Ideas in Lieu of an actual story #2

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#10 of Commissions & Extras

Fair warning, the following is about 24k words of story ideas. So if I do end up making any of them, what's printed here will be spoilers. If you want to try your hand at a particular story, go for it! I write these down because I want to read the final story, whether I make it or not. Just let me know when it's done so I can read it. Otherwise, do let me know if you like any of these ideas and want me to try writing one of them. Same for the ones in the previous iteration of 'Ideas in Lieu of a Story'. This is pretty much straight copy-pasted from my notes app, so the formatting might suck here and there, and some stories may just be a one-liner idea. I've done a bit of editing, but most of it is left as is.

Also, I kinda posted this as a 'journal' and it was bugging me, so sorry for what is technically a repost as I upload this again in the proper category.

[The following is for 18+ eyes only, sexual themes, etc. etc., we all know the drill by now. Also, there are some younger characters in here, referred to as teenagers. They are ALL intended to be at least 18 years of age at the time where anything explicit is inferred.]

Guy is caught stowing away on a spacecraft, and dumped at a nearby holding station as punishment. But the station won't answer hails and the crew decide to book it rather than fix things, but leave the guy anyway. The transfer bay doors are busted open and while he really doesn't want to find out why, curiosity gets the better of him.

He makes his way through the ship, blood and damage everywhere until he makes his way to the crew quarters where he finds a very large alien feasting on the remains of the crew. He's too shocked to run as it turns to face him, but regards him with indifference. He backs out and tries to find the control room and does so, but it is locked. He pleas for those inside to open if there are any but there is just silence.

He then checks the docking bay, and it does have a couple of ships, but both require keys to start. He checks the docking control room but there are no keys, and reasons they'll either be in the quarters, on a body or in the control room. He tries the control room again but no luck, then edges past the creature to check the rooms. It keeps an eye on him but otherwise doesn't interfere. No keys in the rooms, which is when he notices the pile of 'inedible' belongings next to the alien beast. He scans from a distance but can't see any keys.

While trying to decide whether to lock himself in a room with some rations and wait for the beast to be taken care of by whatever authorities were surely on their way by now or try to sneak up on the pile and look for the keys now, the alien began speaking. It asked what sort of 'thing' he was. He replies 'human' but it points to the others and remarks 'so we're they' before reiterating 'what ARE you?' It then pointed to one one of the bodies 'soldier' then another 'cook' 'Jan-it-or'. He responds 'survivor'.

The alien seems excited. 'Tell'. He then describes a few stories of his narrow escapes including how he ended up there. The alien then describes that it's genetics are made up of different beings across the galaxy. Plenty of warriors, plenty of pacifists. Not many survivors. It wants his genes. He is a bit shocked, and assuming it's going to eat him. But it seems to laugh, indicating if it was going to do that it would have already. It does say that this form is meant for resource acquisition, not reproduction, so such an assumption was understandable. It then changes into a form more 'suitable'. Cue ten-foot tall Amazonian alien with an assortment of tentacles and other non-human appendages.

After sex they hear the comms saying the station missed its daily check-in and a cruiser was being sent to checkup. He explains one of those ships in the bay should fit them both, and while there's a bit of banter regarding her feeding more, he points out that's the warrior talking, not the survivor. But he finds the key and it turns out the impounded transport is filled with protein supplements, and the alien is very happy.

Salvage/repair group works on a space station. They get all sorts of aliens and spacefarers in, leading to all sorts of encounters. Alternate setting for the 'Airpoirt MIB' one?

Protagonist at a food court buying a kebab from one place. Sits down and about to eat when a server from a vegan place offers to replace the kebab with their vegan burger and an extra side of chips at no charge. Prot states they've just come off a Keto diet lasting five years and have been craving a kebab for four of those. "Not even the gods themselves could keep me from this kebab!"

At that someone from the food court stands up and grumbles "I am sick and tired of people saying that! You think you could beat a god?" And reveals they are in fact a god. The majority of the food court is in shock, but prot doubles down and an argument ensues, leading to the god forcefully removing the kebab from prot and taking a huge bite, exclaiming it to be delicious. There's a scuffle, and during that prot manages to get a single bite of the kebab, falling to the ground in contented chuckles as by association, they have eaten the 'food of the gods' and are suffering the effects of ambrosia.

God grumbles they have to take care of prot because of their state, and disappears with them. Back in their domain the god allows prot to heal up before explaining what happened, and how amusing it was for them. One thing leads to another.

Back on earth the kebab shop has become a temple of sorts, hailing to serve the food of the gods. Prot points this out to the god and they admit they'll probably get a bit of flak for that, but still considers it funny.

Guy gets call from brother to help clear his farm in the path of a massive bushfire. There's a lot of work getting the animals in and the niece is panicking about her faeries. The brother is ignoring it, before he cracks and shouts at her. Her mother tries calming her to no affect, so the uncle protagonist heads down to where the faeries are supposed to be to placate the girl, figured he could find a stick from there or something and say they gave him that to give to her to say they were fine. When he gets there, the smoke is moving strangely, and when he looks harder he sees blurry figures. They notice him looking and reveal themselves angrily.

He keeps his cool, saying truthfully that his niece sent him to see they were okay. They are not. They do not want to have to retreat into the 'bramble' as they call it. They point out a massive fallen tree that is hollow, that's their tie to the human plane. If it burns they are homeless and stuck in the bramble. They lament that a human - even an adult - could not lift that log and get it away from the fire. One faerie gives him a beautiful white flower planted in a nut shell for him to give to the niece.

Guy has a thought and races off, back to the house. The brother is ready to go, and signals for guy to get going too. But the guy runs up to the trailer hitched to his 4WD and checks the straps. He worked for years building that yacht by hand, storing it at his brothers as he didn't have room at his own place. The rollers on the trailer would help get the log on, as would the winch. He gives the girl the flower and a kiss on the forehead before looking to her mum with a serious stare.

He tears down the paddock, flames on the horizon until he gets to the log. He backs up and slams the winch open, the yacht sliding off with a crunch. He then slings the winch cable around a few knots on the log and starts winding. It takes all his might just to get the log moving, and seeing his straining the faeries come out to help, jabbing his arm with thorns that increase his strength. He manages to get the log up, slinging a tarp over it, commanding the faeries to tie it off. Several faeries choose to ride in the car with him while the rest shelter in the log/brambles.

He lurches out of the paddock towards the house, calling his brother to get moving after seeing his car still there. The brother is chastising him saying several roads are cut off, so they have to try for the last one. But as they're driving the mother tells him at their speed they won't make the pass before the firestorm reaches it. So the guy tells his brother to floor it, they'll get safe. Brother says to undo the trailer but guy says the time it would take to do so the fire would catch up anyway. After arguing, the brother floors it and outpaces the guy.

With faeries giving moral support he realises the road ahead has been claimed by fire when his sister in law calls and says they barely made it through, and that he should turn back for the house, he might still be safe there. But the road behind him is soon engulfed so he decides to power through, knowing there's less than a km before a river crossing. He drives through the fire, the car heating up rapidly as flames lick the sides, but he's determined and eventually bursts free of the fires towards the crossing. He comes to a stop on the rocky shore and despite the heat gets out and heads for one of the comparments on the trailer. He pulls out a hose, dumps it in the river and begins using a pump to hose down the log. His skin is baking in the heat but he continues watering the log until he thinks it cool/wet enough and then continues on the road for several km until he reaches the next town. Faeries are super thankful for his heroism and he says he'll get their log back there after the fires die down.

Family are there at a hastily erected aid station and he gives them a hug before he's seen for first degree burns. The niece is nigh inconsolable so he tells her mother to take her to the trailer. She comes back and gives her uncle a huge hug. Her mother & father call the uncle an idiot lovingly and never to do that again. He considers driving back to his house but it's several hours away and he's exhausted and it's getting late, so he pitches a tent in the towns oval next to his trailer and goes to sleep.

I'm his dream he's pulled into a thick hedge by hands he cannot see and guided through twisting vines and thorns by several sweet voices. He's eventually met by one of the faeries whom he recognises from the car ride. She thanks him profusely before alluding to sexy times.

Come morning he thinks it all a dream but wakes alongside a faery in his sleeping bag. They claim to have enjoyed the night greatly to which he agrees. He stays another day helping out the aid tent where he can, leaving the trailer parked in the oval while he dashed a few hours out of town to get supplies for everyone before coming back. He spends another night there where this time he's attended to by two faeries.

Once the fire service give the all-clear he drives back to his brothers farm, the building having been spared the fire, but the surrounding area not so much. He drives the trailer back down to the glen where the log had been. The entire area is a charred mess, his yacht a sad smouldering husk of its former self. The faeries mourn with him as he explains how he'd started building the yacht with his father before he passed, then finished it in his memory. They realise how much he sacrificed for them as he gently lowers their log back into place. He then pulls out of the back of his car a dozen bags of fertiliser, which choking back tears he says the guy at the nursery told him would work really well with high-carbon soil, and the packaging was biodegradable. One of the faeries finds the metal plaque with his fathers name on it and hands it to him and he breaks down.

That's when his brother finds him, and realises what happened to the yacht. The faeries hide from the brother so as not to be discovered and eventually the brother walks him back to the house. He cannot sleep and spends most of the night brushing away tears until a lilting melody wafts him to sleep. This time instead of two faeries, or even three, the entire community is there with him, consoling him and hugging him. He tells stories of his father and the yacht, the first time he took it out and the last. How his father loved taking him sailing and so on. He told stories well through the night until his voice was hoarse and they beckoned him to a small bed.

As soon as he closed his eyes he awoke back in his brothers house. It was late morning, so he got out of bed. His niece gave him another huge hug, saying she was so happy he saved her faeries home before running off to help her father with the stables. The sister in law makes him a big plate for breakfast and he eats it slowly. She talks a bit about how it was great he did what he did, and while he shouldn't have risked his life like that, his niece would no doubt remember it for the rest of her life. He mutters something about it being a life-altering moment before getting back to the breakfast.

He helps with some of the land recovery stuff, making sure the fires were out through the property, refencing bits and so on. That night while having drinks with his brother he whittles a small boat out of one of the burned bits of wood he found. It's a rather crude depiction of the yacht full sail. His brother admits his daughter has been obsessed with that log and the 'faeries' inside for years. He admittedly was hoping it would burn up in the fire so that nonsense would stop. But seeing how devastated she was and how happy she'd become given guy saved it, he was glad it didn't pan out that way. Brother decides he's done for the night and goes to bed, but guy takes a walk down to the log. He finds the faeries had spread the fertiliser all around the place, and some plants were been beginning to sprout. He's met by one of the faeries, whom he gifts the yacht, saying he has to head back to his place in the morning, and wanted to leave something he'd created with them, so their meeting wouldn't only be about the destruction of the fire. They accept it warmly and he goes back to the house to sleep.

This time as soon as he closes his eyes he can hear the soft voices calling to him, the path through the brambles short and direct before arriving in the small hollow with the two faeries from before. They have fun and sleep.

In the morning he wakes a little earlier than the night before but still later than usual, getting up just at the tail end of breakfast. However once the others had finished (he was still going) they bring his attention to a sapling left on the front verandah. There's a small tag addressed to him, paper from the hessian sacks that had the fertiliser: one of which was used to contain soil for the sapling. Both he and the niece know who it's from, and he winks at her, showing he knows. She's beaming and he says he'll not forget to take it with him.

Several months later, the sapling has grown into a sizeable bush on his apartment balcony, where he makes sure it gets good amount of sun and plenty of water. That night he hears a familiar voice calling him, but while he is still awake. It's coming from the bush. He reaches in with his hand and it's grabbed by a smaller hand. He smiles.

Bastet and Sekhmet

Protagonist visits Egypt with friends. They are dressed as one would expect for tourists, but she dresses more like the locals.

Bastet: extreme drunkenness in her name is an offering of sorts.

Restaurant rescue

Guy (anthro hound) gets work in a restaurant and the place is a shithole. He tries to work on getting the kitchen in order but the chef is an arse and the owner is arrogant. He's told it's the way it is and to leave it. He can't just leave health violations, so does his best to get things at least semi-legal. Told off after shift.

Gets a shift the next day then nothing for a week. When he comes in there's cameras all over the place and he's told to ignore them and get to work. Turns out a Rene's Restaurant Rescue is being filmed there that day. He walks into a horrid fridge and they are getting him to clean it quick before Rene (Rabbit) gets there. He's barely halfway when Rene gets there and they start using the contaminated meat and such to make her food. He says not to but they shout at him again, insulting his heritage. So he up and leaves.

