My Friend Aaron

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Written by: groovywildcat

I remember when Aaron first came to me. He had just recently gathered the courage to tell me about who he truly is. It was a warm summer day in 2020. Many people in quarantine began to discover their true selves. Before then, everyone was too busy and caught up in work to even bother considering who they truly are. I was on Discord. Aaron asks me to join him in a voice call. As I joined the call, Aaron let out a sigh. A sigh that meant many things. Relief, fear, nervousness, comfort. 1 sigh meant 20 different things. I thought he was gonna say some dumb ass joke that lost its funniness a few weeks ago.

I asked him, "Buddy, what the fuck do you want?" He took a few seconds to gather the courage to say a word.

"I need to tell you something," He whispered. I sat there. Puzzled. Waiting for him to continue talking. But he didn't. No words were muttered.

"WHAT?? Say it already," I joked, anticipating the worst joke to come from his mouth.

He leaned into his microphone. And began to use his courage to stitch together the sentence that changed his life.

"I've been thinking about it long and hard. But, I think I like long and hard," he said.

"You're not funny," I said, behind chuckles and snickers.

He replied, "Dude. I'm not joking. I-- I think I'm gay. I don't know if I'm sure, but every time I see some guys dick, I get hard. At first, I was ashamed and tried to avoid looking for it, but every time I got all heated and horny, I considered watching gay porn. I don't know what it is. I tried watching normal, straight porn, but it didn't interest me at all. No. In fact, it grossed me out. I tried jacking it to gay porn. Nick, I don't think you realize how good I felt."

I stopped. I was stuck. I didn't know if he was being serious or joking. Even after he insisted that he was serious, I was skeptical. But, after a long conversation with him, I realized. Aaron is gay. Aaron likes men. No matter what, Aaron will never stop being my friend. And I love him.