Lounging Goddess - WriteTober 2022 #1

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I know I'm a bit late to the party but I decided to try to do a daily story challenge for the month of October to try and help kick this horrible writers block I've been struggling with. I plan to keep all of them between 1,000 and 2,000 words so they'll be short, sweet little things to use as practice. Most of them I'm writing in response to prompts provided by people over on my twitter. Starting with this short story!

Today's prompt: Big horny goddess enjoys being bigProvided by Gigi ( https://twitter.com/GiantVixen ) If you wish to support me in my endeavors to make a living off my writing and doing what I love and get some nifty little perks like exclusive story content and early access to stories and the latest builds of my game projects, consider checking out and supporting my patreon!https://www.patreon.com/DragonienOr if you just wanted to throw a bit of one time support my way feel free to buy me a Ko-Fi!https://ko-fi.com/dragonienAny and all support is more appreciated than I could possibly put into words!

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"Mmm..." The lioness purred happily to herself. "This is the life..."

Her jaws spread wide in a lazy yawn as she languidly stretched herself out. Her toes clenched until each joint popped, eliciting a blissful sigh from their owner with each snap of bone on bone and the relief of built-up pressure it signaled. Her weight shifted back and forth slightly, body wiggling until she had dug a slightly more comfortable groove for herself in the ground below. Ground, not mattress, for the lioness wasn't tucked away in some quiet little bedroom letting the morning sun peek through her window. Instead, the sun proudly beamed its light across her from head to toe and pleasantly warmed her fur in the cool morning air as the lioness lounged on the open ground. On the open ground of Kansas that was. The entire state of Kansas.

Over four hundred miles of titanic lioness stretched across the countryside, new mountain ranges forming from where her impossible weight had displaced incalculable amounts of the earth's surface. Nearly a fifth of the entire state had been crushed by her plump, curvy backside alone, destined to fill with rainwater and become a pair of new lakes someday. When her legs stretched out to work out some of the stiffness of sleep her heels dragged lightly across the ground from her perspective. But for the people down below it was a cataclysmic landslide as heels big enough to crush mountains gouged nearly mile-deep trenches as they dragged through hardened dirt and rock like it was sand to the titaness. Even the casual flicking of her tail back and forth at her side swept away entire cities with the 'gentle' touch of the tuft of her tailtip. More still were buffeted by gale force winds so strong some of the less sturdy buildings were uprooted and sent flying entirely as if in the midst of a string of tornados.

Of course, she knew exactly the effect she was having on the landscape below. If anything, it was only making her smile wider as the living natural disaster thought about the overwhelming sense of power just being this big provided. She didn't even need any of the powers of an ascended being to reshape the land itself when she was this big. All she had to do was shift her weight to one ass cheek or the other and she would create new mountains or drag her clawtip across the ground and dig a new riverbed. It was raw, primal power broken down to its most basic and fundamental form: brute force. And it was delicious.

At some point the nations military had begun attacking her, for all the good that it did. If she hadn't had her divine awareness she wouldn't have even been aware of the barrage of missiles, that entire squadrons of jets and dozens of stationary launch sites were assaulting her with from all sides. Massive plumes of firey, explosive death bloomed in hundreds of spots all across her body, each one at minimum enough to demolish an entire skyscraper with ease. Yet most of them barely even caused a single strand of her fur to rustle considering, while each individual strand of tawny fur was roughly skyscraper sized it was completely solid not a thin metal frame.

The attacks did nothing to hurt her, but did plenty to entice her. The lioness' tongue slid out to lick hungrily over her lips as her gentle hmm of satisfaction deepened into a purr of desire. She hadn't planned anything particularly active this morning, fully intending to just lay around and relax, but these little germs were getting her riled up. A myriad of ideas flowed through her mind, sorting through the infinite possibilities of how she could play with this little planet and all of its microscopic inhabitants. She could twist their history and reality to be obedient worshippers of her or set herself up as the queen emperor of the planet. She could shrink the thing down and drop it into her cleavage or swallow it down like a piece of candy. Eventually, though, she rejected all of those ideas. They were effortless for someone with her power, but didn't feel thematically correct for how she felt at the moment. She was enjoying the simpler trappings of power today, so simple actions were what were called for.

The entire country shook ominously as incalculable tons of leonine flesh and bone shifted atop the devastated land mass that had once been a state populated by nearly three million people. A hand dozens of miles wide slammed down onto the panhandle of Oklahoma to steady her as the lioness rolled onto her side. A few moments later her other hand slammed down right into the middle of the western side of Texas. Her knees dug deep trenches so deep into the middle of Oklahoma that the earth's crust fractured from the sheer weight and pressure being applied and roiling lakes of magma surged up to pool harmlessly (To her at least) around her lower legs.

She found herself staring down at a landscape of cities, farmland, and open fields from a perspective most airplanes would never even reach as she sat propped up on all fours over the southern united states. . She smiled when she saw the landscape was darkened by the near night-inducing shadow her body blocking out the sun produced. Just the act of looming above them was changing their day to night. For her, it was a delightful reminder of how her mere presence changed the world itself for these germs.

For everyone down below it was a tantalizing, terrifying perspective of a living land mass of a lioness filling the sky with breasts that could crush most of the smaller states beneath them. Just the presence of the lioness over them, her body heat mixed with the waves of gale-force wind each gentle exhalation she made, raised the temperature below her several degrees. The slightest shift of her weight, most of which would be so minor she probably didn't even notice it, caused devastating earthquakes that decimated cities for hundreds of miles around her. But the most terrifying thing of all wasn't her terrifying size or the cataclysmic effect it produced. It was the sight of the rock hard nipples jutting excitedly from the twin moons that were her breasts, and the excited expression on her muzzle as she bit her lip in anticipation. For as terrifying as her presence and as devastating as her casual movements were, that expression meant she had something more intimate planned with the landscape down below. And few people expected they, or the planet for that matter, would survive it.