On the way out he begs Rene not to eat the food until she's seen the fridge, and he wishes her luck on turning the place around. Producer stops him outside and asks what that was about, he explains and they ask him to grab a coffee and wait for a bit, handing him a voucher for a nearby cafe that the crew were given. He goes there and waits trying to cool off.

Production crew come by and move him to an outside seat, where he and Rene have a talk about what happened. He explains that's his third shift, he started there a week ago and complained immediately about the state of the kitchen. They told him to shut up and just work, so he did what he could to organise the fridge and at least make it somewhat passable, but when he turned up the next day for his second shift he was berated and told he was never to change the stuff in the fridge. They told him to leave, pointing out if they marked him as being fired he'd lose welfare payments, same if he quit. So he'd damn well better think about whether he wants to starve.

She asks if that really happened, he says he filmed it, because he wanted to cover his arse. He put his mobile in his top pocket before heading in to work and had pressed record, hoping to capture the fridge in its state so he could hand it off to the authorities, and in the process caught them shouting at him. It's illegal to film someone without their knowledge in that city, so he was weighing his options when he was called into work because otherwise they would fire him and report him to the agency for abusive conduct or some shit like that. He also had that conversation recorded.

She asks why he's with an agency and why if he was treated so badly he would go back to there. He tells her how he's been without a job for a while, and finding one is so hard that even if they're shit he has to take it or he loses the funding and starves. Three of the last four places never paid him for his trial shifts including that one, and he needed the good reports from them to keep his stature with the agency. It sucks but if he wants to survive, it's what he has to do. He's brought to the edge of tears but holds back.

Rene is shocked, and says their kitchen was horrid, and tried to pin it all on him, saying he was a terrible chef, and he lied to them about credentials and stuff like that. Guy says he never called himself a chef on any documentation, and had applied for a kitchen hand position, joking if they think he was a chef he should ask for chefs wages. Rene is appalled but thanks guy for their talk and gets back to the shoot. The producer gets his number to sort out legal stuff, waivers etc.

After signing forms and such he's also asked for his audio and video footage, claiming that under certain guidelines the content could be classified as exposing rights violations and thus would be allowed to be recorded under a certain act. Alternatively they could 'back date' an employment contract with them, allowing his footage to be considered part of their show's filming, and thus not as illegal as it was. He obliges and sends her the files via email.

Thinking that was it, he goes home and goes back to looking for work. The next day a little after breakfast he gets a call from Rene herself, asking if she can come to chat with him. He asks if they should meet at the same cafe, but she says she'd like to meet at his place. He tells her It's a tiny rundown apartment over a food market, but she's fine with that if he thinks they can fit two cameramen and a sound guy in there as well. He laughs saying it'll be a squeeze but that should be fine.

She arrives and lays it out that the episode is going to be super short, and thought it might be an idea to spend the rest of the episode trying to get him a job, and if that was okay. He's amazed but agrees, and she wants to see what he can do in the kitchen. He's embarrassed when he reveals he has practically no food, just noodles, eggs, carrots, stale cereal and milk. When she asks why he admits to having about $20 to last him a week. After rent is paid. So she asks for him to cook her lunch, anything he wanted so he could show off, she'll pay for the ingredients. They head downstairs and he gets all the ingredients for a Monte Cristo.

When he cooks he does so with passion and speed, with several hacks for prepping some of the parts, like adding a bit of water when frying up the bacon to get it just a bit more crispy, using Gruyère cheese instead of cheddar, etc. He controversially adds the maple syrup to the egg batter coating the bread while also adding a drizzle to the inside, then topping with a little bit of nutmeg and cinnamon added into the powdered sugar dusted over the top. He serves it with a cup of Turkish coffee, which he had the equipment for, just not the ground.

She loves it and asks about his love for food and why he'd never become a Chef. He explains the qualifications were too much to afford, and he had enough trouble just trying to pay rent. When asked about his unstable job life he explains he worked at a restaurant as a kitchen hand until the pandemic, and after that due to the restaurant closed down and so he lost his job. Since then the job market was flooded with people who lost their jobs through the pandemic, people who became old enough to work during the pandemic, and people who's spouses became ill during the pandemic so now they have to work. Employers treat the new staff like shit because they have a list of a hundred people willing to take their place, and having been a kitchen hand he has little practical experience like admin or management skills that would make him desirable for a more permanent position other than a kitchenhand.

Rene asks to take him to a few restaurants nearby, see if any would hire him. They go around that afternoon and ask several places, but they are all either fully staffed or seem nervous. The few with 'staff wanted' signs up don't seem to meet Rene's standards and after a long night they stop at a bar for drinks, she is amazed she couldn't find him work at all through the city. They order food at the bar but it's bland and horrible, so guy offers to make Rene food back at his place. They stop off at a big chain grocery store and he gets what he can, apologising it's not as fresh as he'd like. She challenges him to make scallops and he accepts, though gets some steak as backup.

Back at his he gets the sauce made from scratch, saying it's similar to a sauce his mother would make, and she'd probably kill him for altering the recipe. Lots of laughter, a bit of wine, and eventually he prepares dinner for the two of them and the three crew. He even takes the camera for a bit, filming them eat, which gets a laugh. He also makes a very quick mousse using a whip cream gun, which goes down well, though he admits it's no award winning recipe. However combining the mint chocolate mousse with a raspberry coulis at the bottom of the tumblers was a really interesting smack of flavour, which Rene asks if she can steal.

She explains after the food that he shows a real passion, and it would be a real shame if he didn't follow that up. They chat some more but she eventually has to leave. He bids her farewell and she says she'll see what she can do about getting him work.

The next morning Rene is asking him if he'd go on a road trip with her. There are no cameras, just the two of them. She asks what he'd be willing to do to become a chef at one of her restaurants. He's amazed, saying he'd be honoured for the chance. But she reiterates, asking what he'd do for that chance. He says anything. She stops the car in a secluded area and She asks if he'd beg. A little taken aback, guy does beg, but not hard enough. She reiterates in a more commanding way. He lays his heart on the line and begs with emotion, she says he needs to show her how much he wants it, and suggests he go down on her [maybe reveal she has a cock, or just keep it straight].

He does, taking lots of dirty talk about inverse predator/prey relationship. But she slips up occasionally, maybe hinting at her wanting to be dominated. He takes a chance after giving her her climax (she demanded she cum first) before becoming more dominant. Her plan was to see if he would take orders as well as give them, and is pleased when he fucks her wild.

After lots of sex they get going again, arriving at one of her previous rescues in a neighbouring city. They were in need of a sous chef after the last one walked out mid-episode. She talks with the owner in front of cameras about him working there, and asking if the apartment above was still being used for all their paperwork (hinting it shouldn't be). Owner laughs and says if guy helps to file it all, it's his. Guy is stunned, thanking them profusely, but Rene's not done.

She then takes him to a culinary school further into the city and introduces him to the instructor there; an ex-student of Rene. They get him to make a dish as a test as the course is already a few months in, and the dish would cover several methods they'd learned so far. He passes with flying colours and is accepted. It'll be busy but he'll be attending culinary school each weekday then in the evenings he'll work at the restaurant, his tuition paid for by Rene but his room and board will be paid for by shifts at the restaurant.

A few weeks pass. Everything is going well, and He's told the episode will air one night and It starts off as he expected, but them asking for his recordings begin to make sense as Rene is abused by the owner and ignored by the chef until she leaves, refusing to help further unless they admit their arrogance and ask for help. After an inspector was sent in a week later, the place was closed due to health code violations. Then it focuses on the Guy and his story, the meals he made for Rene and the start of his journey to become a chef.

He's humbled and in the morning somewhat shocked to get a call from Rene.

Guy watching heavy rain from his apartment. Reveling in its noise, it's force against his hands on the railing. He looks to the sky and in a flash of lightning he thinks he sees a figure, kilometres in height striding through the clouds. He blinks, unsure of what he saw but still staring. Again he sees the voluptuous figure stomping around in a kind of dance. With the third strike of lightning he stumbles back inside his flat, the being looked at him. Directly at him.

At first he thought it was a trick of the light, but then lightning strikes outside, or rather the flash and noise indicates as much but suddenly there's a dark bluish grey woman standing on the balcony, white hair and golden eyes shimmering. She strides in demanding to know why he was staring at her. He said he didn't mean to, that he didn't even know she was there at first. She seems utterly baffled by the notion that he didn't notice an entire stormfront crashing through the area. Bits of back and forth but he eventually realised she is the storm, the physical embodiment. And not just 'a' storm. But The Storm.

She mocks him for sheltering under his little balcony area, and he admits it's not what he wants, but he can't do what he used to. She asks what it was, and he says laying down in super heavy rain, allowing it to pelt his body. Sometimes just standing but mostly placing a beach towel down in the backyard and laying down in only boardshorts. She asks why he doesn't anymore and he points out he can't afford a place with a backyard, and even if he could, he has to care for a kid now, and as a single parent he can't afford to get sick. So he has to just live with his hands being pelted by rain. He opens his palms to show reddened and saturated skin.

Storm hears the truth in his words and says she should return to the skies. He asks that before she does, if he could hug her. She's confused but he says 1) he would have regretted for the rest of his life not asking the embodiment of Storms for a hug, and 2) even anthropomorphic personifications need a hug sometimes. She agrees and they hug. It's a little electric but they say goodbye and the night moves on.

A month or so later another storefront moves in and guy is standing back out on his balcony, leaning closer to the edge this time, allowing his head to occasionally get drenched. A crack of thunder and a flash later, storms is beside him on the balcony, they chat some more.

Faerie woman taking shelter on a mans porch during severe hailstorm. He offers her to come in, she's flees into the hail but is struck down by a hailstone. She wakes up in his livingroom. There's is water, fruit and cookies out for her. She panics again, waking him up. He tries to reassure her he means no harm, but she demands to leave. The hail had calmed to rain - albeit heavy - so he relents and opens the door, circling around to the side of the room so as not to get in her way. She tries to fly but her wings are damaged. He rushes to help as she falls to the floor. She starts going off with 'do as your wish' 'get it over with', and so on but he has no idea what she's talking about. She's been told humans would take advantage of them, collar them, make them slaves, etc. he sounds appalled at the notion and says she's welcome to leave whenever she wants, and stay however long she needs. He's got no ulterior motive, just trying to help.

Woman wakes to hear a loud meowing at 2am. Starts to get annoying so she goes to see what it's about. Nearby defunct church had a small bundle in front of it's door. She pulls the blanket down to see a small kitten's face. Thinking someone thought they could hand it off to the church like an orphan but not realising the church had been abandoned for years, she takes it back to hers and decides to give it some milk for the time being.

However when she gets back to her apartment she discovers it's body is not feline but humanoid in shape, and what she had is a little cat person. She quickly determines it's a boy and not sure what to do with him she initially takes him to a vet, who tells her it must be some sort of mutation, like the dog in India that had 6 legs or the goat with one eye. It just looked human now and would probably develop more feline features later.

Surprise, he doesn't. After a few months of care the kitten is experimenting walking on two legs and eventually it's meows become more distinct and closer to human speech. After several years the kitten has grown into a cat boy of sorts and the woman is amazed by how smart he's becoming. He gets to ten-ish years old and starts up with the "you're not my real mum" and "why am I a freak" discussions. However, on the internet one night there's news about where he may have come from.

Scientists - worried about the slow onset of birth conditions and the like - began experimenting with gene splicing to further extend the variability of the human genome. Rather than giving humans more varied genes, they managed to create several races of beings. Then thanks to a change in leadership of the company their existence was admitted to the public. The centre they were located at was easy enough to Google and they tried calling but kept getting put on hold or disconnected. They emailed but got an automated response. So eventually it was decided they would set off on a road trip.

She'd previously only been able to go out in public with him wearing a onesie and mask, having experimented with shaving his face early on and deciding that was a bad decision. The last couple of years he pretty much stayed entirely at home, though he'd go on nature walks with her every now and again. So being able to meet fellow bestial beings, he was ecstatic and nervous. They get to the facility and the guards won't let them anywhere near until he takes his hood off, showing what he was. The guard is confused, calling in to make sure all their kind were accounted for, which they were, but led to a scientist coming out to see what the fuss was about.

Years prior a woman escaped with one of the first kids because she found out they were being offloaded to the military and didn't want the kid to have any part of it (her genes used in process for that child). She went awol and was killed in the military's attempt to recapture her and the child. Initially they considered the child lost, thinking they'd find it by searching the woman's connections or hoping someone would bring it to a hospital or similar and get noticed. But dropping it off at the defunct church hid the child better than the woman could have imagined.

