"Hottest New App" - Story by Kaz

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This one was an interesting tale to write. Brings us right to the precipice without ever falling over. We meet a sexually deviant male fox who yearns to live out his wildest fantasies. Lucky for him, his shady internet dealings introduce him to an app in beta testing that promises everything he desires...










As always, feel free to like/comment or drop me a watch! Also my PMs are always open, here or on any of my linked contact methods. Don't hesitate to reach out, I love chatting! Commissions are wide open also ?

"Hottest New App" - Story By Kaz

Chapter 1: Just Click It!

Standing at five foot four, Brad was a pretty average anthro fox. Nothing too remarkable about his body markings or fur color. His choice in wardrobe was usually a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. All around every-man sort of guy. His eyes were a sharp, bright color or blue which stood out nicely in contrast to the orange and white fur he sported.

Brad lived in a single-story home just outside of town. Almost like a suburb of sorts, though the houses were spaced far enough apart for ample privacy. Not that he needed much. In line with his 'average' life, Brad didn't have many visitors. He pretty much kept to himself, working as a customer service rep from the comfort of his own home.

Rousing from his afternoon nap, the fox blinked and sat up, yawning and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He often took long naps on his off days, since he really didn't have much else to do. He grumbled and flipped the covers off of himself, swinging his legs out of bed and standing, looking around his decently-sized bedroom.

Across from his rather large bed was a dresser with a wide mirror on top. A nightstand on either side of the bed and a few pictures hung on the walls. All in all, the décor was fairly simple and modern. On the other wall nearest the bedroom door was an extra-long computer desk sporting several monitors, and some pretty extensive peripherals. This was where he loved to be.

Brad spent a good deal of his time gaming and chatting with online friends since he really wasn't one for in-person interactions. He'd grown accustomed to a life most would call 'lonely'. Though when he was on his beautiful, expensive gaming rig he felt most at home. He'd been friends with some of his buddies for years through internet alone.

As he scratched his rump, he plopped down in his custom gaming chair, letting out another yawn and grunting a bit, flipping the switch to power on his massive machine. Electric hums and whirs filled the room, a series of bright LED lights coming on all over his desk. Not only had he decked out the frames of his monitors, he'd also lined the edges of the desk and set a few strips down the desk legs as well.

His screens blinked on in seconds, his PC purring as it powered up completely, opening up his last used applications. He let out a low chuckle and shook his head a bit, glancing at his group messenger and the last few chats he'd been involved in.

When it came to his online social life, the whole 'average' bit dropped entirely. Brad was a character to put it gently. His quirky online persona had gained him a sizable following of like-minded furs in the few apps he updated regularly. This chat messenger was one of those such apps.

Brad was a bit of a deviant, heavily involved in the sexual side of online communities, even diving into hardcore kink communities. A few of his favorite chats had raunchy, outrageous titles such as 'The Shitbox 3.0' or 'Hyper Muscle Hunks'. His fetishes ranged from innocuous to downright depraved, and if anything showed that, it was his selection of group chats.

If he had to be honest with himself, he was most interested in the 'Filthy Bodybuilders' chat he was a member of. This took a few of his wildest fetishes and combined them into one beautiful collaboration. There were real life images here along with plenty of art, discussion and even a few roleplays from time to time. The focus was of course huge musclebound, filth-loving anthros. There was a heavy emphasis on belching, drool and farts here as well.

Within minutes as he maneuvered his mouse to the messenger, he felt a stirring in his pants. Biting his lip, he began to read through some of the messages he'd missed while he'd napped. They were up to their usual antics, being lewd and intense with each other. Pics were getting dropped left and right, along with a few new pieces by one of his favorite artists.

He reached down and pressed firmly on his misbehaving vulpine meat, letting out a whimpering sigh of need as he felt the turgid flesh resist his pressing. Jesus, these guys had the hottest stuff! He cleared his throat and moved his hand off of his crotch, instinctively looking over his shoulder before turning back to his array of monitors.

He lived alone but the nagging feeling that someone would burst in on him and ridicule him was overwhelming. Though, a part of him really wanted that...along with his filth, fat and slob fetishes came one for humiliation. He was most turned on when he was being ousted for jerking off to weird shit like this. He'd deliberately shared his kinks with a few people he knew definitely didn't share them, just to get a reaction. A guilty pleasure...

Above all though, the thing he wanted most was something he knew wasn't really possible, or would take years to achieve. He wanted to have a body like some of these studs. A few of the anthro equines posted in this chat looked impossibly huge compared to average-sized objects. Just the thought of living his life out as an obscenely gigantic fox with a craving for the disgusting...it was a fantasy he thought about often. He'd even gone so far as to order a special weighted suit to give him an idea of what it would be like to carry around all that muscle. Sometimes he'd have incredibly intense pawing sessions wearing the suit, it was glorious.

As he finally reached the end of the stream of messages he'd missed, his eyes popped wide. What he was reading couldn't possibly be real...yet there it was in plain black and white text. The message had been sent twenty minutes prior, and already there were a few people commenting on it, asking questions and querying the authenticity of the message and the poster.

