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When walking down a transcontinental path towards a new life, our main character's life gets turned upside down and fucked inside out.

She was walking down the forest path, the dappled sunlight coming through the green trees around her illuminating the gravel path with a warm and calm light as she walked towards her next destination away from her previous life. She could see the city's tall skyscrapers touching the soft clouds in the distance through the gaps in the leaves. Sighing happily as she finally saw the city after her past few days of travel down this path. She hadn't seen many people down this path during her time traveling it and even now as she had the city in sight that held true, she was the only one on this long path. While she was wondering if the path would get busier the closer she got to the city, she heard a bush rustle behind her. Curious, she turned to see what it was and froze as she saw something impossible and utterly terrifying. A giant lizard looking at her with a look of madness in its eyes. Fear taking over her brain she froze and couldn't even scream, she swallowed and dropped her pack as she turned to run, her feet pounding the trail's gravel, she sprinted away as fast as she could adrenaline coursing through her. She looked back to see if the dragon was coming after her, and saw the dragon still standing where she first saw it. When she quickly glanced back it exploded into motion, moving so fast it blurred as it came rushing at her, a massive paw extending toward her and slamming her head on the ground as her vision went dark.

When she came to her head was throbbing a little bit as she groaned and sat up to see where she was. Blinking as her eyes adjusted to the low light, she saw that she was in a gigantic cave, its entrance some thousand feet above her and a sheer cliff the only way to get to it. The light that was streaming in through the entrance allowed her to just barely see what was around her. There was a creek that ran through a portion of the cave that came from a large pool at one end, as she followed it with her eyes she saw it lead to a small opening in the wall. Standing up to get a better view, her head throbbed from its rough treatment earlier. Wincing at the sudden headache, she stood still and brought her hand up to it. Feeling where she had hit the ground there was a small knot there, the pain intensifying a little bit as she touched it. But when she drew her hand away from her head she saw that there was no blood on it. She sighed, relieved that it wasn't

too serious. She stood still and looked around more while she waited for the pain to dull. Turning around she saw something glint in the dim light, squinting a little bit she gasped when she made out what it was her eyes widening in surprise. The glint she had noticed came from a massive pile of what had to be treasure, gold, gems, and other valuables. She took a step towards it, the throbbing in her head having lessened some at this point, and began walking towards the golden glory.

The walk to the pile took some minutes as she navigated some uneven ground and walked the distance to the pile. While the cavern had mostly flat areas some areas were more treacherous than others. But even though most of the way was flat it still took her five or so odd minutes total to cross the flat areas and an extra five or six to cross the rougher ones. Finally reaching the pile she reached out and took some of the treasure to inspect. Choosing a fist-sized diamond she held it and marveled at how this one rock was probably worth more money than she has ever had in her life total. Looking up at the 15-foot tall pile of treasure that was probably twice as wide as it was tall she couldn't even imagine how much it all would be worth. Not that it would be much use to her if she couldn't get out. Placing back the diamond, she sighed at what a waste it was for this treasure just to sit here, which brought her to the dragon, or whatever it was that brought her here, a fact that she willfully ignored while walking over here and when she was still getting her bearings. What was that thing though? A dragon? She thought, but that can't be. They don't exist, they have never existed. But what else could it be? She looked at the treasure pile once more. They're only supposed to be fairytales. So how? We have radar. We're in the modern era. How do we not know about them? But what else could it be? Maybe I'm having a hallucination. Yeah! That's it, a hallucination! That has to be it! Reaching up she once again touched the knot on her head, it stinging a little bit as she touched it. A hallucination that could hurt me... she thought defeated What the fuck! Why is my life so crap! What did I do to deserve this? I finally escaped that 18-year nightmare of my life only to be kidnapped by a FUCKING DRAGON, which aren't even supposed to EXIST! FUCK! ... Well, I guess there's nothing I can do about it right now. Calming down a little she decided to go to the pool that she saw and get a drink and look at that opening she saw before she got distracted by the treasure. Walking back to where she woke up she took a look at herself and saw that she and her clothes were rather dirty from the cavern floor and getting knocked out. Maybe I'll take a bath and wash my clothes as well when I get over there, She thought.

The walk to the pool was a lot shorter than the walk to the treasure pile as the ground was a lot flatter and the distance not as far. When she got to the edge of the pool she cupped her hands and tried a sip of the water. The water was cool, fresh, and tasty when she tried it, slipping down her throat like it wasn't even there but leaving a cool trail down it at the same time. The water being okay to drink she held back her long brown hair and lowered her face to drink from the water. When she drank her fill, she looked at her reflection in the water, the water, clear and shallower near where she was but looking more towards the center of it it was dark and deep and she couldn't see where the bottom was in the dim light. Splashing a little bit of water on her face she stood up and started to walk down the stream, wanting to take a look at where it went before she got cold taking a bath. The stream trickling pleasantly beside her, she reached where it went quickly and saw that the opening was rather small, only one to two feet tall, not nearly large enough for her to go down. "Of course it wouldn't be that easy, '' she said to herself. Sighing once again she headed back upstream to take her bath. Reaching the edge again she took off her white t-shirt and placed it near the edge so she could grab it easily. After taking her shoes off she then took off her jeans and placed them down next to the shirt and shoes, then undoing her bra she let her boobs free and tossed them onto the ground as well. Finally, she took off her panties and placed them next to everything else. Sitting on the edge of the pool she dipped her feet in the cool water before slipping into the water, the water was only about four feet deep here and the ground rather flat so it wasn't particularly dangerous or slippery. Dipping her head quickly under the water she rubbed her face with her hands before popping it back out. Exhaling, she bent down and began rubbing her legs, doing her best to wash them without soap or a scrubber. Finishing doing the best she could, she bent down a little bit so her neck was just under the water and began washing her torso making sure that she was clean to the best of her ability. Doing the best she could on her back for where she could reach she then moved onto her chest region rubbing her breasts, shoulders, and arms. Done washing she stood back up and grabbed her clothes from the shore and started to wash them as well. She scrubbed her shirt against itself making sure all the dust was out of it before wringing it out and putting it back up on dry land to dry. Doing the same with the rest of her articles of clothing she put them back up on the shore to dry she dunked her head under the water again and rubbed her head being careful with her injury and getting any dust and dirt out of her hair as well. Raising her head above the surface again she decided to swim a little bit as her clothes dried swimming out to where she couldn't touch, she treaded a little bit before just swimming around some. Before long though, she started getting tired and swam back to where she could touch and laid on her back and just floated for a little bit. After a while, though, she started to get cold from her front being exposed to the cool air and stood back up to head to shore. Pushing herself out of the water she picked up her still damp clothes and looked for a brightish patch of light to put them in. Finding an area she laid them out in the rapidly dimming light knowing that they would probably still be damp in the morning. Consigning herself to this fate she sighed once again and tried to get comfortable on the hard stone floor. Not having much else to do she did her best to make her arms into a pillow and went to sleep.

Sleeping a dreamless sleep, she woke up feeling like no time had passed, the light of the day sky illuminating more of the cave than before. Stretching, she stood up and felt her clothes Yep, still damp, she thought. Shouldn't be too long though before they dry though. Not knowing what else to do to fill the time she went back over to the pool and sat back down on the edge putting her feet in the water and leaning back with her arms behind her. However, her right hand slid back a little bit and when she looked to see what happened she saw a flat small stone beneath it. The stone was oval and smaller than her palm, picking it up she looked at the water and then back at the stone. Smiling, she stood up, took the stone, and threw it doing her best to skip it over the flat water. Once, twice, and on the third, it sank below the water. "Ah, damn," she said and started looking for another stone to throw, finding one rather quickly. This stone was more circular than the first but just as flat, cocking her hand back she threw it as low as she could causing the stone to bounce twice again and sink on the third again, making her release a breath of exasperation. Spending the next hour finding stones and

skipping them she managed to get a few good skips in having them skip rapidly over the water several times before sinking. After exhausting the supply of good skipping stones around the pool she went back to where her clothes were drying, touching them she found that they were reasonably dry after leaving them in the light for an hour. Putting them back on she started wandering the cave looking for other points of interest and for something to do.

