My Hero

Story by Umuntu on SoFurry

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My Hero

By Umuntu

{Distorter & Enslaver © Kuntos}

{Ngonyama © Umuntu}

His name is Aamon Grey, and Distorter the super weasel had no idea how he fell in love with this wolf and otter hybrid. He remembered at one point that this hybrid was the superhero's ultimate stalker. Distorter didn't date stalkers, so what made this one so special? For a long time Distorter didn't even know of this stalker until Aamon came forth as one of the superhero's villains named Enslaver. As a number one rule, Distorter never would even conceive socializing or even dating villains. Yet, why is he sitting across the table from one now, having dinner?

Distorter had this strong belief that Enslaver wasn't naturally a villain. He just played that role to get attention from the weasel. He also believed it when Aamon promised him that he would try to be good and become a hero.

This was also a very special dinner night, because it was the first time that Distorter saw Enslaver without his mask, cape or costume. His was Enslaver no more, he was now Aamon Grey and Distorter was lost in his deep orange reptilian eyes.

"Are you listening to me?" Aamon said.

Distorter quickly came back to reality. There was beautiful soft piano music playing live in this fancy restaurant, filling the air with a calm vibe. Distorter tugged at his bowtie embarrassed. "I'm sorry," he said, "There is just something about your eyes that entranced me."

"I apologise mate," Aamon replied in his thick Australian accent, "I think my powers played a role in that. I was trying hard not to enslave your mind."

"Now as you were saying," Distorter replied. He couldn't help but stare at Aamon again. "My god, he looks so fucking gorgeous in his tux," the weasel thought to himself. That grey fur of his was complemented by the black jacket of his tuxedo. The white fur that ran from under his nose over the bottom half of his face and down his neck matched the colour of his fine satin shirt he wore under the jacket. The only odd thing about this handsome package was a very peculiar black jagged mark above his left eye. It definitely made Aamon very unique in Distorter's eyes.

"I said," Aamon continued as he looked at the very over priced menu, "are you sure you can afford this dinner? I mean these prices are even out of my earning range."

"Well if there is one thing I can teach you about being a hero," Distorter said, "it has a lot of perks. Like for example, the head chef of this fine establishment. I rescued him a few months ago and he offered me a free dinner of my choice as my reward."

"And then you spend your favour on me," Aamon said, "that is so sweet of you." He took the weasel's hand and gave it a soft kiss. "Thank you."

The piano music in the background changed to another song. Somehow it seemed strangely familiar to Distorter. He tried to recall where he heard that beautiful melody before. A sharp kick to his shin got his attention again. He looked back at Aamon, who was motioning him to look left. Distorter only then noticed that the waiter was there already.

"Can I get you anything to drink, sir?" The feline waiter asked.

"Apple-Raspberry fruit juice please," Distorter requested.

The waiter nodded and looked at Aamon.

"Double scotch on the rocks," Aamon said, to which he received a nod.

The musical melody in the background was distracting Distorter again. It was driving him insane. He knew that song but he just couldn't put his finger on it.

"You seem very distracted tonight mate," Aamon said, "what is bothering you?"

The piano stopped before Distorter could answer. The house music started playing after that. The weasel could only assume that the piano player was taking a break now.

"That piano music just sounded very familiar," Distorter answered, "maybe I'm just imagining things. Oh well," the weasel shrugged, "now you have my full undivided attention."

"What the fuck!?" a very familiar South African accent exclaimed.

"Oh shit," Distorter shook his head. Now he knew why he recognised that song from earlier. It was the song that Ngonyama wrote for him a few months ago. He then realised his ultimate mistake. He forgot that this was the restaurant where Ngonyama played the piano over the weekends.

"What is it?" Aamon asked and looked over his shoulder. He saw a white lion with purple eyes approaching. His long silver hair hung loosely over his black tuxedo. "Who is that?"

"That is Ngonyama," Distorter replied, "my ex. We broke up a few months ago and he didn't take it very well."

"He is rather cute," Aamon replied, "why did you guys break up?"

"He already had a girlfriend," Distorter said, "let me this handle this."

"So who is the piece of meat?" the white lion addressed the weasel, "and how long before you chew him up and spit him out?"

Aamon wasn't going to sit there and be insulted like that. He got to his feet and noticed he was quite shorter than this lion, but he wasn't afraid. "I think you better apologize mate," he said, "and then get out of here."

"Oh god, an Aussie," Ngonyama rolled his eyes in disgust. Him being a South African he had a natural distaste towards the Australians. It was only because these two countries were the biggest rivals in sports. "That is so typical of you Distorter," he said to the superhero and then looked Aamon in the eyes. "And this has nothing to do with you bright eyes, stay out of this."

"Aamon, please sit down," Distorter said and then he turned is attention to Ngonyama. "Yami, why can't you just move on?"

"You broke my heart!" Ngonyama slammed his fist down on the table. "You just left me without even a word. Not even a proper break up, just a stupid letter."

Distorter did rather feel ashamed that he couldn't tell Ngonyama to his face that it was over. He couldn't stand watching how this gentle lion's heart broke in front of him. "I had my reasons to do what I did."