Boy is accepted into the program again, but has a hard time adjusting to the others (who all are younger than him) and stays in contact with his adopted mother. They talk but several terrorist attempts on the facility prompt higher security and she doesn't see the boy for some time. Eventually boy reaches 18 and wants to make his way in society, knowing while he may have rights, folks may not like him for what he is. Requests to move back in with his adopted mother who he hasn't seen properly in years.

He moves back in, she hadn't changed his room, so it's full of his old stuff, which makes him sentimental. However he starts seeing her as a woman which causes the appropriate reaction. The question of 'girlfriend' or similar comes up and he admits that everyone else being younger and growing up together while he came by later meant he wasn't entirely 'one of them' so never had a girlfriend. But he has a bunch of questions thanks to movies.

He's used to wearing no clothes at the facility due to the fur being more comfortable free than covered. So cue awkward moment when he wanders through the house naked. Occasional moments watching movies together and just hanging out progress their relationship out of the standard mother-son dynamic. Comes to a head after he tries going for a job and gets threatened by some rando. He responds, they scuffle and the police are called. Other guy ends up with deep cuts from teens claws, but video shows he acted in self defence and is allowed home, though warned not to let loose again. Woman helps clean him up when he gets home, and it leads to a kiss, and more.

Guy builds a fursuit and in the process manages to summon a demon into it due to special stitching/thread. (Maybe found in an op-shop or from unknown donor?) Demon enhances sensations of person who wears suit, at the cost of their own desires/inhibitions. Guy manages to open dialog with demon and makes a deal. It won't try to control him if he agrees to make more suits. A certain clientele would pay through the roof for that experience,

Each new suit is donned, the devils inside influencing the buyer to fuck the maker. As more of the demons minions are brought forth, the demons power rises, and the relationship between the demon and tailor increase. Eventually the demon is capable of manifesting fully within a suit as the last bit of special thread is used, surprising the man with all his pent up desires along with his harem of other suits.

Demon then uses powers to 'bless' an entire box of thread and has the man make more suits.

Aeromorph story

Guy is a LAME (Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer) in the Air Force and has been working on A10's for several years. But with the A10 being phased out, he's losing his job. However, his instructor is brought into a program at an R&D base, and manages to get him a job there too. He is to work on just one plane which is being used for tests. An A10 with an internally mounted tank that is highly secured and he is told never to touch it, but to keep the rest of the craft running. He abides and maintains the aircraft through its 'testing'. He understands there is some new tech inside - within the compartment - that he is not allowed to know about but needs to be tested on 'older' machines before integrated into newer ones.

Guy does his job, occasionally dismayed at the state of the A10 when it returns having suffered considerable damage. But he hand-crafts new plating and keeps it operational despite several times when he questions how it could have possibly returned and not crashed given entire missing hydraulic and electrical segments.

One day higher ups bring him to office talking about decommissioning the plane as the testing had proven positive enough to move ahead to other more modern projects. He would not be moved with the project and as such would be shuffled around to other LAME duties on base if he chose to stay with them. Afterwards he laments this to the plane, stating he might stay at the base but it wouldn't be the same.

He's Dragged out of bed the next morning and interrogated for 'altering the compartment'. He denies everything stating he would never do that. They ask what he was doing in the hangar the afternoon before and he says he was just saying goodbye as he thought the plane was being scrapped. He says he knew it sounded silly but He's worked on it for nearly four years and was somewhat attached. He didn't know what they were talking about.

Apparently the compartment had been emptied of its contents. Deciding he'd be a moron to remove the top secret 'equipment' and stick around after the fact, they bring him back to the hangar to give the plane a once over to determine how the contents were removed. He's informed it was a liquid, and that's all he's allowed to know. He gives the plane a once over and discovers a hole leading through the fuselage to the cockpit. He traces it as best as possible from the outside but needs to enter the cockpit to continue as it goes through panels he otherwise could not access. They allow him in and once inside the canopy snaps shut, sealing him in. He bangs on the window to be freed but the others think he's stealing the plane and open fire. Strangely the canopy goes dark as it's encased in metal and he can feel the plane suddenly moving. Text on the hud flashes 'sorry, please trust me' as the plane taxis out onto the runway and takes off.

Guy straps in as best he can, though without a flight suit he feels quite unprepared. Plane flies itself, hugging the treetops as it attempts to evade the Air Force. Eventually it finds a clearing and lands, though the engineer is stunned when the wings fold back as it enters a wooded area, allowing it to pass between trees. Once tucked under the canopy the cockpit unlocks and the man clambers out, stunned at what had just happened. But his first instinct is to check the plane over, make sure it was undamaged, checking the wings to note a hinge similar to navy aircraft folding techniques.

Still refers to plane as 'she' and amazed at the work that had been done to her to allow that, and he must have been blind not to notice. And that it must have been the same plane because of the scratch that had always been on one particular panel that he always rubbed his finger along, promising to repaint it but always forgetting. Which is when the plane begins to shudder and creak. He scrambles for a bush as the whole form bends in on itself, folding almost like a transformer as it realigns into an aeromorph.

Guy is stunned as she gains female proportions, but retains the cockpit. Thick thighs made from the engine nacelles with thin 'wedge heels' utilising the tail plane. Wings fold back like a cape while her arms are made from the landing gear section her head narrows, reducing the 2 person cockpit to a single, allowing the material to flow down her form to create two appropriately sized bosoms between her arms while a face shaped somewhat like a shark's forms on its nose. The plane then pulls the barrel of the GAU-88 out as though it were a cigar, and places it on the ground.

Flabbergasted the guy questioningly calls the plane by her name and she grins happily, reaching down to pull him up into a hug. She is easily four to five times his height, and he is suitably squished between her breasts. He asks what's going on and she explains.

The military had been implementing a type of nanotech that could restructure itself to do everything from mend circuitry to form hydraulic systems. Worried it could become too overpowered they utilised older tech as a base framework and ran it through a number of combat scenarios. The 'pilot' was essentially a remote uplink, and as such was unable to see what was actually going on within the aircraft, which resulted in one mission where to adhere to the programmed directive of 'returning the craft to base' it had to override other programming restraints which led to a form of AI. The engineer had always sought to take care of the plane and upon returning it discovered he was the only individual who actually had its welfare in mind. Over the following year it sought more processing power, and converted more and more of the plane into rudimentary forms of the nanotech, where instead of having a liquid state like the primary tech, it was etched into the plates and wiring.

When the engineer had sadly informed it of what would happen, it realised they would essentially be scrapping its ability to compute at higher functions and panicked. It sought to convert the whole plane so as to have autonomy, but was interrupted when they arrived that night to empty the tank of nanites. Needing more time it replaced the nanites with fuel from the tanks and as soon as it was opened, the techs closed the tank again and began their investigation. It used the time to finish preparing itself but before it could leave they had dragged the engineer in to explain. When the plane realised they could take their lovely carer with them they made a snap decision and reformed the fuselage to mislead him into the cockpit, and maybe kinda kidnapped him, which they then apologise profusely for.

Guy calms the plane down and takes things from the top, repeating the major plot points as best as possible. When she confirms he embraces her, exclaiming he knew she was special. She confides that Unbeknownst to him she was not the only one. There were two others she knew of; one M24 Chaffee and a Taipan helicopter. But there were mentions of a fourth (a diesel sub). She felt bad she had to leave them behind, guy asks if she knew whether they were like her: broken programming. She knew the Heli had, as they were in neighbouring hangars. But only ever communicated basic info with tank, so unsure. They hear jets race around above looking for them, he wonders if they'll be spotted on satellite, but she points out the clouds. She tests to see if she can still fly and can, so he gets in cockpit (very cramped, enters via her 'swallowing' him, the chair acting a bit like her tongue) and they choose whether to save the others.

Base is on high alert still, so guy sneaks in, keeping in radio contact with A10 as he approaches the base. Once inside he just acts as normal, doesn't arouse suspicion. Gets to Heli hangar and initially it is unresponsive until he gets the A10 to send some coded message through the radio to it. Realising the situation, it agrees to the plan, with a garage further down the field holding the tank. Heli stays in vehicle mode for the time being, starting the mass-conversion process with speed.

Guy gets to the tank's garage and it's already well and truly sentient, but not sure what the point is of running. Thinks it can compact enough code to 'unpack' its mind once in a better piece of tech. Guy is torn between leaving it to it's fate or busting it out. He hides when a bunch of techs come in. They start talking about the disappearance of the A10 and how there's no option but to data purge the tank's entire system after a full download to see if they can figure out what went wrong.

Tank realises number is up as a series of metallic squeals and crashes echo in from outside, followed by gunfire and helicopter blades slicing through air. Guys radio goes off saying he needs to get out. Techs hear it and he panics, but the tank says to get in and he does so as it rams the garage doors, busting out of the facility.

Ground forces are in hot pursuit as A10 does her best to obstruct their path by dropping trees just behind the tank, and it works for a time, allowing them to get clear. But they know the jets and helis are not far away, and being restricted by the tank's non-aeronautical form, they begin to worry they'll get caught. They come across a quarry, and manage to hide amongst the machinery there, with the tank and heli taking a moment to gain their humanoid forms out of necessity to hide under and behind other vehicles. They manage to hide long enough the search party goes away.

Dawn had broken, which would make any escape difficult during daylight. But They know they can't stay there too long, as being a Sunday the workers wouldn't show up, but they would the next day. A plan is discussed and it is decided under the cover of darkness they would make for the coast. The Heli had delivered supplies to a base there and supposedly there was another like them waiting there, though she had no idea what, given the variety of the three of them, she assumed the fourth may be some sort of boat. The guy manages to find a vending machine and finally get some food, while the other three consumed an assortment of things from engine oil, petrol, scrap metal (one unlucky persons car) and even explosives.

Under cover of darkness they make for the coast, listening to the radio chatter for a clue on where the search parties were. They get to the base and spot several ships in the dock, but none of them stood out. Heli offers to help take guy in close to see if they can figure out which is the right one. She walks around underwater, staying in contact through the radio, touching the hulls of the ships until she finds the right one. The sub.

The base is buzzing and it would be impossible for guy to get onboard the Normal way without being spotted, so he climbs up the back of the sub with Heli's help and sneaks aboard the sub. The entire crew compartment had been gutted, replaced with a massive version of one of the canisters he recognised. The air was stale and he realised it only needed oxygen for the engines, because it didn't really have crew, same as the others. He fumbled around a bit but eventually got a Morse response from the liquid inside the canister. He held the radio up to it as the A10 gave instructions for getting past the canister walls, but the larger tank was more reinforced. Guy would have to break it.

So he snuck back topside to find some tools and after a lot of snooping and some close calls he got a drill back to the sub. Once he started drilling, sensors on the canister began going off, so he quickly sealed the entrance with a crowbar and went back to it. Soon there was sounds of activity from outside as they tried to break in, when guy managed to finally drill through. He was surrounded by a flood of nanites as they poured past and around him, sweeping him up until they got to the bridge and the whole sub lurched to life. It formed a chair out of a bulkhead, planting guy in it before reversing at decent speed. A Russian voice echoed through the speakers saying they were headed up the coast, and would Meet the rest there. The sub then wheeled around to face the sea and shot forward at speed, diving to several hundred feet as soon as possible before heading out to sea to the south. Guy questions but the sub is motherly stating he need not worry himself. They go out several miles, diving deeper and deeper before coming to a continental shelf, whereby they dropped into it then hugged the wall as they moved slower but quieter back north.

As they travelled she asked him about the sequence of events and he did his best to describe what had happened. She thanks him for his caring nature and they talk about what had been happening with the others. They stay almost brushing the sandy floor all the way back, staying out of sonar as best as possible before reaching the coast where indicated. They pull into an inlet and surface just enough for the guy to get out. He finds the others and the sub alters her form so the other three can climb inside. It's cramped but safe. They are about to power off up the coast but the presence of the guy is pointed out. He'll need food, his accounts are probably being watched etc. so it's decided he should head back to the base, exclaiming he was kidnapped and so on. And maybe some time in the future it would be safe for them to meet again.

He gets back to the base after a sad goodbye and a lot of hiking through the woods. They question him and he doesn't mention the anthro-morphing, just that the A10 sought to free it's friends. He wanted no part in it and was let off after it knew he couldn't interfere. Said it didn't want to be destroyed and ran to preserve its life. When questioned about the other two he said he knew they escaped, but didn't know where to. They do not ask about the sub, which he is thankful for. They ask him to stay on base to answer further questions, take a few tests, and so on, but he's eventually discharged.

