Reyori's Tryst with Onyxia

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#6 of Treya's Harem

This piece is one of many RP logs between myself and a wonderful and charming thief. In this scene, Reyori has a chance encounter with Treya's mentor, and she learns just how good of a student Treya is.

Paragraphs preceded with T: are written by Onyxia, those with A: are written by me.


Reyori's eyes slowly flutter closed as she takes in a deep breath. Unlike Treya and the others, the vulpera felt like a fish out of water. Treya had insisted that she come, as this party wasn't just for her, but for the entire group. They'd accomplished something worthy of praise, and it just wouldn't feel the same if Reyori hadn't been there with all of them! That said, Treya had slipped away at the first opportunity, though not without a kiss to her fox's cheek. The sentiment had drawn out a warm smile and a little coo, but that feeling of warmth quickly faded when everyone else wandered off, leaving the poor fox alone.

Reyori quickly found herself a location that was still located within the central room of the party, but was also partially isolated to give her some breathing room. Still, any onlooker could easily tell that she felt uncomfortable. She'd frequently straighten her dress and make sure that it looked presentable, hinting that she likely wasn't used to wearing something so formal. If her armor hadn't been able to alter itself to fit the situation, she'd likely not be wearing this dress at all! Though, when she isn't straightening out her dress she's fidgeting with a ring on her left ring finger, a very special ring housing a very special enchantment.


One feels Onyxia's presence without even having to see her. Is a shift in the room, like sheep trying to identify whether the canine is a wolf or a sheepdog. Ripples through the current as conversation pauses and shifts, eyes look at askance as she makes her way through the room. Long, gorgeous black hair falls to her shoulders in heavy locks. Her dress is almost subdued by comparison - teal and sea blue, falling over her chest and cinching about the wrist.

When she does approach Reyori, its from a side angle - she can see the woman approaching, but not head on so it feels like a threat. No reason to get ones guard up as she sidles over and offers a drink. "I know that look. That is the look of someone who arrived on a partners arm, and now doesn't know where she's run off to~" A soft noise of sympathy, letting Reyori take the drink. Even amongst normal humans, Onyxia struck a tall figure. Striking and impressive~


It takes a moment for Reyori to register Onyxia's presence; so lost within her old world that she's almost oblivious to everything around her. However, when she sees someone start to approach her from the side she glances up from her ring to look upon her guest. For a moment the vulpera is speechless, taken aback by the woman before her. The woman is equal parts beautiful and imposing. With her staggering height she towers over Reyori, making the vulpera feel absolutely insignificant beside her. Though Reyori was careful to ensure her armor's current look matched the dress code of the party, her purple dress feels like little more than a beggar's robes beside this striking beauty.

There is a brief pause after Onyxia offers that drink, though the vulpera moves to accept it just before it might be considered rude. "Thank you," she responds with a brief nod, then blushes slightly as the woman seems to read her like a book. At first Reyori isn't sure how to respond to her, but opts to take a drink before proceeding. Eventually she gives the woman another nod as her free hand moves over to lightly toy with the ring on her left ring finger. Though she wears another ring on her middle finger, it is the former that likely draws the most attention; it is decorated with a red band, and is beautifully engraved with one word: Treya.

Both of these rings are also enchanted! The ring on her middle finger is enchanted with protection from large insertions, while the engraved ring is enchanted with contraception magic.


Onyxia nods, and looks out over the party. "Its not that I don't understand. Its a party, but they're all events. So many things to do, people to meet, obligations to uphold. They think they're doing you a favor by letting you to your own devices, not knowing how... opaque all of this can be." She tsks softly, her eyes moving to those rings and lingering over them a moment. Reading them like a book. She smiles, and looks up and smiles. "But, allow me to be the first to thank you directly. I understand it was with your party's efforts that we are enjoying the return of the 13th Pearl~" She curtsies softly. "We owe you a debt~" Overwhelming, really. How does one just take a compliment like that from someone as overwhelmingly elegant as Onyxia?


As Onyxia speaks, Reyori gives her another nod and glances up in her direction. Though the woman is certainly overwhelming in many respects, her words are soothing and help alleviate some of the anxiety of the party. However, when she's able to identify Reyori as a member of the group this party is for, she starts to blush a little bit. Her fur helps to shield some of her embarrassment from view, but the touch of color to her cheeks and ears, as well as the occasional twitch of the latter, belies any attempts at hiding it. Her eyes widen a bit when the woman curtsies, and she stiffens, then swiftly responds in kind. "Y-your words are far too kind, madam." While not socially inept, Reyori is certainly out of her league when interacting with someone as overwhelming as this.


