Prelude: Red Skies

Story by Azazel U'nach on SoFurry

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Me, I am just another guy trying to live in this wasteland we call home. I mean it's not like I'm much different from you or other people. I'm just a bit furry, and I live in a nuclear holocaust. You see, I am a genetic mutation of a spliced gene between a coyote and a human. Just one of mans petty attempts of immortality. And my name, I'm experiment RED2372, or Red for short.

There were a couple other people just like me, some in captivity; some in the wastes just like I. most were the humans "pets" used for experiments. These experiments turned humans into us, the "furies" you might say. We lost all of our memory of our past lives in these phases of metamorphosis. The experiments on our bodies allow us to be ever living, not immortal as once thought. Although my body does regenerate at a fast rate, I still feel pain or can die just like everybody else.

Because of this, many prejudice beliefs had risen to form around us. They say we were savages and treated others with no concern of whom or what they were. Truth is that we are just the same as you, but with slight changes to what we are. We look different, we smell different, but do we think differently or feel differently. I think not. We were and are still human, but with the body of an animal.

It all started with the one man who said he could "change lives" and make us "immortal". Dr. Cunningham, it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, mainly out of disgust of such a retched man. He made humans suffer through the pain of metamorphosis. Piece by piece he learned more and more about how to make man into what I am. This continued until the process was made perfected, killing many innocent lives in the process. Then the man passed and the world lived on with the furies. Segregation, hate, prejudices... they were all parts of our every-day lives. That is, until the bombs fell.

Journal entry 7705

Date: 11/20/2659