A year later and he's attempting to enjoy civillian life working as a mechanic at a small airfield on an island. Doesn't get much stress, but it's just not quite the same. He's replacing a corroded part when one of the pilots comes in to the hangar with a radio, saying he's being asked for by name. Woman on the line says he is hard person to find, and mentions someone coming to pick him up in a few minutes. He's no idea what it's about but she sounds military so he obliges. He cleans up best as possible, then head out to parking lot, which is when he recognised the Taipan swing into the airport and touch down on the helipad. There appears to be someone in the pilot seat but as he gets close he realises it's a dummy of sorts, looking like a more human version of the Taipan's anthro form. He buckles up and they take off. Not far away they come to a secluded inlet where upon landing he's greeted by the tank and A10, with the massive form of the sub reclining against some rocks. He looks up to see it overcast then after giving the heli 'doll' a quick hug, he runs up to the A10, leaping into her arms.


A10 is slightly bubbly but more Amazonian in build. Strong and tall but quite curvy. Huge heart but quick to temper. Chews the gun barrel like a cigar, but it otherwise does not smoke. Grey in colour.

Chaffee has the attitude of a posh American socialite of the 1940's. Main barrel hangs down like a foxtail shawl thing, while the turret acts as the fluffy fur collar of a coat and the treads hang down like the rest of the coat. More slender than A10, head has a jaunty cap similar to the 30's style. Army green.

Taipan is an aussie, her blades acting like four ponytails coming out of her head. She also has a tail unlike the other two who have legs, which has the blades on it as well which can grab. Bit more chunky than A10, but still quite tall. Laid back attitude, with occasional bouts of hyper focused concentration. Beige/green camo in colour.

Foxtrot is a Russian Foxtrot B-427 Submersible. She is no nonsense but super protective. Does not initially take humanoid form, given the space required to do so. When she does she appears as a voluptuous figure in red and black (as opposed to the muted greys, greens and browns of the rest). But Hydrodynamics are complicated, so she returns to sub form while in motion, but unlike normal Foxtrot class, she hollows out the crew area to store the other three.

SCP style 'breach' story

Nomenclature: A[A/E/O/R] YYYY-#* [P/N/H] [A/M] [Threat]

Anom: [Pronounced A-Nom] Anomalous thing.

  • AA: Anomalous Area

  • AE: anomalous Entity,

  • AO: anomalous Object,

  • AR: Anomalous Realm,


  • YYYY year it was added to the collection

  • is the registered number given that year.

  • * is used post 1735 to designate site number discovered/registered to

Classifications of Existence

  • P/N/H Peaceful > Neutral > Hostile

  • A/M Apathetic > Motivated

Threat level

  • Sigma: Unknown

  • Alpha: Immediate

  • Beta: Local

  • Gamma: Regional

  • Delta: Global

  • Upsilon: Stellar

  • Omega: Reality


  • AE 1193: HM-Gamma is an actively hostile Anomalous Entity capable of threatening entire regions, the host of a virulent plague who hates humanity but is essentially just an almost unkillable human with human level strength. Can infect large amounts of people quickly, but can be restrained with the right equipment.

  • AO 47: NA-Beta is an object requiring interaction to garner an anomalous effect that poses minor threat to a small area; a mirror that can manifest a persons desires in its reflection and make them real if they honestly believe that stuff exists. Children highly succeptible, adults not so much.


Lilith: AE 1266 HM-Gamma.

Description: The snake of 'original sin' though could be just a very old intelligent serpent. Capable of a form of mind control involving loss of inhibition and having foundation members join her 'cause' which is primarily focused on her freedom, but would otherwise be about spreading forbidden knowledge. Moved from Neutral to Hostile after last attempt at escape resulted in the entirety of site 14 being destroyed.

Containment: 10'x20'x20' 'reinforced' concrete cell. No immediate contact. To be fed 20kg of meat once a month. Kept in a near-starvation state to dampen psychological effects.

Cuddles: AE 1977-14-22 PM-Omega; 9' tall biped 'synthetic' [plush] with a stag skull for a head. Indeterminate gender as stag skull would indicate male but body is more curvy and 'voice' is feminine. Induces hallucinations in those it comforts to help calm, sate or otherwise relax them. Moved from Sigma to Omega threat on 05-12-2014 as hallucinations have been proven to affect reality itself not just the subjects perception of reality.

Containment: Furnished 10'x20'x20' cell. Physical contact may be requested by special order as of 05-12-2014. No dietary requirements, however Anom will show signs of depression if they are not communicated with at least once per day.

Bob: AO 1995-299-5 HA Sigma; Semi-sentient black goo determined to have originated as a variant of Gak: a popular kids toy from the 90's. Packaging indicates it being extra-dimensional in origin. Consumes organic matter to increase its size. Capable of problem solving when given 'food' as a reward, but otherwise unmotivated. No determined upper limit for size. Request to move to threat Delta denied.

Containment: to be kept in original packaging within Locker 293. May be released for experimentation upon request.

Mary: AE 1987-41-12 NM-Alpha

A lockbox pulled from the wreckage of the Mary Celeste. Brought to foundation notice when diver was supposedly attacked by it. Devours intrinsically valuable items for sustenance. Can sense valuable items within a fluctuating range depending on its hunger. The more unique an item, the more effort the Anom will go through to get it.

Containment: 10'x10x10 steel plate reinforced cell. To be fed one unique gold piece minted on site every month. As of 04/06/2021, gold pieces will be printed using the 3D printer on floor three 24 hours before each feeding. If the printer fails the minting press in storage shed nine will have four moulds ready to use and will be checked by maintenance quarterly.

Iris: AE 1835-14-05 NM-Beta

Anom identifies as an Alraune; a sentient plant species with a biological energy production similar to the pitcher plant species. They are capable of storing energy in subterranean organic 'batteries' grown from their roots. They are capable of producing offspring via seeds, which while initially hostile can be rendered neutral by making contact with an already neutral living instance of the Alraune species.

Containment: 20'x20'x20' Reinforced cell (Greenhouse wing). To be fed 10kg of raw meat once per month by authorised botanical maintenance crew, drone or AE 1932-33-69 'Jasmine'

Jasmine: AE 1932-33-69 PM-Sigma

Jasmine is one of the few Anoms allowed staff privelages. She was born and raised in [redacted] where she was raised the daughter of a farmer. She was successfully able to breed strains of plants supposedly incompatible with each other and in the process was noticed by the foundation. She appears highly respected by all botanical anoms she is brought into contact with and has been granted room and board in exchange for maintaining the site 69 Greenhouses. Anomalous produce appear to have little to no affect on her, though testing must be done for each new specimen upon arrival, and bi-annual physicals run in accordance with staff health and welfare act 1967.

Containment: Lodging in staff quarters and restricted to site boundary. Requests to go off-site may be lodged through site director. Full access to staff canteen and anomalous produce

[Following is from Erotica Ideas 1, for context to the above]

Protagonist wakes from a dream to find a gold coin in their hand. Writes a Twitter post, Foundation get in contact, asked for interview. While at the site there's a containment breach which causes havoc, they're left in interview room while the facility is evacuated. After several hours eventually leave room to discover place in lockdown, entities roaming the halls. Most not out to kill them, and they all try to discern what happened. Several humanity-ending entities were escaping so the facility went to an emergency protocol, plane shifting to an earth that did not develop life.

Protagonist last human left alive, all other entities shocked and reeling from situation. Some happy, others sad, most stop caring about killing humans, or actively want protagonist to survive as they're their only energy source now (feeding off human fear/emotion/etc). Entity causing the initial breach was a kind of 'mimic' which would be drawn to consume unique treasure. As the dream coin was the only one of its kind in existence it was drawn to it with immense passion, breaking through its containment and several others in the path. One was an all-consuming mould which set off the secondary containment breach while the 'first serpent' (biblical) also broke containment and began wreaking havok. Foundation considered site too breached to save so it was planeshifted using reality modifiers.

A sentient tub of 'Blak Gak' (prototype toy that went wrong) that absorbs toxic materials and just wants to 'play' makes it out into the inhospitable environment and grows to immense size. It's file states the Foundation were unsure how big it could get so locked it away so it couldn't grow. An Alraune also makes it outside as the carbon dioxide rich atmosphere is just perfect for it.

A large teddy with an elk skull for a head befriends protagonist, along with several other anomalies. They talk of how they were frequently tested with other anomalies to see if they had any benefits, and one mentions an anomalous AI with reality warping capabilities. With food running low and power from the backup generators almost gone, protagonist sets off to find them, but comes across the mould. The Gak returns and deals with the mould just before all hell breaks loose, swallowing the rusted orb that produces the infestation.

The AI is shocked to know what happened, admitting it's hatred for the foundation has led to nothing. Protagonist convinces it to inhabit the base and create solar panels using its abilities to power the base, which will in turn give it more power in the hopes they can propagate food and such. It is pointed out the other entities are functionally immortal but protagonist is not. Protagonist states they understand but is still depressed by that notion.

Two primary sources of food: a regenerating mchappy meal (toys cause disappointment) and a phone that calls 'room service' where The food only has a 10% chance of being what is ordered. The rest is edible but only by ingredients (chocolate roasted tuna, mustard cheesecake, etc). Entity delivering is different in appearance every time but always professes to 'know' the 'guest'

Protagonist tries to focus on doing good and using AI to make them 'site director' in the system, they go around investigating each anomalous entity/object and if sentient and benevolent they are granted freedom to join the collective. Some prefer isolation, some are uncooperative.

Throughout this, relationships build. Mimic is apologetic, and encounter with it ends up in tentacles and soft vore. Snake wished to enlighten humanity, so has no desire to kill protagonist, but holds off 'converting' them as there is no point anymore. Teddyelk just wants someone to cuddle.

One anomalous item is ultra viagra, enabling protagonist to breed with any species. Another is a cloning machine, but from the moment of genetic input it will take the same amount of time after the persons death as the person had left to live. So if a person lives for twenty years after touching the machine (an upright stone sarcophagus that looks like a 1-storey tall Easter island head), then 20 years after their death they return. If they then commit suicide a day later, after one more day they are back.

Protagonist enters machine for the first time, then story cuts to when they leave it for the last time. 2500 years have passed. An entire civilisation of the teddy and nagas exist, with protagonist the ancestor of them all. Have built an idealised society alongside plant woman who has terraformed earth over that time. They have space travel, even first contact with several alien species.

AI figures out how to get back to earth prime, and they head back. Earth devastated by climate change. No icecaps, barely any life on surface. AI on space stations ask who he is. After talk he agrees to plug anomalous AI into their subnet. Rogue ai tries to take over, fails. Anomalous AI takes over network, reveals remaining humans fled singularity, lost contact 2000 years ago.

[Another idea is having the guy manage to keep the site on-earth, and follow along as he fights for their rights as the foundation is brought to account due to other plot reasons, where he eventually becomes director of that site and turns it into a haven for anomalies]

Guy and dog sitter

While walking home from shops guy comes across woman calling for dog. He asks what breed and she shows him a photo. She gives him her number in case he spots the dog. He says he'll keep an eye out. Doesn't see dog on way home, so shrugs it off and hopes she finds it. He has to make a call to an employment agency before the day is out so does so, but the person he needed to talk to has left early, so he makes sure they record he called and sits around with nothing to do. Hearing the woman through his apartment window he sighs and gets in his car.

He drives around the streets looking for the dog, possibly spotting it a few times but unable to park and look before it's gone. On his way past one of the parks he comes across the woman with the dog. He slows down and jovially asks about the dog. She had called a vet and they'd just had the dog come in so she picked it up. She was stressing because she was dog sitting and didn't want the owners to find out. He bids her farewell and heads home.

Several weeks later he is having coffee at a cafe when he sees the the dog wandering down the street unaccompanied. He looks for the woman, and doesn't spot her, so finds the woman's number in his phone and calls it. She answers, confused and flustered. Guy says he spotted the dog outside the cafe unaccompanied and thought he'd check. She thanks him and heads over quickly but asks if he can try to catch it. He leaves the cafe to track the dog and manages to get its attention and ahold of its collar, leading it to a bench. Where they sit and wait for the woman. She shows up, thanks him and heads off exhausted.

