RSH- Trek

Story by SGTRedfield on SoFurry

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#4 of RSH

**SEXUAL CONTENT WARNING** Do not read if it is illegal in your area or you are underage. **This story contains scenes of consensual sexual interaction between Utahraptors and humans. I am not responsible for any damage or international incidents as a result of this story, to include mental and physical. Keep track of your own children parents. I Copyright the RSH, soldiers and characters affiliated with the RSH and Spetsnaz, The NSO, and any (fictional) references and policies by all involved parties. Any similarities of actual persons, places, or events are purely coincidental. Enjoy, and thanks for reading!! Any comments are greatly appreciated. Meryl stirred awake gently, looking to the digital timekeeper attached to her wrist and realizing four hours had passed since the events of the evening before. Aud was already awake from what she could tell, as his scent was placed about ten meters away on the other side of a pile of rocks. Meryl could still feel him inside of her, and his scent still seemed to intoxicate her as she rose from the forest floor. The whole happening had been a new experience for her, and Meryl had to say that she loved it. The way her body felt had not changed, but it had indeed been temporarily satiated by the encounter.... She knew she wanted more. The female allowed herself to bask in her thoughts for a brief moment before the ever present bangs and rumbles in the distance brought her back to reality. This war was not a dream. "Good morning Meryl, I trust that you slept well?" Richter said as he approached her with rifle at the ready, trying not to get relaxed within the limited expanded perimeter that the pack had set up. To grow complacent was to make the team an easy target for the Russians, and none of the members wanted to be responsible for that. "Better than you know." She answered back, giving herself a smirk as the fantastic scene replayed in her head, having an adverse effect on her body in ways that were not unpleasant. Much better than usual.... "Jay is on the radio with command getting our updated orders. Apparently, the recovery of Colonel Scott changed a few things as far as our mission goes. Instead of an extraction, it sounds like we're going to stir up some trouble." Richter passed on to her, drawing her thoughts away from Aud and back to the business at hand. She could not afford to let those very thoughts endanger the pack, much less the lives of Aud and Jay. Meryl found herself pushing them to the rear of her mind for the time being, much to her dismay. The Raptoress hoped that Aud could do the same. "Any news on the target?" Meryl asked him softly, looking towards the rock pile as Jay ducked around it, holding his rifle in one hand and stowing the radio headset with the other. Colonel Scott was not far behind, face unwavering and blank. The Sergeant approached Meryl and Richter, stopping short and smiling towards her. It had been a long night without her by his side. "Welcome back to the world of the living, oh tired one. While you were living in the lap of luxury in the finest accommodations that Europe has to offer, command gave those of us with some sort of awareness a new set of orders." Jay stabbed, getting a stiff snort of disapproval from Meryl and a hushed laugh from Richter. Meryl knew not to take it personally; after all, it was Jay that let her sleep in. After taking her shift the night before, she also didn't overlook the fact that he had let her sleep through his as well... "The Army has been massing for a counterattack over the course of the past two days, and they have finally decided they are ready to engage the Russians using some of our usually reserve armored. Now, before all of this can happen, we need to take care of a few small issues." Redfield started, watching the various expressions of the pack as they analyzed the words as soon as they left his mouth. "A few small issues?" Richter questioned in his accent-laden English, holding the secure channel open for Learn and Jericho to listen in. "Indeed. The armored division that passed through here last night has set up a Refuel and Rearm point in a village about five kilometers north of here. We have to go in and get their fuel and ammunition haulers before they have a chance to set up a working supply base. We must leave all of the heavy fighting to the Armor, but we will definitely cripple them to the point of death with those tenders out of the way." "Sounds like a pretty standard operation, but definitely has the potential to blow up in our faces if we aren't careful. A Russian armored division may take a long time to stir, but once awakened, can cause all sorts of hell." Colonel Scott added in, speaking with mute finality. "Execution?" Jay looked at his watch, noting the time as 1039, consulted his map. "We move in at 2130 on the dot. Any Russian soldiers are to be eliminated on sight; however, special precautions should be taken in hiding the bodies until we can bug the tenders with charges. The trio will be in charge of eliminating any roving Russian patrols, which there are sure to be. Richter, Learn, and myself will begin overwatch of the target village. In the meantime, Meryl is in charge of the hunting operation." Jay briefed, looking at each one of the members of his team. "Are there any civilians present?" Aud wondered aloud, staring at Colonel Scott and Jay, awaiting a reply. He was still thinking of Meryl, unable to shake the previous night's events out of his head. Unfortunately his focus was not where it should have been. They had a major operation approaching, after all. How good she felt... "Most of the civilians have disappeared, probably heading out of the combat zone. Though, there may still be some in the surrounding area, so I need you Utahraptors to be on high alert for scents." Jay answered him, looking towards Colonel Scott, who nodded his head in agreement. Not much had been said from the Colonel since the Tunguska outpost raid, but from Meryl's point of view, he didn't really have anything to add. They were still in enemy territory, still low on supplies, and about to take on an entire armored division's worth of Russian soldiers. "I have a feeling this is going to suck." Learn's reply came profoundly over the radio, definitely not liking the odds. "That's a pretty accurate dissemination Learn." Richter laughed, looking to Jay as the gathering began to reach its end. "Ok, dinosaurs and otherwise, be advised, movement for the AO will begin in ten minutes." Jay announced, preparing for the last stretch of an 18+ kilometer overland march. Aud turned away from the plotting session and moved away, taking up his security position. He still couldn't shake Meryl out of his head, and a quick glance at her further solidified the thoughts that were streaming through the very form of his being. "Aud, Richter." Came a call over the shortwave radio, the voice distinctly Richter. Silence answered him. Long seconds passed over the radio... "Aud, Richter." Richter repeated, voice nearing the level that only an NCO can reach if he is being ignored. Aud snapped out of his daydream and hit his PTT pad, mentally cursing himself for drifting away. A tank could've driven by and he wouldn't have noticed. "Richter, Aud. I'm getting some interference on my end. I hear you, over." He lied, using the frequent communications problems to cover his mistake. It wouldn't happen again, that he was certain. "Roger Aud. You'll be with Meryl on this one." Richter advised, acknowledging Aud's fraudulent response, however, something was off in the tone of his voice, as if he knew all along. Aud didn't mention anything, but he knew that Richter had caught his mistake. "Thank you Richter." "Roger Charlie two-three. Make sure you get those commo issues straightened up. Out." Richter finished and abandoned the net, leaving Aud in silence. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Driver stop!" Commander Feyedov shouted into the headset mic of his helmet, grabbing the forward-opening hatch to stabilize himself as the T-72 lurched to a squeaking halt. He reached down into the turret and produced a map, cursing as the coordinates yet again led him to somewhere other than the desired point. Obviously, the Headquarters company liaison didn't know how to read a map, yet alone give an appropriate location reading. "Nikenov, what is our fuel status?" Feyedov asked the crewman, imagining him tapping on the glass gauge with his finger in an attempt to get an accurate reading. "The gauges cumulative reading is that we are somewhere around one-half, including the reserve drums. If command ever decides to send us to the proper location, we should have enough to get there." "Indeed comrade Nikenov, that is the idea." The tank commander answered, placing the map once more within the turret. He looked around, trying to hide his fear from the two others on his crew. The fact that they were alone didn't make the situation very pleasing from any point of view, and this was especially clear to a tanker. The American helicopters were always a threat, hunting in pairs of three or more and flying low and fast to avoid detection. One of those machines could hit Feyedov's tank from miles away, and he wouldn't even see his death coming. Such were the risks of being a Russian tank crewman... "I think I have it now Nikenov, get us back to the dirt path and head north from there. That should put us in the general area, and we will see if we can't get another set of coordinates. Go ahead and move out when you are ready." Feyedov would get them there regardless of incompetent headquarters people, and from there they would join in the upcoming battle. ++++++++++++++++++++++ "Shit, they're here all right." Jay said as he peeked out from underneath the tarp of their stolen Ural and out into the night, his ANPVS 14 taking in the light from the moon and providing a clear picture. The tanks were all sitting still, occupying the fields surrounding the village as a slow, rolling wave of death. And a rolling wave of death it was, as the pack now knew after seeing the ditches full of dead civilians shortly after recovering the truck from a group of Russians that would no longer need it. And now, with it they were about to pay the Russian Army back for all of their misdeeds. "What are they doing?" Asked Learn, busy trying her hardest to stay limber when packed in with three Utahraptors. She wondered how the guards overlooked the suspension sagging on the supposedly empty truck. Of course, the vehicle had come loaded with explosives, so it was the last mistake that they and their brethren would ever make. Those explosives were now waiting on the side of a Russian tank trail, two lengths of wire waiting to destroy any unfortunate vehicle that wandered along. Its position had been radioed to higher headquarters. "Performing maintenance it looks like, the tenders are still staging off at the back corner of the village. They will probably be starting here pretty soon, so we have to move fast." Jay answered, studying the layout of the village as well. From what he could tell, it was dark, and there didn't seem to be any sentries present. Maybe they didn't want to feel guilty for the atrocities that had been committed by overtaking the homes of their prey. Jay almost felt like the Russians in their armored monsters had hearts. The thought was quickly dismissed as impossible. "You ready in there?" A voice that they recognized to be Scott's, the driver of the truck in which they rode and the only one of them to have a flawless Russian accent. After hearing the acknowledgements of the five beings, he unhinged the tailgate and stood aside as the rest of the pack dismounted. They immediately composed themselves and stood, waiting for the orders to go. Jay looked them over, satisfied that they were finally ready. After they were all unloaded, Scott turned and shook Jay's gloved hand, saying a similar goodbye to each member of the pack in turn, including the Utahraptors. "Are you sure you don't want to stay and watch the fun?" Jay spoke softly to the colonel, whom only laughed under his breath and shook his head. "I can't Sergeant, but believe me, I wish I could. I will make sure to get you out of here as soon as possible. Just make sure you keep your communications open until then." He whispered in response, giving Jay a solid hit in the armor before walking to the front of the vehicle and climbing back into the cab. Jay hoped that the noise from the armored division was enough to shield his departure. He was right, as nothing stirred when the truck pulled away. "Okay, keep it low and slow to the village. Get in there and get those buildings clear. Watch for snipers." He spoke, ensuring that there was a round in his M4's chamber and that the weapon was on safe. He turned his head to Meryl as the pack established their slow-move-search formation. The Raptoress caught his gaze and looked back at him, giving her version of a smile. It always tickled him when she did that, as if her better personality side was letting itself be known. He smiled back, breaking their visual embrace and stepping quietly as the pack advanced towards the village. The moon shone brightly, bringing into Jay's mint the possibility of it silhouetting them as they moved onwards. To deal with this, they skirted the field in a particularly low lying area that ran right up to the southwest side of the village. It took the pack no more than fifteen minutes to stack up next to the furthest building, verifying with their night vision and powerful nose that no Russians were present. "Jericho, I need you for this one. I am going to move across the street and take up a covering position. You are going to make entry to this first building and make sure it's clear. Wait for my signal." Redfield spoke quickly and in a hushed manner, getting Jericho's affirmative a second later. He got down, assuming a low crouch and moving fast across the village's single cobblestone street. Nothing chased him, nor did any sounds come back to the open ears of the Utahraptors as they kept their heightened sense on full alert. "Ok Jericho, move on up." He said softly, watching through his viewer for any movement as the male Utahraptor moved alongside the building, ducking clear of the window and stopping briefly in front of the door. He muscled it open with lightning fast speed and disappeared inside. Everything remained silent, and no