Falls of Creation

Story by Yntemid on SoFurry

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#3 of Dreamer

The following is erotic in nature. Read at your own discretion.


Falls of Creation

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He soared through his dreams on tan and grey wings, the landscape vastly changed since his last visit. Oh, the beach was still there, and the giant pine, but a forest stretched to the distant mountainous horizon rather than endless hills of sand. It wasn't a hazy, undefined forest, as in his normal dreams. Here, every leaf and branch was rendered in perfect detail, a million shades of green swaying in the light breeze, mimicking the crystalline blue waves behind him. Above, three moons blended blue, green, and white light to illuminate the canopies below in perpetual turquoise twilight. It was the first time he'd seen the dream world at night. It was beautiful.

It was also, like the pine, not of his making. Not only that, it couldn't be the work of the wolf or the lioness; there was far too much detail for two people to dream up in a few scant hours, no matter how gifted their imagination or distorted the dream world's time was.

Out in the waking world, it was the same morning he had awoken to after his heated pairing with the two female dreams. He had fallen asleep in his long physics lecture, as usual, and found himself here. His professor never bothered with waking the students that his voice lulled to sleep, so the dreamer knew he had more than an hour to explore this new forest. More than enough time for one to enjoy the scenery.

Especially when one was a pegasus.

The dreamer banked when he saw a flash of light in the distance to his right, heading toward the glimmer. Scanning the treetops beneath him, he could see two forms racing each other beneath the leaves, one purest white, the other golden tan. They were easily keeping up with his airborne pace. He looked forward to seeing them both again, but he had no intention of resuming their sexual exploits in this visit. After last night's encounter, he didn't have much sperm left in his waking body, but any at all would be more than enough to embarrass him in front of the entire 300-student physics class when he woke up.

In case either of the dreams had any notions to the contrary, he cast his perspective into the third person and paused, regarding himself as he flew. As vain a thought as it was, he made a beautiful pegasus. His gray coat was dotted all over with tiny speckles of tan, thin enough that he could see the muscles in his barrel chest and back rippling in the moonlight with each flap of his wings. His mane and tail were striped tan and gray as well, the long hair of both flagging behind him in the wind of his swift flight. His attention, though, was most drawn behind his flanks. He'd always had a secret attraction to horses' backsides, formed so much like a human's, but perfectly toned and incredibly powerful. His own was no exception, his equine gluteus muscles standing out sharply against his tight coat of fur. The dark, heavy genitals and broad sheath between them would have proven irresistible to his dreams. With a thought, he made them vanish, rendering himself genderless.

He blinked. The wind tickling the now-unbroken coat of gray and tan fur between his hind legs was a sensation he'd never felt before. It was more unusual than he'd expected, but not at all unpleasant. Casting himself back into the third person, he considered his backside once more and turned the puckered skin underneath the base of his tail into smooth fur, just in case his dreams were still feeling rambunctious.

Something about his own unbroken groin attracted him. He had to return his vision to his eyes before he turned himself on. He didn't know what would happen without organs to express his arousal, but he knew he didn't need to find out.

He and the racing shadows below were nearly to the glimmer now, and the distant roar of a waterfall made him realize the flashes of light were one of the three moons being reflected off the surface of a rushing river. He waited until he could see the falls beneath him, then folded his wings and dove, enjoying the unique feel of the wind against his genderless body. A cliff and a wide lake at its base rushed toward him, but he kept diving until the last moment, spreading his wings with a thunderclap and flapping them hard enough to form whitecaps on the water's surface now only scant feet below him. His momentum broken, he dropped like a rock into the shallows, hind hooves splashing into the water an instant before the rest of him. Two pairs of clapping hands announced the arrival of the wolf and lioness on the far bank. If their laughing applause had any sarcasm in it, he couldn't tell.

The lioness glanced at the wolf and nudged her playfully in the ribs, then began sprinting through the river toward the pegasus, the wolf only an instant behind. They were only slowed slightly at the river's middle when the water was as high as their waists.

Having widened the gap between herself and the vixen, the lioness greeted him by wrapping her drenched arms around his broad neck. He didn't mind; it was easy to get dry in the dream world. He used the side of his face against her back to return the hug, enjoying her fingers in his mane. Then the wolf caught up and, with a private grin for him, poked one of the lioness's tan furred butt cheeks, which elicited an indignant yelp and sparked a splash war between the two of them. While their attention was on each other, the pegasus gave in to his own orneriness and used a wing to dump a small tidal wave over their heads. They froze and stared at him after the wave had passed, their faces mirror images of incredulity. He stamped his fore hooves and whinnied in insuppressible laughter.