A few days later he's walking home from the shops and spots her walking the other way. He asks if she's looking for the dog and she laughs a little before saying no. He says good and there's a bit of an awkward silence. She says she was a little surprised he didn't try calling her after giving him her number. He says he thought it would be inappropriate. She jokes about her looking flustered and probably a little crazy. He has a moment of stupidity and asks for clarification. She reiterates her wearing loose dog-hair covered clothes, out of breath etc wasn't that attractive

He calls her out on her self esteem, and she disagrees. [try to make the least nice-guy ish rant as possible] At first he thinks she's joking, but realised she's serious. He calls her gorgeous and she laughs at him. He asks for her phone, she hesitated but relents. He brings up the camera and reiterates it's her phone so she can do with the photos what she wants. He's a phtotographer and wants to prove her wrong. He takes several photos, manages to capture a few candid ones of her smiling and adds some B&W and other effect filters. He then shows her and she starts crying. He tells her that "personal criticism is somewhat healthy, it stops you from taking too many risks and so on. But while you should criticise your actions, you should never doubt yourself, or you'll end up bitter and full of regret, like me."

She seems to take the comment badly, leaving the man with his shopping. He takes it home and settles in before getting a text. It's the woman asking if he really saw her that way. He replies he does, though jokes that her phone's camera doesn't do her justice. There's a gap between messages but eventually she asks if he would take any more photos. He agrees and asks what sort of photos, where, etc. she just says like the ones he took but maybe at her place, where she's more comfortable.

They set a date and he shows up with some bare essentials, she has her friend there to 'keep an eye on him' and make sure he doesn't try to take advantage of her. Guy kinda laughs it off but assures the two of them there's no funny business. He sets up the equipment in her livingroom while she changes into a nice dress. He starts taking photos but something is off. He asks her if she's okay and she half heartedly says yes. He pries and she stays quiet until he asks if there's something else she could wear. The friend jumps to conclusions and says no lingerie shots but he assures them that's not what he meant. He asks her why she was wearing the dress and she says her friend said it looked the best out of what she had. He asks if it's something she wears often and she admits it was only bought for a wedding she went to and never worn again. He asks her to find something she likes wearing.

She comes back out in a loose tie dye tee and track pants, and despite looking much less formal, he shows her the difference in expression in her face on the photo replay of the camera. It convinced her - much to friends dismay - to try other clothes she liked including ones she hadn't worn in ages. A tank top and skater shorts seemed most preferred and he got some more shots inside before moving outside to get shots against the brick walls for better texture. After a couple hours he pulls out his laptop, downloads all the photos to a thumb drive and gives them to the girls before deleting them off his camera as promised. Friend changes tone a bit when she sees some of the more interesting shots. Guy says goodbye after packing his stuff up, leaving them to peruse the photos at their leisure.

Guy gets another message a few hours later thanking him profusely for the photos. He says it's no problem, spends an age trying to type something else before deleting it and just sending 'no probs'. She asks what he typed before deleting, he asked if it was obvious. She demands to know. So he tells her that he's glad she can see herself through someone else's eyes, sometimes you need that to realise how hard you're being on yourself, take a step back and appreciate who you are and who you've become. He also states it's pretty corny which is why he deleted it. But true. He doesn't get a reply back for quite some time, so he apologises and says he barely knows her and he didn't intend to creep her out or anything like that. She responds by saying she's not weirded out, just needs to collect herself.

It's a few days before she sends him another message. She asks if he could take more photos. He says he can and jokes about having to start charging. She is super apologetic and tries to cancel but he insists it's a joke, and he enjoys the company. He heads to hers at the agreed time and there's no friend. She asks for more relaxed photos, which at first he doesn't understand the meaning but she takes him to the nature reserve behind her place and they take a couple trails until she finds the right branches to sit on, he takes some great photos, and the more she sees them the more she relaxes. He gets great shots of her laughing, which given her crooked teeth she's nervous about but you can hardly see them in the angles he gets.

Eventually the clouds open and it starts pouring rain. They were too preoccupied with the photos to notice the weather, so they book it for her place. Guy manages to wrap the camera in his jacket, keeping it dry, but he is soaked through and through, as is she. They laugh about it, and she says she can chuck their stuff in the dryer. He looks a little concerned but she says she has two dressing gowns. She gives him the seemingly unused pink unicorn one while she takes the white one. They joke about the gowns until she asks to see the photos. He hands her the camera but after a few seconds she starts taking photos of him. He laughs trying to cover up more with her saying he toook plenty of photos of her, so she wants a few of him. He points out that could have been done while he was dressed, to which she says 'where's the fun in that?'

A bit of play fighting ensues, where guy manages to get the camera back and take several stunning photos of the woman smiling and laughing close up. He stares at the photos for some time before she gets concerned and asks what he's looking at. He hands her the camera and says those have to be the most honestly beautiful photos he's ever taken. She doesn't believe him until she sees the pics and is speechless. He laments spending years learning the craft, and over a decade practicing. He's taken thousands of photos, maybe over a million. He's photographed professional models, amateurs, fantastic people and shit ones. And the greatest photograph he's ever taken was not in a studio, or under structured lighting, or even remotely set up or staged. She asks why he looks so sad. He points out everything perfect about the photograph: the framing, the raw emotion, the subtle blurring, all adding to the perfect photograph, and only they will see it. She asks if that doesn't make it more special. Which he says it does, but it would be like hiding Michelangelo's David in a vault, or hanging the Mona Lisa in someone's private study. It's her photo to do with as she pleases, he won't take that from her. He just wants her to know how much of a one in a million shot that was.

She says it can't be that hard to recreate it. To which he asks for the camera back. She's hesitant but obliges. He then sets about taking photos of her while she's in nothing but bra, panties and robe, laying on her bed looking over to him. She doesn't stop him, and even tries to smile in the photos. He then shows her the result. They look like they could be part of an ad for a high-quality neglige, and he points out how stunning she looks regardless, but they just look so formal, so impersonal compared to the other one. She asks if it's more personal what he wants. He says it is, but that's not something that can be simply changed like putting on or taking off a jacket. She indicates for him to start taking photos, then slowly and sensually opens her gown to reveal her undergarments. He angles the camera away, asking her if she really wanted him to, but she nods nervously and continues opening her robe. She slowly gets into the striptease, with the guy taking photos almost constantly.

The more the camera shutter goes the more into it she seems to get until she has allowed the gown to fall off her entirely. Guy gulps as she stares him down. She starts dancing and gyrating without music, humming to herself while he continues to take photos. He takes plenty of shots, until she gets a call from her friend, which ends the fun somewhat. Her friends are headed out that night and invite her to join in, and she gets roped in. Guy understands and as he's packing up he realises transferring all the photos would take an hour or so, so she says he can bring them over another day.

Guy gets home and starts the transfer, but decides he wants to head out as well. He heads to the pub and had a drink on his own, watching the karaoke with feigned interest before playing pool with some randoms. Then a group come in and he can tell they're going to be a handful given how obnoxious the guys were. Surprisingly the woman is with them. They lock eyes and hers go wide. But he gives her a reassuring gesture and fakes a zipper across his mouth. Eventually the group end up at the pool table where they belittle him and the randoms for missed shots etc. he's getting more and more pissed off but keeps his cool.

Then one of the guys start insulting him personally. He stands up for himself which the asshole hates and threatens violence. Guy looks to the others in the group, with the other men seemingly standing by their rude friend while the woman just shrinks into the background. Guy realises when the odds aren't in his favour and decides it a good time to leave. As he goes the woman looks super embarrassed and apologetic.

After he leaves he gets a message from her saying sorry. He once again spends time crafting a message - this time to vent his anger - but deletes it in favour of saying 'I understand. All good.' A little later she responds, asking what he actually typed. He said she wouldn't want to know. She said she did. So he wrote a damn thesis: "I left as a matter of survival, which is the same reason you stayed quiet." "Don't rock the boat, you won't get thrown overboard," etc etc. he essentially says he doesn't blame her for not standing up, but also being around those kinds of people she'll have a hard time growing as a person. The woman he saw in those photos is not the woman he saw at the bar, and she had to choose who she wanted to be.

The next day the guy messages the woman to let her know he has a usb with all her photos on it, and she tells him to come on over that afternoon. She'll be dog sitting but otherwise alone. He shows up and she is embarrassed, apologising for the previous night. He says he understands and considers it in the past, though he meant what he said about two different women. He asks what she enjoys, and she starts talking about the dogs she sits. He asks if she ever thought about being a vet, she says she wants to but didn't think she'd be good at it. He suggested volunteering at the vet or shelter to see. She agrees.

She shows him the collar and leash that she got for a dog she wanted to get at one point before being evicted and moving into a pet-free place. He points out it's a big collar, she said it was a big dog. He jokes that it'd be big enough to fit around her neck. She puts it on and jokingly gets on all fours, padding over to him. He pets her head and scratches behind her ears. But after a minute of her staying in that one position he relents. She said that felt nice, so he continues doing it. The dog she was sitting comes in to get some attention too and he ends up giving both scritches.

Time flies by as they talk shit, until her alarm goes off. She needs to return the dog to it's owner, so kicks him out. He gets a message a little later saying she forgot to take the collar off when she dropped the dog back, and kinda got embarrassed. He jokes with 'only kinda?' And she just sends a winky face in response. Later that night he gets a message saying she loved the photos, and asked what his favourite was. He says the one he pointed out to her, and she says yeah she knows that, but what about from the rest. He says she has all the photos and he deleted the originals, but there was one where she had the gown almost entirely off, just around her wrists and she was slightly arched back knees spread, with her head tilted back, eyes closed and smiling widely.

A few minutes later he gets an mms, opening it to that photo. He says that's the one, and she agrees it looks great. Then she sends her favourite, which is similar pose but with the gown off, leaning forward and her eyes fucking the camera, mouth open seductively. He starts typing but can't think of what to say, eventually writing 'can I change my vote?'. She lols but asks what he originally wrote. He admits she broke his brain, he kept typing 'I' then deleting it and writing 'You' before deleting it and writing 'I' again, and so on. She asks what he's doing that night, and he says just chilling out, watching Netflix. She asks if he'd like to do that at hers. He says okay and heads over.

He arrives and she's wearing casual clothes under her robe, and the collar. He smiles but greets her as normal and heads inside. She asks what he wants to watch, and he asks if she's seen a particular movie. She hasn't so they put it on. Not too long into the film she slides to the floor beside guy and he begins scratching her head. After a few minutes she gets up to go to the bathroom and comes back. When she gets back, she asks if she can give him something. A little confused, he accepts and she hands him the leash before sitting back down. It takes a minute before he could build up the nerve, but the guy eventually slides his hand down along the woman's neck until he reached the collar. He brushed the hair away and finds the ring, then clips the leash to it. He hears her moan a little and begins stroking her head again.

Movie ends, and during the credits the woman says she called the vet and asked about volunteer positions. The guy pats her head and calls her a good girl, which she smiles at as she rubs her head on his leg. Guy is super torn, he really likes where things are going, and he's pretty sure he knows where she wants to take it, but he isn't sure about how far he can push it. He continues petting her into the next film. Her phone starts to ring in the other room, she gets up and begins to walk to it but forgets about the leash. She almost chokes herself before turning back around to guy. He acts fast and motions her over. He unclips her leash and ruffles her hair while smiling. She dashes to her phone and it's her friend asking if she wants to go out that night. She pauses for a moment but says she wants a quiet night in. Friend is disappointed and calls her out but she stands firm and hangs up.

She walks back over to guy and explains, he looks a little shocked at first and not sure of what to say, but in the end he smiles and pets her head again, calling her a good girl and saying he knew she could do it. She looks ecstatic, and he pats the couch next to him for her to sit back down. She does and ends up sitting cross legged, leaning onto him. After another minute or so she grabs the end of the leash and puts it back in the guys hands. He clips it to her collar and she sighs again. Guy gets comfortable with one arm across her shoulders and the other holding the leash. She begins to get excited during one of the action scenes and the guy isn't sure what comes over him, but he gently tugs on the leash. The woman seems a little stunned at first, but turns to face the guy with a scolded look on her face. He brushes her fringe aside and decided to take a risk. He gently pulls the leash towards him and she doesn't stop him. So he pulls her to his lips and kisses her.

Guy invited to Greek island by his younger sisters friend.

Growing up, guy was a few years older than his sister. Most of his life he had to look after her and her friends when they visited, which was often as they lived on a farm in a rural town while her friends lived in town. The girls were always way younger so he never saw them 'that way' but he knew (mostly via his sister) that there were several that had a crush on him.

He goes to Uni, graduates with a degree in geology before discovering a lack of jobs afterwards in his field. He returns home to figure out what to do and helps out with farm stuff. His time at uni has softened him a little, so he gets used to working out in the shed, doesn't realise his sisters friends perv on him while waiting for her.

