Unraveling This Historical Perpetual Work in Progress

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Continuing with the backlog here's a poem that was made for the 4th of July over a year ago. A bit jarring I know considering my previous post and how late we are in the year but I want to keep things in order so here it is. Hope it's a good read. Originally posted July 2021.

Unraveling this Historical Perpetual Work in Progress

By: A.X. Bueno

The history of America is a complicated one and is fraught with so much pain

It's unreal just how much of our history has been revealed to be full of strife and is bloodstained

Of course there are plenty who have always known this to be true

Those who had their homelands forcefully stolen from them, the descendants of those enslaved

People who came from far away hoping for better only to be used as scapegoats and cheap labor after the hell of travel they had to go through

I could go more into the specifics because despite what our anthem claims we cower a lot from our history for a land of the brave

There's so much horrible historical baggage to unload that only grew and grew

It continues to grow as atrocities just continue building and people continue to suffer and die

There's a lot to tarnish any feelings of pride for this country from which we can no longer hide

There's also a lot of incredible people who do try to make the country better as best they can

Plenty of people don't have a lot but still try to give aid and help their fellow man

There's also plenty of good happening now too if you look beyond the sensationalism and fear

It's just that there's too many people who profit off misery

So they try to make it look like nothing good is capable of happening here

Of course there is also plenty of terrible things that the media and our schools pretend to miss

But there's also hope for a better country and good people here who shouldn't just be dismissed

I get it's hard to separate the good from the bad when things feel like they're only getting worse

And then there's the blind "patriotism" which makes any support for the country feel tainted and cursed

So it's understandable really if you don't feel like celebrating considering all the baggage that comes with merely being American today

Still I hope you regardless had a nice 4th of July that day