Hoad of Big Fluffs 8

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#8 of Hoard of Big Fluffs

A bit of a chillout moment. Still bigness going on, but now we can see the side-effects of all this magic. Someone needs to tell those Kobolds to clean the cave better.

Hoard of Big Fluffs 8

by tagenar (https://www.furaffinity.net/user/tagenar | https://tagenar.sofurry.com/)

{A bit of a chillout moment. Still bigness going on, but now we can see the side-effects of all this magic. Someone needs to tell those Kobolds to clean the cave better.}

Garr liked the green fur he had today, and his proportions seemed believable in reality. His thighs still touched all the way down to his knees, and his arms were too thick to rest at his sides, but looking himself over from the point of view of everyone made him feel as if this could exist outside the cave. Today he hadn't felt any aroused rage at the sight or scent of any of the others. For as long as he could consciously remember, that's what had filled his mind much of the time. Arousal feeling himself up and rage for not being the biggest. It felt good to have room for conscious thoughts again.

His chest didn't obscure too much downward or even forward vision today, and it also felt good to be able to navigate with his own eyes. The heft of his sheath and balls didn't arouse him either. As he made his way to the wall opposite the waterfall, his canine shaft retracted into his sheath. His testicles were only the size of his head as well, and they didn't drag on the ground, so he could walk fairly easily. He wondered if Ethrix had deliberately given him a day off.

He passed Yesic lying on the floor with Jarvi. Both were felines, quadrupeds. Yesic had so much muscled packed on him Jarvi was nearly lost between his chest and abdominals, and Jarvi was nearly the same height but not nearly as bulky. His shaft was as thick as his body, and between his slow thrusts Garr could tell Yesic was about the same size. They had been inseparable since Garr arrived, and they had told him neither had been able to do this outside the cave. Something about a physical injury and social laws that kept them apart. They could act on these feelings now. Ethrix had told Garr helping couples connect was another service he was happy to perform.

A few steps away from them stood a group of canines. Garr received the sensation that they had become a pack, and right now Uthar was taking turns on the other five canines. His penis kept growing--just when he thought it was fully hard, it kept going--which meant the sub had to get bigger to accommodate. Uthar did not grow with any of them. His muscles were close to the proportions he'd had before he touched the ruby that brought him here two years ago. Only his penis and his knot grew. Each member of his pack was thrice as tall and at least five times as muscular, and that was just barely enough to handle Uthar's shaft and knot. Garr waved to him. Uthar was dilirious as his penis swelled again, and the wolf on the bottom grew to match it, but the dominant dog had enough presence of mind to wave back while he was tied to this wolf. Uthar's shaft swelled inside the wolf, whose chest expanded and shoulders swelled to twice the size of his head. It took another minute before his head matched his arms.

Ermine looked content as a lizard the size of Ethrix lying on his back and covered in canine admirers. Each little dog could use an abdominal muscle as a bed, and a few of them were crawling on his chest, whacking one another off. Ermine felt everything they were doing. Sometimes the admiration made his muscles expand. He could move, but he had no reason to. His scent was drawing new admirers, channeling Ethrix's desire to be revered. Garr didn't feel an urge to admire such strength. He focused on the wall opposite the waterfall.

Zye was looking at the wall again. She had been shifting back and forth from canine to feline for hours, sometimes a wall of muscle, sometimes not. She had two penises today, both soft and dangling to her ankles, and her breasts were only half the size of her head. It meant she could see in front of herself with her own eyes.

Garr noticed her looking at the walls frequently. Lately he'd been too busy enjoying the sensation of his own body expanding seemingly without limit he hadn't had a chance to ask her. He stood arm's length from her, just in case either of them unexpectedly surged in mass.

Zye was staring into the wall. Garr looked with her. All he saw was the exposed minerals and the light glow of the crystals lining the wall.

"Can you see it yet?" Zye said.

"No. What are you looking at?"

Zye took a few steps away from Garr, looking up and down the walls. "I always wanted to be a mage. I was told I had no aptitude. Maybe they were right. I tried teaching myself. Nothing ever happened when I tried. I come here to watch magic at work."