Then they both leapt at him, and a three-way splash war and wrestling match began, cheered on by their own laughter.

It wasn't long before the two dreams were sitting between his wings, their legs folded in front of them since they couldn't straddle his back. He carried them around the lake and the base of the waterfall, enjoying their company enough that he didn't even think about their wet bottoms being pressed into his back. Well, not much, anyway. The two of them were heavier than he'd expected, but weren't any trouble to carry while on the ground, or in the river, as the case was. They wouldn't be flying anywhere together, though.

After some time together, they both slid down one side of his rump and began casually making their way to the nearest bank. The dreamer knew his gaze was lingering on their swaying hips far longer than it should. It was time to return to his physics lecture. But they seemed to be walking with a purpose other than farewell, so he gave in to curiosity and followed.

On the bank's soft grass, the two females stopped and faced each other. Then, to his surprise, they played a quick game of rock, paper, scissors. The lioness's paper beat the wolf's rock, and the wolf squeezed the cat's shoulder briefly before dashing into the forest.

That hadn't at all been what the dreamer was expecting.

The lioness gave him a smile and sat cross-legged on the grass, then pat the ground beside her. Still utterly confused, he nonetheless clopped a circle around her and sat ungracefully at her side, his haunches thudding against the ground. She simply leaned against him, using his flank as a backrest and stretching her lithe legs out in front of her. For a long while, she did nothing else except purr in a low rumble. The dreamer thought she'd fallen asleep, even though she herself was a dream, until she somehow produced a block of wood and a small knife and began whittling.

He knew he needed to leave soon, but it had been a long time since he'd felt such serenity, watching the waterfall cast twilight rainbows over the surface of the lake, feeling the lioness's shoulders shift as she worked. It hadn't been an hour yet. He could afford a few more moments.

His companion heard the wolf's return before he did, getting leisurely to her feet an instant before he noticed a twig snap behind him. He clambered to his hooves as well, with much less fluidity than the lioness, and turned just in time to see the wolf emerge from between a maple and a towering oak-

Riding on the back of a unicorn.

The creature was stunning. It's pelt-her pelt, he realized after her scent reached him-was an ever-changing swirl of bright colors, oranges, purples, and green gliding over her body like the shadows of clouds. Her mane shifted colors as well, and seemed to give off its own light. That light turned to rainbows when it passed through the transparent crystal spiral of her long horn. Her eyes were only ever one color at a time, but they, too, changed as he watched between deep shades of green, violet, and blue.

The unicorn bowed her head in regal greeting as the wolf swung a leg over her back and dismounted. Dumbstruck, the dreamer bowed his head in turn.

When he raised his head, the unicorn was plodding a slow circle around him. He got his first good look at her tail, flowing behind her on an unfelt breeze, long enough to touch the ground at her hooves were that breeze to fade, and glowing in the same color-shifting light as her mane. The pegasus's eyes locked on the round flanks from between which that bright banner sprouted. She was appraising him, he knew, though not at all in a disrespectful manner. She glanced almost shyly away when his eyes traveled toward her face, but kept circling slowly, her own eyes traveling up and down his speckled body.

He lost sight of her when she traveled behind him, but heard her nicker appreciatively when she took in his dark gray-furred genitals and sheath. . . .

. . . Now why did that thought strike a dissonant chord in his mind? Why should such a beautiful creature's attention on his maleness make him feel like something wasn't quite right? He should have felt nothing but pride.

Just nerves, the pegasus decided. He dispelled his discomfort by flourishing his wings as the unicorn finished her circle. She pranced a little in response, then stood still in front of him, showing him her body in profile, but watching him with those calm-yet-changing eyes.

Giving himself a nervous shake, the pegasus began circling her in turn, passing in front of her first. Her horn cast a rainbow from her mane-bright blue, at the moment-into his face, but rather than hurt his eyes, the light felt warm, comforting. When it left he felt like he had gained something important. Her gaze followed him as he took in her smooth forelocks, her graceful chest, her strong back, the gentle curve of her stomach as it traveled between powerful hind legs, the legs themselves finely muscled, but never bulky. The large roundness of her rump. The billowing strands of her long, bright tail. And beneath it. . . .

If he'd needed any confirmation of her gender, there it was.

The same bright cloud shadows that glided over the rest of her body caressed the bur between her flanks, but the tiny slit of skin that showed was unchanging, purest white. It was somewhat small for a horse, but then, so was the rest of the unicorn's body. Her fur was unbroken between that white slit and the root of her tail, but the pegasus barely noticed her unnatural lack of an anus. He swallowed audibly and exhaled a breathless nicker. When the unicorn craned her neck to look back at him, he reluctantly continued around her body.