A few minutes into her journey she wasn't paying attention to where she was going and took a step into something sticky, pausing as she looked down at what she had stepped in. It seemed to be a rather large puddle of something, trying to lift her shoe out of it, it resisted and she only succeeded in losing her shoe to the puddle leaving her in just a sock on that foot wobbling as she tried to regain her balance she managed to put down her foot safely out of the puddle. Reaching to grab her shoe she grabbed its back and pulled. Straining, she finally managed to pull it out of the whitish-clear puddle of goo. Finally getting her shoe back she stood up and looked at the goo that was stuck to her shoe with disgust. Switching her gaze to the puddle it was stuck in, she thought I hope that's drool. Because I don't even want to think of the other possibility. Oh god, it's too late, I already thought of it. If that's cum, oh god no, not only have I been kidnapped by a dragon, I've been kidnapped by a HORNY dragon! "Eurgh!" she exclaimed, tossing the shoe back into the puddle of dragon semen "Here take the other one too, you filthy puddle!" she said, taking off her other shoe and tossing it in as well. "Christ, that's gross!" she said carefully skirting around the puddle. Making sure to watch her step more carefully, she continued her search around the cave for any points of interest. After about a half-hour of searching around some of the more dimly lit areas of

the cave, she came across a strangely flat area that almost looked as if it had been weathered down by something. Exploring the area she hit her foot on something that made a skittering sound as it was kicked along the floor. Pausing, she bent down to inspect what she had just touched. Feeling along the ground she quickly hit the object with her fingertips and picked it up. The object was oddly shaped and rather smooth to the touch. Rubbing her thumb along its smooth surface it felt rather hard but not super heavy. Bringing it closer to her face she saw that it was a scale about as large as her palm with a faded red color to it. Suddenly the strangely flat area made sense to her. This must be where the dragon sleeps. She thought, But I haven't even seen him enter the cave. Why? Looking around the dragon's sleeping area she found a few more loose scales. Picking each one up she put them into her pockets. Not really sure why, but perhaps just because they were interesting and because they were fucking DRAGON SCALES. After looking around the dragon's nest some more, not finding anything of more note than the scales, only some loose rocks from where the dragon's scales had worn away areas, she left to see if there was anything else she could find in the cave. After another hour or two searching around the gigantic cavern and not finding anything else interesting she headed back to her sunny spot to take a look at the scales better. Remembering to the best of her ability about when the dragon attacked her she remembered the dragon being a more vivid red than the scales she was holding. The scales almost looked faded, rather than the light red color as she had thought when she first looked at them. She wondered if the scales had started losing their color after they had fallen off or before due to some disease. A little worried that it could have been because of a disease she set them down a few feet away from her and headed to the pool quickly to wash her hands and get a drink. After quenching her thirst and cleaning herself she headed back to her spot and studied the scales some more from a safe distance, but unfortunately, there wasn't much she could tell about them because she definitely wasn't an expert on dragons real or fictional.

Giving up on trying to glean more information from the scales, she was suddenly hit by a wave of hunger, making her realize that she hadn't had anything to eat since yesterday morning. Just as she was about to get up again to see if there was anything at all to eat in or around the pool, she began to hear a low thudding sound coming from above and beyond the cave entrance her eyes widening at what this sound could mean she froze in place again and could only look up at the entrance where the sound grew more and more pronounced before a silhouette appeared in the entrance. The dragon had returned. The dragon roared its arrival announcing its already obvious return and sprayed a column of flame nearly twice its length from its maw into the open air of the cavern. The sudden bright light made her squint and cover her eyes. She had to wait until the dragon stopped spraying fire to get a good look at it. The dragon finishing its show, her eyes readjusted to the dimmer light in the cave, the dragon only just a darker shadow in front of the cavern ceiling. The dragon flew around a bit more before dropping into a sudden dive towards the ground, and towards her. A few seconds before it hit the floor in front of her it reared back and flapped its wings hard, stopping its rapid descent and blasting a wall of air towards where she was standing, causing her hair to be blown back and her shirt to ripple as she covered her face from the wind. Flapping once more the wind directed towards the floor this time before landing with a thud.

Being in the light of the entrance she could make out the color of the dragon clearly for the first time, it was a deep red, halfway between maroon and just regular red, the color lending it an extra sense of power and strength if being a dragon already wasn't enough. The silence between them was almost tangible as she studied the dragon and it her. The dragon still had the look of madness in its eyes but this time, given that she was able to study it more freely now she saw that it seemed to be barely held in check by the dragon as there was an intelligence in its eyes although it was faint. Breaking the standoff first the dragon extended its head towards her bringing it within inches of her face, its hot breath pressing on her and making her sweat a little bit. Opening its mouth a crack, its eyes seeming like it was using its last bit of restraint to not hurt her, almost gently took the front of her shirt's collar in its mouth. Not daring to move an inch she wondered what the hell it was doing before her question was answered in short order. Taking her shirt in its mouth it quickly tore it off of her like paper, exposing her bra and breasts to it and the world. Instinctively covering herself up with her arms, she screamed a little bit, surprised and scared at the sudden movement and at what the dragon had done. The dragon quickly began growling at her in response to her response, giving her a pointed look at the same time indicating its annoyance at her reaction. Still growling it shifted its gaze down towards where her arms were covering her breasts and growled a bit louder. Unfortunately knowing what the dragon wanted she lowered her arms uncovering her boobs for the dragon to see and almost immediately the dragon stopped growling. Dread filled her body as she experienced the same thing she had run away from once again only this time with a different monster. Again the dragon gently grasped her bra with its teeth and pulled it away uncovering her large bust in all their glory. The dragon stopped for a moment almost, as it looked to her, admiring them. The dragon stopped for a few seconds as its enormous eyes flicked over her chest region inspecting her, before flicking its eyes lower towards her crotch, feeling his eyes roam over her acutely, his eyes almost exuding a pressure on her. Not wanting the dragon to remove these for her she began sliding them off of herself, moving them down her smooth legs and exposing her panties to it as well. Pausing for a second she looked up at the dragon nervously hoping that she didn't piss it off by doing it herself, but the dragon seemed to just be enjoying the show, its eyes flicking over her legs, hips and finally resting on her crotch looking at her panties almost expectantly. Taking the cue she slid them down as well exposing her pussy to the cool air.

The dragon stared at her sex for several seconds almost entranced by it before bringing its head up and sitting back on its haunches spreading its fore and hind legs showing her something she did not want to see. A hardening member swelling and growing to its full length between its legs. His balls, for it, was very much a he, were hanging low on the ground, the massive things nearly as tall as she was. While his dick seemed small compared to the rest of the 500-foot long dragon, it was still 20 feet long, gigantic compared to her. His erect cock twitching as blood flowed through it she could see its veins pulsing along it each one as wide as her forearm. Getting into an almost crouching position he slapped his cock on the ground creating a loud fleshy thud. Emitting a low growl that told her what he wanted her to do. Her eyes watering a little from emotion as she was forced to please another once again she complied with the dragon's implied command and began walking towards its member. Walking under the dragon she knew that she had no choice in this matter and if she wanted to live she would have to satisfy him. As she got closer to it she began to smell a heavy sexual musk that was almost addictive that threatened to take over her mind with horniness. Even resisting the scent to the best of her ability, she felt herself begin to become wet as she approached his dick. The scent became stronger as she came ever closer but not taking more hold over her she finally reached it, her pussy throbbing from the smell. Reaching out towards the surprisingly human-looking dick she touched its head that was poking out of the foreskin the dragon almost involuntarily moving a few inches towards her touch pushing her hand onto the soft tip more. Closing her eyes and gulping, she paused for a second steeling her resolve before opening her eyes again and brought her face gingerly towards the head and kissing it shuddering at what she was doing. She began licking and kissing the tip to the best of her ability covering the areas she touched in her saliva. She heard the dragon emit a soft groan as she serviced his sensitive tip, and felt his whole body vibrate gently with his moan. As she worked more on the penis she began to notice the flavor of it. An almost sweet and meaty taste, a unique taste she had never experienced before. Soon there was a drop of pre-cum forming on the dick's slit. Carefully avoiding it was easy enough as she licked around the 5-foot wide dick scraping her tongue along it and sucking on it when her tongue became tired, letting it rest before she started to use it again. After a few minutes of her attention, the dragon craned his head to look at her between his legs and growled softly at her signaling that it was time for her to move on from just using her mouth to something more enjoyable. Pausing she saw the dragon's gaze fall from her face to her groin again before looking at her face again purposefully. Gulping once again she took the dragon's not so subtle clue and began to climb on top of his dick, the dragon shuddering with pleasure a little bit at the feeling she sat atop his dicks head, her thighs wet from her juices after being exposed to his scent so intensely for those minutes she was attending to his dick. Scooching back, she went farther back along the head to where the helmet ended feeling the ridge beneath her. Grabbing the dragon's foreskin she pulled it back, peeling it off of the head of the penis, and positioned her vagina on the edge of his member's head, straddling it.

