Turn Ons - (Draft 2)

Story by Pyrin1701 on SoFurry

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_ Turn Ons _

Short Story

Written by Pyrin (1701)

All original characters copyright me, reposting is encouraged, please just notify me of.

Note: Sin is copyright me. Sin is a reflection, or more accurately, a shadow of Pyrin. Where Pyrin is in every way me, myself, as I am now, Sin is a reflection of the darker side I keep repressed, and therefore allow to live in these stories. Sin and Pyrin are physically identical in all forms, two legged, four legged, chibi and feral. Pyrin is more of a representation of my personality the way it actually is.

YIM: Pyrin1701 Email: [email protected]

"Give me that!" Anna snatched the shampoo from her boyfriends paw, growling a little as she felt how light it was, and thereby, empty. Her chocolate colored fur was dark, but it still held a bright contrast to her mates jet black fur, her feline tail flicked in annoyance behind her as her deep green eyes drilled into him.

"I'm sorry! I don't get paid until Tuesday, and the airport made me throw out pretty much everything." Sin made that cute face he always did when she's mad at him, his blue eyes twinkling as they always did, his eyebrows rising as if to say, "I'm cute, forgive me."

She turns around and walks away laughing, she never could keep a straight face when he looks at her like that. "Fine, fine . . ." walking over to her purse, she sets down the bottle and picks up the purse, shuffling thru it for her wallet, "If I give you ten dollars will you go get your own shampoo?"

He laughs softly behind her, flicking his tail in annoyance, "Right now, are you serious?"

Handing him the ten dollars she kisses him on the nose, smiling innocently, "Well, if it doesn't matter to you that's fine, I just find it kind of a turn off when my boyfriend smells like I do" she sticks out her tongue cutely at him.

Sin blinks as his tiny brain processes this information, a tiny list in his mind doing a quick calculation, 'the sum of the product between minus sexiness and negative horny equals less sex.' He blinks once more, wrapping his fingers around the ten dollar bill and grinning, "Understood."

She smiled evilly, she always knew how to make her point to him, "I thought so . . ." he grins back at her "You pose compelling arguments, what can I say?" he grabs his jacket and heads for the door, "I'll be back in twenty minutes hun, I love you" he waves as he heads out the door. "I love you too. Lock the door." The door click closed behind him as he heads out.

Looking at the bottle of shampoo on the counter, Anna thinks to herself, running her small paws threw her long, brown hair, "I could use a shower . . ." Thinking about it for a moment, she picks up the bottle, stops, and then sets it back down, laughing a little, "I'll wait until Sin returns and make him scrub my back", she giggles to herself as he wanders to the living room and plops down on her favorite couch.

"I love my apartment," she thinks, looking around at the large 2 bedroom, one floor quad. Despite the fact that three couches occupied the bulk of the living room, there was still room for two side by side entertainment centers. She smiled as she flipped on one of the TV's, not giant flat screens, but they were decent size and plenty good enough for what she and her boyfriend used them for. She flips thru the menu quickly, finally settling on Ice Road Truckers, grumbling in frustration at the lack of good choices at the moment, but happy to catch one of her favorite shows.

Slowly the exhaustion of working back to back shifts the previous day catch up with her, laying back on the couch and relaxing she begins to nod off. Shaking her head a little she blinks, thinking to herself, 'I should take a nap after my shower . . .' Slowly her eyes droop shut once more, the warmth of the couch under her rocking her to sleep as the sound of the TV fades. The last thing she remembered was one of the truckers driving over the ice lake with a heavy load.

* * *

Sin struggled with his key as he presses his foot against the door to push it back, "Damnit, this thing is always getting stuck . . ." Tugging a few more times and jiggling it furiously, the key finally surrenders and slips out, a few shiny metal spots on it where more of the surface layer had been stripped away. He kicks the door shut lightly as he looks at it, flipping the lock closed with the skilled flick of a finger, acquired of practice and habit, "This thing aint gonna last much longer . . ." Setting his bag and the key on the counter, he turns towards the hall and strips his shirt off, "it's hot out there today hun" he says, speaking to the house in general.

