Blood & Carrots: Celestial - Episode 12

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#12 of B&C 3

Welcome back, my lovely reader.

I won't lie, this episode is going to be heavy. You've no doubt seen some of the writing on the wall. Like with Hagen and Ra's, there are some characters whose fate you are already clearly aware of, but what of an angel-fox? A figure Lorelai never mentioned, yet held so much love for. Why was he never mentioned in the other tales, yet so relevant to so many?

What of Charlotte? What happened? What went wrong? Rachel and Toroah, a cherished lover, yet never was he mentioned by them. Regardless of whether you've asked these questions to yourself or not, it's time to answer them.

My lovely reader, let's jump right in.

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Patrons even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader.

I won't lie, this episode is going to be heavy. You've no doubt seen some of the writing on the wall. Like with Hagen and Ra's, there are some characters whose fate you are already clearly aware of, but what of an angel-fox? A figure Lorelai never mentioned, yet held so much love for. Why was he never mentioned in the other tales, yet so relevant to so many?

What of Charlotte? What happened? What went wrong? Rachel and Toroah, a cherished lover, yet never was he mentioned by them. Regardless of whether you've asked these questions to yourself or not, it's time to answer them.

My lovely reader, let's jump right in.


Episode 12:


Happenstance can strike at any time, for any being. Sometimes you can just be in the wrong or right place at the appropriate time. Then there are times you are waylaid with something that feels random to you, but the other party meticulously crafted the whole thing. Think of it like looking at a massive tree, you see this large indomitable figure before you, but you never see the network of roots that keep the whole thing upright.

My teeth clenched as I held my sword in both my hands, standing before a greater demon. Rachel was behind me unconscious, Torah and Ezekiel were bound by unearthly tendrils of shadows. Even Charlotte, Samantha, and Ichiro lay upon the tainted earth in a heap as I stood resolute against a force that had single-handedly brought down the lot of my companions.

"My, my... this is a familiar scenario I find myself in. Why, I'm awash with nostalgia, dear Paladin," The demoness cooed the words, her flesh an odd combination of deep red flesh that blended to crimson fur at her elbows and knees, sporting pawlike hands as well as feet. She had shockingly white hair pulled back in a braid and true to the paws, she sported a slight muzzle upon her face that gave her a cat-like appearance. Along her white locks were pointed red ears and curled horns that jutted out, with a wiry tail hanging behind her.

She had not a stitch of clothing upon her, fully bared before me with perfectly shaped breasts and curvy hips. Midnight black wings spread out from her back as she casually flapped them while holding a large crooked staff in one paw, her footpaws just above the ground.

I looked to Rachel, then Charlotte, finally, my gaze shifted to Toroah and Ezekiel, both of which who had pleaded with me to flee at this point. My teeth snapped as I hissed through them, "You'll rue this day, demon!" I roared the challenge and snapped my wings, launching myself towards her, seeing the mad grin on her muzzle as I brought my sword to bear.


Our swords slammed together, grinding hard against one another as I snarled in the slightly taller rabbit's face. Toroah offered me a smirk and moved in to give my lips a quick little peck. I barked at the display, the kiss startling me off balance as he quickly shifted to push the tip of his blade to my chest for a point.

I stepped back with a scowl as I snarled, "Geeze! That's cheating!"

Ezekiel gave a laugh as he held a hand up. "That's one point for the High Commander."

"That hardly should count as a point! He obviously- urf!" I barked out as I felt Toroah clap his hand back against my rear with a pat.

"All's fair in love and war, Ryder," He cooed the words, giving me a loving grin as I gave him a fussy glare in return.

"You two are so great, makes me sometimes wish I didn't have to remain celibate for my position." Ezekiel showed a grin as he collected his own sword to stand before Toroah as I stepped back to be the judge.

"Oh? I'm sure I could get that rule amended if you want to find yourself in the sheets between me and Ryder, Ezekiel," Toroah hummed the words as he rolled his rapier.

The lion perked his ears at the words and scowled, "What? No! I don't look at either of you like that! I just- It would be nice to have what you guys have, you know? It's not about the sex!"

"I know some cute vampires that are into lion's Ezzy!" I barked the words out right as they set their stance, the lion shifting a glare upon me at the words.

"Ha!" Toroah lunged forward, putting his sword tip right at the lion's chest.

Ezekiel roared out and glared at me furiously. "Damn it Ry!"

"That's a point for the High Commander," I snarled out smugly as I moved to swap with the lion. Ezekiel gave me his own fussy glare as we traded again.