The person responsible for making the post had no profile picture, and their username was so generic it would almost be impossible to figure out who they were. Of more interest was the contents of their much-viewed message. The message claimed that there was a new mobile app in early stages of beta testing that would allow the user to temporarily experience their deepest fantasies for real. The implications of this were wild...

Those with bestiality fetishes would get rammed by feral animals, those with rape fantasies would experience that. Most importantly, if he was to take the message at face value, Brad might have a chance to experience life as a musclebound freak without having to spend years of his life training, bodybuilding and exercising. It couldn't be possible, right? How could a phone app do all of that?

It seemed that the user was giving out private invites to the beta testing program based on the intent of use. The person had welcomed users to private message them to discuss their eligibility to test the app. Brad shrugged and decided he might as well try. Was probably just some lame attempt to grab your card details or something.

His opening message of 'Hi, I was interested in testing your new app' sat in the message box for more than a few minutes, giving him time to think about exactly what it was he wanted to experience. What if the app really could do that for him? What would he do with the newfound body? Lost in his thoughts, he nearly missed the soft chime alerting him that the user had replied.

It was a sort of text wall with instructions on how to apply. He briefly scanned it, looking for areas that asked for personal information. Much to his surprise, the application was very straightforward. 'Age, Species, Proportions, Hobbies, Fetishes and of course the deepest, darkest fantasy he had.

Brad bit his lip as he typed out a paragraph of his own to respond to the application, trying to keep his answers as succinct as possible, not wanting to look too desperate. But man oh man was he desperate. It was like being offered the chance to beta test the world's first time travel machine, at least to him it was. Realistically there might not be much market value for an app that catered to sexual desires like this, but to him it was everything.

His heart was racing as he watched his message go from 'sent' to 'read'. His fingers were shaking as he saw the "...typing" notification pop up at the top of his message box with the user. It went on for a few minutes, before another large text wall popped up. Oh boy, more reading. This one was terms and conditions, and a...personal injury waiver...? He realized some people had some pretty dark fetishes. Best not to ask about that one.

After filling the rest of the information out and agreeing, the user went silent for a while. Damn. So it was too good to be true. His heart started to sink as he stood up from his PC, stretching and turning to head for the bathroom. He'd been sitting here a while and hadn't gone since his nap, and it was starting to get a bit uncomfortable.

Just as his hand touched the doorknob of his bedroom, he heard the soft 'chime' and whipped around, nearly sprinting back to the PC. There was a shorter paragraph this time, with instructions on how to install the app file, and a link. Did he dare click it? Did he really want to do this?

Chapter 2: Is It A Dud?

His heart was beating so fast he could swear it was going to burst out of his excited chest any moment now. The fox wrote down the link and flipped up his mobile phone, navigating to his web browser and typing in the link. He had to backspace and re-type a few things more than once thanks to his shaking fingers.

Once he'd successfully put in the link, he watched his phone's browser 'think' before the download window popped up. Since it wasn't an immediately recognized source, his phone was asking him to confirm the download. That gave him a moment of clarity and pause. What if this was some hacker with an ingenious way to steal into his phone and take all of his personal information? After all, he_did_ keep a lot of passwords and credit cards saved into his phone...

Deciding to throw caution to the winds, he tapped 'YES' on the prompt for download, watching his phone's download manager pop up, showing progress on a file called 'FANTASYAPP'. It was surprisingly slow, what with his intense internet speeds and all. He frowned as he put his phone down, figuring it was going to take a little while. Might as well use the bathroom and all that jazz.

He stepped out of his room into a neat, carpeted hallway with one other door just a few feet away. Closing his bedroom door quietly, he pushed into the bathroom and flipped the light on. Man, was he dreaming or was this really happening? He didn't even have to pay for the app, nor did he have to jump through any hoops to get it. He just signed a few forms, gave out his fetish information and boom. The app was his.

He flipped the faucet on in the sink as he tugged his boxers down, gripping his plump sheath tightly. His meat was still half-exposed, all the excitement getting to him. He let out a sigh as he relieved himself, shaking off before heading to the sink, splashing a bit of cold water on his face. He just had to make sure he wasn't sleeping...though this would be the most lucid he'd ever been during a dream, if it was indeed a dream.

Brad finished up in the bathroom and headed back to his room, plopping into his chair and picking up his phone. Annoyingly, the app download was at ninety-eight percent. This only seemed to happen with apps or games that he really truly wanted. The things he craved the most. Software updates? Nah, that only took a few seconds. Utility apps? Same story. The fun ones took their sweet time.

Finally, his phone let out a soft chime to alert him that his download was done. Eagerly he picked up his phone and navigated to his downloads folder, long-pressing on the pack file and using the menu to install it. Phones had a funny way of making it super annoying to install a non-verified app. Something about 'user security' blah blah blah. He knew what he was getting into with this.