A dismissive wave of her hand. "Words." She tsks. "They're pretty things. They dance and play and charm, but they don't do great acts, not here. They're simply acknowledgements of the work you've done~" She turns to look about, noting the crowd. How they linger and peer at them, and... she speaks softly, as though an idea was just occurring to her. "You know, there is an art gallery I donated to at this party. A little thing, though I admit I'm particularly fond of it. Would you be interested in seeing it? I'm sure I could convince a steward to grant us access~" She smiles softly, and the unspoken additional part of the offer made it clear - if you don't want to have to stick around talking where we're a spectacle, we can get some privacy~


The response Onyxia gives to Reyori is unexpected, especially after she'd lavished such praise upon her just moments before. They were nothing more than acknowledgement? While the woman's words make sense, their implication leaves Reyori feeling a little confused.

When Onyxia mentions an art gallery, the vulpera's ears perk up a little bit and she glances up to her. Did the woman's earlier words mean to imply that she wanted to give her a more substantial reward than just praise? Private access to an art gallery is certainly a rare opportunity, especially for someone who isn't of noble birth. Still... "Am I truly worthy of such an offer?" she responds.

Reyori squeaks quietly after those words leave her lips and she blushes hotly. While those were her honest thoughts, they were also meant to be internal thoughts. Why was she being so forthright with this woman? She appeared to be nobility! And yet, it felt as if her genuine feelings were far more potent while around her, as if they couldn't be hidden from her.

Despite what might have been viewed as signs of danger in retrospect, the vulpera eventually nods in response to Onyxia's offer, though that blush remains as strong as ever. "I-I would love to," she responds, being very careful not to simply add just how much she'd love getting away from all of those prying eyes.


Onyxia smiles, and... waves a hand. A few small magics of her own start to weave, before turning to go. "Of course you are. And while the words are meaningless... and hardly 'too pretty', the gratitude behind them is deep~" She reaches to take Reyori's hand... and tha'ts when the vulpera will feel the magic going to work.

Her next step forward is... lifted. Like she stood upon a stair that wasn't there. The next up a touch more. Normally if someone went to hold her hand or keep close, she was... well, a child in comparison. Constantly looking up. But the magic lifted her step until her feet were about even with Onyxia's knees... and she could better loop her arm into the vulpera's, keeping her close.

"There. Hopefully that will help you feel a bit more secure." She shared a wink. "It can't be easy, having to look up all the time~"

Well, in a way. But also now... every step was lifted by Onyxia's magic. She was... supported by them. The vulpera was no doubt used to having to look up at tall people, but now lifted, secured... protected in a lot of ways by the other woman's spell. Also... up closer to where she could appreciate the harsh beauty of her cheeks, the spilling of her hair, and generous chest~


Reyori quirks a brow as Onyxia waves a hand, but quickly finds her attention drawn to the woman's face as she speaks. She offers a brief nod to the woman and reaches up to take her hand. The vulpera's eyes go wide when she takes a step forward and finds herself lifted, as if she'd walked up a stair. She continues forward, so as to not be rude to her hostess, but soon finds her cheeks and ears absolutely burning with a blush when that arm loops into her own.

When Onyxia speaks, Reyori's cheeks burn just the faintest bit brighter, if such a thing were even possible. She just feels completely overwhelmed by this striking woman. She was being just so... incredibly thoughtful, that the vulpera had started to worry about what the other guests might think of her. "T-thank you.." she responds with a light smile as she holds onto the other woman's arm just the faintest bit tighter. It really did make her feel... "A lot more secure." Once again the vulpera squeaks as she speaks her true feelings, as if it were the natural thing to do.

As so many things seem to be happening at once, Reyori finds herself struggling to keep up. As such, she doesn't notice that Onyxia has put her in a prime position to appraise her and appreciate her looks. While many may consider her an exotic species, due to being an anthropomorphic fennec fox, she was still a woman. Originally her curves looked very similar to Trixxy's own, a lovely shortstack with the curves to make any refined connoisseur of the shorter folk swoon; if only they weren't hidden beneath her armor! Now, however, they're on full display with her formal dress. And as a mother, those same curves have only been enhanced~. Perhaps her companion may even notice how those curves have changed over time? Especially those distinctly childbearing hips~.


Secured in magic. Lifted, protected, and for both of them... displayed. Better able to see each other. Onyxia smiles, and leans into, feeling the curves of the vulpera. "I admit, to a tiny deception. While I no doubt believe I could convince a steward to let us into the private gallery, there won't be any need to." She keeps walking along and turning - and turning again? There shouldn't have been a passage, but... for a dragon, all things make way before her. Even hallways and doors. They're already several hundred yards from the party, turning into a sumptuous waiting area.

"I have constant access to the collection. You might say I have a predilection for hoarding treasures~" She smiles at that, and looks about. The art is... well, stellar. Statuary of every type - beautiful people cast to marble, with woven robes over bodies. Clothing over stone. its... gorgeous, to show case both artists. Dashing, heroic, looming, villainous. Its... eye catching, especially here. "Are there any that catch your eye? I know their stories, each and every one~"


Once Onyxia puts some distance between them and the party Reyori finally starts to relax, and then realize that she has a much better viewpoint to appreciate the striking beauty of the woman beside her! Though she's careful to not be rude, she does drink in the lovely display the woman beside her is offering. She truly was incredible. No one at the party held so much as a candle to her. The vulpera's heart starts to beat a little faster at the thought of being alone with this incredible woman, though she couldn't quite understand why.