It was then that he realized that vibrant wildflowers were sprouting from the grass where the unicorn's hooves touched the ground. A ring of scattered flowers encircled the place he had been standing a moment ago, some shooting through the shallow water the unicorn had had to wade through behind him.

When he looked back, the unicorn had moved again. She was standing directly in front of him, nose nearly touching his own, her large eyes peering up at him shyly. He rubbed his cheek against hers, careful not to graze her crystalline horn, then laid his neck over hers in an equine embrace. His nostrils flared as she caressed his mane with the side of her face. Her scent was becoming stronger. Much stronger.

She was the first to break the embrace, rubbing her warm body against his side as she walked under his half-folded wing. She stopped with her flank beside his face, the root of her tail less than a foot away from his nose. Her infatuating aroma rose from her rump like incense, and he could compare it to nothing as much as the smell of freshly baking pastries. He held his head above her flank, deeply inhaling her unnatural musk.

He felt her face against his own flank, slowly sliding around and in front of his thigh. Contact broke for a moment as she turned her head to keep her horn from hurting him, then he felt the other side of her face pressed against his stomach. Her snout led the way down his belly, then she was nuzzling and sniffing at his sheath, taking in his own scent. He tensed at the first touch of her nose against his most sensitive of areas. Again, he felt that something just wasn't right, that he was failing to do something he was supposed to be doing.

But no, there was nothing at all wrong with the way the unicorn nestled her snout into the underside of his sheath, how she began to tentatively lick at its base where his heavy genitalia dangled, how she shied back in surprised when his tip slid free and grazed the tip of her ear, or how she renewed her attentions with growing enthusiasm on both his furry sack and the length of his swelling, tan-speckled gray member. He was doing exactly what he was supposed to be doing.

Having put himself at ease, the pegasus rested his chin on the unicorn's flank, smelling her heat and letting her work his member out to its fullest length. Once begun, it didn't take long.

Finally, the unicorn pranced away from him, roses and tulips blooming beneath her hooves. He followed her into the shallows as calmly as he could with his erection swinging from side to side with each step and her rump once more in full view. She led him to the edge of the waterfall, where a thick mist rose above the lake's surface. There she stopped, face to the falls, and backside to him. She looked back expectantly with her flowing tail raised high, nodded once, then tossed her glowing mane and whinnied encouragement.

The pegasus didn't need any.

He lowered his head between her flanks and underneath her tail, prodding the fur around her white slit with his nose. Each time he pressed against her heated flesh a wave of color washed over her body, disrupting the other colors gliding across her pelt only to merge with them when he removed the pressure of his muzzle. He pushed his nose against her lower belly just under her slit, then rubbed up, over, and past it to where her tail hole would be if she had one, then back down again. Her pastry scent was overpowering. The pegasus licked at the fringes of her pristine white skin, teasing all around it before slowly pressing his tongue into her folds and tasting her inner heat. Colors sprang forth from the unicorn's hind end, washing over her like a tsunami until he drew his tongue out and stepped away from her.

She snorted impatiently, but he was already flapping his wings to lift himself gently on top of her back. Straddling her chest with his forelegs, he worked his way forward until his tip met her groin's warm fur, then shifted up and down until he felt two slick walls parting around his gray and tan head.


He dismissed the distant voice and pushed his long shaft into the unicorn mare until his sheath pressed against her crotch.

He held himself inside her for several racing heartbeats, waiting for her to calm herself and become accustomed to his presence. He had entered too quickly, he knew, but she had left his unsheathed member exposed to the chill, damp air so long that its need for warm surroundings had nearly driven him senseless. She had clamped down around him once he'd entered, feebly stamping a hoof at the swift intrusion. Once her body relaxed and stopped trembling, he slid slowly out of her and began a gentle rhythm of thrusts and retreats. She closed her eyes and lowered her head until her nose was almost touching the water's rippling surface, holding still and letting the pegasus do as he would.

As he slid in and out of the unicorn's vagina, the lioness waded through the water beside them, touching their sides lightly so as not to surprise them. They snorted distracted greetings at her, unable to avert their attention from the sensations they were building in each other. The cat strode toward the unicorn's head, rubbing the equine's neck as she went. The pegasus continued his gentle humping while he watched the feline take several steps backward through the turbulent water, eyes glancing back and forth between the two equine faces, her expression calculating. Then, with only a brief wiggle of her bottom for warning, she leapt over their heads, spun in midair, and landed belly-first on the pegasus's back, between his wings. The impact knocked the breath out of him; it nearly knocked the legs out from under the unicorn, who was now holding the lioness's weight on top of his. With a startled whinny, he slammed himself into the unicorn when the jolt of the feline's landing threatened to part them entirely. The unicorn tossed her mane in aggravation, trying again to stamp an indignant hind hoof, but unable to lift it with his member wedged between her flanks. The lioness reached up and hugged the pegasus's neck, her still-wet breasts squishing against his shoulder blades.

