A Wolf on Sauria Ch.5

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#5 of AWoS

Dawn on the next day was rung in with the sound of a horn being blown.

Somewhere near Thorntail Hollow, something large was being rolled over the underbrush, wood creaking under its weight. A catapult was pushed out of the jungle and onto the grassy, narrow valley passage overlooked by Thorntail Hollow's front gate. Sharpclaw watched from the trees. Spears bobbed over the bushes.

Hearing Fox's story, the village elder of the Thorntail sent out Cloudrunner messengers in all directions to comb the jungle. But they began to return just before dawn, with dire news. No sight of Krystal but another problem rearing its head.

Thorntails lined up on the inner side of the wall. Mostly they could rely on their natural armor, but this time had added kettle helmets to their armory. Those on the wall began to take sporadic arrows from the jungle, shots that bounced off thick hide or clattered against stone.

Fox looked over the scene on his long range scope, cruising unseen over their heads in the clouds. The largest mass of Sharpclaw were hanging back in the trees, sneaking forward to line up pincer style along the treelines at either side of the open terrain.

He touched the communicator at his ear to report back to the elder.

"Looks like they're trying to lure us out. Don't take the bait,"

A tedious cat and mouse game stretched on until the sun tilted over the hills at the Sharpclaw's back.

Catapults fired over their heads as Sharpclaw poured out of the jungle at a run. They were met with Thorntail on the walls whipping barrages of sharp rocks using tail-mounted slings. Chunks were taken out of the trees, armor and skulls crushed. A boulder crashed over top of the wall, sending a Thorntail down with the falling debris. A couple more shots from the catapults put cracked craters in the wall and fell back to the grass.

The Sharpclaw that made it across the open grass huddled at the foot of the walls, with the expected rain of rocks nosed off from above. They tossed grappling hooks up and it became a time trial to climb up while the Thorntail gnawed furiously at the ropes. These dinosaurs were not predators and so had some trouble with this task. Panicked calls for more chewers rang out across their ranks.

A few knights made it up, along the arch that framed the city gates. One of them leapt, bringing its axe down for a brutal strike slicing off a ranged dino's tail just before it could whip another shot. They hacked him and another of the defenders to death. But this rampage was disrupted as another Thorntail came galloping onward with its head down. It plowed into the knights and their axe blades, shoving all of them back and then crashing through the rampart. The rope was dislodged along with the grunts climbing it, all plunging down in a chaotic avalanche.

Fox sighted in on one of the trio of catapults. They were loading firebomb canisters, which exploded into bright mushroom clouds once his lasers slammed into them. Flaming debris tossed in all directions as the Arwing zipped overhead. One of the Sharpclaw managed a very good impression of the Wilhelm scream as it went flying.

Off in the distance, a battle cry cut through the rest of the noise.


A single Sharpclaw appeared over the hill. He ran with arms outstretched and level, each hand bearing a bomb with a lit fuse. His monotone shouting never faltered nor did he take a breath as he sprinted directly for the city's wooden gates. He slammed into it at full speed, bouncing back and knocking himself out. The two bombs sizzled on the ground for a minute, then detonated blasting a splinter in the gates large enough for a couple grunts at a time to slip through.

It wasn't that easy though, as the Sharpclaw were faced with a horde of walking tanks on the other side. A savage back and forth struggle began, between the spearlizards pushing in and the Thorntail trampling or crushing them back against the gates.

Back in the jungle, a redeye was just then unmuzzled and its restraints chopped loose. This only cost a couple of the grunts being snapped up in its jaws until it caught sight of the enemy walls.

All at once, a shadow fell over those battling at the gates. Eyes turned upward. There, with its claws curled over top of the wall, was a massive tyrannosaurus looking into the village. He drew his body back, tail curling skyward, and then thrust forward. A titanic cock plowed through the gates and sent the Sharpclaw and Thorntail alike flying. The gates were destroyed, now fully open.

There was a grunt just under the tyranotitan, ducking to avoid its girthy battering ram swinging down out of the sky. He was relieved briefly before the equally giant nuts plopped down directly on him. The poor lizard was flattend into a scaly welcome mat in front of the village.

Luckily, the tyranotitan presented a large target for Fox. He battled the thing while it fired concentrated beams of fire and swung its tail attempting to bat the arwing out of the air. It was nothing Fox hadn't dealt with before, reminiscent of one of Andross' bioweapons. At last the lasers peppering the beast took their toll and it crumbled to black ashes in a column of fire. The front of the wall was scorched black from its passing, shielding the village for the most part with only some sprinkling of fires erupting in the immediate vicinity. Though a rain of ash was now blowing over the continuing battle.

