One Night is Forever.

Story by TheLonesomeAlpaca on SoFurry

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One Night is Forever.

The yak sighed as she gazed into her own reflection in her drink. The clear intoxicating liquid was easily her fourth or fifth of the night, but the yak was only just beginning to feel the effects. She was large, not obese, but like all bovines her stout figure was more rectangular than anything else. Her thick covering of shaggy brown fur didn't help, making her almost twice the size of the more lithe species. Her coat was so thick that clothing was both unnecessary and impractical. She had been dragged out to the trendy nightclub by her friend, a sultry vixen. The vixen had a superficially ditzy demeanour which, combined with a perfect hourglass figure and generous bust, attracted males like a powerful magnet. She was currently surrounded by three broad chested, triangle shaped men, all giggling away a few seats down the bar. In comparison, the large yak's end of the bar was empty, despite the club being populated by all manner of furs. Tilting back her broad bovine head, she downed the last contents of her glass as she briefly wondered why, even when in a crowed room, one can still feel so alone.

"You alright?"

The yak look down at the bartender, a cute cat girl whose name she could never recall. She forced a smile.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'll have another." She pushed her glass towards the cat.

"So are you meeting someone here?" Asked the bartender as she refilled the glass.

"Yeah, something like that. How about you? What do trendy bartenders do after hours?"

The cat laughed. "Well I don't go clubbing if that's what you mean. I'll probably curl up with my boyfriend and watch a movie."

"That sounds nice." The yak kept her forced smile plastered on her face.

"Yeah, it's nice being in a stable relationship. Enjoy," said the cat as she placed the glass in font of the yak.

"Thanks." Said the Yak as the bartender continued down the bar. "Wish I was in any kind of relationship," she whispered into her drink.

There was a jubilant squeal from the other end of the bar as the vixen lightly swatted a well muscled wolf before leaning into him, whispering into his ear. From his grin, he didn't find it an unpleasant suggestion. She always left with at least one male. Sometimes more. Once the vixen disappeared with three footballers for two days, and when she did get home she could barely walk for a week. Slut.

The yak shook her head. She knew she shouldn't think of her friend like that. The vixen was the sole reason that she got out as much as she did, after all. But the attractive vixen just didn't seem to understand how much difficulty the yak had with relationships. The yak knew this chain of thought was going ugly places as she had been down it many times before, so she took a deep gulp of her drink instead of continuing the downward spiral.

She was distracted from her musings as a donkey sat on the stool beside her. His jeans and crumpled shirt looked like an attempt to appear casual, but came off as dishevelled. He had classic colouring, with clean white down his front and muzzle and a steely grey back and face. He placed a thick glass sloshing with yellow liquid on the bar.

"Hi." He said bluntly. She could smell the alcohol on his breath. Granted, if she opened her month, she wondered if she would smell any better.

"Hi." She said softly, attempting to direct her breath away from him.

"I've been blown off by three women tonight, so I'm going to try a completely different and radical new strategy: Brutal honesty."

"Ok . . ." said the yak as she regarded him coolly. He was getting dangerously close to creep territory. Not that the yak was concerned. Being twice the weight of most furs did have at least one advantage. She was even larger than most horses, a notoriously heavy set species. Besides, her vixen friend seemed to spend most of her time with men she barely knew, and she never got hurt.

The donkey took a swing from his glass before levelling his eyes at the yak. "Ok, here goes . . . I was divorced six weeks ago. I haven't had sex with another fur in three years. I've lost my job, I'm pathetic, lonely, and looking for a one night stand. No names, no phone numbers, no commitments."

The yak say back, eyes widening in surprise. Was this guy serious? Why would anyone think that such a desperate and lacklustre approach would work? The yak was about to tell the pervert to go fuck himself when movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. Her vixen friend had moved into a darkened corner of the club and had her tongue halfway down the wolf's throat as he rubbed up against her vulgarly.