Placing her hands down she stabilized herself before grinding back and forth on him, her juices quickly lubricating the area. As she began, a wave of intense pleasure shot through her making her gasp and pause as the dragon's cock rubbed against her sex unlike anything she had felt before, far more intense than even an orgasm just from rubbing along it. The dragon gave another low growl indicating its annoyance at her stopping. Blinking she came back to reality and quickly began again not wanting to risk the dragon's wrath, this time not stopping even as the pleasure poured through her from her pussy. Gasping, she became even wetter as she rubbed herself along his helmet thinking to herself How am I enjoying this? He's forcing me to do this! But soon those thoughts faded away to be replaced with pleasure as she rubbed her clit and pussy along the soft skin of the dragon's dick, almost velvety in texture. The warm head beneath her providing her more pleasure than she had ever been afforded before. Her pussy slipping along it, almost gliding she quickly came squirting on his second head only providing it with more lubrication. Gasping, colors flashed in her eyes from the strength of the orgasm but managed to retain her presence of mind, continuing to rub the dragon's dick with her pussy. Coming down from her high, her pussy still aching with lust, she continued to have sex with the dragon's soft head. Looking down the shaft she saw his veins pulsing along the seemingly rock-hard cock, his lust for sex obvious from the movement of them as she continued to pleasure herself and him no matter how much she didn't want to do either. Grinding particularly deep she came once again falling over the cliff of pleasure but continuing her rubbing all the same. She continued like this for what felt like hours as each time she came time seemed to slow down but what was probably only half of one before she saw his balls clench and pull toward his body as he got ready to cum. Rearing his head back from watching her the entire time he pointed it towards the roof and let loose another tongue of flame as he came, his entire dick expanding and straining a little bit as a rumble almost like a fire hose began for a millisecond before the tip of his dick erupted like a geyser shooting a torrent of his spunk into the air all the way past his front legs in massive ropes, his tense balls clenching with each rope he shot and the pressure causing his dick to almost vibrate as the barely contained semen shot out. The vibrations acted like a vibrator for her as she was pulling herself along his dick before he came making her orgasm the hardest she had ever while administering to him, nearly fainting from the pleasure ripping through her, the colors brighter than ever as they danced in her eyes, nearly slipping off of his dick.

After nearly half a minute she came back to breathing heavily from her orgasm. The world coming back into focus she slipped carefully off his dick and saw that he was still shooting massive ropes of cum from his cock his whole body shuddering each time a new rope flew out from the strength of his orgasm the dragon wasn't making any noise and seemed paralyzed such was the magnitude of it. The fountain continued for minutes on end as she stood watching in awe and horror at the dragons' show, it finally coming to an end as the last shot came out like a hose being turned off, slowly losing velocity and falling to the ground in front of the source still leaking some of its product. The cum from the tip of his dick leaking out steadily and puddling on the ground. As the dragon came down, his chest above her started heaving and the dragon lowered his head, his tongue lolling out of his mouth exhausted. Lifting one of its rear legs he bent his head towards its dick as if he intended to clean it off of his semen before his eyes widened, catching sight of her seeming to have forgotten she was there during his orgasm. Fear filled his eyes as he quickly stood off from above her backing away, the madness in his eyes diminished to where it was almost nonexistent replaced by uncertainty and the aforementioned fear. Lowering his head to the ground he started an almost sad low, keening the uncertainty in his eyes replaced by an almost severely apologetic look, the fear still just as present and as prominent, backing away the whole time slowly before turning and quickly flying away at top speed out of the cave. Confused by what she just saw she tried to understand what just happened but before she could come to a conclusion she was hit with another sharp pang of hunger having forgotten she was hungry due to the arrival of the dragon. Glancing over at the massive pile of cum the dragon produced she scrunched up her face at what she thought she had to do to eat and what she had to eat. Hesitantly walking over to the puddle of dragon cum as she didn't want this, she soon smelled its scent, a combination of the scent she had been overwhelmed by when she was walking over to the dragon's sex and the smell of the taste that she had been greeted by when she was sucking him off. Both smells working in tandem again made her pussy ache once more and become wet as well. Reaching the pile she grimaced and reached a hand into the steaming pile of dragon cum scooping out a thick hand full of it. Pinching her nose, she closed her eyes and took a bite of the thick cum, the flavor not inhibited at all by her pinched nose, it spread through her mouth like a warm stew and bombarded her with flavor. A sweet flavor almost like cotton candy working miraculously well with the rich flavor of what tasted like veal and other strong meats she couldn't identify with a salty aftertaste surprising her. Still grossed out knowing what it was she went in for another scoop of the semen before her hunger won out over her inhibitions and she bolted the cum down enthusiastically and shoveling it into her mouth. Losing track of time, she began to grow sleepy from the full stomach, and in her stupor lay down right where she was and fell asleep next to the pile of cum.

Groaning as she woke up, she cracked her eyes open and saw that there was still light in the cave and it seemed even brighter than when she fell asleep. Realizing that she must have slept a whole day away, she rolled over and saw the giant puddle of cum the dragon had produced. Gagging she stood up and covered her mouth as she nearly threw up, revolted by the sight and the reminder of what she had eaten. Touching her hand to her mouth, she felt it was all crusted and sticky. Taking it away quickly, she saw that they were covered in dry cum from having used them to eat. Bile rising in her throat, she threw up and bent over as she did so, expelling some of the white liquid from herself in two deep heaves, issuing another two strong coughs that shook her as she brought up what was left in her throat. As she panted, recovering her breath, she looked down at her hands and the dirt and grime that was covering her body. I really need a bath. Now. Because this is disgusting, she thought to herself as she stood back up, looking in the direction of the pool.

Starting to head towards it, she looked at her hands again, both of them covered in the dragon's hardened semen, and tried to move them to no avail, her fingers locked in place. On her way to the pool, she tried to scrape some of the hardened fluid away by rubbing her hands together but it was stuck firm. Finally reaching the edge of the pool she quickly jumped in gasping as the cool water enveloped her nude body. Dunking her hands under the water she ran them against each other vigorously hoping that the water would loosen up the spunk. Slowly at first, it began to rub off her hands allowing them to gain their mobility back bit by bit before the water soaked into it more thoroughly and it started to come off much easier. The water around her arms becoming slightly cloudy as the glue-like substance rubbed away. Splashing water up and down her forearms she started rubbing away at the cum that had reached there eventually washing that away as well.

As she cleaned herself up she reflected on what the hell happened and why. Why the hell would a lizard be interested in me? Even if it's a particularly horny one, wouldn't it be more interested in one of its own species? Or is it the last of its kind and had nothing else? Goddamnit, so many questions but I can't even ask for answers. No way in hell some horny lizard could understand me. And why did it look afraid? Surely it couldn't be afraid of me, I'm like 100 times smaller than it is! And it even had the gall to seem sorry after it raped me! As if it could be. Probably what boys call post-nut clarity. If it's even intelligent enough to be sorry, the damn lizard. Flushing a little bit remembering how she felt when she came near it, and remembering its musk, that smell though... the hell was that? Some sort of aphrodisiac? Making me feel that way... Fuck that lizard to hell. And then when it made me ride it... even her voice in her head quavering a bit with emotion as her eyes welled up from embarrassment ... it felt good... Rubbing her eyes with her now clean arm free of tears, she stood still and dropped her arm back into the water feeling weak and defeated. Sniffling, she looked down at the water through blurry eyes. It's never felt like that, she continued, not even when... ending the thought before she went there again, she shook her head and steeled her resolve once again. No, it was that scent that did that to me, if it made me feel horny, then it definitely would have made it feel good like that when it raped me.