Out of the fire and smoke, a regal Thorntail marched. He played a set of bagpipes strapped on to his side, unphased and stoic against the hissing wave of lizards now pouring into the village.

A Thorntail soldier nudged one of his comrades.

"Hey, what do bagpipes mean? Are we supposed to charge or something?"

"No. That's the crazy guy that lives in the old well. He doesn't even know what planet he's on right now,"

Up above, Fox's scanner detected an aircraft moving toward them, having dropped straight down and shooting for the rear side of the village.

The elder had said it was odd that the Sharpclaw managed to turn up with no warning whatsoever. An answer of sorts appeared looming over the village. A Sharpclaw battleship, much larger than the airship Scales had cruised around in. This was a metal plated behemoth with a quartet of shiny square-shaped starship thrusters bolted to the rusty metal. Pterosaur mounted Sharpclaw began pouring out and descending to the village. The entire attack on the front gate must have been a distraction.

The rustbucket wouldn't be a match for Fox. Yet...if Krystal was onboard, or if the thing crashed into the village below and exploded. He cursed, taking his finger off the trigger.

Wolf made his entrance, launching in his metal pterosaur straight up from the deck. And there the maniac was on Fox's scope. So many problems bundled up in one feral, sneering face. Wolf nodded once in the crosshairs. He smiled as the arwing passed and banked to turn around and fall in behind him.

They set off over a dense, untamed section of the wilderness. The terrain became thick with kudzu and the trees massive, tangled in vines thicker than normal trees themselves. There was a palace in similar condition, only the upper limits of domed temples and towers rising from the vegetation. The complex was centered on a circular arena lined with pillars. Wolf directed his mount to roost on one side while Fox landed at the opposite.

It was eerily silent in the aftermath of the battle. A line of the Thorntail were being herded along at speartip and rounded up into one of the large mounds. Sharpclaw on their landed pterosaurs watched from atop the rocks. The looting phase was already underway, with Sharpclaw busting open crates, or clearing out the residential mounds. Another of the lizards was taking a dump on the grave of Tricky, who had been raped to death by Redeye years prior and suffocated during the assault.

One grunt patrolled along the interior of the wall. He halted, casting about for any late enemies that might want to try fighting back. Glancing up, he found somebody falling from on high.

It was a blue moon in the sky, a fantastic set of butt cheeks divided by a mere strap as her tail billowed above conveniently out of the way for a full view of her hindquarters. Krystal landed with her feet right between his eyes knocking him out cold.

Bouncing to the ground, she drew her staff and dashed behind a stack of crates. Heavy steps marched up as another lizard decided to be suspicious. Nosing around the crates he found nothing. She was by then crouched just above his head and sent him to sleep with a staff to the skull.

Beneath her bangs, the bright green eyes flicked around constantly assessing her surroundings.

Light and quiet on her bare paws, Krystal slipped deeper into the village. A lithe body that might as well have been mist moving around the plodding Sharpclaw. Fur and curves just out of reach for all who would caress them. This vixen was a prize suitably difficult to obtain, in more ways than one.

Halfway through the village, her ear twitched as she tuned in on a group heading up towards her from downhill. Luckily there was a fallen log nearby and she ducked behind it on hands and knees to wait for them to pass.

In the meantime, her thoughts had some time to idle. That wolf was still out there and she wondered if she'd run into him again. If he found her like this...it made her shiver just to consider such a thing. There would be no escaping those big beastly claws taking hold of her from behind. She'd be anchored to that sex crazed monster. Sensitive and well lubricated loins displayed in front of a virile feral male, a lolling tongue, a cock that could embarrass a Snowhorn. The face that Fox fell in love with. The rape wolf wouldn't care- he'd shove it in the dirt and mate with her right here in the open, in front of the whole village.

At that moment her tail nearly gave her away as it began to rise, drawing curtain on her round rump and soaked thong. She had to reach back and hold her traitorous tail down, cursing her heat once again. Once the footfalls faded, she moved on.

The elder's residence wasn't much further, entrance sealed by a wooden hatch. She only needed a mere crack to slip inside, in a whisper of a motion. He would hopefully be able to provide some insight or know where Fox was.