Maybe the alcohol was having a greater effect then she thought, or maybe the yak was just tired of going home night after night alone, but she found herself considering the donkey's proposition. How was this any different than what the vixen was doing? It had the same result, just without all the games played beforehand.

Her oestrus wasn't helping either. It wasn't some all consuming urge the porno films made it out to be, more like a itch in the back of her mind that just wouldn't go away for the short time she was in heat. Her sexual organs were slightly tender, but it wasn't like she was in a constant state of arousal. After all, she wasn't male.

"Yeah, I didn't think that would work." The donkey said in response to the yak's silence. "Well, I'm not going drink myself blind just sitting here." He upended his glass, empting the contents into his mouth.

"Yes," said the yak softy. "I'll do it." She could almost feel a bit of her already meagre self respect die.

"Wait, what? Really? I mean, OK." said the donkey in surprise.

"On a few conditions." The yak hastened to add. She may be drunk, desperate and lonely, but she was not stupid.

"Sure. At this rate, I wouldn't care if you wanted to eat me afterward." The donkey chuckled.

"Ewww, no. I don't eat meat." said the yak. "I want a bed. A real bed. I'm not doing it in a toilet or alleyway or anything disgusting like that."

"Understandable." The donkey nodded.

"And if I ever say no, you stop. Then and there or I pound your balls into paste."

"Of course. Just because I have a penis doesn't make me a monster."

She gave him a deadpan expression.

". . . but also understandable."

"Let's go before I come to my senses," said the yak as she stood, quickly followed by the donkey. She was a head taller then the equine, who himself was taller then most of the canines and felines in the room. As the pair headed for the exit, the yak stopped and briefly considered telling her friend she was leaving, not that the vixen ever told her.

Her phone suddenly sprang to life, demanding her attention. Flipping it open, a sort text message read: 'You go girl. About time you had some fun!' The yak glanced up at the vixen, who winked at her from across the room before returning to the wolf's wet embrace. The yak blushed as she turned to duck through the exit. She almost ran into the donkey who had stopped in front of her to observe the lewd pair in the dark corner.

"Beautiful people living beautiful lives. Wish I had muscles like that." He said, nodding at the wolf before exiting the club. The Yak followed him out, silently agreeing with him.

A short taxi ride later, the pair arrived at the donkey's apartment. It was mostly clean, but dirty dishes and empty bean cans displayed an interest in function over appearance. The bedroom wasn't much different, with a basket overflowing with used clothing. At least the bed looked made and unused.

The yak was starting to have second thoughts. What the hell was she doing? This wasn't like her. She had never done anything like this before. Running off with strange men she knew nothing about. The yak was a little startled to discover she was a bit excited by the notion. Her alcohol soaked brain was feebly telling her this was a bad idea, with too many unknowns and that it was all to spontaneous to make rational decisions. Another part of her was relishing the thrill for the exact same reasons.

"Look." She said as she sat on the end of the bed. "I'm not sure about this ..."

"Why not?" said the donkey as he sat beside her.

"Well for starters, I kind of feel like a prostitute." She blushed again.

The donkey took her hoof in his. "Its nothing like that. What's wrong with two people who like each other enjoying each others company in a natural way?"

"You say that like you know me."

"I know enough to know I like you." he smiled as he began stroking her arm.

"Really?" she said skeptically.

"Yes. Really." he returned with equal conviction.

"Name three things."

"Well . . ." The donkey stoked her forearm, feeling the thick fur's texture. "Number one. I like your fur. It's so long and soft." He brought her arm up to his muzzle, inhaling deeply. "It smells nice too. Clean, like fresh mountain air."

"Well, thanks, I guess. I do take good care of it. But I hate it. It gets in the way, and makes me look larger then I am."

"That's brings me to number two. I like your size."

The yak pulled her hoof away from him. "Don't patronize me." She said with a sigh.

The donkey stood in front of her, taking both her hooves in his as he looked deep into her eyes.

"It's true. You're solid, but not large. Not everyone wants to mate with a twig you know. Listen, you may not hear this a lot but you're beautiful. You wanted to know what I liked about you. I like you how you are." He traced one hoof up her muzzle, over her jawline to caress the long fur under her ear.

