Simon Hewitt: Chapter One

Story by rastervector on SoFurry

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#2 of Simon Hewitt

Note: read the prologue first.

Simon woke up after about an hour or so. The window he was next to had gotten significantly less bright and he jumped to the inaccurate conclusion that it was nighttime. "Shit!" he exclaimed. He proceeded with haste to the sink, where he washed the dried cum off his hands. He took a cursory glance at his bedroom, checking to see if any cum had ventured out of his hands. None had, so he grabbed his belongings and left. He rushed down the stairs with a cascade of thumps, denting a hoofprint into the welcome mat as he opened the door.

It was raining like a motherfucker. Simon balked and stood with his right foot on the porch and his left a few inches in front of the porch for a few seconds. Rain pattered accross the sidewalks, dripped from the trees' mostly barren branches, just a few leaves remaining with autumn almost over, splattered across tepid pavement, and drizzled on his left hoof. He set his hoof back on the porch and considered the weather for a few minutes. Realizing that the darkness of the view from the window may have been caused by storm clouds instead of nightfall, he checked his watch.

The deer let out a sigh of exasperation. It was 3:14 PM and he didn't have any obligations on campus until 6 o'clock. Nevertheless he had acquired all of his belongings and fulfilled every obligation he had at the apartment for that day, so he sheltered his face with his hands and ran out into the rain towards campus. He fumbled for his campus ID, grabbed it, and held it up to the card reader at the library. It beeped, and he yanked open the double doors and nearly fell on his way inside. He made his way over to the staircase and went up to the fourth floor, where many study rooms were open for the students. He stood for a minute, catching his breath, before walking through the hallway, glancing through each window in a search for an unoccupied room. Finding one, he turned the knob and opened the door.

He set his backpack on the small table, pulled out one of the two chairs, and sat. He took his laptop out and woke it up. Simon rolled his eyes at the still-open browser window with the fruitless search results. "Why can't the internet find things when you really want them?" he thought to himself. He typed in the url of his media server, logged in, and began to download one of the pornos he had just torrented yesterday. He heard the sound of the doorknob and hastily opened a text document full of Microbiology notes and maximized the window before turning around.

"Oh..." he said.

"Hi! Are you the young man who requested a visit?" she said. She was a busty young rabbit, with round hips, blue eyes, and a revealing complement of clothes on her lithe frame.

"Uhm... no? I'm not really sure what you're talking about, sorry," he said, trying to keep his eyes on her face and failing miserably.

"Well, honey, you sure do look interested... $30 for a fuck, $40 for a suck, and $50 for anal. By the hour, that is. Minimum purchase of one hour."

Simon was floored. He had never been solicited by a prostitute before and, frankly, he hadn't ever thought about how he would respond. He wasn't a virgin, but he hadn't had sex for months and he had only done it missionary with a deer he dated for about three years who thought being sexually liberated meant taking her pants off and laying on her back. He cleared his throat. "What the hell, why not?" he thought. Finally he responded, "$30, let's fuck. I have an apartment with a bedroom a few blocks away from here." He fished the money out of his wallet and handed it to her. "Please don't take it and run, I have too much in student loans and if I spend anything, I need to get my money's worth."

"Sure thing, sweetstuff. You can trust me. I won't go to your room though, but we can do it here. I have a deal with the janitor on this shift."

She closed all the blinds and wedged a triangle of wood under the door so nobody'd be able to open it. He hesitated for a moment, and then unzipped his already uncomfortable trousers. She winked and sidled over, leaning towards him and untying her knotted blouse. Simon, quite frankly, had no idea what to do. So he did what was most natural and blurted out the first compliment he could think of. "Nice... breasts? Ma'am?"

She erupted with laughter, and when it simmered down she apologized for laughing to the embarassed, horny deer who had hired her. "I take it you haven't hired a hooker before? It's okay, you don't have to worry, I'm not going to judge you for anything you say or do this afternoon. We can take it slow or do it fast, we can make noise or not, we can talk, we can do anything. You're the customer, after all, and the customer is always right- unless he won't pay. You're all squared away in that department though! Perhaps I should introduce myself- I'm Tracy."

"Pleased to meet you," he said, "My name is Simon."

She slid a paw across his jeans, from his right knee to his crotch. "You certainly feel pleased," she said, grinning. She took his pants the rest of the way off, stood back up, and whistled. "Well... you certainly have a wonderful cock. I can hardly wait to feel it in me!" Simon mumbled, blushed, and got harder as she turned around, still in a tiny blue skirt, and bent over to unzip her boots. She took her time doing this, wiggling around and swaying her ass seductively. She wasn't wearing panties. Simon wasn't sure if it was an invitation to fuck her from behind, but he liked looking at her behind and figured it didn't matter because his knees weren't fully operational anymore. Tracy stood up, unzipped her skirt, and let it fall.

"Um, I think, maybe, we... could we try doggystyle on top of the study table? I-I have a towel we could spread on the table to make it more comfortable."

"Sure thing, that's my favorite!" She undid her bra effortlessly, let it fall, and took off her jewlery as Simon fumbled in his backpack, retrieved the towel, and spread it out. Tracy climbed onto the table, arching her back so her genitals were clearly visible to the rock-hard deer. Simon clambered clumsily atop the table and kneeled behind her. He placed his hands on her hips, steadied himself, and embedded his cock in her eager wet cunt. She moaned in pleasure, and bucked her hips, taking the entire length of his cervine penis inside of her. Simon grunted in arousal and thrust in and out of her as she moaned in pleasure and reciprocated the movement. Simon leaned over, still thrusting, and ran his left hand along her back. He felt her buttocks and moved his hand to her abdomen and then her chest. She moaned as he took ahold of each breast in turn, groping and massaging them.

Simon wasn't sure how much longer he would last. He braced himself with his hands on her hips again and slowed down. She moaned sensuously, provoking him to speed up again, pass the point of no return, and cum like mad inside of her. He cried out in pleasure as the ropes of hot sticky semen flew out of his penis into the bunny. He gasped, attempting to catch his breath, and she praised his performance but he wasn't able to pay any attention to his surroundings. After a few seconds, he withdrew his still semi-hard cock from her body and let out a contented "Thanks..."

Tracy knew she should wait, but she had a feeling he wouldn't mind if she made an early departure. "Mind if I go? Or will you want more?"

"That's was good see you oh man..." Simon was mostly incoherent, but she assumed he was done, got dressed, and left. After a minute or so, Simon got his clothes back on and sighed. He began to worry about diseases, getting in trouble, and suchlike as he folded up the towel and put it back. He put his laptop in his backpack and booked it out of the library, heading towards the research lab where he worked. He realized it wasn't raining anymore and changed his route, heading instead towards the student union at the far end of the campus.