As she spoke, one of the minerals between the crystals began to wiggle. Garr would have missed it if he hadn't had a dragon's sight of the entire cavern. The mineral itself sparkled, and it squirmed and worked its way free of the rock, tumbling down to the floor and rolling to a stop at Zye's paws.

The mineral uncurled and stood on all fours. It resembled a cross between a house cat and rodent, but it stood hunched over on its hind feet. It hopped a few steps in one direction. Then another. The living mineral had a tail, and some of its surface stood upright, like fur.

It hopped away for about thirty yards, and then a Kobold caught it in a cage and carried it back toward the waterfall.

Zye turned to Garr, smiling and giggling, muscular tail wagging.

Garr blinked. "What was that?"

She turned to the wall again, looking up and down it. "The Kobolds don't do a good job cleaning the walls, so when someone covers the crystals lining the cave, sometimes it makes a magical mixture. Accidental magic happens when things in the crystals mix with whatever we produce. Sometimes I can see visions of faraway places. Sometimes new plantlife sprouts from them. New animals. You were lucky to see that one. Every creature to come out of that wall has been different. There will never be another one like it.

Her twin dicks played one another like wind chimes as she walked. Garr's sheath throbbed four times, globs of pre shooting out and splattering the cave wall. The crystals lining it glowed brighter.

He saw something through one of them. An ocean. Perhaps a lake. No boats. No land. Just water. It lasted only a few heartbeats before flicking away. Now Garr followed her, looking up and down the cave wall. He caught glimpses of other places. Black skies, rugged landscape. Orange waters.

"What are all these places?"

"No way to tell. Ethrix told me the effect is unpredictable."

The blue line connecting her to Ethrix pulsed, and Garr's pulsed a moment later as Ethrix relayed some memories to him. Some of the various animals she had seen, all created by random magic. Some walking on four legs. Sometimes five. Insect-like. Rodent-like. Others resembled fish and they walked about on the cave floor for hours before a Kobold collected them.

New plants took root, sometimes simple stalks made of mineral, appendages searching for a place to take root. Sometimes they looked like bushes or a fisherman's net, and they did take root in the rock.

More visions. Sometimes sounds came from the crystals and the minerals. One time she heard voices. If they had been words, neither she nor Ethrix understood them.

Zye smiled, nodding to one place. Garr joined her, and they watched another piece of rock collecting itself into a living creature. No arms or legs, and only as long as one of their fingers, but it somehow moved.

Her tail thumped the floor. "If magic is this easy something I did must have worked. I wonder if some people just... can't do magic."

"Maybe Ethrix can teach you some. He said he was studying magic."

"Dragon magic. Most of it doesn't apply to us. But he did promise to help me with that. Not sure how, but I trust him."

The caterpillar-like thing made of sparkling rock opened its eyes and crawled down the wall. A Kobold had been keeping pace with them, cage at the ready, and she was about to pluck it when Zye held her hand over it.

The Kobold seemed annoyed at first, being held up, but then she lowered the cage and observed. Garr and Zye also watched the little thing crawling down the wall. It was leaving a trail behind. Garr sniffed it. Ethrix sent him the result: it was eating the crystal and secreting gold dust. Garr wondered if he could keep it as a pet, but as soon as he thought it, the little thing slowed down and turned grey. It solidified and became part of the wall again.

Garr sighed.

So did Zye. "It ran out of food. Couldn't live more than a heartbeat without it."

The little lizard pried it from the wall and deposited it in the carrying cage, and gestured for them to keep walking.

No other magical animals appeared. No other plants. Just glimpses of landscapes. After one image of a desert, Garr's shaft began to slip out of his sheath. He ignored it at first, but when it grew up to his eye level, he sat down and held it as it continued swelling. The knot kept spreading his legs apart, and in no time his shaft had stretched to three times his height, and Garr's mind became lost.

{Thanks for reading. If you like what I do, please consider giving my published material a look. ...and if anyone is reading this, please fave/comment/share. Writers find it harder than ever to stand out these days.}