sounds emitted from the structure's interior. "All clear here." He stated, no more than fifteen seconds later. The process went on, with each member of the pack fanning out and searching the south side houses. Nothing could be found of the Russians except for the signs of the struggles involved with the removal of the village's inhabitants. Jay came around the last corner, eyeing the subdued red lighting emitting from the cabs of almost all of the Russian trucks, casting an eerie glow into the night. From where they stood, the Russians were no more than twenty-five meters from the rest of the pack, an easy distance to cover. "Ok, let's do it already." Jay called as he reached into his dump pouch and checked the remainder of the C4 and blasting caps. They should have enough..... It took the pack a matter of seconds to split in their separate directions, each going after a separate set of trucks. Learn and Jericho after maintenance, Aud and Richter after ammunition, and Meryl and Jay after the fuel. Jay checked his suppressor and made sure it was tightly secured on the end of the M4, then checked the color coding on the bottom of the magazine for green, which meant he was utilizing the last of his Subsonic ammunition. This was evident when the first Russian sentry came into view around the front of the first Ural, carrying his AKS and smoking a cigarette. Jay ran quietly towards him with Meryl at his side, raising the M4 just as the Russian looked up at him. The man opened his mouth as if to yell, and was met by a round zipping right through his skull, spraying the side of the Ural in dark-colored gore. Meryl reacted almost as fast, leaping up onto the hood of the truck and then onto the man's partner, whom Jay had not noticed at first. She broke his back with her immense weight, but finishing the job quickly with her killing claw. Another soldier sat up in the cab, no doubt hearing the bang on the hood, and was met by yet another well-aimed close range rifle round. Jay bent down next to the truck and reached between the gap with a brick of plastic explosive, inserting a firing cap into the small brick. With a quick tap, he stuck it under the large, several thousand gallon fuel tank. He ran a small length of string out from the advanced blasting cap and let it hang loosely "One down, fourteen more to go." He called over to Meryl, who had just cleared out the second group of trucks. She looked back at him with her sparkling predator eyes, claws stained dark in the crimson light. And with a nod of her head, she was gone as quickly as she appeared. Jay set the rest of his charges without incident. Five minutes later...... As he squashed the last bit of C4, he strung the blasting cap cord out and glanced over in Meryl's direction, watching as she scrutinized the body of her thirteenth kill of the evening. The Raptoress looked over her prey closely, gathering in every detail. Jay noticed that her movements were not typical, but rather the instinct-driven predatory ones that were hardwired into her psyche. The female's deadly abilities had been proven once more, no doubt. She turned towards him and tilted her head to the side, questioning him silently, red staining her muzzle from the close combat in the ghastly red light from the tuck cabs. He grimaced, motioning her off at once as he prepared to pull his first detonator cord. She got the message, moving out of the truck park, heading east to their rally point on a hill overlooking the village. Meryl waited at the bottom and watched Jay as he made visual contact with Learn. She gave him thumbs up and reached for her blasting cap's firing pin. Two clicks came over the radio, indicating with their silent code that Richter was ready to arm his charges. Redfield could see Jericho and Aud moving towards Meryl, out of the line of the explosions. Jay pressed his PTT button three times in short succession, pulling his blasting cap arming cord on the third click. He heard the distinctive metal slide release, arming the explosive. He automatically started running between the trucks, pulling the detonator cords without stopping for more than two seconds, arming his series of explosives. He moved even faster as the remaining trucks and leaping over the disemboweled remains of the dead Russian sentries that Meryl had caught off guard. She had done it in a sickening amount of time, picking off the Russian sentry pairs in less than four minutes. And, the results of her handiwork were definitely evident. The Russians hadn't even a clue what hit them. He pulled the last cord and turned, bringing the M4 back into his gloved grip and grabbing the PTT button on his radio, calling over to Richter and Learn. "Jay out." "Richter out." "Learn out, Objective clear." Learn called, taking off for the hill in an all out run, not looking back at the death they had just left behind. Redfield caught up with her, running side by side and watching as Richter brought up the rear. Jay looked over to her, watching as her stark facial features appeared in short bursts through the moonlight, breathing heavily as the three armored guardians moved towards the top of the hill. Off to their right, the three Utahraptors fanned out and moved for the top with a breakneck speed. Just as he sighed with relief at a clean getaway, Jay saw movement off to his right. Even in the darkness, catching the abrupt jerk in the moonlight didn't require Meryl's heightened senses. He was about to open his mouth in warning when Meryl's voice slammed him over the airwaves. "Down!" She yelled, making her eight foot plus frame disappear in the tall grass as Jay, Meryl, and Richter ducked low, but continued to move forward. This move struck Jay as a mistake as soon as he saw a camera flashbulb go off on the edge of the wood line. Except, this was no camera, a fact that was confirmed to Redfield as a green tracer zipped narrowly over his head. Automatically, he brought up his rifle, firing into the muzzle flash as the forest erupted in a blaze of automatic weapons fire. He heard the distinctive sound of AK-74s as they rattled through thirty round magazines, searching for the operatives that had just sabotaged their equipment. "Ambush!" He yelled out, bringing his rifle online. Fire answered back from the RSH team, and Jay automatically saw several Russians go down, two by his own hand as the M4's muzzle swept from target to target. The rifle's recoil absorbed into his shoulder as he squeezed off three more rounds into an enemy that felt it a good time to change positions. He jumped right in fright as a line of gunfire traced its way about an inch from his right boot. Another round snagged the shoulder of Jay's IBA, leaving his left ear ringing and earning its source a few extra rounds. Jordan fired her M16 on three round burst, nailing a Russian as he popped out from behind a tree with his rifle raised. The man screamed and went down, blood staining the stump that had been his position. Jay saw a Russian out of the corner of his eye with a rifle aimed directly at him, no doubt with a shot already lined up. A blur whizzed past him as Meryl joined the fray, roaring with anger as a rifle round discharged into her frontal armor plate. She leapt high into the air and tackled the Russian just as he managed