Sorting Yourself Out pt. 1

Story by cold turkey on SoFurry

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#1 of Sorting Yourself Out

Meh, I kind of felt like digressing a little bit so I started this at about 2 last night. It only took a day to write so be nice.

Oh, and I haven't eaten or drunk anything besides a bottle of water in 2 days so I just might be a little delirious...

Hey, my name's Tristan. I just started my second semester as a bio-med major at one of those small, under-the-radar universities. In case you didn't already know, I'm a wolf. I am the middle child, stuck between two brothers, one year younger and the other three years older. I don't have a whole lot of old friends up here because me and two other furs from my highschool picked this university as our school. Neither of them I really like too much, so I didn't bother asking if they wanted to room with me; that and I think it would be interesting to meet new people.

Anywho, I'm kind of in the middle of a phone call with my mom..."Yeah mom, I know."

"Well, I'm just making sure. You know how scatter-brained you can be."

"Yeah, I know. Well, I gotta go Jamie just got here and we're going to dinner. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Be sure to check your mailbox, I sent you something the other day and I don't know when it'll get up there."

"I'll be sure to do that. But I really have to go now."

"Ok. Love you hon."

"Love you too mom, say hi to dad and John for me."

"I will."

"Bye." I hung up the phone with Jamie standing by me, already beginning to poke my arm. Letting out a long sigh "Parents, actually... just my mom."

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Before I go any further, let me define my relationship with Jamie. We met on the first day of our math class, when I walked into the room (of course with my "signature" headphones on) she was talking with a female mountain lion. Taking the headphones off from over my ears, I noticed that they had become completely silent and laughing I looked at them saying "Did I kill the conversation or something?" Jamie, a rather attractive lioness, motioned over to an empty seat in front of her so I walked over and planted my ass in the chair. I talked with them, told them a little about myself and learned something from them. Jamie, as it soon became apparent, was a sophomore who transferred here and needed to take an entry-level math course to fulfill core, although she was really good at other things, math wasn't one of them. Later on I became her tutor and ate dinner with her every night, much to the dismay of other males. About a week after I met her, we were talking and she said that she was really attracted to me; in retrospect I feel that my next move wasn't exactly the nicest, but it got my point across: I looked at her saying: "Well, I'm sorry but no..." and that was that. She stopped talking to me for a couple days until I apologized for about the millionth time. I don't know why, but she stuck around me...

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"Well, you've never really been away from home this long. It's really only natural that she worry a little bit." Slowly, we started our walk across campus towards Patriot Hall so we could get some dinner.

"I've only been away for like three weeks though, and she knows that in another two I'll be back for break. You know, it wasn't always like this, I could leave home for a few days and she'd just say 'Don't do anything stupid'" mockingly shaking my finger at the air, just like how my mom used to.

"Well, maybe she doesn't feel like you're her little pup anymore."

"I haven't been her pup for years..." Putting emphasis on pup, showing how much I've come to loathe the word. My older brother used to call me up until a couple years ago, nonstop "Hey pup, get over here." shortly followed by: "do this, do that". I'm not that much younger than him, he's only three years older than me.

"Not to her. How do you feel about your younger brother? Are you overly protective of him?"

Shrugging a little bit as I knew I was going to somehow lose. "Well, not overly protective."

"But you would still protect him right?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"And what would you do if you couldn't? This is what your mother is going through. She doesn't feel that she can protect you anymore. She feels helpless."

Damn she's good. "You and your psycho-babble." Quickly changing the subject because I didn't like to lose in an argument. "What do you think is for dinner tonight?"

Turning to look at me and crossing her arms over her chest she spat out. "Don't do that."

"Do what? All I want to know is what you think they have for dinner tonight." I said trying to act as innocent as possible. Luckily we had arrived at the cafeteria and I opened the door, first to let a small group of baseball players out then let Jamie in. "Yay, pasta bar tonight." I said jubilantly, pasta bar is definitely my favorite day of the week.

Jamie punched me in the arm, but gave no further explanation as to why. I figured it was because I didn't acknowledge her little victory.

Walking past the tray station, I waved over at one of my friends who worked in the bakery. As I walked by, she motioned me over asking if I wanted three pieces of cake today (long, stupid story... don't ask) After Jamie and Crazy Bakery Lady, as I began calling her, got over their little giggle fit I slumped my shoulders saying "Why must you torment me so?" and I walked towards the pasta bar, not even bothering to hang around and hear what they were talking about.

After getting our food and sitting at our regular table, I asked Jamie what she and Crazy Bakery Lady were talking about. "Oh, nothing unusual... she asked why we were late so I said you had to talk to your mommy."

"Gee, thanks..." sarcasm heavy in my voice.

Finishing up our dinner, a rather nosy badger friend of Jamie's walked by. Looking at me curiously she sat down next to Jamie and asked one question: "Ya know, whenever I come here I always see you two sitting here eating dinner and talking. I was just curious, but what kind of relationship do you two have?"

