Lost from the Zoo Chapter 1

Story by Grey Tail on SoFurry

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#1 of Feral Minds

Heh, this is a commission from one of our multitudes of furry friends here...

Heh, this is a commission from one of our multitudes of furry friends here of SoFurry. They have opted to remain anonymous, but I must say that, while the story idea is certainly different from what I'm used to doing, I definitely had fun doing it. So here's part one of three of your story [Username Omitted], enjoy.

"Oh crap! Oh crap! Oh crap!" Justin muttered to himself as he paced back and forth across the room, pausing every few seconds to glance at the two felines lazing on his couch, before he would set off again on his quest to wear a path into his living room carpet.

Stopping for a moment, the eighteen year old thought back to how this had all started. How, on a seemingly ordinary morning, he had come downstairs, still only semi-conscious, to discover both of his parents missing, and two very energetic, very hungry, and very naked anthro lionesses in his living room.

Justin pulled himself slowly out of bed, yawning loudly as he staggered across the hallway to the bathroom. Relieving himself, he yawned again as he walked sleepily down the flight of stairs to the ground floor of his house. He paused for a second to look at himself in the large mirror his mother had hung in the main hall, staring at the sleepy teen in front of him. He was about six foot three in height, so just above average, but still not freakishly huge, and head a thick head of dark brown hair, which was currently sticking up at a variety of crazy angles, as he hadn't cut it since finally finishing school almost a month before. He looked down at his chest and arms, his fit legs hidden under the long sleeping pants he always wore, his muscles the result of a small gym his parents had given him for his sixteenth birthday after he had complained that the local gym was too far to bother going. He ran a hand through his hair and looked at his drowsy face, he was by no means bad looking, but he wasn't a fashion model either, less handsome, more...something else... he couldn't think of what this early in the morning.

Turning away from the mirror, the young human walked into the kitchen, grabbing an old pizza box and half checking that the contents were still edible, before yawning and heading into the lounge to relax on the couch before getting to work on a hard day of doing nothing. He yawned again as he walked into the living room of his side of the house, wondering if his parents had gotten up yet.

"Sonnuva...ow!" he shouted as he landed on the floor, rubbing his head as he stared at the huge crate sitting in the middle of the semi-detached house's lounge. Blinking in surprise, he tossed the pizza box onto his beaten up couch, getting up off the floor and grabbing the note pinned to the side of the box, reading his father's scrawling handwriting with practised ease, "Emergency conference, will be gone for at least one, maybe two weeks. Package arrived as we were leaving, don't know what it is. Have fun, don't die."

Justin looked up at the huge box that now dominated one end of the room, turning to look at the doorway, then at the window, the only two ways in or out of the room, before finally turning back to the box, which nearly touched the ceiling and was easily twice the width of the doorway. Shaking his head, he dropped the note on top of the pizza box and walked back through the house, opening the door to his garage and searching around for a short time. Finding the crowbar, he headed back into the living room, flopping down on the sofa and picking up a piece of pizza, his stomach growling loudly as he ate.

"Wait a second," he muttered, staring at the box, which looked suspiciously like those he had seen zoo's use to transport animals on Animal Planet, as the growling continued, seeming to double in intensity, "Was that me?"

Looking at the crowbar, he finished his slice of pizza and got up, jamming the end of the iron bar into the box. He shoved on the piece of metal, gasping as the wood groaned, the nails slowly pulling out of box. Justin swore as he found himself suddenly lying on his front, the crowbar caught painfully between his stomach and the floor. Sitting up, he threw the tool to one side, rubbing the slight bruise that was already forming and turning back around to see what was inside the box. He stared at the two pairs of feline ears that peaked around the edge of the box, quickly followed by the two pairs of feline eyes, and then breasts as the two anthro lionesses walked carefully out of the box, looking around in bewilderment as Justin stared.