"I'll pay you back tenfold for all the pain you've caused my loved ones!" I screamed the words as I brought the sword down, the demon showing a wide grin, her eyes looking black as coal as she brought the crooked staff up and though it looked of nothing but wood, it was able to withstand the blow, but I did send her back with the strike.

She snapped her own wings, giving an approving huff before I blurred forward once more, not giving her time to recover. I sent a myriad of strikes and pierces forward, each being deflected or parried before I finally landed a slash against her left shoulder.

She yowled out in fury as the divine blade made her very flesh erupt in flames, the demon-cat falling back several yards, clutching her shoulder. I watched the shadow tendrils fade from Toroah and Ezekiel as they tumbled to the ground. A sigh of relief escaped my throat as they picked themselves up, then my eyes widened as the cat hissed with fury and was on top of me in a blink, her paw outstretched as I saw flames rolling off her claws.


"Ryder, do you love me?" The vixen called out while hugging me from behind, both of us fully bared, having just finished making love together in her bed.

"Of course I do, Rachel. I tell you multiple times a day, do you doubt it?" I frowned as I looked over my shoulder, feeling her breasts push into my back as she moved in to kiss the side of my cheek.

"I do not, I just am selfish and enjoy hearing it so often, you know?" She giggled the words as she wagged her brown tail slowly.

Smiling at her, I turned and shifted to my knees, pulling her close as we shared a deep kiss, then I huffed against her lips as we parted. "I love you more with each day... all the centuries with you have done is galvanize the love we've grown throughout the ages..."

Her eyes shifted to gold, her tail wagging harder as she gave me a sad smile. "That makes my heart sing, my love... as if we were destined to be and our love found a way through everything."

I pushed my forehead to hers with a smile, knowing in a way it did. We were in a comfortable spot with the vampires right now, maybe I would push the Seraph to finally reveal what had happened in our mortal lives, perhaps if I could help Sarnai with her madness, these two could reunite as parent and child.

"You look lost in thought..." Rachel pushed a paw to my face as I blinked my eyes open, then gave her a smile.

"I was simply lost in thought about you, thinking about us, and our future." I kissed her forehead a few times, watching that beautiful tail brush the sheets of the bed.

"Whatever may come, I will face it with my head high, so long as you are by my side," Rachel growled the words, giving me a strong gaze.

I pushed my own hand to her cheek, "Always. I'll never leave you, Rachel."


My teeth showed in a snarl as I side-stepped the raking claws and plunged my sword straight into the demon's belly. Her eyes widened as I spat out into her face, "Back to the abyss with you, demon!" I kicked her off my sword as she collapsed onto her back, the flames from my divine blade spreading over her whole body as it simply evaporated from sight.

"You okay, Ryder?" Toroah panted the words as he moved over to me, wincing as he rubbed one shoulder, both his wings looking crushed from the tendrils but slowly starting to set themselves.

"Yeah... how are the others?" I glanced back to see Rachel sitting up, Charlotte tending to her, Samantha helping Ichiro to his own feet.

"Everyone's okay, thanks to you Ryder, man that came out of nowhere, you were the only one that had time to react, you've gotten so strong!" Ezekiel spoke the words, pride in his voice as he moved over to me and Toroah, I offered the lion a small smile, wagging my tail at his praises.


"Heat talk aside... I'd give you a puppy if you wanted, it if only I could, love." Charlotte huffed the words out, her breath heavy as she sheathed her sword.

I put my own sword away, willing my armor to fade as I gave her a small grin. "Really, Char? You'd actually be okay with it?"

"Damn right I would! But you know, you'd have to put a ring on me and call me wife for it. You could keep your other lovers, but you know..." She pushed a hand to her cheek, offering her other out as if expecting me to have a ring at the ready here and now.

My heart leaped into my throat at the idea of it and I felt my cheeks grow hot. "Damn... that means a lot. I'm not sure if I'd really want kids, but to know you would do all that, go that far... you're a hell of a girl, Char!"

The wolf showed me a grin, wagging her tail as she moved to me, putting a hand to my chest before moving in for a quick kiss. "You're a hell of a guy, Ry... and I love you."

"I love you too, I always will!" I bark the words then grunted as she wrapped her arms tightly around me, burying her face into my hair, taking a deep breath of my scent.

"Gods... I'll never tire of you and your love... Let's stay together forever, Ryder!" She barked the words into my ears and I nodded as I hugged her back, pushing in to give her a quick kiss.

"Always, you have my sword, and my love, my angel." I snarled the words into her ear, feeling her hug me tighter

Charlotte pushed her nose to mine, meeting my eyes as her tail wagged hard. "You have me, my love. Heart and soul, I am yours."