She never thought such cheesy lines would ever be found any where outside a bad romance movie. Yet the yak was amazed at how good those words felt coming from another fur, directed at, of all people, her. She was starting to enjoy his touch. It was deliberate yet soft and gentle as he run his digits through her thick fur.

"Well, okay. That's two," she said softy as she felt her body relax. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea.

"Well before I get to number three, I want to know something. What do I call you? I can't start calling you Miss Yak."

"You said no names," she said, feeling almost playful for what felt like the first time in years.

"I know." He chuckled. "That was a bit silly of me."

"You can call me Dri. It means female yak in Tibetan."

"Dri." He seemed to savour the word, rolling to around in his mouth. "I like it. My dearest Dri."

The yak blushed at the abnormal affection. Abnormal for her, anyway. She found she didn't dislike it. "You were getting to number three?"

"Yes, I was. Number three would have to be your mental bearing. You are reserved, but not timid. You have presence, but you are not demanding. I find that attractive in a woman."


"I do." the donkey reached down under the bed, retrieving a thick, soft brush. "I use this to bush out loose fur after I shed my winter coat. May I, Dri . . .?"

"I think I would enjoy that, actually." She nodded.

The donkey slowly and firmly ran the brush down her arm, straightening her thick coat and dislodging loose fur. He repeated the stroke a few times as the yak closed her eyes, enjoying the massage-like effect of the soft bristles. She frequently cleaned her own fur, but having another do it added an entirely new dimension to the experience. The donkey moved over her shoulder, running the brush down her back.

The yak murred in contentment. She almost never got her back brushed, as it was so difficult to reach by herself. She stretched her back out, giving him better access to her. Sensing her enjoyment, the donkey intensified his efforts, forcing the brush to glide down her back again and again, eliciting more satisfied murrs from the yak. She felt herself relax, losing herself in the soft caress of the brush. There was nothing quite like the embrace of a thick brush, its bristles just touching her skin, so often hidden from the world and all its textures, as it parted her thick fur. She felt knots she didn't know existed disappear under its touch as her body entered a relaxed state.

The donkey applied slight pressure to her shoulders, pulling her back. She felt herself fall slowly onto the soft bed.

"What do I call you?" she said softly. "Mr. Donkey seems a bit weird."

"Well, keeping with the theme, donkey in Spanish is Burro."

"Burro. I can do that."

"I've been called worse things," he said as he traced her jawline with his hoof again. She felt the heat of his body as he lay next to her, drawing the brush down over her chest and stomach.

"Have I told you how gorgeous your body is?" he said as he placed his head over her chest, taking a deep breath.

"Yes. But I want you to do it again."

"You're firm and beautiful. Soft and warm. I just want to indulge in my Dri and become lost in her delicate fur. Your odour is fresh and vibrant, if I smelt it all day I would not tire of it." His nostrils flared and his eyes closed as he took in a deep breath. "As enticing as your natural scent is, I believe I also detect a faint thread of bovine arousal in the air."

Maybe it was the drink. Maybe is was her heat. Maybe it was the unwise thrill of being in a strange place with a unknown man. Or maybe it was the pleasurable touch of his gentle grooming. Maybe is was the knowledge that she was going to allow the donkey to go a lot further. Most likely it was a combination of all these factors, but the yak was indeed becoming aroused.

"Maybe it is. What do you intend to do about it, Burro?" she asked the donkey beside her.

"Nothing to impede its progress, my dearest Dri." He released the brush as he moved one hoof under her chin, drawing her muzzle to his. "There are so many ways to pleasure you. It is a crime that I may only indulge in one at a time," he whispered.