Satisfied with her reasoning and not wanting to think about it anymore, she focused on cleaning herself up in the cool water. Scrubbing herself once again with her bare hands. Rubbing up and down her smooth body she scrubbed off the loose grime from the cave floor and splashed the water over her shoulders to clean them as well cleaning off the sweat from her body after yesterday's exertion. Pushing her hair back she dunked her head under the water again and scrubbed it for all she was worth, determined to feel clean after the encounter with the dragon. Bringing her head up above the water again she took a deep and satisfying breath of air and exhaled, water dripping from her hair into the water making a calming dripping sound. The silence of the cavern almost amplifying it. Pausing as she realized she hadn't drank anything in a while she cupped her hands and drank from the cool clear water, the feeling making her realize how thirsty she was. Taking several gulps she sighed with relief and decided to relax for a while. Wading out deeper into the water she stopped touching the bottom and swam onto her back, floating there and watching the ceiling of the cavern as the light that came from the entrance reflected off the pool and cast lazily shifting light patterns there. She floated there for a while trying to forget what had happened for the time being and just existing in the moment, the calm silence of the cavern almost making her fall asleep a few times.

After an hour or two of floating there watching the ever-shifting lights, she finally readied herself to get out of the pool. Flipping back over to her front she swam towards the shallows again and climbed out of the water. Water dripping from her body, she walked back to where her clothes were, the journey feeling like it took no time at all. Reaching them she went to grab her shirt before remembering that the dragon had ripped it. Looking disappointedly at the ripped shirt she was holding she was about to put it back down when she realized that she could use it as a towel. Glad she still had some use for the shirt, she used it to towel herself off the best she could before laying it out flat to dry. Looking for her bra hoping it was still in one piece she quickly located it and saw that it was luckily all together having separated at the clasp in the back. Putting it on to have something to cover her chest, she grabbed her panties and slipped them on her legs. Grabbing her jeans she quickly pulled them on and buttoned them, her slightly damp legs catching on them a little bit. After getting fully dressed she looked up at the entrance of the cave where light was still streaming through. She could tell though by how the sky wasn't as bright as it had been when she woke up, that it was starting to get later, perhaps mid-afternoon. Trying to think of something to do, she remembered the pile of treasure that the dragon was hoarding. Kind of excited to see if there were any special hidden treasures or was anything useful in there she started walking in its direction navigating the rougher terrain to get there, nearly falling a few times as she didn't have her shoes any longer, soiled as they were. However, despite a few close calls she managed to get to her destination without falling once. The pile's golden splendor filled her view, and the light that reached it glinted beautifully off of all the ornate pieces of golden art. Walking around the pile as she hadn't really looked at it before, there were many odds and ends that were of some interest.

Finding a particularly ornate golden locket that was inlaid with silver vines and emerald leaves sprouting from them in elaborate patterns, she fingered the golden clasp that was holding it shut and it opened surprisingly easily for its undoubtedly old age, uncovering a small portrait of a family. A wife, husband, and small baby being held by the latter, expertly painted in front of a beautiful sunset, the subjects in it wearing clothes that were that of nobles or royalty. After studying the details of the picture she closed it gently and locked it again. Holding it in her hand, she wondered how this ended up here in some dragon's hoard, already knowing the probable truth but not wanting to break the fantasy of the happy family together in the painting. Placing it gently back in the pile, she looked around more and found some particularly ostentatious goblets inlaid with almost as many precious stones as they could hold creating a quite gaudy display. Holding it up the cup didn't seem to even be all that practical due to how heavy it was. Just looking at the cup let her know all about what kind of people the previous owners were. Scoffing a little bit at the ridiculousness she put them back in the pile and started looking around again wanting to know more about the stories the treasure she found told her. Not finding anything else that caught her eye near the ground she started to carefully climb up the pile not wanting to slip or cut herself on something.

As she was climbing the pile she was also looking for something else to look at, something catching her eye she paused and picked it up, slightly precariously balanced on the pile she turned around so her back was on the pile the cool metal pressing against her skin and looked at the object she had picked up. It was a golden ball perhaps six inches in diameter intricately inlaid with silver or some other white, undoubtedly precious, metal forming the constellations of the night sky. The lines connecting the points thin and flush with the rest of the ball. Each line ending in a small pool of reflective metal, representing the stars she could not see. Even without any precious gems in it, it was more beautiful than any of the other treasures she had seen to her, as it allowed her to see the stars once again that she had seen nearly every night on her three-year journey along the path to Seattle. Rubbing her thumbs along the orb she felt small seams in it that she hadn't noticed before running horizontally to the correct orientation of stars. Studying it closer she saw that it was turning slowly, representing the movement of the invisible stars above her, counting the time since it had been made, undoubtedly hundreds of years ago. Amazed at the craftsmanship that it must have taken to create a clock like this that still ran hundreds of years afterward without a sound, each of the rings on it slowly turning individually at different speeds all staying in perfect relation to each other. Going back down the few feet that she had climbed to reach the clock she placed it reverently on the ground so she could grab it later when she headed back to where she slept.

Climbing back up the pile she went a few more feet before spotting another thing that caught her interest again picking it up she turned over on her back and looked at the crown she had picked up. Made of a white metal that was slightly brighter than the silver she had seen before exactly like the stars inlaid on the globe. Realizing that it must be platinum if it wasn't silver she studied the white themed crown, the stones set in it all slightly different in shade and refractiveness and lines of pale white jade accenting everything. Among the clear white gemstones set in the crown, many were obviously diamonds but the other stones seemed different in subtle ways but she didn't know enough about gems to tell what they were. The tranquil white of the crown held her attention for a few minutes before she set it down and started to climb the pile again. Nearly reaching the peak, she saw a mirror in the pile. She picked it up and climbed the last foot of the pile before looking at it, the clear face of it so smooth and reflective that it seemed as if she were staring into the face of a doppelganger.

Holding it by its ivory handle she looked at her face for the first time in days, her still slightly damp brown hair down to her shoulder blades, even though she couldn't see them in the mirror, it slightly tangled from having nothing to brush it with. Reaching up she held some of her hair and ran it through her fingers, smoothing it out somewhat. Her eyes traveling from her hair to her own in the mirror she stared deep into them trying to see something in her that she hadn't before, some sort of resolve or fire in them but only saw what she had before she had been kidnapped by that accursed dragon. The deep sapphire blue that reminded her of her mothers, the flecks of lighter and darker hues of blue in addition to the deep sapphire that dominated most of her eyes creating an almost hypnotizing effect. Her eyes one of the few parts about herself that she liked, as a trait that she had shared with her sister and mother. Her pale skin providing contrast between her deep eyes and dark hair. Staring at her reflection she asked it "What are you going to do now?" not expecting a response from it as she got none back. Sighing she looked up at the ceiling above her that blocked out the light and repeated herself "What are you going to do now..." The goal that had been in sight had been stripped away only to be replaced by the darkness of this cavern and the nightmare that she was all too familiar with. The unfairness of it all made her shout "WHY?!! Why me that you decided to do this to?!! HUH?!! ANSWER ME!!! I know that you can hear me! So tell me WHY!!! There's no one around to hear you so TELL ME!! God, you FUCKING bastard TELL ME WHY!!" But there was no answer to tell her why. No sound at all, not even an echo, her voice swallowed by the cavern. "Damn it...!" Looking back down at the mirror and thought to herself What am I going to do? I won't let that lizard have me for the rest of my life. But it probably will live longer than I will so I can't just escape or else I'm sure it'll just find me again. I'll have to kill it to be free of it. Making up her mind about what she had to do, she put down the mirror the last glimpse she caught of her face in it was of her eyes and the fire in them.