Thinking to myself: FUCK YOU, GO THE FUCK AWAY YOU CRAZY BITCH, I calmly said: "Well, it's a little complicated and I don't feel like explaining it. That and Jamie will kick my ass. Thank you, you can leave now." if you couldn't tell, I don't really like her too much... or at all. But I did the right thing, cuss her out in my head then calmly tell her to leave.

Getting up to walk away, I nodded over towards the door so Jamie would know to follow me. Placing the trays on the little conveyer belt, we walked out the door in silence. The silence lasted until we got to the front of her building, then she stopped and grabbed my arm: "You know Tristan, she is right. We should really define what our relationship is."

Goddamnit he we go. "Well, I told you at the end of last semester. I know that you really like me, but you're just not my type, I'm sorry but that's just how it is." I could sense that she was getting a little agitated and was on the verge of breaking down. It was not often that we had this conversation but whenever it did roll around it usually ended up with her saying how much she loved me, me telling her that I was sorry and that it wasn't her fault and then me going for a walk so I can sort things out in my mind.

"I know you did, but I can't help feeling the way I do." Her voice started to crack, signaling she was on the verge of crying.

"And neither can I." Oddly enough, my voice was not far off from my normal tone if just a little bit more agitated.

She opened the door to her building and walked in silent. Fuck. I just turned away and started to make my way back to my room.

Sliding the key into the lock, I opened the door to find that my roommate, an openly gay and flamboyant German Shepherd named Thad, was pawing off...again. Covering my face with my paw, I backed out of the room practically shouting: "Damnit, you should wait till I'm gone a little longer than an hour." I probably should have been able to smell it while I was walking down the hall, but was too distracted to notice.

Seeing as how now was as a good a time as any, I decided to go for a walk.

After my second time around campus, I took a look at my watch. Since it was only a little bit after nine, I decided that playing some pool would be a good idea. Walking into the room that held one of the four pool tables on campus, I was surprised to see that nobody was around. Well, it is kind of late on a Wednesday, maybe people are busy...Shrugging it off, I picked up my favorite cue from the wall-rack and started to rack the balls.

Hearing the door opening, I looked over to see that Thad was walking in. "Hey sadface..." sadface was his nickname for me, don't ask. "-can I play?"

Standing up to the far cushion, I bent over to break. "Yeah, sure." Hitting the cue ball with as much strength as I could muster, I sent the tight rack of balls flying around the table. Watching as two balls fell in the pockets, I saw the eight-ball slowly making its way towards one of the side pockets and drop in. "That's game" I started walking around the table gathering up the balls and pulling the two from the pockets.

Thad stood there looking at me bewildered. "Damnit, how do you do that?"

"Dunno. Rack 'em, I'm going to go get a drink." I walked over to a vending machine and swiped my ID, pushing the button to get a Mountain Dew. Sold Out began scrolling on the digital screen. I slapped the side of the machine saying "Fucking piece of shit." Slipping my ID card back into my wallet, I settled for a Pepsi and walked back to the table where the balls were all racked again.

Standing up to the cushion again, I broke sending only one ball into a pocket this time. As I walked to the side cushion to take my next shot, Thad said in a rather low voice "Sorry about earlier..."

Bending over to take the shot, I took a couple practice strokes and said "Don't worry too much about it, compared to what happened earlier that's the least of my problems." Hitting the cue ball, sending number nine into the side pocket and the cue ball rounding the table setting me up for my next shot.

"Have another argument with Jamie?"

"Yeah" I said positioning myself for my next shot. Taking it, I knocked in two balls, leaving the cue ball in an awkward position for my next shot.

"Am I ever going to get a shot in on this game?" he asked a bit annoyed

"Maybe." Straddling the table, I miscued and ended up missing the shot. Backing away from the table, I looked over the table saying "There ya go."

Snorting a little bit he walked over to the table and just hit the cue ball. Obviously he didn't feel like playing pool that much. Noticing this, as I walked up to the table I said "Seeing as how you don't feel like playing pool right now, I'll just finish up."

"Suit yourself..."

Knocking the remaining two striped balls in and calling my pocket on the eight-ball, I finished the game in a matter of two minutes. Tossing my cue onto the table, I grabbed my jacket and slung it over my shoulders, zipping it up and started towards the door.

Thad caught up with me and putting a hand on my shoulder, he forced me around and said "Do you want to talk about you and Jamie."

Lowering my gaze to the floor I broke his hold on me and held the door open for him. Making our way into the cold January night, we started out walk back to our dorm. About halfway there, I turned and looked over to Thad who was staring intently at me; seeing me do this made him turn away and stare straight ahead. I cleared my throat, afterwards saying "I don't know why we keep on doing this... it's getting incredibly irritating. She knows that I don't like her like she likes me. I'm thinking maybe I should just break this off if this is what we're going to do every time this comes up."

Still staring forward, he said: "Maybe she thinks she can change your mind. She is a very attractive lioness."

"I know that, but I can't help thinking that maybe this is bigger than just me and her." I said, a little exasperated.

