Types of Skinsuits/Bodysuits

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Description of bodysuit/skinsuit transform transgender types

Types of Skinsuits/Bodysuits

Material: Skinsuits made from regular materials like, fabric, latex or rubber

Tech: Bodysuits made with technology, like robot exosuits, nano bots, chemicals, lasers or dart guns

Biological: Living suits like symbioses or Goo suits. Suits made of a living creature or creatures

Magical: Using magical crafts to make or turn into a suit, like magical spells, medallions & potions

How to enter a suit

The most basic way to enter a suit id the classic zipper, but their are other methods than just a metal pull tab.

There is also Velcro, regular or click on dress buttons, & string. There is also magnets or glue, & the rare molding method, were you simply rip the skin & press it back together like putty.

Some enter threw a hole threw the body, like the mouth or ... other arias. Some arias of the suit opens biologically with tendrils or mechanical swing arms. The opens ether seal up automatically or closed with a remote.


Try & mix & match various types to make a different color type of suit. Like, Tech & Biological. A scientist creates a biological life that conforms to a host via symbiosis.

Magical & Material: A wizard makes a fabric suit that he bestows magical powers to make a Skinsuit that can change into any form the wearer can think of, large small, thin fat, lovely or hideous.

Go wiled & let me know what you come up with. Or, just let me know if I mist something in this list.