When Onyxia leans in, Reyori glances up to her and quirks a brow as she speaks. She didn't quite understand what the woman was implying, and soon found herself distracted by their winding path. She tries to make a mental note of the path they're taking, but it feels as if the very building is changing before her very eyes, and it isn't long before she's lost all semblance of where they are. However, once they arrive at their destination, all of that ceases to matter.

The vulpera's eyes widen as she glances up to look at the stellar pieces of art. So awestruck is she that her host's words barely register within her mind. "This is beyond anything I'd expected," she muses to herself as she slowly scans over every figure. When Onyxia speaks, Reyori snaps back to reality and briefly clears her throat. "Mmn.. They are all incredible works of art. I've never seen anything anywhere near to the craftsmanship of these pieces, nor the sight of clothing worn over stone. It's so pristine," she muses, before glancing at what appears to be a powerful mage mid-cast. "Oh, that one is absolutely striking! Especially the dynamism of the pose."


"This~" She walks over, and the floating 'path' under Reyori curves as well, helping guide her. "This is Mage Lord Tremain. A villain, he sought to gather seven perfect offerings to grant his patron-" She gives the history. Of his rise to power, of his collection, trying to find the offerings. A deal he had made with a person to gather those offerings, who he'd betrayed.... "Alas, when it came time to turn over the seven offerings, it was revealed that he hasn't met his debts, and thus, they still belonged to his shadowy patron. His lord was not pleased, and his attempt at power thwarted~" She drifts over to the next. "Ah, another story~"

She has a gift for such stories. The figures are all greater than life. Tall, strong, powerful. Fantastic individuals who managed all sorts of feats. Some get to enjoy happy stories, others bitter ends, some die in pitched battle, others achieve big feats. But there is a trend. A contact, a deal made. Sometimes honored, sometimes not, sometimes pending the future, but a trend.

Eventually Reyori is lead to a side room. A divan is laid out, and there is a pedestal in the center - empty, nothing on it. "We've been chatting for a while. My dear, would you join me?" She sits down on the divan, legs outstretched, looking up at the buxom, curvy, lovely vulpera. Its... an invitation even Reyori can't miss the undertones of, but... she knows that Treya would never be cross at her. If anything she'd offered many times to introduce Reyori to others romantically... though the vulpera had turned all of them down.


Reyori makes sure to stay close beside her host, partially due to an uncertainty regarding that floating 'path' beneath her and its range, and partially due to just wanting to stay... close to her. Despite just how realistic all of these statues appeared, something about Onyxia felt soothing to her, as if she were coaxed into just lowering her defenses while around her.

Reyori nods and follows along as Onyxia recounts the tale of Lord Tremain. The vulpera remains completely transfixed on that wonderful voice of hers, each word seemingly able to conjure a perfect image in her mind of the actual events as they occur; certainly enhanced by the incredible artwork to give her a foundation!

When Onyxia leads Reyori into a side room, the vulpera is initially surprised to see it isn't an extension with even more artwork. Instead, the only two things of note within this room appear to be a divan and an empty pedestal. She watches as Onyxia moves over to take a seat on the divan, and then blinks back her surprise when that offer is extended.

Though Reyori may not be used to interacting with others, outside of Treya and her friends, she certainly isn't so oblivious as to miss the undertones of what her host was offering. Subconsciously she reaches over her left ring finger to idly fidget with the symbol of her love for Treya. She certainly didn't want to be rude to a host who had been so gracious to her... And she did have this ring to shield her from any lasting consequences, should things take an unexpected turn. And she's felt completely at east while in her presence, so could it truly be that bad?

After a moment of deliberation, the vulpera finally gives in and offers a nod to her host as she makes her way toward her, reaching out to allow Onyxia to guide her - She's on that magical "path", so it would make the most sense for Onyxia to help her down from it, right?


Following the path leads to stepping down. And again. It seems to naturally be leading to her, and... for a moment it looks like she's going to end up in the noble woman's lap. Its enough to make ones breath catch, to think about things, and to wonder where this is going.... Only for her last step to end up in the divan. Next to her. The woman slid just as the spell moved her, leading to her deposited next to her, and a low chuckle leaves her lips.

"How rude of me. I've been leading you around so much, and I haven't even introduced myself. My name is Lady Mage Onyxia." Nobility, magically trained, but no Archmage.

"I'm glad you are impressed by my collection, its wonderful to meet someone with such an appreciation for art, who... can really appreciate the beauty of whats in front of them~" Her fingers gently stroke over the vulpera's ears, now... back on the ground, reminded of how big her companion was~


Reyori's heart begins to race as each step brings her closer to the woman's lap, her breathing starting to become a little shallow as excitement starts to build within her. Each step brought her closer to uncertainty, built upon an ever increasing level of risk. Though she may not be consciously aware of it, it is that very risk that excites the vulpera; does Treya know her better than she does herself?