to move his fire selector into automatic, sending a spray of bullets into the forest, and past Richter's head as he aligned a shot with the SSG. The close passing didn't even faze the German, whose rifle discharged with a sharp crack a second later, turning an enemy Soldier's head into a well-perforated target. Two Russians were directly behind the other one, manning a PKM machine gun and trying to get a fix on Jericho and Aud with short bursts as they zigzagged between one another, advancing towards the first stand of tall trees. Meryl bee lined them, leaping into the air the same second as Aud. The two seemed to make eye contact, almost as if it were in slow motion, as they passed, landing amongst the two and doing their deadly work. The PKM fell silent, with its users now lying dead. A wounded Russian soldier to their front fumbled with his AK, bringing it up in sort of a hip-firing position and sprayed towards Aud and Meryl. Aud bellowed in pain as a round struck his thick Kevlar, but got to cover behind a mound as the rounds kept on coming. The guardians were out of his line of sight, and therefore could not get a shot. Jericho coiled his leg muscles and propelled his nearly half-ton weight into the air, catching a particularly thick tree in his claws and slingshotting around it, coming down on the incapacitated Russian with all of his weight. The impact had no doubt broken the man's spine, and it only took one flick of Jericho's killing claw to end his life. "Security out!" Jay yelled as he ran to the edge of the woods and glared back towards the tanks. They were in frenzy, moving out and trying to assume some kind of full-alert formation. Something struck Jay as not right, especially since a surprise attack would cause mass chaos among an armored division. Their chaos was too organized.... "Everybody move now!" He yelled, turning back into the woods as a flash of lightning and a thunderclap came from the tanks, followed shortly by the distinct crump! sound of a HEAT round detonating nearby. The blast nearly knocked Jay off of his feet, causing him to stumble as wood splinters and pieces of rock and earth rained down on him as the shell tore up the landscape. They had to get over the hill now, before the tanks had a chance to saturate the area. He expected a shell to his left, if the Russians followed their standard train of thought. Shortly after he finished processing that thought, another flash lit the sky and a HEAT round detonated on his left side. He kept his legs pumping, trying desperately to crest the hill and get out of the line of fire from the tanks. "Almost there!" He shouted, watching as his pack crested the hill in a sort of echelon. As soon as he was over, he froze. Laid out in front of them, for hundreds of yards, lay the camouflaged hulks of Armored Personnel Carriers. The infantry that accompanied them were no doubt loaded inside of the vehicles. "Oh shit!" Learn exclaimed as the entire pack turned away from the depression and headed back for the woods. A low throbbing roar was heard behind them as the APCs started their noisy diesel engines in tandem, preparing to maneuver. The pack just kept running as the first of the Armored Personnel Carriers moved off towards the open stretch of highway immediately in front of them. "Jay, I don't think this is going to be our offensive for very much longer." Learn pointed out just as the timers on the C4 expired. A thunderous boom shook the ground as fuel and ammunition was consumed in the explosion, and a fireball lit the woods nearly 800 meters away to a near-daytime level. "Well, then I guess that means our job is not over yet." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ***German National News Services wire report*** 1130 Berlin, * * *

FX45PNNG Brandenburg, FRG--Russian Ground Forces launched a surprise attack against the forces of NATO this morning, taking the mainly-US supported coalition by surprise. The attack, consisting of three elite Russian Guards armored divisions and supported by thousands of motor-rifle infantry personnel, drove dangerously towards Berlin before being halted by the heroic efforts of armored and rotary-air units of the combined German-American defense. Now, a pitched battle rages over what appears to be a crossroads junction that holds the key to Northern Germany. The crossroads, connecting the Autobahn to several other major German highways, is a key tactical objective for Russian forces operating in the vicinity. Rumors indicate that US Army Special Forces had hit several 'targets of opportunity' as quoted by senior ranking officials in SOCOM, and could possibly include fuel and ammunition stores. Reports are coming in from reporters imbedded with US Soldiers that hostile forces and friendly forces are intermixed throughout the area, making fire support a nonviable option for fear of so called 'blue on blue' casualties. As reported at the beginning of the conflict, the Air Forces of both sides have been decimated by a mixture of special raiding units and some until now unseen anti-aircraft equipment. Air superiority is out of the question. Talks have ceased between the two sides, adding yet another speed bump in the road towards peace in Germany. "All we can expect now is to buckle down and prepare for a long struggle." CinC-EUR was quoted as saying as he rushed to his headquarters in Berlin under an intense barrage of low-flying short-range aircraft bombings that have been plaguing the capital since the beginning of the ground campaign. As for the US's allies in Europe, all have unanimously declared the EU neutral amid promises by the New Soviet government for lasting peace and sovereignty. As for the Soviet Naval blockade of the European continent, they have effectively closed the Atlantic to all American shipping. For the time being, the Navy will have their battles, while the brave men and women of the German and American armed forces will have to do their best to hold off the New Soviet onslaught. The only question now, is which party has more blood to bleed? ****End GNNS wire report FLXRIN**** +++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Move in on him Petya! Don't let them get that call out!" Revedov yelled over the hail of bullets that flew like angry hornets and perforated the buildings around them. The fire originated from the train station's bridge, where two American uparmored HMMVWs sat with an interlaced field of fire down the town's main street. Fire poured from their pintle-mounted M240 machine guns and kept the Spetsnaz covered as they advanced forward. "Yes Comrade Colonel!" The young soldier acknowledged, switching magazines in his AK-74M and making sure the selector was set to fully-automatic. He broke from the covered position as both M240s traced a line towards his commander's position. Rounds zipped from his rifle's muzzle, pock marking the windshield on the all-terrain vehicles with slivering cracks. A round caught the left side gunner in the head, and he dropped down into the vehicle. That left the one on the right. The gunner, enraged by the death of his partner, strafed fire across Petya's position, causing the Russian to dive through a large shop window in an effort to get away. In doing so, he came face to face with a startled