The white lion wanted to reply on that, but couldn't without saying something very mean. So he quickly changed the topic in this emotional struggle. "And for your information; I did move on you bastard." Ngonyama said, almost tearing up, "I have a beautiful fiancé, but I can't help the beating of my heart. I loved you! I still do! Just say the word and I will drop her to be with you."

Aamon got tired of this verbal battle between these two and decided it was time to intervene again. "Listen here white-boy," he poked Ngonyama in the chest. "Distorter is here with me. Can't you take a hint? Bugger off mate."

Quick as a flash Ngonyama grabbed Aamon by the jacket with one hand. He used his hidden telekinetic powers to effortlessly levitate the wolf-otter hybrid into the air, creating the illusion that he lifted him using only the strength in his arm. "I thought I told you stay out of this...'mate'."

The illusion definitely fooled Aamon. He was amazed that this lion picked him up so effortlessly. The last time Aamon checked he weighed in at around a hundred and seventy pounds and he thought that a person of Ngonyama's structure would struggle lifting him off the ground. There was only one more option left that the wolf-otter hybrid could think of.

Distorter immediately saw the glow in Enslaver's eyes and knew that he was going to try to use his powers against Ngonyama. "Aamon!" he called out, "don't do that."

Ngonyama could immediately feel a presence attempting to pierce his mind. He learned how to from Distorter. He also learned from the weasel how to block this kind of attacks using his strong mind. After that he always had a mental barrier on to avoid being attack by anyone with mind altering powers. The source of the attack came from right in front of him. He then quickly realized that Aamon had super powers. Ngonyama should have figured that from the start, because he knew that Distorter was more into people with super powers than anyone else. "Bad idea," he said to Aamon. He threw the hybrid through the nearest table with tremendous force. People screamed and panic ensued in the restaurant. The white lion felt someone jump onto his back, trying to bring him down. Without even looking, he used a telekinetic force to throw the person off him.

Aamon saw that it was Distorter who jumped on Ngonyama's back. When he witnessed his darling weasel being tossed away like that his eyes lit up with flames. He was beyond furious. He saw that his weasel made the perfect distraction though. Although he was still dazed from the journey through the table, Aamon quickly got up and tackled Ngonyama, driving the air out of the white lion. The hybrid ended up sitting on the feline. He grabbed Ngonyama's shirt and slightly pulled him up. "You just made the biggest mistake in your life," Aamon said, "there is no where you will be able to hide from my wrath." The otter-wolf balled his fist and punched the lion across the muzzle.

Ngonyama barely felt that. His kinetic barrier did its job well. He just slowly turned his head back to his assaulter. And stared at him with a deadly gaze. "You are so dead," he threatened. Ngonyama used his powerful mind to lift his attacker harmlessly into the air. The white lion stood up and gazed at his helpless opponent. "Let me show you what real wrath is like." He used his power to bust Aamon through another table. He continued by picking up the hybrid again and breaking another table with this living rag doll. One more time he lifted Aamon from the table wreckage with his powers and slammed him hard against the closest wall, driving all the remaining air out of his body.

Aamon was so dazed from the physical abuse he has been receiving. His once bright eyes were now glazed over with disorientation. He did not even feel his own blood flowing down his face from a gash he got just above his eye.

Ngonyama was so blind with rage that he felt that this was the time to end it. He held the hybrid high up against the wall. He then pulled the steak knives off all the closest tables. They floated up in the air and lined up, all pointing at Aamon. Ngonyama was about unleash all his anger.

"Yami stop!" Distorter yelled out.

Ngonyama turned his head and saw Distorter standing there. His tux was partially torn and blood was seeping from his nose. The white lion then realized it was his loved weasel that was trying to stop him earlier. He felt very ashamed that he ended up hurting Distorter.

"Look at what you are doing," Distorter said, "this is not the person you are. You are not a killer. You are letting your jealously get the better of you."

Ngonyama looked at the mess he had made and then at what he was about to do to Distorter's date. The weasel's words rung very true. This was not something he would do. He let go of his powers and the knives dropped harmlessly to the ground, followed closely by the hybrid. The white lion fell to his knees and wept. "Oh god, what have I done?" A soft hand on his shoulder caused him to look up. It was Distorter kneeling next to him.

"I know what I did was wrong," Distorter told his ex, "and I'm sorry that I broke your heart. That is all in the past now and there is nothing that can be done about it. We have to look to the future and move on. You have a beautiful fiancé waiting for you."

"But I love you," Ngonyama said through his tears.

"If you really do love me," Distorter said, "then you will let me go. Return to the one you truly love."

"I'm so sorry Distorter," Ngonyama cried out, "about everything." He surrounded himself with telekinetic powers and levitated himself off the ground. He flew out the closest window into the cool night air.

After the white lion was gone, Distorter quickly ran to Aamon and helped him up. Distorter learned a hard lesson that night. Confrontation can't always be avoided, because it can lead to some bad experiences.

As the Distorter helped Aamon limp home, the wolf-otter said: "You really are my hero."

At least the night wasn't a complete waste. Distorter could now spend more quality time with Aamon, even if it was nursing him back to health.