When Reyori finds herself on the divan beside the woman, rather than in her lap, her ears droop just the faintest bit. For most people the subtle motion wouldn't be enough to catch their eye, but for someone as skilled as Onyxia? It'd be impossible for her to miss the disappointment in the vulpera's body language.

That chuckle draws back a hint of that blush from before, and when the woman properly introduces herself the vulpera quickly bows her head in respect. "I-it's truly a pleasure to meet you, Lady Mage Onyxia," she quickly responds. So she was with nobility! She'd suspected, but wasn't entirely sure who she was meeting with. Granted, she still doesn't know much about Lady Onyxia, despite now having her name.

Before Reyori can respond with her own introduction, Onyxia speaks again and that blush returns with a vengeance. Reyori's eyes half-lid when she feels those fingers stroke over her ears, a soft coo rippling past her lips despite herself. Were there prying eyes Reyori may have protested to such an act, as it might give the implication that she were some sort of pet to Lady Onyxia! However, when they're alone she can just savor the gentle show of affection. "I've been told I have a keen eye for spotting something of great value... So I can tell when something, or someone, is beyond compare."


Oh, the droops. The disappointment. The Anticipation. Onyxia was keeping a fine eye on all of it, smiling as she watched how she melted into the pets. So much of the vulpera was shielding herself. Projecting defenses. But those defenses weren't her. Weren't all that she was. And so it was bit by bit that they fell away. Showing the vulpera for what she was, truly-

Affectionate. Loving. Soft. Eager.

And so Onyxia's fingers continue to work, continue to play over her. "I envy that. Truly. I don't have the eye for such things naturally... but thankfully, I do have an eye for people that do." She drags her fingers until she finds that little ridge where the ear base meets the ear. Stroking firmly across that line. Massaging in the sensitive area. "Its an easier art for me. Being able to look at someone and... see what they see. Know what they'd really appreciate and value. That... is far easier than seeing that value directly."

She teases her fingers back, and cups the back of Reyori's head, gently bringing her closer.

"Such people... are wonderful. Whether in passing or in perpetuity. And I think you are one of those people. I would like very much... to take you for the night. I'm certain that your date to the event wouldn't mind~"


Reyori gives the faintest bit of a nod when Onyxia speaks, though not enough to disrupt the wonderful feeling of those fingers caressing over her ears. The vulpera breathes out another little coo as those fingers drift toward the ridge where her ear meets the base. The fox visibly shivers as Onyxia strokes along that line, her eyes fluttering shut completely as she starts to lean just a little bit closer to the larger woman.

The fox responds to Onyxia with the occasional "mhm" as she speaks, showing her that she's still paying attention, though not wanting to interrupt. Though the flow of the conversation changes when Onyxia's fingers drift from the base of her ear and move to cup her head and gently guide her closer. The vulpera's eyes peek open as she finds herself nearly up against the larger woman's side, and she slowly glances up to her to gaze into her eyes.

When those fateful words leave Onyxia's lips, Reyori's eyes widen in surprise. Though part of her wanted to deny it, she knew that this was where things were heading the moment her host took a seat upon the divan and invited her over. Still, to be told directly was something that Reyori wasn't quite expecting. For a moment the fox absentmindedly plays with that ring, toying with it as if to reassure herself that everything was still alright. Though, Reyori also knew that the larger woman's words were chosen carefully, and they were less a question and more of a statement. The moment she'd taken a seat on the divan she'd acquiesced to whatever events would unfold.

The only response Reyori gives to Onyxia is simple nod as she leans in a bit closer to nuzzle into her side. Does she really need to say anything, when she's to be taken?


No. she does not. The other woman doesn't seem to wait even for the nod - perhaps she felt the first motions in her fingertips and was moving before it could be seen. Or maybe she was going to move regardless of what was said, and she presses the vulpera down. Giving a purr before her lips meet Reyori's. Holding her close and kissing deliberately. Firmly. Her hands moving down over that dress as they hold no secrets to her and put up no defense - the garment vanishing in moments, tossed aside as she moves to press more kisses. Following the furred jawline, back down against neck, her hands pressing eagerly.

And those fingers press. Stroking over her ass, then between her thighs. Petting over that slick sex. Dragging up and down, finger gently parting those lips before pulling away, and repeating the stroke. Building her heat without trying to satisfy it, her lips pressing down that jawline. It... honestly feels familiar, in a way. The teasing, the hint, the build up. She's felt that before, getting coaxed and worked up until her mind was a heady mess of desire. Its.... Its like in the bunker. When Treya had taken her. But she'd done this and repeatedly overwhelmed her. Gave her what she wanted over and over and over again. This... it felt just as deliberate, but each time holding something just out of reach. Holding it back where she was all the hotter for it~


If Reyori felt overwhelmed before, that was nothing compared to the sensation of this larger woman pressing her down. Her cheeks glow a deep crimson as she hears that purr, then just melts into Onyxia's lips the moment they connect with hers. The vulpera's eyes flutter shut as she devotes herself to that kiss, moaning softly into Onyxia's lips as she feels the hunger in that firm connection. She arches her back as she feels those hands move over her dress and effortlessly pull it up and discard it, the fabric vanishing the instant it leaves her body to reveal her wearing absolutely nothing beneath it, save for an enchanted necklace serving as the core for her arcane armor.