He puts the soda he got in the fridge and leaves the shampoo on the counter, turning to shoot the balled up bag at the trashcan and missing miserably, 'Michael Jordan you are not Sin' he thought to himself as he wandered toward the living room, "Hun?" He chuckles to himself, smirking as he find her passed out on the couch, leaning over and rubbing her shoulder lightly, "Sweetie?" She mumbles a little and turns slightly, purring as her tail curls around her, obviously falling back asleep as her purring trails off into silence. "He he, kitty must have been tired . . . "

Sitting back on the other couch he flips open his laptop, checking mail and messages for a while as he watches Ice Road Truckers continue to play on the TV. Flipping thru his windows he finds his photo gallery, left open from last night, specifically to his bondage collection. Sin sits there, chuckling as he recalls last night; Anna had come home early, and he had been bored and flipping thru his porn, hearing her coming he had jumped her the moment she was in the door and dragged her off to bed.

Sin grinned to himself as he purred, beginning to get bored again. He looked at Anna, smirking evilly, his tail flicking behind him mischievously, naughty ideas beginning to gather dark energies in his mind, and his pants. He chuckles quietly to himself as he slowly got up, stripping off most of his clothes. Sin didn't usually wear anything inside the house anyway, he was always a very warm fur, and found most clothes unnecessarily hot and restricting. Stripping his shirt and pants off, leaving only his briefs, he heads to the bedroom first, moving quietly as he keeps an eye on Anna, snoozing happily on the couch, completely unawares.

Sin smirks to himself excitedly as he goes thru his boxes, looking for things; when he had moved in he had sent several boxes thru the mail before simply flying himself there, it had been cheaper than a cross country move.

He laughs happily, catching and silencing himself as he moves the box from its hiding spot at the top of the closet. Setting it down and opening it, he begins to gently remove the content, careful to make no noise. The box, filled with much of his old stuff, including some of his military things, was most particularly, the container for his adult toys. Rope, handcuffs, his old sleeping mask, and a roll of bondage tape.

He grins to himself, 'these will work perfectly.' Taking the rope, he tosses it under the bed, doubling it back and anchoring it to the frame, leaving a few loose ends at both sides of the bed, and pulling the longest up under the head of the bed and leaving it by the pillows. Nodding at his handy work, he goes to grab the bondage tape and sleeping mask and stops. Looking into the box he reaches deep down and pulls out what looks like a collar, having found his old military modulator. "I knew I kept this for a good reason,"

He chuckles as he unsnaps it and puts it around his neck, turning the dial on and adjusting the frequency and volume, he whispers almost silently, "don't fight it bitch . . ." The modulator does its job instantly, modifying his voice, making it more fluid and understandable, but ultimately making his particular voice unidentifiable; given the right equipment, it would transmit it over a secured channel instead of aloud over the micro speakers. This allowed him to give live reports and intel while on missions and still remain anonymous to his enemies.

He smiles to himself, adjusting and settling at a voice that sounded close to naturally male, but not close enough for her to think it was him, "this is gonna be fun" He grinned widely as he moved like a ninja in his mind, tiptoes barely touching the floor, moving quickly towards the living room. He stops behind the hallway wall, peeking around the edge silently, smirking and trying not to laugh to himself as he sees her, still out cold on the couch. He purrs quietly as he slinks closer, kneeling at the edge of the couch. His paws carefully slip the sleeping mask over her face, tugging the strap behind her head.

She suddenly stirs a little and mumbles, Sin catching his breath and holding completely still as she stops, apparently falling back asleep. He grins as he takes her paws, gently laying them across a strip of the bondage tape, wrapping it around her wrists firmly. He shivers a little, excitedly, the hair on his tail standing on end as he moves silently to the end of the couch. She slept with her ankles crosses, so he simply wrapped the tape around her ankles, pulling the flexible, stretchy, rubber like tape tight. He grins, moving up to her, pulling off the last strip of tape, knowing this would probably wake her up.