He considers going international, but needs cash before hand. So decides to work at a mine for nine months to earn some cash. After his first stint at the quarry he visits home and sees the girls briefly when they're over visiting his sister, and after a 'disagreement', he ends up taking Anne to hospital. On the trip there she's more scared than angry, and guy finds out why.

Anne has a bad home life her parents are evil, the other teens are still teasing her about stuff that happened years ago and she's not happy with school. Guy is shocked as she always seemed so together and capable. She ends up with a gash on her face which she is worried about. He gives her his number and says to call if she ever needed anything.

Before leaving for his second nine-month stint, guy Rents a granny-flat in town where he can keep all his stuff while he's away. His mother wants to turn his old room into a sewing/quilting room, so he either had to put his stuff in storage or organise somewhere else. He heads off and a few weeks into work he gets a call from a tearful Anne saying how her parents whipped her because they thought she was sleeping around. Super religious nut jobs. She has nowhere to stay and as the rest of the friend group isn't answering their phones she called him.

He lets her know the address of his little flat and tells her where the key is. It's close to the high school, so easy for her to get to. She stays there for some time, and he wires her some cash for living expenses. It's not much but it's enough for the essentials. He keeps informed about legal processes and such and finds out she disowned her parents and is super depressed. But guy convinced her to stick out the rest of school at the very least. After that she can go anywhere and do anything, but leaving before the end of school could cut off some options.

He keeps in contact throughout her school year and she is close to graduation. Because he'd been supporting Anne, guy has less money than he hoped he'd have after two years, and sets his sights on doing another round of work immediately (usually 9 months on, 3 months off) but she convinces him to rest first. If she can spend several months working towards exams, he can wait several months so as not to burn out.

Guy sleeps on the couch in his flat as she's turned the bedroom into her bedroom, with a desk and everything else for her to study. She says he doesn't have to but he insists, as he wanted her to be focused on passing. Guy makes her food and is just a good solid moral support throughout, never makes a pass at her. A few times she seems to be hitting on him but he just kindly points her back to her desk or puts her sleepy form to bed.

Exams happen and she does her best. But after her last one she gets a call from overseas. Her grandparents are ill and requested her presence. While she's gone, guy finds out from his sister exactly how bad things had gotten at school and with the parents, and that even she didn't know where Anne was staying or what was going on. Turns out the guy was the only real friend she had by that point. The other girls called her 'scar' after the disagreement the year prior, forgetting her old nickname but alienating her further. Sister says she never called Anne that name, but also didn't stop her friends from doing it. And could see now how bad it had gotten after guy points out Anne had been staying at his place the entire time, Anne not even trusting the sister enough to tell her.

Guy out of contact with Anne for weeks until she returns to town. She looks more confident and healthy, and comes across Guy and his sister at the shops. It's a family dinner night, and they invite her along. At dinner, guys parents ask how she's doing, state that they never see her with the group and so on. Sister looks like death but Anne keeps it civil, saying she didn't get along with some of the other girls, she needed to grow and they were holding her back. Sister gets handed a letter - her school grades - and passes her final year. They ask Anne if she knows her results, she seems super nervous but says she has no idea. Guy hands her the envelope delivered to his place, which raises some eyebrows. She explains fairly straightforward that her parents faith clashed with her own and she was no longer welcome there, and guy had graciously allowed her to stay at his while he was at the mine. Theres a bit of concern from the parents but she assures them nothing happened between them, though blushing a little. She opens the letter and also passed everything.

And that's when she reveals what had happened with her grandparents. They found out what had happened to their only granddaughter, and cut her mother (their daughter) out of their will, passing their entire fortune and assets to her. Their assets? A resort island in the Mediterranean. The only clause was that she pass her high school exams. She had to prove to them she was able to push through adversity.

Guy is so happy for her, and sister is astonished, but also congratulates her along with their parents. Anne says she will be tying up what loose ends she has in the town, but will otherwise be off to Greece as soon as possible. After dinner Guy takes Anne back to his. She finds he's been sleeping on the couch this entire time, her bedroom untouched aside from the folded laundry on her bed. She asks why, he said he felt it was her space, and with everything going on, he felt she deserved her own space. She hugs him and gushes over how amazing he's been over the years. He never called her scar - or even brought it up - always helped her out even if there was nothing in it for him. And not once did he ever take advantage of her. Though she admits she wished he would have, maybe once or twice.

Guy admits he's wanted to, but she was in such a hard place, it would have been wrong, and at the very least emotionally manipulative. Not to mention the age thing. She hugs him tight and tells him her 18th birthday was months ago. He was a little confused as his sister had only just turned 17. She explained it was because she was held back a year back before high school as the date requirements changed. Revealed part of the reason she was teased early on was because rumours were she was too dumb to graduate primary school.

Guys friend is majoring in psychology and asks him if he's still having trouble sleeping. There's a position in a sleep study working on making a person able to lucid dream by amplifying and muffling specific brainwaves. He agrees and enters the study where they attach electrodes to his head with a strange neoprene cap (like a rugby helmet) and he goes to sleep. Has a massive adventure (maybe furry pirate one) before being pulled out.

Like the rest of the group he slept incredibly well, though the rest demanded to be allowed to sleep to continue their dreams. Guy had enough self control to say he's fine if that was a one/off but he thoroughly enjoyed it. He gets called back, but only him. The others were too much of a risk to continue studying but he showed promise for them to fine tune the experience.

He goes back in and things seem to take off from where he left. Unlike other dreams he seems to remember everything perfectly, which the students appreciate as he can give them an incredibly accurate description of his experience. Again, his willingness to leave the project in the morning for his regular life prompts them to request his return.

But after the third trial, news of the first trial gets back to the teachers and they request the experiment be stopped for safety reasons. The group however manage to sneak out a spare of the electrode helm and a harmonisation unit one of them developed from an arduino. They ask if guy is fine doing it from home and he's okay with it, but doesn't want them to get into trouble. As a safety precaution he gives his friend a spare key just in case it's too much and he tries to stay under.

New kit has less shielding than the others, and the dreams feel far more real, which is problematic as they seem to be getting more intense/violent. Sensations are more powerful, and he even wakes up with marks where he was injured in his dream. Goes to a therapist, who takes it all with a bit of salt, and says guy should be more assertive in his dreams, if that's the issue. Missing the point but giving guy an idea. Next dream he tries to pull a Neo, but fails miserably, almost getting killed in the process.

Psych sees him again after several days without sleep, and convinces him that if it is all how he says, it's not about being superman, but more like inception. He has to set things up so his mind will see them as possible, rather than assuming almighty power.

Dream police. Man finds himself lucid dreaming in a new and interesting dream. Halfway through when the whole thing starts to fracture he's dragged out into grey space where he's interrogated by the 'dream police' for trespassing on another person's dreamscape. He is apologetic and while he doesn't know how he did it, he states he will try not to do it again.

He does it again. They pull him out again, final warning before dream-jail. Happens again but he spots it and tries not to interact. He's determined to be a kind of 'dream runner' and as such is asked if he would join the dream police to help monitor others dreams for nightmares. He agrees. Dream police are not living humans, as such they have a finite level of control. A human 'dream runner' can do much more thanks to lucid dreaming.

He is Trained up as a Dream Detective to spot nightmares and forms his own 'grey space' for interrogations. Several nights of hopping dream to dream he spots nothing suspicious, but eventually he finds a nightmare. Drags it back to interrogation. Things get weird, he fucks the nightmare. Sensation is intense, far more than regular sex. Nightmare is exhausted when DP show up, and happily blabbers any info asked. DP intrigued how DD managed it, won't reveal methods, just happy it worked.

More nightmares, more fucking. DP officer eventually walks in on him doing the dirty, but doesn't turn him in or call it in, as he's still getting results unlike their normal officers who always end up with nothing. Nightmares can be all sorts of things, usually scary beasts or mean aunts, that sort of thing.

Royal torturer is killed when an inmate attempts escape. New torturer is assigned. Does not take pleasure in his work, but is more efficient than others who do it for fun. Put in place by queen because she shared his values, but not the kings thirst for blood. She can't stop the tortures, but she can make them as less traumatic as possible.

Noble uprising occurs, king almost ousted (maybe that's how original torturer died) but manages to capture a whole lot of nobles and stop rebellion. Queen asks torturer to go easy on some of them as they're her friends. King however wants the info any way he can. Who organised etc.

Torturer cannot reveal queens favouritism in case it gets out, but needs to find a way to keep both royals happy. She resorts to sexual interrogation, driving the female nobles to extreme 'hysteria' and keeping them on edge until they reveal names. And they do. She works her way through their 'ranks' until the last one - the queens dearest friend - reveals the Queen is behind it all.

Torturer tries to cover up discovery but one of kings agents finds out, and before the torturer can warn her the queen is brought to her. The king requests she make it extra painful, and would like to watch. Torturer uses what methods she knows, causing what looks to be tremendous damage but with minimal pain. However the king keeps wanting the torturer to push his wife further and further. Torturer uses sensory play to drive her to black out.

Queen sent to prison with the other nobles, set to be guillotined the next day to show the people the king's not fucking about. Torturer does not want the regime to continue, and using her privelages manages to get in to see the queen. Wakes her and finds out whom she can use to overthrow the king. She gives her a name.

Execution day arrives and the torturer is in the kings booth. She doesn't want to be there, but must. The nobles and queen are led to the guillotine and everything is ready.

Guy ends up on penal station 15. He had served as a naval commander in the Terran Defence Force until he blew up a ship he shouldn't have, and to save his crew from court marshall, took the entire blame for the op, which landed him the max security wing of the prison.

Usually Humans don't end up in that wing as there is a seperate prison for them, but the Civilisation the ship belonged to demanded he not be treated differently for being human. As a human he's much smaller than other aliens, but thanks to many years of training and earth having a higher gravitational average than most other habitable planets, he's pretty tough, and after a few fights, settles in nicely.

None of the prisoners are fond of him, and wonder why he's in there (mild racism). He won't say and nobody tells them until a new prisoner arrives and recognises him. The ship he annihilated belonged to a race of assholes, and when they find out he nuked their ship they warm up to him, which depresses him all the more.

Because 'gender' is a difficult thing with different species, and the concept of a 'fairer sex' is somewhat broken outside of humanity, there is no segregation of breedable pairs, though all inmates are given a course of infertalization meds to stop any unwanted pregnancies, it's also known that 'rape' is essentially the only behaviour frowned upon by the wardens. There are cameras everywhere, and folks know what's going on and can put a stop to things with subdermal shock nodes that can paralyse a prisoner if needed.

After a bit of consensual sex, guy is taken to a private room where he's told there is an interested external group who wants to make him an offer. He would get paid to fuck certain inmates, with the understanding the cameras would record it and be sold privately to exclusive clients. With the rest of his family in the shit because of his actions, he agrees.

Black parade

Kid suffers seizures constantly while sleeping, has a hospital bed in his room so he can be cuffed to it each night by ultra protective parents who think it's demons or some such. One night he wakes in the middle of the night to see the black parade going past outside. He's desperate to join them, but the cuffs prevent him. Sees a girl staring at him through the window but he can't join her and it throws him into a fit of tears that his parents ignore thinking it's the demons leaving him.

After that he sleeps fine, no seizures, parents think it's gods will, he knows it's not but can't shake the image of the girl in the mask. Years later it's past midnight and his clocks stop, his computer freezes and he can hear music outside. He goes to the window and sees the parade.

He runs down from his apartment to see them, and manages to catch the tail end of the parade, but there are those refusing to let him leave with them. He spots the girl - now a woman - and in the blink of an eye the parade is gone.

He needs to find out what the parade is

Erotic deck builder card game

Prot walks into an adult shop to browse some bondage stuff he wants to try with his partner. Comes across a stall set up for a new adult card game. Cards are a type of durable plastic almost like milk-bottle consistency.

Each player has a deck of cards. Each card is a creature. Each creature can be played as is or fused. When fused, the player must choose which creatures stats (libido/stamina) and which creature's ability carries over.

Players can use their own stamina to summon creatures, as well as sacrificing existing creatures via their stamina. So can't just go all out creating minions, each player starts with 20 stamina.

A turn consists of

  • summon: place as many cards from hand onto the table as you'd like, after paying the summoning cost

  • Fuze: any two creatures can be fused together.

  • Abilities: creature abilities are resolved one by one

Essentially plays a game against the demonstrator, and finds it amusing so buys a couple sets. Takes them toa cafe several days later and while looking them over someone else walks over to his table and sits down, she points out the deck and says she also bought a deck, and hadn't played anyone yet. He admits to the same and they decide to have a battle. As soon as the first turn starts they are suddenly in a black gridded void (tron-like) and have a battle grid in front of them. They're a little freaked out, and both hit the 'escape' button behind them, returning them to the cafe. They look around and nobody else seems to have noticed what happened.