Looking for a safe way to get down from on top of the pile, she saw that on one side there was a large patch of coins, ancient silver and gold ones from times past, creating a relatively smooth slide down. Smiling a little bit at the absurdity of what she was about to do, she swung her legs over in that direction and got ready to go down it. Her feet touching the coins, they shifted around a little bit, almost making a kind of tinkling sound. Starting to slide down the coins, the sound of the riches moving grew and made a comical sound just like in cartoons. Picking up a bit of speed she dug her feet in a little bit, dragging them to help her slow down. She reached the bottom safely, the coins that came with her scattering on the ground. She stood up, turning to look at the pile again, and saw the divot she had made in the coins had exposed something that stood out from the rest of them. Not far from the bottom there was a rectangular piece of metal decorated with detailed iron filigree. Reaching up towards it she tugged on it but it refused to budge. Tugging on it again it only moved a little bit, so she began to pull on it, the object slowly being pulled out from underneath the coins. It almost felt like it was caught on something other than the coins. Giving a final strong pull, she managed to pull it free, a secondary object coming out with the first and spilling out onto the floor.

Looking at the object she was holding she recognized a crossguard and hilt coming from what must've been the sheath of a dagger. Grinning to herself at her fortune, she looked at the object that had been pulled out along with the dagger and saw that it was an axe, a battle axe in fact, about as long as a regular fire axe but with two curved blades black in color and decorated with several four-pointed stars, the type that curved down to each of the points, giving the axe an air of beautiful danger. Laughing, she said, "It looks like God did hear me!" Giggling still, she looked once more at the dagger, an iron clasp holding the blade in place. Undoing the clasp, she pulled out a shiny steel blade that fit perfectly into her palm, the sharp steel about as long as her forearm and a blade that gently tapered to a deadly sharp point. The perfect weapon to slip into the chinks of anything's armor, or even though it. Sheathing the dagger, she slipped it into her waistband and picked up the black axe. Although it wasn't as comfortable in her hands she could still lift it and use it if need be. And there was a need. Hefting it up onto her shoulder, she realized she must probably look really badass right now with a battle axe on her shoulder and a dagger on her waist, wearing only a bra and pants like some sort of female anime fighter. Chuckling to herself at the image, she walked around the pile looking for the place where she put down the constellation clock. Finding it she held it up in front of her face so she could look at the stars on its face before saying, "Looks like I'll be seeing you sooner than I thought."

Starting to head back to her quote-unquote camp, she went the long way around some of the more difficult areas looking for safer ways to cross, as she really didn't want to slip and fall while carrying a battle axe. The minutes passed as she carefully made her way back, she thought of the dragon scales that she still had, thinking that they were the perfect test for her new weapons, as she was planning to kill the very dragon they had come from. Remembering her worries about them being diseased, she remembered what she could from when she had gotten her first good look at the dragon. Furrowing her brow a little bit as she did her best to recall the details of him, she didn't think that he looked particularly sick, even if he was as a creature. Deciding that it would be worth the chance anyway even if the dragon were sick or had been at the time he lost the scales, she was going to go ahead with her idea, damn the consequences. Reaching her home base, she carefully set down the constellation clock and walked over to where she had placed the scales. Taking the axe off her shoulder she placed it on the ground safely, having decided she wanted to try the dagger first. Removing the cool metal sheath from her waistband, she unclasped it and drew the steel blade, the steel almost singing as it came free of the sheath. She caught a glimpse of her face in the mirror-smooth finish before kneeling down in front of one of the faded red scales, she raised the blade high above her head with one arm, the other on the ground bracing her for the strike, and brought it down with all her might plunging it straight towards the center of the scale.

Kraaang! The blade suddenly sliding sideways as it made contact with the scale, a few sparks shooting off as the steel blade made contact with it, leaving her slightly unbalanced after her powerful strike. The arm she had braced herself with holding her upright she quickly recovered, shocked at the result of her strike. Quickly turning to look back at the scale where she struck it, she saw no blemish or mark on it, almost like it hadn't even been touched. Staring in disbelief and horror she murmured to herself "No, no, no, that can't be right, I hit it, I hit it, but... there's nothing..." Running her hand over the smooth scale she felt a tiny dent on it, too small to see with the naked eye where she had struck it. A minuscule dent. That's all she had left on it with a full-power strike. Not ready to give up though, deciding that it had to have been a fluke, HAD to have been, she raised the dagger again, with both hands this time, and brought it down on the scale once again pouring her whole body into the blow. Tunk! The blade slamming into it dead straight, the blade quivering a bit as she still pushed it down into her target, her hands and the blade extended in front of her head, body bent like she was bowing down low and her eyes looking down at the ground, almost too nervous to see the result. Slowly raising her eyes to look at where she had struck, she saw the tip of the knife on top of the scale, not having gone any farther down than the first time.

Staring helplessly at the blade, she lowered her gaze towards the floor once again tears of frustration welling up into her eyes again "Damn it..." she said, crushed. Her body feeling weak with hopelessness, the knife fell from her hands clattering on the ground. A tear dripped from her eye and splattered on the cave floor, a wet spot on the dry stone floor, a second one joined the first as she closed her eyes in anguish and repeated herself "Damn it...". Bringing her hands up to her head and tilting forward until her forehead touched the ground, she covered the back of her head with her hands. She felt another tear leak out, wanting to just give up. Taking a shuddering breath, she opened her eyes, the world coming back into view. Through her blurry tears, she saw behind her the handle of the axe and turned her frustration and defeat into rage. No, I won't let this beat me. I still have one more weapon. She thought, her eyes focusing on the black axe. And one more chance. Standing up, she grabbed the heavy axe, its weight more suited to her anger now than the dagger. Her eyes ablaze with hate for the dragon and the situation she was in, she gripped the axe tighter turning her knuckles white, and glared at the stubborn scale. If looks could kill, the scales and everything else in a ten-mile radius would have been nuked to oblivion, her rage was so intense. Lifting the axe above her head, she yelled a wordless yell that told of her rage and frustration and slammed the axe into the scale. Hard. then again, and again, raining down a hell of furious blows down on the scale. Screaming herself hoarse, she finally stopped. Panting, she dropped the axe, her arms tired from the blows, and glanced at the scale, completely unharmed. "FUCK!!!" She yelled, "You stupid" picking it up, she threw it as hard as she could into the distance, "...piece of SHIT!!!" Trying to compose herself, she took some deep breaths and thought about the situation. How are those scales so tough? They're only like a centimeter thick! And I still can't get through them. ... But.... Grinning to herself a little bit as she realized a way to get through the scales. I don't have to go through them... if I can get around them. I'm an idiot. Why didn't I think of this first? If I get the knife in between the scales, then I don't have to worry about them.

Picking up the knife, she sheathed it, the tip of it still looking sharp even after hitting the scale with it, and picked up the axe walking the few feet back to the heart of her camp. The light fading in the cave as it grew close to, judging by the color of the sky, sunset. Shivering in the cool cavern air a little bit, her stomach growled as she had not eaten anything since the day before. Knowing that the dragon was her only chance of food, she started mentally preparing herself for what she would have to do in order to eat. As if summoned by her thoughts, she heard the thudding of the dragon's wings as he approached the cave entrance. Looking up, she saw that the dragon's silhouette looked odd against the dimming sky. Like it was holding something large and bushy in its claws. Squinting a little bit as the dragon grew closer, she was able to make out what the dragon was carrying in its claws. A tree? Confused at what she saw, she noticed that the dragon was coming straight towards where she was. Worried at what the dragon intended to do with the tree to her, she stood up ready to run away at a moment's notice if need be. However, she didn't need to worry about that as the dragon landed several feet away from her. Making a low sound similar to the one it had made before, it bowed its head low, looking down at the ground as if not able to meet her eyes. Releasing the tree from his grasp, it made a whumping sound as it settled on the ground. Then opening its other claw he released a dead deer from it, something that she had been too distracted by the tree to see. Furrowing her brow in confusion, she looked between the two things the dragon had brought before looking at the dragon itself. The dragon, still looking at the ground almost shamefully, avoided her eyes before backing away slowly, turning once it had reached a good distance away, and jumped back into the air and headed to where she had conjectured was his nest.

