Hidden in a cave

Story by Athiyk on SoFurry


"AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!" I screamed. It verged on a roar. My throat was sore now...and I'm sure I tasted blood now. Why was I screaming so hard? Because I was here, in a cave. Trapped. Lost. Cold. Alone. Scared. And angry. Ohh...how I was angry! I began to slam my fists on the coarse rock wall, and screamed until my voice choked out. Coughing, I fell to my knees, slamming my bloody fist on the wall. Dammit all to shit! Why, why did I come here!? Oh, yes, that's right. Something in my mind said, 'oh, hey, let's go explore a cave nobody knows about. It might be fun! Friggin' derderder!' What a dumbass thing to do. When I entered, it was fine. But, when I set everything down to take a break...I got a break, alright. The ledge of a cliff to be precise. All my stuff went down some alternate route, and all I had? Was the clothes on my back. As well as a lack of voice, a bleeding throat, and my hands felt like a car rolled over them now. I'd been down here for hours, now. That, I merely felt. Because my watch was smashed on the way down. And my cell. Not that I'd get a signal down here. So, what to do, what to do? Nobody knew I was here. Nobody knew any of it. And now, I was becoming more and more dehydrated. At least I had my blood...that'd probably partially rehydrate me. But, one cannot live one's own blood. Not even a vampire. Thus, I stood slowly, and set off deeper down the cave. It was literally all I could do. I would NOT give up. Not here..not now. Not ever.

I had to admit, it was a relatively beautiful cave. The stone was smooth, and tinted a beautiful silver. Hey, if I was gonna be stuck, I might as well force myself to get used to it, and quick. I began to whistle the tune to 'Move Along' by the All American Rejects. It made sense, to my situation, somewhat. My hands were still sore and bloody, though. But my throat was starting to feel a little better. As for the dehydration, I had to force my throat to bleed a little more, to keep things moist. The sad part in this all? I knew nothing. I was no spelunker, and I definitely wasn't a reader of the monthly 'How to survive when you're lost in a cave and nobody knows it' magazine. Oh well. At least it was peaceful. After a long walk through some narrow passages, I finally came across a dead end. A huge, empty chamber. Empty, aside from the giant lake in the middle, that is. It was beautiful. Some sort of glowing moss on the walls reflected off of the water, illuminating the entire cavern. I lowered myself to the edge of the water, and proceeded to soak my hands. It was so relieving... The water was cool, but not freezing. I was laying on my stomach, letting my arms soak. I had to pull myself closer, and began to slowly drink in the water. I was amazed it tasted so good... The best water I could ever imagine. Then again, I had been screaming for hours, and as the water rushed down my sore throat, it began to soothe it instantly. Swallowing was relatively difficult, though. I sighed, staring into the water.

"What should I do?" I asked in a whisper, not truly expecting an answer. What was I to do, anyway? This was, in essence, truly my dead end. The end of the tunnel, and the end of my life. I felt that this was where I would die. It's not like I was giving up, no no. But that was the most logical thought in my mind. I had no way out, there were absolutely no branching paths on the way here, and even if this lake led somewhere... I would probably drown before finding a place to resurface. Besides, I couldn't swim as it was. My legs were sore from all of this, and my hands were as good as useless. After a few minutes, I decided to, with great care, remove all of my clothing. Hey, it made sense. This water was nice, and I needed to relax. Not like it was some public pool where I could get fined or arrested. So, I slid carefully into the water, and pushed out into the lake, floating off. Ah...I sighed softly as the water washed over me. So cool...so refreshing. It was actually quite a wonderful experience, despite the circumstances. The glowing moss was beautiful, and the lights reflecting off of the now-rippling water made it even moreso. I simply floated along, for what I'm sure was hours. Suddenly, I began laughing. Quite loudly and hystreically, possible due to my throat having healed rather quickly, splashing the water a little.

What an amazing feeling! To know one's place of inevitable, impending death. I both felt utterly helpless, and totally in control, all at once! And it got better. Now, I felt as if someone else was here. One thing that should be made known:


So, if someone else was here, then someone else was here. I wasn't imagining things. And I hadn't gone crazy (crazy and insane are two different things) from all of the events thus far. But, as a self-defense against my raging depression, I had actually built up a sort of..second mentality. One of which I seem crazier than an institution on wheels. It was... Meant to help me. When I wished not to be a depressing lump around my friends, and family. In fact, I may have very well had clinical depression. Or, y'know, whatever it is that's the extreme and makes you all self-killy. But, I could not die. Well...by my own hand. It wouldn't happen. I forced myself to live...for the dream that originally brought me here.....