As she opened her mouth to respond, he closed his lips over hers. Taking her lower lip in his firm, warm equine muzzle, he applied slight pressure as he drew in the lip softly. The yak murmured as he released her and moved to her upper lip, enveloping it in his own. She felt his warm tongue lightly caress her lip as he embraced her. She closed her eyes and willingly accepted his tongue in her own muzzle. It entered her lightly, embracing her own broad organ as he kissed her deeply. The embrace rapidly grew in intensity as the yak gently placed her arms around his head, drawing him into her. He joyfully complied, kissing her deeper and with more heat and passion, blissfully entwining tongues in both their muzzles as they murmured contently.

The yak felt her heart rate increase, her legs seeming to lose all strength as she gave herself willingly into the passionate embrace. Her need was steadily growing, a fact that was not escaping the donkey's attention. He finally withdrew with a lingering pull on her lower lip. She found herself taking in slow, deep breaths as she felt him slowly move down her body, laying soft, dry kisses as he went. His hooves explored her, caressing her flanks and stomach as he moved ever downward. His hooves roamed over her, leaving no space of her fur untouched as he descended.

The yak felt herself becoming increasingly lost in the pleasure of his touch, firm yet gentle. His massage-like movements finally ceased as he reached the bottom of her stomach. He slowly teased the thick, shaggy fur of her midsection away to reveal her small, unused udder. The yak inhaled deeply as she felt the sensation of cool night air flow over her small, hard teats. As she inhaled she detected a weak male musk. Opening her eyes, she saw the donkey laying perpendicular to her body, his head hovering over her. His jeans did little to hide a bulge that revealed his own desire.

Her thoughts quickly returned to her own need as she felt his hoof gently caress her udder. It rolled over the sensitive flesh before lightly pinching one of her hard teats. She released a soft moan as a pleasant sensation radiated from her udder into the rest of her body. He continued to caress and compress her hard teats as she emitted more sounds of enjoyment.

She felt him place his soft muzzle over her, enveloping a teat in his warm lips. Her eyes fluttered as she let out a slow, deep groan as he slowly ran his hot tongue over some of her nipples while he stimulated the others with his hoof. The the pleasant sensation began a vibration of pleasure that rippled from her udder into her body.

She felt her need intensify. Her sex felt moist and was starting to demand attention. But the donkey was merciless, continuing to massage her udder as he stimulated her sensitive nipples. He stopped briefly to removed his shirt and pants, removing what must have been a painful constriction on his own genitals.

Equines were renowned for being well endowed, but the yak was still impressed by the length and girth of the donkey. He may have been completely average for his own species but the yak had never taken anything quite his size. Anything that didn't run on batteries, anyway.

The donkey returned his wonderful ministrations to her udder. His attention only stoked the fires of her desire without quenching it.

"G-go on." She said breathlessly.

Even while still stimulating her he nodded. Shifting his body, he moved off the bed as he climbed between her legs, which still hung off the bed. She subconsciously widened her legs to give him better access. Even she could smell herself now, a pungent odour that was identifiably personal yet deeply sexual.

She murred in need as she felt him carefully push her fur away from her wet nether lips. As her engorged, moist lips were revealed to the donkey, her scent became even more potent, filling her nostrils and completely drowning out all other odours, including the not-unpleasant musk of the aroused donkey.

"Have you ever been told what a female in heat smells like?" he asked, as he hovered his nostrils centimetres above her, inhaling deeply as his thick upper lip curled upward, flehming. The yak could only shake her head slowly as she shivered, feeling his hot breath bathe her nether lips. She moved her hooves to either side of the donkey's head as she trembled in anticipation.

"It smells welcoming. Inviting, warm, gentle and hinting at mystery. It is utterly female in nature, strong and potent in a healthy individual. It never reveals itself completely in one breath, always missing some key component that invites another inhalation to discover the tantalizing whole. It almost becomes an addiction, a craving that can only be filled by another breath of the divine aroma. It is an indicator, a litmus test of female desire and readiness to mate. A powerful scent means a woman is strong with desire and need. Not begging, but merely displaying her willingness and preparedness to succumb to carnal impulses. This provokes a deep and ravenous hunger in most males. A feverish desire to bow to the needs and wants of the female. They say that the most forceful effects are felt by the sweet essence of one's own species alone, but your scent is powerful beyond imagination to my mind. It is almost divine in nature and demonic in influence."