Looking from where the dragon had gone to what he had brought, she went up to the two objects. First, she went up to the deer which looked like it had been killed by a broken neck, no doubt courtesy of the dragon, and inspected it. The deer's body was still warm, so it had obviously been killed recently, but why would the dragon give her food? Did it want her to live longer so she could be used by it? Or was it just giving her something to eat? Taking the food anyway, as it wasn't something she was going to reject in this circumstance, no matter where it came from as anything was better than having to eat its semen again. Grabbing the knife she put to use some of the skills she had learned on her three-year journey and began to gut the deer. Not having anything to hold it up to let the blood drain easier she dragged it away from her camp some distance and slit its throat. Quickly going around to its back she lifted its back legs, grunting from the weight, allowing the blood to flow out of the carcass easier. Holding it there for as long as she could she dropped it panting, most of the blood having drained. Taking a quick breather she then dragged it back to camp and began to skin it. Cutting around its anus, she worked up to its groin careful to not cut into the urethra as she did so. Cutting it below the scrotum she put down the flap of dead deer pointing it away from the body as it wasn't fully removed yet. Moving up to its sternum she carefully began to cut its hide away from the meat, growing even more cautious as she got down to where the stomach was, so as to not puncture it. Having cut the hide from sternum to tail, she stuck her fingers into the deer's abdominal cavity and lifted up the lining there with her fingers in a v shape. Cutting between her fingers she split the skin to the pelvis exposing it to be cut. Not having a saw to cut the bone she did her best with the ultra-sharp dagger, it taking a few minutes to get through one side of it. Working on the other side she managed to get through that as well. Taking out the separated piece of the pelvis she cast it aside.

Now for the hard part, she thought to herself, if cutting through the pelvis was any indication of the work she had to do to get through the sternum with just a knife. Laboring over the sternum she finally managed to split it open. Pulling the ribs apart, them cracking like a cold one with the boys, she exposed its organs to be freed with the aid of her knife. Cutting the esophagus from the inside she moved to the diaphragm and cut down those too, the organs sitting there ready to be pulled out. Grabbing the esophagus, she pulled the guts down, out from the deer. Grimacing a little bit, as this was her least favorite part of the process she discarded them tired, not ready to get the heart and liver yet from the pile. Reaching into the carcass once more though she cut free the tenderloins from the deer but left them in it not wanting them to touch the ground. Looking over at the tree she figured that the dragon probably left it there for her to make a fire to cook with, so she grabbed her axe, wiping her bloody hands on her pants, not really caring what she looked like not that there was anyone to care anyway, and began chopping at the tree's branches, the sharp axe going through them easily. Taking a piece of one of the thicker branches she had split, she cut the piece she had cut off in half lengthwise, and then again nearer the bottom creating a makeshift plate on which she placed the tenderloins and cut them into sections.

Wondering how she was going to light a fire, she remembered the sparks that had come off of the scale when she had struck it the first time and went to grab one of the scales she had not thrown to use. Dropping it near where she planned to create the fire she split more of the logs in half to make a log cabin fire, all the hard work making her sweaty, tired, and even more hungry. Grabbing some sticks and twigs she placed them under the stack of wood she had built and began stabbing at the scale at an angle in an effort to create some sparks to light the fire with. Sparks shooting off of the scale as she struck it, she got the fire lit in no time and while waiting for the fire to warm up, she took a few of the sturdier sticks from the tree and sharpened them into skewers for the tenderloin. By the time she had finished the fire was crackling along merrily and was ready to be used. Skewering a tenderloin lengthwise she held it over the fire, a delicious smell rising into the air soon enough as it cooked. Rotating it so it cooked evenly it felt like it took forever and no time at all to cook. Laying it down on the plate she stabbed it with the dagger and slid the skewer out of it. Slicing a piece off of the venison steak, she jabbed it with the knife and carefully ate the first bite. The rich meat gave her a substantial bite as there wasn't any fat in it. The fresh game's flavor strong and slightly smokey from being cooked over the fire. Without any seasoning the true flavor of the deer shined through, the slightly gamey flavor providing something that ordinary beef didn't. Quickly eating the rest of the piece of venison, she cooked up a few more pieces and quickly devoured them as well. Full, she sat back and sighed, warming herself by the fire for a few minutes recovering from the large meal. The light coming from the cave entrance fully faded now she saw something that she hadn't seen before, having not stayed up late enough to see. Light, coming from the ceiling of the cave in random splotches that created just enough light to reach the floor and illuminate it dimly. Many of the splotches were greenish in color while some were more yellow. Gaping at the ceiling, the light almost reminded her of the vast swaths of stars that she could see when she was deep in the wild, far away from any human-made lights that would block out the stars in the sky. Unable to tear her gaze away from the light she wondered how something so beautiful could exist in a prison-like this. Staring at them for minutes she wondered what they could be. Moss maybe? Bioluminescent moss? I haven't heard about something like that before, but I'm sure it exists somewhere in the regular world. Tearing her gaze away from the lights finally, she mentally shook herself and focused on her next goal. Killing the dragon.

Grabbing the knife, she wiped it off of the meat she had eaten on her pants again and sheathed it. Gathering her determination for what she was about to do, she saw no other way forward and started walking to where the dragon's nest was. Walking carefully in the dim light, she made sure to quiet her steps more as she grew close to the dragon's nest. Watching the dragon's form she saw that it seemed asleep, curled up, its tail wrapping around the front of its body. Sneaking closer she reflected on what she was about to do. She was going to kill this dragon that had raped her... and seemed horrified by what it had done afterward, fleeing... and then feeding her, and giving her fire, leaving her alone and going to sleep, seeming ashamed of what it had done.... She would never forgive it for what it did to her, but... did she really need to kill it after it tried to take care of her? She remembered the look in its eyes when she first saw it, full of madness and insanity, and then the fear-filled ones and ashamed ones she had seen afterwards. Had it not been in control of its actions at that time? Would it be right to kill it for something it didn't seem to want to do? Walking slowly closer she took out the knife from the sheath and stared at it, her face full of indecision in the reflection it cast. No, she couldn't kill something if she still had doubt in her heart, looking up from the knife to the massive dragon, the knife seeming almost smaller than a toothpick in size compared to it, if she even could kill it. She might have been able to hurt it a little but kill it? Probably not. Groaning at her weakness she sank down to her knees. Why? Why am I so weak that I can't even kill a sleeping dragon? Resheathing the knife she set it down next to herself and sat down on her butt, knees in front of her, studying the sleeping dragon. Eyes tracing over its sleeping form she followed its sinuous length from head to the tip of its tail, taking in the details of its form. After a few minutes of studying it, the dragon shifted one of its legs in its sleep exposing its member to her. Quickly averting her eyes she studied elsewhere on its body doing her best to avoid looking at it. As she was studying its wings a scent filled her nostrils, the same one that had been released before the first time. The scent and musk of sex.

Quickly trying to cover her nose, she tried to block it from herself, but it was already too late. The whiff of the smell had already started to affect her. Feeling her pussy start to ache, she saw a wet spot start to grow at her crotch in the dim light. Goddamn it, she thought, feeling the heat that had started in her groin start to spread to the rest of her body. Starting to feel the intoxicating effects of the scent she removed her hand from her nose, the smell starting to bombard her senses again. I guess there's only one way of dealing with this.... Taking off her pants she saw that her panties were soaked with her juices. Taking them off as well, strands of her grool clung to them spanning the distance between her pussy and panties. Flicking them off of her legs, she reached behind her and unclasped her bra allowing it to fall from her large breasts before casting them to the side as well. Reaching down she began to massage her clit, pleasure began shooting through her like electricity, eliciting a small moan from her before she could react and quiet down. Reaching one hand up she started to massage her breasts, kneading them and pinching her nipples a little bit teasing them. Moving her fingers over her clit rapidly, the pleasure began to make her even wetter, slicking her finger some and lubing them up allowing herself to rub her cunt even faster. The aching in her pussy grew even more intense as she breathed in more of the dragon's musk; she couldn't resist anymore and stopped administering to her tits to move that hand down to her groin as well. Still vigorously rubbing herself, she pushed two of her fingers inside of her slick, wet, folds. Silently moaning at the penetration, she began working herself, pushing her fingers in and out of her tight entrance, the warmth of her sex welcoming her. Her fingers becoming covered in her juices quickly allowing her to speed up her masturbation even more. Through her half-lidded eyes from the pleasure, she found herself looking at the area of the dragon she had avoided before, the foreskin the same red as the scales that covered its body. The helmet of the dragon's cock was half exposed to the air as if the foreskin couldn't contain it. At the sight of it, her unruly pussy became even wetter if at all possible, creating a small squelching sound each time she drove her fingers inside herself, the aching in her loins growing more intense as well. Flexing her fingers inside herself she began to drag them along her walls to further her stimulation, curling her toes from pleasure as she did so.

