Life of a Werewolf- Chapter 3

Story by Linx on SoFurry

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#3 of Life as a Werewolf

I hope you guys like this chapter. Please tell me if you guys catch any errors in my writing so I can go ahead and fix them. Anyways! I hope you like it :)


I didn't talk as we all sat around the fire. I was still hurting from the huge lump on my head and shocked from everything that has happened today. I mean this all so happened so fast, I mean I just moved here for god sakes! On top of all of this all of the other wolves kept eyeing me not saying a word. They just ate some of the deer that the other wolf brought. It fucking creeped the hell out of me!

"Eat some of the food human. You need to recover from your injury" The alpha said to me in a concerning manner.

"Look my name is Kyle, not human ok besides I am not hungry." I said facing my body away from him and the rest of the pack.

"My name is Sebastian Kyle, and you should really stop whining because you are going to be here for a long time. I meant what I said when I wanted you to be my mate. You might as well just eat and learn to like it here."

"I didn't want any of this alright... and I definitely don't want to be your mate." I said walking closer to him and telling him to his face. As I did he stood up and towered over me.

"I know this isn't what you expected your life to end up as but look it isn't so bad once you get use to it. Besides believe it or not I am a rather good mate." He said smiling putting his hand on my shoulder for reassurance.

"Get your hands off... I know where that kind of gesture leads to." Brushing off his hand from my shoulder.

"Are you serious? I was just trying to be nice. How could that at all lead to anything? I swear you humans are so homophobic."

"I already told you that I am not gay, and in the human society that is the same thing as hitting on someone. From there it ends up leading to sex, so you can just forget about it." I said in a sort of snappy tone.

"Look that was not intended and besides you and I will eventually mate. There will be a point in which you won't end up having a choice in the matter. I will be so horny that I won't be able to control myself."

"What ever, I will worry about that when it happens... Also I have a question for you. What did you mean earlier when you said I look like... him?"

"I don't know what you are talking about.." He said turning away from me and walking a little away from the camp, obviously hiding something.

"Yes you do. You said that I look like 'Him', that is the whole reason why you let me live isn't it?" I said getting closer to where he was standing.

"Just drop it... I don't want to talk about it." He said with a little growl.

"Why? Why can't you just tell me?" I said with angst.

" I said DROP IT!" He said yelling straight at me. "That is another thing you humans tend to do. You guys just cannot let things go even though someone tells you to stop." He started to walk closer to me and I started to take a few steps backwards. "Also another thing you should learn is obedience toward your alpha! Don't ever bring this up again all that you need to know is you're alive." By then all of the other wolves had left the camp and headed back into the forest to do who knows what. I was pretty much scarred right about then because he was pretty frightening when he towered over me.

"I... I am sorry. P..Please I didn't mean to anger you. I just wanted to know is all. Look I think I am going to go and take a nap ok... since I obviously have nothing else to do."

"Fine, just sleep in the cave." He said pointing back toward the cave I originally awoke in. He turned around still flustered from the argument and continued eating what was left of the deer. I just went back into the cave and collapsed onto the bed.

I slept for a good couple of hours because when I awoke the sun was close to setting. The birds were chirping outside the cave and the wind was blowing quite nicely. I stood up in bed and looked around seeing where everyone was. I peered around the cave and saw no one. I walked outside the cave to see if there was anyone still around the camp or something. I looked and there was no one in sight. Maybe they went out hunting again? I guess they must have thought I was going to sleep for a while. This was my chance! This was my chance to leave this place and try and find civilization.

I took off as soon as I felt I was ready. I started running east; away from where the sun was setting, knowing that the sun sets in the west. (Thank god for random facts) I started off in a dead sprint to try and get as far away from the camp as possible, as soon as I could. I ran for quite a while and there was still no one chasing me. Even though they weren't, however, I still was faced with the problem of being completely lost. I just continued a straight path for what seemed like an hour or two. It seemed like I was getting completely nowhere.

I decided to take a break, to catch my breath for a little while. I leaned up against a tree and started taking some deep breaths. I stood there for a good five minutes, just enough for me to regain some energy. All of a sudden I heard a very feint tire screech. As soon as I heard this I completely stood up and decided to head towards the sound. I heard some cars in the distance; it must have been a road! It was a good distance away but I was getting closer with every foot step. All of a sudden I heard another sound, it was a howl off in the distance.

"You have got to be kidding me!" I yelled while picking up my pace towards the cars. I kept looking back as I ran to see how far Sebastian was from me. I made sure not to run into a tree this time thankfully. I finally saw the road off in the distance; I was so close it wasn't even funny. I looked back once more to see Sebastian in the distance, still quite far but to close to argue he was gaining on me.

I approached the road and saw an eighteen wheeler approaching in the distance. I went to the middle of the road and started to wave the truck down. I got his attention enough to make him stop a few feet away from me.

"Hey kid are you alright? Do you need some help?" The man was muscular, with a red and black plad t-shirt. I was out of breath from running and I knew that Sebastian was very close.

"Yeah I am fine I just really need a ride to Lousiville do you think you can take me?" I said as best and vocally clear as I could. I just really needed to get the hell out of here and fast!

"Absolutely hop on in, its only 15 miles from here." He said unlocking the passenger side door. I took no waste in time opening the door and hopping right in. I closed the door and the man started accelerating. I looked out the window to see where Sebastian was, as I did I could see him in the tree line. He was staring deep into my eyes with a ferocious face, I could tell he was pissed. Beside him I could see the other wolves. They were all just staring at me as I went by. I wondered why he wasn't trying to get me out of the car, but I could only presume he didn't want to endanger his entire pack. I looked away from the window and just laid my head back into the seat and gave a deep sigh of relief.