"Yes..I will become a dragon! Even if the moss has to come from these stone walls and devour my very humanity!" I cackled. Did anything I say matter anymore? I knew in my heart what I wanted. And I didn't care if it would let me escape or not...truly? My dream was to become a dragon, no matter what. I would do any-.. No, ALMOST...anything...to become a dragon. I could be drugged up, completely crazy, and oxygen-deprived, but still hang on to the same thought.

I would become a dragon. It was simply a fact.

But...none of that soul-selly crap. I like my heart and soul. They're pretty. Well..I think...hm.

And..I had HOPED to be able to live a nice long life afterward, but...if I do become a dragon here.....I may still be trapped. Oh well...it'd be a nice..what, two days? Three? Well, I had water..perhaps it would be a pleasent week or two before my inner workings fed off of themselves. Or longer, if that pretty moss had any nutrition. Suddenly, something poked my butt. Ooh, a visitor. I slooooowly rolled over, unblinking, facing downward in the deep water.

"Yeeeeeeeeesssss.....?" I bubbled with a creepy wide grin. Ooh, hello now. Were these vines? They wrapped around my limbs, one to each, and decided to drag me on down. I didn't struggle, even an inch.

"Well, well. Friends already, are we?" I kept bubbling out. This was..interesting. I knew it was happening, but not why. Or how. But, it was totally pointless to freak out. What, was I supposed to be afraid I'd drown to death? Good lord, if not that I would've had to watch my stomach devour it's own intestine. Or whatever that sequence is. As we continued, it grew..brighter, oddly. It seemed the rocks glowed down here, a very pretty blue. Yes, I like blue. Oddly, as I grew, my favorite color matched my draconic age. When I was a toddler, it was turquoise. Then, as I passed by the years, it grew a more and more solid blue. And now, my favorite color is dark blue. Sometimes I imagine that was life's cute way of saying ' 'ey, mate, why not'ave a favorite color to match your dream?' 'cuz, y'know, life's a brit. I laughed as the water pressure popped my ears. It stung a little, but, at least I could hear. Water swishing by...the vines shifting...and..what was that intense hum? I saw the rocks glowing brighter. Did you know, that quite commonly, blue is the color commonly referenced toward magic? And sometimes even phantasms? Yeah, there's green, and black...but that's just 'cuz the media and goth crackheads think 'oooooh, let's be all dark and creepy just 'cuz magic is mysterious' But, I digress. Why these things popped into my head now made no sense, but, at least I still had my thoughts nice and clear. I frowned.

"Hm. I still haven't drowned." It brought back a certain memory from just a year or two ago..but, that faded when I saw a fifth vine float up. I watched as it disappeared between my legs.

"'ello then. What, no dinner, no movie? Straight to buisness, eh?" Suddenly, I realized I was getting an accent. Yes, that happened when I was feeling particularaly...confused? Nervous? Maybe even focused? Hm. British-y. Not completely, and it would've probably offended my english friend. Who, I won't lie, I've tended to call my english toffee. I figured it was more polite and less gay than my english muffin. Since, well, he's a he. Not that I was against gay peoples. What with the fact that I've had a boyfriend, and, well, now I had a large vine slippin' up my butt.

I liiiiked it. But, what I didn't like, was how it spread roots deepdeep up along my spine, attaching all along. I found my head was still quite free, but it took control of the rest of my body.

"Hey. Not cool. That..eeh..." I shivered and spasmed, as the roots fully buried into my nervous system. The other vines let go, and suddenly, I was floating up as if standing. But, it dragged me to the bottom, and I stood there in the sand...waiting? For something. At this point I figured the plant was breathing for me. Since underwater plants can filter oxygen properly from the water.


Or whatever. I'm no biologist. Of anything.

I sighed, and decided to test things. I 'tugged' at my legs, and arms. I couldn't move my legs at all, but, I gained a little control over my arms, crossing them impatiently, and turned my head, staring at the vine. Somehow, I figured it knew I wouldn't try pulling it out. What? That makes sense. Pull it out? It was attached to my entire spinal cord, rooted deeply. My SPINE. And most likely keeping me from drowning. I didn't want to so much as tug on it. Well...maybe a little. I was curious. So, I reached back and poked it. Ew..I felt it. I poked the vine, and felt my finger poke it. I tugged on it lightly without a thought, and felt it tug from the base of my tailbone. In essence, it was similar to tugging on one's own finger. It actually kinda felt nice. I tugged just a bit harder..not even hard enough to pull the stem from a carrot. And, Pop!, out it came with a small trail of blood. My eyes widened, and I shoved it back up my butt, but, it didn't reattach. I felt my eye begin to twitch, out of annoyance, and watched as the rest of the plant bits just...fell right out. Didn't feel a thing in my spine. And oddly, I was still "breathing" somehow. Then again, that time a couple years back was entertaining. Underwater for five whole minutes without even worrying about a puff of air. Hehe..when I resurfaced it scared the crap out of some other pool-goers who'd arrived two of those five minutes in. At any rate, here I was, at the bottom of a lake deep underground in a big empty-ish cave. It didn't seem like I was going to float, so I began to walk. But, from there, it got weird. Even for my perspective. As I aproached one of the biggest glowing blue rocks, that humming began again. I poked it, and suddenly, it split right down the middle. I frowned at my finger.