Sin considered his options. He could try to wrap her muzzle, leave it unwrapped, but that could go badly if she fought enough, or he could wake her and try to wrap her muzzle that way. He sat and thought for a moment. Suddenly, Anna stretched and yawned. Her paws, despite being tied together rising above her head as she arched her back on the couch.

"Crap!" Sin jumped initially, his fur standing on end in surprise, his voicemixer not failing to emulate his surprise. "Huh?!" Anna exclaimed as she tugged at her wrists, her ears twisting towards the unknown voice, "what the . . ." Sin wrapped his paw over her muzzle, quieting her before she could say anything he'd have to respond to; thinking fast he leaned in, whispering quietly and letting the voicemixer do its job, "shush little thing, I won't hurt you, we're just gonna have a little fun"

Anna immediately started struggling, her legs coming up as he shot a paw out to catch them, would have smacked him in the head; he chuckled to himself as she squirmed, tugging at the tape, the thick plastic not giving one bit. She tried to bite his paw, and as she struggled, he caught her moving in the right way and pushed her to sit up suddenly, moving behind her and wrapping the tape around her muzzle and behind her head quickly. She wiggled and mumbled into her muzzle helplessly; tiny squeaks and vibrations resulting in what he assumed were probably curses knowing her. He chuckles, smirking as he wraps his arms around her, picking her up over her shoulder as he stands. "You kiss your mother with that mouth little kitty?"

He smirks as she growls, kicking and squirming against him at the comment, her heels nailing him in the back as he twists thru the bedroom door, "owe! Bitch" She laughs thru her gag as he plops her down on the bed, growling in his general direction as she squirms, beginning to tear thru the tape around her wrists with her claws. Sin grabs her paws and straddle her, pushing them above her head, to the ropes he left by the pillows, "ah ah, not so fast you . . ." he grumbles as he rips the tape off with his own claws, his large, strong hands easily holding her paws together as he wraps the rope around them, tying them tight.

She growled and kicked the entire time under him, rocking the bed violently as she fought him. Her claws retracting and extending as she tugged at the rope, he slipped off her quickly, stopping to consider for a moment.

He could cut her clothes off, but he was pretty sure she was wearing her favorite shirt, he grinned, sliding onto the bed, his paws slipping under her shorts and tugging them down quickly. She yowled and screamed thru the tape around her muzzle, muffled whimpers filling the room as he felt his paws slipping her panties down with them.

Her tails tip subconsciously curled over her belly, unable to cover her properly but trying to nonetheless. Sin purred as he admired her lovely form, cutting the tape on her ankles with his own claws and slipping her clothes off. Anna kicked relentlessly, catching him in the face at least once. Undeterred, Sin reached out and grasped both her legs, pushing them apart as he crawled up on the bed over her, pinning them down with his knees.

He chuckles as he watched her struggle with her wrists as he searched for the other strands of rope tight. She whimpered as she tugged at the rope around her wrists, her fingers twisting to try and claw at the rope. Sin smirked, knowing the rope was made of strands of metal mixed with nylon, making it almost impervious to claws; she could scratch it all day and it would only dull her claws.

Using his knees, he pushes her thighs wide apart, tying the ropes ends near the bottom of the bed around her knees, pulling them tight and moving back as he kneels at the foot of the bed, admiring his work. Anna squirms her body helplessly, her ears back, paws digging helplessly at the rope tying her paws to the head of the bed; he legs spread wide as she tugs at her knees, whimpering a little, her soft sex barely covered by her tail as it twitches. He smirks as he touches her calf, her body jerking as she tries to move away from him, muffled curse emanating from her muzzle as her claws dig into the bed, trying to push herself away from his touch.