German civilian, who promptly attacked him with a pot of hot coffee. The scalding liquid missed the young Spetsnaz by mere inches, only to be quickly followed up by three quick strikes with a length of medium-gauge rubber hose. Petya let loose a flurry of cuss words as he brought his arms up to shield his face, grabbing for the nearest object with which to retaliate. There was nothing, so he instead charged the civilian, who got in one more solid whack with the hose before being grabbed and thrown over Petya's head. The German landed hard, but seemed barely phased as he rose to his feet. Petya grabbed a cash register, ripping it from its mounting and propelling it at the German at a high rate of speed. The heavy machine crashed the man square in the chest, knocking the wind out of him and finally putting him down. Petya followed up with a good-measure butt stroke to ensure that the enraged civilian was indeed staying down. He reappeared in the window seconds later with a wave to his colonel. A sharp crack was heard, followed by the second M240 falling silent, marking a temporary safe passage to the Spetsnaz troops, who quickly took the opportunity to stack up alongside the weathered red bricks of the stationhouse. Revedov was the third man back, giving the go sign to the already moving Spetsnaz as they hit the door at full speed, knocking it open and barreling through the terminal. No people stood in their way, as the only civilian personnel were cowered in the far corner, covering their heads in their hands and pleading for mercy. The Spetsnaz quickly went to work, utilizing American-style zipband cuffs to restrain the potentially unruly mob. Akhmadulina headed up the demolitions group, moving her team off in the opposite direction from the prisoners. The team's targets were the switching hubs, rail lines, and ultimately, a bridge capable of moving heavy machinery directly to the intermixed front lines. This key structure was the only one for miles, and to destroy it would mean a lengthy detour for any American forces trying to break through to their cutoff comrades. The woman took point, sweeping behind every corner as they moved, using her collapsible stock AK74 to ensure that no hostiles remained. Determining the stationhouse as clear, she pushed through another door and into the control room, seeing the various rail lines through its big bay windows. The controls were located here, and her team went right to work, rigging the several-hundred thousand dollar machinery with the most conventional of explosives. Colonel Revedov came from behind, popping his head in as hostile rifle rounds tore through the large paned glass to their direct front. The American forces were moving in on them, no doubt to liberate the structure from Russian hands. Revedov motioned to Beck, watching as the soldier moved into position near a blown out pane. The sharpshooter brought his SVD online, lining up the triangle rangefinder reticule with the closest American soldier as he advanced through the withering fire. A well placed round sent the soldier down, causing the others to disappear behind the various low walls and pieces of machinery that were strewn throughout the train yard hub. "That should keep them busy! Quick, we must evacuate the building; let them have the burnt rubble!" Revedov shouted and turned tail, not before pausing to look out the window at several Spetsnaz rigging the track junction and metal-framed bridge with explosives. They worked quickly and carefully, complete reflections of the elite soldiers they were as the Plastique compound found its way through to the most compromising points in the structure. Even if it didn't fall, it wouldn't be able to support the weight of even a light scout car. "Job is done, Comrade Colonel." He heard Aitmatov call over his radio, already pulling back across the bridge to the HMMWV blockade. Akhmadulina pulled the last of the delay timers from her team's explosive charges and joined the Colonel as they pulled out of the station. The prisoners were already gone, noted Revedov as he stormed through the area that they had been occupying only a minute before. Fire began to intensify on the stationhouse as the Americans brought over even more reinforcements through the northwest end of the train yard, driving the remaining Spetsnaz forward with even more purpose. Glass rained down from above as the team exited onto the street, boarding the HMMWVs after quickly removing the lifeless forms of the brave American gunners. It was a tight fit, and Revedov quickly started the engine, hearing the rumbling diesel engine roar to life. The other uparmored HMMWV answered in kind, and Revedov was quick to put the hijacked vehicle in gear and reverse across the explosive-laden bridge. The second vehicle followed shortly thereafter, and Revedov swung the rear end down an adjacent street, turning the vehicle around. He threw the gear selector into drive and pressed on the gas, feeling the torque of the diesel as its hydrodynamic transmission cycled through the gears. "Keep it going, Comrade Colonel! The Americans are right on top of us!" Sergeant Barkov yelled as he let loose with the M240, spraying fire at the various American positions that flashed by the speeding vehicle. The speedometer crossed fifty on the narrow German streets, leaving no room for error on Revedov's part, for the sake of his entire team, both in his vehicle and his chase. The Americans began to shoot back, as was evident as a spider crack suddenly appeared on Revedov's windshield, indicating that a bullet had just ricocheted off. The muffled thump of the M240 could be heard over the diesel roar as Revedov watched the chaos flash by. The end of the village was near, and the closer they would be to the 124th Motor Rife Division push on an electrical substation. There, they would take up the route to the next target of opportunity. "Colonel, Capitalist tanks! They are positioned by the village entrance! We need to break through in order to escape!" Yelled Barkov, relaying what he saw to his Colonel, whose own vision quickly confirmed three M1A2 Abrams sitting on either side of the entrance. As Revedov approached, the engine overspeed buzzer on his control panel whined, the speedometer bouncing at 60. The tanks paid him no mind, after all, they were American vehicles. One of the A2 gunners was indeed paying attention however, alert to the gunfire racking the normally peaceful village. As the bridge further into town went up in a shower of stone rubble, a line of coaxial fire traced just a little too slow behind the two pirated HMMWVs. "All Clear, Comrade Colonel." Barkov called down, not bothering to hide a sigh of relief. "Understood Sergeant. Keep that weapon on the lookout for enemies!" Revedov called up, sinking into silence as they zipped through the wartorn German countryside. Above them, the skies took on a foreboding darkness, and thunder began to roll over the land in a crescendo of giant proportions. Though, not all of this thunder was natural..... +++++++++++++++ "Shit!" Jay exclaimed as he froze in mid trail, looking a Russian soldier dead in the eyes as they both crested the trail bend at the same time. Both men shared surprise as they locked gazes, but fortunately for the