Reyori gasps out the moment that kiss breaks, sucking in a breath as she feels Onyxia kissing down her jawline and toward her neck. She tilts her head back and groans out softly, while pressing herself into the woman's touch. She shivers as she feels Onyxia's hands stroke over her ass, then spreads her legs slightly as they move to stroke over her thighs. She gasps when she feels a finger petting over her slick sex, her hips lifting slightly as Onyxia spreads her petals apart to reveal her moist entrance. The cool air of the evening tickles over her, contrasting the heat she felt from her arousal. It only seemed to intensify further the more the woman teased her, only ever bringing her to the edge of feeling something more substantial, before withdrawing~. It was frustrating and exciting~!

Reyori shudders as she's teased so expertly by Onyxia, a feeling that's all too familiar that it couldn't possibly coincidence, could it? Though she's not had many lovers, only one had ever been so skilled at working over her, at building her excitement; the love of her life. Were there that many people out there who were this skilled? Was it just a quirk of nobility? Ultimately, the answer to those questions didn't matter quite as much as the skill of the woman above her, and the fox bites her bottom lip as she writhes beneath Onyxia, dancing along to her every move as if she were an instrument and Onyxia were the master musician.


Played with. Such a perfect term for it. Played like an instrument, her body read and her tones and quirks and shudders put to ink. She pulled back with a smile, and her other hand traces an ear, grinning. "You're not the type to plead, are you?" She asks, her fingers still continuing their wicked play. Stroking up and again. Fanning the heat of those flames. "No. You don't. Not that you don't want it... you want it like you want breath~" She chuckles, deep. "But you don't' want to give permission, do you? That's the focus... you'll ask for it, but you want it on my terms~"

There is a soft change. Those little fingers are dragging more, but the nails... get a touch longer. More deliberate. And the same ripple goes down her arms as a set of enormous wings spread high.

All as the clear dragon sprinkles more kisses against the vulpera, as though it was perfectly normal to have a dragon in your bed~


Reyori shivers as Onyxia pulls back and uses that free hand to trace over an ear, the soothing gesture a stark contrast to the actions of her other hand. Even as Onyxia speaks, Reyori is writhing beneath her touch, panting for breath between a melody of heated moans and soft groans~. Her hips quake as they lift and fall along with the guidance of those fingers. Though she's not yet completely gone, it still takes her a moment to realize that Onyxia is speaking. Her eyes flutter open as the larger woman reveals just how easily she can read the vulpera, but it isn't until that gradual change that Reyori truly feels like prey.

Lady Onyxia was a dragon! At first Reyori squeaks in surprise as a sensation of fear runs along her spine. When Onyxia leans closer her entire body stiffens as she prepares for the worst. However, when she's met with more of those kisses, as if nothing had ever happened, that fear starts to abate. A part of that fear lingers in the back of her mind, but with every press of her scaled muzzle to her furred body, Reyori feels that that hunger from Onyxia is of a sexual nature... Right?


Oh that stiffen and shiver. But no... she was certain that she had the vulpera's number now. She wanted to feel in some way... vulnerable. She didn't know, but she'd bet that the time she fell for Treya it was in such a moment. In getting overwhelmed, in being offered no retreat or escape. So she kisses, and presses, and gives a croon. "I should admit... I know your partner. We have a history~" She informs the vulpera, even as her hands firmly start to part her thighs... dragging her wide as she changes. Looms. She's... such a force. A shadow. there isn't any escaping this now, and those wings beat once. "Nothing hostile. In fact, I consider myself Treya's greatest patron. The girl wouldn't be who she is without me~" She liiiicks over the vulpera's muzzle, and her legs are bent back further... exposing her furred snatch as she moves up, her own dress starting to shift to accommodate the dragon underneath~ Oh dear. She was.... well, unlike Treya, she clearly didn't need a ring to penetrate Reyori~


Reyori coos out as Onyxia kisses over her, the feel of those scaled lips such a delight. However, when the scaled woman mentions knowing Treya, the vulpera's eyes snap open. She looks up into the scaled woman's eyes as her thighs are spread, her entire form trembling beneath her touch as that revelation sinks in. A lot of the way she moved and toyed with her felt familiar, and now she knew why. Did Treya learn from her? Was Treya still in contact with her? What sort of relationship did she have?

A million questions are running through her mind, but the beat of those wings quickly snaps her back to reality; so powerful that her fur rustles from the air alone. The vulpera simply listens as Onyxia gives her just a taste of the answers she sought, then shivers as she feels that tongue caress over her muzzle. Despite the heightened danger by all of these reveals in short order, Reyori can't help but feel excited. Especially when she feels herself so exposed down below. A subtle motion from the scaled woman's dress catches Reyori's eye, and the vulpera glances down, only to squeak in surprise at what was awaiting her.