"My my. What an awful poke that was." And suddenly, something shot out, latching onto me. It was..startling. But all I did was blink. Why fret? The strange and unusual was helping me. Seeing as I wasn't dead yet. As the strange slime leaked over my entire body, covering all like a wetsuit, leaving my head hands and feet open, I had to think. Was I dead already? It didn't feel like it. I hadn't even fallen to sleep or anything. I felt the slime tightening onto my skin. I felt the sand beneath my feet, the water in my lungs, and the pressure of being so deep. It's strange, but..I just *knew* I was still alive. Why, I don't know. But it was quite pleasent. The slime was like latex or something, or so it felt As it clung tighter and tighter, I watched as it conformed to everything. I had to grin as I saw my cock growing hard, and stand straight up. The slime conformed to it, allowing my cock perfect freedom, even though wrapped by this strange blue slime. I wanted to rub it, but only my hand would move. Now I frowned. The slime forced my body to turn around, and I blinked, looking up. There, flying..or, swimming? Hm. Well, it was coming toward me. Some sort of large...thing. As it came closer, it became clearer. It was a dragon! Fly/swimming toward me at an incredible speed. Well, it SEEMED to be a dragon..at least, dragon-like... I had silently hoped it wasn't one of those things like in that movie The Cave... Then again, I did pleasure myself after watching that movie. Well, here it came. I couldn't really see it that well because of the foggy water, but, the closer it got, the clearer. Also, I was apparently walking toward it. The slime was controlling my very skin and the muscles and nerves beneath. My penis was throbbing, now. And..wait, what? The slime was teasing me! I squirmed within the slime-suit, moaning. Suddenly, I stopped, and the thing landed. I opened my eyes, having closed them with the moan, and blinked. It was dark blue. Like the slime. And coincidentially, like my dragon dream. It was only a little bigger than me, had two legs with three huge toe-claws, digigrade, and digging those claws into the sand. It had hugely muscular legs, and seemed like it was quite hard, too. Yes. He had a huge cock about the size of my forearm. So roughly twenty inches. My eyes widened. His thick tail swished softly through the water, and his muscles rippled with each move. His torso was thick, and he had huge muscular arms, which he fell to, standing on all fours as his head lowered to sniff at me. His powerful wings were folded to his back, and I suddenly regained control of my body. Mainly because the slime tore itself from my body and floated off somewhere. That alone felt weird. Like an all-over feeling of peeling off skin. Y'know, like when you get a sunburn and everything flakes up? I stumbled, and stepped closer to this dragon. He didn't move. He might've been bigger, but, just by about half my size bigger. I reached out to rub his head, and in a flash he snatched my entire arm into his maw, giving it a suck. His teeth didn't seem to even touch my skin, which I was somewhat grateful for. Suddenly, I realized his scales were glowing just like those rocks all around. He made a laughing sound, and released my arm, now covered in saliva that looked like that slime, but it slid off like water from a laminated surface. He laid back, in a very sexual position. It seemed he was beckoning me. I moved forward, between his spread legs. He made a motion to his throbbing cock, and I blinked.