Two fingers quickly not becoming enough for her she plunged the third one into her drooling pussy, letting out a tiny moan as she did so. Her eyes still focused on the dragon's dick she saw it start to twitch as blood pumped into it as it enjoyed an undoubtedly erotic dream. The dick growing in length and size quickly, the foreskin pulling back from its helmet as it grew. The scent growing still stronger at the dragon's arousal. Her thighs soaked at this point from her arousal the slapping noise that she had been making grew slightly louder from the wetness. Pleasure shooting in waves from her pussy each time that she pushed her fingers inside of her. Her warm walls pulling her administering fingers into her greedily each time. She pushed her last finger inside of herself unable to resist the pleasure she was giving herself. Still flicking her clit, she changed techniques and began to rub it in circles, pushing on it to further the stimulation. The new movement providing a more constant pleasure than the flicking. Moving her drenched hand inside herself, she tilted her head back, looking at the ceiling in pleasure. Getting more and more carried away by the current of pleasure flowing through her she pushed her hand into her over her knuckles hilting herself at the thumb. The deeper reach hitting more of her sensitive spots that were nestled deep inside her. Pushing her hand along her convulsing insides the increased contact made her quiver in pleasure as she climbed the cliff to her orgasm. Moving her fingers around inside her each time she pushed her hand inside her wet entrance pleasure was starting to cascade through her more intensely each time. Not moaning was becoming a harder and harder task to focus on as she fucked herself, as each time she hit a particularly sensitive area she let out a quiet breathy gasp. Her gaze falling once more on the dragon before her, its dick rock hard from its dream, she saw it twitching its hips as if thrusting its length into something in its dream. His foreskin being pulled back and forth along his dick as it rubbed on top of his leg. Folding her thumb in, she began to push her hand inside her even deeper, up to her wrist, nearly touching her cervix each time. Each thrust reaching deep inside her, she could feel her muscles pulling at her hand all the more acutely now, greedily wanting more of the stimulation she was giving them. Her vagina practically leaking her fluids like a hose each time she plowed her digits into herself, creating a squelching sound as she more "handed" herself than fingered. Almost by coincidence, she was nearly matching the dragon's lustful thrusts in his sleep with her own. The musk the dragon was releasing clouding her mind somewhat, she found it wandering towards what it would feel like to have that hot and heavy dick inside her greedy entrance, for it to paint her horny womb with its gallons of seed, the hot rivers of cum to flow out of her as he withdrew his limp dick from inside her. Her mind almost consumed by her lust for the moment, she imagined that it was she he was dreaming about rutting like the animal he was, her hand his giant cock inside her doing its best to make her cum. Hitting her g-spot several times in a row, lost in her dirty fantasy, she came. Her pussy squirting for all it was worth the dragon came at nearly the same time she did shooting his steaming cum into the air, draping him in ropes of his white seed. Her eyes rolling up into her head as she came, finally flying off the cliff she had been climbing, she came back to after another minute of the most intense orgasm in her life. Breathing heavily, her hand still stuck inside her, she closed her mouth from the soundless scream of pleasure she had emitted while cumming. Blinking she cleared her eyes of the fog of pleasure, taking stock of what had happened, disgusted with herself about having those kinds of thoughts about the dragon even if she was in a lust-induced haze. Looking at said dragon it had stopped ejaculating as well, covered in its own cum providing a disgusting but almost striking contrast between the pure white seed and its red scales. The dragon shifting some, apparently awakening from its slumber from its orgasm, he raised his head and looked down at the mess he had made of himself before catching sight of her, hand still inside her pussy, and lowered his head down toward her, his giant eye staring at her, a devilish grin spreading across its mouth.

Afraid. That's what she was when the dragon looked at her with that grin on its face. Afraid. Afraid of what it was going to do to her. Would it rape her again? Would it hurt her? Something worse? But none of those things happened, instead, it just grinned at her, amusement playing in its eyes, and turned away from her, beginning to clean itself of his cum. Licking up the thick seed with its giant tongue, a rasping sound filling the air as it brushed over its scales. Pulling her hand out of her pussy, drenched in her sex juices, the scent of her cum hit her in the face like a punch. Her legs were shaky and almost numb from her orgasm, but all she wanted to do was get away from the dragon before it changed its mind about ignoring her. Standing up, she took a single slow step away from the dragon, heading in the direction of her camp before being stopped by a low growl coming from the dragon. A shiver of fear and dread raced down her spine as she froze in place and turned to look at the dragon. Staring at her with thin slitted pupils, his cum dripping from his mouth, he looked at her the same way he did the first time, as something to only satisfy his lust. Then the look changed, back to the one who had given her that deer, back to the one that had seemed sorry, back to the one with amusement in his eyes. But there was none of that now. Gone was the amusement, in its place worry dominated his gaze, lasting just a second before turning back to the thin-eyed predatory one, its eyes flicking all over her nude body, drinking in every last detail. But then it paused again as the kinder eyes wrested control again. He started backing away from her, getting up onto his feet before halting again, a shudder running through him as the other eyes took over again, its member starting to harden again despite having cum just a few moments prior, and a leering grin appearing on its face. And yet again, with a jerk of his head, the kind eyes came back. A look of panic starting to set in them as he took two steps back and turned to fly away, his wings arching as he prepared to bring them down before, for a final time, a shiver ran through him, stopping him dead in his tracks. Slowly, he turned around, the thin pupils staring a hole in her, his dick already dripping precum from horniness. The dragon's rod at full mast and harder than a rock, ready for him to use on her.

Taking slow and deliberate steps toward her, he stopped just short of her and lowered his head to mere inches from her. His hot breath washed over her, making her start to sweat but not only because of the heat. She was frozen in place, not daring to move a muscle as the dragon drank in her scent. The dragon lowered its snout towards her groin, breathing in the strong scent of her cum and wet spade. After holding the scent in for a few seconds, the dragon exhaled strongly through its mouth, the smell of his cum on his breath strong. The aphrodisiac-like effect of it working quickly on her and stronger than before, causing her cunt to start aching again, more of her fluid starting to drip from it, adding to her already cum-soaked thighs. Smelling her arousal, the dragon opened its mouth a crack and extended its tongue towards her engorged and dripping sex, seeking out her aching pussy. She noticed that the top side of the tongue was filled with barbs similar to that of a cat's as he reached across the few inches that separated his mouth and her sensitive lower one. As it reached her though the dragon turned it over, exposing the soft and smooth underside of it, deftly flicking it over her sopping pussy. The contact making her release an involuntary moan of pleasure, her legs almost collapsing from the feeling of the warm and slick tongue pressing against her needy body. The lust that was covering her brain blocking out the part that told her she didn't want this, to which the lust and her body responded in a chorus that she NEEDED this. The feel of the warm pressure pushing against her clit that sent lightning bolts of pleasure pouring through her, the dragon lapping at her pussy drinking all of the juices she was producing, her body NEEDED this, NEEDED the relief of another orgasm ripping through her core. Breathing rapidly from the lust and the dragon's tonguing, she inhaled more and more of the intoxicating musk the dragon was breathing all over her body, the feeling of pleasure spreading from her groin to other parts of her body as well. Everywhere the dragon's tongue touched pleasure radiated from, the sides of her thighs where the dragon's large tongue would touch, to her abdomen as he dragged the tip up off of her clit leaving a wet trail of saliva and cum. Placing a hand on top of the flexing tongue she began to grind against it, pushing against the tongue pushing up creating even more pressure and pleasure that radiated from her sex. Her legs almost giving out from the pleasure attacking her, she was soon only being supported by the muscular tongue giving her the attention her spade needed. The motion of the tongue flicking up and down making her go with it. The dragon sensing this, changed its technique into a more drilling motion, almost as if trying to penetrate her with his giant tongue, the tip spreading her folds and exposing her pink flower to its attention, where it twirled and flexed against her carnal hole.