Russian, Jay was faster. The M4's stock slid into place on his shoulder and the man's image came up through the sights. Jay squeezed the trigger, hearing the sharp report echo through the dense woods on either side and watched as the round tore through the Russian's chest. Redfield dove off the trail just as the soldiers that had been tailing their point man joined the party with a hammer of gunfire. Learn came to his side, sending accurate single shots down range with her A2. One Russian caught one of her rounds in the gut and went down, letting up a piercing cry as Jay flipped the M4 around a fallen log. In his prone position, Jay drew a bead on a knot of Russians that had taken cover behind a fallen tree, and upon switching his selector to burst, sent them to the ground in a hail of bullets. Jay dropped the magazine and drove a fresh one home, kicking the bolt release with the flat of his left hand. He looked to where Meryl had been, and saw that she was already on her way around. No doubt there would be Russians there as well, but he knew that the female could definitely handle herself against them. A similar presence to his right betrayed the fast moving presence of Aud and Jericho, both of whom were busy intercepting a likewise clever group of Russian infantry. "Meryl, give me a click if you are okay." He called, looking over in her direction as he fired several more rounds at a Russian that dared expose himself. The smell of cordite wafted back into his nostrils as the rifle barked twice in his grip, but his radio remained silent. Not four seconds later, Meryl's deep, throaty roar shook the woods around him, followed shortly thereafter with the horrid screams of a human in death's embrace. A flurry of gunfire erupted off in her direction, only to be silenced by her ready claws. A click sounded over Jay's radio a half-second later. "Roger!" He responded, using his free hand to push himself to his feet, advancing forwards towards the Russians as Richter and Learn did the same. Richter had his SSG in hand, and was using it like a pile driver to hammer any bit of the remaining Russian troops as he advanced with Jay. Two soldiers fell to his rifle, and a third was shot through the chest, only to be finished with a subsequent shot from Learn. Jericho burst forth from the trees on the right hand side of the trail, causing the last remaining Russian to turn and run. Jay could see the backpack radio set on his back, and wasted no time pitting the trio to take him down. As if anticipating his request, Aud flashed from further up ahead, flinging his tail and catching the Russian in the head. The man's neck snapped instantly, and the momentum from the blow caused the man's face to be nothing more than a bloody pulp. "Security!" Jay yelled as he ran to the soldier's body, throwing his M4 onto its sling and wrenching the backpack radio from the dead infantryman's back. He ran back to the Russian's covered position and didn't look twice at the men he had killed there, focusing instead on the chatter of the Russian's frequency as it broadcast unencrypted tactical data. "Richter, get this thing on and see if you can't give me anything important before their next frequency hop." "Will do." Richter answered, taking the backpack from Jay and swinging it over his shoulders. He grasped the headset and listened as Jay gave the signal to move out. Learn ran up beside him, tossing a worn leather case that looked to belong to the platoon leader. The bag contained the man's map, and as Jay looked at it, a little information on Russian force deployment in his immediate area. Good knowledge to have indeed. "Pirate, this is Guardian two-two. Come in, over." Jay brought his second radio online, trying to raise RSHCOM over the airwaves as dozens of other calls came in over the net. Jay could hear at least six pitched battles in which RSH troops were currently taking a key role in. To his dismay, one pack in particular, Charlie nine-six, let a scream of agony go out over the command channel before dropping out of contact. Frantic hailing attempts filled the time between Jay's call and the authorization process, but he was on the air shortly. "Guardian two-two, this is Pirate. Account for all personnel and update, over. "Roger pirate, two-two-green. Made contact with two Russian patrols, both eliminated, main target destroyed after infiltration and sabotage, and evidence of war crimes discovered outside target village, over." "Roger Guardian two-two. We have you on GPS en route to Objective Ripper, advise make it there with all available haste. Russian forces securing highway bridge link for an armored push up Route eleven. New orders are to reach Objective Ripper overwatch by 2300 hours and set up an OP. Prepare for orders at 0100 hours regarding this objective. At present time, Russian armor delayed at phase line blue by 1st ID, Over." "Roger Pirate, Guardian two-two copies, out." Jay lowered the volume on his set to a barely audible level, knowing full well the orders he now had. "We need to get moving back towards Route eleven, command wants us in place by 2300. Apparently, we are supposed to keep tabs on that damn junction." He also noted a road about 300 meters northeast on his map. That is where they would start.... ++++++++++++++++++ Aud maneuvered even more slowly than before, coming upon the overwatch point very carefully. Aud's tracking senses were more acutely tuned by experience than his two cohorts, and even then, they revealed nothing as of yet. The male was familiar with this area, having trained in the surroundings as part of his final training. It was not far from here that his human counterparts had insisted on the German Army's ceremonial oath, and not far from here that Aud had secured his place by reciting said oath. "Ich schwöre, der Bundesrepublik Deutschland treu zu dienen, und das Recht und die Freiheit des deutschen Volkes tapfer zu verteidigen." He repeated the words quietly, scanning a highway interchange with his predator vision. It didn't seem like long ago that he had been in the company of German soldiers on this very road. Transitions at the time between Calw and here had been frequent, but the KSK indeed had driven their principles deep within his mind. "Two-two, Aud's in position, clear for you to move, over." Aud called over the pack net, getting the affirmative soon after. "Aud, be careful over there. Don't get killed." Meryl's pleasant voice caused him to smile, dropping everything else from his head and bringing about a rare Utahraptor smile. Aud's feelings ran deeper than he had initially realized, and with them came a huge desire to be with Meryl. Her very presence left him feeling comforted and at peace, and this was something that he was definitely searching for. Ever since he first stood out under the stars in the black forest with Richter as they completed their Combat Survival Course. The 90 hour long run was unlike anything the Utahraptor had ever experienced while in the care of the Germans or Americans alike. They reminded him of just how truly alone the two of them were. But now, he had the chance to change all that in the form of Meryl. He could still remember how good it felt when she wrapped herself around him, begging for it as well as providing.... Aud