A huge sphere of dark energy suddenly appeared above the lot of us. My eyes widened as I felt dizzy and fell to my knee, feeling sick to my stomach. The sheer level of demonic energy pouring off it was so overwhelming I couldn't think straight.

"Pitful! Do you really think such a blow would finish things? Here's a spin on that trick you all use!" The demon was there again, now garbed in plated armor that was still admittedly skimpy but offered enough of a view of her body I could see the large scarred swath of flesh where I had struck her.

One by one everyone else collapsed as the cat showed a malicious grin. "Oh my, it seems the damage you gave me has shortened my allotted time here, Paladin!" She spread her arms as dark tendrils spread forth grappling each and every one of us. "Ha! No matter, no matter... I'll simply drag all of you back into the depths of hell as I go, we'll have a lovely time together!"

My eyes widened as I tried to find my footing, screaming in my mind to will my body to obey, 'Gods! Do something, Ryder! Seraph, do something!' I felt tears rolling down my face as I watched a gate appear seeing Ezekiel and Toroah starting to be pulled in.

"My son, children!"

'Do something, anything! I have to protect them!'

"We- my son, we are sorry, there is nothing-"

'Nothing?! You can do nothing at all?' My teeth grit as I locked my knees, feeling myself tremble to stand, the writhing tendril at my hip shirking back, burning as divine energy poured forth.

"This is all we have, please don't die, my son, our hope. Please endure..."

'Let me die then if it saves them!' I screamed in my mind and shuttered out any more discussion as overwhelming divine energy poured into my very being.

My wings burst forth in glorious gold, radiating light that snuffed the demonic sphere and tendrils as the demon widened her eyes, showing her teeth as if she were elated to see the display.

"You'll have none of them!" I screamed the words as I blurred forward, slashing my blade. The cat sidestepped a few blows, but then I landed a deep gash along her shoulder, she hissed out and clutched it as I began striking and slashing, sending cuts and stabs all over her, shattering armor and even taking one of her legs off.

"Truly... that is the power I came to bear witness to..." She showed me a crooked bloody grin, one of her horns shattered and an ear missing, but she didn't look to be in pain whatsoever.

"Return to the hole you skulked out of!" I hissed out and plunged my sword deep into her belly, hearing her spine sever as her eyes widened with a gasp. "Of course! With what I came for!" She howled out as I suddenly felt a dozen dark tendrils grasp and wrap around me.

"W-what?!" I barked out as my eyes widened, the demon simply fading from sight before me.

"Ryder!" Toroah screamed my name as he blurred forward, I reached my only free arm I had for the rabbit, his fingertips briefly touching my own before I was pulled into the gate and darkness took me.


"So, Sarnai and her family are preparing to move to the west, eh?" I spoke out, feeling the sheep pushing to my back, both of us seated on a small cliffside overlooking the straits of Gibraltar.

"Yes, I do hope it will help ease some of the madness in her heart..." Lorelai sighed and put a hand to her chest, looking down upon the crashing waves.

"I've been hesitant to overstep, my love, but- mayhaps you should let me speak to the Seraph. Perhaps... I can find something?" I frowned as I returned to the subject, Lorelai had wanted it to remain a family affair, worried about trusting any of our kind but me and Toroah.

"I- ... I am at my wit's end, I have searched for centuries for answers, Ryder... I love my sister, love her in ways I feel I should not, given she is a married fox. I agonize to help her every single day, and yet all my efforts are wasted with each lead I find... I hesitate to agree, but-"

"Say no more, I've kept watch over her for centuries, the Seraph is many things but kind and understanding is at the top of that list. They will help me if they can, I will counsel with them at my next available time to do so. I must look into a minor demonic outbreak when we part, but after that, I will speak with them." I huffed the words and shifted, feeling her do the same as we faced one another.

I stared into her soft brown eyes and she gave me a gentle loving smile, bringing a hand to my face. "It's been so long, yet you still remember the day..."

"Well, it was the day my life changed forever, meeting you was one of my greatest boons, far more than any rank or title, Lorelai." I clasped her hand in mine as we drew closer, the sheep climbing right into my lap to face me.

"Still, to remember the date after all these years..." Lorelai pushed her forehead to mine as we held one another. The ewe pulled back slightly after a few moments and met my eyes before speaking out in a soft matter-of-fact tone, "I love you, my angel-fox."

"I love you, my ewe. Now and always, you will be in my heart." I clasped both her hands in mine, giving her a loving grin.

I could see the tears in her eyes as she frowned, no doubt seeing the ones in mine as well. She closed her eyes as the tears slid down her slightly rounded cheeks and she moved to my chest, hugging me tightly.