He decided to forgive her this time.

The pegasus resumed his slow humping once the unicorn recovered from the lioness's stunt. Waves of color washed over the unicorn's body with each of his tender lunges, her mane and tail almost appearing to give off sparks. The lioness clung to him all the while, the sides of her face burrowed in his feathery mane, her legs stretched straight out behind her, feline paws dangling over his ever-moving rump. Her warm heat on top of him made him feel like the meat of a sandwich. It wasn't at all an unpleasant feeling. Her heartbeat pulsed between his shoulder blades, nearly matching the throbbing of the unicorn's heartbeat around his shaft.

Just when he'd begun to hasten his tempo, the unicorn let out another startled whinny. He forced himself to pause his movements once more, following the unicorn's irritated glare past the barrel of her chest to where a white footpad was sticking out of the shallow water. As soon as he stopped moving, the lioness nimbly flipped herself around on his back, locking her ankles around the leading edges of his wings where they sprouted from his shoulder blades. A fingertip poked him between his testicles as if to remind him that he was having sex rather than just warming his member while the lioness made herself comfortable, her breasts now pressed against the curve of his haunches to either side of his tail's root. A palm hefted the weight of his right testicle, then let it bounce free for a moment before doing the same to his left. The lioness was rubbing the muscles of his rump with both hands, sometimes crossed between his flanks to caress his crotch. He could feel the unicorn's entrance shifting subtly around his shaft's base and realized that the wolf must be teasing her mound. All the two equines could do was snort their indignance as cat and dog wreaked blissful havoc on their privates, failing to stifle bouts of mirthful laughter.

When a barrage of fingers began tickling his swollen sheath, the pegasus gave in and started humping the unicorn again. He identified two new points of moist friction on the underside of his long penis as the vixen's nose and the tip of her tongue, darting away every time his sheath pressed against the unicorn's mound and returning as soon as he began sliding out. The lioness stretched her arms down and around the pegasus's rump to massage his groin where it met his heavy, dark-pelted sack, a challenging task since the object of her attention was now constantly swaying forward and backward in foot-and-a-half long intervals, made all the more difficult by her precarious perch gradually speeding up his movements and breathing in increasingly labored pants. It was a sexual rodeo, and she never lost her balance or wavered in her ministrations.

The pegasus could tell that the wolf was conducting her own massage on the unicorn's mound, as fingers occasionally grazed his shaft from random angles as it slid in and out of his mount. He wondered if the lioness and the wolf were trying to work him into a frenzy until he turned his lust against them, like the wolf had last time. That would be foolish, normally, but in this world it would probably be rapturous for everyone involved.

In this world. Was he supposed to be doing something in another?

Distracted by the thought, he accidentally slid all the way out of the unicorn's vagina. The wolf's tongue immediately began swirling around his swollen tip's surface, cleaning it of his and the unicorn's combined juices. The wolf kept at it far longer than necessary, pumping his shaft with both hands until he nearly sprayed onto her tongue. She let him go and ducked out of the way as he bucked frantically against the unicorn's colorful rump. He didn't bother aiming, instead jabbing desperately against her pelt, sometimes ramming his firm tip into the softness of her groin, other times missing completely and colliding against her hard haunches. The lioness clutched his rump tenaciously with the lengths of her arms, unable to do anything except ride out his sudden rampage. The unicorn tossed her mane in frustration, moving her bottom to try to catch each of his thrusts, but only making it more difficult for him to find her opening.

At long last, a fortunate lunge found its mark, and he pounded himself fully into her, the impact of his thighs against her hind end making an audible thump. His sack clenched once and shot a single stream of seed into her, but with tremendous effort he fought off a full orgasm, nostrils flaring as he concentrated on ignoring the hands that were now squeezing his sack, one hand surrounding each of his oversized testicles. The unicorn neighed her torment upon his sudden entry, breathing in deep, ragged breaths once he had settled himself fully within her again. The pegasus winced his eyes shut when the wolf's hands convinced his body to spasm a second time and he felt his hot semen trickling down his sheath as it was forced to escape out of the unicorn's vagina; his erection left little room inside her for anything else.