That's right. A thousand comparisons would be flowing through the girls mind now. How they moved. How they flirted. How they looked. And while Onyxia may not expect the girl to say she preferred the dragon - she was, after all, in love...

Now she'd be wondering how much of her lover was the result of Onyxia's hand. And so she moved, kissing. Holding tight, a hand moving to Reyori's - playing with her rings. Making sure the one that protected against large insertions was secure on her finger. If she wore something like that... well, clearly it was a good idea to make use of it.

The sight of the cock is shocking. Burnished black, with a conical tip and smooth upper side... but the underside was ridged. She could see it, deep reds so dark they disappeared into the coloration of the shaft. Pressed down to a heavy base. Twitching. But most of all how it glowed. Hot, the veins looking like molten rock as she pressed forward, the heat dragging over Reyori's pussy. Spreading her wide. "I'm going to enjoy you, Treya's beloved~" She states, purring. "I will do so until someone comes looking to see where we went off to, and after I've assured them you're perfectly safe, I intend to have you for a couple of hours more~" A promise, before she plunges herself into Reyori, that hot shaft spreading her wide~

Reyori may not even realize that what she wants doesn't seem to have factored into Onyxia's plans.


Reyori was truly overwhelmed. Treya had been so intense, so confident, so firm in her desire to claim the vulpera. She even went so far as to give her a child the very first time they made love together! Reyori had absolutely no control and was at Treya's mercy for days... and she loved it. However, now that she's face-to-face with Treya's mentor, she's able to see a lot of parallels. At first she thought that she saw a lot of Treya in Onyxia's approach, but now she realizes that it was actually the reverse.

When she feels Onyxia playing with her rings her eyes widen. Would Onyxia do the same as Treya did?

Reyori's eyes widen at the sight of the cock before her, truly monstrous compared to someone of her stature. She finds herself drawn in by the shape and coloration of it, as well as that incredible glow.. It was something she'd never seen before, and the similarities it shares with molten rock, at least visually, has her a little concerned. The vulpera shivers as Onyxia presses forward, that intense heat causing her to shiver as she starts to spread her wide.

Reyori's cheeks and ears glow a deep crimson in color when Onyxia purrs out her intent, shuddering beneath her at the thought of being taken for hours. She considers saying something, but the only thing that leaves her lips is a deep, heated moan of utter bliss as that length suddenly plunges inside and she's spread wide around Onyxia's shaft. "O-Oh gods..!"


"Oh, that reaction~ Has Treya showed you this game already? Its one of my favorites~" She lifts that hand up, all as Reyori is impaled on her shaft. Too stuffed, to taken, to possibly resist as Onyxia kisses over the rings. From the middle to the end... and she slides down the contraceptive ring, her lips wrapping firmly and dragging back - its like looking into a mirror image of Treya. its how she looked. Its how she moved. its wicked and terrible...

The dragon gives a chuckle at that sight, the proof that Treya had done this game, and then... Reyori finds herself kissed again. Pressed into, that serpentine tongue slipping into hers. Whirling and pressing and.... her ring! She feels it pressed against the tip of her own tongue, held there as she pulls back and gives a chuckle~

"There, I shouldn't hold onto your ring for too long after all~" She teases, her eyes grinning. "That has your love's name on it... hold it there. Keep it safe~" She is teased, and... that cock drags out. that hot shaft pulled against her as it pulls out, every ridge distinct, before pressing back in, stuffing her as she's slowly ridden by the dragon, all while trying to keep that ring safe where it is~.


Another mention of Treya and another comparison, only further cementing the point that Onyxia does know Treya. The vulpera mewls out pitifully as the scaled woman lifts her hand and kisses over her rings, then widens her eyes as Onyxia slides down over her contraceptive ring and wraps her lips around it before dragging it off. Her heart nearly skips a beat at the sight, reminiscent of the night where Treya had placed those very rings on her fingers! Though it's the implication of that specific ring's removal that gets the vulpera's heart to race. The fact that she kept her other ring meant that this dragoness knew about that ring, but how? Had Treya told her? Or did she have some sort of ability or spell to enable her to identify it?

Reyori snaps back to reality when Onyxia claims her lips once more, another mewl rippling past her lips as she arches beneath the imposing woman. She shivers as she feels that serpentine tongue play with hers, then gasps in surprise when she feels the ring pressed against the tip of her tongue! When the dragoness pulls back the vulpera blushes all the more brightly, rolling that ring around before trying to catch it with the tip of her tongue. Though that ring is completely useless when not on one of her fingers, the least she can do is try to keep it safe and avoid accidentally swallowing it. Especially when she's being fucked so intensely~.

Reyori lifts her hips as that shaft drags out, shivering as she feels every ridge with each motion. The poor fox whimpers softly, so desperately wanting to speak, or even moan aloud, but not wanting to risk anything happening to the symbol of her love for Treya.