He chuckles, smiling as he crawls onto the bed, slowly moving up her body, straddling her hips and pinning her to the bed under him as he grins down at her. She mumbles and squirms, tugging relentlessly at her bonds. He slips his paws down under her shirt, sliding her shirt up over her head and leaving it bunched up around her arms, his paws stroking over her breasts lightly, teasing her nipples. She blushes brightly despite growling and muttering, what, he was sure was curse that can make a nun feint.

He chuckles softly, purring as he strokes her breasts, pinching and tugging her nipples lightly, "mmm, such sexy little tits you have bitch . . . " Her ears went flat as she arched under him, growling into her muzzle loudly as he strained, trying to avoid his erotic touches. He smiles, enjoying his control over her, slipping his paws up over her neck and shoulders, smirking as she squirms and turns away from his touch, whimpering a little.

Sin moves carefully, keeping his eyes on her, he lays alongside her; Anna turns her face away from him, still whimpering a little as he strokes his paws over her chest and down her belly. Anna growls a little, but continues to whimper as she tugs at the ropes holding her legs open, jerking her hips as she tries to escape his touch. Sin purrs near her ear, whispering softly, "shh, I won't hurt you kitty . . ."

Sins paw wanders over her waist, stroking his fingers lightly thru her fur, he tries to purr comfortingly as she squirms, her chest moving quickly as she breaths heavily, panicking a little; he lightly brushes her inner thighs, teasing his fingers near her sex but never touching it, ignoring her tail as she tries to protect herself. He chuckles as he touches his fingers lightly over her sex; her body jerking as he screams into the gag, whimpering and tugging at her bonds suddenly once more, as if she had been reminded of her situation.

Sin chuckles, his fingers rubbing gently over her lips, stroking lightly before pressing his finger into her. "oh my . . . " Sin mumbled softly as he felt slick warmth spread over his finger, surprised at her wetness; she squealed into her gag, straining hard against the ropes holding her pinned to the bed, bucking lightly as she thought to herself, 'oh god no, he's gonna see how turned on I am . . . '

She turned towards him, her ears rotating towards him, she whimpers into her gag, pleading with him, begging him not to do this. Sin blushed brightly despite himself, smirking a little as he reaches out and touches the mask over her eyes lightly, lifting it up for a second, Anna blinks at him once; before Anna can realize she can see, or who she is looking at, Sin drops the mask over her eyes, dropping her back into darkness.

Sin chuckles deeply as Anna jerks and struggles against the bed violently, obviously wanting to rip his throat out even more now. 'I am gonna be so dead when I finally have to let you go baby' he thought to himself, 'but for now . . . 'He grins as he slowly works his finger into her wetness, making her squirm even more.

Anna thinks slowly for a moment. 'I'm gonna punch him in the balls so hard they fire out his ass like bullets . . . ' Suddenly she gasps into the tape holding her muzzle shut, clenching her eyes tight despite the mask and bucking her hips, whimpering deeply as she felt his finger searching deep inside her. Sin purred strongly, smirking as he watched her hips buck, her tail laying flat to the bed as she bared herself to him, her body language begging for more stimulation.

He strips off the voicemixer, tossing it aside, smiling as he kisses over her belly, her body jerking lightly as she whimpered and squirmed, his paw rocking lightly between her widespread thighs as nibbles at her bellybutton. Anna struggles helplessly, whimpering as he body tingles with all the sensations. The tightness around her wrists and knees reminding her of her helplessness as the heat between her legs grew thru her belly, urging her to seek more.

She whimpered louder, arching her back, bucking her hips a little, her tail curling around his arm and tugging as she rocked against his paw. Sin smiled up at her from between her legs, smirking, "does kitty need more?" Her cheeks flushed deeply as she nodded frantically, jerking her hips as she screamed into the gag "MMMMPH!" Sin couldn't help but chuckle, slipping his briefs off, his hybrid, paw large member, already forming a knot at its base in excitement.