The man driving the truck was very nice and we held some small talk along the way. I couldn't exactly tell him what had happened over the course of the last few days. I couldn't say "Yeah, I was kidnapped by some crazy werewolves and the alpha wants me to become its mate." I don't think that would help my situation, or point in sanity. I just told him that I got lost when I was jogging and ended up finding the road.

We pulled into town a good 20 minutes through the ride. He dropped me off near the apartment complex, which was quite nice of him seeing as it must have been a little ways off his destination.

I jumped out of the car as soon as he stopped by the complex. I gave him a goodbye and told him how grateful I was for him driving me. (More then he knows.) I walked towards my apartment, which just so happened to be on the bottom floor. I grabbed the key from my pocket and unlocked the door. I walked in noticing that everything was as I had left it. There were still some boxes on the floor and some random clutter in the kitchen. I closed the door, locked all the locks, and took a seat on the couch. I was completely exhausted, as well as shocked as to what happened.

I knew I had already missed all my classes for the day, so I decided to relax in the apartment. I leaned back in the couch and took off my shoes and socks. I then decided that this was a good time to go and get cleaned up. I got up off the couch and headed towards the shower. Along the way I was stripping off different parts of clothing. I was taking my shirt of a few steps in, and a few steps later I was taking off my shorts. As I entered the bathroom I took off my boxers and through them straight on the ground. I opened the door to the shower and turned on the water so it could it warm up.

I rubbed the back of my neck and stretched a little bit, because my entire body was almost completely sore now. My head, however, was starting to heal up a bit. It didn't hurt as bad anymore, thankfully, but I still had a headache.

Once the water was warm enough I jumped in the shower and closed the door. The water was so rejuvenating. It seemed to wash away all my worries as each drop fell on my body. I rinsed my body off, along with all the sweat and dirt from my body. I let my head relax underneath the shower head as the water coursed from my head, down to my face. Eventually, I got some soap and lathered my body. Then I rinsed and turned the water off.

I opened the shower door and walked out towards the closet to get a towel. I dried myself off and walked to my bedroom to get some fresh cloths on. I threw on a random shirt as well as shorts and headed back into the living room. Once I reached the couch I heard a ring coming from the front door.

I wondered who it was, knowing that hardly anyone knows who I am, let alone where I live. I walked towards the front door and peered through the peep hole, it was my cousin Zack.

"Oh yeah.." I said to myself as I realized that I had promised my cousin that we would hang out when I got up here.

Zack was one of my cousins who also going to the same college. We basically grew up together as kids. We use to play a lot of cops and robbers with him and a bunch of our friends. He is two years older then I, making him a junior in college already. He lives across town in another set of apartments that were a lot more affordable. Luckily for me my mom was nice enough to pay for an apartment that was quite nice, even though it was a little pricier.

"Hey Zack, how's it going man?" I said as I opened the door .

"Pretty good, pretty good. Just been wondering how my little cousin is holding up." He said coming through the door and giving me a little noogie.

"Hey cut it out!" I said laughing a little to his prank. "Besides, you should close the door man you're letting all the bugs in." He closed the door in response.

"Looks like you have unpacked most of your stuff already. The place looks nice."

"Thanks, it took about a week because of my mom. You know how she is... wants to make sure I have every little thing situated before she leaves."

"Well that means she cares for you a lot." He said with a chuckle. "Also what happened to your forehead man? Looks like someone hit you in the head with a baseball bat."

"It's a long story, in the end ran into a tree. I guess I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." I said not wanting to tell him what truly happen.

"You're the same old goof little cousin. Always getting hurt somehow or another." He said moving into the living room, chuckling to his own comment. "Mind if I turn on the T.V.? I think family guy is on right now."

"Nah, go ahead. The remote is somewhere in the couch I think."

We ended up watching a marathon of Family guy for a while. I think we were there for a good couple of hours. I still had the whole event with the wolves in the back of my head, but it was slowly fading away as I was enjoying the time with my cousin. After about the 4th episode I heard another door bell ring coming from the front door. Once again I was sort of be dumbfounded because, as I said earlier, no one really knows where I live.

I jump up from the couch telling my cousin I will be right back. I walk towards the door and take a look through the peep hole. I look at the man in front of the door and didn't recognize who he was. He had long brown hair, and had no shirt on. He was wearing some baggy jeans and some sandals. I then noticed that he had deep blue eyes, they seemed oddly familiar. I shrugged it off and decided to open the door to greet the stranger.

As I opened the door, the man just gave me a smile. I was a little confused by this reaction.

"Hi, can I help you?" I said to break the short period of silence.

"Why yes you can Kyle. Do you mind taking a step outside? I need to have a conversation with just you and I." He said after he saw my cousin in the living room. I was completely confused but decided to do as he asked to find out what he wanted.

"Hey Zack I will be right back I am going to talk with a friend of mine." I said to my cousin, who was still watching Family guy.

"Alright, sounds good."

Then I walk outside and closed the door behind me. I walk a little bit with the man to get away from the door so we could hold a conversation in private. We went to another part of the complex when I broke the silence once again.

"I'm sorry what this is all about?"

"I'm surprised you don't recognize me Kyle. I thought I told you that there was no way I would let you leave. The name is Sebastian." He said to me with a devilish smile, holding his hand out for a handshake.