was kicked out of his daydream by a crash through the underbrush, scaring him as well as surprising him. The male turned to meet this threat, ready to pounce and end the life of any who dared endanger his. As he made eye contact with the threat, he was filled with sudden rage. A deer had broken his solitude, and he hadn't even sensed it coming..... He let out several quiet human curses as he stopped himself from slashing the animal to pieces out of frustration, knowing full well what would happen if the Russian sentries were watching.... Richter arrived about three minutes later, moving low and slow. Aud immediately recognized his scent, though his vision had already confirmed the Flecktarn camouflage uniform and sword emblem of the KSK present on his human's uniform. Richter nodded to Aud, moving in against a fallen log and drawing his scope over the checkpoint and hardened defenses emplaced at the interchange. Several squat toll-collector style buildings and concrete dividers commanded most of the junction, but this had been further reinforced by two T-90 tanks and a Shilka that sat in strategic sandbag emplacements as well as concrete barriers moved into more suitable locations. Richter knew this was going to be quite a desperate fight indeed. His watch read 2130. The German then took his dark brown eyes away from the scope and keyed up Redfield on the pack net. "Two-two, this is Richter. Camped." ++++++++++++++++ Jericho perched himself on a small dirt mound overlooking the village with deliberate slowness, not wanting to risk setting off Russian sentries to any sudden movement if they were indeed watching. The village itself was quiet, typical German styling was evident for the region, and this town appeared to be heavily into tradition. However, the once beautiful woodwork and styling had been gutted by flame, and the unmistakable craters of intense artillery bombardment were ever present. From what Learn could surmise, the Russians had used loads of incendiary munitions at the start of the invasion and they had most definitely fired them without care. The fields surrounding the village stretched for almost three hundred meters in every direction, making an evident stopping point for the armored divisions that were no doubt set for Berlin. Route eleven ran directly to the left of the village, the center of a deep depression on the east side and Jericho's primary surveillance target. If anything was coming, he would definitely know about it, and soon after, Jay would as well. The highway could be seen for miles, and if anything was coming, Jeri would have no problem picking it out. "Guardian two-two, we're in position." Jericho called in, registering on the headsets of the rest of the pack a mere quarter mile away on either side. The decision to send the two of them in alone had been made ad hoc, but Jay knew that Jericho and Learn could definitely handle themselves. "Well, now all we have to do is sit here and wait." Learn spoke softly, getting down low and scooting closer to Jericho, whom had also gone to ground. She scooted close to him as the wind picked up a little speed and the temperature dropped for the evening. Darkness fell shortly thereafter, leaving the highway's lights to show anything out of place. They sat in silence, with only nature to break the stillness as the animals resumed their goings on around the OP. Jericho could sense that Learn was beat, watching her head waver then snap back to alertness. "Get some sleep Learn, I'll take the first few hours." He said, pleased that the female was too tired to argue. Learn promptly went to sleep against him, thankful for the plentiful heat produced by her male's body. He shifted slightly at the female presence below him, his acute sense of smell picking up Learn's distinct feminine signature. She intrigued him so much, and it was as if every day since they had been first introduced that he did not think of Sergeant Jordan Learn as anything less than his female. Even Meryl's season had not been powerful enough to deter his feelings for Learn, and he was most content now as she lay curled up below him. He could feel himself becoming aroused, and a quick arch of the back prevented any discomfort from befalling Learn by the newfound presence. After a few moments, Jericho's excitement ebbed and he returned to normal, allowing himself to once again lower himself against her. He smirked at the image that embedded itself in his brain. Not even Aud could resist Meryl's heat. They made far too much noise to remain unnoticed... He closed his eyes for the first time in three days, not truly asleep and not truly awake as his head clouded in thought. What is going to happen between us? ++++++++++++++++++ Learn gasped as she felt a pressure between her legs, instantly jarring herself awake. She reached down with her hands in the dark and found Jericho's manhood pressing against her most sensitive area. Instead of scolding him, her first reaction was to let loose a small giggle, not unlike an eighth grade student in a particularly graphic sex education class. Upon looking up at the male, she noticed his head was drooped low, obviously asleep. She should've known better than to let him take the first watch, after all, he had been up for two days more than she had. "Jericho, you're unbelievable." She whispered to no one, smile still present on her face. The sergeant had no doubt wondered about this particular part of Jeri in the past, but thought it out of line to ask, regardless of the loyalty that she shared with her partner. It was something more than love that they shared, but the bonding of combat stress. Female curiosity had gotten the better of her on multiple occasions.... Learn had never been too popular, more tomboyish and violent than the girls that made up your typical teenage years. Because of that, she loved him. He held half of her heart beating deep within his chest. Thoughts began running through her head as she glanced down between her legs once more. Through the darkness, Learn could barely make out his member, and the thought of having it between her legs was only serving to make her even more excited. It wasn't every day, after all, that her partner had this particular part of his anatomy pressed in there. To Learn, it was only a shame that her ACUs were in the way. He would never accept me as his mate... Oh well, if he was having that good of a dream, she might as well make it better. Learn reached down between her legs, taking his hard flesh in her hands and exploring it by her touch alone. She didn't want to wake him, so the female moved slowly, taking the opportunity to experiment with her inexperienced hands. She could feel the male shift beside her, and also detected Jericho's breathing increase in speed. No doubt were all of the Utahraptors pent up from their high-stress, no downtime lives. He felt soft in her hands, no bigger than ten or eleven inches and with a decent circumference. No doubt able to please the most willing of females, and no doubt he was thinking about Meryl to attain this sort of reaction. Oh well... at least he would enjoy it. She ran her hands down to the base of his cock, putting a little pressure on him and caressing his length with increasing speed. She had found his most