I wrapped my arms around my sheep, I wanted time to stop, I just wanted to forget all my obligations and stay like this with her always.


Hellfire Obsidian:

A jet black metal often used to create demonic armaments. Like with blessed silver, hellfire obsidian is strengthened beyond the stone's natural durability. Often used by demon aristocracy, it can be considered a foil to the celestial blessed weaponry.

Hellfire obsidian can often be used as powerful foci for magical practitioners as several aristocrats are versed in the ways of dark magicks. It is not uncommon for such weapons to be magically enchanted to look like more mundane counterparts that may be made of wood or steel.


"Nugai... Nugai, wake up!"

I furrowed my brow at the oddly familiar name, groaning as I shook my head, coming to as I was face to face with that demon from earlier. I gave a bark and tried to jump back, but my body was frozen in place baring my neck and head. I frowned and looked myself over, I was in a crucifixion position, feet pushed together, arms spread out, but no obvious chains or bindings held me, I simply was pushed to the wall.

Looking around the room briefly I could see a throne below me facing out to a large carpeted chamber, braziers lit with red and black flames of hellfire. The demon-cat gave me an amused if not loving grin, "Welcome home, darling," she cooed the words mockingly as I took stock of my position once more.

"Well, I give you props on keeping it traditional with this pose you have me in, now explain how you know about that name," I growled the words, my ears folding as her coal eyes seemed to flare red for a moment at my calm reply.

"Hm! Still so feisty, I'm glad." She flapped her black wings once to move a few yards away, giving a sultry pose as the armor faded, leaving her bared before me once more, her body now covered in scars, still missing an ear and one horn was still broken.

"Nice figure, but I've got enough lovers, if this was a convoluted proposal, the answer is no." I scoffed and showed her a crooked grin. "A little too scrawny for me anyway, I prefer my girls and boys to have a little more meat on them!"

The cat giggled and flicked her wings as she moved back to me, flapping her wings as she looked into my eyes. "Well, to answer the question, I know all about you, Nugai. I've been planting these little seeds since before you were even Ryder."

I frowned at that and cocked a brow. "Sounds like you need a hobby if all you're doing is fucking with me for the last half of a millennium or something."

"What can I say? My plans to have a Paladin of my very own went awry when I killed the last one, so I told myself, Kalinae, you should just make your own! So, I did!" She giggled as she gave a shrug and another crooked grin.

That had my attention. "Wait, the last Paladin fell in the Crusade, to vampires, not demons."

"That what you think, puppy? Do you believe everything your precious Seraph tells you? Even after knowing they willingly manipulated your loved one's feelings to forget the aforementioned Paladin?"

"I disagreed with their methods, but I see where they were coming from to a degree." I clenched my teeth and rolled my eyes. "I'll humor you, so you mean to tell me, you set that monster upon my village, knowing I'd die and be reborn?"

She hummed at me and put her handpaws on her hips, giving a nod as her breasts gave a perky little bounce right in my face as her wings flapped hard. I folded my ears and snarled at the display. "You see, Nugai. I sensed your love for that vixen, and I could feel the unique warrior spirit the two of you shared. I knew with the right coaxing, you two would ascend, and then I knew that given the nature of you two, you'd lean upon one another, strengthen yourselves. I knew one way or another, I'd have one of you two ascend to the status. Giving that mad little vampire a prod was simple enough, he was already in the area and everything!"

I frowned and deep in my heart, felt a little gratitude I didn't talk the Seraph into giving the position to Rachel, now that it had come to this. The demon gave me a knowing smile and shook her head. "How noble! Even now you only think of your loved ones, your soul is so delicious, my love. I'm going to enjoy tainting it."

I showed my teeth in an angry snarl when I realized she was in my very heart. "That is not yours to see!" I hissed the words and brought forth my will as hard as I could and it worked. The cat gave me a pout as I seemingly shut the door on my soul before her.

"Huh... you've some interesting tricks, but I've nothing but time and so do you." She gave me a crooked smirk on her muzzle as she put a paw to her hip. "I can't physically touch you in this realm without permission, ancient accords and rules you know, otherwise I'd probably already be riding you, dark gods below but you look like a good fuck."

I gave her body an appraising look up and down, then met her eyes before spitting right in her face with a growl, "You couldn't handle me, demon-whore and you'd be so lucky!"

The cat hissed as she wiped her face with a paw, glaring at me for a moment, then smiling once more. "Hmph, I should have roughed you up on the mortal plane a little more before I dragged you down, ah well, no matter."