Upon arriving home, Distorer laid the injured hybrid on his bed. He removed both their uncomfortable tuxedos and clothing until they were both half naked. He quickly fetched his first-aid kit. Being a nurse wasn't very easy for Distorter, because his patient, who was only in his tight boxer-shorts which was similar to his weasel counterpart, wasn't sitting very still on the weasel's bed.

"Ouch!" Aamon cried out as the disinfectant burned the cut over his eye.

"Stop being such a baby," Distorter said as he cleaned the last of the blood away, "it isn't that bad."

"You weren't thrown through any tables you know," Aamon complained. "Most of my body is in pain."

Distorter leaned over and kissed Aamon just above the cut on his brow. "How does that feel?" he asked.

"Much better," Aamon smiled.

"Where else does it hurt?" the weasel asked.

Aamon pointed to his cheek, where he quickly got a kiss. Then his lips...he received a very tender kiss. Their tongues started to tango inside his mouth. He lustfully smiled at Distorter when the kiss was over. He motioned that his chest was hurting as well.

Distorter worked his way down. He first kissed Aamon's neck, just in case there was some hidden hurt there. His lips caressed the hybrid's toned pectorals. The weasel's tongue then gently licked Aamon's nipple, which quickly hardened. Distorter softly nipped the nipple and gave it a comforting kiss. He moved further south and smooched the hybrid's abs, which seemed to be shivering.

The only reason Aamon was shaking was because he was excitingly nervous. He has been stalking his super weasel for a long time now. He never thought he would ever get this close to sharing a tender moment with this hero. Aamon took a chance and pointed to the next place, which was his crotch area.

Now it was Distorter's turn to give a lustful smile. Using his teeth he pulled Aamon's boxer down just enough so that his package could hang out. His pink erection was only partially peeking out of his sheath. Distorter inhaled the musky odour that was excreting from Aamon's meat. He then proceeded to kiss the tip of the hybrid's meat. He kissed down the sheath and slipped one of the balls into his mouth. He sucked on it, rolling it over and around his tongue. Distorter started pulling on Aamon's sheath, forcing his erection to grow faster and harder. All the attention quickly revealed the hybrid's six and half inch cock. The weasel drooled when he saw a big knot at the bottom of Aamon's shaft. Being part wolf, he definitely had some advantages. Distorter could feel his own meat pounding in his shorts. He already felt the wetness of his pre-cum, soaking his inner thigh. The weasel took Aamon's hard length in his hand.

The soft touch of Distorter's hand made Aamon shiver. "Oooh, you definitely have the healing touch," he said to his nurse as he was being jerked off.

Distorter stopped and looked Aamon straight in the eyes. "Well there is only really one way to heal your injury," he said and got up to his feet. The weasel ripped off his boxers, showing off his man-meat. He turned around and presented his tail to the hybrid.

Aamon couldn't believe how lucky he was getting. This is what he has always wanted. Never did he think that his stalking ways would pay off like this. He grabbed Distorter by the shoulders and flung him back first onto bed. Aamon quickly removed his shorts and climb on top of the weasel, whose legs were already spread. He nipped the weasel's neck hard.

"Ooh, don't be gentle," Distorter requested.

Aamon was not planning on being gentle to start out with. He wanted to make sure that his Distorter would remember this for a long time. Using his hand he positioned his slick man meat against the weasel's tail hole. The penetration was taken slowly at, until the head was in. Then nothing could prepare Distorter for the sudden thrust in which Aamon shoved his entire length, minus the knot, into his ass.

"Ouch," Distorter replied, his breath almost taken away. The pain he felt was brief, because the pleasure ensued as he was being rammed hard over and over again. The constant stimulation that the hybrid unique cock was giving Distorter's prostate, cause more pre-cum to flow freely from the tip of his hard weasel-meat. He took his own cock in hand and jerked himself off in sequence to the thrusts he got up his ass. He moaned as the pleasure became overwhelming.

Aamon enjoyed hearing Distorter moan like that. It fuelled him with more endurance as he fucked the weasel quicker and harder. Each successful thrust brought the wolf-otter closer to his climax. There was just one more thing he had to do to seal this with his own brand of special love making. With another hard trust, he made sure that his knot slipped into the weasel's tight tail hole.

"DOOK!" Distorter cried out, but the forceful plunges in his ass continued.Aamon's knot swelled as he reached his orgasmic climax. He shot hot squirts of cum deep into the weasel's crevice.

The weasel surely didn't expect the extra pressure the swelled knot put on his prostate. It caused him to shoot is load all over Aamon's chest and stomach.

Aamon kissed Distorter one more time before lying down next to the weasel. His cock still firmly rammed into the dooker's bum.

"I'm a terrible nurse," Distorter said, the perspiration still stinging his eyes, "I was supposed to heal you...yet I made you swell up and get stuck."

"If I had to get stuck, there was only one person I would get stuck with," Aamon said and softly licked Distorter's nose.

Distorter has been a lot of relationships in his life, yet he never felt so much love coming from one person. "You know what are my hero." He kissed Aamon gently and held on to him...

The End.