"You..want me to suck that?" He nodded, and I bent down. My hands grasped his muscular thighs, and I lowered my head. Honestly, I don't know how any of this was happening. But I could actually inhale his scent. Right there under the water. Oh well. I saw his swollen sheath 'round the cock, and grinned. I brought my hands to it, pushing them in and drawing a moan from the dragon. My arms slid in very deep, and I could massage his huge slimy testicles. I put my mouth around the tip of the head of his cock, and licked the hole. My jaw couldn't open any further, and..well, that was quite disappointing. Suddenly, and almost without my notice, everything grew. I had to pull my mouth off once notice was finally...noticed, watching as his cock got...bigger. With some difficulty, as his sheath liked my arms, I drew them back, and backed up a little. Now I was no bigger than his cock! He was huge! He grinned down at me, and suddenly his huge clawed hand was wrapped around me. I struggled. his claws poking me, and suddenly, he put me right atop his crotch. After he let go, I nearly fell back, and hugged onto his huge penis. It throbbed, and..well, it made my entire body feel nice. And warm, too. Nice and warm. He laid back down, and I blinked, watching him. What did he expect me to do? Suddenly, his cock was beginning to retreat into it's sheath. My feet sank in, too, and I suddenly realized. Well, at least I could have some fun with this. I was still really horny, too. I began humping his cock, rubbing my body up and down on it. More and more of me and the dragon's penis were in the sheath, and it felt really good going down in. The inner walls were compressing me to his cock further, which I'm sure we both appreciated. Despite the retreat, he was still really hard. As the sheath closed over my head, I was able to hump it better. I was pressed up against it so hard, I felt almost trapped. No, I was trapped...I couldn't keep my eyes opened as I lost myself to pure bliss. Something below me shifted, and I felt one of his testicles pressing up against my butt, shoving it's way painfully up into me. Followed by a second, and third. Then the fourth and final one. I panted, as I continued rubbing up and down the huge dragoncock, orgasming about three times. I felt the testicles bouncing inside me, their connection to his prostate still sticking out of my ass. Suddenly, I heard something outside. A loud roar of a moan, coinciding with a huge throbbing of his cock. I felt his testicles spasming inside of me, and I orgasm'd again, as he did. I felt the fluids passing through, and his cock erupted his seed all within the sheath, running down over me. I inhaled it, devouring as much as possible. This was my sustenance. I hadn't eaten in so long...I felt the spooge fill my gut, as quite suddenly, the testicles pulled out of me. More and more seed filled his sheath, drowning me in the milky substance. I bathed in it, letting it fill me more and more. His cock seemed to soften up, and everything began to shrink. I was being pressed up against the opening, and moaned as I was pushed out. He moaned, too, at the sensation of an entire body sliding past his sensitive sheath. I clung to him, sitting in his lap, as he was now closer to my size. Suddenly, he pulled me off and tossed me up into the water. I blinked, floating back down toward him, and he opened his maw wide like a grin. Before I knew it, my feet were sliding down his throat. I couldn't do anything. I didn't even want to. I continued sliding down his throat, as he swallowed me further and further. It was strange, though, as I was now up to my waist. He was massaging his belly, arranging my path. I kept going, moaning as my semen-covered cock began sliding down too. I reached back, and rubbed his head, as the rest of me was swallowed down. My head was left, sticking out, as I felt my legs slip into his, my arms, into his arms, and my cock into his. It seemed my testicles joined his as a third pair. His jaws closed over my face, and I blinked, relaizing I could still see. Through his eyes. Yet, I still wasn't in control. He was. He began massaging his sheath, which I realized I could feel now. I could feel all of it. His nerves had already attached themselves to me, translating every inch of his body's sense of touch to mine. I felt something press up against my butt, and slowly slide up. It was way bigger than even those huge testicles. I shifted, or tried to, uncomfortably as it went further and further, until I felt my anal ring suddenly fall back into place, still wrapped around something big. It was like a huge buttplug. I felt a slight tingly jolt, and realized I now felt his tail. Somehow, my butt hole shifted, allowing extra entry space, as he continued rubbing our swelling sheath. He shoved his tail up there, up our tailhole, hard and fast. I moaned past his lips, as it went up as far as it could. Our cock started to slide out, and as it did, I felt something new growing. They each dropped suddenly, and we shuddered, as another new set of tesicles formed, giving us eight altogether. We began sliding our smooth, scaly hand up and down our cock, each movement erasing more and more of my thoughts. It was the greatest thing I'd ever felt thus far.. We went faster, and faster, and soon, we came. Oh, mah, shitz, we came to pleasure frikkin' island! We moaned, as our seed drifted off in the water. Suddenly, all of the rocks around split, and more and more of the slime swarmed collectively to the semen, devouring it before engulfing us. It slipped in, dividing accordingly. Some went down into me, then around me and in my new friend, then all around him. I loved how it filled me, filling him...and at the same time compressing everything. Suddenly, the slime between my outside and his inside thickened, and drew us closer and closer. It all worked around, smoothing everything out and merging us together at the molecules. I struggled, just for the fun of it, feeling as my skin was tugged a bit, before everything locked in place. My face became his, as his face became mine. I grinned through his muzzle, as he clenched my fist with his, and extended the fingers wide. Another wave of pleasure rocked us, just before those vines came slithering back. His mind and mine had merged as well, and I knew now what they were for. They slid up our tailhole, as well as fully wrapping us as a coccoon, drawing us into a field of the kelp-ish vines. They rooted to our nervous system, at our draconic will, and from then, we began to hibernate, awaiting a day I had yet to comprehend. My life now had a meaning more than I'd dreamt. I was a dragon, with a dragon. I would never be alone again. And neither would he. We were one, yet two, and our lives were bonded like our flesh. No more words needed to be spoken, as our thoughts and emotions spoke everything neccesary.

Suddenly, before I was fully unconscious, I had the urge for a papaya.