"Could have, should have, would have, huh, bitch?" I perked my ears and snarled. "I'm bored with this, tell you what, you let me down from here I'll forgive your transgression and won't brutally murder you in the name of the higher gods."

Kalinae gave me an amused grin then busted out into a full-on laugh as she flapped her wings a few times and I could even see tears in her eyes from how amused she was by my threat. "Please, stop, you're... oh that's too funny!"

I gave her a furious snarl and she simply folded her arms, making her breasts push forward as she bent a little to accentuate the position. "Settle in doggy, the Seraph isn't sending a rescue party, you and me, we're going to get a nice long bit of time to know one another, I'll eventually have you collared and calling me Mistress, I assure you of that!"

My ears folded as I gave her a smug snort before spitting in her face once more as a response. The cat hissed in anger and licked her chops. "Stupid dog, at least warn me so I can open my mouth first." I rolled my eyes and snorted once more, showing I was done with this exchange for now.

"You see Nugai, I can't touch you, but time, oh time is a much crueler method than any physical means I could provide." She gave me a malicious smirk as she flapped her wings to move back a few feet. "Stay in that state for a while, unmoving, unspeaking, but you won't sleep, you won't age. You'll stay just like that, your mind ever awake, ever in thought but all, alone. We'll see how long it takes for the madness to claim you." She snapped her padded-fingers and it echoed loudly in my ears as my head and neck simply froze like the rest of me, my eyes closing.

There I was, alone with my thoughts. Have you ever laid in bed at night and the room was just deafeningly silent, so quiet you felt like you'd go mad from your own thoughts if you didn't make some noise? That was how I felt right now. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move, no sight, no sound, only my mind, and the silence.

'Okay Ryder, this is a mess, but you're a Paladin. You've trained for this for centuries. Meditation, prayer, and faith. The gods and Seraph won't abandon you.'


I wasn't sure how much time passed, at this point, it would be hard to tell, it could have been hours it could have been days. I locked myself into a zen-like focus, clearing my mind of all, occasionally offering prayers to the higher gods that my loved ones were safe.

'Oh thank fuck, she finally left the damn chamber, creepy bitch.'

I would have lifted my ears had I been able to as the odd voice filled my mind, 'uh, have I already gone mad?'

'Not quite, it's nice to meet you though. I sensed an old friend and came as soon as I could!' The voice sounded cheerful as it spoke in my mind.

'An old friend? Not sure I follow.'

'I'm talking about the sword at your hip, silly doggy!'

'The sword, old friend? You mean the sword is an old friend?'

'Hey, give the dog a treat, he gets it!' The voice called the words sarcastically.

'Okay, can you explain what's going on? I've had a rough sort of spot lately, so give me a break.'

'Fair enough, my name is Alicia, I think you know what I am, or was as I'm currently roosting in your sword.'

My thoughts came out shocked, 'Wait- The former Paladin?!'

'Mhm... nice to meet you, Ryder, or would you prefer Nugai?'

'Ryder, please, but my friends call me, Ry.'

'I've made a few friends down here over the centuries, I mostly hang out with the incubi and succubi since they can talk to me in their dreams, amongst... other things.'

'That sounds convenient, so you're still alive and sane?'

'Alive is a stretch, I've got no body to return to, I'm a soul and I'm here in the underworld, but, well... okay let me explain. You remember how that bitch said she couldn't physically touch you?'

'Yeah, that's why I kept spitting on her.'

'Ha! That was great by the way... anyhoo... She killed me real good, I mean like, shreds were all that was left, it was a sneak attack, but who cares at this point? Of course, the sword did its thing, but she grabbed my soul in the mortal plane, kind of like how she grabbed you up. See, demons can fully interact with the divine in a neutral realm like that.'

'Does that mean if a demon came to the citadel, we'd be unable to touch them?'

'That's right, you couldn't harm them and they couldn't harm you unless they were there against their will.'

'So in theory, if I got free, I could kill the bitch.'

'Well, in theory, yes. However once you attacked her, she could at that point defend herself, and the whole no touchy rule would be gone, so you know... Keep that in mind.'

'Alright, so she pulled you down here, then what?'

'Then I called her a cunt and stalked off. She couldn't contain me, none of the denizens down here can do shit to me, ha! I'm like a divine pest they just have to put up with. Some of them I give hell too, even helped a few lost souls escape a few times. Oh, I remember how pissed her dad was when I cost him one of his favorite nymphs!'

'She has a dad?'

'Yeah, you're currently the plaything of Kalinae, the first daughter of the big guy himself,'

'Wait... are you telling me... that I'm currently in the lowest level of the nine hells, in the citadel of the lord of the underworld?!'