The more direct pushing against her pussy making her release an even louder moan than the ones she had been making the whole time. Gasping as the dragon spread her open with his warm tongue, it rotating back and forth all over her pussy, the sides of it flicking over her clit sending shots of pleasure and warmth running through her. The very tip of his tongue began to try to work its way inside her tight pussy, the feel of the flexible and muscular appendage teasing its way into her pussy hole nearly making her cum. The hot and slick tool managing to penetrate an inch into her, the rest of the tongue too large to fit else he would break her. Feeling the tongue tip flick around inside her tasting all of her juices and teasing her most sensitive parts was almost too much to bear. And just as she was millimeters away from cumming to the dragon's administrations, he stopped, pulling out his tongue from her greedy hole and removing it from her lustful body entirely drawing it back into his mouth. Falling to her knees from the sudden loss of support, she was breathing heavily and all the more horny after the denial. Her whole body feeling weak from the pleasure, she couldn't even gather the energy to move her hand to her pussy so she could finish herself off. The dragon then reared its head back and walked forward over her so his hard dick was at head level with her, the tip and some of the shaft dripping with precum and long strands of the clear cum dripping from its dick hole. The dragon's member twitching in in front of her head, bobbing up and down as the dragon waited for her to get to it. The smell of the cum was overpowering her though, the deep musky scent making her head swim with desire, too much of it for her to do anything to satisfy it though her horny brain wanted her to VERY badly, the voice that told her she didn't want this quiet and muffled to a bare whisper by the wall that had surrounded her brain.

Hearing the dragon distantly growl in frustration at her lack of attention to his magnificent rod, but she was still stuck staring mesmerized, at the dripping pre and bobbing head of the dragon's cock. Just staring at it she felt her core start to heat up more, groaning from the feeling and her pussy began to start almost hurting from how badly it was aching. Fed up with her lack of movement the dragon pushed his hips forward, his dick pushing into her, smearing the warm precum all over her naked boobs and chest. Knocking her over onto her back, the dragon began to piston back and forth over her, rubbing his length against her like she was some sort of toy to be used. She could hear the dragon groaning as he pushed his dick down on her, the pre that coated the bottom of the shaft allowing it to slide over her with little friction. The feeling of the dragon's giant cock on her made her lust so intense that she had forgotten to breathe, trying to take a breath of air to stop the burning in her lungs she found that she couldn't, the dragon's cock was pressed over her face, smothering her. Starting to panic, she struggled, the haze of lust clearing from her head for a second as it was swept away by the intense feeling of fear that she was going to suffocate. Struggling she tried to get out from the dragon's dick but its weight was too great upon her, the massive slab of meat something that only the dragon could move. As she felt her lungs start to reach their limit, the dragon pulled his hips back bringing his dick back to where the tip rested on her thighs. As soon as the head of it had passed her mouth she gasped in a large breath of air, soothing the burning in her lungs but also getting a large amount of the dragon's sweet precum in her mouth at the same time, filling her mouth with the warm feeling of it, her body responding to the taste and effects of it becoming even hornier even if her mind had gotten a rush of clarity from the fear. The dragon not knowing what was happening below him continued to grunt and moan as he pushed his cock back up along her cutting off her air just as fast as she had gotten it back, she again began struggling against him trying to get out from underneath but was still pinned down. Her struggling only made her situation worse as the dragon pushed harder down on her with his cock in response to her movement stimulating him. Each time the dragon pulled his cock back she took a breath of air only for it to be pushed out of her again each time the dragon pushed his dick forward again. Every time the dragon pulled back she yelled for him to stop wasting her precious air to do so, hoping to reach the kind dragon that didn't seem to want this but to no avail, the dragon kept plowing away, groaning in pleasure, with each thrust along her body. And yet despite her fear her body rebelled against her. The heady scent that the dragon was releasing from his cock and the more concentrated version of it emanating from his cum made her body feel like it was on fire with pleasure. The hot embers of her lust burning everywhere the dragon's cock touched, which was everywhere. As the dragon's cock pushed against her chest it left a burning trail of ecstasy running through her, tingling down through her nether regions and pooling in her womb. A tear left the corner of her eye as the dragon raped her and her body betrayed her, tracing a wet trail down her face before dripping off of it. She took her breaths when she could and stopped yelling for the dragon to stop, she knew it would only stop when it was finished.

With each breath of the intoxicating air, her will began to fade back into the back of her mind the lust that the smell produced taking over the forefront of her mind again, and soon she began to utter moans again as the dragon serviced itself with her, the pressure of the dick becoming more and more pleasurable as she breathed in deep the scent of the dragon's sex juices every chance she got. Opening her mouth, she began licking the dragon's dick trying to swallow as much of his delicious and addictive cum as she could, her mind again knowing nothing but lust. When the dragon pulled back next, she spread her legs for it so it could rub against her pussy better, the hot flesh rubbing over her clit causing spikes of pleasure to run through her, she groaned and gasped into the dragons cock as he rammed it forward over her feeling herself come close to orgasming as her whole body tingled with the pleasure of being touched by the dragons cock. "Ah! Ah! Ah!" she gasped in response to the dragon pushing his firm dick forward against her body, each gasp in time with him pushing forward along her pussy. She was so close now, so close to cumming to having the pleasure course through her as her whole body orgasmed, so close. But then the dragon stopped, denying her yet again as his own orgasm ran through him. She felt his hot cum pump through the dick above her, wishing that she could be on the receiving end of it heard him roar in pleasure, and wished she could scream in the same. As if in tune with her lustful wishes, the dragon involuntarily rose off of her as he came, freeing her from underneath him. Climbing out from underneath him she practically ran over to where the dragon's pile of fresh cum was pooling, landing thickly in a massive puddle as it shot out of his penis, steaming in the air. Traveling the short distance from his dick to the cum both seemed to take forever and no time at all, her pussy aching from the denials and the promise of hot cum inside her. Reaching the cum, she took a hand full of it and lay down on her back next to it, in the back of her brain she screamed that she didn't want this, to STOP, but she wasn't able to take control again, the wall of horniness stifling the screaming. Pushing her handful of cum into her pussy, she moaned as the feeling of the hot fluid spreading inside her, she then angled her hips up taking another handful of cum and spread her labia folds with her other hand, and began pouring the hot spunk into her greedy pussy, the feeling of the cum trickling inside her like nothing else. Nearly cumming from that alone, she began rubbing her clit with her cum soaked hand gasping as the waves of pleasure came rolling in through her body. The dragon's cum was still raining down all around her as she came, screaming in pleasure as finally, she got her release. Coming down after minutes of her orgasm, her mouth opened in a wordless scream, the lust dissipated from her head, leaving her horrified at what she had done and what the dragon had done to her. Looking at the dragon it seemed paralyzed, but not in pleasure, no, she saw the look in its eyes was a look of horror at what it had done to her, it changing rapidly to a look of self-loathing, hating himself for what he did to her. But no matter how much he hated himself, she hated him more for putting her through that nightmare. The dragon then began to whip his head into the cave wall, making the ground shudder with the force, once, twice, three times before stopping as he roared in hate for himself, before glancing at her, full of sadness in his eyes, and turning away and flying out of the entrance and into the night. She wanted to leave where she was, and go back to camp, staying away from the dragon's cum, but she couldn't move her legs were too weak after her orgasm, and too tired to try. So she lay there until exhaustion and sadness put her to sleep.