Life of a Werewolf- Chapter 1

Story by Linx on SoFurry

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#1 of Life as a Werewolf

Well this is my first story of a series so don't critic me to bad lol. I think it is a good start and it might seem jumbled... Please rate and share some comments :) thanks!

Well I guess this is a part of the story where I introduce myself. My name is Kyle, an athletic guy, that has just begun college. I don't exactly know what I am going to major in once I get out of college but as of right now I am going into marketing. I am not really shy in front of new people, but it takes me a little while to trust someone enough to tell the secrets of my life. I guess I am the type that likes to bottle up my emotions... Anyways that is a little background about my-self before the story begins. I think it is enough to understand me when I am in the story and I will tell more as I go along.

It was the middle of August when I moved over to Louisville Michigan for college. I was kind of scarred because I didn't know anyone that was going to be there. I am originally from Texas but I decided to move out here for college because it had a good college for business. It took me about a week to unpack all of my junk into my apartment. I thought I was just going to pack the basic stuff but my mom decided to stop by the grocery store before we left and get everything! When I mean everything I literally mean everything. She got me rugs, cleaning materials, car wax, blinds, and so much more that I really didn't need. I think she was doing all of this for me because she compensating herself for her losing her "Baby". I mean I really didn't mind that she bought me all this because it saves me time and money, but it just took a long time to pack all that we brought.

You see my father died when I was eight. He was killed in a drunk driving accident coming home late from work one day. My mother and I grieved for almost the whole year but eventually we accepted my fathers death and decided to move on with our lives. At least I did, my mother appears to have moved on in front of me and other people but I can hear cry herself to sleep every now and then. I guess I was to young to really know who my father was. I mean I loved him when I was a kid and all but he was always gone on business trips that I hardly even saw him.

" Good Morning Louisville! This is Will Rogers with this morning's forecast! Looks like today there is a 20% chance of rain with a..." The alarm clock loudly displayed, waking me from my sleep.

It was the first day of school and is defiantly a bright and early day.... 7am. I groggily picked myself out of bed and decided to take a nice scolding shower to wake me up. ( It always does the trick for me) I took off my cloths, revealing my nice slender yet athletic built body. I rubbed my eyes to wipe the sleep away from my eyes, opened the door to the shower, and stepped in. I turned the shower on to some hot water and rinsed my body off well. I washed my body, and rinsed off pretty fast because I was rather excited to meet some new people. I really haven't met anyone here yet, besides the land lady. Which I don't think it really counts as meeting anyone because she is just more of an authority figure. I turned off the water, opened the shower, and headed towards the closet door because I forgot to set out a towel. I grabbed a towel and dried myself off.

I went back into the bedroom with my towel wrapped around my waist. I went towards my dresser and pulled out some cloths that I was going to wear for the day. I didn't wear anything to special. Just some jeans an American eagle shirt. I got some socks and gathered all my schools supplies that I needed for the day and put them inside my new backpack. I went and grabbed my shoes, as well as my keys, and headed out the door towards my 2002 Jetta Volttswagon. It wasn't a sports car or anything but it was good enough to get me to the places I need to. I opened the door and turned the ignition on. I put I in reverse and drove off to the campus. I didn't live to far away from campus but it was far enough to where I needed to drive, which I really didn't mind because my mom was paying for gas anyways.

Once I pulled into campus I grabbed my backpack from the back seat and headed to the English building. First class of the day was English 1301 with a Professor. Whittman. I really enjoyed English because it was a class in which I got to write essays and express my opinions in words. (Especially since I like to hide away most of emotions and feeling towards certain topics) The class seemed to go by rather fast, kind of boring because all we did was talk about the syllabus for the class. Unfortunately as well I didn't even get the chance to really meet anyone. I only had two classes for the day English and College Algebra but Algebra didn't start until another hour. I decided to just head over to the cafeteria and get some breakfast.

I decided to walk there because it seemed almost pointless to drive to a place that was just a block or two away. I opened the door to the cafeteria and headed towards the food. They only had two lines open because it was only 9am. There was a breakfast burrito line and some buffet thing. I decided to just grab a poptart on one of the stands by the register and a bottle of orange juice. Pretty much from there the day was uneventful because there was really no one there to talk to. Everyone was either hurrying there way off to their next class or they were sitting there with their iphone texting and listening to music. I just shrugged it off and headed to my algebra class, which was just as boring as my English class earlier.

After class I just decieded to headed back to the apartment and watch some T.V. or something. I drove home and pulled into a parking spot in front of my place. I walked in the door and threw my back pack on the ground. I sat down on the couch and turned on the T.V. From there I really don't know what happened I guess I just passed out. I think I might have been watching the history channel or something... that always puts me to sleep.

I ended up waking up later in the afternoon around 6pm. I rubbed my face a little wiping the sleep from my eyes once again. I stretched and headed to the bedroom. I thought that it would be a good time to go ahead and go for a run to see what was around town and outside of town. I loved to run miles upon miles, I'm not sure why but it seems to be a good stress reliever as well as good exercise. I switched into some shorts, a white t shirt, and my running shoes and headed off for my run. I didn't know where anything was in town so I just decided to jog straight and see where it leads me. It was so nice outside when I was running. There was a gentle breeze in the air that seemed to cool me off enough to where I wasn't too hot or cold.

The town is really kind of small. I pass by a lot of fast food restaurants and some houses that are off the interstate. I got pretty far out of town when it got dark outside. The night seemed to have came pretty fast because before I knew it, it was completely black outside. I also had come so far out of town that I wasn't entirely sure where I was exactly. I took a lot of turns along the way that I thought I was just going to end up circling back into town.

I was starting to get a little worried because I didn't have a phone with me, and had no clue if I was getting closer or farther away from town. The worst part about this was there were no cars coming by that I could try and pull over and ask for help. I continued to jog around for a little while longer when I just got even more frustrated because I had NO idea where the hell I was. I jogged about a good half a mile longer when I decided to stop and take a break. All of a sudden out of nowhere I heard a large cracking sound come from the woods a few feet out from my left. I decided that the break was long enough and decided to jog some more, but it seemed that the cracking sounds was following me because it was constantly to my left. It sounded like someone one stepping on twigs...

I got a little freaked out and decided to pick up my pace. I jogged a while longer, with no progress towards any signs of life. I looked to my left and a saw a huge shadow running from tree to tree in the distance. It freaked me out so bad that I decided to sprint. The thing that was in the forest was not letting up on my sprint even though I was running quite fast.

After sprinting for a good twenty minutes I decided to stop and take a break. I was tired from running the whole night... I looked back to see if the thing was still there in the forest but I didn't see or hear anything moving in the distance. Then out of now where I hear the ear splitting howl come out from the forest that had just about made me shit my pants. I then heard running coming from the forest heading straight towards me. Out of instinct I took off into the forest that was on my right side and started running as fast as I could. I was terrified out of my mind and the adrenaline was carrying my feet through my exhaustion. I decided to look back at what in the hell was chasing me. I looked back and all I could see was this huge mass of fur gaining on me! I looked forward again and as I did I ran straight into a giant tree, knocking me the fuck out...