When he opened his eyes, a chasm was opening in the ground before the unicorn's hooves, the lake's water rapidly receding as it poured through the gaping crack in the earth. The chasm was growing, and they were directly in its path. In a sudden panic, he tried to pull himself away from the unicorn, but she had clamped her loins around his penis like a vice. Frantic splashes came from beneath them when the wolf saw the immerging threat, but the unicorn had pinned her with her hind legs around the wolf's waist. Only the lioness was free to escape, but she was unaware of any danger, having resumed her strokes up and down the pegasus's crotch. He flapped his wings in a desperate attempt to fly them all to safety, but couldn't hope to lift so much weight. He was still flapping when the ground gave way beneath them and they all tumbled into empty space.

The unicorn craned her neck to look back at the three behind and on top of her as they fell. She was smiling even as she panted from the combined exertions of sex and magic. The lioness immediately lost her hold on the pegasus's back and sailed away from them. The wolf did the same in the opposite direction soon after, when the unicorn relaxed her legs' grip around her waist, leaving pegasus and unicorn alone to race the cascade of water in an endless plummet. Like riding a waterfall through eternity, it reminded him of a grand, reversed version of the geyser that had been born during his first pairing with the wolf.

His panic quickly abating, he realized that even if he couldn't fly while carrying the unicorn beneath him, he could still use his wings to guide their fall. He did so, folding his wings just enough to turn their midair somersaults into a controlled dive. The unicorn whinnied gleefully, and her bottom's hold on his member loosened enough for him to move within her again. He did so, humping her more enthusiastically than before, giving her his full attention now that her distracting counterparts were falling somewhere beyond the veil of water. The light emitted by her tail and mane cast a prismatic network of rainbows through the mist all around them. It no longer felt like they were falling downward, but like they were flying weightlessly forward at impossible speed through an aquatic tunnel of ever-changing light. And yet, only a small part of the pegasus's mind noticed anything except the growing heat of the creature beneath and around him. He no longer held back, but focused every ounce of his equine power into his mating, swift lunges slamming his thighs against the unicorn's rump with every thrust. Her pelt's ever-changing swirl of colors began to be pushed back by a slowly growing tide of pulsing gold that crept its way from her mound, around her haunches, down her hind legs, and forward across her stomach, back and chest. The pegasus's heavy genitals slapped her rump over and over again as his pace continued to hasten, his movements controlled now by a primal lust that had drowned out every other aspect of his consciousness. Twice he slipped completely out of her heated folds, each time ramming his gray and tan tip against her bottom until it reunited with her vagina, the humping his way back in.

The tide of gold slowly consuming the unicorn's body glowed brighter with each of his forceful thrusts, and so rapid was his humping that she seemed a giant strobe light beneath him. When the golden light finally covered her completely and reached her horn, sinuous tendrils of silver light grew back across her pelt from the spiraling crystal on her forehead, painting curved silver stripes down her neck and shoulders, her chest and stomach, up over her flanks, down between them. When the silver tendrils massed in her groin, into which the pegasus was pumping harder than ever, her haunches tensed a brief moment before bucking violently. Her inner muscles rippled around his erection, and he slowed his frantic thrusts to long, dramatic lunges, no less powerful for their slower pace, pressing his member into her as hard as his muscles could manage, even his furry sheath entering her vagina before retreating in preparation for another thrust. One of these assaults he maintained for many long moments as she trembled in continued orgasm, his nostrils flaring as she screamed neighs of ecstasy, pushing so forcefully that his large balls, squeezing against the lower swell of her soft mound, were nearly pulled inside her. Then, when her orgasm finally began to recede, he pounded himself into her repeatedly, so quickly and ferociously that her vaginal liquid sprayed out of her in all directions and spittle was knocked out of her open mouth to join the tunnel of liquid around them. She climaxed again, and this time he joined her, his genitals rising beneath him even as they were tossed back and forth and hammered against the unicorn's gold and silver crotch to fill her with wave after wave of his sperm. The milky liquid burst out of her with his cataclysmic attacks until, at long last, he buried himself into her again. Still his genitals clenched over and over, each shot pulsing through his penis in time with the blood that pulsed through the hardened veins spiraling around its length. And still his semen overflowed from her loins, coating her rump and his belly with its sticky cream. The pegasus released his own equine shouts of bliss. Then, with his last long donation of seed, he swiftly pulled out and slammed into the unicorn with a final lunge. His balls sagged loosely against her bright groin; he let his head fall against her neck, and, with no energy left, his wings went limp and cast them tumbling uncontrolled through the tunnel of water and light.

The pegasus closed his eyes and, regretfully, fell awake.