As soon as he pressed 'install', his phone powered down, but began to emit a loud humming noise almost as if it were constantly vibrating. Puzzled, Brad rested his hand on the screen and yanked it back almost immediately thanks to the amount of heat coming out of his small device. Christ, it was like it was overheating!

He stared at his phone in concern wondering if this was all for naught. Again, his heart started sinking still pounding every bit of the way down. Just when he thought he was going to have to head to a phone repair company, his phone powered back on, showing the familiar series of logos preceding the home screen.

"Okay that was close. Was this a bad idea after all?" He mumbled to himself. He really wasn't sure yet. Even after all the 'paperwork' and things he had to fill out to get the app, he was still a little cautious. Sure, they hadn't asked for his credit card yet but perhaps the app was going to launch and ask for it.

He pressed the button and watched his screen light up, the app filling the screen as it pulsed through the rainbow soft, like a sort of 'breathing' effect. The screen was completely filled with each color, and there was a small logo at the bottom right showing the infinity symbol, some numbers underneath of it. Must be the app build number.

He sat up a little straighter in his seat as his screen changed, going bright green and popping up a context menu labeled "FIRST TIME SETUP: IMPORTANT". He peered over at the screen, expecting to see a prompt for personal info. Yet all he saw was a fairly innocent questionnaire about his body type and preferences. The same questions the other user had asked him in private.

He navigated his way through the app's initial setup, answering questions and tapping various buttons on the app. Finally, a sweet smell filled the room and his phone let out a chime he'd never heard before. One that definitely wasn't his ringtone. That was odd. How did the phone make the room smell better?

He shook his head and peered at the screen. There was a large text box and a flashing red question posed above it, "WHAT IS YOUR DEEPEST DESIRE...?" He swallowed hard and began to type it out, his fingers dancing over the keys in anticipation. How did this work, was there someone somewhere receiving these messages?

Moments later he was greeted with another 'chime' as his phone displayed the App's homescreen. There was a box simply labeled 'GO', another labeled 'UPDATE FANTASY', yet another labeled 'ABORT' and the final button was labeled '???'. He decided to click 'GO'. Might as well, right? He'd come this far.

His phone vibrated and there was a noisy alert as a popup showed up, warning him of what he was about to do. The warning said there was no turning back, and nothing could undo the effects of the fantasy except the 'ABORT' button.

He rolled his eyes. Really? This might just be a cheesy prank after all. They were going way too far with the warnings now. He tapped 'YES' for what felt like the millionth time before staring blankly at the screen. It had defaulted back to the home screen and yet there was nothing else happening. He didn't feel any different, and there wasn't any indication that anything was going to happen either.

Brad sighed and got up off of the computer, stretching and flipping off the monitors. Ah well, so much for that. He knew it was a dud. Probably something to waste everyone's time with, a bit of trolling at the expense of the major kinksters in that particular chat.

Tossing his phone aside, he climbed back into his bed, rubbing his eyes as he got comfortable. He really wanted to sleep again, that was probably the oddest thing he was experiencing since tapping 'GO' on the app. Hell, he'd just gotten out of bed after a long nap. There was no way he should be tired again.

If he'd bothered to read the fine print, he'd have noticed a paragraph mentioning when to expect the effects to happen. The text mentioned that sleep would activate the changes, and one should rest as soon as possible after using the app. There had also been a contact source for 'bugs, glitches and broken stuff'. He'd been tempted to write the contact on his messenger and tell them the thing didn't do anything, but eh he decided against it.

He figured he ought to rub one out before going back to sleep, yanking his boxers down and flopping his turgid meat out into the open air. He started tugging as he leaned his head back, closing his eyes and thinking about what he'd 'requested' from the app.

He'd requested to become the biggest bodybuilt anthro in the group chat, along with a desire for incontinence and bad gas from both ends. Basically, he'd wished for everything that turned him on all rolled into one. He had no idea what he was actually going to do if something happened while he slept. He wasn't prepared for it to be real, not now.

As his eyelids fluttered and his toes curled he found himself climaxing hard, his fingers gripped behind his knot and tugging almost painfully as he howled out, splattering hot cum across the bed, a good portion of it landing on his legs and balls. Just how he liked it...

Completely spent and oddly exhausted, he flopped back onto his pillow and didn't even pull his boxers up. He didn't see a real reason to, honestly. Sleep began to overtake him. His last thoughts as his world went dark were something along the lines of 'this had better work'.

And so he slept, staying fast asleep for multiple hours, the sun racing down the sky and setting, darkness flooding his house. As he slept, the changes had begun to take effect. He was going to wake up as a very different fox in the morning, that was for sure. The stickiness of dried cum on his balls and inner thighs only got wetter as sweat began to build up, his creaking bed struggling to support the weight of his body as he continued to grow, and grow and grow.

It wouldn't be the physical sensations that woke him. What it would be was the stench of fresh feces and a sulfur-laden fart that would wake him. Especially since he was alone and power of the gas was enough to raise concern in that sense. It was like someone else did it....