"And the taste . . ." the donkey extended his tongue. The yak gave a sudden and sharp intake of breath as she felt the warm organ make contact with the base of her vaginal lips. Electric shocks of pleasure trawled through her body, reaching every hoof and digit as he slowly moved his hot, textured organ over her, applying just enough force to part her lips. She felt, rather then consciously made, a deep and needy moan pour from her throat.

"The taste." He said "The taste is a million times more exquisite." He rolled his tongue around in his mouth, a far away look entering his eyes as he gave his own lustful moan. The yak, now panting in wanton desire, pulled his head back down into her nether lips. His incredible tongue returning to her wet slit, now leaking her feminine essence onto the bed.

His hot tongue caressed her vaginal lips, the agile organ penetrating her as it dragged across the sensitive tissue. Despite the yak's growing blissful vocalizations, the donkey refused to increase his pace. The slow massage of her most intimate flower sent reverberating waves of bliss around her body. A thunderclap of ecstasy punctuated the yak's mind as the donkey pressed one hoof to her swollen nub. She involuntarily shuddered as the donkey applied the same slow, dedicated effort to her engorged clitoris with his hoof as he was giving her nether lips. The intense stimulation was driving the yak closer and closer to orgasm. She felt it approaching like a tidal wave of pure pleasure.

The donkey, seemingly unsatisfied with mere mind blowing pleasure for his mate, inserted a single digit into the yak's anus, softly drawing on and stretching the sphincter. The sudden and initial discomfort almost extracted a protest from the yak, but before she could voice her displeasure the nerves became stimulated, the pleasant sensation forming a chorus with her vaginal lips and clit as she was once again swept up a torrent of ecstasy.

Her lustful moans reached a fevered pitch as the donkey finally lost his composure, quickening his ministration. The pleasure consuming her body intensified. The room, the donkey and even her own body faded as she utterly lost herself in the passionate heat of sexual excitement as exhilarating waves of ecstasy washed over her. As if from a far distance she heard a scream of wanton release.

As she came down from the orgasmic high, she relaxed her shuddering, sweat-soaked body. She had wrapped her arms around the donkey's head as she harshly gripped one of his ears, pulling him into her with as much force as her arms could muster.

"Sorry . . ." she panted as she released him. " I didn't mean to . . ." She was suddenly cut off by her own ragged inhalation of breath as her clit was bathed by his hot tongue. During the entire orgasm, he had never ceased pleasuring her.

His wet muzzle, soaked in her juices, enveloped her clit. His warm tongue flowed over her, sending sparks of blissful energy into her body, still quaking from her orgasm.

The donkey's muzzle finally left her nether lips as he stood. His large member loomed over her, obscenely jutting from his body. She placed her hooves on his hips and pulled him upward, over the bed so he straddled her. The large, heavy ball sack rested over her chest as the erect penis hovered above her muzzle.

She gingerly reached one hoof to make contact with the organ. The donkey placed his hooves on the wall above her as he murred at the contact. His thick male musk filled her nostrils as her hooves explored the organ. The flesh coloured cock was thick along the entire shaft, mushrooming out into a blunt head. It was hot and firm, weighty in her hooves. Running her hoof down his length, she felt a twang of desire as she imaged it inside her. Her hoof moved over his thick, almost leathery ball sack to palpate the large testicles within.

Gasping his length, she pulled the head downward, drawing it across her thick chest fur, running underside of the engorged organ's sensitive head over her soft, almost fleece-like fur as the yak's broad tongue gilded over the flat head of his cock, lathering it in her saliva as her hooves ran up and down its length, eliciting grunts and moans from the donkey above her.

"Stop teasing me, Burro. I want it. I demand it!" she moaned into his cock.

"I would be delighted to," he said breathlessly.