They're a little freaked but still somewhat excited, so start the turn again. Back in the void they start playing creatures, and the way the creatures 'attack' is via sexual advances, which turns the two players on. However, the woman plays a card forcing the creatures to attack the players directly for a turn. This results in some serious rutting that is only stopped when the guy plays his card, forcing his creature to take aggro again.

Woman wins and they order a coffee to get their heads straight. Looking around they realise only a couple minutes have passed, with their cards played on the table in the win condition state. They swap numbers and decide to have another game.

Guy comes across an ad on a personals site. Person needs somewhere to stay Sunday and Monday nights as they commute to the city for a single days work on Monday and are often too tired if they fly in that morning and fly out that night. So drive up Sunday, work through Monday, drive back Tuesday. But Sunday-to-Tuesday hotel bills are a bitch and the company won't pay more than a single night.

Several folks raise their hand, but his apartment winds up just opposite the persons worksite (they're a supervisor of sorts, who gets flown in once a week for briefings etc). They offer to share his bed for fun times both nights for housing them those two nights, as a weekly thing. They agree to meet and see if they get along first.

Slice of life. twenty-something Guy moves into an apartment building. While gaming one evening he hears a commotion from outside, female voices saying 'no' while male voices refuse to listen. He initially passes it off as playful until the no's become more serious.

He heads downstairs and sees two girls surrounded by guys being rather forceful regarding their presence. The guy loudly jangled the door knob, swinging it open before walking to the mailboxes the group were in front of. Typical 'piss off' 'no' 'why not' 'getting mail' happens allowing girls to go inside. He picks up junk and heads back inside, making sure door is locked on his way.

Girls are waiting at his landing to say thanks, but he just says 'just needed to check the mail' while smiling and says goodnight.

Next day he's awoken by the sound of the girls mother shouting at her for being out so late, she's missed her bus to school and so on. Guy chuckles as they head down to the parking garage and he gets ready for work. But as he heads down to his car he bumps into the two coming back up. Their car is not starting, and the mother is freaking out. She's speaking way too fast in a language he doesn't understand but the occasional car-related word pops up here and there. The girl meanwhile is trying to reply in English, but is spoken over.

She spots him coming down the steps and blushes a little, greeting him with a sheepish wave and apologetic smile as her mother continues her rant. "I'll just take the next one." "You'll be late!" Etc. Guy spots the school emblem on her uniform and he mentions how it's close to his work, and he could drop her off on his way in. At first the mother is apprehensive, but the daughter seems okay with it and says she knows where he lives, so it's not like they'd be unable to find him if he kidnapped her: which shocks both the mother and guy, but the lady admits it there's truth to it and says okay, but he must hurry. He had to hurry for work anyway, and instead of going to the garage he heads out to the street where his car is parked.

They drive out to the school, starting in silence, with questions asked about how she knew those guys last night and so on being met with more silence. Conversation then turns to his job. He's a self employed Chauffeur, and his employer lives near the school, requiring him for an 8:30 start to get them to and from their office as well as other places around the city for meetings. She Jokes about this car being crap and he laughs it off saying they use the rich guys car. She asks if he leaves it out on the street in case it gets stolen so he can claim insurance, and the guy responds with a 'maybe' and a smile.

He tries to put some music on but the radio is playing garbage and he switches it off. She asks to connect Bluetooth, so he agrees and she puts on something he would be way too embarrassed to sing to as a white guy. But during one of the choruses the lyrics to an old jazz song start playing and he is able to sing along to that, which shocks the girl, but she's into it. So they take turns singing until she gets to her school. When she gets out she runs to her friend who takes a moment before she recognises the guy, but blows him a dramatic kiss before being punched in the shoulder by the girl.

He finishes work and makes his way home, and after getting into his apartment has a knock at his door a little later. The mother is there thanking him for getting her daughter to school. She'd made him an African dessert as thanks and then disappears back up the stairs after a hug. Guy is a bit flabbergasted, but goes back to his apartment and chills out for the afternoon before cooking dinner and eating the dessert.

A couple days pass and as he's headed out to his car he's approached by the girl again, mother waving from the balcony. He sighs and let's her in with a smile. They chat a bit about her schooling, what she's interested in and so on but it turns to talk about her dad. He died in service and as such it's just her and her mother in the apartment. Guy offers condolences and she says she never really knew her father, he was always gone. She didn't hate him for it, she just doesn't really feel anything about it. Guy drops her off and heads to work.

It's Friday and after a particularly stressful day of being shouted at almost non-stop due to the rich guy setting meetings too close together resulting in the guy having to speed around to get places and just having a bad time, he returns home to stress bake. Before he knows it he has several dozen cookies, which he realises he will never eat before they go stale. Spotting the clean bowl from the dessert the girls mum brought up, he gathers that, puts a bunch of the cookies in it and heads up to their apartment.

He hears a shouting match and is about to leave when the door is flung open, and the girl storms out, almost bowling him over. She's surprised to see him there, but with her mother bringing up the rear and shouting some more, all he could do was watch wide eyed as she stomped down the stairs and out the front door. After she leaves, the mother notices him there with a bit of a fright, and he thanks her for the bowl and offers cookies. She says he didn't have to but he assured her he made too many and wanted to repay her kindness. She says thanks but not a good time, so she takes the bowl and cookies and says goodnight.

Back in his apartment, he's on the front porch in a hanging chair reading when he hears swearing and keys jingling from below. He peeks over the balcony to see the girl fumbling with the lock. She could be drunk or the lock could be out of alignment... which seems to be a regular problem. He whisper shouts hello, which surprises her, until she sees him waving from above. He buzzes her in, but doesn't expect her to knock on his door. He opens it and she storms in, taking a seat on his couch. He offers coffee and after a bit of a rant about her mother, accepts.

She unloads about how controlling her mother is, etc. and how she's 18, she can do what she wants. Guy nods along from the kitchen, before bringing over a couple of lattes and cookies. That breaks her train of thought and she asks why he brought her mum cookies earlier. He says he brought them cookies because he was stress baking. Girl doesn't believe him, and starts asking if he's angling for her mum. He backs up, quoting her calling her mum a 'rule loving shouty...person' (instead of bitch) and saying while they can be fun in the sheets he gets enough of that in his day-to-day life. There's an awkward silence but he follows up with apologising for calling her mum that, the daughter says he can call her a bitch, that's fine, and they laugh it off.

Daughter then starts pressing the 'in the sheets' comment, which the guy is uncomfortable with, and she notices, setting out to make him more uncomfortable. But with her moving to straddle him he objects. She asks if he wants her, and struggling for an answer he finally explains that his last relationship was with someone who was an addict. They were work colleagues who had a flirty platonic relationship but It got to the point where the high-her and the sober-her were almost two different people, and when she found out they were having sex while she was high, she freaked out; having no memory of it and basically accusing him of rape. Because of that, he wants her to ask him that question again when she's sober. She hugs him, and he hugs back, and they stay like that until she starts falling asleep.

Chuckling, the guy helps her up the stairs, helping her with her keys before leaving her to sort herself out inside.

After a couple days silence He thinks he nuked their friendship until one night he's watching Netflix when he hears an argument upstairs. He hears their apartment door slam then the stomping down the steps. They go past his door before pausing and come back up to just outside. There's a moments hesitation before a quiet knock. Guy goes to door but he's pushed in by the girl with a finger on his lips. She says her mom would freak if she knew she were in his apartment. And gently closes the door behind her.

They sit and chat, starting with the most recent of transgressions: a call from her school about her attitude. She aces her tests, so she doesn't see why the teachers are pissy, and the physics teacher can fuck off. Guy laughs a little, and asks how her grades are, which launches her into an offensive about how her teachers are all idiots and she knows the stuff, why do they have to make her life difficult, etc. guys starts in with a 'well...' but before he can finish she gets angry, calling him out on being like her mum, assuming he'll tell her she needs to focus on school or she won't go anywhere in life, and not going out drinking or having fun, etc.

He takes the abuse but eventually laughs at the implication, telling her "hell no! You're young, be young! Have fun while you can because believe me, it doesn't last. The only things I regret are the things I was too afraid to say or do." When she stays silent, thinking about it he continues with "if your grades are as good you say they are, you'll finish on top. Just get to the end of school, and you'll have the rest of your life ahead of you." "Yeah, that's how time works." "Touché". More 'finish on top' banter ensues before she straddles him again, and asks if he likes her.

No hesitation, he says yes. She asks what he likes. He lists off qualities he's noticed about her (eyes, smile, style) before outright stating she looks fucking gorgeous and sexy as hell. His honesty takes her aback, which is when she asks why he hasn't made a move yet, given she's in his lap. He says "because I'm in my twenties, it feels a little... dirty." "I'm legal, so what if I want to get dirty?" "Do you want to?" She Nods and says "Do you want me?" He nods and she leans in for a kiss. It progresses from there

After sex they talk about random things until she gets tired. She muses about staying the night, but knows her mother would go ballistic if she stayed out till dawn on a school night. So they say their goodbyes and she heads back upstairs, but on her way out asks for his number.

He can hear the argument build up again before a slamming of a door. It's another few minutes before his phone goes off. It's a short vid of her fingers covered in his cum being sucked. She smiles and whispers 'goodnight stud.' He messages back something along the lines of 'well if you're ever after a midnight snack, you know where to find me.'

The next couple of days are busy but he bumps into the girl in the stairwell on the way to work. Mother asks if he's okay taking her as she had an appointment she doesn't want to be late for. Guy agrees and they head to his car. She immediately puts on some of her music and they head off to her school. She says she can't stop thinking about his dick, and he laughs it off until she asks if he's ever had car head. He says he hasn't, so on their drive she leans over and gives him a blowjob as he drives. It's risky and they're almost spotted several times but eventually he finishes as they round the last corner to her school. She gulps him down as he pulls into the parking bay, but not before blowing him a cum-bubble kiss.

He finds out from his boss he'll need to come with him interstate, as apparently he hates flying but has a meeting a days drive away. So he gets his stuff packed that afternoon and heads off before girl gets back from school. She messages him later, sending a pic of part of some lingerie and a sad emoji saying she was hoping to show him the rest. but he replies with a photo of the interstate highway, saying he won't be back for a few days for work.

Several days later they make it back to the city late at night and he just drops the rich guy off at his house and heads straight home.

He shows up to work bright and early the next day and the rich guy's secretary praises him on his driving, telling him the man pays well for competence and informs him he'll be paid overtime for the entire trip, amounting to thousands in bonus. He's told he has the day off so heads out to do some shopping, where he runs into the girl skipping school.

She's worried he'll tell her mother, but when he asks what classes she's missing he laughs and says he used to skip those too. He motions to leave but her friends offer for him to hang out, mainly because the girl looks uncomfortable with him around. They decide to go see a movie, and the guy is dragged along. In the cinema some of the friends start making out with each other, leaving the girl and him, trying hard not to do the same. He eventually had to use the loo, so leaves, and she busts in on him where they have intense quickie before she heads back.

The film finishes around when her classes would, so he offers to give her a lift home when some of the others split. She asks if her friend (the same from the first meeting) can come with, and he agrees. A couple minutes into the drive the friend outright asks if they're fucking. Silence proving guilt she laughs, and asks the girl how good a fuck the guy is, but the girls embarrassment says it all. Friend blows guy a kiss as she gets out at her house, with the girl demanding her secrecy in the matter. Friend says she can't make any promises, but they'll have a nice long chat later.

Girl is super embarrassed, staying quiet until they get to the apartment. She says she's going to wait for the bus to go past before she heads inside. Guy offers to chill with and she says she's waiting so it doesn't look suspicious.

Guy gets told one afternoon a couple days later that the boss won't need him the next day, so he can have time off. His pay for the long trip has gone through so he goes to a nearby scrapyard and gets some parts he's been looking for. He gets them in the parking garage and it's revealed he had an old rolls he's doing up. Up on ramps he tinkers underneath it, until he hears another car park and the mother shouting at the girl. He rolls out from under the car and makes eye contact with the girl who is part fuming part crying.

He hears nothing from the girl until he gets back to his apartment, and getting changed he hears a tapping at his window. He upend the curtain to see a hair clip on the end of a shoelace holding a rolled up piece of paper. The girl says her phone has been confiscated along with her keys and wifi privelages. She's grounded for skipping school too much. Guy writes a note back, using a toy lightsaber and blutak to pass it up. She takes it and he says to lower down a small bag or similar. She does and he puts a walkie talkie and some chocolate in there, saying the 2 way should charge off the same thing as her phone, and it can connect to an audio Jack.