Its one thing to know that Treya would be fine with her lover. She does know that, intimately. no matter what happened here, she's certain that Treya wouldn't treat it as cheating. She is, as always, free. But its one thing to know that, and another thing to feel like it anyway. Holding the symbol of your love in your lips, focusing on it, to keep it safe from harm - not swallowing it, or spitting it out, or anything that might jeopardize it. But...

She's getting fucked by Treya's friend. Her mentor. At a party for Treya, while her ring was held. Its... its a fantasy. A wicked, horrible, torrid fantasy that makes her heart race as she's taken. Long slow thrusts, dragging in and out, the lovely interplay of emotions obvious on her face - Onyxia is watching with absolute bliss as she moves directly. Taking Reyori. Pressing firmly, but not rough. She's not aching just... stretched, and utterly, utterly used and filled by the wonderful temptress that has taken her aside.

"I don't expect to steal you from Treya~" The dragon speaks up, settling a question. Dropping more of her motives as she grinds home. "My lovely pupil deserves to be happy, and she's engraved her name too deeply on your heart. But, little beloved, what I do want~" She purrs, and drives again. "Is to see if I can mark my name just a little below hers. Make this night... one you treasure. Part of your lovely hoard~" And another thrust as she pushes nearly to the hilt, groaning as her back arches and Reyori feels that cock about to cum~


Never in her wildest dreams had Reyori ever thought she would ever be in a situation like this. Impaled upon the cock of the mentor of her beloved, with her contraceptive ring "stuck" in her lips. Even the most fantastical of sordid affairs in a steamy romance novel wouldn't compare to the reality facing Reyori as Onyxia claims her.

The fox whimpers out a moan each time that shaft bottoms out inside her, feeling that conical tip pierce deeper than anything she'd ever felt before. The way those ridges make her squirm, or the way that the heat of that shaft only intensifies the experience all the more. The way that girth keeps her pleasantly stuffed, or that bulb at the base of that length stretching her wide.

When Onyxia speaks, Reyori glances up and blushes_hotly_ when she finally reveals what she wants. So badly does the fox want to respond, but that ring leaves her effectively speechless~. All the poor thing can do is whimper and press her hips back against each of those thrusts. When she feels Onyxia on the verge of release she wonders: Will this dragoness do the same as her pupil? Will she knot her and fill her to the brim? Just how similar are they?


Unable to speak. Not without risking the ring. As wicked as a gag, but much more intimate. No wonder this is the dragon's favorite game. She croons, and presses, and that cock slides home... and that feeling. That knot is starting to grow, catching at the base and tying them together. "Ah, looks like we're going to be together for a while~" The dragon purrs, and lowers in to give a whisper to her ear. "If you want this cum anywhere but in you, I suggest you speak up now~"

Surely there are other ways than just voice. She could shake her head, or push her off. Logically, those should be options. But right now, impaled like this, feeling that hot cock swelling inside of her.... she certainly doesn't feel like she has a lot of those~


Reyori arches her back and shudders when that cock slides home, shuddering as she feels that knot start to swell and threaten to tie them together; just as Onyxia's pupil had done when she claimed the fox as her lover. When the dragoness purrs and leans in to whisper those words into her ear she whimpers. Onyxia knew that Reyori wouldn't say a word, nor would she make any sign for her to stop. She couldn't. Not because she wasn't able to do so, but because this was all part of the game. Reyori was the prey and Onyxia was the predator. She was Onyxia's for the taking, and she wanted to be taken. The only other who had ever made her feel this way was Treya, so is it any wonder that she'd succumb to her mentor?

That isn't to say Onyxia doesn't get some sort of response, though. On the contrary, Reyori gives Onyxia the same exact response she gave Treya; lifting her legs to wrap around the woman's hips. While she was able to hook her ankles at the small of Treya's back, that'd be next to impossible for someone as large as Onyxia. So all she can do is clutch lightly to her, keeping that shaft buried inside of her as that knot seals her fate~.


It's a question that is most important for being a foregone conclusion. For driving home their roles, and what Reyori couldn't possibly do. And the dragon knows it, and chuckle as she presses tightly. her hips dropping hard as she drive the last inch, her cock swelling as it gets inside of her, sealing itself in as she's knotted. Tied together... and there is now way that Reyori can keep silent. Her mouth parts as she squeals - damned be the consequences, it was an impossible task to begin with, and the ring slips, falling back...

And never has a chance to reach her throat. Maybe she would've swallowed, maybe she would've caught it, but instead Onyxia is there, her tongue catching the ring - thin and snakelike and lashing, pulling it from Reyori's mouth with a grin. A smugness, knowing that at least in this little way - she'd overwhelmed the vulpera, her stomach swelling with the onrush of hot cum.. and her belly glows, like she'd been stuffed with molten gold~ Hot and full and growing inside of her~

"Careful... you don't want anything to happen to this, right? its precious~"


It was honestly incredible that Reyori had managed to stay quiet for so long. But the feeling of that last inch pressing inside of her, combined with that knot swelling to tie them together, was more than she could handle.