'Well, yeah, why do you think the Seraph couldn't send someone to get me, and won't for you either?'

'Well, that's disheartening...'

'Hm, it's a rough spot, but I accepted it a long time ago. There's a silver lining though!'

'What's that?'

'I can keep you company! You won't be lonely and neither will I! I might slip out of your brain space to go hang out with one of my incubi or succubi buddies from time to time for a spiritual play date, but other than that.'

'Well, I've been looking for you anyway, so this works out.'

'Really? You were looking for me, Ry?'

'I was, I even had Kazemde from the Circle of Shadows helping me, though I guess that's probably on his son's to-do list these days.'

'Why, Ry? Heh, that rhymes!' The voice chimed out cheerfully.

'Because... it was too sad... I wanted to at least find you so I could help you rest, possibly give Toroah and Ezekiel some closure.'

'Toroah... Ezekiel... they're still alive?'

'They are! Toroah is my erm... uh... boyfriend, Ezekiel is like my brother.'

'Ha! That two-timing bunny! I can't blame him though, it's been nearly a millennium! I guess he can move on by now! Wow, it sounds similar to how it was with me, Ry!'

'... There's something you should know Alicia. The Seraph... they washed over their memories of you. They remember you as the Paladin, but nothing more.'

A long pause, her tone sounding a little softer, '... that is for the best.'

'Do you think so?'

'I lamented the pain I caused them, the agony they no doubt felt at my loss, and I worried if they would survive the war at all without me. The Serph made the right call, no doubt my loss would have demoralized them and the final elder would have prevailed.'

'You're taking this all rather well.'

'You build a certain level of closure after nearly a thousand years of this, Ryder.'

'Well, I'm glad I've at least found you. I'll make sure to get you out of here when I can find a way!'

'Wow, you're optimistic, I've not felt that kind of emotion in a very long time.'

'Yeah, I'll figure it out, just leave it to me, I know Toroah and the rest will find a way!'

'If they remember you...'

Alicia's voice sounded very small in my mind at that statement as I mulled it over for several moments before responding, 'It'll be fine, Alicia.'

'Yes, I will try to be optimistic as well. Besides, now I'll be able to talk shop with a fellow Paladin! We're going to be spending a lot of time together, so let's settle in and get to know one another, Ry!'

'That we are, Alicia... quite a bit of time indeed...'



Torpor is often seen in its more mundane fashion as hibernation, where a creature will slow its metabolic functions to conserve energy during the winter months. However, in the paranormal circles, there are a few forms of torpor.

A vampire enters torpor every time they rest for example. Unlike mundane who may struggle to sleep, if the sun has risen a vampire need simply will their body to enter slumber to do so. This isn't to say a vampire cannot become winded or exhausted, collapsing into sleep as a mundane would. Especially if the sun is up and they've just finished something exerting such as sex. A vampire may also enter a meditative state of extended torpor if they need to conserve blood for vast spans of time.

The other form of torpor is that of a magically induced one. Unlike hibernation, the entirety of the body simply ceases to function, entering a frozen state of sorts that won't age or wither. Most recipients of this form simply go into what could be considered a coma. However, there are more insidious versions that force the victim's mind to stay active during the state.


"Nugai... Nugai, wake up you stupid dog!" Her voice came to my ears, it sounded so loud after not hearing things physically for so long.

I winced and folded my ears before hissing out, "Will you shut your shrill cock-sucker, you demonic whore?!" I barked the words, my eyes snapping open as I glared at the cat before me, snarling at her smirk.

"Huh... been nearly a year, but you're still just as full of fire, I like that!" She huffed out proudly and I saw she was in her armor, her paws resting on her hips.

"A year..." I tried to process that, then my ears jerked up as I caught a familiar scent on the air.

Kalinae showed me a knowing smirk. "That's right, I wasn't going to torment you again for at least five, but... You've got a visitor!"

My eyes widened as the demon flicked her wings to pull to the side, there she stood below me. I watched her jet-black wings give a heavy flap as she rose to meet me eye to eye. My mouth gapped in shock as I looked over her form, tears already in my eyes as I barked out furiously, "C-Charlotte! Why are you fallen?!"

The wolf frowned and lowered her ears, I saw a few tears roll down her cheeks. "It was, necessary, my love..."

"Necessary? Necessary?!" I screamed as my tears kept flowing, seeing her wings had grown slightly smaller, no doubt having cast aside her archangel position before they turned.

