriend all the more.

Several moments had passed before Louis felt strong enough to shift into another position, his breathing gradually becoming less laboured. From this moment onward I'm my own man. I don't need some other authority figure telling me what to do anymore because clearly, I make better decisions than them all."Legoshi," he weakly bleated out, "you're one of the most amazing people I've ever had the pleasure of encountering. You're probably the most important person I know, and I hope you never let anyone shame you into thinking less of yourself now."

"I don't think anyone would try." It took all the might that Legoshi could muster, but slowly he was able to push himself up. The events that just transpired seem completely like a dream, but I know it's real, it doesn't feel like anything else but. "Are you feeling okay after that? I sort of think I went a bit too hard there."

The remark triggered a fit of laughter in Louis, which made it troublesome trying to right himself. "Too hard?!" _I fucking love this wolf._Eventually he was able to stabilize himself, letting him rest his hand on the lupine's gigantic shoulder. "Legoshi, you were nothing short of perfect. Believe me, I have high standards."

Heh, I'd have to be the only person to have passed his test if he's giving me this much praise. The swamp of cum that covered the floor made it tough for Legoshi to find the footing necessary to stand, but he managed to, bringing the cervine along with him. "Wow, we really did a number on this room."

"Good, I'm glad." Louis' heart swelled with satisfaction.

Legoshi watched the combined seed stream out of the room by way of the doorframe. All was peaceful, until something important dawned on him. "Wait, h-how do we even get out of this place?"

"Well, I got in without making a mess, didn't I? I think at least I could just as easily exit the same way I came in." Louis wryly smirked. "But if you're that concerned with leaving, why don't you just bust out? Go on, show the world that the ultimate carnivore isn't going to let anything stand in his way." Do it, Legoshi, we both know you'd like that. "I intend on taking the building down anyway."

The invitation to demolish a part of the building made Legoshi gulp, as he never really was the destructive type. However, he recognized that he'd be obliterating something in order to leave the former home anyway, so he ultimately didn't have a say in the matter. "Uh..." Having never even thought of attempting this previously, it took him a second to figure out a game plan. He backed up as much as thought was needed before running full-charge at the crumbling wall, startling himself when he bulldozed through it like tissue paper.

"There! That wasn't so bad now, was it?" Louis chuckled, sauntering out of the wolf-shaped hole in the side of the building, the rubble that he stepped on crumbling under his weight. I already want him to fuck me again after that. Was I always this needy?

Legoshi gulped. "It was... fine." I'm ashamed for liking that so much."So, you're just going to build another house on this lot?"

"Yes, but much, much bigger. There'll be tons of space for us to live in," Louis traced a finger along the lupine's striated pectorals, "and potentially grow."

Legoshi's jaw dropped when he heard that. Hold on, is he actually serious? "Wait, do you think that's even possible?" He couldn't tell if he liked the thought or not, but his wagging tail indicated that his body _loved_it.

"Truthfully, I honestly don't have a clue." How I want it to be real."But what I do know is that I'd be willing to find out with you." It was only then that Louis regarded the other abandoned buildings beside the one that the two of them were just in, the gears in his head turning as a plan materialized. "You know what? If I purchase the rest of the desolate properties on this block, I bet we could build an establishment truly befitting of our size." Ambitious pleasure surged through him, a determined expression on his face. "We won't just be protecting our friends, but instead the whole city. Not a single malicious organization could stand in our way!" Finally, I'll_be the one to call the shots around here! You hear that, "Dad"?_ "What do you say, Legoshi?" Of course, he couldn't do it without his wolf. With nervous energy swirling around his soul, he stuck out his hand for his lover to accept.

Legoshi's mind raced after hearing his deer's impassioned pitch. Just a few months ago he regularly went to school, and now he could potentially be some kind of citywide protector? That felt insane to him. It was a lot to unpack, and it was so soon after becoming a muscle colossus, it just... honestly didn't sound that bad. He didn't have to say anything; accepting the deer's hand spoke volumes.