As Onyxia pulls that ring from Reyori's mouth the vulpera feels a wave of relief wash over her, only then to feel a wave of heat surge inside her. The vulpera throws her head back and just moans out Onyxia's name as the dragoness' release overwhelms her. She arches her back and presses her hips firmly to Onyxia's own as her stomach firms up, then starts to swell as that warmth continues to flood into her in pulse after pulse. Thanks to that ring of protection, Reyori can enjoy that mix of pleasure and discomfort accompanying that swell in complete safety~.

When Onyxia teases her Reyori lifts her head, but before she manages a response her eyes fall upon her swelling belly. A glow?! The vulpera blushes hard as she watches her belly grow not only larger, but brighter with each fresh pulse of cum. "Oh gods.." she murmurs out as she just lays back against the divan and rides out the remainder of her and Onyxia's peak.


"That glow is long lasting and sealing~ Dragons, you see, are territorial. So many of us meet and have a very narrow window. So its cum that... stays until it takes~" She purrs, and starts to squirm her hips - the motion tugging Reyori by the knot, back and forth, feeling her played with and teased thoroughly, before Onyxia drops the ring into her own hand - no longer threaded on her tongue.

"Your belly may end up still glowing for a week~"

This is, an utter exaggeration. Maybe if she didn't use any magic or move around too much - it wouldn't stay stuck for nearly that long. but the idea of it she lets linger into the vulpera's mind, that golden tongue sliding back into her mouth now. "And my name is Onyxia. You should be worshiping that, not whichever Gods abandoned you to me~"


Reyori's eyes widen as Onyxia explains the significance of that glow, and her passage squeezes around that shaft as she starts to squirm. The vulpera whimpers as that knot tugs at her, and then again at the thought of glowing for a full week! However, before she can think much of it, she finds her muzzle claimed once more by the powerful dragoness. She moans hotly into the kiss, her own tongue pressing and rubbing against Onyxia's as long as that kiss lasts. When it's broken, the fox blushes hotly at the dragoness words and gives a nod in response.

When she glances back down to her swollen belly she reaches over to caress gently over that glowing swell, purring out softly at the thought of carrying another child. Naturally, such a thought sees her mind wander to her first tryst with Treya, and how... "It took Treya and I eighteen sessions over the course of three days to finally conceive..." As that revelation leaves her lips the vulpera's eyes widen, unable to stop herself from revealing herself completely to this dragoness. She squeaks and covers her muzzle with a hand as she blushes even brighter and moves to hide her face in her paws.


That earns a long low chuckle, and the dragon lowers over her. "Good~" She states, pure and simply. "Treya may be many things, but it is gratifying to know that she doesn't quit~" She kisses again and again, growling against the vulpera. "Its a lesson I could take from her. You... are already carrying. But..." She gives a chuckle, and kisses. "Want to know a secret about dragons? We're bred for single encounters, and to make them meaningful. You're not only going to be carrying my child...." She gets breathy. "The longer we're together, the more I cum in you... the greater my brood."

She lets that linger, and then starts to move. Pressing in once more, driving. Reyori can feel her belly bouncing with her, focusing on how it wobbles, so full of her lover, that glow catching her eye. "Congratulations on your twins~" She offers, before she starts to cum again~

After all, she just said eighteen sessions over the course of three days.

Surely the mentor could manage better than the student.


Reyori's blush only gets worse as Onyxia chuckles, though she does peek out from between her fingers as the dragoness lowers over her. That blush remains as the dragoness starts to shower her in kisses, though the vulpera is quick to return each and every kiss. She shivers as she hears that growl, than gasps in surprise when Onyxia reveals that she's already carrying. One of her hands drifts down to her stomach, gently caressing over that glowing swell with a shiver at the knowledge that she's already with this woman's child.

Reyori purrs into the next kiss, leaning up to press against Onyxia a bit more firmly. When she pulls back to continue, the vulpera nods as she speaks. However, when she gets breathy and drops that revelation, the vulpera's eyes slowly start to widen. "W-wait... Y-your brood..?" she begins, only to tremble and moan as Onyxia starts to move.

Reyori blushes hotly as her draconic lover starts to drive into her, the feel of her belly bouncing with each thrust drawing out a deep groan~. She reaches down with a hand to feel it wobble, to feel the impact of every drive of those hips into her. The sight of that glowing swell shift was mesmerizing, so much so that the fox didn't even realize that Onyxia was working herself toward a second peak. The vulpera squeals out her surprise when she feels that sudden rush of warmth into her depths, and blushes hotly with that congratulation from her draconic lover. She whimpers out pitifully as she feels her stomach swell further beneath her fingers. Her legs once again clutch to Onyxia's sides, desperately holding to her as she feels Onyxia not only claim her a second time, but fill her with even more life. "O-oooh..~ O-Onyxia..~!" she moans out, notably following her lover's request~.

Reyori will certainly have some explaining to do when she gets home, especially if she comes home carrying an entire /brood/ of dragons~.