And that was how he had ended up here; the two large felines having made themselves at home in his living room as he watched them in awe, the shock of what he was seeing slowly sinking in. He jumped at the sound of ripping cardboard, staring at one of the lionesses as she tore open the pizza box, greedily biting into several pieces of the meat laden food-stuffs at once. Justin immediately jumped forward, trying to garb at least one more piece before the large cat devoured it all. He started when she suddenly growled at him, arching her back as her fur bristled.

This was the last straw for the still slightly drowsy human, who grabbed the female's muzzle, staring her straight in the eye as he growled angrily, "What are you going to do? Kill me? Eat me? Then what? Eat all the food in this house? And when that's gone, what else can you do?! Go outside and cause chaos, only to get shot to death?!"

The lioness stared back at him in what Justin could only describe as surprise at his sudden viciousness, relaxing as she seemed to understand what he was saying. Nodding, he grabbed two more pieces of the pizza, folding then over to make a sandwich as he tossed the remaining two pieces to the other lioness, much to the first's annoyance. When she tried to steal the piece's back, he gave a short barking shout as a warning, the anthro backing down as her sister finished the food.

Justin groaned as he watched the two females lounge on his sofa, the calmer, and slightly smaller, of the two grooming her comrade, purring loudly as the other seemed to doze peacefully. Justin was actually somewhat amazed at how, despite being in an unknown environment that was so different from their own, they both seemed to be perfectly content. He let his eyes wander over the two as he relaxed back in his chair, surprised by the pair's appearance, their bodies extremely similar to that of an average human woman's, albeit covered by a coat of dusty golden fur, their large, firm breasts probably in the D-cup range, if not bordering on Double-D's.

Justin started when he realised what he was thinking, quickly getting out of the single seat he had been laying back in and walking across the room, both feline's suddenly staring at him as the piece of paper crunched under his foot. Staring down at it, he picked up the slip that his father had written the note on and stared at the back in disbelief. It had, in large black letters, the address for the local zoo, the six digit postal code just beneath it revealing why, on occasion, he would receive some letter or parcel meant to be delivered to the high-tech animal sanctuary. Swearing, he smacked his palm against his face as he stared at the bright yellow sticker just under the address, the bold black letters exclaiming "Warning, live animals inside! Treat with extreme caution!"

"Only my parents would be in enough of a rush to ignore a great big warning sticker stating that there was a possibility of danger, and then leave me to clean up the mess," Justin groaned, walking out into the hallway, where his land-line was, hitting the speed-dial for the zoo.

He stood in the passage for a short time, leaning against the wall as the phone line rang, the smaller of the two lionesses sneaking out of the room quietly to come stand just next to him, watching him as he held the plastic receiver to his face. Justin watched her as she watched him, noticing that she was actually quite a lot shorter than he was, at only about five foot ten, maybe eleven, while her sister, he estimated, was about three inches taller, at about six-one or six-two, almost the same height as him. He jumped when she suddenly crouched beside him, rubbing her head against his leg as she purred loudly; licking his hand as he absentmindedly began scratching her behind the ear.

"Hello?" Justin jumped again at as the voice on the other end of the line suddenly spoke, catching him off-guard as the man answered drowsily, "How may I- *yawn* -sorry, how may I help you?"

"Um, hi this is Justin Meyer calling about a...a package that was dropped at my house instead of at the zoo again," Justin replied, glancing down at the friendly lioness as she pressed up against him, almost knocking him off his feet, "I think you guys really ought to come pick this one up, like, now."

"Oh?" the man on the other side asked, "What was it?"

"Two anthro lionesses,"

There was a brief pause, followed by the faint clicking of computer keys before the man at the other end of the line spoke again, "You're shitting me, right?"

"No," Justin said slowly, starting to worry about where this was going.

"Only, if these two are the lionesses I think they are, they aren't even supposed to be in the country 'til next year," the man said nervously, swearing quietly several times as he called out to someone before continuing, "Their enclosure won't even be ready for another six months."

"Six...did you just say SIX months?" Justin spluttered, staring at the lioness that was now trying to lick his feet, making the eighteen year dance slightly to avoid the rough, warm tongue, "What's going to happen to them 'til then?!"