The donkey shifted over her, retuning to the foot of the bed between her legs. She shivered as she felt his member hover over her entrance as he leaned into her, the flat head of his cock pressing against her wet lips. Showing the same immense self control he had displayed earlier, he ran the head up and down her nether lips, just parting them as it glided over her clit and entrance. Groaning in need and want, the yak clawed at his hips with her blunt hooves.

He finally pushed into her. The yak gritted her teeth in momentary pain as her lips were forced apart by his large, flat head. The pain was quickly replaced by waves of pleasure as he finally crossed the threshold, the large head that was so painful at her entrance now stretching her inner walls just enough to extract the maximum amount of pleasure. He began to sink into her wet folds at an agonizingly slow pace, filling her completely. She felt her walls contract and tighten over him as she once more became lost in the forceful waves of ecstasy that ripped into her body.

Finally, he hilted, his entire length buried in her wet folds. His eyes were closed as he battled a ferocious urge to pound into her. She felt him remain still as her walls enveloped his member, feeling every contour and pulse of his cock, her clit stimulated by his soft fur. The pleasure emanating from their union was immense, sending sparks or searing bliss into every nerve and muscle. The powerful instinct to rut was overcoming the yak as she felt herself descend into a animalistic state of pure sexual energy.

The yak attempted to thrust herself onto the donkey with a lustful groan as he grunted in response. He slowly withdrew until only the flat head of his cock was embedded inside her, provoking a cry of exhilaration from the yak. She emitted equally lustful sounds as he thrust himself back into her, causing the bed to ram against the wall with a dull thud. He rapidly lost his self control, ramming into her with more and more force.

The cock utterly filled the yak. Each apex of his thrust bathed her mind in sexual bliss, the extreme pleasure causing her to shudder and shake as he penetrated her again and again. Wanton screams of lust tore from her muzzle, answered by the donkey's own moans as the bed thudded repeated into the wall. His pace quickened, the donkey no longer able to contain himself in the face of the powerful pleasure ravaging his own body.

The yak felt a growing torrent of orgasm boiling over inside her as the pair rutted. She joyfully welcomed it, throwing herself onto the donkey as she meet each of his thrusts, desperately attempting to force more and more of his length into her. She utterly lost herself in the matting as the awesome intensity of the raw sexual energy rocked her over the edge of orgasm.

Her fevered cries of bliss triggered a corresponding flush of exhilaration in the donkey, who reached his own peak just as her vaginal muscles clamped down on his overstimulated cock. She felt him ejaculate his thick white seed deep into her body as she herself was just entering the throes of orgasm. The knowledge of shared pleasure and mutual orgasm made the powerful fountain of searing pleasure boiling over in the yak all the more potent. She gripped the donkey tightly as she rode the powerful orgasm, the extreme stimulation overcoming her senses as the very core of her being was buffeted by all-consuming waves of ecstasy.

The yak slowly faded back into reality, drawing in deep, ragged breaths as her sweat-soaked body trembled in after quakes from the intense orgasm. The donkey above her was equally exhausted, panting as he collapsed onto the bed besides her. The pair parted with a lewd wet pop. The yak felt soaked to the skin, her inner thighs and groin coved with both their sweat and sexual emissions as his seed leaked out of her.

She felt his arms embrace her as he curled up besides her. She returned the affection, turning into him and murring contently as the pair bathed in the afterglow of their mating.

"Listen." He whispered into her ear. "I'm sorry, but this is as far as we go. I'm simply not ready for a relationship. Not yet. Tomorrow, I'll call you a cab."

She caressed his back as she looked deep into his eyes. "Will you at least give me a name?"

"I'm sorry." He held her gaze for a tender moment before closing his eyes, nuzzling into her soft fur. The yak was too exhausted to feel anything but mild disappointment. She had know that is was the way the night was going to end from the onset, and it was still true that she knew next to nothing about the donkey. At least, she thought, I will always have tonight.

The pair held each other as they drifted off to sleep.


Many thanks go to hyenakona for editing this story for me.

Some behind the scenes information about this story can be found in my journal with the same title.