He crawls up onto the bed, Anna, for her part, moaning thru the gag and squirming in excitement, her tail flicking anxiously to the side as she jerks her hips at him. He purrs deeply, growling as he grasps her hips, kneeling between her legs, leaning forward, and holding himself up with a paw near her head. He grasps his cock with the other paw, rubbing his tip over her sex, dripping with juices, spreading them over her crotch as he purrs in her ear, "scream for me kitty" still playing the part of her rapist.

She breaths heavily, growling as she struggles, bucking under him as he rubs against her; Sin smirks as she screams into her gag, muffled mostly by the tape. He smiles, pressing his tip into her, moaning deeply as her silky, warm depths clenched at him, begging for him to bury himself inside her. She whimpered, squirming and bucking under him as he slowly pressed deeper, backing out a little to slicken his length before thrusting deeper; slowly Sin sank into her deeply, panting a little as he enjoyed the sensation of her slick juices spreading around his knot as he pressed it against her firmly.

Anna squirmed helplessly, clenching her paws and bucking her hips as she whimpered to him, urging him to fuck her, her crotch burned, turned on by her perceived near incident, and wanting, even needing to release the heat now. She sighed inside as she quivered around his length; she whimpered and jerked as she felt his draw back a little, his barbs tugging at her insides a little before filling her again. Anna tugged at her legs lightly, whimpering as the ropes held tight, wanting to wrap them around his hips and pull him deeper inside her.

Sin growled deeply, slipping his paws down her hips as he laid against her, gripping her ass as he started rocking, slowly fucking her; Anna gasped, arching hard under him, her sex clenching around him as she felt him move, moaning deeply into the gag as she clenched her paws above her head. Sin purred as her body responded, gripping his length, leaning closer, he closed his eyes as he wrapped his lips around one of her nipples, sucking and nibbling hard as he thrust harder and deeper, slowly building up, the bed rocking under them slightly. Anna continued to squirm helplessly, her tail shivering a little as she felt his paws gripping her ass, drawing her in with each thrust, his throbbing length pressing deeper inside her as his knot pressed into her a little more each time. Anna whimpered, knowing he would knot her without asking this time, still being a little sore from the previous night.

She whimpered and struggled, tugging at her legs as he thrust into her faster, his paws stroking over breasts as he nibbled at her neck now, purring loudly; she squealed and whimpered to him, nuzzling against his muzzle as she panted thru her nose, his hard knot growing against her sex as he rocked her against the bed. He groaned deeply, whimpering a little in that way all canines do before they orgasm, nuzzling back at her, his paws gripping her shoulders, claws digging into her fur lightly as he thrust harder, the bed squeaking as it rocked hard with them. Sin panted heavily as he moved atop Anna, wrapping his arms around her and hugging her tight, he growled deeply, biting into the side of her neck firmly as his body jerked, whining a little as he held onto her tightly, grinding himself into her firmly.

Anna whimpered and gasped as she felt Sin grip her, his tight hug and large strong paws pushing her body down a little to the limit of the ropes as he thrust into her; she bucked as she felt his hot, hard length, throbbing rapidly, suddenly slip deep inside her, his tip almost seeming to press against her womb; his knot slipping just inside her and swelling rapidly, stretching her tight and locking him inside her. Anna squirmed in bliss, the heat in her belly exploding as she felt his length twitch, hot, warm, silkiness filling her belly as she bucked. Sin shivered as Anna climaxed with him, her warm body clenching and rippling over his cock, seeming to suck the cum from his body as he spurted deep inside her. They shivered together, bucking and grinding, pressing as deep into each other as they could as they panted, Sin laying down against her, stripping off a piece of the tape over her mouth, just enough to let her talk without opening her mouth much.

Anna didn't say anything, she just moaned, loudly, rolling her hips slightly as she opened her mouth and breathed deep, sucking in the cool air as she savored the sensations flowing thru her body. Sin lay against her, purring deeply, groaning as her body occasionally clenched around him, or as she shifter under him, causing ripples over his still hard length.

To Be Continued . . .