He turned towards me "Maybe it is." Sensing my irritation, he broke off the conversation and we walked the rest of the way back to our room in silence.

When we walked into the room, I kicked off my shoes and took off my jacket. Hopping into my bed, I grabbed the book that I was supposed to have read for my origins class the next day and was leafing through the pages. Thad just sat in front of his computer and started up a game of War Craft.

After an hour of reading I hopped out of my bed and took off my shirt and pants, tossing them into the laundry. Thad, who was wearing headphones, was oblivious to my actions so I thought I would be a nice guy and tell him I was turning out the light. Walking up next to him, I tapped him on the shoulder. He turned his head, and was now eye level with my crotch; he slowly began dragging his eyes up my body lingering over my body. Finally making eye-contact, I scowled at him and motioned for him to take off his headphones. "I'm turning out the light and going to sleep, don't wake me with your game."

His ears flattening a little bit, he looked back over to his screen and nodded saying "Alright."

Turning out the light and crawling into my bed, I put my hands behind my head and just started to think. What's wrong with me that I'm not attracted to Jamie? This isn't the first time this has happened either, I know there are a lot of good looking females here but... what the hell. I grabbed a pen from the desk next to my bed and threw it at Thad, it landing squarely on the back of his head. Finishing up his game, he turned around and sighed... "What?"

Feeling a little bit embarrassed and blushing underneath my fur, I propped myself up on my elbow, resting my head on my fist and asked: "When did you know you were... umm. Gay?"

He turned around again, but this time to exit the server and shut down his computer. Now the only light in the room came from my alarm clock sitting next to my head.

Now just a voice, he answered "I dunno. When I was in highschool I kind of always knew I was different, but I never realized it until about junior prom when I turned down about every girl that came my way. Why do you ask?"

Clearing my throat, my voice becoming a little shaky. "Because, this whole thing with Jamie. To be honest, the whole time I've been up here, I've never really looked at a female and thought that they were particularly appealing to me. It's just..." I let out a long sigh and flopped back onto my back "-I don't know what to think now."

I heard the creak of Thad's chair, which meant that he either shifted positions or has gotten up. My question was soon answered I felt a new weight come down onto my bed. Thad sat down next to me and put an arm to the other side of my head, bringing his muzzle down closer to mine. He whispered into my ear "I know it's confusing, I've already been through it. Let me help you do the same." He brought his muzzle down to mine and began kissing me.

My mind was reeling, at the moment I couldn't grasp what had just happened but somehow... it just felt right. Bringing my hand around his head, I brought his muzzle deeper into mine as his tongue began probing my lips, wanting entry. Opening my lips his tongue slipped into my muzzle and probing around my mouth, getting a feel for its new surroundings.

Breaking off the kiss, I looked into his eyes and said; "I want you to help me."

His paw began rubbing my chest, slowly making its way down my stomach to my underwear. Reaching underneath the waistband he grabbed hold of my now erect wolfhood and began pumping. Hooking my thumbs in my waistband, I pulled my boxers down to my knees and kicked them off. Returning my paw to the back of his head, I brought his muzzle closer to mine and started to kiss him, our tongues intertwining. I soon began to moan into the kiss and buck my hips, beckoning more.

He broke off the kiss and stopped pumping my cock, I let out a little whine but he looked down at me and smiled saying "It's going to get better." He brought both paws up to each side of my muzzle and gave me a short kiss, then started to kiss his way down my neck to my chest. His paws following his movement down my shoulders and to my sides, making me squirm in anticipation.

Finally making it to my now aching member, he grabbed the base of it and slowly began to drag his tongue up from base to tip, sending shivers up my spine. Taking in the head of my cock, his tongue began to dance and swirl around it, collecting all the pre it could. Slowly he began to engulf wolfhood, sliding down slowly and coming back up sucking harder. I began moaning and bucking my hips as his paw began to squeeze my knot and his other paw began teasing my sack.

Picking up his pace, he was now gliding quickly up and down my cock, squeezing my knot in rhythm. I gasped as I felt my sack pull closer to my body and my cock began pulsing, sending wave after wave of wolf cum down Thad's throat.

After milking all my cum from me, he crawled up my panting form and pressed his muzzle into mine. Opening my lips immediately, I found that he left some cum on his tongue and forced it into my muzzle. Breaking away from the kiss, he lay down beside me as I rolled the cum around on my tongue taking in its salty-sweet flavor; thinking to myself: This isn't so bad tasting after all.

Turning on my side to face him, I stared into his eyes saying "Thank you." Putting my arm around his shoulder I brought him closer a kissed him deeply. Now noticing that he had a huge erection, I laughed and grasped it playfully saying "Now what to do with this..."

He snickered and looked around me at the clock, it was already a quarter pass midnight and he needed to be up for an early class. "Can't, I have an eight o'clock tomorrow." Whining a little bit, I nodded my head. "There'll be other times, don't you worry about that."

Smiling at the promise of great things to come, I noticed how truly exhausted I was and fell asleep in his comforting arms.

Thanks for reading.

Much love