sensitive spot, and meant to exploit it by any means necessary. He began to squirm unconsciously next to her as she continued her massaging, feeling his solid muscles ripple underneath his hide as it pressed against her. A small yelp emitted from her throat as he caught her with his hind claws on her leg, putting a small rip in her ACUs and drawing a tiny bit of blood. This did not stop her however, working him further in her hands and giggling again as short gasps escaped Jericho's normally quiet muzzle. To hear him in such pleasure was a definite turn on for her, and she cupped him even firmer, staggering her gyrations as he drew in a deep breath of air. She was rewarded with his hot seed covering her right hand and running back down his shaft. The male's orgasm was tamer than she had expected, with the powerful release of every muscle in his groin tensing served only to release the decent amount of nectar. She smiled and tasted him, noting the sharp taste of his seed as it made contact with her tongue. She was definitely excited by the happenings which she had partaken in. "You are amazing Jericho." She whispered to him, sliding ever so gently out of his grasp. A kiss on his muzzle and a light caress was her final act before turning away. In her blind affection, she didn't notice the seven SA-6 Gainful SAM launchers that had mysteriously taken up refuge in the village. ++++++++ "Have you heard anything from the others?" Meryl asked Jay in a low voice, punctuated by worry for the two pairs that had been dispatched to various objectives. The female was in a lower state of alertness, blinded by her season and her need for anything male. Meryl, however, did a very good job of suppressing her body's needs, but down time always made room for the more pressing of her instincts to surface once again. She felt herself being drawn to Jay, and didn't feel that she had the mental prowess left to suppress it. The past few days had taken a lot out of her, with Aud being only the first event. Jay knew, he had too, but she didn't want to push him away from her just because her sexual needs were all too apparent. She had a hard enough time keeping her attraction for the male suppressed when she wasn't in heat, let alone when she craved any sexual contact. "Meryl, what's wrong?" Jay asked quietly as he eyed her, aware that she was fighting a losing battle with her instincts. At least, that was as much a reason as Jay dared to surmise. "My condition is more crippling than I originally thought. I now know why RSHCOM keeps us females out of the field when possible during this time." She said openly, for Jay was her companion, guardian, and friend. If she couldn't tell him, who could she tell? Her analysis of his reaction was incomplete, for he had remained silent. "I figured." He replied, much to Meryl's surprise. The raptoress didn't think that he had found it so obvious that she was in heat. "You figure? Am I really that easy to read?" She asked, ducking her head down low in embarrassment. "Meryl, your scent is intoxicating even to me!" He replied, looking at her reaction and judging it as shock. "I'm so sorry Jay." "Don't be Meryl. Your body is acting in ways that instinct programmed it to. Aud couldn't resist you once he discovered you were in heat, that is why what happened between you and him took place. Though, I'm sure it was worth it." Jay said, taking the offensive in a light manner, a smile coming onto his face. "How did you find out?" Meryl dipped her head in embarrassment, not wanting her feelings for Jay to come out in this conversation. "You're loud." "Sexual contact is a relief from the strain of heat, that is why our pairing happened. And I am not loud." She rebutted, looking mischievously into his eyes. The female had needed a companion for that, and she had found one in Aud. "Meryl, if you needed a release, I could've helped you with that." He didn't think before he spoke, and the sergeant wished he could call back his words before they reached her ears. The female stared at him, the seconds filling a gap in which Jay thought he would be injured for even suggesting sexual relations between the two of them. He eased back down when Meryl's eyes drew up in her Utahraptor smile. "A whole lot of good that does me now, Guardian." Meryl spoke as she faked anger, looking Jay dead in the eyes as he moved to lie up against her. "Well, the offer still stands you know. I can't have you distracted by your body when we attack." Jay said, telling a partial truth, no matter how much he wanted to do what he knew was about to happen. The real underlying reason was that it would give him contact with her. He would be able to drive her to pleasure that he had not witnessed her in before, and that thought excited him. "In that case, Guardian, I need to accept your offer." Meryl said back to him, shifting ever so slightly to give him better access. As Redfield scooted closer, Meryl gazed at him with a different look than what he was used too. It was as if she could see right through him. No sooner had they made eye contact that Meryl lay her head back and closed her eyes, focusing only on the amplified feeling of Jay's hand moving underneath her tail. This was finally it! He is really going to do it! The female smiled again, fantasies and wonderings over the past months they'd been together welling up to the forefront of her mind, increasing her excitement to almost intolerable levels. Aud's contact, while helping to satisfy her heat temporarily, wasn't nearly as precise as Jay's ability to pleasure her with his hands. The female resisted the urge to make any noise as Jay ran his index finger along the length of her moist nether lips, splitting them apart slightly to reveal the deep pink flesh beneath. Meryl let forth her characteristic low rumble as he continued, her sensitive area massaged by his experienced hands. Jay inserted two of his fingers, exploring the raptoress as she writhed from his touch. He could feel her thick muscles even through the skin of her vagina, and further rubbing of this discovery stimulated sensory receptors that Meryl didn't even know she had. Her tail moved around his waist, drawing him closer to her. He received a lick on his cheek, followed by a sharp, warm exhale as Meryl shuttered in climax. A quick lick of Jay's hand drew her head back down as Jay continued to pleasure her. Jay built on her orgasm, switching his motion with her overly-sensitive slit. Three more orgasms drew his stimulation to a close, with Meryl embracing him in a gesture of thanks. "Jay, you're the greatest." +++++++++++++++++ ***RIDWAR*** VOYSKA SPETSIALNOGO NAZNACHENIYA- REVEDOV X C Contact Range Rt. 11 hot, proceed all avail haste X target spotted X reported as per your orders X eyes only priority attached X Confirm Presence/attack style consistent X VDV targets attacked and destroyed XX ****End message**** Colonel Revedov glanced at the small piece of paper and smiled. For the first time in two days, some accurate intelligence had come through the pipe. This particular message was regarding an attack on NSO paratroopers in the vicinity of the Route Eleven interchange that was so heavily contested by both sides. Only a short ride in a Ural away...... Let the hunt begin. To be continued......