"Hold on! We don't even know if these are the same two lionesses," the man said weakly, making Justin roll his eyes, "Try calling their names. It says here that the younger one is called Siena, and the older one is Ana."

"Ana?" Justin asked, thinking of the larger lioness who was probably still sleeping on his sofa, swearing when the feline beneath him suddenly stood up, pressing up against his chest and staring cutely into his eyes, "Wait, you're Ana? But you're smaller than the other one."

"Age doesn't necessarily determine size and social position," the man on the other end of the line suddenly said, making Justin jump as he'd forgotten he was on the phone, "And I'd be careful, it says here that Siena is a real Alpha-female. She even likes to get the 'one-up' on any males that come her way, which is why neither of them have been bred yet, she won't let them get close."

"Okay, thanks for the warning, but why are you telling me all this?" Justin groaned, managing to push Ana off his chest, "It's not like I'm going to be looking after...them... Oh hell no!"

"Oh hell yes!" the man shouted back, "We have nowhere else to send them. Look, there should be a second box fixed inside of the shipping crate, inside is a big metal suitcase with all you need to know about caring for these two. Look, do this for us and we'll not only cover all food expenses, but we'll pay you as well!"

"Pay me?" Justin asked, his interest suddenly peaked, "How much?"

"Don't know, you'll have to talk it over with the big heads up at the top," the man sighed, "It was hard enough just for a peon like me just to get clearance for this to happen, you know. Anyway, good luck, and we'll send a vet over soon to give them a check up. Thanks a shitload, bye!"

"Wait!" Justin shouted at the man, swearing when the dial tone buzzed in his ear, slamming down the phone angrily, before looking at the startled lioness at his feet, "Well, looks like we're going to be getting to know each other for a while."

Justin watched as the two felines played in his backyard, racing across the ten acre stretch of land that his house was situated on. Justin lounged by the Olympic sized pool his parents had installed on a whim one summer when it had been almost unbearably hot, never having actually used it as they were out of the house for work or social functions too often, leaving it for their only son to train in. Justin didn't really mind, being an independent enough boy to have been able to cope without their sparse, and to be frank dismal, parental supervision. He had celebrated the day his parents finally decided he was old enough to not need a minder, so much happier that he now had the house all to himself.

He stared out dreamily across the ultra-low maintenance garden he had designed one holiday while bored and doing a project for school on self-sustaining plants. His parents had discovered it and, probably thinking it was their own idea, had given it to a professional landscaper, who had faithfully recreated Justin's vision in just under a week. It had probably helped that his parents were probably some of the wealthiest clients he had ever had, paying far above the original quotation, which had actually sent the professional gardener into a fit. Now his creation was proving to be the perfect hunting ground for the two anthros, stalking each other through the large silver birch wood which dominated almost six acres of the land, little roughly paved paths leading through it to clearings where Justin often wandered off to read.

The human glanced back at the house his parents had bought back when he had only been an infant, quickly snapping up the other side of the semi-detached house, and buying out several fields just behind it to make the grandiose mansion he now lived in. The young human laughed as he suddenly realised that this humungous house his parents had spent so much on and so little time in would actually make living with these two anthro females all the more simple. Leaning back on the sun lounger he was in, Justin let himself doze off in the sun as the two felines raced around the wilderness of the property.

Justin didn't know how long he'd been asleep, only that there was something soft and warm wrapped around his penis as he slowly woke up, gasping when the sandpaper like tongue ran the length of his hard-on. The half awake boy watched in stunned awe as Siena licked him again, before carefully taking his whole length into her mouth, her hand-like paws jerking off the small part that she couldn't get into her mouth. Justin groaned happily as he was sucked off by the lioness, his mind catching up to what was happening just as she pulled off, pressing a paw against his chest and shoving him back into the lounger, her claws digging slightly into his skin.