She sets up some headphones after a while looking for the non-Bluetooth cable, and they get to chatting. She asks about the car. It's a very old model, and he's trying to mod it to electric, but the batteries/motors were so expensive he couldn't afford them. But his bonus will finally push his savings over the edge and he can start working on it again. She demands to see it when her grounding ends, which he agrees to. They end up effectively having phone sex.

She can't get out over the weekend, but orchestrates being late on the Monday so she can chill with guy on the way to school. He's come prepared and had one of her fave albums downloaded, she bitches about her mom and eventually the topic swings around to his rolls. She shows an interest in him turning it electric and says she can come chill with him while he does it, him showing her the ins and outs. He's essentially just tidying some bits up as it's sat without work since before he moved, and he's just taking the necessary parts apart so he can install the batteries, motors etc.

He swings past after work to chat to her mother about the work, saying they're next to each other in the garage and he'll try to keep the mess to a minimum, but it's hard with some of the older cars. The girl sees this as her cue and asks if she can check it out. The mother is suspicious, but allows it, but only a few minutes. They head down and the car is gorgeous. Old style and flawlessly refurbished. He plans to eventually use it as the car he chauffeurs people in, but for now is just a passion project and proof of concept.

The girl falls in love with the car and it takes her mother coming down a half hour later to see what's going on before she leaves. After the guy arrives home from work for the rest of the week the girl asks if he's going to work on the car, which causes her mother to get suspicious. So one evening the mother sneaks down while her daughter is down in the garage and hears her bitching about her mother. But the guy has had enough of it and the mother catches him saying her mother is just looking out for her, and his was the same way. He was the school bully, an absolute arse. Not that he hated school, just that it was so very boring. Like her, he was aceing every subject, and being called a nerd when he was younger got him fired up, worked out and then doled out punishment to those that had wronged him even though they wizened up and stopped being bullies themselves. He didn't have any real friends because everyone mocked him for being smart, or cowered when he turned on the worst. Got great grades but was always getting suspended. He was almost top of the class, but never went anywhere because he was expelled a couple months before graduation after putting a kid in hospital. He says it's the biggest mistake of his life.

His mother kept trying to get him to change his ways, be better and so on, but it was at the time all too much. Nobody at school liked him, and neither did his mother seem to. But she did. A lot. And when she died he inherited her journals. The guy breaks down at that, and the girl gives him a hug. He assures her he's fine, but says the journals relayed how frustrated his mother was, how much she prayed for him and so on. He didn't realise how much she actually cared until it was too late to thank her.

He begs the girl not to make the same mistake with her mom. She's just trying to do the right thing. He suggests taking the punishment of being grounded, and afterwards focus on finishing school. It might suck but it's only another few months, and after that she'll have the requirements to attend university, or get apprenticeships, whatever she wants. There's silence for a bit until the guy says the girl should go back to her mother, doesn't want her getting in trouble. The mother races back up the stairs before seeing her daughter pash the guy.

Guy is kept late the next night for a work function on Friday so doesn't get a chance to talk to the girl before she gets her phone back on the Saturday. He's woken to a text message, receiving a pic of her leg in a stocking. He respond with 'best image to wake up to'. She asks if he wants to see more, and he says yes. There's a knock at his door moments later, and he opens it to see her standing in a dressing gown in the stairwell. He ushers her inside quickly, before anyone sees and they fuck like rabbits. Her mother is out for the day with her friends.

In the afterglow, he realises he's torn the stockings and says he should buy her new ones. She agrees and races upstairs to get dressed so they can head out. He gets ready and by the time he's got his shoes on, she's at his door. They head out to the mall and head to a couple clothing stores, he dotes on her a little getting her a nice dress - very opposite her usual style - and eventually some stunning neglige. They get looks from some of the people; what with him being a ginger mid 20's and her being a very black teenager. After a bit of naughty talk, she also convinces him to go to a sex shop.

They browse the various adult toys and the topic of what he said about her mother way back when came up, and he asks if she'd ever roleplayed with a guy before. She says no, and that she's only really just had sex. He decides to get some bits and pieces to educate her, with the intention of her domming him. They get back later than intended and decide it best she not walk in with a bag of goodies, and just pretend like she was out for the day. But to lower the shoelace again after ten minutes or so, waiting for him to stagger his entrance as well so as not to clue in they spent the day together.

She gets everything up to her room just fine. And sends various texts about how awesome he is and so on. She offers to send pics of her in the gear but he says he'd rather wait to see it in person. She sends a selfie of her in a leather bandana with bright red lipstick. He takes it into one of his photo manipulation apps and stylises it before sending it back. She loves it and makes it her phone wallpaper. He decides to do the same.

On Sunday he does some more shopping and He gives her some overalls in front of her mother saying if she's going to be helping with the car, he doesn't want her clothes to get covered in oil and grease. Mother is warmed by this and thanks him, dropping by later to say she heard what he'd said to her daughter. He panics, ready for the worst, but it's revealed she meant what he said about her need to be nicer to her mother, and the things he went through growing up and not to make the same mistakes.

Girl wakes to find herself in an rpg-like world. She's allowed to choose her class and starting gear, etc before going to the 'hub': a citadel port of a massive island. There she discovers she is part of a huge game to decide the fate of the world.

Humans from across the globe have been chosen to compete in a contest of sorts, where they must dungeon-crawl ina souls-like world full of interesting beasts and powerful beings.

SHe's laughed at for being average with no real skills to help him out, on top of which she chose a class everyone else basically ignored because it's all about support and anyone who does choose it tends to switch out pretty early on to get something more useful.

SHe tries to find a group and manages to be part of a new cluster who like her have been shunned for whatever reason and they decide to try and follow one of the bigger groups through what appear to be an old abandoned town. The tough group handle the zombie populace easily and while the smaller group find it tough to face just a single one together, they do manage to do it, albeit without the protagonists help as she can't bring himself to given the zombie appeared to be mourning over another dead body. Not long after the bigger group try to defeat a Lich in the town center and get owned, with the smaller group killed in the aftermath except for the protagonist who bolts.

The protagonist returns to the citadel, her equipment either damaged or missing. She remembered how sorry the lich looked as it brought the church steeple down upon the group, though for some reason she felt it more directed at her. SHe finds the others from his group but they refuse to let him back in as she wouldn't fight, and was no use to them. Hearing this, other groups shun her as well, so he heads out into one of the forests where apparently one of the larger groups was making headway with the deer spirit within. If she could support them from the side, maybe they'd let her join, or at least tolerate her presence enough that she could earn enough to afford to fix her equipment.

SHe heads in, following the trail of dead animals - which she observes are slowly being swallowed by the ground - until she reaches the site of a massive battle. A massive stag kneels in the center of a clearing, it's antlers like tree branches and it's haunches covered in bark, but filled with pick marks from swords and peppered with arrows. It's surrounded by a dozen or more bodies of slain adventurers, who are also being absorbed into the ground, albeit much faster. The stag stares her down, and she gets the feeling that it only requires one more strike before being slain.

But as she approaches, the contempt in its eyes mixed with fear caused the woman to pause. And checking to make sure she wasn't being watched, she cast a 'snare' on its hide rather than on the ground. Vines burst from within its body, stitching up the cuts and repairing the stag's form. It regards her with confusion before bowing before her. She places her hand on its muzzle and it shapeshifts down to form a muscular human warrior wearing a stag-like helm and wielding a massive axe.

The stag king pledges himself to the woman, and states she was the first to treat the forest with respect, and as such she had earned his. He then hands her a carved tooth the size of her palm, which she inspects closely. Just then Another group come by to find the empty clearing and the woman holding the gold coin along with the man, and decide that the two of them must have kill-stole the previous groups kill, she protests her innocence but the stag king states she won the token fair and square, challenging any who disagreed. Of course several warriors charged, but are quickly dispatched via the axe.

They return to the citadel where the original group to fight the stag have finally respawned, and they are pissed, knowing they got it almost to death, and vow to make the woman's life hell from then on. The stag is wary within the citadel, but it's his presence that keeps the others at bay long enough for her to turn the tooth token in for gold and 'standing'. At first she's apprehensive, but curious as to what it means the stag urges her on. The leaderboard requires she design a banner to go up, and not knowing what to put the stag suggests a green field to match her eyes with red trim to match her hair. She agrees and patches on both her and the Stag King's armour fall away to reveal the design in the form of a crest. It's revealed that as she defeated the stag king she had unlocked the stag symbol, and if she'd like to apply that. She does, and it goes in the middle. With the money she buys and 'learns' the 'restore' spell, so she won't have to pay to repair her equipment.

They manage to find a balcony that is private and discuss the world in general. There are many 'kingdoms' of this world, and the citadel is just one of them. They used to live in harmony until the mage lord who controlled the magic tower of the citadel decided they were the most powerful and attempted to take over their world. It did not go well, as the other lords of the world did not want to be controlled. So the mace sent their acolytes out to kill the various rulers, only to have the majority of them return as corpses.

Realising they needed more bodies to throw at the problem, they created a spell that would summon forth a great force from beyond to destroy their foes once and for all. But they knew that would not be enough, so enhanced the spell to give those mortals a constant form of redemption via reincarnation. The many thousands of dead mages bodies within the walls of the citadel would serve as hosts for the new beings as they marched forth, with those corpses marked as theirs being swallowed by the earth and reclaimed for the mage's scheme.

The price to pay for this supposed immortality was the mage freezing herself in time, and that the 'frozen queen' at the center of the citade is actually the mage. The Stag King says he is thankful for the protagonists arrival as that group before her had taken him on nearly a dozen times at that point, and that come the next time he feared they would have succeeded. Pro asks if the other 'zones' were controlled by people like him, and he says they are. She mentions the zombie town and he says it used to be a quaint farming town, the people there were very non-violent, so the aggressive zombies made no sense.

They set out through the twisted woods towards the zombie town, and without the other group killing things left and right, pro realises these people are all diseased and mourning. She makes her way to the center of town where the goddess figure of a lich floats above the fountain. As they approach, she prepares to blast them with some arcane spell, but upon seeing the woman slumps over, tentatively relieved. Pro asks why everyone was a zombie, and the woman explains that a mage cast a terrible spell on the town, filling the people and crops with disease. Being the town healer, they tried everything they could to cure it, but it was a magical disease, and as such as a last resort they turned to magic to save them.

But they were not adept at magic, and instead of amplifying the life force to heal the sick, they managed to drain their life force to awaken the dead, which is why half the town were zombies while the others lay dead. But before they could reverse what they had done a blast of energy had swept the land from the direction of the citadel, causing those alive to repair their wounds, but not recover from the disease. The dead would rise despite their decay, and walk the streets half-remembering the duties of when they were alive.

And to make it worse, every time they recover from one set of wounds another group of the mage's new militia show up to kill everyone over again, and her while they're at it. Pro asks if there's a way to reverse the curse, and the lich says there used to be, but the book was destroyed in the process of miscasting. All that's left is part of the spine on the church altar.

Pro goes into the church and finds the mostly destroyed book, and casts restore on it, as dust and ash throughout the room returns to reconstitute the pages. The book is returned to new and as the sounds of battle start up outside, she hurries to find the right section, but has a hard time reading the language. She goes outside to give the book to the lich but is stopped by a warrior bursting in. He's one of the ones that almost killed the stag, and seeing his chance tries to kill her. But the stag intercepts him and tells her to ge the book to the Lich.

Once outside she races through the broken and battered bodies of fallen warriors to where the lich is fighting another mage one on one. They seem equally matched, and it's only her arrival that causes the mage to be distracted and be torn apart by magic. Another group can be heard coming down the mains street so pro hands the lich the book, who reads aloud the right passage, sending a wave of energy through the town, and rousing all the corpses that quickly heal all their wounds and drain the lich of their power.

Falling to the ground the protagonist helps them up, watching as their evil, red hooded cloak falls back to reveal a nurse-like person beneath, and not the skull-headed individual from earlier. She is beyond thankful and hands over a crystal necklace, which pro recognised as floating and glowing purple, but now sits cracked and colourless in her hand. The next group wander into the center of town a little confused, but seeing Pro in the middle of the square realise she won the day again, and leave in a huff.

Stag King walks out of the church bloodied but not too badly wounded, with a priest in tow. The town priest thanks Pro for saving the town before ripping the nurse a new one, and banishing her from it for using forbidden magic and having it go inevitably wrong. As such Pro offers for her to join up with her and stag in their adventures. She happily accepts.