"My love... I've so little time left, but I must play my part as must you." She spoke with resignation in her voice as I clenched my teeth, staring into her blue eyes, they looked paler, more lifeless than I'd ever seen them, as if all the joy in her had been wrung from her very soul.

"Charlotte!" I sobbed out her name, then gasped as she moved in, pushing a hand to my face.

"Ryder, I've made my choices. This moment and your sword are all I can keep of you."

"My-" My ears lifted as I read her lips while she faced me, not even whispering as the words 'I know.' crossed them.

I thought furiously while my vision blurred, 'Alicia, stay in the sword!'

'Is that Charlotte?! Wait- Ryder, what? No way! I can't leave you here alone! You need me!'

'Do as I say! Can you not see what is happening? What she is trying to do? Take your freedom!'

'Ry, but-'

Charlotte pushed her mouth to mine, my eyes wide, both of us with tears flowing as our eyes stared at one another, then hers closed as she whispered against my mouth, "Please, kiss me one more time, one more like we used to..."

I choked back a sob and closed my eyes tightly, returning her kiss, screaming in my mind to the gods to stop this, to save her, I'd give my very soul to see this all righted. She pulled away all too soon, giving me a smile that looked as if she were at peace with her choices.

"I love you," those were the last words I'd ever hear from her as she took my sword and simply turned away, moving through a gate.

"That was so sweet! Oh, gods, it gets me right here!" Kalinae hummed the words and pushed a paw to her crotch.

I felt Alicia's soul depart with the sword, now I was truly alone and I knew from the look in her eyes, my lover went to die. I gave a sobbing hiss as I whispered the words, "Kill you..."

"Beg your pardon, my sweet fox?" Kalinae cooed out as she tilted her head, perking an ear.

"I'll fucking kill you, Kalinae! I swear to both the divine and dark gods, I will fucking end you for this!" I screamed the words as loudly as I could, my eyes burning gold, my sheer rage seeming to make once invisible chains illuminate and shudder as if I'd tear them free.

"That, is what I wanted to see and hear!" She clapped her paws together and I shuddered, clenching my teeth, snarling as the torpor tried to take hold once more. I fought it with all my might, the fires of hate burning in me as the cat cooed into my face, "Feed on that hate, savor it like the kiss from that wolf whom you'll never see again!"

Her words filled my mind and my vision darkened, my body shutting down once more on me, leaving me to my rage and helplessness.

My mental screams and curses lasted who knows how long. The helplessness and rage, the feelings of failing the wolf I loved. It all crushed in on me and I had even given up the one friend I'd made in this personal hell, my only outlet.

I cursed myself, I cursed myself for being too weak, for being selfish, and wishing I'd begged Alicia to stay with me. We had spent nearly a year together, she was ever optimistic, sometimes even flirty with me. I'd even grown to say I loved her after all our time together. It was a relationship not like I'd ever had, as there were no physical earmarks to it, just simple words and emotions.

'You're a weak fool, it's no wonder the gods have abandoned you,' I snarled the words in my mind my self-hate turning darker by the day. Silence filled the void as it always did in response, deafening yet quiet all at the same time.

'Is this a bad time?'

I had imagined conversations with myself many times over this stint, so when a voice filled my head out of the blue, at first I thought I might have just been humoring myself again, then it called out again.

'Hey, is this thing working? Ryder, can you hear me?'

I Gave a mental sigh as I thought out to myself, 'Who is this? Or am I daydreaming again?'

'Ah! How fascinating, it is working!'

'Not that I don't appreciate the diversion from slipping into my own madness, but what the fuck is going on?'

'Ah yes, beg your pardon, I suppose I should start from the beginning. My name is Kazemde.'

'Ah, the son of the former Archmage, I met you once when you were still but a child, okay I guess I'm already mad, there's no reason I'd be talking to you.'

'On the contrary, you're quite resilient, it's been nearly a month since Charlotte was able to give us this little, connection as it were.'

'Charlotte?! Where is she, is she alright?!'

'... Ryder. She came to us seeking you, when we sought out your soul, we found your objective as well. From there we were able to deduce everything.'

'So, she came to save Alicia and, that kiss, it was-'

'Astute as father always said you were! Yes, it was more than a mere token of affection, it was a link to a gem I now hold. Anyone possessing this trinket can speak with you.'

'That's nice, but can you at least tell me how Charlotte and my family fare?'

'Charlotte... is dead, I'm sorry.'

I had already known it in my heart, I wasn't surprised. I knew by the look in her eyes she was going off to die. 'How?'

"She banded with some demons as per her agreement, she lost her life in the ensuing struggle and the celestials found your sword upon her body. We then contacted them shortly after."