"What the fuck?" Justin asked, staring down at his bare crotch, his swimming shorts having been pulled away and tossed aside, now being used as a toy by Ana, who was wearing them on her head as he rolled in the grass nearby, "What are you do-mm!"

Justin was cut off as Siena pressed her muzzle to his lips, forcing her rough feline tongue into his mouth as she purred menacingly at him, the paw not currently resting on his chest still wrapped around his member, her claws tapping against it gently. Justin panicked as he looked around the large plot of land, the anthro's actions hidden behind high walls that would both keep the prying eyes of other's locked out, but now kept the distress of the young human trapped in. Justin gasped when Siena pulled her mouth away from his, what could only be an evil smile on her face as she ran her rough tongue over his lightly muscled chest.

A thought suddenly popped into Justin's head, something he'd seen on an animal documentary about the social aspects of a pride of lions. The tiny fact, something that probably would have had no relevance at any other time of his life, burned in his head as he grabbed Siena's paw, twisting it slightly as the startled lioness gave a yelp of pain. Justin wasted no time, as soon as she let go of his member to grab at her paw, he slipped out from under her, pulling her arm up behind her back, gasping when she lashed out with her free hand, her claws catching him on the side as she drew three long gashes into his stomach. Justin paused for a second to check the wounds, sighing in relief when he saw that they were only flesh wounds, the adrenalin now burning in his blood keeping him from feeling more than a slight ache from the scratches.

Siena thrashed and hissed beneath is as she tried to claw him again, her flailing hand catching his arm as he tried to grab her wrist, drawing a thin line of blood across his skin. Yanking her trapped arm higher, while pinning her wrist against the lounger, Justin shuddered as he felt his member press between the lionesses butt cheeks, the soft fur tickling his member as he positioned himself behind her, pressing his bare chest into her back as she calmed slightly, watching him inquisitively over her shoulder.

I cannot believe I'm about to do this, Justin thought to himself, pulling back slightly until he felt the tip of his rod press against Siena's slit, the area surprisingly damp as he pushed up against it, But if I'm ever going to get any respect out of her, I guess it's the only way.

Justin moaned slightly as he pushed himself into Siena, the lioness giving a low growl as he held her down, but not making another move as he pressed his face into the back of her neck, inhaling her strange, wild scent. Both gasped when Justin pressed against a soft barrier, pulling back slightly as Siena shivered beneath him, her tongue hanging out as she panted. Noticing this, a smile crept across Justin's face as he began whispering in Siena's ear.

"Oh my," He chuckled as the lioness stared up at him almost pleadingly, "Are you enjoying this? Do you like being held down now? I thought you were supposed to be the untouchable Dominatrix who forced all males to do her will, or is that only when it's your own species?"

Siena gave a low whine as she pressed her head up under Justin's chin, licking his face as he pulled back slightly more. She gave a sudden yelp as Justin thrust back in, her hymen tearing as the young human hilted in her, both gasping as he pulled back out slightly, before thrusting back in, quickly picking up a rhythm as he pumped into her. Siena gave a feral moan as Justin slammed into her particularly hard, the head of his member pressing up against the entrance to her womb, making both shudder in pleasure. A ripping sound caught Justin's attention as he continued to thrust into the lioness, his eyes falling on her paw he had pinned to the lounger, her claws now shredding the material of the cushion as she clenched and unclenched her fists.

Swearing, Justin quickly stood up, staring at the multitude of scratches on his stomach as Siena's other paw continued to knead at the air. Shaking his head, he pulled the trapped arm around, pinning it much the same as the other one, now able to loom over Siena as he pushed into her.

"Do you like it?" he asked, watching as the lioness gave a high pitched mewl as he thrust in hard, his dick banging into her cervix again, drool pouring out of her mouth as she panted madly, "Do you enjoy being...mated?"

The lioness suddenly tensed beneath him, her walls tightening around his member as she yowled loudly, her claws digging into the thin cushion of the lounger as she orgasmed powerfully, Justin's sudden change in attitude sending her over the edge as he continued to pound into her, his thrusts growing more erratic as the two moaned together, Justin dropping back down to lie on Siena's back as he thrust into her again, his head slamming directly into her cervix as he orgasmed, his seed pouring out into the lionesses body, most of it spraying directly into her womb.

Justin gasped as he finished his orgasm, his boy going limp as he rested on Siena's furred back, his firm grip on her wrists still managing to stay strong as the lioness shifted slightly beneath him. After he had managed to catch his breath, Justin pushed himself up and off of Siena, leaving the still exhausted feline to lie against the lounger while he sat just next to her. Reaching down, he scratched her ear gently as the tired feline began to purr, pressing her head against his hand weakly as he leant down to kiss her gently on the forehead.

"I hope that's taught you a lesson," he laughed, "I may not be of the same species, but here, I'm the Alpha-male."

Justin chuckled as Siena nodded slightly, before closing her eyes and drifting off, her soft purrs filling the air. Standing unsteadily, he looked around the garden quickly, checking for anyone who, had they been able to climb the four metre high walls, may have seen what had just happened. His eyes, however, fell on Ana, who was kneeling in the grass a short distance away, her hands between her thighs as she stared at him, his swimming shorts still on her head.

Sighing, he walked confidently towards the kneeling feline, a hint of lust sparking through his mind as her posture reminded him of a picture he had in his porn folder, one of his favourites that he had often cummed to. Standing in front of her, Justin whipped his trunks off of the lionesses head as he smiled down at her, surprise leaking into his face as he stared into her pleading eyes.

"I believe these are miiiii-omph!" he started as Ana pounced on him, her breasts hanging just above his face as he was pinned to the floor. Shaking his head slightly, Justin grabbed the feline's side, pushing her over as he rolled on top of her, now crouched more dominantly above the blushing feline, one finger gripped nervously in her mouth as she glanced up at him sideways. Her innocence seemed to awaken something inside of Justin, as he felt his member suddenly swell again, throbbing slightly as he crouched over the submission female below him.

"Oh god," he muttered, his arms suddenly giving way as he dropped onto Ana's large chest, "I can't help myself!"

Ana seemed to comply, suddenly wrapping her hind legs around Justin's back, pulling his throbbing meat closer to her crotch. The two stared into each other's eyes as their faces grew nearer, Justin pushing his tongue into Ana's mouth as the kissed, rubbing his length against her slit as they moaned softly. Breaking the kiss, Justin propped himself up as he positioned his manhood, giving no warning as he suddenly thrust into Ana's virgin hole, making both yowl in pleasure as he immediately pressed against her virginity, tearing through it and hilting in one swift movement. Justin looked down at the female under him as she gasped and clawed at the ground, her face a picture of bliss as she pulled out and slammed roughly into her again, her eyes seeming to beg him to force her, to slam into her more and fuck her harder.

Justin could only comply as he let his instincts take over, thrusting almost violently into the yowling cat, grabbing one of her breast and latching onto the nipple as he sucked hard, nipping the sensitive nub slightly as he continued to pound into her. Ana just moaned and yowled in pleasure, her claws leaving the ground to dig into Justin's back as she wrapped her arms around him. Justin hardly felt a thing as he continued to thrust into her, his orgasm quickly approaching, as he was sure was Ana's. The two cried out at the same time as they came, Ana's inner walls milking Justin's member as it pressed firmly against her cervix, not a drop spilling out as he thrust a little further into the already slightly beaten hole he had been knocking against since the first thrust.

Utterly exhausted, he collapsed against Ana's chest, resting his head against one of her soft breasts as she held him close, her claws slightly bloody from the multitude of scratches she had left on his back. Justin gasped as he felt something else suddenly press against his back, glancing over his shoulder to see an annoyed looking Siena, obviously not impressed by his sudden disappearance from her side. Sandwiched between the two lionesses he had just mated with, Justin felt his face suddenly twitch, a huge smile forming as he squeezed one of Ana's breasts softly, making the feline purr sleepily, before joining his two new mates in peaceful slumber.