'How did she die?'

'We are not privy to that information, forgive me.'

My heart felt a little heavier, a little darker, I had expended so much rage and sorrow over these last weeks though, I couldn't bring myself to mentally yowl in agony right now.

'I am sorry... truly.'

'Thank you, I'm fairly numb right now over the news, but in my heart, I knew it had happened.'

'She fully gave herself for you, told us she owed you her very soul and it was the least she could do.'

'Ha... that sounds like her... To what ends? I know you lot do not work for free.'

'She helped us complete your contract, so by proxy, we had an unfulfilled debt to you. Here is my proposition to you, Paladin. We completed the contract for your love, the soul of the previous Paladin was secured and returned, and the connection with you has been established, join our circle.'

'I'm sorry, what?'

'Magick, my friend. It is a force of will and the mind. You are used to training daily, yes?'

'You propose... to teach me, while I'm trapped here in the lowest level of hell?'

'Correct, you will get companionship to keep you from losing your mind, and you will be training to be a more adept warrior when your time to strike comes. Your body is in torpor, it will not wither or age from lack of training.'

'When my time comes?'

'Charlotte's bargain with the greater fiends. They would not outright release you, but the lord of the underworld is always keen to put his kin to the test, as you're aware.'

'Yes, but what does that have to do with Charlotte?'

'She gets the sword and a final chance to see you, but you also get a brief moment. When the time is right, the binds on you will weaken and you will have a chance to strike upon your captor, when that time comes is anyone's guess, but it is a binding agreement, it will happen.'

'What a wolf... Do you know the fate of my other lovers and friends? Toroah, Rachel, or Lorelai?'

There was silence and I sighed mentally, 'I can guess... Charlotte fell in a gambit to save me, the Seraph no doubt panicked and did the same thing to the others that happened with Alicia to practice damage control, correct?'

'It stands to reason you would have thought all this out. That is the summary Charlotte gave us, yes.'

'How did Charlotte know about my sword and Alicia though?'

'When she turned her back on the gods, the compulsion left her, she was in tears when she came to us, not just for you, but over the loss of Alicia. They were of course dear friends, she knew of what the sword held, and when I told her of your own state, she quickly put the pieces together.'

'So not just for me... she did all this to not only give me a chance but save her long-abandoned friend, gods...'

'Again, I am sorry, Ryder. I wish there had been more we could do.'

'What of Lorelai?'

'We've had no contact with the Bloodstone Empress since this all transpired, I'm not even sure if she's aware of the full gravity of the situation yet.'

'I see... what do I owe you for this training then?'

'Nothing, it can be an extension of what we owed you, however, I studied my father's notes on your blade. If you ever reunite with it, perhaps I can look upon it as well'

'Fair enough, how will this work then?'

'Simply put, I will assign the gem to trusted members and professors, we'll keep you with nearly round-the-clock lessons and companionship. The torpor you are under does not allow you to grow fatigued or winded, you will be able to absorb the knowledge quite nicely. You won't enjoy the practical application, but when it's mostly mental anyway, it will still be a massive boon.'

'I am grateful, Kazemde. Do you know of the fate of Alicia's soul?'

'I do not, but in the coming days I will send out messengers to see if I can speak with the celestials. They do not know yet that we had a hand in returning their relic and soul of their champion, so they may be inclined to treat with us.'

'Thank you for everything, finally, I'd like to speak to Lorelai when you can contact her, I miss her terribly.'

'The gem is attuned with the living as it were, Ryder. I'm not sure if it will work for a vampire, but we shall try. If worse case befalls, I will act as a translator for you, just please do not make me say too many embarrassing things!' I heard the laughing hiss in his tone and would have smiled if I could at that.

'So when do we begin this, Kazemde?'

'We start right away, my new student. I'll be giving you a basic rundown on the curriculum, then we'll have you taking private lessons within the day! You should be thankful, this is something many beings would kill for!'

'Oh, I'll be killing for it, rest assured of that, Kazemde. When I get out of these bonds, I'll be making the layers of hell run with blood and not just Kalinae's!'

'Now now, Ryder, fury, and rage are not the earmarks of a Paladin! If you succumb to rage, she will have you, regardless of our intervention. Seek your vengeance, but do it with a level head, my student, serve it cold.'

'... You're right... I would just potentially harm good-hearted ones like Val... Even Alicia said she had friends here. Thank you for your insight, and thank you for all of this. I'll not forget what you all have done when this is all over.'

'Of course, we will learn much of you and celestials in this transaction, it will benefit all parties. Now calm your mind and focus, we will begin at once.'

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